Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140731 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140731

martha stewart's fabulous photos going viral. what she reveals about what she loves about her drone and how she's living with a good thing. good morning, america. well, now that martha has got one, we all got to get one. >> she can send it to my house for thanksgiving with a fully prepared meal. >> oh, yeah, delivery. >> we'll hear more about martha, martha stewart's drone in a bit. headlines overnight on that fast-moving ebola outbreak. new warnings out and many people wondering if it could trigger an even bigger epidemic. >> latest numbers coming in. 1,323 cases right now. 729 deaths. abc's bazi kanani is tracking it all from washington. good morning, bazi. >> reporter: good morning, george. string gent new measures to contain the outbreak. in liberia, schools are now closed until further notice. and everyone is being ordered to stay home this friday while public facilities are disinfected. in west africa this morning, doctors screening airline passengers as fears mount about the spread of the worst ebola outbreak in history. >> if we don't fight it and contain it there we will be fighting it and trying to contain it in other places. >> reporter: here in the u.s. high alert at hospitals like one in charlotte, the er closed wednesday until doctors cleared a patient who had recently traveled to west africa. a false alarm for one family, but not for another in minnesota. patrick sawyer died just weeks before returning from liberia. >> i have three girls who will never get to know their father. >> health care providers who have come in contact with patients or in close contact with ill people are at the highest risk. >> reporter: the concern about the outbreak intensifying just as some 50 african leaders and their dell gag, some from affected countries, are set to travel to the u.s. for a u.s./africa summit next week. the cdc says there is not significant risk here in the u.s., yet, some in the medical community urge caution. >> i think we should be on alert. i don't want to cause panic but people need to be concerned and pay attention. >> reporter: the white house says the ebola outbreak does not change any plans for the historic u.s./africa leader shument but the presidents of the three most affected countries are canceling their trips expected to stay home to deal with this health emergency. george. >> a lot to deal with. bazi, thanks. let's talk to dr. richard besser about this. this is the wor outbreak of ebola ever as we have heard. you see the african nations struggling to control it. >> that's right. one of the big problems here, usually these occur in remote villages and you can isolate it and let it burn itself out. here's it's on the border of three countries and unable to get people to go to the hospital and track people who may have been in contact. >> we also read, you know, one of the researchers who discovered the virus more than 30 years ago came out with an interview saying he would happily sit next to an infected person on a train. >> i would not want to sit next to someone who is infected on a train but his point is a good one. this is not infectious in the way that the flu is or measles spreading through the air. you see these suits and think it's highly contagious but the reason you wear the suit is that there's no vaccine to protect you and no treatment if you're to get it and it's highly deadly. this is not spread except through close contact with body fluids or surfaces that have been contaminated. >> the u.s. has temporarily withdrawn peace corps volunteers this those countries but you are awe not terribly concerned about the spread here to the united states. >> i would not be surprised if we see isolated case as rife here. you can have no simms for three weeks after you've been infebruaried but those cases would not spread it around the country. we have good hospitals and good infection control. >> okay, rich besser, thanks very much. now to that massive manhunt for a cop killer in minnesota that ended overnight with the dramatic shoot-out. it all went down in a quiet st. paul suburb and abc's pierre thomas has the story. pierre. >> reporter: good morning, amy. after a tense manhunt a suspected cop killer has been wounded and is now in custody. overnight the search for 39-year-old brian fitz ending the way it began, with him opening fire on police. authorities locating him in this suburb after receiving a tip from the public. authorities say fitz made a u-turn after seeing police but was blocked by a patrol car. >> he started a fire and officers from the passenger side at that time returned fire striking fitch several times. >> reporter: fitch seen here arriving at a local hospital. his condition unknown this morning. an unidentified female traveling with him was also wounded. but police say her injuries were not life-threatening. dramatic shootout happened less than four miles from where he is suspected of shooting scott patrick, a 19-year veteran on a routine traffic stop. a massive dragnet with s.w.a.t. teams searching door to door, automatic rifles drawn. he left behind a wife and two teenage children. >> he was a very dedicated police officer and a family man who absolutely adored his children. >> reporter: for police it's ban a violent week with six officers shot in north carolina, new jersey and new york. this year the number of officers killed by fireairports is up a staggering 65%. amy? >> tragic numbers. pierre thomas, thank you so much. >> that is staggering. we return to that deadly small plane crash that came down in a parking lot, the scene all caught on tape with good samaritans quickly racing to pull the pilot and passenger from the wreckage. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: this morning chilling video taken moments after a small plane came crashing down in a san diego parking lot. two women trapped inside. >> i'm full throttle. i'm going down. >> reporter: air traffic control audio capturing the moments just before disaster. >> oh, my god. i'm not getting any altitude here. >> reporter: the badly injured women were quickly dragged from the flailing wreckage by good samaritans. jerry helped pull out the pilot. >> i said, we've got to get you out of here and she said, well, my leg is broken. it's broken bad. i said, i know that. we have to get you out of here. >> reporter: the plane failed to land at a nearby airfield and clipped the top of this target store before crashing into a fireball on the blacktop seen in this footage. the aircraft's wheel ripped from the fuselage. >> all i saw was a big piece of white metal flying into the sky. >> reporter: the 52-year-old pilot and her 80-year-old passenger were transported to a local hospital where that passenger later died. at least one good samaritan also received minor injuries. this is at least the fourth small plane crash in just the past two weeks. one on a nevada highway and two more in florida. this one in venice beach killing two people. eyewitnesses are praising the pilot for landing in an area where there were no cars or people and to one on the ground was injured. that pilot is actually expected to survive. >> thank goodness for that. okay, reena, thanks very much. to "gma weekend" anchor dan harris back with the other top stories. >> good morning, everybody. let's start with the breaking news overnight. israel calling up another 16,000 reservists for the fight in gaza saying it is only days away from destroying all the tunnels that hamas militants have been using to infiltrate israel but international outrage is at a buying point as more civilians and more children die. abc's david wright is in gaza. david. >> reporter: good morning, dan. over the past 24 hours we've seen two mass casualty attacks here in gaza. the shelling of a u.n. school serving as a refugee camp and an attack on the busiest market in town just before sunset. the death toll on the palestinian side, overall now stands at more than 1300 people of most of them civilians. the obama administration issued a strongly worded condemnation of the attack on the u.n. school but without calling out israel specifically and the u.s. defense department has confirmed that it is resupplying israel with munitions providing mortars and grenades to be used in this fight. dan. >> no end in sight. david, thank you. back now to the u.s. and a new case underscoring the growing concern about homegrown terrorists. "the new york times" reporting this morning that an american due side bomber who blew up a restaurant in syria actually came back home to the u.s. just before carrying out his deadly attack. he grew up in a gated community in florida before moving overseas to train with syrian militants. a rare political move in d.c., house republicans voted to sue president obama claiming that he overstepped his constitutional authority when he implemented his health care law. a federal judge will have the final say on whether the lawsuit can actually go forward. a new development in the irs scandal, the agency is accused of targeting conservative groups and newly released e-mail shows lois lerner used an expletive to describe republicans and called them, quote/unquote, crazies. extremely close call in california. look at this hiker on a dangerous trail near pasadena. she starts sliding down a cliff and loses her footing, dropping about 40 feet. it is truly harrowing to watch but then she tumbles into that tree which saves her life. she was later rescued and we should say five hikers have actually died on this trail so the forest service is finally closing it. hard to take your eyes off that video. a freak accident near boston. this ax flew off of a landscaping truck and sliced through the windshield of a moving car landing on the dashboard just inches from the woman in the passenger seat. good thing they were not tailgating and i can tell you having grown up in boston tailgating is very, very common there. finally, the perfect combo of a home run and hole in one. pay attention to this strahan. this is perfect unless you're on the receiving end. check out what happens to a woman drinking beer in the outfield in san francisco. boom! >> whoa. >> right in her cup. >> through the cup. >> destroying it. >> look at that. >> oh, my gosh. >> my favorite comment about this comes from somebody online who says, "that beer probably saved her from a broken rib, just goes to show you beer can solve all of your pain." that comment does not reflect the views of abc news. >> does she get the ball. >> $15 for that. >> absolutely, right. >> free for life after that one. >> wow, thank you, dan. we move on now to a health alert for some swimmers. there is a potentially deadly flesh-eating bacteria infecting people in florida. officials reporting one death this week. these germs can breed in warm coastal and inland waters and abc's matt gutman has the latest from bal harbour, florida. >> reporter: good morning, amy. health officials are warning that alert is statewide and say to the millions of people who are going to seek relief in the bathtub warm waters of florida's bays like this, if you have a cut on your foot, avoid going into these waters. it could be deadly. this morning, florida health officials on alert. a potentially deadly bacteria lurking in florida's placid waters. it's also known as a flesh-eating bacteria killing one person and sending another to thesarasota county. the bacteria can be stunning deadly once it enters the blood system killing 50% of those infected. the flesh-eating form of vibrio is contracted most often when it enters through an open wound and officials warn those who are immune compromised or have liver disease, it could be a life-threatening situation. the infection can spread within hours as jake so painfully learned. >> i learned it was vibrio. i was so scared. >> reporter: the 13-year-old contracted the killer bacteria while fishing for scallops with his family. he's now recovering after a third round of medications. so far this year, the bacteria has infected 11 people in florida killing two of them. last year's outbreak infected 41 and killed 11. the bacteria has also struck in louisiana, alabama and mississippi. but with 1350 miles of coastline, florida is ground zero. >> just be dill cent if you have an open wound, cut, child, adult, should be aware there's a risk associated. >> reporter: now officials tell me as the mercury rises so will the number of infections this summer they say that the bacteria lives on the bottom here so if you do want to go into water like this and have a cut or wound on your footwear boot, cover up. they say try to avoid eating shellfish, especially oysters. this stuff does look good but this summer just cook it. >> all right, i feel like you should step out that have water right now. all right. thank you. >> with the boots. high-profile trial of a michigan man charged with murdering an unarmed teen on his front porch. the prosecution has rested. now theodore wafer and his defense team are trying to convince the jury that the shooting was not a crime. abc's alex perez has the story. >> reporter: theodore wafer's defense attorneys slamming investigators on the witness stand wednesday accusing authorities of compromising evidence after wafer shot and killed 19-year-old renisha mcbride. >> don't you agree that it would have been best that night to call the experts in and have them process it? >> it wasn't a whodunit. we had mr. wafer admitting or saying that it was an accident. >> reporter: defense attorneys argue wafer intentionally fired his 12 gauge shotgun in self-defense when mcbride ended up on his front porch intoxicated and backing on his door in the middle of the night last november. at the center of this case was mcbride threatening wafer? >> it appears the distance between the end of the barrel and the decedent was less than three feet. >> reporter: prosecutors resting their case wednesday. the defense calling a forensic pathologist who believes mcbride had markings on his left hand the defense believes are injuries from trying to break into the home. >> the bleeding injury from the back of the hand is fresh, not dried and it had just happened. >> reporter: wafer's defense attorney is speaking out. will jurors know what he was thinking? >> i hope he can put themselves in his shoe and realize what terror somebody would experience at 4:30 in the morning when you think multiple people are breaking into your house. >> reporter: carpenter won't reveal whether wafer who pleaded not guilty plans to take the stand. for "good morning america," alex perez, abc news, detroit. >> we'll switch gears. michael, you have a story about meals that can bulk you up. >> have you ever wondered what the unhealthiest meal you could eat is? >> yes. >> that's how i spend my weekends. what examine i eat? well, we have an answer. a new report found the meals with colossal calorie counts from more than 200 chain restaurants, you might be a little surprised. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: it's one of the few awards a restaurant may not want to win. the annual extreme eating awards. the results of a survey conducted by the center for science and the public interest every year calling attention to the massive calorie counts on some menu items. >> americans consume a third of their calories in restaurants so what they're choosing in restaurants really does matter. >> reporter: this year the startling numbers from the cspi show how hard it says you have to work out to burn off the meals. personal trainer latirial helping me get in shape. 7.5 hours of rowing will make up for this steak dinner from maggiano's. this deep dish pizza, five hours on the bike. and for a cheesecake factory peanut butter chocolate cheesecake, how long we got to do this? >> 4.5 hours! >> reporter: cspi says seven hours of swimming laps will eliminate the calories in cheesecake factory's bruleed french toast. and for chevy's super cinco combo, hit the court for 3.5 hours. the restaurants that responded to our request for comment say they offer a variety of options for customers, some even allowing customized dishes with, yeah, fewer calories. for "good morning america," gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> i mean it's incredible, gio was supposed to be here this morning. still at the gym working off those calories. >> looks like he could handle seven hours at the gym, though. >> yeah, daily. >> that story is so depressing, though. >> you and i had weekend plans, burgers. >> right, either that or we'll do nine hours in the gym afterwards which would be scary giving who i'd be working out with. >> i'd like to see that. what we want to see, more about the flooding, rain and storms in texas, oklahoma? >> yeah, both, texas and oklahoma had flooding rains and dallas is where we want to be. north of dallas actually. we've got video and you can hear it right here. [ sirens ] >> yeah, that would be the flooding happening. but minimal fortunately and dan stole my clicker so i'll have him click through the one that goes forward. there you go. the stationary front -- oh, goodness, i was going to show you a lot of rain but he clicked ahead. there it is, max brought it back and right there up into little rock, too. your local weather forecast in just 30 seconds. >> good morning, washington. you may notice the humidity and temperatures are feeling more on the upside today. you will notice that as you walk out the door with 68 degrees at reagan national. back in the 60's today, but it will not be oppressive. still cooler in the outlying at 58 degreesburg and 59 in gaithersburg. partly cloudy skies and it will be warmer. ginger has her clicker back. >> no, she doesn't. i still have it. the federal agent charged with murder in paradise. the whole incident caught on surveillance video. now on the stand in his dramatic retrial. the former governor of virginia and his wife on trial for corruption. their rocky marriage and a love triangle taking center stage. martha stewart is living with a drone. putting it to work. the domestic diva revealing why the drone is a good thing. brand-new video of prince harry after the break. ♪ on top of the world hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? sure, we help with fraud protection. there are unauthorized rchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. you are saying "frog protection"? fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. at discover, we treat you like u'd treat you. fraud protection., get it at please choose one based oh, no on the cover.n that. here we go... woah! no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but... trust me. are you kidding me? at university of phoenix, we think you shoululd try before you buy. that's why we offer many first time students with limited to no college experience a risk free period. so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog car insurance companies say they'll save you by switching, you'd have, like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. now backed by allstate. click or call. esurance. insurance for the modern world. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive volt nike flex shoes. only at famous footwear. victory is yours. [ male announcer ] hurry in and spend $399 or more on major appliances, and get a lowe's gift card worth up to $1,000 by mail. ♪ abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 update. >> i'm autria godfrey. your time right now, 7:26. traffic center. >> new york avenue taking it on the chin. a crash at new york avenue and florida avenue. you see traffic trying to ease by. 295newest problem, d.c. northbound before benning road. barelyash has traffic getting by northbound using the right shoulder. southbound is typical from eastern avenue down toward the 11. 270 southbound not bad. no problems to report so far this morning, so you are in decent shape coming out of frederick. the forecast is good for one more day. >> one more day, and then more active weather around here once again. temperatures today, even though pretty decent, definitely warmer and a little bit more humid compared to yesterday. 50 at reagan national, 60 degrees at dulles. a couple of showers north and west. againill be the case today, but the majority of us will be dry. middle to upper 80's today, and we will see some clouds roll in for tonight. businessman jonnie williams testifies again today in the corruption trial of former virginia governor bob mcdonnell and his wife, maureen. williams admits he wants access -- he wanted access to the governor's mansion to develop a business relationship. in court wednesday he described a shoppingjet and spree in new york with maureen mcdonnell. we will have another new state coming -- news update coming ♪ are you ready ready ready for ♪ katy perry. her dark horse and she's now come up with new -- she says she's ready to become a mom and says she doesn't necessarily need to wait for mr. right to do it. we'll get into that here on "good morning america." >> there's always mr. right now. >> wow. >> i'm just saying. >> bah-dum-bum. >> revealing -- >> or find a lot of katy perry on this guy's playlist. >> i do like katy perry. i went to see her the other night. >> how was it? >> it was great and got to meet her. she's amazing. i think part of this is her sister just had a baby three months ago and so -- >> that baby -- >> a new baby will do that to you. also coming up on the show we have the former virginia governor and his wife on trial for corruption. their rocky marriage and a love triangle is front and center with the key witness on the stand. and look at those beautiful pictures. every single one was taken by martha stewart's drone. looks like dan and katy in the backyard hanging out. i learned so much about you. the domestic diva revealing why she thinks the drone is a good thing. >> do you need a license for that? and also coming up, the most heartbroken man in america is here, nick, from bachel"the bachelorette." >> he caused quite a buzz online. but first the case of a federal agent on trial for a second time for murder. christopher deedy shot and killed a man. he's claiming self-defense, his trial ended in a hung jury now trying to convince a second jury to clear his name and neal karlinsky has the story. >> i took those two shots. he came back down on top of me. and didn't punch me again. >> reporter: deedy trying to explain his version of what you see on this surveillancevideo. agent deedy and the khaki shorts and light-colored shirt scuffling with then shooting and killing 23-year-old colin elderts. >> i was trying to keep control of the firearm. >> that's what you were doing but what were you thinking? >> i was thinking i was going to die. >> reporter: deedy was off duty at the time and claimed the victim was hassling customers and acting aggressively. >> put my hands up, said, stop, i'll shoot. pleaded them to stop what they're doing. >> reporter: the jury couldn't reach a unanimous verdict has prosecutors tried to prove he was drunk, out of line and guilty of second degree murder. >> the defendant was fueled by alcoh alcohol, primed by warnings about hostile lows and imbued with a sense of entitlement? one of the key advantages for prosecutors they can correct mistakes that they made the first time around. >> reporter: he has pleaded not guilty. legal experts believe his fate rests in his own hands. his testimony last time versus this time will be dissected and compared by prosecutors. >> just happened so fast, escalated so quickly. >> reporter: in a blow to the defense the judge will not allow this cell phone video to be shown in which he can be seen trying to keep elderts alive telling him to breathe and trying to stop the bleeding. >> i didn't try to kill anybody when i got involved. the whole reason i got involved was to stop anybody from getting hurt to begin with. >> reporter: neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> that's a tough story. to the former virginia governor who is on trial on corruption charges. if convicted he could go to jail tore years. the twist in the case, his rocky marriage is at the heart of the case for the defense. abc's ryan smith has that story. >> reporter: this morning, former virginia governor bob mcdonnell and his wife maureen on trial facing bombshell accusations from the prosecution's star witness, nutrition company ceo johnny williams that the couple took $165,000 in lavish gifts and loans in exchange for political favors. both have pleaded not guilty and the former first couple's lawyers using an unorthodox almost scandal-like defense? we're supposed to be partners. we're supposed to be in this together. >> reporter: maureen's attorney claiming her client accepted gifts from williams not as a political bribe but because she had a crush on him. >> i'm sure they don't want to air their dirty laundry but when you're facing decades in prison, that's a little consolation in order to avoid a conviction. >> reporter: williams testified that in 2011, the former first lady agreed to promote one of his nutrition supplements for cash and gifts. claiming she said, quote, the governor says it's okay for me to help you but i need you to help me with this financial situation. williams also testified he took mrs. mcdonnell on a luxury shopping spree spending 20 grand in stores like bergdorf goodman and louis vuitton. prosecutors also claim the mcdonnells accepted a personalized rolex and a $50,000 loan from williams among the lavish gifts and favors. here's governor mcdonnell driving williams' ferrari. from the beginning mr. mcdonnell claiming he stayed on the right side of the law. >> i never promised and mr. williams and his company never received any government benefit. >> reporter: if convicted on all 14 counts charged, the mcdonnells face more than 20 years in prison. in opening statements the former governor's lawyer says mr. mcdonnell will take the stand and will open up about his marriage and life to prove to the jury that the allegations aren't true. >> boy, he has to show a lot in order to make that case. >> some tough evidence against him. >> yeah, okay. >> thank you. let's go to ginger now. >> getting a little rocky in western new york. i want to start with a severe thunderstorm warning. what's happening in geneva, new york, that would be hail and now there is a warning back out there and that would be somewhat enhanced by some lake effect so a cool and stormy thwart to the day and milder here along the east coast. this may be your last dry day in a lot of places because look at prime as we go through the early part of the weekend, up to 4 inches then up along the east coast, it's a lot. we're talking 3, 4 and we've had such a nice stretch of 68 degrees in washington, d.c., and more humid today. temperatures warmer than they were 24 hours ago. closer to seasonal averages this afternoon, in the midd >> all that weather brought to you by ashley furniture. you know what i think this is. dan's punishment for stealing my clicker. >> really? >> that's how karma works meteorologically. >> collective punishment. coming up two parents trying to move their children off the autism spectrum. the remarkable new research proving it can happen in some cases. and martha stewart taking so many pictures with her drone, why she says it's a good thing. ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. ♪ ♪ hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ ♪ jeans and hoodies, kicks, jeans and hoodies shop your way members will be getting all the goodiesans , cks, jeans and hoodies shop your way members will be getting all the goodies kids' jeans are now just $10 for back to school. plus, shop your way members earn points on qualifying purchases. kmart. where members always get more. all right. we're back at 7:41 with martha stewart who's speaking out about her love for drones. the domestic diva received one as a birthday present and raved about it an essay she wrote about in "time" magazine. linsey davis has more. >> reporter: martha stewart's devotion to drones going viral. >> well, there's a real buzz in the air. can you hear it? >> reporter: the lifestyle guru writing a blog for "time" magazine titled "why i love my drone" saying drones can be useful tools and i am all about useful tools but useful for what? why taking breathtaking aerials of her 153-acre new york estate, of course. >> fabulous pictures, by the way. >> reporter: the domestic diva's trusty drone capturing these images of her expansive groups, flower gardens, green and guest house, check out her horses. not to mention that magnificent mansion. the homemaking guru writing imagine what louis xiv could have accomplished at versailles if he'd had one and stewart is not the only one drawn to the devices. michael bey seen here on instagram assembling one and businesses like amazon announcing plans to deploy them. >> the fascination with drones is that they can see what we can't. and anyone can use it. you can hook it up to your iphone and you can go up to like 900 feet. >> reporter: but stewart acknowledges the popular gadgets that the world spends an estimated $5 billion on amelie do raise questions about safety and privacy. tweeting that they're controversial but fabulous. controversial, indeed. the faa investigating an unmanned aircraft operation reportedly used to film this new york congressman's wedding last month. and police in seattle now pushing for new laws against drones after one man took his for a spin around the city's space needle just last week. a hobby stewart clearly enjoys pursuing. stewart says she used it to film party, a day at the beach, a hike in the woods and other properties and asked by "vanity fair" what her neighbors thought of it. she said, oh, i don't have neighbors. >> not on 150 acres. >> must be nice. >> good answer. >> it's good to be martha stewa stewart. let's put it that way. prince marry's new full time job and what he's fighting for. the hearbroken bachelor is here live, nick is opening up by trying to win back andi and the shocking moment everyone is still talking about. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. taco bell brought back some old friends... so good to be back. check out our new breakfast burrito. wow. mmm, mmm, mmm. this is legit. it's grilled... it's even pretty. we just say 'it's good' down in louisiana. 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[ applause ] >> thank you, thank you. thank you. i'm not going to cry. >> promises he's not going to cry. we'll see saturday. but first take a look at this. >> michael strahan. quarterback killer. >> michael strahan. >> strahan. >> strahan. >> record breaker. >> gets the record. >> reporter: and now hall of famer. michael strahan didn't just play the game, he changed it. >> michael, just want to say congratulations on going into the hall of fame this weekend. it is an honor that is truly deserved by you and it was an honor for me to be your teammate for all those years. >> reporter: 15 epic seasons as the new york giants star defensive end, 868 tackles, 7 pro bowls, 141.5 sacks against 64 different quarterbacks. crumbling all the greats from brett favre to tom brady. >> strahan! he gets the sack. >> congratulations, michael, on your hall of fame career. it'll be a great induction ceremony. you certainly deserve it and you're one of the best that ever played. it was a privilege to play against you and congratulations. have a great weekend. >> michael's military dad always told him those six day a week practices would pay off and they sure did. now the greatest honor for one of the greatest players ever to take the field. >> michael, we're so proud of you here. we're so excited about coming to canton this weekend and seeing you enshrined in the pro football hall of fame. we look forward to seeing your bust there among the great giants who are enshrined there and believe me, you deserve it, big guy, and you are a great giant. >> oh. >> that is -- [applause] >> nice. >> remember, you said you weren't going to cry. you have to make it through. >> then you got tom brady my opponent to say something nice. there's power with this show. >> he has forgiven you for sacking him which is a very moving moment. >> the surprises are not over yet. we have a special guest in the studio right now. come on out. >> howie long from fox. >> brother, howie, how are you doing? >> we're the only two guys w wh can lift me up make me feel like a kid. >> i heard you have something big going on this week so got off my boat in montana and hopped on a plane and came out here. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> i appreciate it. i get to follow in your footsteps. what a lot don't know, howie and i had the same coach earl leg g leggett. if howie went over in a row of 20 guys, i could recognize his butt because we watched so much film of the great howie long. >> it's a bond that goes beyond fox and playing football. we were brought up by the same guy and he was a remarkable coach who had a great coach in mike waffle who now ironically enough coaches my son in st. louis but earl challenged us and took us places physically and emotionally and i don't think either one of us knew we could get to. >> what's your favorite michael memory? >> golly, there's so many. >> football. football. >> the interesting thing is, you know, i go back to it always goes back to the same thing. when earl called me up and said, it was around 1992, '93 when you were coming out, he said i got the next one. he's a little higher cut than you. he's got longer legs. i'm a little lower cut and he said, he said something to both of us that i thought was very prophetic. he said if you do what i tell you to do and you work as hard as you possibly can, i'll make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams and make you a household name in every home in america. top of the world, mom! how about that? >> he did it. this is surreal. i feel like a little boy right now. you guys are getting to me. >> kind of shrinking a little. >> i am. >> humble too. >> it's nice. >> you know what, because none of this i ever imagined. i ever dreamed -- i loved howie and all the other guys and just wanted to be a great player and live up to what the guys were in the hall of fame had done before so i'm just honored you guys did this today. >> a great guy. >> i'm sure the folks here at "good morning america" are starting to realize what a great guy you are. something we've known at fox for some time. >> thank you. >> yeah. >> congratulations. >> we'll be right back. >> coming up, "good morning america's" "deals & steals" brought to you by bank of ameri america. use your bankamericard cash rewards credit card for these deals and earn cash back. ♪ we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive red patterned vans camden... only at famous footwear. victory is yours. [ male announcer ] hurry in and spend $399 or more on major appliances, and get a lowe's gift card worth up to $1,000 by mail. ♪ abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc the 7 news update. >> the time is 7:56 and we want to get you started with traffic this morning. keeping a watch on the road for us, jack. it has not been pretty. >> it is still kind of in that stage of we have to clear it out of there. new york avenue, in down toward avenue, a tow truck thankfully on the scene. the left lane is blocked. big delays that stretch back basically toward kenilworth avenue. the other problem northbound on 295, a crash on benning road. -- a crash before benning road. outer loop of the beltway, prince george's county after 202 added toward 50, a vehicle fire. authorities are headed to the scene. at least the weather is good for the day. >> it is good. you need the sunglasses for the drive-in. 20 of sunshine and temperatures are warmer than they were at this time yesterday. 57 in manassas, 60 at gaithersburg. to upperres in the mid 80's. a few clouds in tonight with showers and thunderstorms more likely tomorrow. police arelle searching for three men this morning who shot two teenagers. it happened before eight :00 p.m. in the 5700 block of 30th street. both teens are hospitalized and are recovering from surgery. we will have an in-depth report coming up in a few minutes. on our sister station. hope to see you at 8:27. ♪ you make me feel like good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. >> i'm not sure why you made love to me. >> he's heartbroken after one of the most buzzed about moments, nick is here live. ♪ i'm on top of the world prince harry speaks out. his full time job right now and what happened when royalty rocked the radio. ♪ i got the eye of the tiger >> and katy perry reveals she wants to have kids. why she doesn't need a dude to start a family. ♪ i'm so excited all that plus "deals & steals" that are big and julia louis-dreyfus as we say -- >> good morning, america. a whole bunch of kids from the boys & girls clubs of america coming into the studio right now. [ applause ] got this backpack. one of the things we're doing all morning long is filling up these backpack, trying to get 2,000 done. part of disney's summer of service be inspired campaign. how are you guys doing this morning. >> assembly line. come on. >> i'm sorry. yeah. >> you know, ne-yo was outside, grammy award winner waiting for that backpack. we have more on our special backpack drive and what you can do to pitch in and all that is coming up. ne-yo at the end of the line. >> moving through that. that's great and tell you more in a little bit. >> everybody hard at work. go the to love it. then we have nick viall, runner-up bachelor in social square. we'll talk to him about his emotional letter to bachelorette andi dorfman talking wondering whether he's trying to get her back. >> a special message from robin. so much fun to see howie long here. she has a special message for you before this weekend. >> you know, someone once told me that you have a better chance of being elected president of the united states than to be elected into the pro football hall of fame. that's how difficult it is. so, michael, ah, such a high honor and so incredibly deserving. yes, you were number 92 in our perhaps but number 1 in our hears and you are an incredible, beautiful teammate an even better friend. so proud of you. [ cheers and applause ] >> got to love robin. thank you, thank you, robin. >> piling on for the next few hour. >> fighting back tears every second. i was saying earlier i found a sensitive side i did not know i had. >> it's good to see it. "gma weekend" anchor dan harris is here today, got the rest of the morning's top stories. i knew he was sensitive just for the record. beautiful man. all right. we'll start with that public health emergency being declared because of the worst ebola outbreak in history. more than 1300 cases are now confirmed in these african countries on your screen, the death toll topping 700. the peace corps is evacuating hundreds of volunteers from the affected areas and schools are now closed in liberia where an american doctor and aid worker who contracted the virus are fighting for their lives. hospitals here in america are on high alert but a scientist who helped discover the virus and this is a hopeful note says an epidemic outside of africa is, quote/unquote, likely. new worries this morning that the war in gaza could be intensifying. the israeli military has called up another 1600 reservists as it vows to destroy all of the underground tunnels being used by hamas militants to attack israel but international outrage over civilian casualties is now growing. more than 1300 palestinians have died so far. dramatic video this morning after a small plane crashed into this crowded parking lot of costco near san diego. moments after impact, a good samaritan was able to pull a woman out of the burning wreckage. sadly another woman was, however, killed. the pilot was trying to land at a local airport. in southern california, a kidnapping suspect led police on a wild chase through malibu until he ran out of road. he then took off on foot. choppers tracking his every move and stumbled down a steep hill and eventually fell to the ground exhausted and out of options until he was eventually arrested. the woman he allegedly tried to kidnap is safe this morning. a different kind of highway drama in arizona. a man rushing his pregnant wife to the hospital ran out of time so he used his emt training and he helped deliver his daughter right there in the family minivan. great story, happy ending. finally, when it comes to cooking the ultimate steak forget about barbecue. a british chef discovered red hot molten lava is really the only way to go using an artificial volcano sam figured out when you cook it overthere . our special backpack drive, members of the boys & girls club modeling theirs, what you can do to help right now. let me have that. all coming up live on "gma" here in times square. [ cheers and applause ] we made it. "gma's morning menu" is brought to you by next judgment. new nexium 24 hour, now available without a prescription. ♪ i just can't hide it and "getting major kudos." just look at you. you're being healthy, even in little ways. that's worth celebrating. that's why walgreens created the first program that gives you rewards points just for healthy behavior. so stick with it. you've got a lot of people cheering you on... download the app and start getting rewarded today. at the corner of happy and healthy. sexiest eyes. >> good one. >> emma stone. >> i definitely agree and the best sense of humor, zoe deschanel. very funny girl and sexiest social star with over 2 million twitter followers. shay mitchell from abc family's "pretty little liars" and the short hair i don't care award the one and only jennifer lawrence and they say they love her free spirit. >> she's fantastic. >> amy, short hair don't care, i love yours too. >> thank you, michael. i appreciate it. actually got jennifer lawrence's haircut. that's what i went in when i went to the hairstylist. >> i asked for it too and that's what i ended up with. to round out "pop news," meet stella, the star of the most popular video on youtube overnight, she's just speeding across the grass until those hindes legs come out from under her. it looks like a slip and slide and watched this. what is wrong with this dog? but this is the way that stella found that she can cool off after a big day of running around and p thus new research sulgs it may be possible to move kids off the spectrum. juju chang has the details. >> reporter: meet 16-year-old mark and 17-year-old matt both active social high schoolers. both considered recovered from something that's long been considered irreversible. autism. mark's mom cynthia says his language skills began slipping at 14 months. >> they said we should consider institutionalizing him and trying again. to have another baby. and that just wasn't an option for us. >> reporter: lori noticed peculiar behaviors when matt was just 19 months. >> with we went to the pediatric developmental specialist, he told us at that time that he wasn't sure that he would ever be able to function on his own. >> reporter: both boys featured in this upmany come "new york times" magazine story, showing 1 in 10 childnee to move forward. >> when you listen to what you said to her, i mean you clearly thought she felt the same way about you. did she lead you on? >> you know, i think i was a little taken back on monday by her demeanor and some of the ships she said but at the same time i remember andi as a genuine and loving person as as much as monday night was an emotionally charged and kind of overwhelming night for me, you know, i'm sure it was difficult for her too so it's a tough situation for myself and probably for her, so i hope not certainly. but you know i'll always think fondly on the experience. >> you revealed on the after the final rose episode which was a live broadcast that the two of you had made love. she was upset, said it was below the belt. looking back do you wish you hadn't said that and shown more discretion. >> i spent two incredible months with andi and i shared a lot of the spare. all right. here we go. what do we got next? >> a little melt your heart moment. look at your two little babies. >> daddy's girls. >> from personal creations. three different options of coin purses or cosmetics cases to choose from, either upload a photo and get it like that or you can use the waffle weave or quilted for an initial monogram. lots of fun. normally $15, 15 to 20, slashed in half, 7.50. >> i'm keeping the one with you and i. i'm keeping this one. >> oh, yeah. >> i'll keep my change in it. >> all right. last but not least. >> from the chocolate company, these are chocolate covered potato chips. belgium milk chocolate covered potato chips really great for -- >> why you do this to me. >> first this ink in the morning. taste them. i think you'll like them. 12 ounce bag in a gift box shipped with ice bucks slashed in half, $10. >> $10. >> aren't they good? >> you know what, i'm still chewing so they're good. >> they're good. >> i'm going to save these. at home in your own closet with your own shoes. >> it's called stitch fix and it's revolutionizing the way modern women shop. start by filling out a personal style profile online. then your very own stylist shops with you in mind and sends you five items in the mail including jewelry and clothing. if you want to keep them, the $20 you paid up front goes toward the price of the items. if you don't like anything, you simply send it all back but you lose the 20 you spent. >> how would you describe yourself? >> i think i am described as a edgy bow hoe. >> i love that. >> so because i'm a mom and so i wanted to have stuff that was easy to kind of chase the kids around in but still had an edge to it. >> reporter: working mom heather spor has been using the site for nine months. >> this is a huge win for me. i haven't bought any new clothes in i don't even know how long. >> reporter: on her profile she marks the price rank she's willing to spend. they even send fashion cards with suggested styling optionam joined by the cfo of the disney company and a member of the boys & girls club, jim clark. and ne-yo, as well and ne-yo, i got to start with you. boys & girls clubs, you grew up in it. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, mom was, you know, doing a lot of working, you know, three, four, five jobs to make sure me and my sister never needed so the boys & girls club was our safe haven. that's where we made sure that we were okay while mom was out doing what she had to do, absolutely. >> it really worked. you've been giving back, as well. thank you for that. >> absolutely. >> jim, tell us about the great futures campaign. >> thank you. at boys & girls clubs of america we believe every child deserves a great future and to have a great future they need the tools and resources like back-to-school supplies that we're working on today. but the campaign, the great futures campaign and campaign for perk's kids is about three main goals, by 2018 we want to ensure 1.4 million teens are on track to graduate from high ensure 1.4 million teens are on track to graduate from high school. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleep iq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq™ start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. and i think sometimes when you see something in's at that feels impossible which is not to say that i don't believe in hope or reckon sail jason, i absolutely do but something that fees so impossible sometimes a piece of art can be a way into thinking and feeling about it and i tried to create a character who could maybe speak to both sides. >> what was your biggest challenge playing nessa? >> i mean, the experience was one of those special ones, you know, they don't happen all the time so actually work, even though nessa goes through things that are so hard and horrible things are happening around her, work was actually pretty amazing. i would say the biggest challenge was working on this and having two small kids. >> i can understand that completely. i understand that you would love to be on "downtonabbey". >> i would like to be the pregnant third cousin or somethin t >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update.

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