Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140716 : compare

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140716

intruder and why he said he did it ♪ hot hot hot and our 5-alarm firefighter challenge is getting hot. firehouses from around the country competing. down to the final two for the $10,000 prize. will your firehouse be the winner? >> all: good morning, america. it's getting hot in here. ♪ good morning, america. those firefighters have been so much fun all week. today the big finals. we want to welcome back amy, hope you had a great trip. in l.a. for the espys. >> we will be crowning our champion in the 5-alarm challenge later in the show so do stay tuned. >> right now we'll get to that extreme weather. nearly 100 storms reported across the country. almost 2 inches of rain in one hour at that college campus in idaho. very dangerous conditions and ginger tracking it all. >> all it takes is one storm. this is the radar -- the storm that blew threw quick, 2 inchescoulds through rexburg and you get scenes that look like this. an apartment complex, people wading waist deep at byu, idaho. overnight a water invasion. raging floods rocking the byu idaho campus. >> the nc is completely flooding right now. >> reporter: brown water gushing into the student center and parts of the town under as much as six feet. students helping each other navigate the swallowed campus using anything and everything to help get that water out. across the nation in maine a colossal tree mearesing the home with the owners still inside. >> i saw the living room ceiling come by. >> reporter: outside washington, d.c. trees obliterated. downed power lines sparking flames. rushing water sweeping this 12-year-old pennsylvania girl nearly half a mile underground through a flooded drainpipe monday. >> i was sweeped under and i'm trying to yell and i couldn't like because i didn't want to open my mouth. >> this 14-year-old struck by lightning in delaware. >> i was just kind of like running and i heard it and then i was just shocked. i was shaking and bleeding everywhere. >> reporter: a small wound on his hand marking the impact. >> the storms along the east coast along the cold front going to be reserved for the new england area and also far southeast in florida. also a new storm that will kick up strong storms back in parts of the west but we look for rain, much needed, in parts of oklahoma and texas and that cold air still settling in. some places breaking records like topeka, kansas, in the low 50s. lara. >> thanks. the heat and extreme conditions out west are fueling multiple wildfires. in fact, dozens are burning across at least five states and abc's clayton sandell has the very latest. >> reporter: this morning, the fire near the northern california town of igo has chewed through nearly ten square miles. it's called the bully fire and it's chasing people out of their homes. 50 are threatened. eight already destroyed. 200 firefighters are desperately working to keep the flames away. across the west, the weather is not helping. overnight lightning sparked this blaze near reno burning hundreds of acres and causing what appears to be a flamenado. in idaho lightning is also to blame for 20 fires burning across the boise national forest. >> the fire is coming right down to a few structures and we've got line around the structures. >> reporter: and in washington state new fires are gaining ground. a 20-mile stretch of interstate 90 was temporarily closed overnight when the fire jumped the highway. this morning, large fires are burning in at least five states, red flag weather warnings now up in washington and oregon meaning conditions are perfect for those flames to spread. the heat and those dry winds are expected to stick around for a few more days. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> that is a powerful fire. no you to the nightmare in the sky. severe turbulence on an overseas flight so bad the cabin cracked and passengers thrown from their seats, 20 injured, 2 critically. terry has the latest from london. >> reporter: what a terrifying experience it was for the 165 passengers on board south african airways flight 286 from johannesburg to hong kong when it landed in hong kong, emergency crews and ambulances were rushed to the scene. you see them there and you can sense some of the severe weather of the injuries. head and neck injuries as you said, 20 passenger, three crew members were hospitalized and this, this is what it looked like on board. passengers thrown around by severe turbulence slammed into the ceiling. that hole punched in the overhead compartment was made by a passenger's head of the other ceiling panels cracked. most of the damage at the back of the plane. many passengers were sleeping and some not wearing seat belts. the turbulence lasted for several minutes. we are told by passengers one of them saying it was like the end of the world. just a really frightening flight there. >> terry, i know you've been looking into how new planes will have new technology to deal with this turbulence. >> reporter: it's amazing, george. i was at the air show here in england yesterday, one of the major air shows in the world. new passenger jets have these incredibly sophisticated computers on board. a next generation advance. they will make instantaneous adjustments in speed to limit its effect and should help with this quite a bit but the basic lesson, wear your seat belt. >> and tie it tight. okay, terry moran, thanks so much. also this morning, new controversy in the immigration debate. a pulitzer prize-winning journalist, also an undocumented immigrant held at the texas border. jim avila is live with that story. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, lara. jose antonio vargas, one of this country's biggest advocates for immigration reform spent a day in custody of the border patrol detained right along with the kids and mothers from central america he went to help. america's most famous undocumented immigrant arrested and detained tuesday by the border patrol in mcallen, texas, speaking first to abc news about the ordeal? it was really surreal and scary and very emotional thinking that i'm getting arrested for boarding a plane in my own country. i'm going to tell you something, that i haven't told a lot of people, i'm actually an undocumented immigrant. >> reporter: jose antonio vargas, a pulitzer prize-winning author and documentarian who came to the u.s. from the philippines at the age of 12 went to the texas/mexico border this week to document the humanitarian crisis underway among central american unaccompanied children. he has no u.s. driver's license, birth certificate or passport. >> i just didn't realize going down to mcallen that that was the situation, that border patrol would be checking my passport right next to tsa. >> reporter: when he tried to travel back north a border patrol agent stationed at the airport cuffed him and sent him to be processed holding him for eight hours releasing him with an immigration court date. >> i got out. many people are not getting out. >> reporter: earlier in the day vargas tweeted this picture showing his filipino passport and minute tur version of the u.s. constitution he traveled with. he's london living in the united states for 20 years and considers himself an american. >> you're talking about the most privileged undocument immigrant in america. can you emergency all these other 11 million people who just want to live their lives with dignity. i dare any politician to go down there, look at the eyes of these children and tell them, i'm going to send you home. >> reporter: vargas insists this was no stunt. he's never been arrested before and he travels all over the country. the border patrol says its agents are always stationed at airports near the border and vargas openly told one he had no legal papers but had no choice but to arrest him. >> jim, thank you. now, george, i know there were interesting tv last night. jon stewart/hillary clinton >> that's right. she's had this summer-long book tour and has all the trappings of a presidential campaign much last night when she stat down with stuart she dropped some of her biggest hints yet about a real run and jon karl has the details. >> reporter: after a media blitz that hasn't always gone all that smoothly, hillary clinton received a friendlier reception last night from jon stewart. jon stewart began by saying hillary clinton was going to make a big announcement on his show. >> she is here solely for one reason, to publicly and definitively declare her candidacy for the president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: when she came on stage she didn't make any declarations but amidst all the joking, she came pretty close. >> i think i speak for everybody when i say no one cares, they just want to know if you're running for president. [ laughter ] >> i was going to make an announcement but i saw -- you kind of spoiled it for me. >> no, no so that's a yes. >> the big spoiler. so, you know, i'm just going to have to reconsider. >> sure. >> where i go do it. >> a little confusion. do you like commuting to wok or do you like a home office. what's your -- >> you know, i've spent so many years commuting i'd kind of prefer a home office. >> would you like to have corners or not to have corners? i don't know. >> you know, i think that the world is so complicated, the fewer corners that you can have are better. >> reporter: hillary's media blitz has not been all laughs. she's come under fire for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from colleges and universities where students are facing tuition hikes and she's been called tone deaf for saying this to diane sawyer. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. >> that was an artful use of words obviously. >> reporter: the appearance off "the daily show" comes at the end of one of the most aggressive book rollouts political book rollouts we have seen but even though there's been a lot of publicity it's been replaced about a book harshly negative about hillary clinton. >> you see both sides. yet, you have to give jon stewart credit. he used the jokes to get her to answer the question. >> reporter: no question about that. >> jon karl, thanks very much. amy back with today's top story. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the more than 100,000 people who have been placed on alert warned to flee their homes because of air strikes from israel, fired into gaza this morning after palestinian militants rejected a cease-fire. more than 200 palestinians have now been killed in the conflict. israel just suffered its first fatality. people in gaza heeding the warnings. these palestinians were actually sleeping in the yard of a united nations school today after evacuating their homes. powerful pictures there. also breaking right now, a killer typhoon lashing the philippines. nearly 500,000 people have been forced to evacuate. a 10-foot storm surge was predicted. at least 11 people have died. and this morning a published report indicates general motors may have withheld information about crashes caused by those faulty ignition switches. at least 1 deaths are blamed on the problem. "the new york times" reports documents showed gm knew about the problem but evaded questions from federal safety agencies on several occasions. the documents could play a key role in the justice department's criminal investigation. a top gm lawyer testifies tomorrow on capitol hill. frightening moments along the las vegas description. gunfire-breaking out inside the upscale fashion show mall. one man was shot in the neck. he ran down an escalator. well, a man is under arrest on cape cod accused of breaking into the kennedy compound and staying for hours. he reportedly answered the phone when ted kennedy jr. called and that's when police were alerted. the suspect is described as a disabled veteran who told police he was looking for singer katy perry. well, a close call at this racetrack in ohio. a driver was -- wes allen was recording, look at this, when two cars collided in front of him and a car struck him from behind flying over him. look at that. barely missing his head. remarkably nobody injured. finally it was a true all-star tribute for derek jeter during his 14th and final appearance in the midsummer classic. [ applause ] >> number 2, derek jeter. >> he received a 63-second standing ovation when he walked to 9 plate and then you got to love this in true fashion he hit a leadoff double. later while leaving the field fans applauded for 2 1/2 minutes as frank sinatra's "new york new york" played over the speakers. jeter was repeatedly waving to the crowd. the american league went on to win, 5-3. that there was an emotional moment. but just before this all began there was a truly bizarre moment. yep. the perhaps oddest class photo ever. all of the major league mascots took to the field. the only one missing was homer the brave from atlanta. >> i knew it. >> yeah. >> oh, well. maybe they can put a little space in there for him from cheering and crying to head scratching. what's that? such an emotional moment. >> it was. >> and he deserved every minute of it. >> yep. >> i love all he hendzed. boom, with a double. >> that was great. turn to a health alert for anyone headed to lakes. more than 200 people became sick after swimming in horseshoe lake. health investigators are investigating. >> i talked to the health investigator and it's a mystery. 200 complaints but they think far more got sick. the weather had been terrible then this last weekend it was beautiful. and the lake was just overwhelmed with numbers of people. 2500 people a day. and what the complaints are of typical stomach flu symptoms, he thinks it may be norovirus, so stomach flu symptoms, people got sick 12 to 48 hours after being there and some who had contact with them got sick, as well. norovirus is highly contagious, one of the big causes of outbreaks and this lake actually had an outbreak of norovirus a couple of years ago. >> what should people do to protect this themselves? >> you think of a lake as a clear, pristine place and it is except when it's overtaken and it's like taking a bath with 2,000 strangers. >> thank you. >> so i mean here's -- here's -- there's things you can do. when you're in the lake, you don't want to swallow the water. when you get out you want to wash your hands before you eat food. you want to go to a lake that's monitored because there they're testing it and if you see any green film, that could be algae or a smell is one of the leading causes of this. you don't want to go in those lakes. lakes can be wonderful. you just have to take some precautions. >> rich besser, thanks so much. thanks so much, rich. turning to a dangerous deja vu. two young kids stealing a car, going on a joyride and this isn't the first time they've done it. abc's reena ninan has the incredible 911 calls. >> hi, i just passed a car that looked like about a 10-year-old was driving it. >> reporter: it was a 911 call that sent police in washington county, wisconsin, into overdrive. reports of two children taking a joyride. >> it looked like they were looking through the steer wheel. they barely were tall enough to see. looked like two kids were in the vehicle. >> reporter: the driver a 9-year-old who apparently stole his stepfather's car and was too short to fully see over the wheel and riding shotgun a 4-year-old relative. >> i looked over and i'm like what the hell and they were kind of driving a little sporadically like weaving. >> reporter: at one point they were driving in the wrong lane. eventually a deputy caught up with them but not before the boy joyrider drove the car straight into a ditch. these tire tracks marking the spot. the boys weren't hurt and the car was undamaged but it turns out this wasn't the young duo's first road trip. >> i just watched a car being stolen here by these two little kids, this he can't be more than 8 years old. >> reporter: in june they stole a different car from a parking lot before driving more than twice the speed limit to go to their grandmother's house. >> there's a red grand am that is using both plains just weaving back and forth really bad of the. >> reporter: that time in these boys pulled in front to get them to stop. >> i can't believe they got back on the road after they got hurt almost the first time. >> reporter: they're looking into possible child neglect and once the investigation is complete it'll go to the d.a.'s office. a joyride with potentially serious consequences. >> get away with it twice. >> amazing nothing happened to them twice. thanks so much, reena. now heavy rain in the forecast. >> yes, we have flood watches for parts of oklahoma and texas. so some of the areas that really need it are in exceptional drought in parts of the country so about this area in flood watch but that's the area that needs the rain. how much will fall? let's talk about it and happens over a couple of days. through saturday night. that green bull's-eye takes you to 5 plus inches. there are big numbers being printed out of it and in the southeast parts of arkansas don't need it. but you'll get it. seattle has been 80 for consecutive days, more consecutive days than since 19 7 and now will cool off. >> good morning, washington. waking up to beautiful conditions now. sunshinesign -- finally breaking up. dew point has dropped to 59. dulles. 63 in hagerstown. holding onto the 70's in southern maryland and eastern shore. becoming sunny today. >> so that natural air conditioner taking spokane from almost 100 today to less than 80 for the weekend. it's going to be nice out there. >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "gma," new details on that hot car toddler death and the mother breaks her silence for the first time. the teacher accused of pushing his wife off a cliff then he fell too. what he says really happened. one couple's breakup with their cable company turning into a nightmare with one of the most persistent sales reps ever and it was all caught on tape. >> and our "facts of life" reunion. stars of the '80s show are here and why they're back together again. ♪ there's a time you got to go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we fill our freshly baked flatbread, with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. your time right now is 7:26 on this wednesday morning. we want to see how the commute is shaping up. his -- has his eyes on the road for us. >> we had earlier police activity that was a southbound near route 32. everything is gone. beginning to improve from 195 to 32. if you are trying to get into downtown via new york avenue, no problems. the tunnel.c toward all travel lanes are open. our forecast sounds as good as our traffic does. >> nice to see a bit of sunshine. 63 in hagerstown and 66 in gaithersburg. temperatures are quite cool. 72 degrees at reagan national airport. still a bit warm in the 70's to the east. in. pressure building high temperatures in the low to mid 80's. county'sx superintendent has a plan to start schools later in the morning. she supports the proposal to push back the start time by 30 minutes that would allow teens to get more sleep. have a great day. ♪ why you got to be so rude snoepts don't you know i'm human too ♪ ♪ why you got to be so rude ♪ i'm going to marry her anyway ♪ >> we all know that song. wracking up millions of views. this morning one dad's very funny response to that song. ♪ why you got to make more than -- >> guest appearance by mom in the background. >> that's right. >> can't wait for all of that coming up. also ahead we do have new developments this that hot car death in georgia. the toddler's mother is breaking her silence this morning and what she's saying right now about the tragedy. plus, we have terrifying new details about the recent home invasion for sandra bullock. the intruder coming face to face with her in her own house. one couple's breakup with the cable company that turned into a nightmare. we've all been there with a customer service rep that doesn't want to let you go. this one you can't believe all caught on tape. you've got to hear this. ryan has that story coming up. the latest information on that georgia toddler who died after being left in a hot car for hours. this morning the boy's mother is speaking out for the first time as her husband stands trial for murder. abc's ryan owens has her story. >> we have no comment for you. >> reporter: for weeks she has silently stood by her man. her husband, justin ross harris, accused of murdering their little boy cooper by leaving him to die in an suv on a scorching june day in atlanta. but this morning, leanna harris is breaking her silence releasing a statement through her attorney. "for leanna, cooper's death has been devastating. she will never again be able to tuck him into bed at night and return later to check on him." leanna harris has not been charged with a crime and her husband has pleaded not guilty but her actions and her words since cooper died last month have gotten the attention of the public and investigators. >> she didn't show any emotion when he notified her of cooper's death. >> reporter: police say leanna somehow knew what happened when she went to pick him up. >> all of a sudden she states, you know, ross must have left him in the car. >> reporter: this case has focused americans' attention on children in hot cars this summer. in 96-degree houston good samaritans armed with a hammer shattered the windows of this jeep monday evening to rescue two children after their mother says she accidentally locked them inside. but prosecutors say little cooper's death was no accident. his mother's statement does not mention her husband or the charges he faces. her attorney simply says "she mourns cooper's death deeply in her own private way." for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> such a sad story. we're going to turn to the retired schoolteacher on trial for trying to kill his wife by pushing her off a cliff. complication is he fell off the cliff too. he claims it was an accident and she says it was attempted murder. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: attempted murder charges and several counts of assault and the motive here was money after lisa black inherited millions from her father. in a maine courtroom this morning the case against retired social studies teacher charles black is just getting under way. tuesday black watched emotionless as prosecutors laid out their case against him claiming the 71-year-old tried to kill his now ex-wife lisa black by hitting her in the head with a rock and pushing her off an 800-foot cliff. >> she'll tell you that she was begging for her life, that she was speaking about her two daughters and begging that he not do this. >> reporter: in opening arguments the district attorney says charles black he wanted his then wife dead because she recently inherited millions from her father and the two fought about money and lisa discovered he was having an online affair. >> what you'll hear is evidence of two motives, one, money and a second, another woman. >> reporter: according to court documents the couple went for a picnic and a hike in april 2011 when lisa black says she was hit on the head several times and that charles threw her over the edge of the mountain. officials say she survived only by landing on a rock ledge a few feet from the top. in an unusual twist, lisa black reported that charles black fell just moments later. lisa black told police she thought her husband was chasing her down the mountain when he fell. and in court documents she says she felt as if he had been trying to kill her in the weeks prior. falling on her from the top of a ladder and hitting her on the head during a different hike. but in court charles black's defense attorney says the story just doesn't add up because there's to physical evidence and charles black had no reason to kill his wife. >> what you have to conclude is it just didn't happen the way that lisa black says at all. >> reporter: now, perhaps unsurprisingly the couple has since divorced. if convicted charles black faces up to 30 years in prison on the attempted murder charge alone. he has pleaded not guilty to all charges. that trial is expected to take two weeks and we are expected to hear from lisa herself as she will testify. >> thanks very much. let's talk to dan abrams about this. she's going to testify. the ex-wife is going to testify. that's critical in oh, absolutely. look, this is the ultimate he said/she said, right? she is saying that she is knocked in the head with a rock in the back of her head, that she's then dragged to the edge of the cliff and he then pushes her over. he is saying that didn't happen. i didn't try and kill her. now, he claims he doesn't remember exactly what happened because he too fell down the cliff later but this is going to be a fascinating case to hear lisa black's testimony and it is all going to come down do the jurors believe her, that's what happened. >> what could tip the balance in her favor a year later they're still together but there's some evidence that he might have tried to poison her. the question is, is the judge going to allow it. >> wasn't mentioned in opening statements but the prosecution is trying to introduce evidence that there was a conversation overheard where he was talking about triing to kill her. if that comes in, that would be, i think, devastating testimony against him because, remember, you need -- whatever the prosecution can do to back up her story becomes crucial. they say they've got scientific evidence and forensic evidence from the top of the cliff. for example, about where the blood was, et cetera. but anything else they can get to support that account becomes crucial because it's all about her testimony. anything that can support her testimony becomes absolutely essential. >> his too. do you think he testifies? >> i don't think so. you know i've been thinking -- last night when i was asked, i wasn't sure. after reading the entirety of the logs of the opening statement i do not think he'll testify and relien 0 the statements he told police at the time because, again, he says he doesn't remember what happened and that's not a good thing to tell a jury, right -- >> you don't want to be saying i don't remember. >> so i would say better to keep him off the stand and just challenge her credibility. >> okay, dan abrams, thanks very much. let's go to ginger with the weather. >> if i had a nickel for every tweet i got from the great lakes this morning saying where is summer, i'd have at least a dollar. you're seeing the summer -- well, hardly pictures from chicago and right along the lake, the beach is just empty. the girl in the jacket. oh, so cold but you are going to warm up slightly. cooler and less humid is right behind that cold front so numbers you'll wake up to. in new york city, low to mid-60s. that's not that cool but still going to feel quite a bit drier and more comfortable. washington, d.c., philadelphia, boston, you'll all be getting on this cooler and drier feel in the 60s and i'll leave you a look across the nation, watching severe storms in >> 72 degrees and partly cloudy skies in washington area dry air .orking its way in skies becoming mostly sunny. highs in the mid to low >> all that weather brought to you by purina but i should say a lot of people are loving the cold saying the oscar goes to best sleeping weather in milwaukee this morning. >> nice break for a day or too. ginger, thank you. coming up, one couple's maddening call with a persistent sales rep when they tried to break up with their cable caught all caught on tape. sandra bullock coming face to face with her alleged stalker, what he staid to her. she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive red patterned vans camden... only at famous footwear. victory is yours. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life with a new vanity now just $149 at lowe's. [ masfx: car unlock beep.your style to life with a new vanity vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. a little officer 7:42. back with one couple's breakup story with their cable company turned out to be much harder than they imagined after getting the most aggressive phone rep on the phone. they captured it on tape and ryan has the story. >> we all know what it's like to have a painful call with customer service but one cable company's rep has taken disservice to a new level and the customer on the other end caught it all on tape. in "the table guy." jim carrey plays a service tech who goes from being a nuisance. >> you were supposed to be here four hours ago -- >> reporter: to a full-on nightmare. now one couple's real-life run-in is going viral. >> i'd like to disconnect, please. >> so why is it that you don't want the fastest speed? help me understand why you don't want faster internet. >> heap me understand why you can't disconnect us. >> reporter: ryan block says he and his wife recorded the second half of a 20-minute call to cancel their comcast service for more than ten minutes the customer service rep is heard badgering them. >> why is it that you're not wanting to have the number one rated internet service? >> reporter: interrogating them. >> all of a sudden you're moving and something's making you want to change. what is it that's making you want to change that. >> because that's what we want to do. >> why is that what you want to do? >> that's none of your business. >> reporter: all in the name of, that's right, customer service. >> i'm just trying to figure out what it is about comcast service that you're not liking, that you're not wanting to keep. i mean, why is it that you don't want to keep the service. >> this phone call is a really actually amazing representative example of why i don't want to stay with comcast. >> reporter: after he posted it on sound cloud it got more than 3 million plays and this morning comcast says it's embarrassed by the call and will be apologizing to block and his wife writing in a blog post "the way in which our representative communicated with them is unacceptable and not consistent with how we train our customer service representatives." adding that "while they are now investigating 9 situation, the overwhelming majority of our employees work very hard to do the right thing every day, we are using this very unfortunate experience to reinforce how important it is to always treat our customers with the utmost respect." >> you're very welcome. have a great day. >> yeah, i bet, right. the reaction online has been swift and harsh. some saying it's like a bad breakup. now, the rep refused to give a confirmation number on the phone when he tried to cancel the service so they still had to go to the store to check that the service had, in fact, been can selled. it was but you guys were reacting. >> yeah. >> this guy kept his cool. >> yeah. >> amazing. >> i don't think any of us would have been that cool. >> no. >> i wouldn't. >> he recorded it. can't hear you. >> what he said -- when the rep said i don't understand what you don't like about the service. all of us said at the same time, you. >> you're the example. >> that was really something. coming up we'll reveal the five best ways to make after an argument with your spouse. this is a big one. you should never immediately apologize. but just one. >> all right, listening to that one. then this story is magic. we've got the very rude response to the chart topper from a dad who's become an internet star overnight. you don't want to miss it coming up on "good morning america." ♪ my friend but the answer is no ♪ and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? and with that in mind... guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... .we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. 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[woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. ♪ why you got to be so rude >> love though song and over to social square where we'll talk about the hit song "rude" about a guy asking for a hand in marriage and do it anyway when the father says no. it's currently number two by the reggae group named magic! and one dad's response to the song is going viral. first, a look at magic!'s original video which has gotten nearly 37 million views on youtube. ♪ can i have your daughter for the rest of my life say yes yes you say i never get your blessing till the day i die so good luck my friend but the answer is no ♪ ♪ why you got to be so rude >> so, dad says no. he thinks he's rude. here's the response video by dad benji cowart from western new york state that posted this a few days and people are loving it ♪ ♪ daughter for the rest of your life you got to make more than burgers and fries ♪ get out your momma's basement go and get you a life son you're 28 don't you think it's time why you gotta call me rude i'm doing what a dad should do keep her from a fool like you and if you marry her anyway you marry that girl i'm gonna punch your face ♪ >> at least he had a guitar and not a gun. >> exactly. >> and he's honest. >> that's great. one tweeter said, this is the father every girl should want. that is quite a compliment to benji. we promised we would tell benji's reason for doing it. he loved the version and the song and he said he had to write a response for all the dads and daughters out there. >> way to go, benji. >> great job. coming up "good morning america's" "deals & steals" brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash reward credit card for these deals and earn cash back. when you're awake and can't sleep an ounce, unwind with tide, downy, and bounce. the sweet dreams collection is so relaxing, so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. tide, downy, and bounce. official products of the national sleep foundation. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life with a new vanity >> you meet him at the camera test? or rehearsals or any conversation. >> no rehearsal. >> you just get started. it is in a beautiful place. what a place to get to do a film, the south of france. >> it was incredible. we stayed in provence and it takes place in the '20s so the locations are just stunning. yeah. >> your character stanley is about as unlikable a man as you could imagine. at least at first. was that tough? >> well, yeah, i want to be likable and, you know, you keep seeing these lines which are -- they're so arrogant and supercilious and self-asured and i remember thinking they probably all won't make the final cut. are we sure? haven't i just been that mean already in those exact words and, no, he was pretty sure and ultimately there's something quite liberating -- >> you just get to let it all hang out. >> yes, just be as unpleasant as possible and not care. >> you softened him up. now you'll work with woody allen again. >> yeah, right now we're shooting in rhode island so we have a couple of days off to come talk about this. >> well, i'm glad you did "magic in the moonlight," opens next friday. it's a terrific film. thanks for coming in, guys. when we come back, the final round of our 5-alarm firefighters challenge. who will win the grand prize? who will get dunked? 6 ♪ looking for some hot stuff this evening ♪ >> love the music. it is our 5-alarm firefighter challenge. our final teams, hungry for that $10,000 grand prize that will go to their fire department courtesy of disney's "planes: fire & rescue," that film hitting theaters on friday, amy. >> we're down to two final teams after tuesday's obstacle course. mcallen, texas, up against tacoma, washington, and this is going to be our sizzle or sink trivia showdown. each has a designated member at the dunk tank in case that team loses. >> and when the team is ahead they'll take home the prize. the team with the lower score will be subjected to the dunk? wait till we've read the question and give you the choices. are you readiy. >> ready. >> okay. >> cue it up. >> first one, which celebrity is a former new york city firefighter. john stamos, steve buscemi, mick jagger. >> steve buscembuscemi. >> correct. >> "b." >> here we go. >> tacoma, whose the voice behind the hit single "girl on fire." alicia keys, janet jackson or celine dion. >> alicia keys. >> correct. tacoma, taking the lead. >> true or false. the majority of firefighters in the u.s. are volunteers? >> mcallen, texas. >> volunteers. >> true, that is correct. >> where are we. we didn't start the fire, are lyrics from a the song by an artist, stevie wonder, billy joel or -- >> billy joel. >> correct. >> then we have which american city suffered a massive fire in october 1871 that burned for two days was it baltimore, cincinnati or chicago? tacoma. >> chicago. >> all right, going up in the lead. >> next question. which musician has a son who recently became a new jersey firefighter. a, bruce springsteen, madonna, or garth brooks? >> bruce springsteen. >> again, correct. >> true or false. all fire trucks must be red? >> false. >> correct. it is false. >> this is getting heated. all right. here we go. according to the american red cross most house fires start in which room, a, laundry, b, kitchen, c, bedroom. >> kitchen. >> kitchen. [ sirens ] >> what is that alarm? >> now we have a tie. which historical figure is credited with starting one of the first volunteer fire departments in the u.s. was it benjamin franklin -- >> benjamin franklin. >> that is correct. >> oh, however, this is a real conundrum. you are not supposed to buzz in before but we did give it to you. they did it too. i believe control room, can you weigh in? >> mcallen is the winner. >> oh, yes. yes. >> 5-alarm firefighter challenge. >> that means, unfortunately, tacoma, washington, goes in the dunk tank. >> bye. >> oh, here we go. >> uh-oh. [ sirens ] >> you guys were great sports. we thank you so much. congratulations. >> excellent job. >> give me a high-five. >> incredible dancing. incredible -- >> be right back. >> and big prize coming up. great job, everybody. >> you guys did a great job. [ sirens ] ♪ ♪ looking for some hot stuff "good morning america" brought to you by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. >> what a fierce competition. before we go, we have the check for the winners of our 5-alarm firefighter challenge courtesy of disney's "planes: fire & rescue" plus golden fire hats for each of you. congratulations. >> actually want to ask a question. why did the girl have to go in the dunk tank? >> you volunteered? >> i trusted them. >> with my life. >> that's true. >> the least you could do was keep her dry. you guys were great and gave it your all. so game. we thank you all so much for competing. and to all of our firehouses around the country, it's been awesome. >> thank you, thank you. >> really great. hey, tomorrow on "good morning america," neil patrick harris and dane cook are with us. >> so much to get to. hey, stay dry. warm up. >> lucky guy. >> congratulations to our winners. have a great day, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. >> i did not know that was coming. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, everyone. are --ope the roads >> we still have our beltway delays on the topside side coming from 95 toward georgia avenue. new hampshire avenue. still pretty solid coming from 95 to georgia avenue. earlier incident on the westbound freeway near the third street tunnel. our camera near main avenue. east bound along the other side moving a little slow. some slow traffic on the clara barton parkway. might have been short coming. we are hoping -- work someme time to outdoor time into your schedule for today. maybe lunch outside. dew point is low in the 50's. the breeze drawing in the cooler conditions. 60's in the suburbs. 72 in d.c. highs in the mid to low 80's. 10 degrees below average. tomorrow looks great, too. mid 80's and a few thunderstorms by the weekend. has notd malley announced if you will run for president. he does say he raised nearly $800,000 in the second quarter of this year. -- martin o'malley. he is scheduled to leave office in january. thanks for watching. we will be back at noon. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, film, television, and broadway actor, zach braff, and star of the series, "cedar cove," andie macdowell. plus, anderson cooper joins kelly at the co-host desk. ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] kelly: thank you. thank you very much. [applause] hi!

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Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140716 :

Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20140716

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intruder and why he said he did it ♪ hot hot hot and our 5-alarm firefighter challenge is getting hot. firehouses from around the country competing. down to the final two for the $10,000 prize. will your firehouse be the winner? >> all: good morning, america. it's getting hot in here. ♪ good morning, america. those firefighters have been so much fun all week. today the big finals. we want to welcome back amy, hope you had a great trip. in l.a. for the espys. >> we will be crowning our champion in the 5-alarm challenge later in the show so do stay tuned. >> right now we'll get to that extreme weather. nearly 100 storms reported across the country. almost 2 inches of rain in one hour at that college campus in idaho. very dangerous conditions and ginger tracking it all. >> all it takes is one storm. this is the radar -- the storm that blew threw quick, 2 inchescoulds through rexburg and you get scenes that look like this. an apartment complex, people wading waist deep at byu, idaho. overnight a water invasion. raging floods rocking the byu idaho campus. >> the nc is completely flooding right now. >> reporter: brown water gushing into the student center and parts of the town under as much as six feet. students helping each other navigate the swallowed campus using anything and everything to help get that water out. across the nation in maine a colossal tree mearesing the home with the owners still inside. >> i saw the living room ceiling come by. >> reporter: outside washington, d.c. trees obliterated. downed power lines sparking flames. rushing water sweeping this 12-year-old pennsylvania girl nearly half a mile underground through a flooded drainpipe monday. >> i was sweeped under and i'm trying to yell and i couldn't like because i didn't want to open my mouth. >> this 14-year-old struck by lightning in delaware. >> i was just kind of like running and i heard it and then i was just shocked. i was shaking and bleeding everywhere. >> reporter: a small wound on his hand marking the impact. >> the storms along the east coast along the cold front going to be reserved for the new england area and also far southeast in florida. also a new storm that will kick up strong storms back in parts of the west but we look for rain, much needed, in parts of oklahoma and texas and that cold air still settling in. some places breaking records like topeka, kansas, in the low 50s. lara. >> thanks. the heat and extreme conditions out west are fueling multiple wildfires. in fact, dozens are burning across at least five states and abc's clayton sandell has the very latest. >> reporter: this morning, the fire near the northern california town of igo has chewed through nearly ten square miles. it's called the bully fire and it's chasing people out of their homes. 50 are threatened. eight already destroyed. 200 firefighters are desperately working to keep the flames away. across the west, the weather is not helping. overnight lightning sparked this blaze near reno burning hundreds of acres and causing what appears to be a flamenado. in idaho lightning is also to blame for 20 fires burning across the boise national forest. >> the fire is coming right down to a few structures and we've got line around the structures. >> reporter: and in washington state new fires are gaining ground. a 20-mile stretch of interstate 90 was temporarily closed overnight when the fire jumped the highway. this morning, large fires are burning in at least five states, red flag weather warnings now up in washington and oregon meaning conditions are perfect for those flames to spread. the heat and those dry winds are expected to stick around for a few more days. for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> that is a powerful fire. no you to the nightmare in the sky. severe turbulence on an overseas flight so bad the cabin cracked and passengers thrown from their seats, 20 injured, 2 critically. terry has the latest from london. >> reporter: what a terrifying experience it was for the 165 passengers on board south african airways flight 286 from johannesburg to hong kong when it landed in hong kong, emergency crews and ambulances were rushed to the scene. you see them there and you can sense some of the severe weather of the injuries. head and neck injuries as you said, 20 passenger, three crew members were hospitalized and this, this is what it looked like on board. passengers thrown around by severe turbulence slammed into the ceiling. that hole punched in the overhead compartment was made by a passenger's head of the other ceiling panels cracked. most of the damage at the back of the plane. many passengers were sleeping and some not wearing seat belts. the turbulence lasted for several minutes. we are told by passengers one of them saying it was like the end of the world. just a really frightening flight there. >> terry, i know you've been looking into how new planes will have new technology to deal with this turbulence. >> reporter: it's amazing, george. i was at the air show here in england yesterday, one of the major air shows in the world. new passenger jets have these incredibly sophisticated computers on board. a next generation advance. they will make instantaneous adjustments in speed to limit its effect and should help with this quite a bit but the basic lesson, wear your seat belt. >> and tie it tight. okay, terry moran, thanks so much. also this morning, new controversy in the immigration debate. a pulitzer prize-winning journalist, also an undocumented immigrant held at the texas border. jim avila is live with that story. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, lara. jose antonio vargas, one of this country's biggest advocates for immigration reform spent a day in custody of the border patrol detained right along with the kids and mothers from central america he went to help. america's most famous undocumented immigrant arrested and detained tuesday by the border patrol in mcallen, texas, speaking first to abc news about the ordeal? it was really surreal and scary and very emotional thinking that i'm getting arrested for boarding a plane in my own country. i'm going to tell you something, that i haven't told a lot of people, i'm actually an undocumented immigrant. >> reporter: jose antonio vargas, a pulitzer prize-winning author and documentarian who came to the u.s. from the philippines at the age of 12 went to the texas/mexico border this week to document the humanitarian crisis underway among central american unaccompanied children. he has no u.s. driver's license, birth certificate or passport. >> i just didn't realize going down to mcallen that that was the situation, that border patrol would be checking my passport right next to tsa. >> reporter: when he tried to travel back north a border patrol agent stationed at the airport cuffed him and sent him to be processed holding him for eight hours releasing him with an immigration court date. >> i got out. many people are not getting out. >> reporter: earlier in the day vargas tweeted this picture showing his filipino passport and minute tur version of the u.s. constitution he traveled with. he's london living in the united states for 20 years and considers himself an american. >> you're talking about the most privileged undocument immigrant in america. can you emergency all these other 11 million people who just want to live their lives with dignity. i dare any politician to go down there, look at the eyes of these children and tell them, i'm going to send you home. >> reporter: vargas insists this was no stunt. he's never been arrested before and he travels all over the country. the border patrol says its agents are always stationed at airports near the border and vargas openly told one he had no legal papers but had no choice but to arrest him. >> jim, thank you. now, george, i know there were interesting tv last night. jon stewart/hillary clinton >> that's right. she's had this summer-long book tour and has all the trappings of a presidential campaign much last night when she stat down with stuart she dropped some of her biggest hints yet about a real run and jon karl has the details. >> reporter: after a media blitz that hasn't always gone all that smoothly, hillary clinton received a friendlier reception last night from jon stewart. jon stewart began by saying hillary clinton was going to make a big announcement on his show. >> she is here solely for one reason, to publicly and definitively declare her candidacy for the president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: when she came on stage she didn't make any declarations but amidst all the joking, she came pretty close. >> i think i speak for everybody when i say no one cares, they just want to know if you're running for president. [ laughter ] >> i was going to make an announcement but i saw -- you kind of spoiled it for me. >> no, no so that's a yes. >> the big spoiler. so, you know, i'm just going to have to reconsider. >> sure. >> where i go do it. >> a little confusion. do you like commuting to wok or do you like a home office. what's your -- >> you know, i've spent so many years commuting i'd kind of prefer a home office. >> would you like to have corners or not to have corners? i don't know. >> you know, i think that the world is so complicated, the fewer corners that you can have are better. >> reporter: hillary's media blitz has not been all laughs. she's come under fire for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees from colleges and universities where students are facing tuition hikes and she's been called tone deaf for saying this to diane sawyer. >> we came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. >> that was an artful use of words obviously. >> reporter: the appearance off "the daily show" comes at the end of one of the most aggressive book rollouts political book rollouts we have seen but even though there's been a lot of publicity it's been replaced about a book harshly negative about hillary clinton. >> you see both sides. yet, you have to give jon stewart credit. he used the jokes to get her to answer the question. >> reporter: no question about that. >> jon karl, thanks very much. amy back with today's top story. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the more than 100,000 people who have been placed on alert warned to flee their homes because of air strikes from israel, fired into gaza this morning after palestinian militants rejected a cease-fire. more than 200 palestinians have now been killed in the conflict. israel just suffered its first fatality. people in gaza heeding the warnings. these palestinians were actually sleeping in the yard of a united nations school today after evacuating their homes. powerful pictures there. also breaking right now, a killer typhoon lashing the philippines. nearly 500,000 people have been forced to evacuate. a 10-foot storm surge was predicted. at least 11 people have died. and this morning a published report indicates general motors may have withheld information about crashes caused by those faulty ignition switches. at least 1 deaths are blamed on the problem. "the new york times" reports documents showed gm knew about the problem but evaded questions from federal safety agencies on several occasions. the documents could play a key role in the justice department's criminal investigation. a top gm lawyer testifies tomorrow on capitol hill. frightening moments along the las vegas description. gunfire-breaking out inside the upscale fashion show mall. one man was shot in the neck. he ran down an escalator. well, a man is under arrest on cape cod accused of breaking into the kennedy compound and staying for hours. he reportedly answered the phone when ted kennedy jr. called and that's when police were alerted. the suspect is described as a disabled veteran who told police he was looking for singer katy perry. well, a close call at this racetrack in ohio. a driver was -- wes allen was recording, look at this, when two cars collided in front of him and a car struck him from behind flying over him. look at that. barely missing his head. remarkably nobody injured. finally it was a true all-star tribute for derek jeter during his 14th and final appearance in the midsummer classic. [ applause ] >> number 2, derek jeter. >> he received a 63-second standing ovation when he walked to 9 plate and then you got to love this in true fashion he hit a leadoff double. later while leaving the field fans applauded for 2 1/2 minutes as frank sinatra's "new york new york" played over the speakers. jeter was repeatedly waving to the crowd. the american league went on to win, 5-3. that there was an emotional moment. but just before this all began there was a truly bizarre moment. yep. the perhaps oddest class photo ever. all of the major league mascots took to the field. the only one missing was homer the brave from atlanta. >> i knew it. >> yeah. >> oh, well. maybe they can put a little space in there for him from cheering and crying to head scratching. what's that? such an emotional moment. >> it was. >> and he deserved every minute of it. >> yep. >> i love all he hendzed. boom, with a double. >> that was great. turn to a health alert for anyone headed to lakes. more than 200 people became sick after swimming in horseshoe lake. health investigators are investigating. >> i talked to the health investigator and it's a mystery. 200 complaints but they think far more got sick. the weather had been terrible then this last weekend it was beautiful. and the lake was just overwhelmed with numbers of people. 2500 people a day. and what the complaints are of typical stomach flu symptoms, he thinks it may be norovirus, so stomach flu symptoms, people got sick 12 to 48 hours after being there and some who had contact with them got sick, as well. norovirus is highly contagious, one of the big causes of outbreaks and this lake actually had an outbreak of norovirus a couple of years ago. >> what should people do to protect this themselves? >> you think of a lake as a clear, pristine place and it is except when it's overtaken and it's like taking a bath with 2,000 strangers. >> thank you. >> so i mean here's -- here's -- there's things you can do. when you're in the lake, you don't want to swallow the water. when you get out you want to wash your hands before you eat food. you want to go to a lake that's monitored because there they're testing it and if you see any green film, that could be algae or a smell is one of the leading causes of this. you don't want to go in those lakes. lakes can be wonderful. you just have to take some precautions. >> rich besser, thanks so much. thanks so much, rich. turning to a dangerous deja vu. two young kids stealing a car, going on a joyride and this isn't the first time they've done it. abc's reena ninan has the incredible 911 calls. >> hi, i just passed a car that looked like about a 10-year-old was driving it. >> reporter: it was a 911 call that sent police in washington county, wisconsin, into overdrive. reports of two children taking a joyride. >> it looked like they were looking through the steer wheel. they barely were tall enough to see. looked like two kids were in the vehicle. >> reporter: the driver a 9-year-old who apparently stole his stepfather's car and was too short to fully see over the wheel and riding shotgun a 4-year-old relative. >> i looked over and i'm like what the hell and they were kind of driving a little sporadically like weaving. >> reporter: at one point they were driving in the wrong lane. eventually a deputy caught up with them but not before the boy joyrider drove the car straight into a ditch. these tire tracks marking the spot. the boys weren't hurt and the car was undamaged but it turns out this wasn't the young duo's first road trip. >> i just watched a car being stolen here by these two little kids, this he can't be more than 8 years old. >> reporter: in june they stole a different car from a parking lot before driving more than twice the speed limit to go to their grandmother's house. >> there's a red grand am that is using both plains just weaving back and forth really bad of the. >> reporter: that time in these boys pulled in front to get them to stop. >> i can't believe they got back on the road after they got hurt almost the first time. >> reporter: they're looking into possible child neglect and once the investigation is complete it'll go to the d.a.'s office. a joyride with potentially serious consequences. >> get away with it twice. >> amazing nothing happened to them twice. thanks so much, reena. now heavy rain in the forecast. >> yes, we have flood watches for parts of oklahoma and texas. so some of the areas that really need it are in exceptional drought in parts of the country so about this area in flood watch but that's the area that needs the rain. how much will fall? let's talk about it and happens over a couple of days. through saturday night. that green bull's-eye takes you to 5 plus inches. there are big numbers being printed out of it and in the southeast parts of arkansas don't need it. but you'll get it. seattle has been 80 for consecutive days, more consecutive days than since 19 7 and now will cool off. >> good morning, washington. waking up to beautiful conditions now. sunshinesign -- finally breaking up. dew point has dropped to 59. dulles. 63 in hagerstown. holding onto the 70's in southern maryland and eastern shore. becoming sunny today. >> so that natural air conditioner taking spokane from almost 100 today to less than 80 for the weekend. it's going to be nice out there. >> thank you, ginger. coming up on "gma," new details on that hot car toddler death and the mother breaks her silence for the first time. the teacher accused of pushing his wife off a cliff then he fell too. what he says really happened. one couple's breakup with their cable company turning into a nightmare with one of the most persistent sales reps ever and it was all caught on tape. >> and our "facts of life" reunion. stars of the '80s show are here and why they're back together again. ♪ there's a time you got to go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we fill our freshly baked flatbread, with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today. ♪ [ male announcer ] give extra. get extra. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. your time right now is 7:26 on this wednesday morning. we want to see how the commute is shaping up. his -- has his eyes on the road for us. >> we had earlier police activity that was a southbound near route 32. everything is gone. beginning to improve from 195 to 32. if you are trying to get into downtown via new york avenue, no problems. the tunnel.c toward all travel lanes are open. our forecast sounds as good as our traffic does. >> nice to see a bit of sunshine. 63 in hagerstown and 66 in gaithersburg. temperatures are quite cool. 72 degrees at reagan national airport. still a bit warm in the 70's to the east. in. pressure building high temperatures in the low to mid 80's. county'sx superintendent has a plan to start schools later in the morning. she supports the proposal to push back the start time by 30 minutes that would allow teens to get more sleep. have a great day. ♪ why you got to be so rude snoepts don't you know i'm human too ♪ ♪ why you got to be so rude ♪ i'm going to marry her anyway ♪ >> we all know that song. wracking up millions of views. this morning one dad's very funny response to that song. ♪ why you got to make more than -- >> guest appearance by mom in the background. >> that's right. >> can't wait for all of that coming up. also ahead we do have new developments this that hot car death in georgia. the toddler's mother is breaking her silence this morning and what she's saying right now about the tragedy. plus, we have terrifying new details about the recent home invasion for sandra bullock. the intruder coming face to face with her in her own house. one couple's breakup with the cable company that turned into a nightmare. we've all been there with a customer service rep that doesn't want to let you go. this one you can't believe all caught on tape. you've got to hear this. ryan has that story coming up. the latest information on that georgia toddler who died after being left in a hot car for hours. this morning the boy's mother is speaking out for the first time as her husband stands trial for murder. abc's ryan owens has her story. >> we have no comment for you. >> reporter: for weeks she has silently stood by her man. her husband, justin ross harris, accused of murdering their little boy cooper by leaving him to die in an suv on a scorching june day in atlanta. but this morning, leanna harris is breaking her silence releasing a statement through her attorney. "for leanna, cooper's death has been devastating. she will never again be able to tuck him into bed at night and return later to check on him." leanna harris has not been charged with a crime and her husband has pleaded not guilty but her actions and her words since cooper died last month have gotten the attention of the public and investigators. >> she didn't show any emotion when he notified her of cooper's death. >> reporter: police say leanna somehow knew what happened when she went to pick him up. >> all of a sudden she states, you know, ross must have left him in the car. >> reporter: this case has focused americans' attention on children in hot cars this summer. in 96-degree houston good samaritans armed with a hammer shattered the windows of this jeep monday evening to rescue two children after their mother says she accidentally locked them inside. but prosecutors say little cooper's death was no accident. his mother's statement does not mention her husband or the charges he faces. her attorney simply says "she mourns cooper's death deeply in her own private way." for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> such a sad story. we're going to turn to the retired schoolteacher on trial for trying to kill his wife by pushing her off a cliff. complication is he fell off the cliff too. he claims it was an accident and she says it was attempted murder. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: attempted murder charges and several counts of assault and the motive here was money after lisa black inherited millions from her father. in a maine courtroom this morning the case against retired social studies teacher charles black is just getting under way. tuesday black watched emotionless as prosecutors laid out their case against him claiming the 71-year-old tried to kill his now ex-wife lisa black by hitting her in the head with a rock and pushing her off an 800-foot cliff. >> she'll tell you that she was begging for her life, that she was speaking about her two daughters and begging that he not do this. >> reporter: in opening arguments the district attorney says charles black he wanted his then wife dead because she recently inherited millions from her father and the two fought about money and lisa discovered he was having an online affair. >> what you'll hear is evidence of two motives, one, money and a second, another woman. >> reporter: according to court documents the couple went for a picnic and a hike in april 2011 when lisa black says she was hit on the head several times and that charles threw her over the edge of the mountain. officials say she survived only by landing on a rock ledge a few feet from the top. in an unusual twist, lisa black reported that charles black fell just moments later. lisa black told police she thought her husband was chasing her down the mountain when he fell. and in court documents she says she felt as if he had been trying to kill her in the weeks prior. falling on her from the top of a ladder and hitting her on the head during a different hike. but in court charles black's defense attorney says the story just doesn't add up because there's to physical evidence and charles black had no reason to kill his wife. >> what you have to conclude is it just didn't happen the way that lisa black says at all. >> reporter: now, perhaps unsurprisingly the couple has since divorced. if convicted charles black faces up to 30 years in prison on the attempted murder charge alone. he has pleaded not guilty to all charges. that trial is expected to take two weeks and we are expected to hear from lisa herself as she will testify. >> thanks very much. let's talk to dan abrams about this. she's going to testify. the ex-wife is going to testify. that's critical in oh, absolutely. look, this is the ultimate he said/she said, right? she is saying that she is knocked in the head with a rock in the back of her head, that she's then dragged to the edge of the cliff and he then pushes her over. he is saying that didn't happen. i didn't try and kill her. now, he claims he doesn't remember exactly what happened because he too fell down the cliff later but this is going to be a fascinating case to hear lisa black's testimony and it is all going to come down do the jurors believe her, that's what happened. >> what could tip the balance in her favor a year later they're still together but there's some evidence that he might have tried to poison her. the question is, is the judge going to allow it. >> wasn't mentioned in opening statements but the prosecution is trying to introduce evidence that there was a conversation overheard where he was talking about triing to kill her. if that comes in, that would be, i think, devastating testimony against him because, remember, you need -- whatever the prosecution can do to back up her story becomes crucial. they say they've got scientific evidence and forensic evidence from the top of the cliff. for example, about where the blood was, et cetera. but anything else they can get to support that account becomes crucial because it's all about her testimony. anything that can support her testimony becomes absolutely essential. >> his too. do you think he testifies? >> i don't think so. you know i've been thinking -- last night when i was asked, i wasn't sure. after reading the entirety of the logs of the opening statement i do not think he'll testify and relien 0 the statements he told police at the time because, again, he says he doesn't remember what happened and that's not a good thing to tell a jury, right -- >> you don't want to be saying i don't remember. >> so i would say better to keep him off the stand and just challenge her credibility. >> okay, dan abrams, thanks very much. let's go to ginger with the weather. >> if i had a nickel for every tweet i got from the great lakes this morning saying where is summer, i'd have at least a dollar. you're seeing the summer -- well, hardly pictures from chicago and right along the lake, the beach is just empty. the girl in the jacket. oh, so cold but you are going to warm up slightly. cooler and less humid is right behind that cold front so numbers you'll wake up to. in new york city, low to mid-60s. that's not that cool but still going to feel quite a bit drier and more comfortable. washington, d.c., philadelphia, boston, you'll all be getting on this cooler and drier feel in the 60s and i'll leave you a look across the nation, watching severe storms in >> 72 degrees and partly cloudy skies in washington area dry air .orking its way in skies becoming mostly sunny. highs in the mid to low >> all that weather brought to you by purina but i should say a lot of people are loving the cold saying the oscar goes to best sleeping weather in milwaukee this morning. >> nice break for a day or too. ginger, thank you. coming up, one couple's maddening call with a persistent sales rep when they tried to break up with their cable caught all caught on tape. sandra bullock coming face to face with her alleged stalker, what he staid to her. she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive red patterned vans camden... only at famous footwear. victory is yours. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life with a new vanity now just $149 at lowe's. [ masfx: car unlock beep.your style to life with a new vanity vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. a little officer 7:42. back with one couple's breakup story with their cable company turned out to be much harder than they imagined after getting the most aggressive phone rep on the phone. they captured it on tape and ryan has the story. >> we all know what it's like to have a painful call with customer service but one cable company's rep has taken disservice to a new level and the customer on the other end caught it all on tape. in "the table guy." jim carrey plays a service tech who goes from being a nuisance. >> you were supposed to be here four hours ago -- >> reporter: to a full-on nightmare. now one couple's real-life run-in is going viral. >> i'd like to disconnect, please. >> so why is it that you don't want the fastest speed? help me understand why you don't want faster internet. >> heap me understand why you can't disconnect us. >> reporter: ryan block says he and his wife recorded the second half of a 20-minute call to cancel their comcast service for more than ten minutes the customer service rep is heard badgering them. >> why is it that you're not wanting to have the number one rated internet service? >> reporter: interrogating them. >> all of a sudden you're moving and something's making you want to change. what is it that's making you want to change that. >> because that's what we want to do. >> why is that what you want to do? >> that's none of your business. >> reporter: all in the name of, that's right, customer service. >> i'm just trying to figure out what it is about comcast service that you're not liking, that you're not wanting to keep. i mean, why is it that you don't want to keep the service. >> this phone call is a really actually amazing representative example of why i don't want to stay with comcast. >> reporter: after he posted it on sound cloud it got more than 3 million plays and this morning comcast says it's embarrassed by the call and will be apologizing to block and his wife writing in a blog post "the way in which our representative communicated with them is unacceptable and not consistent with how we train our customer service representatives." adding that "while they are now investigating 9 situation, the overwhelming majority of our employees work very hard to do the right thing every day, we are using this very unfortunate experience to reinforce how important it is to always treat our customers with the utmost respect." >> you're very welcome. have a great day. >> yeah, i bet, right. the reaction online has been swift and harsh. some saying it's like a bad breakup. now, the rep refused to give a confirmation number on the phone when he tried to cancel the service so they still had to go to the store to check that the service had, in fact, been can selled. it was but you guys were reacting. >> yeah. >> this guy kept his cool. >> yeah. >> amazing. >> i don't think any of us would have been that cool. >> no. >> i wouldn't. >> he recorded it. can't hear you. >> what he said -- when the rep said i don't understand what you don't like about the service. all of us said at the same time, you. >> you're the example. >> that was really something. coming up we'll reveal the five best ways to make after an argument with your spouse. this is a big one. you should never immediately apologize. but just one. >> all right, listening to that one. then this story is magic. we've got the very rude response to the chart topper from a dad who's become an internet star overnight. you don't want to miss it coming up on "good morning america." ♪ my friend but the answer is no ♪ and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? and with that in mind... guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... .we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. 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[woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia. ♪ why you got to be so rude >> love though song and over to social square where we'll talk about the hit song "rude" about a guy asking for a hand in marriage and do it anyway when the father says no. it's currently number two by the reggae group named magic! and one dad's response to the song is going viral. first, a look at magic!'s original video which has gotten nearly 37 million views on youtube. ♪ can i have your daughter for the rest of my life say yes yes you say i never get your blessing till the day i die so good luck my friend but the answer is no ♪ ♪ why you got to be so rude >> so, dad says no. he thinks he's rude. here's the response video by dad benji cowart from western new york state that posted this a few days and people are loving it ♪ ♪ daughter for the rest of your life you got to make more than burgers and fries ♪ get out your momma's basement go and get you a life son you're 28 don't you think it's time why you gotta call me rude i'm doing what a dad should do keep her from a fool like you and if you marry her anyway you marry that girl i'm gonna punch your face ♪ >> at least he had a guitar and not a gun. >> exactly. >> and he's honest. >> that's great. one tweeter said, this is the father every girl should want. that is quite a compliment to benji. we promised we would tell benji's reason for doing it. he loved the version and the song and he said he had to write a response for all the dads and daughters out there. >> way to go, benji. >> great job. coming up "good morning america's" "deals & steals" brought to you by bank of america. use your bankamericard cash reward credit card for these deals and earn cash back. when you're awake and can't sleep an ounce, unwind with tide, downy, and bounce. the sweet dreams collection is so relaxing, so you can tuck in and turn off after a day oh so taxing. tide, downy, and bounce. official products of the national sleep foundation. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. ♪ [ male announcer ] bring your style to life with a new vanity >> you meet him at the camera test? or rehearsals or any conversation. >> no rehearsal. >> you just get started. it is in a beautiful place. what a place to get to do a film, the south of france. >> it was incredible. we stayed in provence and it takes place in the '20s so the locations are just stunning. yeah. >> your character stanley is about as unlikable a man as you could imagine. at least at first. was that tough? >> well, yeah, i want to be likable and, you know, you keep seeing these lines which are -- they're so arrogant and supercilious and self-asured and i remember thinking they probably all won't make the final cut. are we sure? haven't i just been that mean already in those exact words and, no, he was pretty sure and ultimately there's something quite liberating -- >> you just get to let it all hang out. >> yes, just be as unpleasant as possible and not care. >> you softened him up. now you'll work with woody allen again. >> yeah, right now we're shooting in rhode island so we have a couple of days off to come talk about this. >> well, i'm glad you did "magic in the moonlight," opens next friday. it's a terrific film. thanks for coming in, guys. when we come back, the final round of our 5-alarm firefighters challenge. who will win the grand prize? who will get dunked? 6 ♪ looking for some hot stuff this evening ♪ >> love the music. it is our 5-alarm firefighter challenge. our final teams, hungry for that $10,000 grand prize that will go to their fire department courtesy of disney's "planes: fire & rescue," that film hitting theaters on friday, amy. >> we're down to two final teams after tuesday's obstacle course. mcallen, texas, up against tacoma, washington, and this is going to be our sizzle or sink trivia showdown. each has a designated member at the dunk tank in case that team loses. >> and when the team is ahead they'll take home the prize. the team with the lower score will be subjected to the dunk? wait till we've read the question and give you the choices. are you readiy. >> ready. >> okay. >> cue it up. >> first one, which celebrity is a former new york city firefighter. john stamos, steve buscemi, mick jagger. >> steve buscembuscemi. >> correct. >> "b." >> here we go. >> tacoma, whose the voice behind the hit single "girl on fire." alicia keys, janet jackson or celine dion. >> alicia keys. >> correct. tacoma, taking the lead. >> true or false. the majority of firefighters in the u.s. are volunteers? >> mcallen, texas. >> volunteers. >> true, that is correct. >> where are we. we didn't start the fire, are lyrics from a the song by an artist, stevie wonder, billy joel or -- >> billy joel. >> correct. >> then we have which american city suffered a massive fire in october 1871 that burned for two days was it baltimore, cincinnati or chicago? tacoma. >> chicago. >> all right, going up in the lead. >> next question. which musician has a son who recently became a new jersey firefighter. a, bruce springsteen, madonna, or garth brooks? >> bruce springsteen. >> again, correct. >> true or false. all fire trucks must be red? >> false. >> correct. it is false. >> this is getting heated. all right. here we go. according to the american red cross most house fires start in which room, a, laundry, b, kitchen, c, bedroom. >> kitchen. >> kitchen. [ sirens ] >> what is that alarm? >> now we have a tie. which historical figure is credited with starting one of the first volunteer fire departments in the u.s. was it benjamin franklin -- >> benjamin franklin. >> that is correct. >> oh, however, this is a real conundrum. you are not supposed to buzz in before but we did give it to you. they did it too. i believe control room, can you weigh in? >> mcallen is the winner. >> oh, yes. yes. >> 5-alarm firefighter challenge. >> that means, unfortunately, tacoma, washington, goes in the dunk tank. >> bye. >> oh, here we go. >> uh-oh. [ sirens ] >> you guys were great sports. we thank you so much. congratulations. >> excellent job. >> give me a high-five. >> incredible dancing. incredible -- >> be right back. >> and big prize coming up. great job, everybody. >> you guys did a great job. [ sirens ] ♪ ♪ looking for some hot stuff "good morning america" brought to you by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. >> what a fierce competition. before we go, we have the check for the winners of our 5-alarm firefighter challenge courtesy of disney's "planes: fire & rescue" plus golden fire hats for each of you. congratulations. >> actually want to ask a question. why did the girl have to go in the dunk tank? >> you volunteered? >> i trusted them. >> with my life. >> that's true. >> the least you could do was keep her dry. you guys were great and gave it your all. so game. we thank you all so much for competing. and to all of our firehouses around the country, it's been awesome. >> thank you, thank you. >> really great. hey, tomorrow on "good morning america," neil patrick harris and dane cook are with us. >> so much to get to. hey, stay dry. warm up. >> lucky guy. >> congratulations to our winners. have a great day, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh. >> i did not know that was coming. >> live from the abc seven broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning, everyone. are --ope the roads >> we still have our beltway delays on the topside side coming from 95 toward georgia avenue. new hampshire avenue. still pretty solid coming from 95 to georgia avenue. earlier incident on the westbound freeway near the third street tunnel. our camera near main avenue. east bound along the other side moving a little slow. some slow traffic on the clara barton parkway. might have been short coming. we are hoping -- work someme time to outdoor time into your schedule for today. maybe lunch outside. dew point is low in the 50's. the breeze drawing in the cooler conditions. 60's in the suburbs. 72 in d.c. highs in the mid to low 80's. 10 degrees below average. tomorrow looks great, too. mid 80's and a few thunderstorms by the weekend. has notd malley announced if you will run for president. he does say he raised nearly $800,000 in the second quarter of this year. -- martin o'malley. he is scheduled to leave office in january. thanks for watching. we will be back at noon. announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, film, television, and broadway actor, zach braff, and star of the series, "cedar cove," andie macdowell. plus, anderson cooper joins kelly at the co-host desk. ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] kelly: thank you. thank you very much. [applause] hi!

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