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Balance those objectives, and then it needs to look at capabilities, what type of force structure do you need, the delivery systems, but also the warheads and the maintenance of the nuclear complex, and finally, it has to look at cost. How do you look for ways to save money . Where additional investment is required . Those are some version of the main components. Who works on this . Its right out of the pentagon, but in the past, there are levels of outside input that comes in. Rebecca generally, its been led by the pentagon but with varying degrees of involvement from interagency. Took on aocument broader scope. It strategy was a bit broader. It involved more of our inner agency partners, as well as international partners. Aaron what is the benefit of that and maybe the drawback . Review lets you get ideas upfront, bring stakeholders in, and inevitably, they are a little less surprised and more on board in the end. Drawbacks . It can be a bit cumbersome. It can move slower when youve got people to work with. Aaron pentagon reviews are known for being speedy and easy, generally. Rebecca right. Aaron lets go to today. The Trump Administration has launched its First Nuclear posture review, and thats about all we know. During the president ial campaign and since President Trump was inaugurated, the president has said on number of things about Nuclear Weapons that republicans and democrats have found deeply concerning and also raises questions about whether the president appreciates the Nuclear Weapons pose. What President Trump has said since the election has done little to clear up that uncertainty or concern. A likely wildcard in the coming Nuclear Posture review will be secretary of defense james mattis. Hes a marine. He was not brought up in Nuclear Weapons culture within the military and within the pentagon. He has said a number of things in the past that suggest he has thought seriously about the key money on of spending the nuclear policy, and as this moves forward, he is more likely to be a check on proposals to go beyond the status quo in terms of the Nuclear Modernization or to radically change longstanding policy. This will be a key dynamic to watch play out. Aaron he part because theres not a lot of language. Theres not a timetable for when this needs to be done , and theres not a lot of people in the pentagon. Rebecca a number of key positions in the pentagon and state department and energy department, the National Security administration, which have played a key role in the npr, have yet to be filled, and it remains to be seen how long it will take until those positions will be filled. As an executive order there was an executive order that said the review should be completed by 2018, but that language was not present in the final executive order. Aaron lets talk about the politics. When the Obama Administration did its last npr, they came out with recommendations to modernizing submarines, potentially warheads, a total revamp of Nuclear Posture. Congress has b democrats have backed that, but that is built on a consensus that there is push and pull. Give me a layout of some of the politics involved. Rebecca there was a consensus that was established between the executive branch and congress as part of the new start ratification process. It went forward with ratifying the treaty but also included the modernization of the three major elements of our nuclear triad. That consensus was sort of developed in that 2010 timeframe and has held together carefully a somewhatwhat fragile way until today. The trick is that consensus can be frayed from either the left or the right, either a push to not follow through with modernization on one of the key elements, but similarly, too many new things, or to threaten, for emp road in terms of new capabilities or warheads. Both sides can start to pull blocks out of the agenda the jenga game. Aaron lets talk about new start. Reports thaten President Trump is not interested in extending new start. What would be the situations where new start would be shaky . It would have significant implications, and the implications would be almost entirely negative. The new start treaty is an extreme benefit to u. S. National security, puts a cap on Nuclear Forces in russia, provides for verification provisions to ensure compliance with the agreement, and any effort to undo the agreement or suggest that the administration is not interested in an replace new start when it expires in 2021 would negatively impact u. S. Security and negatively impact an already shaky Global Nuclear order. On the political side, as rebecca mentioned, there is a fragile consensus around the current Nuclear Modernization plan, and moving forward with arms control. I would say on the modernization side, the budget environment has changed significantly since that consensus, that agreement was reached around new start. Said, if there is an effort to pull back from new start, i think you are likely to see Many Democrats and also some republicans who will be deeply concerned by that moved. I think that will raise qu the modernization project. Were family. Wed do anything for each other. But this time. Those bonds were definitely tested. Frog leg, for my baby brother dont frogs have like, two legs . So they should have two of these . Since im active duty and shes family, i was able to set my sister up with a sweet membership from navy federal. If you hold it closer, it looks bigger. Eat your food my big sis likes to make tiny food. And im okay with that. Open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. Navy federal credit union. Aaron welcome back to defense news. In early january, air force times was given access to u. S. Air forces base in the middle east. Reporter Stephen Losey talked with some of the forces leading the fight against isis. He looks at the role ultimately, our strategy is to defeat daesh and to get them iraqsiraq and restore ability to take care of their citizens and their country. how is the United States going to do that . We are doing that by supporting the Iraqi Armed Forces both in the air and by advise and assist missions on the ground, embedding ourselves at the tactical level and strategic level, assisting them in their operations. 386th contribute to the effort . The way the 386th contributes inthe fight against isil iraq, this aircraft you see behind me, we airlift support, passengers and cargo to help facilitate forces. We have electronic attack aircraft here, the ec130, supporting the fight. We have Intelligence Surveillance and reconnaissance, as well as strike missions. Ephen right now, one of the big efforts is the battle for most. Can you talk about how the 386th could be contributing to the effort to Liberate Mosul . Is supporting both from carrying the army what they need on the ground to help facilitate the forces there, as well as overhead with the m q1s and mq9s. Stephen right now, the battle for mosul is one of the most major conflicts in the war against the Islamic State. Can you talk to us about where that battle stands now and how its going . As of now come it stands right where we thought it was going to be. The iraqis are doing what their plan was. They are in the position they planned on being in. Its progressing. Its progressing pretty good. Isil. Are advancing against they are continuing with their operations. They are actually more synchronized and coordinated with all of their forces across the fight. They have recently resumed operations against is against after a pause. Can you tell us about that pause and why it was necessary . As we are looking at the operation, as any operation, there are certain waypoints, if you will, where the fight takes us. Those are tied to technical terrain. They are tied to points on the ground. As we move the fight across, as we synchronize that fight across , that leads to a natural tactical pause. That is what we did with the mosul fight. That is with the iraqis did. They advanced into mosul. They reach the objective they were going for, and that is why they took the tactical pause, to reposition to get in the right positions and get where they need to be to continue the fight. Thats what they did. Aaron what kind of assets are the iraqis using in the battle for mosul . They are a combined fight. They are bringing everything they have to bear on isil. Theyve got aviation. Theyve got artillery. Isil. E taking it to stephen how long is the battle for mosul likely to take, and what are the next steps . Right now, the government of iraq is anticipating it will take about two more months. What we are looking at now is the current fight we are in, it will probably take us all the way to the river, which would be , anonst side of mosul tactical pause. Stephen how is the fight likely to change as the Islamic State has smaller and smaller territory within mosul . Is the fighting likely to get even tougher . What is the Iraqi Military likely to encounter there that previous city battles have shown . As we see what happened previously right outside of ramadi, its going to be a tough fight. As they start losing control of the areas, they will fight. An urban fight itself is a very tough fight. We anticipate they will continue the fight all the way until they mosul, and they will probably fall back into western mosul and continue to build up their defenses, in mosul. If we see the same things that ,appened in fallujah and ramadi we think they will continue to use ieds of all shapes and s and, personborne ied houseborne ieds, as well. As we look at the fight, iraqis read the fight. Theyve got the assets on the ground. As a military, as we come and assist, we advise and assist in their operations. We bring in the expertise to train their forces. We bring in the expertise to equip their forces, and we support them with indirect fire. Aviation fires. Assist. Aaron after the break, a closer aaron welcome back to defense news. Before the break, Stephen Losey brought us a segment on u. S. Support for operations in iraq. Now we take a closer look at the role of Electronic Warfare in the fight against isis. Behind me is the aircraft 5th Electronic Force in arizona. It jams communication and radar in area of operations. Out here in the fight against daesh, our job is to prevent the strategic and tactical level for daesh commanders to court made attacks. If you cant talk, you cant fight. It is that simple. There are four deployed in support of the operations. In support of our iraqi allies and Coalition Partners in the effort to defeat daesh. Stephen how long has it been deployed out here . Have been continuously deployed in support of centcom operation since 2004, but in our history, we have been deployed in every conflict the United States has fought in. Aaron how are you contributing to the fight against the Islamic State . Every day, we are fighting in support of our allies. Day. That every single we are preventing them from executing against our iraqi allies as we support the freedom of their country. Part of the way we do that is communications jamming. We have outstanding operators who are working to dig out what their mission is to find and fix and locate daesh communication notes on board th. On the aircraft, i have linguists. Their weapon is language. Their ability to tell me what daesh is doing allows me as an Electronic Warfare officer to prioritize their effects and operations in support of our iraqi aillies. Stephen right now, the battle for mosul is one of the biggest operations. Is the ec130 participating, and if so, how are you helping . Its a low density, high demand asset. We are also low density, high demand when it comes to our operations. We are always in demand for how high priority operations. Aaron such as the mosul fi ght . I cant comment on where we are operating. Stephen how do they use commercial, offtheshelf technology to try to stay ahead of you guys . I cant speak to their tactics. They are clever. If it radiates, they will use it. Every commander wants to be able to command and control his forces from the strategic, down to the tactical level. They are very clever. They are a very good adversary. Our guys are just a little bit better. Stephen how old is this aircraft, and how old are the systems . This aircraft behind us is a 1973. Theyre older than a lot of the people watching this show right now. When my other aircraft is a 1964. Onboard the aircraft, its been modified several times over the decades. The average age is variant depending on the Weapon System we are talking about. Stephen these are essentially vietnamera airplanes . Absolutely. The Technology Inside is very sophisticated. It is updated. The beauty of this aircraft, what makes this aircraft awesome, is how flexible it is. The aircraft is old, and it does required some love from our maintenance guys often. Stephen are there ever any challenges maintaining the more uptodate Electronic Warfare technology with the older airframe . From its very beginning, Electronic Warfare has always been a game of cat and mouse. Its always been our job to find them, fix them, and be able to destroy them. That is what our operators do every single day. Daesh is a very clever enemy. We are j we are creating massive chaos and confusion in their ability to coordinate a fight against our iraqi allies. Im very proud of our team. Stephen can you walk me through the process, how it works when you guys get paul get called upon . Its a rather dynamic process. Sometimes, you know your target. There is support on the ground, ir. There is support in the ar a targets are than destroyed. Stephen can you give me an example of a specific mission you and your fellow pilots have flown when fighting the Islamic State . There are deliberate and dynamic targets. They can range from any of value torget isis. It could be ieds, weapons caches, vehicles personnel, anything of military value that we say, we are here to destroy isis. Stephen how do you measure success against an adversary such as isis . The best way to do that is to count the number of targets destroyed, but a lot of the gains come back to territory, and 50 of that territory has been returned to the government of iraq and the land that belongs to the people. Aaron on this weeks money expert personal finance jeanette mac explains what a 2017 is the right year to buy a car. Jeanette intelligence is the cornerstone of military operations. It is what gives power to strategies in the field. With the recent moves in the Interest Rate and economy, its easy to question buying a new car, but with a little intel, you will be able to gauge the road ahead. The Federal Reserve will raise the benchmark Interest Rate by 25 basis points. What does that mean for you . It means with average 20,000 car could cost you a next are two dollars a month over the span of a fiveyear loan. The increased sound small, but rates may rise again, so buying your car sooner than later could save you interest paid overtime. Your current vehicle come if you have one, should influence your purchase. Repairs on older cars can be expensive when that money could be going towards a new car. If your ride has seen better days, a new or preowned car is a great option. Dont forget to get preapproved for added buying power at the dealership. With preparation, the money for financing, you will find the car that is right for you. Aaron when we orders were coming at us rapidfire. Things were touchandgo. It really couldve gone either way. But i had a decision to make. Pancakes, or bacon and eggs . We decided to go with pancakes. Because well, lola can be a real five year old home. You gotta love it. And its all thanks to my fantastic mortgage from navy federal. Its not called the mess hall for nothing. Open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. Navy federal credit union. Aaron throughout february, military times has celebrated the black history month. Over the coming weeks, defense news Untold Stories of heroism by africanamericans throughout military history. Here is one of those stories. Kathy williams with the first africanamerican woman to enlist in the army. 1844 to a free man and a slave, kathy was a slave herself. At 17, she was forced to work as a cook and launderer during the civil war and witness the battle of the red river campaign. Postconflict, earning a living was difficult for many living free africanamericans like kathy. Wanting to make a career for herself, kathy decided to enlist in the army. She was assigned to the allblack legion. Williams contracted smallpox and was hospitalized. Yet her gender remain hidden for almost two years until a surg exposed her. She was immediately discharge from the military. Martin delaney was born in charleston, West Virginia to an enslaved father and free mother. He moved north to pennsylvania where he learned to read and write. In 1833, martin began an apprenticeship with the pittsburgh physician and opened a successful medical practice. He began publishing a newsletter and later joined Frederick Douglass to aid publications in rochester, new york. Delaney recruited thousands of men to the union army. Martin persuaded president lincoln to create an allblack or led by africanamerican officers. Delaney was commissioned a major , making him the first black line officer in u. S. Army history. Hethe postwar years, contributed to civil rights for african americans. Hes considered by many to be the father of black nationalism. Aaron for more stories from military times black history month, go to militarytimes. Com blackhistory. That is it for this weeks defense news. For more on the latest, visit defensenews. Com. Thanks for joining us. I am aaron mehta. [music] dr. Charles stanley as long as you and i are alive, we have the responsibility of being fruitful all the days of our life. And i wonder sometimes if some people shorten their life because theyre not useful. They come to the point in life and they say, well, im fiftyfive and ive got sixtytwo, lets see, ive got seven more years to live and then im finished. Let me tell you something. When you tell your body that youre finished, your body begins to break down. Male announcer next on in touch how to stay and useful all your life. Announcer to get even more from dr. Stanleys message today, use any smartphone,

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