Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20170207 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20170207

schools.rt of charter attend d.c. students charter schools. but even here, many describe a great unknown. >> warm and cold currents. hands. ten >> it's the sixth grade earth science class. generalized the instruction that she had in her more school, now it's specific. >> she's thriving in this public charter school >> she likes that especially t's something that she's interested in then i'm happy. >>reporter: about 40,000 schools attend charter in the district. the total cost about 700 to taxpayers.n for about $10,000 for student >> my hope is that the federal overnment, the department of education will recognize that it's working well here and will further support what we're doing. > keep this 21st century style of education going. >> i'm not sure if it's the uture but i think it's a great thing. >> and administrators say they've gotten support from both the obama and bush toinistrations and they want keep this going. even with devos' confirmation today, donald trump's cabinet still is mostly empty. the confirmation process for h slowest in modern history. politics or something more? we're going to take a look at that question. >> happening now, search teams are looking for anyone who may still be trapped after this the do touched down in eastern part of new orleans. more than two dozen people were urt in the midday tornado but there are no reported deaths. the storm caused significant and businesses. several people were also hurt in of tornado near baton rouge. meanwhile back here at home the exact opposite of severe weather. everywhere you went today we saw eople out enjoying the record breaking warm temperatures. and the warmth isn't going away winter will make a comeback. a quick look. >> the warmth will be with us tomorrow and thursday morning but check these records today. reagan igh of 73 at national. 72 at are still crazy warm at this hour. 70 in leesburg. 64 in washington. breezy the day tomorrow, and warm. upper 60s. colder air arrives tomorrow night. tomorrow vernight night into thursday morning area of low pressure approaches likely to have rain and then areas of snow. it should be kind of wet and sloppy. temperatures may be too warm for accumulations in the metro area but certainly further north and west of washington accumulation and thursday it will be out of here. the weekend in a few minutes for you united and delta airlines issuing travel waivers ahead of thursdays wintery weather. you can stay connected round the with our weather team online or using the app. only on 7, methodist hospital monday county's fire of a becomes the victim crime because of a simple mistake a lot of kevin lewis shows us what police quickly made an arrest. >>reporter: over 5,000 emergency calls -- montgomery county's fire chief is used to tackling but not crime. that changed last month when thieves accused home.sed his his garage door was possibly pen allowing the men to tiptoe inside and ransack his bright red fire department suv which was unlocked. say the men snagged dispatch emergency macbook pro.pad and neighbors say the same thieves into neighbor's truck too. officers tracked the crooks gps technology linked to the stolen >> double check that everything is locked. world is dangerous. that's what we're growing up in crime. >> speaking with us off camera late this afternoon, the chief told us that police were able to all the stolen items except for a portable internet to this one worth $100. still ahead, she's being but this angel almost wasn't there the day she saved a man's life. of events that put her in the right place at the right time. unprecedented. it's a word we're hearing a lot lately. cabinet isnt trump's seeing unprecedented delays in the u.s. senate lady t first, the first standing to profit from her role as the president's wife? from her lawsuit over unfounded claims she was once a prostitute. u the health center. health month art and doctors are standing by to answer any questions you might have. 703-236-9220. they're answering questions. it's going did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. a manhunt is going on tonight after a murder took place at a gas station. argument at the exxon across the treet from the addison road metro station. the men apparently knew each other according to police. so far, no arrests have been made word tonight on the condition of a man shot by police in southeast d.c. this morning. opened fire after police said the man refused to drop his weapon after robbing a woman. happened around 8:00 o'clock on good hope road. you see in this video belongs to a witness who umped off and ran for cover during the incident. police don't believe the suspect ired at officers a federal appeals court in san francisco right now is arguments for and against reinstating the president's controversial travel ban. the justice department and washington state each have 30 minutes to present their case before the judge. three-judge panel could then rule at any time. seven vel ban from majority muslim countries has been on hold since friday the first a once in a lifetime opportunity millions of dollars while one of the most world.raphed women in the that's a quote. that claim is at the center of a refiled lawsuit against the trump argues her personal brand was damaged by an article worked as an escort in the 90s. the lawsuit comes as settles a defamation suit brought by trump for a substantial sum. just ahead, is it politics or something else? trump's cabinet picks are seeing delays never seen in modern history. how do you thank an angel. > and a family meets the angel who saved their husband and father. the decision that, that hero position put her in a to save a life. 60s to snow? doug hill breaks down old man winter's comeback affect your commute ahead. z231zz zi0z y231zy yi0y [car[clicking of ignition]rt] wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] ♪ dramatic opera music swells from radio ♪ [howling continues] yays are 50. nays are 50. the senate vote in ended with the vice president deciding vote to confirm betsy devos as the education secretary. 24-hour protest against devos. even with her confirmation though, president trump is still confirmation on the majority of his cabinet. have some perspective on his delays. ion >>reporter: an historic move on the hill. as president pence serving tie breaker to confirm education secretary betsy devos. prime example of the uphill battle for trump's team. >> i think the democrat strategy to hese people all want change things. we need to slow them down so the change. act >> president trump has the secretaries t confirmed at this point than any other president since george washington. fact, going into this week, only six nominees were okayed. secretaries were confirmed at this point in his of george w. 16 bushes. >> i think the tone is going to into or more bitter going the future. both parties have put everything defcon at a level of it is. matter what >>reporter: as time races by, so do opportunities. they can't getid uch done to repeal and replace obamacare until tom price is confirmed. o both sides going to congressional offices and air waves for public pressure. >> call your senator. democrats insist the delays are over qualifications politics but an there could also be pay back in there too. reme of merrick garland who never got a hearing. and breaking right now, video of betsy being sworn in as the secretary of education. s we mentioned, she was narrowly confirmed today. this is video of mike pence speaking. that tie se cast breaking vote in order for her to be confirmed. the one swearing her in, in just a few moments. this was very contentious. >> the clock now is ticking in the special election in the city because voters there are picking a new mayor. the previous mber mayor resigned after being arrested on charges of selling methamphetamine for sex. polls close tonight at 7:00 o'clock it's not often you come face-to-face with an angel. today though, the family of a man who nearly died at a metr his life. a week ago the father of two cardiac arrest and collapsed on the braddock road hour. platform during rush he heard somebody ask is okay. compulsion to a him. >> that hero, deborah anderson, cpr topolice officer used keep him alive. anderson says she normally take the metro but decided to take it that day because she was running late. saved is recovering from surgery. heros in o meet his person and thank them very soon. >> good for her matters.h giving you a chance to talk to people who save lives for a every single right now cardiologists and other medical experts a your calls to answer about heart health. have a question, it's a free resource. call.hem a {703}236-9220. phone lines those open until 6:30 tonight get oday was the die to your heart rate up outside exercising. >> you would not get cold. >> no. sure. you're not going to get cold tonight either because it's still warm at this hour. conditions around the area now. high clouds overhead. the temperature in washington, 64 degrees. that was our record high today. lot.we bested that by a 73 is the actual high. temperatures will stay in the 50s. numbers look at the here. officially 73 the high today set backthe old record in 2008. 48 for the morning low. 30 is our average. numbers well above where they even at this hour pepper.2 degrees in cull 65 in annapolis. 64 at reagan national so tonight we'll have some around. breezy and mild. now, there's a fair amount of rain to the west but all lot of this re a drys up heading eastward but there could be a few showers in overnight. we'll mention that in the forecast. to lows, 50 anywhere in that range is still ell above average for high temperatures. now we get to tomorrow and we'll have some sunshine and clouds. day.s about it through the still breezy and mild and we'll get well into the 60s. 60s, we'll wait to see but anywhere between 63 and 67 is a possibility. night clouds thicken and thursday morning not that far from now a couple of things progress. first a cold front will pass through ushering in colder air west.he north and a storm system approaches from the southwest. now further north of the washington area. closer to sunrise on that hursday, we'll see hears of snow. temperatures warming t metro area. then it gets colder we think as towards 8:39 in the morning. temperatures, the surface of the air, i don't think we're going to have a lot of problems at all in the metro area. mostly grassy accumulations. so rain, snow, both. clearing out quickly in the and we'll be good to go after that. ere's the temperature trend continuing. 67 tomorrow. thursday morning, a 90% chance the ow, rain, or both with best chance of anything significant well north and west of washington. 42 for a high. cold on friday. 39. but look at the weekend warmup. 58 saturday with sunshine. on sunday. in the next week, still very mild turning a little bit closer o normal temperatures here as we head through wednesday, thursday, and what does fearless look like? what does it feel like? does fearless age? or does it simply grow... stronger? fearless looks a little different to us all. but with a new carefirst medplus medigap plan, you can find yours. call now to speak with a medigap specialist in your area, and discover the strength and security of a plan with low affordable rates, and the option to add dental and vision coverage. even a fitness program at no extra cost. call a medigap specialist now to learn more. and get the support to find the answers, to every fearless question. carefirst medplus. live fearless. the georgetown men's basketball team has its most game of the d season tonight against the defending national champs, villanova. nova's senior class is led by chris jenkins. this is going to be a daunting as ther georgetown games at villanova. for the e a challenge hoyas but they know it's not impossible. you have to meet their energy. you have to meet their aggression. reason why they're the national champions and only lost a couple of games this year. we can beat them. the guys know that. they see what we can do. now we have to go do it patriots took a victory lap through boston today after their incredible super bowl over the falcons on sunday. the city of boston is no tranger to these championship parades at this point. but that doesn't stop all these showing up every time the duck boats roll through the city. it's new england's fifth super owl since 2001, super bowl title. but each parade seems to be a little more shall i say lively last one. >> i told you we're going to home.t it capitals go -- >> wonder what the falcons are doing now? rooms. eir > getting much needed counseling. >> that was brutal. >> tomorrow a nice day in the pper 60s and tomorrow night colder with rain developing. maybe snow in some areas thursday morning. colder there. chilly on friday. teve in at 11:00 to talk about the cold front that will start the return of old man winter sounds good. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. tonight, breaking news. the legal showdown at this hour. the arguments to restore president trump's immigration ban now under way. the president's high-stakes battle to reinstate his executive order. after taking aim at the judge, saying if anything happens blame him and the courts. the showdown on capitol hill tonight. the historic tie-breaker that played out today. the vice president steps in to save education nominee betsy devos. the state of emergency. several tornadoes. multiple injuries. the pictures coming in from the scene. and now the major snow storm moving into the east. the urgent manhunt at this hour, and new developments as we come on. are authorities zeroing in on the suspects? wanted after three murders across two states.

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Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Washington , San Francisco , California , Kevin Lewis , Deborah Anderson , Doug Hill , Chris Jenkins , George Washington , Betsy Devos ,

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