Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20170116 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20170116

because in the midst of this a big fire started. they had to put that out. a two-alarm suspect presumably started by the suspect but still under investigation. reporting live in herndon, fairfax county, i'm tom roussey. abc7 news. jonathan: thanks. we are now four days away from the inauguration of president-evidence lecht trump. the historic swearing in is expected to bring hundreds of thousands of people to washington. maureen: the crowds will keep d.c. businesses on their toes. tonight, they are getting ready for a surge of customers. abc7 has team coverage of the inauguration throughout the week. jonathan: richard reeve joins us live with the preparations happening now. there is a lot going on. richard: there is. they are talking about as many as a million people visiting the area. it will have a huge impact. you can see the signage. there are a lot of things this week. i want to show you something unusual. look at this. concrete barriers on a street corner outside a insidewise guy pizza controlled chaos. >> crazy busy. besides regular customers. >> outside, two prices of concrete. the price of security. >> the barricade is a pain. it's right in front of our door. >> this is where i live. it's strange. >> hemmed in by the paircade. closed roads and parking headaches. >> we are trapped. >> as in the past inaugurals, huge numbers are expected. this year's back-to-back inauguration on friday and the women's march on saturday means the crowd estimates of up to a million. >> every four years is a big party here. >> undivision closed big bucks for john royce. who is installing 4,600 green crowds on the mall. >> it allow the light through so the crass can photosynthesize as it recovers. >> wise guy expects double the normal people on friday. >> we have a toilet line that goes all the way out there. >> pizza slice here. the concrete barrier here. just imagine 1,500 people a day. authorities are also telling her chants they have to shut down, stop taking deliveries after wednesday. as this area gets sealed off. reporting live from northwest washington, richard reeve, abc7 news. maureen: stay with abc7 on air and online for continuing inaugural coverage all week. jonathan? >> new video in the newsroom. marchers are out in -- tonight protesting president-elect trump. it started at the square metro station. they are still on the streets as we speak. maureen: georgia congressman john lewis spoke out for the first time after a feud with donald donald trump. last week the civil rights icon said he would not attend the inauguration because he doesn't believe trump is as he put at it legitimate president. that unleashed criticism from trump. today lewis did not mention trump specifically but encouraged bravery in the face of adversity. >> i said to you as role models, never give up. never give in. stand up, speak up. when you see something not right, not fair, not just. you have a moral obligation to do something, say something and not be quiet. maureen: lewis is a civil rights icon who walked alongside martin luther king jr. in 1965 to lead a voting rights march in selma, alabama. he was death by the alabama state troopers in the demonstration. jonathan: today the president-elect met in private with martin luther king iii. the son of the slain civil rights leader said the meeting focus only voting rights and he will make sure that trump follows through on the promise to represent all americans. and king weighed in on the back and forth with congressman lewis. >> things get said on both sides in the heat of emotion. at some point in this nation we have to move forward. people are literally probably dying. we need to be talking about how do we feed people. how do we clothe people? how do we create the best education system? jonathan: king said the president-elect was receptive to the idea of providing free voter identification cards to all americans. maureen: vice president elect mike pence also honored martin luther king jr. today. we were there as he visited the m.l.k. memorial along the tidal basin. he took a moment to shake hands with the people there. we tu the forecast, some rain moving in the region. let's get the timeline on the somehow -- thank you, doug. jonathan: thank you. maureen: still ahead on "abc7 news at a frederick county school worker is fired over a tweet. the misspelling that triggered the controversy and how the worker is defending herself. jonathan: and searching for a killer months after the death of a d.n.c. worker. the new tool that is launched to solve the murder of seth rich. plus -- >> a d.c. man suffering a major asthma attack is found inside his apartment not breathing. today, he meets the heros who saved his life. i'm ryan hughes. with the emotional reunion coming up. z231zz zi0z y231zy yi0y maureen: this is a preview at a billboard aimed to find out who killed seth rich. and i-team investigator scott taylor obtained the image today. artwork will appear on billboard and bus stop in the blooming pale neighborhood where seth rich was shot to death last year. also tonight a new website launched to help track down the killer. jonathan: developing now, searching for a suspect after a woman and a man shot on elvan read this morning. the man is expected to recover. police believe this was a shoot-out. the motive at this point is what is unknown. maureen: a frederick county public schools employee has been fired because of a tweet. now she i katie nash was let go from the social media job because of the way she responded to a student's tweet about a possible snow day. the staunt spelled "tomorrow" wrong in the tweet. nash responded, "but how would you learn how to spell 'tomorrow'?" the twitter users seem to like her humor creating #katie from fcps. the student's father sent her a note saying he appreciated the message. jonathan: gene cernan has died. he was the last man who walk on the man's surface. after leaving nasa he advocated for the robust space exploration saying he never walk on the moon. he was 82 years old. coming up for us at "abc7 news at 6:00" -- he may have been moments from death. but today he is showing gratitude for those who saved his life. the emotional thank you on the martin luther jr. day. maureen: rain in the forecast but molder temperatures on the way. doug is back with a complete storm watch forecast next. now a look at what is coming up tomorrow on "good morning washington." >> thank you, maureen. tomorrow on "good morning washington" the countdown to the inauguration is on. what kine of role will melania trump play as the first lady and how different will she be from the others in the past? answers may surprise you. >> i am talking one-on-one with kerry washington. >> stay with us for traffic and weather every ten minutes starting at 4:24 a.m. tame on did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable 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and justice. some, though, questioned president-elect donald trump's commitment to both after his criticism of congressman john lewis. everyone there however called for unity and a brighter future. jonathan: new at 6:00, one man's gratitude to first responders. maureen: a severe asthma attack nearly killed him but months later he is thanking the people who brought him back to life. jonathan: ryan hughes reports the life-savers happened to be from a fire station on martin luther king jr. avenue. ryan: engine 25 responds to dozens of calls each day but the first responders don't always learn the outcome. >> they brought me back from the dead. i was dead for five minutes. ryan: but today, martin paid a surprise visit to the s thanking the men and women who saved his life. >> that's all i want, keeping me on this earth. thank you so much. ryan: robert has been battling asthma for 27 years and woke up suffering a severe attack. he asked his sister for the breathing machine but it didn't work. >> he was like, "this is it." he passed out. >> they responded to the apartment minutes away. they found him slumped over a table. he had no pulse and they started working quickly to bring him back to life. >> the next thing he remembers is being in an ambulance spending three days in the hospital. >> i don't have anything but i can show you my love and my appreciation. you saved my life. you put your life on hold to save another life. >> one-by-one he handed out c.p.r. coins and certificate of the appreciation for the team's rapid response. >> good to see what the outcome is. this is positive outcome. >> he is making the most of the >> people who take life for granted, just cherish life and cherish those who love you and love their life. ryan hughes, abc7 news. maureen: what a great way to say thank you. doug: absolutely. maureen: it was rather cloudy. not too bad today but not great either. doug: it wasn't great. but there wasn't steady rain for the parade. >> you would hear about it. doug: tomorrow is a different story. the rain will be widespread in the morning and it will affect the commute. get busy with the weather story on monday. the official high to get you occasionally we do the start to show where we are with the average. 43 is the average high. the morning low was 38. ten degrees above average. above average you will hear about the winter temperatures for a long time. there are no signs right now at least with ten days of getting anything close to wintertime temperatures here. we are going to be significantly warmer. first things first. tonight lower 40's. we showers earlier. another batch later. then in the morning the rain moving in from the west. a good chance you have to deal with it on the morning on the drive to work. the doppler radar shows most is north of the metro washington area lifting north and east because of the southerly winds pushing them that way. there are more showers coming across west virginia. they are here now. it might be 10:30, 11:00 when they get in. this is a warm front. as warm front approaching tomorrow most of this rain makes a run on the area as well. once the rain ends and the front clears the area, the southerly winds will push the temperatures to the mid-50's. 504, -- 54, 55 tomorrow. we have rain in the area for the morning rush. rain at times through the midday. then the afternoon clears out. cold front comes through tomorrow evening another batch of showers and then we sit pretty for a couple of days. high pressure moves in from the west. a westerly high this year, it's not dragging air in out of it's continental air so it's warmer than average temperatures. stack them up side-by-side. 54 tomorrow with the rain in morning and in the evening. glimmer of sun in the afternoon. partly sunny, 58 on wednesday. partly sunny, 54 on thursday. ten to 15 degrees above average for the highs. looking ahead to friday for the inauguration, cloudy. temperatures may hit 50. upper 40's. rain will move in the area. we think it will be the midday to the afternoon. we will check the timing as it gets closer for you. in the meantime, we give you a look at the next ten days. check out the numbers. they all start with a five for highs through inauguration day and the weekend. after friday's rain the next chance is late sunday and monday. then we will stay partly sunny with the temperatures continuing in the 50's through next thursday. that is ten. count them. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. ten days of temperatures tha jonathan: what has gotten into him? john wall is playing out of his head. robert: he wants to be an all-star. it looks like someone wants to be an all-star this year. after watching today there is no doubt he will play in new orleans. we will show you why next in sports. isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed... you wanna check yours? scores don't change that much. i haven't changed. oh, really? ♪ it's girls' night they said business casual. i 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the blazers. bradley beal gets two of the 25 here with the two-handed slam. making a case for the best backcourt in league right now. the wizards win 120-101, improving to 21-19 on the season. erin: 12 straight home wins. how does that sound? >> it's great. the crowd has been amazing for us. playing well throughout. just got off to >> we want to be a great team and have the home court. when the bluff time comes around. these are the things preparing for down the line. >> we have a good home court advantage. 12 in a row. >> yes. robert: the defending champly cup champs taking on the caps. the penguins. caps are hot. winning the ninth straight to beat flyers 5-0 for the second straight shut out. they are shutting out. not shooting out. nathan elias, thank you for the line. caps have the best record in hockey. 29-5-5 with 63 points. the buck drops tonight at 7:00. the cubs were at the white house after winning the world series. president obama loved this. saying he is a chicago guy he leaves. it's funny, though, because the president is a southside guy. i don't know how i feel about that. the redskins interview bills defensive coordinator rob ryan for their own defensive coordinator position. >> you are talking to napoli. he was there with the red sox when they won the series. a few times. >> frequent white house visitor. jonathan: thank you. maureen: sir? doug: well, the story is mild weather for ten days. this is crazy when you think about it. for the next ten days -- maureen: it's january, right? doug: it is! then it will be february. it will turn colder in february. the story tonight is cloudy with a few showers. 40 degrees. tomorrow rain in the morning could end in the afternoon with the nighttime showers of 54. partly sunny on wednesday. 58. steve rudin will have more about the timing of the rain and looking ahead for the inauguration day forecast at 11:00. maureen: "world news tonight" with david muir up next. jonathan: thank you for watching. see you tonight at 11:00. bp engineers use robotic ultrasound technology, so they can detect and repair corrosion before it ever becomes a problem. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. there are times when it's nice that things go up. and it's sometimes even better when things go down. novec, a not-for-profit electric cooperative, provides wholesale power to its customers at cost any changes in that cost are passed along through an annual power cost adjustment on bills. the average home's power bill from novec will again go down in 2017 by nearly $11 a month. making down a very good direction for power bills. there are times when it's nice that things go up. and it's sometimes even better tonight, the deadly ice storm. 16 states dangerous and deadly collisions on the highway. cars losing control from colorado to maine. the tornado in houston and a major new storm moving in. under arrest tonight, the wife now in custody. her husband was the pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people. she was already confronted with surveillance. the war of words tonight between president-elect donald trump and civil rights hero, congressman john lewis. what lewis said just today, and mr. trump on another issue tonight, promising health care for everybody. americans i don't think the injured. the 747 slamming into a village. authorities on the possible cause tonight.

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