Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20160414 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20160414

as the trooper was seated in the vehicle with the emergency equipment activated. brad: then incredibly another vehicle comes along and pushes that car even farther in the trooper's car. he was trapped inside as we said. suffering critical injuries. now, the big question, what was up with that driver that seemed to flee an accident and then crash into the trooper? we are told that it is possible that charges will be filed against him. he, too, now is hospitalized. in lanham, brad bell, abc7 news. maureen: thank you. things are back to normal on metro after a train stopped moving in an underground tunnel. a new 7000 series train stopped right before the rosslyn station. riders said the train started to rattle and then became immobile. the riders were taken off. no one was hurt. the train has been removed and an investigation will now begin. today at the metro board meeting general manager paul wiedefeld said to pay fares is being scrapped. brianne carter is live to explain. brianne: well, that is right. really is what has been focused on this, a cell phone and how you would pay for it. using it to tap on the machine. there were ten of the different machines across the station. now they will be no more. it will be the smart trip for the foreseeable future. today general manager paul wiedefeld said they will not move forward implementing the technology across the system. this pilot program began in 2015 to test the pay by phone and the pay by credit card as well. metro today said they had trouble to get people to sign up for the pilot program and that now looking and analyzing it, enough people just have not adopted that new technology for them to move forward on it. ed the general manager saying there is enough on metro plate. and now is not the time to implement >> in our stations we'd have to have two different gates. half is old card. half with the new card. we have to come one two targets for the different cards. just the complexity of that given everything else that is on the plate right now. i think it's more important we just get the ones out there working well. invest the money in that. brianne: the pilot program costs another $150 million to upgrade all of these. they will use the money instead to upgrade the existing fare gate. to get those up and running as they should be. reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. maureen: metro customer service committee approve adding the national mall to the smithsonian station name and the kennedy center to the foggy bottom station. if approved the district will foot the bill, not metro. the measure goe board for approval. metro will be busy tonight as the d.c. area rocks the red for game one of the caps-flyers playoff series. there is a nats game going on, too. kevin lewis is live outside the verizon center where the puck will drop in about an hour from now. kevin? kevin: make sure to thank doug hill for the perfect weather we are experiencing today. nats playing under perfect sunny skies. if you are coming to the caps game tonight a really beautiful walk from downtown office here to the verizon center. >> the team to win it. of course. ovechkin. obi. for sure it is the year. >> caps. all the way. i'm really excited. i will be more excited when finish the work day to come here for good. i am talking the building. it's just -- i'm stalking the building. it's where i want to be. kevin: the game is set to begin in less than an hour. i want to planning to take metrorail, good news. metro only reporting delays on the yellow line. we are live outside the verizon center. i'm kevin lewis. abc7 news. maureen: early voting in the maryland primary is now underway. the voting began this morning with the people waiting in long lines to cast their ballots. the primary includes races for president, house, senate along with the local races. voters are using paper ballots because there are so many candidates they don't fid on a single touch screen. early voting continues next week. primary day is tuesday april 26. a democratic battle in the big an. for republicans the polls show huge lead for donald trump. machine accuse killed montgomery county officer noah leotta will have a plea hearing. abc7 news is told no plea deal is struck just yet. 47-year-old reluzco could face ten years in prison for vehicular manslaughter after hitting and killing officer leotta last year. the plea hearing is scheduled may 18. next, concern tonight stemming from the dramatic images in the baltimore sea -- baltic sea. why it could signal bigger problems. how the university of virginia remembering yeardley love coming up. >> despite sunshine and the mild temperatures another frost advisory tonight. i will tell you which areas need to be concerned. "abc7 w after this. maureen: we are using a spot crime map to help you see what is happening in the neighborhood. go to and click on the on your side tab. announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 6:00ment" on your side. maureen: a woman who shot a man in sterling this morning is in police custody. 23-year-old emily king is accused of shooting the man after an altercation at a home on east dartmouth drive. king was arrested in prince william county hours after the shooting. the victim was taken to the hospital and is expected to be fine. misidentified the body found in the c&o canal tuesday. 51-year-old osbaldo bernal from arlington. investigators are waiting on the results from the autopsy but they do not suspect anything suspicious. remembering and honoring yeardley love, the university of virginia lacrosse player killed by her boyfriend in 2010. her boyfriend was sentenced to 23 years in prison and has been appealing the conviction ever since. today member of boys latin school of maryland and baltimore are running yard for yeardley. the fundrais yeardley. they hope to educate and empower campus communities. still ahead, an incident sparks an international concern. what world leaders are saying days after a russian plane buzzed u.s. naval destroyer. it feels like spring has finally arrived. doug hill will let us know how long sunny and warm temperatures stay with us. next. scott: i'm scott abraham at the verizon center. the gates are open. look at this. the fines are filing in. game one. caps-flyers. we have a preview coming up in sports. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. ate chbut sierra club chooses jamie raskin for congress because only raskin wrote laws to reduce our carbon footprint and is leading the fight against fracking in maryland. raskin: i'm jamie raskin, and i approve this message. hello! maureen: that is not from a movie. that was a russian fighter jet buzzing a u.s. naval destroyer in international waters. crews filmed this from the deck of their ship in the baltic sea. there was no ammunition on the jet, which made several passes at the destroyer. the white house says it is not overly concerned. that video is one example of what seems to be the number of nations. chief political correspondent scott thuman has the latest on a trifecta of the international concerns. >> below the bridgeway! >> the dramatic images insighting concern. russian attack planes buzzing the uss donald cook. as american sailors are in awe of what they call a simulated attack. the vessel already in the baltic sea as worries grow russia may aspire to take over allieded nations. the white house complaining it's dangerous and becoming too frequent. >> russian military pilots are oning inconsistent with the agreed upon rules between russia and the united states. scott: meantime for the first time the american ships with the philippine military are patrolling the south china sea, highly crucial waterway with china is taking over by literally transforming reefs as seen in this satellite imagery to island with the runway and the option to convert to military basis. retired us. >> there is only one way china prevent us from doing that, if they try to use force to shoot at us and attack us. >> is that a realistic scenario it would occur? >> i don't think so, no. china is not stupid. >> rounding out the trio of concerns reporting from cnn that north korea may be preparing to test a mobile ballistic missile, something it has never done before and could reach u.s. territories like guam. analysts worry kim jong un is becoming more of a threat. >> he is potentially reckless. he is divorced from reality. scott: back to the russian flybys the white house says the american attache at the u.s. embassy in moscow raised the, i with his counterpart. no word yet on any russian response. in the newsroom, scott thuman, abc7 news. maureen: president obama today helped kick off the annual wounded warrio the white house. the soldier ride supports wounded service members and their families. it started in 2004 when civilian chris carney cycled more than 5,000 miles coast to coast. president obama praised the riders before they took a ceremonial lap around the white house grounds. president obama: you represent what is best about our nation. i hope all of america, all of the american people along the route will come out and show their support for the heroes. not just today but every single day. maureen: seasonal ride will cover 60 miles over four days and is open to the civilians as well as the active duty military personnel. we wish them the best and hope the weather cooperates with their ride. >> it looks like it should be fine. good news. frost again. that is a possibility. the overall trend hasn't changed. we will stay sunny and mild and a warming trend. maureen: lovely. doug: i think you will like the forecast. get started to talk about the conditions as we see from the in bethesda. breeze on the left-hand side of the image here from a 10-mile-per-hour breeze from the east/northeast. crystal clear skies. temperatures are mild but they will be cold again. 64 and 40 degrees the high and the low at reagan national airport. 66 and 47 the averages. sunrise is tomorrow at 6:32. 61 at reagan national. milder temperatures to the west. 64 is reported in leesburg and manassas. 6 the in culpeper. 63 in luray. once again a frost advisory. slightly largeer area than last night. but the same time span 2:00 to 9:00 a.m. think of it west of i-95. those are the jurisdictions out to the blue ridge and beyond out to the interstate 81 corridor. as far as the numbers go overnight the western zones are in the mid-to-upper 30's. so again, isolated area of the frost possibly. patchy frost and it should be brief. once the sun gets up the above freezing. overnight lows in the metro area, 44 in the district. 39 in burtonsville. damascus will wind up at 38. 40 in clinton. the forecast for tomorrow is pretty much the same as it has been every day this week. we got a front and the cloudiness out of here on monday morning, the high pressure has taken over to give us day after day after sunshine. that is tomorrow. 40 to 60 at midday. 64 tomorrow afternoon. still lagging behind the average by a couple of degrees. over the weekend we make progress. saturday is 66 degrees. weather in the morning is bright sunshine for the cherry blossom parade. with that the temperatures are probably reaching 47, 48, 50 degrees before long. 10 to 11:00 in the horning. -- in the morning. we will turn cooler with the front but no rain in the forecast on sunday. mild temperatures through tuesday, wednesday, thursday. maureen? thank you, doug. the weather should be great for the weekend's cherry blossom parade. we are a proud sponsor of this year's festival. you can watch the par saturday on abc7 from 12:00 till 2:00 and newschannel8 between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. we will also stream the parade live on our scott abraham is live at the verizon center for tonight's caps-flyers playoff game. scott, how is it out there? scott: it's alive and well. opening face-off just under an hour away. i'm ready. the fans are ready. let's rock the red together. sports is coming up next. game one between caps and the flyers in less than an hour at the verizon center. the fans filing in. the gates opened up a half hour ago. there is a smattering of the flyers jersey out and about. but on the ice, new logo, stanley cup playoff 2016. the two teams know each other extremely well. the way it's set up, it will allow for the opportun matter most. you can expect a physical hard fought series. it will all start tonight for game one. game one is a tone setter in the series and sets the stage the rest of the way. you better believe the players are ready to make a statement in game one. >> you can't go into it you know thinking that you are top team or you are entitled to something. go in it ready to work for everything. we work all year for this. to get the chance to make a run this time of the year. boys are excited. we have to have patience and poise. know men and where to use the energy. >> you can't get too high or too low. be prepared for everything. the playoff series are fun. it's about not letting the other team get the best of you. >> every fan coming to the game tonight will receive one the playoff fever is here. you better believe rocking the red is the theme tonight and them coming week as the capitals push toward stanley cup. potential stanley cup journey. we have the other big story here at the verizon center. it happened earlier today. not a surprise. washington wizards fired head coach randy wittman. he had a winning percentage under .500. he guided the wizards to the playoffs in each of the previous two seasons. this year's disappointment loomed large in the decision to let him go. >> high expectations internally and externally for the club. if you have to let your coach go it is a disappointing time. personal relationship. he has done good things for us in the last four >> all the talk now at the verizon center the washington capitals will have a complete post game wrap tonight at 10:00 on newschannel8 and 11:00 on abc7. reporting at the verizon center, scott abraham, abc7 sports. maureen: thank you, scott. get the last word from doug about tonight's weather. doug: another frost advisory to tell you about. west of i-95. in the overnight hours, maybe as low as 32 briefly. the overall area is 34 to 44 degrees overnight with the light winds and clear skies. tomorrow up to 64. bright sunshine, wall to wall saturday and sunday. 66 on saturday. 69 degrees on sunday. tonight at 11:00, steve will talk about the warming trend. we had guidance in to update the cherry blossom parade forecast. if you haven't seen the numbers 77 on monday. it will highlight that for you. maureen: great. great two days coming up. "world news tonight" with david muir is next. delores kelley: although we were all one maryland, our schools weren't treated the same way. narrator: with neighborhoods getting unequal funding for schools, something had to be done for our children. kelley: it didn't matter where chris was from. he knew that we couldn't leave a child having less just because they lived in a region that was poor. joanne benson: he has not just talked about it. he is going to stand tall for all children to succeed. i'm chris van hollen, and i approved this message. i'm chris van hollen, stronger is blasting without risking her bones. it's training her good cells... to fight the bad guys. new hope... more fight. it's doing everything in your power... and everything in ours. stronger, is changing even faster than they do. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. tonight, several breaking stories as we come on. the devastating and deadly earthquake. the pictures coming in now. the desperate search for the missing. the aftershocks. and now, the warning. more on the way. breaking news tonight on donald trump. the new video of his campaign manager and the prosecutor's decision. plus, hillary clinton tonight. what will her strategy be against bernie sanders on that stage? and just in, the new number on clinton in this battle for new york. also, the images at this hour. the military crash on a highway, right outside new york city. several injuries. we've now learned two in critical condition. traffic backed up for miles. and the rescue effort. the police officer ambushed. a deputy shot in the back. an unprovoked attack. another officer firing back.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , China , Baltic Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Virginia , Guam , Washington , District Of Columbia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , College Park , Maryland , Leesburg , Prince William County , North Korea , Montgomery County , Jersey , America , Russian , American , Emily King , Randy Wittman , Chris Carney , Baltimore Sea Baltic , Donald Cook , Jamie Raskin , Brad Bell , Brianne Carter , Ezra Nanda , Chris Van Hollen , Scott Abraham , Joanne Benson , David Muir , Delores Kelley , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20160414 :

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20160414

Card image cap

as the trooper was seated in the vehicle with the emergency equipment activated. brad: then incredibly another vehicle comes along and pushes that car even farther in the trooper's car. he was trapped inside as we said. suffering critical injuries. now, the big question, what was up with that driver that seemed to flee an accident and then crash into the trooper? we are told that it is possible that charges will be filed against him. he, too, now is hospitalized. in lanham, brad bell, abc7 news. maureen: thank you. things are back to normal on metro after a train stopped moving in an underground tunnel. a new 7000 series train stopped right before the rosslyn station. riders said the train started to rattle and then became immobile. the riders were taken off. no one was hurt. the train has been removed and an investigation will now begin. today at the metro board meeting general manager paul wiedefeld said to pay fares is being scrapped. brianne carter is live to explain. brianne: well, that is right. really is what has been focused on this, a cell phone and how you would pay for it. using it to tap on the machine. there were ten of the different machines across the station. now they will be no more. it will be the smart trip for the foreseeable future. today general manager paul wiedefeld said they will not move forward implementing the technology across the system. this pilot program began in 2015 to test the pay by phone and the pay by credit card as well. metro today said they had trouble to get people to sign up for the pilot program and that now looking and analyzing it, enough people just have not adopted that new technology for them to move forward on it. ed the general manager saying there is enough on metro plate. and now is not the time to implement >> in our stations we'd have to have two different gates. half is old card. half with the new card. we have to come one two targets for the different cards. just the complexity of that given everything else that is on the plate right now. i think it's more important we just get the ones out there working well. invest the money in that. brianne: the pilot program costs another $150 million to upgrade all of these. they will use the money instead to upgrade the existing fare gate. to get those up and running as they should be. reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. maureen: metro customer service committee approve adding the national mall to the smithsonian station name and the kennedy center to the foggy bottom station. if approved the district will foot the bill, not metro. the measure goe board for approval. metro will be busy tonight as the d.c. area rocks the red for game one of the caps-flyers playoff series. there is a nats game going on, too. kevin lewis is live outside the verizon center where the puck will drop in about an hour from now. kevin? kevin: make sure to thank doug hill for the perfect weather we are experiencing today. nats playing under perfect sunny skies. if you are coming to the caps game tonight a really beautiful walk from downtown office here to the verizon center. >> the team to win it. of course. ovechkin. obi. for sure it is the year. >> caps. all the way. i'm really excited. i will be more excited when finish the work day to come here for good. i am talking the building. it's just -- i'm stalking the building. it's where i want to be. kevin: the game is set to begin in less than an hour. i want to planning to take metrorail, good news. metro only reporting delays on the yellow line. we are live outside the verizon center. i'm kevin lewis. abc7 news. maureen: early voting in the maryland primary is now underway. the voting began this morning with the people waiting in long lines to cast their ballots. the primary includes races for president, house, senate along with the local races. voters are using paper ballots because there are so many candidates they don't fid on a single touch screen. early voting continues next week. primary day is tuesday april 26. a democratic battle in the big an. for republicans the polls show huge lead for donald trump. machine accuse killed montgomery county officer noah leotta will have a plea hearing. abc7 news is told no plea deal is struck just yet. 47-year-old reluzco could face ten years in prison for vehicular manslaughter after hitting and killing officer leotta last year. the plea hearing is scheduled may 18. next, concern tonight stemming from the dramatic images in the baltimore sea -- baltic sea. why it could signal bigger problems. how the university of virginia remembering yeardley love coming up. >> despite sunshine and the mild temperatures another frost advisory tonight. i will tell you which areas need to be concerned. "abc7 w after this. maureen: we are using a spot crime map to help you see what is happening in the neighborhood. go to and click on the on your side tab. announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 6:00ment" on your side. maureen: a woman who shot a man in sterling this morning is in police custody. 23-year-old emily king is accused of shooting the man after an altercation at a home on east dartmouth drive. king was arrested in prince william county hours after the shooting. the victim was taken to the hospital and is expected to be fine. misidentified the body found in the c&o canal tuesday. 51-year-old osbaldo bernal from arlington. investigators are waiting on the results from the autopsy but they do not suspect anything suspicious. remembering and honoring yeardley love, the university of virginia lacrosse player killed by her boyfriend in 2010. her boyfriend was sentenced to 23 years in prison and has been appealing the conviction ever since. today member of boys latin school of maryland and baltimore are running yard for yeardley. the fundrais yeardley. they hope to educate and empower campus communities. still ahead, an incident sparks an international concern. what world leaders are saying days after a russian plane buzzed u.s. naval destroyer. it feels like spring has finally arrived. doug hill will let us know how long sunny and warm temperatures stay with us. next. scott: i'm scott abraham at the verizon center. the gates are open. look at this. the fines are filing in. game one. caps-flyers. we have a preview coming up in sports. ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. ate chbut sierra club chooses jamie raskin for congress because only raskin wrote laws to reduce our carbon footprint and is leading the fight against fracking in maryland. raskin: i'm jamie raskin, and i approve this message. hello! maureen: that is not from a movie. that was a russian fighter jet buzzing a u.s. naval destroyer in international waters. crews filmed this from the deck of their ship in the baltic sea. there was no ammunition on the jet, which made several passes at the destroyer. the white house says it is not overly concerned. that video is one example of what seems to be the number of nations. chief political correspondent scott thuman has the latest on a trifecta of the international concerns. >> below the bridgeway! >> the dramatic images insighting concern. russian attack planes buzzing the uss donald cook. as american sailors are in awe of what they call a simulated attack. the vessel already in the baltic sea as worries grow russia may aspire to take over allieded nations. the white house complaining it's dangerous and becoming too frequent. >> russian military pilots are oning inconsistent with the agreed upon rules between russia and the united states. scott: meantime for the first time the american ships with the philippine military are patrolling the south china sea, highly crucial waterway with china is taking over by literally transforming reefs as seen in this satellite imagery to island with the runway and the option to convert to military basis. retired us. >> there is only one way china prevent us from doing that, if they try to use force to shoot at us and attack us. >> is that a realistic scenario it would occur? >> i don't think so, no. china is not stupid. >> rounding out the trio of concerns reporting from cnn that north korea may be preparing to test a mobile ballistic missile, something it has never done before and could reach u.s. territories like guam. analysts worry kim jong un is becoming more of a threat. >> he is potentially reckless. he is divorced from reality. scott: back to the russian flybys the white house says the american attache at the u.s. embassy in moscow raised the, i with his counterpart. no word yet on any russian response. in the newsroom, scott thuman, abc7 news. maureen: president obama today helped kick off the annual wounded warrio the white house. the soldier ride supports wounded service members and their families. it started in 2004 when civilian chris carney cycled more than 5,000 miles coast to coast. president obama praised the riders before they took a ceremonial lap around the white house grounds. president obama: you represent what is best about our nation. i hope all of america, all of the american people along the route will come out and show their support for the heroes. not just today but every single day. maureen: seasonal ride will cover 60 miles over four days and is open to the civilians as well as the active duty military personnel. we wish them the best and hope the weather cooperates with their ride. >> it looks like it should be fine. good news. frost again. that is a possibility. the overall trend hasn't changed. we will stay sunny and mild and a warming trend. maureen: lovely. doug: i think you will like the forecast. get started to talk about the conditions as we see from the in bethesda. breeze on the left-hand side of the image here from a 10-mile-per-hour breeze from the east/northeast. crystal clear skies. temperatures are mild but they will be cold again. 64 and 40 degrees the high and the low at reagan national airport. 66 and 47 the averages. sunrise is tomorrow at 6:32. 61 at reagan national. milder temperatures to the west. 64 is reported in leesburg and manassas. 6 the in culpeper. 63 in luray. once again a frost advisory. slightly largeer area than last night. but the same time span 2:00 to 9:00 a.m. think of it west of i-95. those are the jurisdictions out to the blue ridge and beyond out to the interstate 81 corridor. as far as the numbers go overnight the western zones are in the mid-to-upper 30's. so again, isolated area of the frost possibly. patchy frost and it should be brief. once the sun gets up the above freezing. overnight lows in the metro area, 44 in the district. 39 in burtonsville. damascus will wind up at 38. 40 in clinton. the forecast for tomorrow is pretty much the same as it has been every day this week. we got a front and the cloudiness out of here on monday morning, the high pressure has taken over to give us day after day after sunshine. that is tomorrow. 40 to 60 at midday. 64 tomorrow afternoon. still lagging behind the average by a couple of degrees. over the weekend we make progress. saturday is 66 degrees. weather in the morning is bright sunshine for the cherry blossom parade. with that the temperatures are probably reaching 47, 48, 50 degrees before long. 10 to 11:00 in the horning. -- in the morning. we will turn cooler with the front but no rain in the forecast on sunday. mild temperatures through tuesday, wednesday, thursday. maureen? thank you, doug. the weather should be great for the weekend's cherry blossom parade. we are a proud sponsor of this year's festival. you can watch the par saturday on abc7 from 12:00 till 2:00 and newschannel8 between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. we will also stream the parade live on our scott abraham is live at the verizon center for tonight's caps-flyers playoff game. scott, how is it out there? scott: it's alive and well. opening face-off just under an hour away. i'm ready. the fans are ready. let's rock the red together. sports is coming up next. game one between caps and the flyers in less than an hour at the verizon center. the fans filing in. the gates opened up a half hour ago. there is a smattering of the flyers jersey out and about. but on the ice, new logo, stanley cup playoff 2016. the two teams know each other extremely well. the way it's set up, it will allow for the opportun matter most. you can expect a physical hard fought series. it will all start tonight for game one. game one is a tone setter in the series and sets the stage the rest of the way. you better believe the players are ready to make a statement in game one. >> you can't go into it you know thinking that you are top team or you are entitled to something. go in it ready to work for everything. we work all year for this. to get the chance to make a run this time of the year. boys are excited. we have to have patience and poise. know men and where to use the energy. >> you can't get too high or too low. be prepared for everything. the playoff series are fun. it's about not letting the other team get the best of you. >> every fan coming to the game tonight will receive one the playoff fever is here. you better believe rocking the red is the theme tonight and them coming week as the capitals push toward stanley cup. potential stanley cup journey. we have the other big story here at the verizon center. it happened earlier today. not a surprise. washington wizards fired head coach randy wittman. he had a winning percentage under .500. he guided the wizards to the playoffs in each of the previous two seasons. this year's disappointment loomed large in the decision to let him go. >> high expectations internally and externally for the club. if you have to let your coach go it is a disappointing time. personal relationship. he has done good things for us in the last four >> all the talk now at the verizon center the washington capitals will have a complete post game wrap tonight at 10:00 on newschannel8 and 11:00 on abc7. reporting at the verizon center, scott abraham, abc7 sports. maureen: thank you, scott. get the last word from doug about tonight's weather. doug: another frost advisory to tell you about. west of i-95. in the overnight hours, maybe as low as 32 briefly. the overall area is 34 to 44 degrees overnight with the light winds and clear skies. tomorrow up to 64. bright sunshine, wall to wall saturday and sunday. 66 on saturday. 69 degrees on sunday. tonight at 11:00, steve will talk about the warming trend. we had guidance in to update the cherry blossom parade forecast. if you haven't seen the numbers 77 on monday. it will highlight that for you. maureen: great. great two days coming up. "world news tonight" with david muir is next. delores kelley: although we were all one maryland, our schools weren't treated the same way. narrator: with neighborhoods getting unequal funding for schools, something had to be done for our children. kelley: it didn't matter where chris was from. he knew that we couldn't leave a child having less just because they lived in a region that was poor. joanne benson: he has not just talked about it. he is going to stand tall for all children to succeed. i'm chris van hollen, and i approved this message. i'm chris van hollen, stronger is blasting without risking her bones. it's training her good cells... to fight the bad guys. new hope... more fight. it's doing everything in your power... and everything in ours. stronger, is changing even faster than they do. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. tonight, several breaking stories as we come on. the devastating and deadly earthquake. the pictures coming in now. the desperate search for the missing. the aftershocks. and now, the warning. more on the way. breaking news tonight on donald trump. the new video of his campaign manager and the prosecutor's decision. plus, hillary clinton tonight. what will her strategy be against bernie sanders on that stage? and just in, the new number on clinton in this battle for new york. also, the images at this hour. the military crash on a highway, right outside new york city. several injuries. we've now learned two in critical condition. traffic backed up for miles. and the rescue effort. the police officer ambushed. a deputy shot in the back. an unprovoked attack. another officer firing back.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , China , Baltic Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Virginia , Guam , Washington , District Of Columbia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , College Park , Maryland , Leesburg , Prince William County , North Korea , Montgomery County , Jersey , America , Russian , American , Emily King , Randy Wittman , Chris Carney , Baltimore Sea Baltic , Donald Cook , Jamie Raskin , Brad Bell , Brianne Carter , Ezra Nanda , Chris Van Hollen , Scott Abraham , Joanne Benson , David Muir , Delores Kelley , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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