Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20150901 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 6 20150901

of the body cameras except that for police there is no textbook. that is why the legislature empowered this panel to come up with the uniform policies for body camera use. for instance, when to roll. >> if there is a strip search, it probably should be recorded. actually i think we should exclude strip searches. >> strip searches, just one sticking point for the panel. confidentiality is a concern. policy to public access must be made. >> if there is too much discretion given to the officers to turn off the cameras, we will be in a situation where the cameras are not on when they need to be on. >> the panel includes the cops, lawyers, politician and the civil rights activists. the goal is one set of policies for the body cameras. >> protect not only the citizens but also protect the officers. >> well, this is the so-called working document that the panel is going over paragraph by paragraph and arguing about everything in here. with regard to the topic of the strip searches we talked about, they took it off the table and said there is not a specific list of the when the officers should start rolling their cameras. they will leave it up to the individual police agencies. they are still meeting now. they were supposed to finish up with the rules today. pass it on along. still meeting. taking a long time. at the statehouse in annapolis, brad bell, abc7 news. leon: the six baltimore police officers charged in the death of gray gray head back to court tomorrow. the judge is expected to hear several issues to determine how it will move forward. the city preparing for the trial date in october and hat canceled all leave for police officers because of concerns about more violence that began at gray's funeral in april. now to the developing story out of illinois where a massive manhunt is underway for three suspects in the murder of a police officer. the 32-year police veteran gunned down this morning in lake county halfway between chicago and milwaukee. police have identified him as joe gliniewicz. father of four. known to his friends as g.i. joe. police, f.b.i. and marshals are using all of their resources to find the suspects. >> we have numerous k 9's on the ground checking for scents. we have numerous helicopters in the air. we have a large number of officers on foot. conducting searches of the area. >> train service was suspended tonight. an online fundraising effort is underway to honor four people killed when a maryland state police helicopter crashed seven years ago. trooper ii went down in district heights. that crash killed two troopers, paramedic and a patient on board. a second patient involved in the crash survived. the volunteer fire department is working to raise $45,000. they want to fund a marker at if crash site. meantime, a much-needed calm in d.c. overnight after a violent weekend. preliminary reports indicate there were no police call for stabbing or shootings. but over the weekend, 13 people were shot. two of them later died. community gathered today to say goodbye 20 the news photographer killed last week on live television. mourners poured in. many wearing the color of adam ward's alma mater virginia tech university. ward and alison parker were killed by a former colleague last week near roanoke and the gunman took his own life later. a suspended maryland state trooper indicted that he sexually assaulted a woman. the attorney says they agreed to have sex and the woman changed her mind so he pointed a gun and rained -- raped her. he is free on a bond. traffic is returning to normal on i-270 in clarksburg after a baccari rined off the road and -- car a car careened off the road and hit a tree. drivers may like to call them money grab but the speed cameras are paying off in other ways across maryland. montgomery county reporter kevin lewis explains they are making the area model for the other communities around the country. >> the metal may be saving your life. >> this validates our approach and it is successful. >> a recent study led by the surance institute for highway safety found the drivers are 59% less likely to speed. than those in fairfax county. why? fairfax does not operate the controversial speed devices. the stoleddy's conclusion is ever -- study's conclusion, if every city had the speed cameras 21,000 deaths or serious injuries would be prevented each year. >> a big study that shows a properly deployed speed camera program works. >> despite glowing research, drivers have mixed feelings. >> i am torn. i fell there are places it probably has made certain area safer but there are other places that i feel that it's for money. >> they will just slow down and speed up afterwards. >> at the end of the day most of the residents realize this is an important program to keep people safe. speeding and preventing speeding does save lives. >> in gaithersburg, i'm kevin lewis. abc7 news. >> still ahead on "abc7 news at 6:00" -- why some plan to protest arlington's plan to make it cheaper for people to live in some areas. plus, the new class action lawsuit against chipotle. the accusation against the popular chain. first, though, a garbage truck explodes to flame in faithgate. the first to shot the video and was qualified. that is next. doug: first day of a brand new month but the weather hasn't changed. hot and humid. how many more days like this ahead? i have it in the forecast still to come on "abc7 news at 6:00". leon: this morning in gaithersburg a garbage truck exploded to flames. a firefighter was there and shot this video. firefighters were able to contain the flame and no one was hurt. when you see news like that happening see it and send it. e-mail your picture and the videos to you at [email protected]. they carry the woman to safety. moments later the car is engulfed in flames. the driver taken to the hospital but has been released. three weeks before the first trip to the u.s. pope francis made history. today the pope said that the priests can forgive the sin of abortion. they will have it in a holy year of mercy that begins in december. condemned as a moral evil by the catholic church, people are forgiven only with the per misof bishop -- of bishop. chipotle announced in april it would use only natural ingreedients going forward. but the lawsuit filed monday said the claims are misleading because the suit says the meat, cheese, and source cream are made by animals fed with the d.m.o. up next at 6:00 -- >> affordable housing has been been a big issue in arlington. a protest is planned on what they plan to do in the future. we'll explain it coming up. leon: doug hill will tell us when we will see thunderstorms in the area. robert: advice for kirk cousins. when in doubt, throw to ball to jackson. we will talk about the new starter when "abc7 news at 6:00" continues leon: a protest will begin against a plan to add affordable house in arlington. tom roussey has a look at why some say the county's plan is short-sighted. tom? tom: some people do. the county board is meeting about the issue in this building tonight. but before they do, a protest is planned around 6:30 for the plaza outside from folks who say that this plan needs changing. >> we don't have rent control here. so we use other tools. >> the arlington county board share says affordable housing plan is three years in the making. its goal is 22,000 homes affordable for folks making up 60% of the median income. that is around $65,000 a year for family of four. >> this is a meater of social justice that we care deeply about. >> it's not without critics. they are worried it will jam housing in south arlington instead of spreading it out. >> it's only available in part of arlington. that is a detriment to folks that are able to live in affordable housing because the schools have higher concentration of the poverty. >> the board chair says the plan has already been changed due to the concerns. >> i think it's fair to shay that the plan changed quiet a bit since march as we have been listening to the community. >> arlington county says between 2000-2013, rent nearly doubled. and home prices more than doubled. that is why the leaders say this is important. but some question the way of dealing with it. >> this has almost become religious. you can't question anything. you can't, you can't asking how much is this going to cost. or where will you put the unit? >> so the county board will talk about this issue tonight. public hearing is scheduled for september 19. by the way, a similar protest to the one scheduled here is going on tonight that is scheduled by the folks who are concerned that too much affordable housing is going there. last night we told you about the, is in maryland with rent many takoma park. leon: thank you, tom. there are concerns about the former governor martin o'malley's purchase of furniture from the for's mansion. according to document obtained by the baltimore sun, he purchased 54 pieces from the state for $9600. the furniture cost the taxpayers $62,000. the department of general services categorized the 8-year-old furniture as junk. some say the presidential -- the candidate got a great deal. >> where did i get this. i need furniture. >> the state ethics commission is looking into whether o'malley violated the rules on the state property. representatives say he followed the proper procedure. right now president obama is hiking in alaska. it's designed to highlight climate change. the president will be touring the national park. the ice field are melting at it alarming rates. that is probably a good place to be today. ice. compared to what we have here. >> we are in for a couple more days. the best news to offer is over the holiday weekend it looks like it will align the right way. it's cooler and less humid. saturday, sunday and monday. if i knew my weekend. whatever. leon: just give us three. >> i will give you seven day. 90 at reagan national airport. this feels warmer than thermometer number. for the holiday weekend it is looking up. the numbers officially, 95 is the high at reagan national. 71 is the morning low. 84 and 67 are the averages. we have numbers for september. the normal rainfall is 3.75 inches of rain. in the month between now and the end of the month we will lose an hour and 12 minutes of daylight. we make a transition to the fall. the autumnal equinox begins on september 23. it will be fall when i wake up. here is what we have across the area. sunny to partly cloudy. hazy. still hot. 91 at manassas. 87 in quantico. moisture level high enough to feel warmer. it still feels like 97 downtown. 96 in frederick. 94 in baltimore. we expect the evenings to be warm. most area stay in 780's overnight. looking for big features on the satellite and the radar, they are not found here. earlier we had a cluster of the storms that are up over the shore. there is not that much out there. showerings dissipating but there are batches of clouds. partly to mostly sunny tomorrow and thursday. something to keep an eye on tomorrow is disturbance coming through the atmosphere. that may just trigger showers or storms in the afternoon. that is what we see here. 92, partly cloudy. isolated thunderstorms, especially west of the metro area tomorrow. the breeze is out of the west at four to eight miles per hour. tomorrow we hold on to the heat. it will be dry and stable. friday approaching the cold front to give us 30% chance of the showers and the storms in the afternoon. look at the weekend forecast. mid-80's. lower humidity. tuesday next week it will start to heat up again. more 6790's by the middle -- middle 90's by the middle of next week. leon: give us the latest. robert: we talk about football. no instagram. what does he think of the new starter in we will see after the break. nats need to get it together. sports is next. announcer: now the toyota sports desk. brought to you by the local toyota dealers. robert: well, with everything transfired in the past few days. a few redskins got lost in fire. remember jackson who still plays for the redskins? he is a main target for this guy. if kirk cousins wants to be successful he should throw balls to d-jack. what we are hearing he should haven't problem with the jay gruden offense. >> he has been in the offense. this is not like he isn't familiar. he has been here longer than anybody. he is comfortable. he knows he will be all right. good job. robert: tonight at 8:00 we will go one-on-one with jackson to talk about juggling the redskins and the new reality show. that is in the countdown to kickoff football special. it's happening to the nats again. last night implosion by the bullpen. you know who is taking the heat for it? matt williams. everyone is wondering why they let the madness go on after casey janssen gave up four runs. nats are six and a half back from the mets. now williams is really on the hot seat. hopefully joe ross will do a better job at the mound tonight. let's go back to when football was pure fun. check out the 9-year-old. looks like bo jackson in the techno bowl. this is rgiii at baylor. >> right colors. robert: take it to the house. when football was fun. joe ross earned one earned run in the last two starts. >> he has been fun. >> who would have thought he'd be the way max scherzer was supposed to be. >> let's knock on wood. >> do it. a month to go. >> late early. >> the next seven days. tomorrow is hot and humid. the best chance west of town is hot and humid. more showers and storms on friday. cold front. holiday weekend looks terrific. we'll have more to say about this at 11:00. we'll have more to say about this at 11:00. leon: david m so everyone is saying, "hey! you gotta get fios!" but why? well, fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network to the home, so you can get access to the fastest internet and in-home wi-fi available. and fios gives you big capacity too. so everyone in the house can get online. but the main reason toet fios? we're rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. ultimately, that's why. get 25 meg fios internrnet, tv& phone starting at $79.99 a month. plus get $350 back. hurry, offer ends september 19th. get out of the past. get fios. breaking news at this hour, the manhunt under way in a major american city. the officer killed, the suspects running, the fbi, the u.s. marshals joining the intense search at this hour, schools on lockdown, trains halted. also tonight, the standoff at the county clerk's office. the same sex couples who want to get married. the clerk saying she's standing her ground under god's authority. should she keep her job. the fears along a stretch of highway, shattered windshields rngs four shootings in four hours. a girl in the front seat hit with flying glass, a tour bus also hit. tonight just back from our exclusive with pope francis. what he's saying about abortion and forgiveness and the moment that had this single mother in tears.

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United States , District Heights , Maryland , Alaska , Lake County , Illinois , Quantico , Arlington County , Virginia , Fairfax County , Gaithersburg , Chicago , Clarksburg , Baltimore , Montgomery County , America , American , Brad Bell , Joe Ross , Matt Williams , Max Scherzer , Bo Jackson , Michael Brown , Casey Janssen , Alison Parker , Jay Gruden ,

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