Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170322 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170322

in the last three minutes, theresa may condemned what she called a sick and depraved terrorist attack. >> this came on the first anniversary of the terror attack in brussels. the moment of silence marking the first explosion at the city's airport. 32 people died in that and the islamic state claimed responsibility for the attacks. alison: this comes one day after britain joined the united states in banning most electronic devices on commercial flights flights from several countries. this is based on a threat that the openland security believes is credible. alison: new development involving pre larry: the communication involving the trump transition team may have been picked all by incidental collection. >> the president said, president obama tapped his phone. >> no, no, no. that didn't, that did not happen. i have said this for many weeks. >> he says it has nothing to do with the investigation in the possible election between trump campaign and russia. alison: now to a developing story out of new york city. a maryland man murdered a black man in an apparent hate crime. this is the surveillance video of james jackson leaving the scene. according to the police traveled to new york city and saw and stabbed him several times with a small sword. he later turned himself in. the suspect has a deep-seeded hatred against black people and traveled to new york to kill them. larry: in d.c. a woman is dead and police think the woman who killed her could be driving around in her car. 34-year-old corrina mehiel found bound and stabbed in a row house. sam: she exhibited in düsseldorf, germany and it is here in the 600 block of 16th street northeast her body was found 24 hours ago. according to police, 34-year-old corrina mehiel living temporarily in northeast d.c. yesterday they received a call for unconscious person in the basement apartment and they found the woman. >> tied up an the multiple tab wounds. at this point she was seen alive at some point sunday evening. she had been here since february putting together an exhibit at the corcoran. he was driving a car with kentucky plates and license number 722rmy. with a distinct marking. >> you can see a small yellow triangular shaped sticker beneath the license plate. >> this is sad. >> you never who could be walking past you. you never know. sam: police say there was no forced entry. >> we don't have anything to suggest it's random but we have to e major metropolitan area. sam: in all the cases of homicides in d.c. there is a $25,000 reward. they believe this car can lead to the solution of the homicide. alison: i hope they get answers soon. thank you. a lot of talk in the last few weeks of the number of the missing person cases in the district. we have been telling you how the police change the way they report when they respond and disappears. in an hour mayor muriel bowser will join councilman for town hall meeting on the issue at the excel academy on martin luther king jr. avenue in southeast. you can see the stories on the change in policy at search the word "missing." >> a winter blast returning today. is it the season's last cold ga doug has the forecast. doug: you get to the 22nd of march and sunny skies and you think it's upper 50's to 60. not so much. 45 now in belle haven country club. it's beautiful now. 48 now is the temperature in washington. 49 in fredericksburg. annapolis at 46. look for the lower 20's in germantown and manassas. 22 in fairfax. 27 in downtown washington. for thursday morning, the bus stop for the kids. clear skies and the pick up time. 46 at recess time. then the temperatures will go back up. we talk about the warming trend in the extended forecast in ten minutes. alison: looking forward to that. thank you. 61 days in the first 100 days of trump's presidency and today he met with members of the congressional black caucus for the first time. larry: third day of hearings for neil gorsuch. the president's choice to fill the empty seat on the supreme court. >> what vision do you share with president trump? >> i mean no disses respect to say they don't speak for me and i don't speak for them. i have admiration for justice scalia as we talked about. none of you speaks for me. larry: the hearings wrap up tomorrow with testimony for witnesses for and against the nomination. alison: there was tough questioning for the second nominee for secrety labor, acosta. the president first choice for the labor secretary withdrew from the consideration last month. larry: this morning liberty university saying trump will be the speaker for the commencement. alison: new information following a rape information at rockville high school. they requested extra police presence at the school today after a number of the threatening phone calls about the illegal immigration status of the 17 and the 18-year-old suspects. they were freshmen at the school. they are accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom. today the trump administration asked a court to hear the appeal of the ruling that blocked the travel ban. this comes as they debate their own policies. general assembly is debating a sanctuary bill. brad? brad: they are not calling it a sanctuary bill. but the opponents are. the debate has been colored by the incident at rockville high by the rape. there was a vicious debate across the aisle. for and against this bill. when it was done. they count the vote on the big board, enough green lights that it got through the house. this is the trust bill. the trust in the immigrant is the aim. >> this is about the community living in fear of the police. you can trust the police. brad: delegate sanchez representing langely park says it is about public safety. they would require turning a person over to >> nothing would preclude law enforcement doing the job. alison: among those opposing it is larry hogan. he called it a bill to make maryland a sanctuary state. >> the public opinion is split. most we spoke to is expressing support for the bill. >> i feel like i'm protecting the american dream. brad: we'll be back at 6:00 with more including how the sponsors say it has nothing to do with the incident in rockville. in the state house and the house chamber, brad bell, abc7 news. larry: in the last hour and a half, the judge ordering both sides in the case of a mediation. they say the county board of the sewage permit amounts to discrimination. >> trump care will cause the american people to pay more for less care. alison: coming up at 5:00, the fight over healthcare reform with the clock ticking. larry: later, what happened when the fourth person in two weeks tried to make it to the white house grounds. alison: but first, big google is watching you. how to get out of the version of sharing where you are. >> you get a call from your child who is crying. a man jumps on the phone and tells you to hand over $50,000 or your kid is dead. i'm scott taylor. a foin scam on the rise in the are credit karma? why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak] yep, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. alison: you get a call saying your kid has been kidnapped. this is a scam. it's called virtual kidnapping. and scott taylor will give us tools to fight back. >> aaron col with reminders of his daughter victoria when the cell phone made. >> it was hard to understand her. what is going on? daddy, help. they got me in the man. a man is on the phone. >> the man made it clear what would happen if dad didn't hand over $50,000. >> the man says if you want to see victoria again do what we say or we will kill her. scott: where was his daughter in the phone call? in class. the dad was able to call the school and discover he was in a scam he never heard of. he confirmed she was at the school. >> this is called virtual kidnapping and it's on rise. the sheriff office says the scam has been attempted several times in the past six months in the county. >> they are scum. it's a horrible thing they are doing. >> i don't want anybody to fall for this. if you don't recognize the phone number and this is coming from an outside area code, don't answer it. it is probably a scam if the callers won't allow you to get off the phone. kidnappers don't usually want you to send ransom money through a wire service. we have more tips over on this ticks me off because it involves mom, dad and kids. alison: it's good to get the information now so you can think clearly if it happens to you. larry: great information. thank you. alison: well, family and location using cookal maps -- using google maps. users can enable the tracker and customize who views the information. they can st the time they want it to be active and disable it when needed. they will send e-mail after sharing the location. larry: all five escalators at metro are working tonight. paul wiedefeld was there. the project replaced all five escalators at the station. alison: national park service says cherry blossoms along the tidal basin are now at the puffy white stage. larry: that is one stage from the what will it mean for the flowers? alison: 27 degrees is the magic number. doug: if you hit 127 or below it could be damage to blossoms if we get through tonight the yoshino terry trees and keep the 128 or higher we good to go -- keep the 28 or higher we are good to go. i don't see any more sub freezing temperatures for a long time. but 27 or 26 could be different. we are at peak block on sunday. fingers are crossed. this is chilly. it's 40's across the region now. there is plenty of sunshine factory. the winds diminish and the air is dry and clear, we see temperatures drop quickly. 45 in gaithersburg and washington dulles. 43 in winchester. 49 in fredericksburg. through the overnight western hours are cold. 17 in the morning. it's 22 in hand doc. 121 in martinsburg. it's 22 in ashburn in the morning as well. in the metro, the lower 20's north of town. downtown is about the 27 degree mark. tomorrow in the lows in the 30's. there is one more night to get through. keep your fingered crossed. we put together when we had the last freeze of the season. last year was april 10 before we had the final freeze. 2015 was march 28. you can see march 6 in 2012. this is a cold phase. the winds are lateer tomorrow afternoon. the future cast shows clear skies and quiet conditions. turning southeast tomorrow and then in the south/southwest for friday and saturday. we push in the lower 60's a get here on saturday. 72 on saturday. sunday we will hit 65. you will see that the chance of the showers and the mild temperatures will continue to next week. 70 on monday. 60 for tuesday and mild. we need the rain. we are below the rainfall. still in moderate drought in some areas. larry: thank you. alison: keep us posted. the investigation in the possible connections between the administration and russia is heating up. the surprise of a lifetime for the local high school students. >> prince george's county police officer sickened by the carbon monoxide sitting in a scruter similar to this -- in a cruiser similar to this one. his e.m.t. with saving his life. you will hear from both coming up. larry: a look at what is coming up tonight on abc. alison: and julie wright has a look at what is coming up on "good morning washington." >> thank you. tomorrow on "good morning washington" we are celebrating national puppy day. the seven essential things you need to know before you bring home the adorable pooch. >> legendary guitarist and band leader from "the tonight show" kevin eubanks in the studio. >> keep it right here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at 4:25 on "good morning washington." announcer: countdown to first pitch brought to you by -- larry: ten d.c. high school students were ambushed in class today. not just by the crowd but full ride scholarships. george washington university leaders and the mascot on the right showing up to reward the students in person. alison: wi love when they do that. it never gets old. changes their lives. larry: it does. alison: it's fantastic. a volunteer e.m.t. is credited with saving the lay of one-his best friends. a phone conversation helped safe the officer from carbon monoxide poisoning. >> thank friends since they were 7. but the volunteer e.m.t. phil martin could never imagine saving prince george's county police officer ricardo's life. >> to say that your best friend came to your aid and saved your life is remarkable. >> march 3, both men finished up a shift as volunteer e.m.t.'s in seat pleasant. the officer drove home many police cruiser similar to this one and sat in his driveway talking to martin. >> he started to talk about something irrelevant. >> he knew to go find him. >> i found him unresponsive. >> the officer suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call this an isolated incidt. >> this shows that a crack was found in part of the engine. >> the heat was turned on to circulate from outside. it brought the exist in the car. martin was given an award from the fire department and he says the lesson never hesitate to call 911 if you think something is wrong. >> cheryl conner, abc7 news. alison: now even better friends. larry: what a story they will tell. alison: still ahead at 5:00, we tell you about a scary situation that some are encountering while driving on a local highway. >> another white house fence jumper. i'm jeff goldberg. why this one ended in a different way than the ones we have seen in the past few weeks. larry: when we come back, the latest on what we in the investigation iner the -- latest investigation in the terror attack in london. alison: we want to update you on the breaking news from london. three victims died. two dozen people are now in the hospital after a terrorist scotland yard said the attacker drove in a crowd on westminster bridge before crashing into a security barrier. the attacker then ran toward parliament where he stabbed and killed a police officer before being killed by police. we will continue to follow the story throughout the evening. larry? larry: last night another person tried to scale the fence and get on the grounds of the white house. but as jeff goldberg reports, this time the fence tripped up the plan. jeff: another white house fence jumper. the fourth in two weeks. alison: you wonder what is wascaing the reaction and it has all asking why. >> attention grab. people want to get out there and get in the media. >> last night before 11:00, a woman tried climbing over the fence in the southwest corner of the white house grounds but she didn't get far. her clothing got tangled on the spikes on the top of the fence. she was apprehnd after. >> if someone wants to get over it, they can get over it. >> members from the o'neil family are troubled by the incidents. on saturday a man jumped from a bike rack to prohibited area by the white house before being taken to custody. saturday night, another man from roanoke was arrested after first trying to get in the white house then saying he had a bomb in his car. march 10, jonathan tran of california was on the white house grounds for 16 minutes before being taken into custody. >> i don't know if they are electrified or taller or the armed guards. but it says about security when they can jump a fence and get close to the president. >> security analyst believes they should raise the height >> that is a big concern because they must have dead spots or they are not watching. one of the two. they have to fix that. >> the woman tried to climb over the fence in the white house and got her shoe laces stuck on top of the spikes of the fence. emergency officials had to come and rescue her to keep her from falling on her head. >> the d.c. police identified her as 38-year-old marci wahl of everett, washington, charged with unlawful entry. live in northwest washington, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. alison: thank you. president trump former campaign chairman is responding to a report about the alleged ties to russia. paul manafort says the story about the connection is not russian billionaire but did not involve the russian political interest. the trump administration says it had no part in the situation. >> to suggest that the president knew who his clients were from a decade ago is a bit insane. he was hired to do a job and he did it. alison: he says manafort was fired because of the distraction from the connection to pro russian party and trump was down in polls. larry: seven years ago, president obama signed the affordable care act to law. >> house republicans should wake up and not strip americans from the health coverage. >> the american public are not going to put up with this. >> the house rules started debate the healthcare act today and is set for a vote tomorrow. it might not have the votes to pass. 20 republicans said they would vote against it. >> we thought of ourselves like how do we make it happen? >> unsung heroes are inspiring a campus. >> the new at 6:00, the next step of the firefighter that became symbol of heartbreak and terror in the afternoon math of th steve: inching closer to the weekend. 73 on saturday. a lot of sunshine. sunshine is cooler and a better chance of much-needed rain. take you out with a loo 62 on friday. there is the weekend for you. 70 on monday. the upper 60's on tuesday. we stay in the 60's for the remainder of next week. stay w alison: they are recognizing the unsung heroes that are keeping the university running. michelle: the university senior bellamy is the founder of the non-profit unsung heroes. through the facebook page, he shares the personal stories of everyday campus workers. >> this means everything. this is what we deserve. the workers do so much for our community. we want to give back. >> the unsung heroes shared the story of the food and the service worker frankie capers. it inspired more than likes and shares. >> she wanted to go to florida with the grandson. what if we could make it happen? >> after years of taking care of others the ultimate birthday surprise. the all expense paid trip to disney world with the crowd funding campaign. capers hasn't been on a vacation in more than 12 years. >> the fundraiser started when she clocked in. by the time she clocked out her wish fulfilled. >> sesurprised her. >> quite the surprise. >> they have raised thousands of dollars for the other workers helping to make their dream come true. the workers who once felt they were invisible to students. >> realizing that this is not a janitor to clean up the classrooms. a name and a story. people connect with that. they think twice before leaving it on the ground to clean up. >> the community does connect with that. >> this is an opportunity to break the ice with workers. he is going to focus on it full-time. he is working to expand it to the other college campuses. this is exciting to see. larry: that is amazing. one person makes a difference. to see the young people looking outside of themselves is so inspiring. it's wonderful. a great story. >> thanks. >> a crash call with four vehicles that never once collided with each other. i'm kevin lewis. we will explain still ahead. larry: plus our coach of the week is a true champion outside the ring to local boxers. robert burton introduces us to barry hunter later in sports. >> the countdown to first pitch brought to you by -- larry: we have had all had the experience driving and a pebble pops up and hit the windshield. don't believe they were stirred up road debris. kevin lewis is live in mobiletrak7 as several rocks were hit on i-270 near cloper road. >> it was around this time yesterday when the cars started to get pummeled along this stretch of i-270. the police say it was likely meant to be a prank but nevertheless, misguided. rush hour traffic often involves loud voices. but four vehicles driving north on i-270 tuesday heard a bang. >> originally the call came in as a possible multi-vehicle collision. >> the maryland state police discovered the male teenagers chucked the large stones at the passing cars. some with children inside. canvass it with the suspect. it yielded negative results. they still at large. >> this month, the black car front passenger window was shattered on the clara barton parkway. then a cab and a metro access van were nailed by rocks along suitland markway. it's all similar. but likely not connected. >> i had to describe the teenager actions i'd say naive. i use that word because sometimes without the development or without the life experience you may not realize the ongoing impact of a simple action that it may take. >> the troopers tell me that one stone nearly hit a motorcycle. >> thank you, kevin. let's get a check of the roadways with erik smith two is on traffic watch today. erik? erik: hey there. thank you very much. a tough ride around the district. we start off in d.c., 12th and constitution avenue. you have the underpass. that is a tough ride either way. typical in the heart of d.c. looking at 270. this is at montgomery village. northbound is tough through gaithersburg. the local lanes on the right side end and that is where everyone merges together. same story for clarksburg. it's a tough ride through the lane merge there as well. it's plenty on both ways and this will continue through the dulles toll road. a few incidents along the way. but it won't make a difference with it looking slow at this point. that is all from the traffic center for now. head back to jonathan. larry: i'll take it from here. the virginia department of transportation will hold the second of two public meetings on expanding the express lanes on i-95. the idea is to add ten miles so the lanes exit 133 or route 17. the meeting begins at 7:00 at stafford high school in fredericksburg. alison: we have an update on remodeling at reagan national. >> it will be a year of the disruption to the roadway. it will be phased at the different times. alison: that is how the architect of the plan says it will impact the traffic. it will call for a brand new security terminal that is completed 2020. we have lunchbox weather. doug: our good friend brian van de graaff headed out to forest grove for the lunchbox weather program. he told how to do the weather on the tv and showed them a video. he tack them outside to check out the storm track 7. running the kid cam today was jacob. we also have a weather question. >> hello. i'm a fourth grader at forest grove. today, have a question for you. what kind of technique or special equipment is used to forecast the storm on march 13 to march 14 or where are different models to predict storms? doug: great question. the to refresh everybody's memory, the closer to washington and chesapeake bay, it's very little snow. farther north to frederick and cumberland they got ten inches of snow. tracking this using the radar and the satellite imagery. the surface observation temperatures every hour to look at the balloon data, and we use the computer models. the north american model was the closest with the type of the precipitation. if you remember the report leading up to it we stressed it's so important that the rain/snow line keeps getting closer and closer. you see with your eyes. there is no way to know that three or four days ahead of time. alison: what a cutie. the maryland women are getting ready for a matchup against oregon. larry: there might be a problem getting in the arena. robert: they are there for the sweet 16. they will take on oregon. first in the regional. if they win that, they can matchup against uconn. there is a problem, though. the maryland fans won't buy tickets because they are all sold out. the fans making it to bridgeport are buying all the tickets up. here is brenda freeze on the situation. >> the tickets are all gone. that is unfortunate. i provides a tremendous advantage. we are going on the road and take care of business. robert: barry hunter. the name might sound familiar. more than the boxing coach. he is a mentor. his coaching style is hard hitting and the values. he is the long-time trainer barry hunter. he is a man behind the local two-time champion peterson. >> i don't know what i would have been doing at this point. i would be doing something else. >> he trains his brother anthony and he takes time to reflect on how far they have come. he was there from the start. >> to know where they came from. to make a difference. to have an impact in the lives. it would mean the world to me. >> for hunter, training isn't just a profession but a purpose. at barry's gym, you are family. more like an adopted son or daughter. >> if you have the kids that are lost. some them don't have a way or a path. they don't think so. to show th way to do things. they don't have to always be. it's a beautiful thing. >> he is doing it. doing it in the neighborhood. alison: it is great he realizes the reach of his influence. alison: more than the sport. robert: you have to. larry: especially in boxing. all the youth coaches have a special talent but boxing especially. robert: on top of that, a tough sport. very tough sport. larry: baseball is one thing. okay. boxing is one -- robert: basketball, too. no offense to the ballers out there. and the footballers, too. [laughter] i should stop talking. alison: yeah. you are digging a hole. robert: okay. larry: thanks, robert. >> well, it is cold out but look at these blossoms. can they survive the weekend? we will explain how it is going in a live report coming up. yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. this march score the perfect basket. buy 8 participating products in one transaction and get a fandango movie ticket. up to $10 total value. only at my giant. larry: the national cherry blossom festival is in full swing. we are a proud sponsor. the star attraction is one stage from the peak bloom, the flowers are not out of the woods yet. no pun intended. richard reeve is live at the tidal basin to explain why. richard: it has been a tough season for cherry blossoms. some of them are coming out. look at these. 70% of those are in the puffy white condition. if you remember the cold snap, the m of the trees were in the condition. all of those puffy white, they were killed. all gone. that i the tidal basin. the national park service is keeping a close eye on this. they hope it is a short-lived cold snap. the tidal basin maybe gives a little warmth here. they are hoping for peak bloom on saturday and sunday. michelle: at 6:00, breaking news. a terror attack in london. a man attacking people with the car and then a knife. what we are learning now. >> i know there was some. >> a that the president was wiretapped but what does it mean? new information on a woman who tried to jump the white house fence but ended up in a tangledded mess. announcer: this a breaking news alert. michelle: police mobbed around westminster palace as the emergency helicopters circle big ben. the aftermath of what is called a terror attack. it ended with a police officer and two students killed with the suspected attacker. scoot scoot has been following the breaking news for us. you just learned new information. scott: we have a lot for you. perspective. months ago the london police rolled out a unit of 600 specialized arms officers to respond to terror incidents. they worried something like this would happen today and they were forced to action. after a deadly attack. >> ten bodies. >> lying in places along the bridge. >> the witnesses describe it as horrendous. a car plowed into people on the westminster bridge. >> as i got into the scare, started to realize there was more people running around and the security. thinking this is more than a car accident. >> people started running all over. scott: after crashing in a wall near parliament, a man attacked an armed police officer inside the gate. the officer died. parliament put on lockdown. >> someone couldn't get and some of us went running. scott: they believe he acted alone. >> we believe there was only one

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New York , United States , Rockville , Maryland , Chesapeake Bay , Germantown , Forest Grove , Germany , Kentucky , Florida , Belle Haven , Martinsburg , California , Liberty University , Virginia , Gaithersburg , Suitland , Oregon , Washington , Russia , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Clarksburg , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Annapolis , Montgomery Village , Prince George County , Town Hall , Fredericksburg , Americans , Russian , Scotland , Britain , American , Theresa May , Julie Wright , Yoshino Terry , Larry Hogan , Phil Martin , Richard Reeve , Kevin Lewis , Muriel Bowser , James Jackson , Jeff Goldberg , Marci Wahl , Brad Bell , Scott Taylor , Cheryl Conner , Kevin Eubanks , Erik Smith , Robert Burton , Neil Gorsuch , Jonathan Tran ,

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170322 :

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170322

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in the last three minutes, theresa may condemned what she called a sick and depraved terrorist attack. >> this came on the first anniversary of the terror attack in brussels. the moment of silence marking the first explosion at the city's airport. 32 people died in that and the islamic state claimed responsibility for the attacks. alison: this comes one day after britain joined the united states in banning most electronic devices on commercial flights flights from several countries. this is based on a threat that the openland security believes is credible. alison: new development involving pre larry: the communication involving the trump transition team may have been picked all by incidental collection. >> the president said, president obama tapped his phone. >> no, no, no. that didn't, that did not happen. i have said this for many weeks. >> he says it has nothing to do with the investigation in the possible election between trump campaign and russia. alison: now to a developing story out of new york city. a maryland man murdered a black man in an apparent hate crime. this is the surveillance video of james jackson leaving the scene. according to the police traveled to new york city and saw and stabbed him several times with a small sword. he later turned himself in. the suspect has a deep-seeded hatred against black people and traveled to new york to kill them. larry: in d.c. a woman is dead and police think the woman who killed her could be driving around in her car. 34-year-old corrina mehiel found bound and stabbed in a row house. sam: she exhibited in düsseldorf, germany and it is here in the 600 block of 16th street northeast her body was found 24 hours ago. according to police, 34-year-old corrina mehiel living temporarily in northeast d.c. yesterday they received a call for unconscious person in the basement apartment and they found the woman. >> tied up an the multiple tab wounds. at this point she was seen alive at some point sunday evening. she had been here since february putting together an exhibit at the corcoran. he was driving a car with kentucky plates and license number 722rmy. with a distinct marking. >> you can see a small yellow triangular shaped sticker beneath the license plate. >> this is sad. >> you never who could be walking past you. you never know. sam: police say there was no forced entry. >> we don't have anything to suggest it's random but we have to e major metropolitan area. sam: in all the cases of homicides in d.c. there is a $25,000 reward. they believe this car can lead to the solution of the homicide. alison: i hope they get answers soon. thank you. a lot of talk in the last few weeks of the number of the missing person cases in the district. we have been telling you how the police change the way they report when they respond and disappears. in an hour mayor muriel bowser will join councilman for town hall meeting on the issue at the excel academy on martin luther king jr. avenue in southeast. you can see the stories on the change in policy at search the word "missing." >> a winter blast returning today. is it the season's last cold ga doug has the forecast. doug: you get to the 22nd of march and sunny skies and you think it's upper 50's to 60. not so much. 45 now in belle haven country club. it's beautiful now. 48 now is the temperature in washington. 49 in fredericksburg. annapolis at 46. look for the lower 20's in germantown and manassas. 22 in fairfax. 27 in downtown washington. for thursday morning, the bus stop for the kids. clear skies and the pick up time. 46 at recess time. then the temperatures will go back up. we talk about the warming trend in the extended forecast in ten minutes. alison: looking forward to that. thank you. 61 days in the first 100 days of trump's presidency and today he met with members of the congressional black caucus for the first time. larry: third day of hearings for neil gorsuch. the president's choice to fill the empty seat on the supreme court. >> what vision do you share with president trump? >> i mean no disses respect to say they don't speak for me and i don't speak for them. i have admiration for justice scalia as we talked about. none of you speaks for me. larry: the hearings wrap up tomorrow with testimony for witnesses for and against the nomination. alison: there was tough questioning for the second nominee for secrety labor, acosta. the president first choice for the labor secretary withdrew from the consideration last month. larry: this morning liberty university saying trump will be the speaker for the commencement. alison: new information following a rape information at rockville high school. they requested extra police presence at the school today after a number of the threatening phone calls about the illegal immigration status of the 17 and the 18-year-old suspects. they were freshmen at the school. they are accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom. today the trump administration asked a court to hear the appeal of the ruling that blocked the travel ban. this comes as they debate their own policies. general assembly is debating a sanctuary bill. brad? brad: they are not calling it a sanctuary bill. but the opponents are. the debate has been colored by the incident at rockville high by the rape. there was a vicious debate across the aisle. for and against this bill. when it was done. they count the vote on the big board, enough green lights that it got through the house. this is the trust bill. the trust in the immigrant is the aim. >> this is about the community living in fear of the police. you can trust the police. brad: delegate sanchez representing langely park says it is about public safety. they would require turning a person over to >> nothing would preclude law enforcement doing the job. alison: among those opposing it is larry hogan. he called it a bill to make maryland a sanctuary state. >> the public opinion is split. most we spoke to is expressing support for the bill. >> i feel like i'm protecting the american dream. brad: we'll be back at 6:00 with more including how the sponsors say it has nothing to do with the incident in rockville. in the state house and the house chamber, brad bell, abc7 news. larry: in the last hour and a half, the judge ordering both sides in the case of a mediation. they say the county board of the sewage permit amounts to discrimination. >> trump care will cause the american people to pay more for less care. alison: coming up at 5:00, the fight over healthcare reform with the clock ticking. larry: later, what happened when the fourth person in two weeks tried to make it to the white house grounds. alison: but first, big google is watching you. how to get out of the version of sharing where you are. >> you get a call from your child who is crying. a man jumps on the phone and tells you to hand over $50,000 or your kid is dead. i'm scott taylor. a foin scam on the rise in the are credit karma? why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak] yep, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. alison: you get a call saying your kid has been kidnapped. this is a scam. it's called virtual kidnapping. and scott taylor will give us tools to fight back. >> aaron col with reminders of his daughter victoria when the cell phone made. >> it was hard to understand her. what is going on? daddy, help. they got me in the man. a man is on the phone. >> the man made it clear what would happen if dad didn't hand over $50,000. >> the man says if you want to see victoria again do what we say or we will kill her. scott: where was his daughter in the phone call? in class. the dad was able to call the school and discover he was in a scam he never heard of. he confirmed she was at the school. >> this is called virtual kidnapping and it's on rise. the sheriff office says the scam has been attempted several times in the past six months in the county. >> they are scum. it's a horrible thing they are doing. >> i don't want anybody to fall for this. if you don't recognize the phone number and this is coming from an outside area code, don't answer it. it is probably a scam if the callers won't allow you to get off the phone. kidnappers don't usually want you to send ransom money through a wire service. we have more tips over on this ticks me off because it involves mom, dad and kids. alison: it's good to get the information now so you can think clearly if it happens to you. larry: great information. thank you. alison: well, family and location using cookal maps -- using google maps. users can enable the tracker and customize who views the information. they can st the time they want it to be active and disable it when needed. they will send e-mail after sharing the location. larry: all five escalators at metro are working tonight. paul wiedefeld was there. the project replaced all five escalators at the station. alison: national park service says cherry blossoms along the tidal basin are now at the puffy white stage. larry: that is one stage from the what will it mean for the flowers? alison: 27 degrees is the magic number. doug: if you hit 127 or below it could be damage to blossoms if we get through tonight the yoshino terry trees and keep the 128 or higher we good to go -- keep the 28 or higher we are good to go. i don't see any more sub freezing temperatures for a long time. but 27 or 26 could be different. we are at peak block on sunday. fingers are crossed. this is chilly. it's 40's across the region now. there is plenty of sunshine factory. the winds diminish and the air is dry and clear, we see temperatures drop quickly. 45 in gaithersburg and washington dulles. 43 in winchester. 49 in fredericksburg. through the overnight western hours are cold. 17 in the morning. it's 22 in hand doc. 121 in martinsburg. it's 22 in ashburn in the morning as well. in the metro, the lower 20's north of town. downtown is about the 27 degree mark. tomorrow in the lows in the 30's. there is one more night to get through. keep your fingered crossed. we put together when we had the last freeze of the season. last year was april 10 before we had the final freeze. 2015 was march 28. you can see march 6 in 2012. this is a cold phase. the winds are lateer tomorrow afternoon. the future cast shows clear skies and quiet conditions. turning southeast tomorrow and then in the south/southwest for friday and saturday. we push in the lower 60's a get here on saturday. 72 on saturday. sunday we will hit 65. you will see that the chance of the showers and the mild temperatures will continue to next week. 70 on monday. 60 for tuesday and mild. we need the rain. we are below the rainfall. still in moderate drought in some areas. larry: thank you. alison: keep us posted. the investigation in the possible connections between the administration and russia is heating up. the surprise of a lifetime for the local high school students. >> prince george's county police officer sickened by the carbon monoxide sitting in a scruter similar to this -- in a cruiser similar to this one. his e.m.t. with saving his life. you will hear from both coming up. larry: a look at what is coming up tonight on abc. alison: and julie wright has a look at what is coming up on "good morning washington." >> thank you. tomorrow on "good morning washington" we are celebrating national puppy day. the seven essential things you need to know before you bring home the adorable pooch. >> legendary guitarist and band leader from "the tonight show" kevin eubanks in the studio. >> keep it right here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at 4:25 on "good morning washington." announcer: countdown to first pitch brought to you by -- larry: ten d.c. high school students were ambushed in class today. not just by the crowd but full ride scholarships. george washington university leaders and the mascot on the right showing up to reward the students in person. alison: wi love when they do that. it never gets old. changes their lives. larry: it does. alison: it's fantastic. a volunteer e.m.t. is credited with saving the lay of one-his best friends. a phone conversation helped safe the officer from carbon monoxide poisoning. >> thank friends since they were 7. but the volunteer e.m.t. phil martin could never imagine saving prince george's county police officer ricardo's life. >> to say that your best friend came to your aid and saved your life is remarkable. >> march 3, both men finished up a shift as volunteer e.m.t.'s in seat pleasant. the officer drove home many police cruiser similar to this one and sat in his driveway talking to martin. >> he started to talk about something irrelevant. >> he knew to go find him. >> i found him unresponsive. >> the officer suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call this an isolated incidt. >> this shows that a crack was found in part of the engine. >> the heat was turned on to circulate from outside. it brought the exist in the car. martin was given an award from the fire department and he says the lesson never hesitate to call 911 if you think something is wrong. >> cheryl conner, abc7 news. alison: now even better friends. larry: what a story they will tell. alison: still ahead at 5:00, we tell you about a scary situation that some are encountering while driving on a local highway. >> another white house fence jumper. i'm jeff goldberg. why this one ended in a different way than the ones we have seen in the past few weeks. larry: when we come back, the latest on what we in the investigation iner the -- latest investigation in the terror attack in london. alison: we want to update you on the breaking news from london. three victims died. two dozen people are now in the hospital after a terrorist scotland yard said the attacker drove in a crowd on westminster bridge before crashing into a security barrier. the attacker then ran toward parliament where he stabbed and killed a police officer before being killed by police. we will continue to follow the story throughout the evening. larry? larry: last night another person tried to scale the fence and get on the grounds of the white house. but as jeff goldberg reports, this time the fence tripped up the plan. jeff: another white house fence jumper. the fourth in two weeks. alison: you wonder what is wascaing the reaction and it has all asking why. >> attention grab. people want to get out there and get in the media. >> last night before 11:00, a woman tried climbing over the fence in the southwest corner of the white house grounds but she didn't get far. her clothing got tangled on the spikes on the top of the fence. she was apprehnd after. >> if someone wants to get over it, they can get over it. >> members from the o'neil family are troubled by the incidents. on saturday a man jumped from a bike rack to prohibited area by the white house before being taken to custody. saturday night, another man from roanoke was arrested after first trying to get in the white house then saying he had a bomb in his car. march 10, jonathan tran of california was on the white house grounds for 16 minutes before being taken into custody. >> i don't know if they are electrified or taller or the armed guards. but it says about security when they can jump a fence and get close to the president. >> security analyst believes they should raise the height >> that is a big concern because they must have dead spots or they are not watching. one of the two. they have to fix that. >> the woman tried to climb over the fence in the white house and got her shoe laces stuck on top of the spikes of the fence. emergency officials had to come and rescue her to keep her from falling on her head. >> the d.c. police identified her as 38-year-old marci wahl of everett, washington, charged with unlawful entry. live in northwest washington, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. alison: thank you. president trump former campaign chairman is responding to a report about the alleged ties to russia. paul manafort says the story about the connection is not russian billionaire but did not involve the russian political interest. the trump administration says it had no part in the situation. >> to suggest that the president knew who his clients were from a decade ago is a bit insane. he was hired to do a job and he did it. alison: he says manafort was fired because of the distraction from the connection to pro russian party and trump was down in polls. larry: seven years ago, president obama signed the affordable care act to law. >> house republicans should wake up and not strip americans from the health coverage. >> the american public are not going to put up with this. >> the house rules started debate the healthcare act today and is set for a vote tomorrow. it might not have the votes to pass. 20 republicans said they would vote against it. >> we thought of ourselves like how do we make it happen? >> unsung heroes are inspiring a campus. >> the new at 6:00, the next step of the firefighter that became symbol of heartbreak and terror in the afternoon math of th steve: inching closer to the weekend. 73 on saturday. a lot of sunshine. sunshine is cooler and a better chance of much-needed rain. take you out with a loo 62 on friday. there is the weekend for you. 70 on monday. the upper 60's on tuesday. we stay in the 60's for the remainder of next week. stay w alison: they are recognizing the unsung heroes that are keeping the university running. michelle: the university senior bellamy is the founder of the non-profit unsung heroes. through the facebook page, he shares the personal stories of everyday campus workers. >> this means everything. this is what we deserve. the workers do so much for our community. we want to give back. >> the unsung heroes shared the story of the food and the service worker frankie capers. it inspired more than likes and shares. >> she wanted to go to florida with the grandson. what if we could make it happen? >> after years of taking care of others the ultimate birthday surprise. the all expense paid trip to disney world with the crowd funding campaign. capers hasn't been on a vacation in more than 12 years. >> the fundraiser started when she clocked in. by the time she clocked out her wish fulfilled. >> sesurprised her. >> quite the surprise. >> they have raised thousands of dollars for the other workers helping to make their dream come true. the workers who once felt they were invisible to students. >> realizing that this is not a janitor to clean up the classrooms. a name and a story. people connect with that. they think twice before leaving it on the ground to clean up. >> the community does connect with that. >> this is an opportunity to break the ice with workers. he is going to focus on it full-time. he is working to expand it to the other college campuses. this is exciting to see. larry: that is amazing. one person makes a difference. to see the young people looking outside of themselves is so inspiring. it's wonderful. a great story. >> thanks. >> a crash call with four vehicles that never once collided with each other. i'm kevin lewis. we will explain still ahead. larry: plus our coach of the week is a true champion outside the ring to local boxers. robert burton introduces us to barry hunter later in sports. >> the countdown to first pitch brought to you by -- larry: we have had all had the experience driving and a pebble pops up and hit the windshield. don't believe they were stirred up road debris. kevin lewis is live in mobiletrak7 as several rocks were hit on i-270 near cloper road. >> it was around this time yesterday when the cars started to get pummeled along this stretch of i-270. the police say it was likely meant to be a prank but nevertheless, misguided. rush hour traffic often involves loud voices. but four vehicles driving north on i-270 tuesday heard a bang. >> originally the call came in as a possible multi-vehicle collision. >> the maryland state police discovered the male teenagers chucked the large stones at the passing cars. some with children inside. canvass it with the suspect. it yielded negative results. they still at large. >> this month, the black car front passenger window was shattered on the clara barton parkway. then a cab and a metro access van were nailed by rocks along suitland markway. it's all similar. but likely not connected. >> i had to describe the teenager actions i'd say naive. i use that word because sometimes without the development or without the life experience you may not realize the ongoing impact of a simple action that it may take. >> the troopers tell me that one stone nearly hit a motorcycle. >> thank you, kevin. let's get a check of the roadways with erik smith two is on traffic watch today. erik? erik: hey there. thank you very much. a tough ride around the district. we start off in d.c., 12th and constitution avenue. you have the underpass. that is a tough ride either way. typical in the heart of d.c. looking at 270. this is at montgomery village. northbound is tough through gaithersburg. the local lanes on the right side end and that is where everyone merges together. same story for clarksburg. it's a tough ride through the lane merge there as well. it's plenty on both ways and this will continue through the dulles toll road. a few incidents along the way. but it won't make a difference with it looking slow at this point. that is all from the traffic center for now. head back to jonathan. larry: i'll take it from here. the virginia department of transportation will hold the second of two public meetings on expanding the express lanes on i-95. the idea is to add ten miles so the lanes exit 133 or route 17. the meeting begins at 7:00 at stafford high school in fredericksburg. alison: we have an update on remodeling at reagan national. >> it will be a year of the disruption to the roadway. it will be phased at the different times. alison: that is how the architect of the plan says it will impact the traffic. it will call for a brand new security terminal that is completed 2020. we have lunchbox weather. doug: our good friend brian van de graaff headed out to forest grove for the lunchbox weather program. he told how to do the weather on the tv and showed them a video. he tack them outside to check out the storm track 7. running the kid cam today was jacob. we also have a weather question. >> hello. i'm a fourth grader at forest grove. today, have a question for you. what kind of technique or special equipment is used to forecast the storm on march 13 to march 14 or where are different models to predict storms? doug: great question. the to refresh everybody's memory, the closer to washington and chesapeake bay, it's very little snow. farther north to frederick and cumberland they got ten inches of snow. tracking this using the radar and the satellite imagery. the surface observation temperatures every hour to look at the balloon data, and we use the computer models. the north american model was the closest with the type of the precipitation. if you remember the report leading up to it we stressed it's so important that the rain/snow line keeps getting closer and closer. you see with your eyes. there is no way to know that three or four days ahead of time. alison: what a cutie. the maryland women are getting ready for a matchup against oregon. larry: there might be a problem getting in the arena. robert: they are there for the sweet 16. they will take on oregon. first in the regional. if they win that, they can matchup against uconn. there is a problem, though. the maryland fans won't buy tickets because they are all sold out. the fans making it to bridgeport are buying all the tickets up. here is brenda freeze on the situation. >> the tickets are all gone. that is unfortunate. i provides a tremendous advantage. we are going on the road and take care of business. robert: barry hunter. the name might sound familiar. more than the boxing coach. he is a mentor. his coaching style is hard hitting and the values. he is the long-time trainer barry hunter. he is a man behind the local two-time champion peterson. >> i don't know what i would have been doing at this point. i would be doing something else. >> he trains his brother anthony and he takes time to reflect on how far they have come. he was there from the start. >> to know where they came from. to make a difference. to have an impact in the lives. it would mean the world to me. >> for hunter, training isn't just a profession but a purpose. at barry's gym, you are family. more like an adopted son or daughter. >> if you have the kids that are lost. some them don't have a way or a path. they don't think so. to show th way to do things. they don't have to always be. it's a beautiful thing. >> he is doing it. doing it in the neighborhood. alison: it is great he realizes the reach of his influence. alison: more than the sport. robert: you have to. larry: especially in boxing. all the youth coaches have a special talent but boxing especially. robert: on top of that, a tough sport. very tough sport. larry: baseball is one thing. okay. boxing is one -- robert: basketball, too. no offense to the ballers out there. and the footballers, too. [laughter] i should stop talking. alison: yeah. you are digging a hole. robert: okay. larry: thanks, robert. >> well, it is cold out but look at these blossoms. can they survive the weekend? we will explain how it is going in a live report coming up. yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. this march score the perfect basket. buy 8 participating products in one transaction and get a fandango movie ticket. up to $10 total value. only at my giant. larry: the national cherry blossom festival is in full swing. we are a proud sponsor. the star attraction is one stage from the peak bloom, the flowers are not out of the woods yet. no pun intended. richard reeve is live at the tidal basin to explain why. richard: it has been a tough season for cherry blossoms. some of them are coming out. look at these. 70% of those are in the puffy white condition. if you remember the cold snap, the m of the trees were in the condition. all of those puffy white, they were killed. all gone. that i the tidal basin. the national park service is keeping a close eye on this. they hope it is a short-lived cold snap. the tidal basin maybe gives a little warmth here. they are hoping for peak bloom on saturday and sunday. michelle: at 6:00, breaking news. a terror attack in london. a man attacking people with the car and then a knife. what we are learning now. >> i know there was some. >> a that the president was wiretapped but what does it mean? new information on a woman who tried to jump the white house fence but ended up in a tangledded mess. announcer: this a breaking news alert. michelle: police mobbed around westminster palace as the emergency helicopters circle big ben. the aftermath of what is called a terror attack. it ended with a police officer and two students killed with the suspected attacker. scoot scoot has been following the breaking news for us. you just learned new information. scott: we have a lot for you. perspective. months ago the london police rolled out a unit of 600 specialized arms officers to respond to terror incidents. they worried something like this would happen today and they were forced to action. after a deadly attack. >> ten bodies. >> lying in places along the bridge. >> the witnesses describe it as horrendous. a car plowed into people on the westminster bridge. >> as i got into the scare, started to realize there was more people running around and the security. thinking this is more than a car accident. >> people started running all over. scott: after crashing in a wall near parliament, a man attacked an armed police officer inside the gate. the officer died. parliament put on lockdown. >> someone couldn't get and some of us went running. scott: they believe he acted alone. >> we believe there was only one

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