Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170321 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 5 20170321

teacher, student association at rockville high school will hold a meeting about the rape charges against the two freshmen. but they are 17 years old. jose montano. and 18 years old, henry millen. they are accused of dragging a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom and raping her. the immigration status has been the center of the debate for days and today sean spicer was asked about it in the white house daily briefing. >> because people are victim of the crimes in terms of them, victims of the economic pieces. national security, immigration pays a toll on the people. if it's not done legally. this is why the president is so passionate about this. alison: we have a live picture set up. we are standing by for the montgomery county schools to have a news conference on the case. when it begins we will let you know. >> we are monitoring a developing story in the war on terror after the temporary ban on electronic devices. they are on nine airlines between the u.s. and the ten cities in eight countries. this all stems from the new intelligence about a potential attack. >> ten airports in eight countries telling passengers they can no longer carry electronic devices larger than the cell phones or the smart phones. tonight the officials are not saying if there was a specific threat that triggered restrictions. >> the emergency rule affects the passengers traveling to the united states from the eight middle eastern country including the u.s. allies, jordan, egypt, saudi arabia and the gulf states. no longer allowed in the cabinet of the jetliners. laptop, dvd, and the electronic games. now they must be checked in. >> what has likely happened is the u.s. government developed the intelligence that a group or individual has developed some device they can get to the airplane, or another electronic appliance. >> homeland security saying it's concerned about the interest targeting the commercial aviation. the new rules met with the mixed reaction from the travelers. >> annoying. i like to use the laptop. whether it's entertainment purposes or the work purposes. >> you have to deal with it. you can't do anything about it. >> there is enough screening going on it's not necessary. >> they are hoping to prevent another attack like this one. last year a laptop full of exesplo is smuggled -- explosives smuggled on a plane and detonated after take-off and ripped hole in the aircraft flying over somalia. >> they are taking an extra step to take anything packed with the explosives out of the cabin and prevent a device detonated in the cabin. >> the u.k. added similar restrictions for the flights from the countries in middle east and africa. the department of homeland security giving the airports 96 hours to comply with the directive of now has n date. in los angeles, abc7 news. alison: meanwhile, a federal judge in alexandria is now considering a request from a muslim civil rights group for a broader hold on the travel ban. they argue part of the ban with the visa waivers is in effect. attorneys representing hawaii who put the ban on hold to make it permanent until the issue is resolved in the court. >> supreme court nominees before him, neil gorsuch was careful not to get in the specifics about the hot button issues in the second day of the confirmation hearing. at one point he said if the president asked him if he supported overturning the royal versus wade he would have walked out the door. >> -- overturning roe v. wade he would have walked out the door. >> part of being a gad judge is taking precedent as it stands. your personal views about the precedent have nothing to do with the good job of a >> if confirmed he would fill the seat left empty since death of antonin scalia last year. alison: the trump administration and the civil liberties union agree on one thing. a group of muslims trying to build a mosque were discriminated against. the case will be in court tomorrow. amy aubert is joining us now from the "n.f.l. live" with -- amy aubert is joining us from the "live desk" with a preview of this. what is this about? amy: the pretrial arguments are set to kick off tomorrow. this is a story we covered from the beginning on abc7. it claims that the culpeper county leaders violated federal law when they blocked the center from building a mosque when they wouldn't grant a sewage permit. the county has seen 26 applications since 1992. never denied a pump and haul permit for commercial or religious use. >> being muslim is why they >> why are you sure about that? >> we have seen so many cases nationwide. >> we have never ever approved an to ration on a -- operation for a peace of ground that had nothing build -- for a piece of ground that had nothing building on it. amy: the supervisors say this was a land use decision. the pretrial arguments are going to start in charlottesville tomorrow. at the "n.f.l. live," amy -- at the "live desk," amy aubert, abc7 news. alison: there are several stars taking part of the fundraiser next week. tom hanks, alec baldwin, tracy morgan. they will all appear on the broadcast march 31. the aclu has been a key player to fight president trump's travel bans. several websites plan to air the benefit. doug: this is the first full day of spring. felt more like it today. 60 degrees. the temperatures will slowly drop in the 40's. a cold front is coming to town and it may produce scattered showers at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. clouds will push southeast. the skies clear. gusty winds and colder temperatures. at the bus stop we start out at 36 degrees. only be near 40 with sunshine at recession time. drop off time is 45. the gusty winds make it feel colder. but warmer temperatures in the extended outlook. i'll be happy to share it in ten minutes. alison: thank you, doug. see you then. new developments in an investigation into a woman found murdered a year ago in spotsylvania county. today, police reveal that two men are charged in the case. richard reeve is live at the spotsylvania county courthouse complex and he has details. rich? rustles there -- richard: there are a lot of gaps. murder charges. but for the family, this is closure but it's still very difficult. >> it's heart-breaking. heart-breaking. richard: flowers, love notes and butterflies decorate this for heather ciccone. >> the funeral alone showed how much she was loved. richard: in 2015, ciccone, 21 years old, found shot togette in her silver kia. now a year later a grand jury indictment against 29-year-old joshua williams and 28-year-old jonathan vejarano on murder charges. >> a sense of relief right now. it won't be full relief until conviction are done. there is a guilty verdict. richard: citing the continuing investigation, they have released no motive or how ciccone came the contact with the suspects. >> this has haunted me since thed richard: bonnie's husband found the kia in his driveway. >> the engine was revving. he got out and her car side open and he took the flash flight and he knew when he saw her, she was gone. >> the court documents list charge against both suspects including sexual assault, carjacking and burglary using or attempting to use a even with. there is a memorial for the life cut short. >> no amount of sorry or condolences will bring her back. richard: heather wanted to join the military. there were 800 people at the funeral. the two defendants are held without bond and they will likely have a court appearance in the next week or so. larry: governor mcauliffe d.n.a. evidence matched a fifth man to the crime who says he is the only one responsible. the norfolk four are out of prison and three have had convictions overturned. coming up here at 5:00, a hit for the embattled d.c. summer jobs program after years of trying to clean things up. later, a vote over whether the ambulance drivers should unionize and what it could mean for you the next time you need to call 911. >> i think we get a winner vote. a real winner. alison: plus, the president heads to the hill to make a push for a revamped healthcare plan. >> could president trump's proposed budget turn the purple line blue? i'm kevin lewis with a closer look still ahead. larry: montgomery county schools starting to talk about the rain claim against two then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? the dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. so every couple can get the best sleep ever. does your bed do that? only at a sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $899. and right now save $400 on our most popular mattresses. go to for a store near you. why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak] credit karma, huh? yep, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. prodders, shuckersers, and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. alison: surrounded by astronauts from both parties, trump signed $19.5 billion funding bill for nasa. last week he the space agency future budget by $500 million. the spending bill today puts in law the goal of a manned mission to mars by 2030. larry: operators of the shenandoah valley regional airport says they would end the commercial air service. alison: last night the council passed resolution to condemn the plan. the reason is the workers that are living in the county and the agencies that are facing the big cuts based there. another reason it could spell the end of the line for the purple line in a legal battle. devonkevin lewis explains. >> we are not happy but we have been through this before. >> he saw the headline 13% cut for transportation. president trump's proposed budget. on the chopping block, the purple line. a 16-mile long light rain system that would link bethesda and new carrollton for $2.6 billion. >> if he wants to do big things he needs to start with the projects now. with the campaign promise of rebuilding tunnel, bridges and rails, the purple line hasn't turned blue yet. >> the odds are good. >> the other local transit projects at risk are the long range plus bus transit routes. larry: a group of the demonstrators taking to capitol hill to propose a plan to cut funding for the broadcasting. it includes funding for pbs and npr. they had 260,000 signatures from across the nation and marched them to the us. a >> "7 on your side." 10-month-old girl born with two legs and -- four legs and two spines survived a surgery at an illinois hospital. they were from an undeveloped twin and they protruded from her neck and back. today they talked about the surgery and the recovery. >> there is so much strength in the world. whatever you can do. we want to open our hearts. she is a good baby. >> when she recovers she will be reunited with her family in the ivory coast. they expect her to live a normal wife. that is remarkable. >> i hope we can follow the story. >> that is amazing. weather wise it feels like spring today. but you keep saying not to get used to it. doug: tomorrow will feel like late winter. we will hit friday and saturday and it will feel like spring again. >> the roller coaster. doug: yeah. i don't know how much the tickets cost but you can go again and again and again. larry: it's >> time lapse. this is typical for what skies look like today in the vantage point of the weather bug camera in northwest washington in northwest. the temperatures in the upper 50's in the city. cloudy for a good portion of the day. but after the lunchtime it will brighten and through the afternoon, voila! sunshine and blue skies. we will lose it here for the next several hours as the clouds increase later tonight. that is the mechmism to drop temperatures back. through the evening is a slow and a steady drop of temperatures. the cold front will get closer. we have a line of the showers to take modeling. this is coming quickly. we have other models that show about 2:00 but you get the general idea. we have clearing skies tomorrow. gusty winds and the temperatures climb. wi will have a lot of sunshine. in the direct sunshine you will feel warm. you will walk in the shade and to the sun. you will feel how chilly it. is the forecast with a ride range of temperatures to frostburg, hagerstown, and cumberland. it's 30 by morning. 40 in the metro area. clouds overnight, isolated showers and the winds picking up out of the north/northwest 20 miles per hour. look at the wind this is the 22nd of march. this is chilly air to be out in. this is cold for tomorrow to thursday. we will lose gusty winds on thursday. the day planner is partly sunny and mostly sunny. highs to 40 degrees. 15 degrees below average for march. there is an improvement. thursday we lose the winds. chilly to 57 on friday. this is in the 60's on sunday. the showers saturday night. we will warm up again next week. >> has spring actually sprung? >> some nail salons will offer you a glass of bubbly in the manicure. larry: find out how to get the same taste of luxury without leaving the house. alison: then later, a star in cuffs in the video and why he was unfairly detained. larry: first a look at what is coming up tonight on abc7. alison: now autria godfrey with a look at what is coming up on "good morning washington." >> thank you. tomorrow on "good morning washington," the new pop-up scam on facebook promising the free gift cards and iphones. why your friends list could be at risk. >> how to transform this to new household decor. alison: report finds weaknesses in the summer youth program. they found $43,000 in unaccounted for transportation expenses that listed inefficient payroll processing, planning and the i.t.i. issues that could lead to waste, fraud and abuse. they issued four reports on the program at the direction of the d.c. council. larry: d.c. bureau chief sam ford has a look at what the vote could mean for your care. sam: this is not an issue of patient care as a concern of the workers about the scheduling. in the year since the a.m.r. has come on a lot of the horror stories that you heard about the d.c. ambulances being late and such, those have plummeted for the most part. but workers are gathering today and thursday and voting whether to have the union represent them. since march of last year, a.m.r., american medical response ambulances take the low priority patients to d.c., bring up the ambulances for serious cases. but some push for a union hoping for the better pay, equipment and scheduling. workers are both sides of issue. >> ich from detroit. i have seen the unions and what they can to do families and what they do to hurt people. >> d.c. spends $12 million a year on a.m.r. would that go up if the workers unionized? we have more coming up at 6:00. reporting live from the northeast washington. i'm sam ford. larry: thank you. emergency rooms and the gunshot wounds each year. find out what it costs to treat them all still ahead. >> i have goosebumps now. i think about the minute they walk in the door. i'm tearing up. larry: what made the meeting between a boy and a dog emotional for >> but first, the hard sell. the president heads to capitol hill to push a healthcare bill. days before a vote. alison: let's get back to briefing on the rape at rockville high school. brad bell, what did they say today? brad: you know, alison, this is a hot button issue. there are so many complaints, is this related to immigration? a little on the background. this is first reported on friday. there was an alleged rape inside the high school. two suspects taken to custody. one 18 years old. the other 17 careers old. both enrolled as freshmen. both non-english speaking. we heard one of them is an undocumented immigrant. the others sources tell us it's undocumented immigrant. but as a juvenile it can't be confirmed. there are so many questions. how can an 18-year-old be in there? rape of 14-year-old girl is the allegation. we didn't hear from the superintenden he is say dog not make this about immigration. this is about two bad people making terrible decisions. listen to this. >> we are not going to paint all students who speak another language, all students of a skin color or religion with a broad brush because of a terrible incident. so i am saying no. we are going to take care of the students. take care of this student who experiencedded the trauma. brad: he is talk about the 14-year-old girl, the victim. press conference is going on. i'm going in and we will be back at six with new information on this matter. larry: strong words. thank you. president trump went out for an healthcare in the south. >> a make or break moment for president trump to close the door on healthcare. the president warned the house republicans if they don't pass a bill to repeal and replace obamacare many will lose in 2018. >> i serve at the pleasure of the people of western north carolina. if you serve at those pleasure it's only those people that can send you home. it is a temporary job. >> the message directed to the conservative member of the freedom caucus who opposed the bill for weeks. despite being singled out, chairman of the freedom caucus said he is still a no on the g.o.p. bill because it does not lower premiums. >> thiseds is about repealing the in replacing them with something that protects the conditions. >> the bill will fail if 21 g.o.p. members vote no and the democrats do, too. the house normally has 435 members but because of the five vacant seats there are only 430 now. the bill needs the majority of the house and will take 215 votes to pass. >> you have tremendous divisions. many of them are ideological division in the republican caucus. i don't think that many if any democrats are going to vote for it. >> the house is expected to vote on thursday. if it passes house it will head to the senate. it will have a tougher road than the upper chamber. >> thank you. a new study reveals the financial cost of caring for fire arms. the stanford school of medicine put the cost of the hospitalization of the gunshot wounds from 2006 to 2014 at $7 billion. 40% of those costs are shoulders by you the taxpayer. that does not include e.r. visits or readmission. this is as the congress banned federal funding for research in 1996. larry: the sheriff department is apologizing to grammy winning musician after he was taken to custody. >> they had me in custody for nothing. >> he was mistaken for a robbery suspect. he tried to explain who he was and he was ignored. he was quickly release bud they apologized for the inconvenience. alison: pranksters looking to have fun with the iphones are causing problems for local law amy aubert is at the "live desk" to explain why. amy? amy: the problems could be serious with an attempt 911 systems. don't try this with the cell phone unless you have a legitimate emergency. so many phones. you can tell it to call certain numbers. if you say call 108 it will dial up the emergency services. that is the number in india to call for emergency. it's a frank that some are falling for. >> they wanted to let us know this is making the rounds through the community. >> there is potential to tie up the line if the people are calling the number without real emergencies. at the "live desk," amy aubert, abc7 news. larry: thank you. switching gears now. groupon says the latest offering offering is no joke. they are offering perseco flavor nail polish. this just gives you a chance to win a bottle. it's the shade of yellow. it smells like the real thing you you shouldn't drink it and it doesn't actually contain that. >> i don't get it. >> so you can taste it and don't drink it. >> then why taste your nail polish? larry: then there's that. alison: okay. we will see how successful it is. larry: and how many people call in sick. "mean girls" coming to d.c. musical on the 2004 movie will debut at the national theater this fall. there is no word who will be starring in the or the nail polish. alison: coming up at 5:00, centernarian sisters -- centenarian sisters and how many years they are celebrating. >> i'm scott taylor in manassas. the eagles' nest we have been following for months has two baby eagles in the nest. coming up, you will see them for the first time. >> shocking video of a police officer beating a young man. what happened seconds earlier that has the officer behind bars. steve: a big cooldown tomorrow but let's talk about the upcoming weekend. this will be nice on saturday. lower 70's. we will cool it down on sunday to 65 degrees. we can't rule out a showers. stay with us. "a alison: welcome back. if you have a dog or love dogs listen to this. when it comes to dog breeding, the lab dore retriever has a win -- dab ra dore retriever the labrador is the most popular dog. for 26th year in a row. their temperament is one reason they continue to win year after year. but that doesn't mean it's for everyone. in arkansas the breed isn't what lead to the connection. larry: it was the dog's skin. the child lacked confidence because he has a skin condition that creates spots. he was introduced to rowdy who has the same spotted look. after two days together, carter was like a different child. >> it was lay changing for him and it change -- it was life changing for him. i changed for the better. a gift i couldn't give him. >> what is your favorite part? >> getting to pet him. >> what a cutie. >> carter met rowdy through the internet and traveled to oregon to meet him in person and says he loves the dog. >> l that is precious. they will be best friends for life. larry: absolutely. yeah. no question. alison: i love that story. larry: so cute. alison: still to come -- >> in a few years, security checkpoints at reagan national airport will be relocated. i'm mike carter-conneen. coming up, why this is happening and where it will be moving. alison: plus, a chess champion at 15. now the rising star is about to take on the best in the country. >> countdown to first pitch brought to you by -- tomorrow's the day besides video games. every day is a gift. especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl. ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. larry: new life for an old series. the building that served in "homicide" is now a hotel. alison: a few years from now passengers flying out of reagan airport pass through the new relocated security checkpoints. as mike carter-conneen reports tomorrow the metropolitan washington airport authority board of directors get details on the new design. >> there are new security check points between the existing terminal and the metro rail. the agency that oversees this approved the $245 million project. relocating the check point to expand the secured area will have more convenience and eliminating the need for rescreening. the >> anything that makes it easier for travel everies is a great idea. >> it's also needed due to the growing popularity. so many passengers crush to get through security this leaves the big crowds in the gate area with the limited dining and the shopping option. this is going to be behind checkpoints to allow passengers >> you are forced to an area and you have very little arizona for sitting and waiting. >> the new security checkpoints are projected to open in 2020. another pending project is $408 million concourse that serves the aircraft for the northern end is expected to open in 2021. mike carter-conneen, abc7 news. larry: tonight the virginia department of the transportation will hold the first of two public meeting to expand express lanes on i-95 and the idea is to add another ten miles so it will go to 133. the meeting starts in 15 minutes at freedom inned in woodbridge and runs until 8:00. alison: let's check on the road with trenice who is on traffic watch for us. >> i'm sure the folks would love the express lanes. problems through the prince george's county. 50 outbound or westbound to 495. the crash is at vista. take you to a live picture there. you can see the activity out of the roadway and coding delays from bowie. the heavy volume on the top left of the screen is the beltway through m.d. and virginia. again here we are at the 50 and vista. this is everything occupying the right side of the roadway to slow you from bowie. this is a live shot to get across the legion. crawling at snail's pace. this -- the outer loop is also slow leaving from the bridge span. back to you. alison: thank you. two sisters from virginia are celebrating some big birthdays. laura turning 15 the two were born in culpeper county. but you know everyone there calls it shank town because shanks was the mother's maiden name. although they were separated as teens they spend time together every year. including this weekend. >> i have to deal with people and i understand a lot of things about life. alison: they gathered to celebrate their birthdays and the lives well lived. sense of humor is part of their secret. larry: a lot of laughter. no question. we have been laughing for a couple of days but now not so much. alison: it will change after today it sounds like, doug. doug: briefly. it will turn colder. then it warms up by friday for we are getting out of the winter pattern. a beautiful afternoon looking live at the campus of the high school in laurel, maryland. there is sunshine longer but right now the clouds are rolling in from the cold front. it's 63 in reston. annapolis is cooler. that is the influence of the water blowing across the water. 52. woodbridge is 62. what we have is a nice night for the outdoor plans. dinner or anything you will be fine. it won't turn colder until the early morning hours. the cold front is going to be preceded by the clouds and accompanied by showers through the area. this will show up in the future cast. isolated showers are possible. breezy and cold. we pull out of it after that. 41 in midday. it will feel cooler. then it will warm up. 57 by friday. 72 by saturday. we have a quick look at seven days in the next ten days. chance of showers of the warm front for friday morning. maybe rain saturday night. clearly and warmer by the end of next week. it's 5:52. let's check in with robert. robert: one of the best chess players in the world is getting ready for the championships. we are introduced today to the rising star. scott: a love for chess that started in the first grade. >> at a young age i went to chess club. they gave us prizes if you do good. >> the first of many prizes >> sometimes you get a rush if you see something that might change the game. >> she is not the average chess player. not close. she is ranked 15th in the world in the active player category. >> when i started i didn't think i was that good at chess. i moved to virginia and the level went up. >> she has had tremendous success in a short amount of time. in 2014 she became the first american girl to win the youth championship since 1987. next up a trip to st. louis at the end of the month for the u.s. women's championship. >> she believes life is like a game of chess. changing with each move. >> in a game you can make how to get back up and continue on and try your best. >> in life unlake chess the game continues after checkmate. i'm scott abraham with the rising star. >> if you know someone in the t.m.v. that is overcoming adversity to excel in the athletic arena we want to hear from you. e-mailing us. don't ask me about my chess game. mine is terrible. larry: i'll play you. we'll be bad together. alison: neither of you should play her. larry: not going to happen. robert: no thanks. larry: the area around the capital is hope to three nests for the national am blem. alison: exciting. bu yeah. we love low prices. no bones about it. [ laughter ] great everyday prices and thousands of bonus buy savings. my giant. this march score the perfect basket. buy 8 participating products in one transaction and get a fandango movie ticket. up to $10 total value. only at my giant. michelle: we are standing by for the second of two eagle eggals at the metropolitan police training academy in d.c. to hatch. alison: look last week the second egg was laid after the first so it could crack at any time. cutie. this is the 11th year that liberty and justice made a nest in that tree in southeast. >> enjoying sun. it's been a month since two eggs were laid in the eagles 'nest at the national arboretum. we have video of the new babies born in the manassas eagle nest. michelle: plus the fed put in place new restrictions to better protect the eagles. "7 on your side" investigator scott taylor breaks down new developments. scott: you are getting your first peek of two babies born in an eagles' nest where manassas, virginia, where the controversy continues to fly. the baby's parents working hard to keep them alive. the other major development, u.s. fish and wildlife fishessed a issued a permit for the office buildings within feet of the nest to help protect the eagle. eagle advocate amber taylor filed a lawsuit against fish and wildlife claiming the agency made a wrong decision when it didn't issue a permit filled with restrictions to protect the nest during construction. >> this is at least on paper for the eagles. >> it includes ban on permit and educating the tenants on how not to disturb the nest. plus a third independent party must monitor the nest and report back to the feds for three years. >> we just want to make sure in the future now that a permit is issued someone will actually enforce the permit itself. without it, this is a useless piece of paper. scott: the eagles have been successful in the nest including the babies in there they have given birth to nine eaglets in five years. you have got to love that. scott taylor, abc7 news. jonathan: right now at 6:00 -- >> we are going to take care of this student who experienced this trauma. jonathan: a high schooler raped, two illegal immigrants arrested. and a promise from the school system for the victim and the community. michelle: plus, shocking video. a woman nearly runs over a family. what happened seconds before that sent a woman in a batman sweatshirt over the edge. jonathan: losing control. police officer caught on video beating a teenager. we will show you the officer's view of this coming up. announcer: from abc7 news this is a breaking news alert. michelle: breaking tonight, montgomery county schools respond to the brutal rape of a student in high school bathroom. that case has gained national attention after two students illegal immigrants were arrested. maryland bureau chief brad bell just spoke to school this has the community on edge. brad: yeah. it has the community on edge. and the entire country is talking about it. governor hogan sounded off on it. the white house talked about it today. it was a rape. they say it is a horrible thing. but many are politicizing it and saying because the suspects are undocumented immigrants it's also a police call issue. a little while ago the superintendent of schools came out and held a press conference and distributed these dock minutes. all -- distributing the documents saying to them it's not political. they are here to teach students. >> while someone tried to make this in to a question an issue of immigration, what comes down is we serve every student that walks in the door. we are a public school system. brad: what

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Rockville , Maryland , Arkansas , Ayana , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Culpeper County , North Carolina , Alexandria , Shenandoah , Illinois , Washington , New Carrollton , United Arab Emirates , Oregon , Jordan , Arizona , India , Hagerstown , Prince George County , Saudi Arabia , Norfolk , Somalia , Spotsylvania County , Poland , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Hawaii , Montgomery County , Polish , Gulf States , American , Roe V Wade , Tom Hanks , Jose Montano , Sam Ford , Richard Reeve , Kevin Lewis , Los Angeles , Sean Spicer , Amy Aubert , Tracy Morgan , Amber Taylor , Joshua Williams , Antonin Scalia , Brad Bell , Scott Taylor , Neil Gorsuch , Henry Millen , Scott Abraham , Heather Ciccone , Alec Baldwin ,

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