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Taken the view this is a false comment. That is not my intent. That is not correct. I will write the Judiciary Committee soon, today or tomorrow and to explain this system for the record. Scott so the issue is the white house is trying to turn off the faucet, drip, drip, drip about russia. Michael flynn had to resign after supposedly misleading the Vice President about the conversations he had with the russians. Now people are wondering was there anything sinister, nefarious, illegal between Jeff Sessions as a senator and russia . He says no. People will continue to push for investigation. Larry what is next . He will recuse himself. We know that much. What the next in this saga . Scott he will address a letter to the Judiciary Committee explaining why he testified way he did and try to set the record straight. Why he omitted the information. However, youve got intelligence hearings in the house side that and the facebook still investigating. At this point, the administration, the white house insisting there is nothing to indicate there was collation of any sort. But democrats not going to take that one for their answer. They will keep pushing. Keep pushing. No question. Scott thuman, thank you. We appreciate it. Mike carterconneen was outside the department of justice today as several hundred protesters gathered and called for Jeff Sessions to resign. Jeff sessions lied to the American People and he must resign immediately. Mike outside the department of justice, democratic members of Congress Demanded that attorney general Jeff Sessions resign. Protesters chanted lock him up and passing cars on pennsylvania avenue blared their horns. As the chief legal officer you cannot maintain your position by breaching the law. Mike protesters say they are outrage by russian interference in the 2016 election and allegations of contacts between the trump mp i am worried that the chief Law Enforcement official who is responsible for Holding Everyone in the country accountable is himself is corrupted. Mike the demonstration was organized by move on and other progressive groups. He lied. We need to get rid of him. The Trump Administration has a staff infection. Mike speakers include jamie ra isekin who was he can raskin who was heckled. He called the crowd paid protesters. This is baloney. They wont accept the election results. No one has to pay me to be out here in the freezing cold. I should be at home working, home schooling my kids. Feel free. I will you my address. Send the check. Mike this protest happened before the attorney general announced he would recuse himself. But the protesters today made clear they would not stop demonstrating until after j sessions resigns. Reporting outside the department of justice, mike carterconneen, abc7 news. Alison thank you. We want to get back to breaking news from oxon hill, maryland, and Annalysa Gayle at the senior Potomac High School where a teenager has been killed. Annalysa . Annalysa that is right. The boy in his teens was shot and killed just outside the Southview Apartments in the 1400 block of southview drive before 3 00 p. M. Neighbors believe it was a driveby shooting but police are trying to figure out if it was random or targeted. There are several kids in the neighborhood that tell me they are worried it was one of the classmates potentially. They are hoping to find out more about what happened exactly. We heard from a neighbor a few minutes ago. He was telling me, he was trying to help this boy after he was shot. Unfortunately that teen passed away. Police are here on the scene trying to gather more information. So far, no suspects in the case. No arrests. Well have more as soon as we know it. Live in oxon hill, Annalysa Gayle, abc7 news. County police may have prevented a major disaster. A man enraged by a child custody case threatens to kill his wife and young son and blow up buildings across the county. But tonight he is in police custody. Montgomery county reporter kevin lewis is live in georgetown with how it all went down today. Kevin . Kevin hi, alison. Vigilant officers and Technology Led to a quick capture this morning. I can tell you one of the mens alleged targets, this Child Care Center in georgetown where his young son attended. Abc7 was on the scene as police placed him in handcuffs. 9 45 a. M. , sources say a disturbed father threatened to harm his wife, 3yearold son and a Montgomery County Circuit Court judge. The same sources say the man also claimed he was going to drive a vehicle filled with propane tanks and then blow up two buildings. The m. S. L. International Child Care Center in georgetown where his son attended. Plus the 51 Monroe Building in downtown rockville where Montgomery Countys Child Support offices are housed. Police scoured the area. Later cornering the man along falls road near i270 in rockville. Traffic was blocked for hours as a remote controlled bomb squad robot made its way to the mans black v. W. Sedan. Opening doors and scanning the underbelly. A technician then removed items from the vehicles trunk before giving the allclear. Part of this may stem from a divorce. Kevin police say the man was livid about the ruling in a recent Child Support and custody case and the ripple effects on his life. He may be claiming he is not eligible for a tax return as he may be behind in Child Support payments. Kevin now police tell me detectives are still interviewing that man. Once criminal charges are filed they will release his name and well learn a lot more. Live in georgetown, kevin lewis, abc7 news. New information tonight, Fairfax County police named the officer involved in the chaotic scene in january when a man shot two of his brothers and set a town home on fire in herndon. Officer Lance Guckenberger is a member of the countys special operations division. Police say it is the third time he has been involved in a shooting incident since joining the department 16 years ago. For a second day, a grim reason behind why a popular Fairfax County park was closed as Police Search for human remains. Cheryl conner is live with more on todays efforts. Cheryl . Cheryl well, larry, Fairfax County police acted on a tip. That is what led them here to homes run park in alexandria. You can see that we are on the top of the hill looking down. This is our best Vantage Point as the f. B. I. Helps out Fairfax County police using the final hour of daylight to the search continues for a second day. Fairfax county police asked the f. B. I. To assist with looking for remains in homes run park in alexandria. I wouldnt have thought of it. Cheryl we walked a path of the park that led up to the Law Enforcement at park lawn pool. This is the backyard for many neighbors who enjoy the treelines ands the streams. Im sad. Im sad that it is here. And that we are going through this again. This woman who only wants to be identified as lois lived here for 45 years. She is familiar with case from last year tied to Human Remains Found at Holmes Run Park and conviction of six ms13 gang members. I think it happens probably at night. We dont ever see gangs of people during the park in the day. Cheryl this is a con scene. Being surrounded by nature and the hustle of detectives. Fairfax brought in the homicide and the gang units. Their focus is now Holmes Run Park after not being able to locate remains at lemon road park. I have never had any problems in this park at all. I walk here with my 6yearold son all the time. Cheryl we dont know how much longer police and the f. B. I. Will stay out here but we are told the search could last for an extended period of time. Live in alexandria, cheryl conner, abc7 news. Alison okay. Thank you. Quite a roller coaster weather ride this week, right . We hit 80 yesterday. Then the severe storm. The Severe Weather moved in. Now we are talking about snowshowers in the forecast. Doug, what is next . Doug well, its crazy, isnt it . This is a transition day. We had gusty winds. The wind advisory was canceled this morning. Now its breezy. Beautiful sunshine. A few fair weather clouds. As we go through the evening the winds will c diminish and tomorrow they will pick up once again in the day out of the northwest, due to the low pressure area, a fast moving alberta clipper. There is snow west of the mountains but none of it is making it east of the mountains. That will change tomorrow as a disturbance heads our way. We will wake up to temperatures in the low to mid30s. Then we see temperatures in the 40s. The same time as the disturbance comes in. Let me show you what it looks like. Temperatures are 40 at 5 00. 36 to 40 degrees. The temperatures will warm up in the lower 40s. We will have areas of the snowshowers or snow flurries across the area at the time. Not everybody will see it. If you are not in a snowshower or flurry area its partly sunny and breezy. But chilly with the temperatures in the lower to middle 40s. We check on the weekend in a few minutes. Alison okay, doug. We will see you then. People are picking up the pieces after wicked weather tore across the country overnight. The fast moving system caused whiteout conditions you see in michigan. Leading to t drivers. Today crews are surveying the damage after 20 tornadoes struck across several states including this video from illinois. At least three deaths resulted from the storms. Larry a chilling email as Police Search for the sender. The leader of a Government Watchdog Group protesting the president s policies talks to us about the threat. Thats next. Alison plus, snatching up the cash. Still ahead at abc7 news at 5 00, how a high school is catching in on snapchats wall street debut. We made a joke. Its clear. The mouse cant enter the u. S. Air space without a passport. Larry it wasnt a snake on a plane that oh, how waso good en house . Did you apply . Oh, ill do it later today. Your credit score must be amazing. My credit score . Credit karma. Its free. Thats great um hm. Just whip bam boom, its done. That apartment is mine credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Alison tonight, police in winchester are searching for the sender of an email, threatening a woman leading a group in protest of trumps policies. Larry Richard Reeve talked to the woman about the chilling email. Richard this is the email that the leader of the group received. You can see it here. She says there is threatening language in here. She got the message after a meeting of her group was covered by the area local newspaper. Lisa holiday, a register republican, is the founder of indivisible winchester. She insists the group is not an but is resisting the trump agenda. Not in opposition to the president but of his policies. Last month they held their first public meeting. About 10 o people attended about a hundred people attend and the local paper covered it that included her name. Days later she received an email telling her to stop what she is doing and if she ignores it there will be a price to pay which im sure you will regret. She sent it to the Sheriffs Office who is trying to determine if the message reaches the level of a criminal act. Investigators are trying to find the source of the email. Once i read it over a few times i started to get alarms. When i ran it by a few people, especially people in Law Enforcement, their reaction was strong, too. So i started to go okay, its time to start locking my doors. Holiday says she has no intention of stopping the Political Activities but you heard she will be much more watchful. Now coming up at 6 00, the police investigation. We will hear from a trump voter. His thoughts on all of this. In winchester, Richard Reeve, abc7 news. Alison thank you. If you are out enjoying a night with friends, a free sober ride home is now a screen tap away. The Washington Regional Alcohol Program announced its partnering solely with lyft. As part of the sober ride program. Before this people had to call an 800number and wait for a taxi. Now they can get a sober ride on the lyft app. It covers up to 20 ride and starts st. Patricks day. We are going to provide this not only on st. Patricks day, but cinco de mayo, halloween, december 15 through new years eve. Alison since 1993, sober ride provided 66,000 free safe rides home to wouldbe drunk drivers. Larry thankful for that. A fourlegged furry critter caused passengers on a British Airways flight. Passengers were buckled up and waiting to taxi away when they learned a mouth was on board. They joked the mouse couldnt get a visa to enter the u. S. They were moved to another plane. Mice are a problem on aircraft because they can chew through wiring. That is never good. British airways apologized for the incident. We are not sure if they found the mouse. Beware. Alison how upset would you be if that is why your flight is delayed all the hours . Larry not for 30 minutes. For four hours. Alison oh, man. This weather is unpredictable. Its crazy. Doug yeah. Keep stressing how crazy it from 80 on wednesday, in the low 50s today and the snow flurries and snowshowers tomorrow. But the key is during the day tomorrow the temperatures are in the upper 30 to the low 40s. That is not going to melt. But its psychological impact more than anything else. Lets start with a sure sign of spring. Mark sto is that a dogwood . Maybe. Im not sure. Pretty plant, maam. [laughter] there you go. Doug its that time of year. Things are running a few weeks ahead of schedule obviously. We keep an eye closely peeled on the tidal basin. 14th to the 17th is what the park service is saying for the peak blooms for the Cherry Blossoms this year. We will see what happens. But its time to get colder here. We had rain showers yesterday. Heavy downpours that q mccray got soaked in reporting live for us. It didnt make a dent. We are still in moderate drought and we dont see signs for longsoaking rains or the major storms for ten days around here. We can be deficit since january 1 of over two inches of rainfall at reagan national, washington dulles and under two at b. W. I. Thurgood marshall. Important time of year to get moisture in the soil. Dont see much of it headed this way. I do see the clear skies tonight. Temperatures will drop through the 40s slowly. Will be mostly in the 30s. 32 to 36. That is the range of the temperatures in the morning. Been tracking the snowshowers across the great lakes. Area of low pressure there. Elongated area of low pressure. Snowshowers not out of the mountains. Along and west of the mountains. But tomorrow an upper level disturbance comes swinging through and we have a chance of snowshowers and flurries but we could see snow on grassy areas but that is it. Call for increasing clouds overnight. 29 to 35 is the forecast range. A flurry or a snowshower possible west of the city with northwesterly winds of 5 to 10. The future cast gives us clues about tomorrow. In the morning, the temperatures will be in the 30s. Above freezing. We could see patches of the flurries or the snowshowers. The winds pick up in the day out of the northwest through the morning, the midday and the afternoon, that is when we will continue to see a chance of snowshowers of the snow flurries at times. Temperatures are above freezing as much, not much of an impact. Most will melt. It is still beyond that in the afternoon a couple more snowshowers. Then it will taper off and tomorrow evening the temperatures turn colder under clear skies. Tomorrow, 45 with a high for flurries and snowshowers. Future wind chill in the 20s by this time tomorrow afternoon and everything. Saturday morning its wind chills in the teens because of the gusty breezes but then we start to slowly pull out of it. For the next ten days, 45 tomorrow with snowshowers. Sunshine over the weekend but chilly in the 40s. Warming to 60 on monday. Warmer tuesday and wednesday. The next chance of showers will be tuesday. Turn breezy with another cold front by wednesday. Then we hang out around 60 degrees. You see the little clock . Next weekend is the weekend we return to Daylight Saving time. Do not say savings time youd be incorrect. Alison no s in the end. You will remind us. Doug many times. Alison broken record here. Thank you. Larry kids big and small we talk to the creators of read across america coming up. Alison and remembering relisha rudd. Coming up we take you to an event to honor the little girl who disappeared three nights ago. Larry tonight on abc7 fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. L for 79. 99 per month, r the first year with a oyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. Alison three years ago this week that relisha rudd disappeared. Tonight family and friends are gathering to remember the 8yearold. But that is not all. Our d. C. Bureau chief sam ford is live in northeast washington with what is going on there tonight. Sam . Sam alison, we are at new york and bladensburg, a busy intersection. The number of members of the police force are here as well as friends of relisha rudd to look at this case. We see the police chief is back there. Relisha rudd, an 8yearold girl who lived in a homeless shelter was last seen marc 1, 2014, by a family member. It was days after the Surveillance Video of the Holiday Inn Hotel at new york and bladensburg showed 8yearold relisha with tatum, a 51yearold janitor from the shelter. Tatum was later found dead in an apparent in northeast d. C. No race of relisha rudd has been found despite numerous searches in the area where tatums body was found as well as this area where the National Arboretum is located. The chief is right here. Chief, tell us, why are you all here once again . Its just to show folks we are not going to concern. We want to find relisha and make sure there is closure for the family. She could be out there somewhere. We want to draw attention to the case. We dont want people to forget. A beautiful young girl who went missing. She would be 11 right now. So, she is probably grown from the pictures that we have out there. If you look at the pictures she is a distinct looking young girl. We want people to pay attention. Sam all right. That is chief peter newsham. A number of Police Officers are here and they will be leafletting. This is a leaflet for relisha rudd, critical missing person. Talk to the people who i guess are stopped this busy intersection in washington. Reporting live from northeast d. C. , im sam ford, abc7 news. Larry thank you for that. Meanwhile a minivan driver is facing charges after plowing into a home in manassas this morning. Five people including three kids were in the house. No one was seriously hurt but they cant stay there. Another driver claims the minivan rammed into the back of his truck before hitting the home. The 19yearold woman is charged with driving under the influence of drugs. We refuse to call these gardens. Alison coming up, a 7 on your side iteam, collusive. Why homeown item exclusive. Why homeowners are left without a choice if they announcer youre watching abc7 news at 5 00. On your side. Larry President Trump spent the day aboard the uss gerald r. Ford speaking to members of the navy. His speech focused on a push for increasing military spending. The president vowed to create one of the largest defense spending increases in history to give the military the finest equipment in the world. President trump hopefully its power we dont have to use. But if we do, they are in big, big trouble. [applause] larry President Trump s been since world war i, but promises it will soon be the largest with the major expansion plan. Rick perry has been confirmed as the energy secretary. He vowed to be the the advocate for the agency he once vowed to eliminate. The new secretary of the into into interior department rode in on horseback. Alison some of the virginia elected leaders are fighting back against trumps immigration policy after a group of immigrants were arrested after leaving a church. Northern Virginia Bureau chief Jeff Goldberg is life with more tonight. Jeff . Jeff well, alison, witnesses say the men were simply standing outside of the rising Mission Church here in the alexandria section of fairfax approached them unexpectedly on february 8 and began their questioning. I. C. E. Says it only has one focus but today leaders pushed back on that claim hard. Inside a place dedicated to those in need the least, the lost, the lonely. Jeff a desire for change at the highest level. The new policy at the Trump Administration exist to incite fear. Jeff they condemned enforcement action by i. C. E. Three weeks ago at the rising hope Mission Church in alexandria. Agents apprehended seven to eight hispanic men outside the church and questioned them about the immigration status and took them away. We need to all stand together and be the nation of immigrants. Jeff i. C. E. Claims agents at the church targeted and rehended two men, two undocumented immigrants with criminal records. They say they are only searching for undocumented immigrants that have committed crime. But others say they have expanded the definition of the criminal, someone who may be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We cant see the families torn apart and think it makes the country greater. It doesnt. Jeff one woman, immigrant and mother of socalled dreamers say she was too scared to show her face in front of the cameras. We decline to live under the environment of fear and anxiety, which your administration is trying to cause us. Jeff in addition to criticizing the trump policies, President Trumps policies on immigration, each of the leaders who spoke today called on the president to push forward comprehensive immigration reform. Live in the alexandria section of Fairfax County, Jeff Goldberg, abc7 news. Alison thank you. To maryland now where marylands attorney general wants to make courts, hospitals and the schools in that state safe harbors or Immigration Enforcement free zones. Brian frosh sent a letter to the Homeland Security department out of concerns that the policies will keep immigrants seeking medical care and judicial protection. Now developments out of baltimore tonight where seven Police Officers were indicted on racketeering charges. Two officers pleaded not guilty in court today. They are being held. All seven stand accused of stealing from innocents, robbing drug dealers of cash and guns or some even selling heroin. Authorities say there was a widespread coverup that involved coaching one another to give false statements to internal affairs. Larry wow oh, the places you will go with or without the cat in the hat. Still ahead we talk to the people who helped create read across america to honor everyones favorite author. This is in somebodys front yard. Montgomery county calls them rain gardens. People who have them in their front yards have them big pits. Im scott taylor. Coming investigation on how these are affecting the waterways. Ryan im ryan hughes in kensington where crews are cleaning up after yesterdays powerful storm toppled over trees. Coming up, how the damage could have been prevented. Alison here is a sneak peek of what they are working on tomorrow for good morning washington. Alison, thank you. Tomorrow on good morning washington, we are live to sample exclusive cocktails at the new Cherry Blossom popup bar in downtown d. C. Plus the monumental mistakes to avoid before you buy a new home. And keep it right here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at 4 25 on good morning washington. Steve the weekend is almost here. Can you believe soccer season is about to start for the d. C. United . Looking at saturday, a chilly start to your day. We are looking at temperatures that will be in the 40s most as we move to the 9 00 hour. Game time at 7 00. Lets talk about the weekend, though. The rest of the weekend. Sunday looking at the temperatures in the upper 40s. The average for this time of year is around 52 degrees. Here is the tenday outlook from stormwatch7. The temperatures warm nicely. Near 60 on monday. Upper 60s on tuesday. Breezy on wednesday. A little cooler come thursday. Lets spring ahead for one hour for the following weekend as Daylight Saving time begins. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. L for 79. 99 per month, r the first year with a oyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. Romising fast internet to small businesses. But for many businesses, its out of reach. Why promise something you cant deliver . Comcast business is different. We deliver superfast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. We do business where you do business. Congratulations. Today is your day. You are off to great places. Alison there is the First Lady Melania Trump getting involved in read across america day. Reading dr. Seuss the places youll go to kids at a new york city hospital. Around the nation, children big and small celebrated their favorite author. As q Mccray School got a special visit. Q children from around the d. M. V. Celebrated their favorite author, as you can see. I do not like them, sam i am. Q today is read across america day. The 20th anniversary for the n. E. A. Star trek and the reading Rainbow Levar Burton was invited to play. Spending time to communicate with them. That is what today is all about. Q the children enjoyed every minute no doubt, reading along with words from the mouse. I will not eat them anywhere q then excitement filled the air when the cat in the hat finally appeared. Even more than that, this event is more than allowing students to put on a hat and read about a cat. Introduce them to a little girl named marley. One of the best childrens authors i have ever heard. I like it how they created this whole space for kids to just love and appreciate his books. Q 12yearold marley diaz read a book from her online campaign. 1,000 black girl books. Make history. Q it only took one look to see these children. In northwest, q mccray, abc7 news, wjla. Alison that is great. You know in honor of read across america, and dr. Seuss birthday, we want to know which book is your favorite . We have a poll on facebook here. We put up some of the most famous stories. Ca in the hat, green eggs and ham the places youll go and lorax. Use the reaction buttons there on the facebook page. Larry the great debate. The rain gardens are meant to help finish the waterways. Some residents think its the pits. 7 on your side iteam exclusive i plus rolling in a rollsroyce. The special reason they create larry how would you like a 20foot pit in your front guard . Montgomery county calls them rain gardens and so far installed 300 of them with plans for more. Many homeowners say they are toxic land fills. Scott taylor has the exclusive iteam investigation. Scott Montgomery County is trying to convince wheaton wood residents 20 to 30foot rain gardens in the front yards on the county rightofway are a good idea. You created a problem and you are looking to solve it through us. Scott the county started installing rain gardens six years ago and more are on the way. They collect toxic runoff from the streets in the rainstorms so it doesnt end up in the chesapeake bay. The rain garden goes right in your front yard. They are owned by the county. This one is 20feet long. It can be several feet deep. Lisa felt is the director of the countys department of environmental protection. It is not hazardous. You see some right behind you here where we i think you heard from some residents how happy they are with the facilities here. Scott maria isnt a fan of a rain garden that gobbled up a friend. This was full of leaves. They didnt see it. And they fell down. They fell in. Scott near the creek they are working great scott they say the drain gardens he rain gardens helped the drainage issues on the street. Over in Kensington Estates the homeowners are fighting back to show the mockup for the future plans for the front yards. The plumes off the water to the bay are in the side yard. Scott neighbors want an alternative. We refuse to call them gardens. They are pit. Property values will go like this. Scott we discovered the Montgomery County council doesnt vote on them and they never considered the water storage system that goes underground. Where they did themselves and the residents a disservice coming forth with a plan that was probably far too aggressive and too aggressive than it ultimately will be. Scott neighborhoods dont get to vote either. We get to meet one own one. Scott but nothing on a ballot. No county vote at all. Right. There is not a ballot vote. Scott are they working in Montgomery County . We are monitoring. We are monitoring. Do you see a difference now . We are starting to see. It takes time. It takes tame to see the effects. Scott the state of maryland are doing a study on the rain gardens and the other Water Quality projects are helping. We wont see results of that report until next year. Scott taylor, abc7 news. Alison new developments today in the subway chicken controversy. The fast food chain says that lab tests it commissioned show the amounts of soy. But yesterday we told you about the canadian broadcasting reports that showed the test showed half the d. N. A. From the subway chicken samples was chicken. C. B. C. Did not immediately respond to subways differing test results. All right. Lets check on the roadways. Trenice bishop on traffic watch for us tonight. Hi, trenice. Trenice hi, alison. You cant fake traffic delays around the area here. Its building through the rush this evening. On the beltway, we can see the heavy volume in the heavy spot across the legion bridge and heavy for folks on the inner and the outer loop of prince georges. Mostly on the outer loop to make the ride from alexandria to prince georges county. We show you the big picture match where we can see volume delays for yourself. A lot of red across the map means the folks are moving slow. Top side of the beltway are the heaviest spot. Leaving the bridge. Its springfield. We have report of earlier issue on outer loop at the legion. It will be cleared out of the way but we cant see anything there in the camera shot. There is report of an accident on wisconsin. Just before bradley. The folks coming to a stop here. Everyone is traveling at 270 northbound. Seeing decent volume. Heaviest to georgetown. Sluggish there. Larry it wasnt the average traffic stop in las vegas. Watch this. Nevada state trooper talked with the driver he just pulled over. A beer truck passing by lost its load. Another vehicle apparently cut off the beer truck causing the accident. No one was hurt and the driver d did not get a ticket. I dont know who cleaned up all the beer. Alison that took a while. A special, special ride for some wonderful kids here. The electric rollsroyce s. R. H. Belongs to the young patients at the britain st. Richard hospital pediatric day surgery unit. Kids get to drive it to the operating room. The car maker says they hope will help them feel less stressed heading to surgery. At this point there are no plans to make any more of the mini rollsroyce. But wow hopefully it makes the day a little easier for them. Larry Something Else to think about. Scary moment. Alison take your mind off of it. Doug absolutely. Alison lets do some lunchbox weather on a thursday. Doug lunchbox. Eileen this morning went south of washington to alexandria. She continued our seasonlong Lunchbox Weather Program to show the kids a special behindthescenes together about how we do the weather and put the forecast on the air. We conducted a couple weather experiments for them. They went outside in the sunshine and got a closer look at stormwatch7. Running the kid cam was mikayla bush and we have a weather question. Im a fifth grader and i go to hybla valley elementary school. My question is how does weather change so fast . Doug that is a good question. A little bit of an answer is that what happens, what drives the weather and makes it change quickly are the hs and the ls. The high and the low weather symbols at the weather map. Both at the ground and way overhead in the atmosphere. High above this is the jetstream. These are the strong winds, 35,000 feet above the ground that steer the systems. As they steer them, they can cause quick changes in the weather. An example, this is a satellite loop from the big storms, the big rain that came in on wednesday hit 80. Through. We go to the satellite and cleared out today. Snowshowers in western maryland. Another little one of those ls, the low Pressure Center comes in from the great lakes tomorrow with the colder air and the snowshowers and the gusty winds. Complicated picture. That was the best 45second explanation i can give you. Alison very good. Well, that was a appropriate question for this week. Thank you. Well, coming up tonight at 6 00, who is taking metro . One specific area and one specific line. Seeing a major drob in ridership. We look at what is behind it. Did a typo cause a major internet slowdown . New details on that at 6 00. Is larry okay. Erin is here. Talk about a mess. Erin where do we begin . Lets start. There has been all kind of speculation regarding redskins g. M. Scot mccloughans absence from the nfl combine in indianapolis this week. The Washington Post reported it w family. But the fact that his grandmother died a month ago at the age of 100 and it was not a surprise has many people scratching their heads. We will move on. Kirk cousins agent Mike Mccarney met with the skins last night in indy. According to multiple reports the skins latest offer stands at 20 million per year for five years. However, cousins camp reportedly wants a new deal to start at 24 million per year. Now this weeks team player isnt afraid to take the big shots. He hasnt always had it easy. He wont let anything get in the way of achieving the dream of playing division i basketball. Maybe adrenaline makes it go in. Erin alex sampson, Walt Whitmans leading scorer as a knack for hitting clutch shots. The worst thing that will happen is you will miss. Erin so far, the junior transfer drained nine buzzer beaters at the end of quarters during playing my game. I try not to think about it honestly. Sometimes if i do think about it too much i feel like i will miss out. Erin alex said this was his most memorable against b. C. C. As he buried a seemingly impossible halfcourt shot. That was probably the biggest shot i ever hit. Take another look as he drains the halfcourt shot as the buzzer sounded at the end of the third quarter. To put whitman up by just one point. It was pretty hectic. Both student sections were there. Tight game. I think we only ended up winning by five points. That was a big momentum swing for the fourth quarter. Erin congratulations to him. He is our Toyota Team Player of the week. Larry he should be. Nine buzzerbeaters . Erin i know. Crazy, right . He is not afraid to hit the shots. Larry i would love to get one. Alison thank you. Still debut. Larry snapchat hits wall street and cashes in. Coming up, why High School Students are enjoying the big p q snapchat made a lot of money today. The now you see it, now you dont social Media Service had a wall street debut and made billions. A California High School is getting the profit. Marci the Company Behind the app that allows users to post photos and video tas disappear from showing it has longterm plans. The Parent Company called snap made the much anticipated debut on the stock market thursday. Its the first tech i. P. O. In a few years. The put money in snap. Now the fund that goes toward student scholarships and tuition plans to make millions. Its a big opportunity for st. Francis. Marci despite concerns that the growth stalled and lost min two years in a row the company celebrated a positive first day of trading. Starting at 17 a share and climbing from there. Experts contribute some of the boost to the strength of the market after a recordbreaking day wednesday when the dow surged past 21,000 for the first time ever. And snap closed the day at more than 24 a share. More than 40 increase in just its first day. Now they are watching to see if it will maintain the momentum. Marci gonzalez, abc7 news. Alison right now at abc7 news at 6 00 she calls it chilling. A woman leading a Group Protesting trump policies receives a threatening email telling her to stop. Michelle plus attorney himself in the russia situation but not stepping down. What does it mean for the Trump Administration . Alison new revelations after seven baltimore Police Officers were charged with crimes. The shocking list of charges right now. Announcer from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. Michelle we are following breaking news out of oxon hill where a teenager was shot to death this afternoon. This happened near Potomac High School. No arrests have been made so far. Police are on the scene trying to figure out what led to the shooting. We will keep you posted on air on abc7 and online at wjla. Com. Alison also breaking right now, attorney general sessions says he will recuse himself from an investigation into President Trumps campaign when it comes to dealing with russia. He denied reports he had twice met with the Russian Ambassador to the u. S. To discuss campaign issues. Let me be clear. I never had meetings with russians o intermediaries about the trump campaign. The trump surrogate and the intermediaries is totally false. Michelle sessions is acknowledging he met with the russianm bass dore but said he Russian Ambassador but said they did not discuss campaign matters. This is hours after trump said he had total confidence in sessions. A few hours ago protesters gathered outside the Justice Department calling for sessions to resign

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