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Kevin in 2008, trooper two crashed on approach to joint base andrews killing four on board. Since then they have overhauled the entire aviation program, retraining the staff and purchasing a new fleet of helicopters. The helicopters the Maryland State Police currently own are the ones that met all the safety recommendations that were made after the crash of trooper two. They met all of those requirements. It was decided by a Blue Ribbon Commission these are the best helicopters for the job in the state of maryland. Kevin before grounding the choppers on sunday, m. S. P. Called on Delaware State Police and u. S. Park police for help. Those agencies have since run five medevac calls here in maryland. M. S. P. Stressing no patients have been negatively impacted. Were live outside joint base andrews. Im kevin lewis. Abc7 news. Alison . Alison thank you very much. Right now President Trump is at Dover Air Force base in delaware. The presidt with the family of chief special Warfare Operator william owens. He is witnessing the return of his body. The navy seal died in a raid on an alqaeda compound in yemen. Four other Service Members were hurt in the operation. The president ordered the raid after taking office. Larry the next pick for the Supreme Court justice, neil gorsuch met with lawmakers today. Spokesperson for the Senate Judiciary Committee Says it hopes to begin confirmations hearings in six weeks. Alison in the last two hours, the full Senate Confirmed Rex Tillerson as the next secretary of state but support for another of the president s cabinet picks seems to be fading tonight. This afternoon, republican senator Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski both said they cannot support betsy devos as the nations next secretary of education. So our abc7 chief Political Correspondent scott thuman live at the capitol hill bureau. So what does this mean . Scott a couple of things. One, its the first time we have seen a republican break rank, go against the Trump Administration on one of the cabinet picks. So that is significant. The second thing it means is that anyone else breaks rank, if they dont vote on party lines as expected you have a mass issue for this nominee. Here is what we have. If you break it down. You have 5050 democrat and republican who have now changed. You have essentially a tie. If that is what we expect when they come to vote now. You can see mike pence the Vice President from the white house to the capitol hill. He was the tiebreaker. He would have to make sure that he gets betsy devos through. If anyone else decides they are going to leave the republican side to vote against her, well, then they have an issue. Moving forward you will see the teachers, and the educational advocacy groups, everyone lobbying think they can switch or sway. So what should have been in the white houses eyes an easy nomination and the vote is anything but. We are watching. They could vote as late as this evening. But the odds are it wont be until tomorrow and we will keep an eye on it. Larry thank you for that. This morning the debate preceding the Senate Judiciary Committee Vote to approve Jeff Sessions as the next attorney general. I would like to take the opportunity to set the record straight. I object to the senators disparaging of fellow members of the committee here. His absence would think well, he should be here. First after all. Second of all [overtalk] larry it continued in the Senate Finance committee with the republicans taking drastic measures to move forward to other nominees after the democrats boycott a meeting day earlier. Amy aubert is at the live live desk to explain it. Amy enough Steven Mnuchin secretary and the committee had to suspend the panels rules to make it happen because there were no democrats in attendance. You will remember yesterday the democrats telling reporters they are looking for answers regarding the then nominees. Then they get the answers they will move forward. Finance Committee Chairman orrin hatch calling the move the most pathetic thing he has seen in his time in the senate. We took unprecedented actions today due to the unprecedented given instruction on the colleagues. The finance committee has traditionally been able to function in the dismissive political environments. That all changed yesterday. Amy the next step for mnuchin and price going before the full senate for their approval. At the live desk, amy aubert, abc7 news. Larry thanks for that. Democrats did manage to delay a Committee Vote on scott pruitt to head the Environmental Protection agency. None of the ten democrats on the Senate Environment and the up for this mornings scheduled vote. Alison on the house side, a key vote ten minutes ago to dismantle some of the Obama Administration environmental rules. Now this kills stream protection rule. That prevents the companies from dumping debris from coal mining to nearby streams. Critics say the rule wasnt designed to protect the environment but to drive Coal Companies out of business. Meanwhile, that volt came as the army begins reviewing an easement to help finish the Dakota Access oil pipeline. Part of President Trumps order earlier this month for a fast review of request connected to the project. The pipeline faced fierce opposition because it runs under a lake that provides water to the Standing Rock sioux tribe. Larry today, Maryland Governor larry hogan calling for clean cars, clean water and aggressive effort to safeguard the environment in the state of the state address. The republican seemed to take pains to distance himself from the new administration in washington. Maryland bureau chief brad bell takes a look at what the governor had to say and in some cases what [applause] brad it followed a familiar script. He said what is expected. The state of the state is strong. Brad but what he didnt address had them buzzing. The state of the administration in washington or anything to do with trump. The republican governor of heavily democratic maryland spoke instead of bipartisanship. Governor hogan too often we see wedge politics. And petty rhetoric used to beit will the adversaries and inflame divisions. Brad he steadfastly kept his distance from trump and remained popular in maryland. Democrats sensing an opportunity pounced on the speech. A lot was missing. It really was. I didnt hear a lot about what was going on and concerning people in p the National Level has all of us panicking. On the issue of immigration and the orders coming out of the Trump Administration. He did not touch that. Brad it seems unlikely the governor will stray from a script so far served him well. No problem faces us that hard work, honesty and courage cannot solve if we work together. Brad in annapolis, brad bell, abc7 news. Alison well, sweet new jobs are coming to virginia. About two hours ago, Governor Terry mcauliffe was in arlington announcing that nestle will be relocating the Corporate Headquarters from california to rosslyn. Northern Virginia Bureau chief Jeff Goldberg was there for the announcement and he joins us live with the details. Hey, jeff. Jeff hey, alison. This announcement taking place on this floor. This is one of the ten floors that nestle will be operating out of. On 1812 north moore street in rosslyn by the rosslyn metro. River you can understand why this is such an appealing property. You can see, of course, the National Cathedral across the Potomac River to georgetown. This building has been vacant for more than three years. But the hope is that todays big announcement could lead to big and positive changes. Look closely at all the tall buildingsings in rosslyn. You will see this. For lease signs looking for tenants but perhaps now a shift with the sweet addition of nestle moving the u. S. Headquarters to the neighborhood from southern california. Its great for the area. It will probably bring jobs and maybe revitalize a bit of the town. With governor mcauliffe. The local leaders and the nestle officials all smiles the announcement of the nestle decision is seen by many as a big deal. I think by getting nestle to come here we now have the opportunity to bring in other big corporations to come in here as well. We look to the future, and look at how we want to organize ourselves to be competitive in the marketplace and drive our business grow our business in the great country. We look no further than rosslyn. The Global Company maker of candy bar, ice cream, frozen food, coffee and more will move 750 jobs to rosslyn. Nestle says it wants to be close to d. C. And capitol hill and the Company Received 16 million in state and county subsidiaries to make the move. With vacancy rates in rosslyn nearing 30 , compared with 20 in arlington overall, leaders here believe the arrival of nestle will be the turning point rosslyn needs. A global brand like nestle is such an amazing thing to have in the neighborhood. And so we really this this is going to create and accelerate the momentum were already seeing. Jeff you cannot have a nestle press conference without candy bars, right . Baby ruth, crunch bars, all you could want. Not a bad assignment for the day. The announcement of nestle will lead to more companies coming to rosslyn and they say they have big announcements coming up later this year. Stay tuned. Nestle will begin moving their business headquarters to rosslyn later in 2017. Live in arlington, Jeff Goldberg, abc7 news. Those are fears now that exist that didnt exist 12 days ago. Coming up at 5 00, hundred of people protest at two local College Campuses and find out what they want. Doug after one of the warmest januaries in a long time in washington, early february is going to feature some colder temperatures. It will feel like winter. Well tell you what to expect. Larry later, you may have heard that a bacon shortage is coming. We are setting the record straight. Thats coming up. Take a look at this. Boarded up once again after a car slammed into the home. But is there a bigger problem along the street . Well explain next. Everything naand it doesnt take is so wholesothe whole paycheck. Giants exclusive natures promise. Eat well for less. My giant. Trying to make me eat my greens . Low. No, just trying to save you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Larry covering metro tonight with an early working about the major work this weekend when six stations are closed on the orange, blue, silver, farragut west, mcpherson trail, smithsonian, federal triangle, capital south. Closed at metro center and lenfant plaza. Free shuttle buss will be offered. Alison the owner of this house in lanham. That was a bad day. They spent the day cleaning up after the car crashed into his house in the middle of the night. But get this. This has happened nearly half a dozen times. Brianne carter is live with the details. Its ironic, the intersection, thenate of the street involved here, too. Brianne well, here is where it happened. Its believed the car was coming down the busy twolane road and somehow lost control coming here over the curb, jumping up on to grass. You can see the mark is still there. Slamming into the front of the home. As you said, not the first time its happened. It was just after 2 00 this morning. Bam thats all. Just bang. Brianne 88yearold Leonard Miller woke up to find an alltoofamiliar scene feet from his couch. His wheel was setting here. Okay . Then his hood was over here. Brianne the silver honda slid across the yard and slammed in the den. Its not the first time it happenful. Miller says since he first bought the home in 1971, four cars have crashed into his house. A fifth time the car missed his home and struck the truck. Im going to buy a big target so people know where to hit the house. Brianne all joking aside, miller says something needs to be done about the speeding that happens on this road. If the county would take and put a dummy camera up there, that would do it. Brianne we reached out to the county department of public works and transportation and they say they havent had any request for a traffic study along this stretch of this road. As for millers home, its boarded up tonight and he is staying here. Hoping to get a better nights rest. Its just something that happened. I cant stop it. Im not going to get upset over brianne now take a look here at the wood beams. You can see those were put in place from where the pillars were. But he has had to replace the columns previously when the car went in the home. The driver was taken to the hospital and mr. Miller was not injured. We reached out to police whether any possible charges will be file and they say the investigation continues. Reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. Alison all right. The irony there that one of the intersections, one of the streets is good luck road. Larry yeah. Alison after five times, im not so sure. That is tough for him. Larry good luck he hasnt been injured. Alison good point. All right. Well weather wise, i guess we will find out if we have good luck tomorrow when phil decides what to do. Doug the great thing it doesnt depend what the weather is in pennsylvania its what the guy in the top head says. Its always fun to find out. We are in for a cooling trend after a warm january. Lets get in the weather story on wednesday, the first day of the brand new month. The last month of the meteorological winter. 50 degrees in the city at nationals park. Through the day we have seen fair bit of cloudiness. Generally the clearing trend that started this afternoon will continue tonight as we drop in 30s around the area. Lets talk about january. Take a look at the graphic here. The yellow days show the day the above average temperatures. It was 24 days for above average temperatures and seven below. At the end of the month we were 6. 1 degrees above average for the month. The warmest winter in washington in 50 years. I can tell you in the forecast for next week and the extended outlook we have big numbers showing back up for a few days. 43 in hagerstown and winchester. 45 at quantico. 43 at annapolis. 50 in the nations capital. The story on radar, we are watching the patches of the rain showers. The air is dry. Not all of this is reaching the ground. The next hour or two, sprinkle or a brief shower is we will see the clouds and then clearing overnight as well. Waking up tomorrow morning most people will see the partly cloudy skies. 34 in berkeley springs. 33 in martinsburg and hagerstown. Same in walkersville. In the metro, touch warmer. Midtoupper 30s. 36 in potomac. 35 in lorton. 36 in Upper Marlboro and 38 in the city. Tomorrow is groundhog day. Breezy day for february 2. We have sunshine. Temperatures are just about average. 45 for the high. 44 is the average high. I will tell you for the month of february when we get to the last day of the month, feck february 28, the average high will be up to 51. So a lot of changes to february and we inch the way to spring. Winds tonight have a gust. Not much. 8 to 10 Miles Per Hour. Tomorrow that will pick up a bit. 15 to 20 Miles Per Hour wind gusts are forecast. They will lay back down early friday. The weather will settle down for a couple of so friday we call it near 40. Its below average. More below average on saturday. Mostly sunny and 38. On sunday, they will warm up to 42. Its cloudy and there could be flakes and sprinkles. With the temperatures at this level i dont think if we see precipitation at all, any of it will be consequential one bit. Check out ahead for the next ten days to february. 45degree High Temperature tomorrow. It will get colder on saturday. Bright and breezy. Milder with the snowflake or the rain drop chance on sunday. Then 50 on monday. 57 tuesday. Up to 62 on wednesday. With a chance of showers those days. Showers of rain. Then we will turn abruptly colder with a strong frontal system coming through. Alison will the groundhog make an appearance on set . Doug i think at 6 00. The famous groundhog tomorrow. Not ours. Alison but find out what puts phil a notch above the super bowl. A teacher here at alice deal was named the teacher of the year. We will tell you who and showed you who delivered the good news. Im sam ford. Thats next on abc7 news. Alison but first a look at what is coming up tonight on abc. Now here is kidd oshea with a look at what is coming up tomorrow on good morning washington. Kidd hey, thanks, alison. Here is what we are working for tomorrow on good morning washington. Cheaper groceries, more cash in your wallet and how to save big the next time you go shopping. Plus, Bell Biv Devoe is here. The new album, the new tour and the new addition movie. Keep it here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morni larry the spot light on education tonight. D. C. s new chancellor on the first day on the job involved the teacher of the year. Sam ford was there when Antwan Wilson helped spring the news on a teacher at deal middle school. Sam at Alice Deal Middle School the new chancellor Antwan Wilson acted as if mayor bowser was giving him a tour that passed through schuettpelzs class. But then bowser gave the news. You are teacher of the year. Im not the best teacher and there is also room to grow. I am inspired to bring my best every day. Sam if she had doubts the students did not. I believe my teacher is the greatest teacher but she improves me in different ways and i believe it will help me on to college and my career. I am lucky enough to have the greatest students in the district right here. They are amazing. Sam did you know it was coming . No. But there have been a lot of people walking up and down and in my room which has been a little bizarre today. Sam they finished one a class picture. One, two, three. Teacher of the year sam of course at deal they are happy that one of their teachers was named teacher of the year. She will get a standing ovation the Kennedy Center in march and 10,000. Reporting from northwest washington, im sam ford, abc7 news. Larry very nice we had them on good morning washington. Rooting for him. He has big shoes to feel. Rooting for him here as we all are. Alison congratulations to her. Larry yeah. Alison so exciting. Larry how cool is that . Alison fantastic. Larry still ahead at 5 00, new developments in the investigation that could have police widening the search for the people robbing local pharmacies. Students at the university of maryland are protesting the president s executive order on immigration. Im Cheryl Conner. Coming up, you will hear more about a student w i checked, everythings there. Wait a minute. Hey. Hold on, i can explain. You better have a good answer. On your Car Insurance. Why didnt you say so in the first place . I thought yous was wearing a wire. Haha, what . Why would i wear a wire . Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance always a great answer. Larry a breaking sunny skies from a prison in delaware where inmates have taken the guards hostage. This began at the james t. Vaughn Correctional Center in smyrna. They are holding a News Conference saying a Security Guard called for assistance. It is unclear with what he needed help with. When other guards came to his aid, the inmates took control. Since then, an officer has been released and taken to the hospital. Four others are still held. We will continue to provide updates as they come in. Alison meanwhile this afternoon, 200 people protested the president executive order Cheryl Conner was at the university of maryland when students walked out of class. Cheryl joining in a protest at the university of maryland because she is feeling the impact. Because of this ban, i am not able to see my iranian family. Cheryl she stood along people who marched to the administration building. Alex has been checking his phone for the next message from his mentor. Doctoral student should be ck in the language house but he is stuck in sudan. That is one of seven muslim majority countries targeted by President Trump through his executive order on immigration. Its hard. All his stuff is here. Its like he disappeared. Cheryl the student has already missed the first week of spring semester. President trump defended the order saying its working. We think it is unfair because it is in which is something that the country and the school prides itself on. Cheryl the president sent a letter to students yesterday saying the executive order affects about 350 students. He said the executive order poses human, moral, constitutional dilemmas. Organizers of the march are calling on him to make the university a sanctuary campus. He said students immigration status will not be released unless required by law. It is blocking students. I dont think its doing any good at all. Cheryl in college park, Cheryl Conner, abc7 news. Alison police in anne arundel and howard counties are now looking into whether a series of robberies are connected to similar crimes in pins george prince georges and montgomery county. Its a story we first brought you last month. In total more than a dozen Convenience Stores and the pharmacies have been hit since middecember. No one has been hurt in any of the robberies. Larry you he all the time but how close is it to your doorstep . Abc7 has an alert i. D. To let you know when new crime occurs near your home. Lindsey mastis show us how it works. Lindsey get alerts straight to your phone. All you have to do is sign up. Go to the news tab and click crime map. Click on any crime and tap subscribe. It will redirect you to the alert i. D. Website so you can sign up. By including your address and phone number, alert i. D. Will be able to provide you with the latest crime reports in your neighborhood. You can browse the map on our website and narrow down the type of incidents you are concerned about like theft and burglaries, weapons calls, traffic incidents and assaults. You will be able to see where the sex offenders are living. When you tap on a crime, you can see more details including where the crime happened, date and time of the offense, and exactly how close it is to your doorstep. Search for crimes for the past day, week, we will be able to use alert i. D. To show you when patterns arrive. Lindsey mastis, abc7 news. Alison lets get an update now on the breaking newts from the top of the hour today. The national zoo has found ollie the bobcat. Tom roussey is live at the zoo. They just wrapped up a press conference. What did they say about all of this . Tom the press conference wrapped up over there and they gave us details where they think that ollie has been. This is where ollie escaped from. Not far from rock creek parkway. You think ollie just hung out around rock creek in the last couple of days. Where she was found on was the zoo property. See up here . That is the bird area. It was a visitor to the zoo in that area who told the zoo earlier today i think i see the bobcat. It turns out visitor was right. They put out a trap. I only took 15 minutes. They found ollie, the bobcat. They will be a major checkup for her tomorrow. As far as where she has been, they dont think she stayed on the zoo property the entire time. There have been a number of sightings of the bobcat People Living near massachusetts avenue not far from here. And also folks near the washington cathedral. A lot of those were legitimate and ollie probably ranged 1. 5 to two miles from here. Most of the time stayed close to the river. Then made her way back to the zoo. An area she is comfortable and familiar with. That is when earlier today a visitor saw her and able to capture her using a trap on the zoo property. Back to you in the studio. Alison okay. All right. Im glad there is a resolution there. Sign up for breaking news text alerts. You can do it from abc news. Go to wjla. Com. Larry we have a 7 on your side consumer yes. Contrary to what you might have read today there is not a shortage of bacon so come off the ledge. I started with the country pork belly inventory at the lowest point in 50 years and the story went viral. It turns out the frozen reserves are simply a stock pile of extra pork belly. It doesnt take into account the total amount of pork on the market or that the raising of hogs is at an alltime high. Feel free to have bacon. Dont hold back. Alison now you know everything you need to know about pork belly. Lets stay with food. We all have the thoughts about what which girl scout cookie is the best but one girl scout is benefiting from the honest review. Charlotte mccourt said the description for some of the cookies were false advertising. In a note she wrote to a family friend interested in buying cookies for troops overseas she wrote this. The toffee tastic is a bleak, flavorless land. [laughter] but called the samoa a care care mel, coconut cookie. This has gone viral. Honesty pays off in that case. Larry nothing else. Her teacher is proud. Alison good words larry wonderful writing. Exactly. Alison love it. Funny. Larry coming up at abc7 news at 5 00 get a room why it could be easier to find a you place to stay for the super bowl than for groundhog day. Alison then ahead at 6 00, the chronic haze some say is making the district stink. The change in steve looking ahead to the upcoming weekend. Never too early to talk about the weekend. 40 on friday. Temperatures in the upper 30s and by sunday, we will be looking at a few flakes. Sprinkles but not going to amount to a lot. Temperatures will be in the lower 40s. Stay with us. Abc7 news at 5 00 continuesal. Especially in my business. With slow internet from the phone company, you cant keep up. Youre stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. Switch to comcast business. With highspeed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. You wouldnt pick a slow race car. Then why settle for slow internet . Comcast business. Built for speed. Built for business. Michelle a former teen mom on a his to help other pregnant teens. In the inspire report we introduce you to a 2 project in woodbridge. A program she started to help others avoid becoming a statistic. Less than 2 of the teen mothers will graduate college before the age of 30. That spoke to me. Michelle she graduated from college in 2015 and her two sons were there to witness it. They were the first to come up and hug me. I feel like them being able to do this, i feel like it gives them that hope. I will tell you about the program. Michelle now autumn is the one offering hope through her nonprofit the 2 project. Staff members, former teen mom, offering nonbias counseling and helping women find College Scholarships and financial aid. I felt like i had nowhere to turn. Especially in the short amount of time i had. I found out when months. Michelle 17 and pregnant. Autumns dreams of playing sports in college on a scholarship halted. She found she was pregnant a week before she was supposed to go off to college. People expected me to fail. And be that statistic. Be that person, what they expect. I had a problem with that. I wanted to do better. Michelle she knew college would open up up more opportunities for her and allow her to provide for the family so she juggled working two jobs and earning her degree. She sees herself in many of the clients. I want to have selfconfidence. Being a parent, a young parent. With the fear she sees potential and promise. I went through programs when i was pregnant. It seems like the support stopped when i had my baby. I felt like that is when i needed the support the most. Michelle that is key here. That is what autumn says th difference between other programs and the 2 project. It picks up where many programs leave off. They are encouraged to stay with the program as long as they need and they empower women to set longterm and the shortterm goals to be selfsufficient. At the end of the day, that is what it is all about. Alison exactly. Larry great story. Michigan yes michelle yes, yes. Impactful. Alison to be the role model for her kids. So great. Larry and other young women, too. Watching it to see the story. Alison thank you. Michelle thank you. Alison all right. Speaking of babies, how about this . One of musics most iconic female artist, you know here. Beyonce. She has Just Announced she and her husband jayz are expecting twins. The superstar shared the news on instagram with this photo of herself. Wearing a veil, she is holding the belly. The caption is we are incredibly grateful that our family will be growing by two. They have a 5yearold daughter named blue ivy. Alison it is. Larry okay. Alison interesting outfits. Larry congrats to her. Ferrells wife had triplets. We havent talked about it. She didnt post a picture like that. Transfer alison that is impressive. Congratulations to all. Larry okay. Well, still ahead, today is National Signing day for thousands of High School Football students across the country including here in the own area. Robert burton tells us who to look out for later in sports. Alison but first, honoring a civil rights my husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. Whole family nts to stay free from artificial preservatives. And my debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 organic and freefrom items. Eat well for less. My giant. Larry marks 6 o years after four College Students started a sit on after being refused service. This also marks 152 years since president Abraham Lincoln signed proposed 13 amendment and sent it to the states to apolish slavery. Alison today, President Trump invited several esteemed africanamericans to the white house to celebrate black history month. Among them, former vice mayor of alexandria, bill cleveland, and pastor scott and gerard the American Enterprise institute. Pastor scott says some of chicagos top gang thugs are interested in having a sitdown with the president to decrease the city violence in exchange for social programs. Larry the smithsonian is adding piece of black history to its collection. The first africanamerican race team owner to compete in the indy 500 is donating memorabilia to the museum. He owned the racers when they entered the race in 1962. It was ranked in the top 50 in the world in the mid1970s. The Postal Service issued the newest addition to the series to monitor black history month. Alison it features beloved leader and longtime washingtonian Dorothy Heights. The 40th usps blac heights. Were so excited to see her mon nowhered like this honored like this. Incredible. A lot of enthusiasm. Great event. She died in 2010 at age 98 after seven decades fighting for civil rights and womens rights. Lobbying and working with every president from roosevelt to obama. I think if she were here today she would tell us first to stay enlightened. Stay aware. At the 1963 march on washington, she was the only woman on the platform with dr. King. It is said that she gave up her own speaking spot that day believing the crowd should hear instead from a young person. Then just 23 years old, john lewis. She was always on point. Insistent and persistent. Also on hand was a woman who learned lessons from the table and sit down and understand them and they could understand her. She was known for her powerful and graceful activism with a extensive hat collection. Starting today the stamp and the other Dorothy Height collectibles are available at the usps website and post offices across the country. In the newsroom, mike carterconneen, abc7 news. Alison all right. They are beautiful. Mike, thank you. Time for a check on the roads now. Trenice bishop is on traffic watch. Hi, trenice. Trenice this evening we have a lot going on. Beltway blues for folks in virginia. I dont have a live picture but bonn abfin and layhill. There is heavy police on the scene due to a crash with poles down on the roadway. Northwest d. C. An incident on georgia avenue. That is southbound between kansas and New Hampshire avenues. Take a look at the big picture we are seeing heavy volume coming away on the inner loop from the dulles toll road at this hour. Clean to i95 past the shot at connecticut a. We are under speed. We had a couple of incidents along the way that is slowing the ride for the trip home. Ill send it back to you in the studio. Alison thank you so much. Well, tomorrow is doug hills favorite day of the year. Did you know that getting a hotel room in punxsutawney, pennsylvania, for groundhog day will cost you more than a room in houston for the super bowl this year . Larry crazy. Alison crazy. The Hotel Website trevago says the average price for a room near philsborough is 450 a night. The average just 340 in houston. Ahead of sundays big game. Doug, i hope you booked early. Maybe its because its smaller in punxsutawney. Larry i dont kno alison phil the groundhog. Doug that is why i dont go. I take phil. Tomorrow morning at 7 30 i will take him on the deck to see if he sees the shadow. Come back inside and it doesnt cost anything. Its good. Well find out. Well find out what happened. He is a good friend here. In pennsylvania tomorrow its cloudy and cold in the lower 30s. Chilly day up there. Here is fine. Partly cloudy skies in the forecast. Take you over to show you the weather story on wednesday. Cloudiness around but 50 degrees. Its light wind at north northwest at 6 Miles Per Hour. We are watching area of shower and sprinkles popped up here and there. The air is dry. Not sure if many will make it to the surface but wont be surprised if you see a splatter on the windshield in spots. Very brief. Cold fronts will move off the coast of the outer banks overnight to allow colder air to seep in. By the end of the day its but it will turn colder over the weekend with a high of 40 and sunshine on friday and 38 on saturday. 42 on sunday with just a chance of a shower, maybe even a couple of rain drops or snow flakes but nothing big. Look at the next ten days. We have big changes coming up in the time period as we go colder. Look at next week, nold, tuesday, wednesday, 50s to 62. Turning noticeably colder. By the time we head to the end of next week. Less talk sports with robert burton. Robert tell phil i said hello, too. Its National Signing day. We stopped by where there is an abundance of star athletes. Five soccer signees. 11 College Football signees total. Two of those will play at the university of maryland. Running back Anthony Mcfarland and marcus minor, offensive linemen. You see them there. They signed the letter of intent to be terps next year. One of the countrys top recruit chase young. This guy here. He will attending state. Sidwell french is where sasha obama attends high school but that is a place that produces successful women and men all the time. Including the head basketball coach who today continues to pay it forward. We all like game day. Eric singletary, head coach of sidwell friends basketball. Have a good day today robert a job he doesnt consider work. You take a job i never had to work a day in your life. For the last ten years it hasnt been a job. It has been a thrill to coach wonderful kids. Robert but before this dream job, singletary had other dreams. I wanted to be an attorney. Robert but after playing high school and college his love for the game never went away. For that he has the opportunity to watch one of the former players possibly receive the highest honor in college basketball. The only word i can describe it is villanova guard who is the frontrunner for College Player of year. One of singletary former standouts. Improvements he has made under coach wright is under believable. The run they made going to the final four to win it all, to experience that with him and still be close to he and his family, it was an unbelievable ride. Robert but like most coaches its all about the mentoring. At the end of the day to raise young men to be bold, conquer their fears and insecurity, that the joy i get to see them reach fullness of the confidence. Thats the joy i get out of coaching. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Which means we can deliver internet speeds differently. Welcome to 8 and a half maple street. Its half a house. And even though it only has half the headroom, half a hallway, half the closet space and a half bath, its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, the only 100 Fiber Optic Network with uploads as fast as downloads, their half house has full internet. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their downloads. Now you might think its a little odd that the wilsons have a half house, but they think its a little odd to pay for uploads that arent up to speed. Tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Cable cant offer speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. And with the billion pointme giveaway, its about to get more awesome. To claim your share of a billion shop your way points during the big game, download the shop your way or kmart app today larry new information as 7 on your side follows the case of a virginia breeder of diabetic alert dogs. Consumer investigator kimberly suiters joins us at the live desk with an update on this. Kimberly suiters . This week a Virginia Judge ruled dan warren and his service dogs are in compliance with the first part of the investigation. Besides the 7,000 in fine 77,000 in fines he has been ordered to pay. That part is done but its far from over. Service dogs is entangled in 36 complaints mostly fraud related in virginia alone. Family claiming they got not diabetic alert dogs but untrained expensive puppies, upwards of 20,000 a piece. Warren retrievers sued families across the country for breaching contracts and not paying up. I have a letter here confirming that the i. R. S. And the u. S. Postal Inspection Service started investigating back in 2014. But here is the kicker. All of the legal wrangling dont appear to be affecting business. According to warren retrievers attorney in richmond he told me 500 puppies have been placed for satisfied families and there is a waiting list of 500 more. Now they say they avoid issues having the consumers pay in advance. 7 on your side will let you know how it shakes out. In the newro alison thank you. That is it for abc7 news at 5 00. But breaking right now at 6 00 a missing bobcat found. Well tell you what made the difference. Also a chronic haze in the district. Why a recent change in law is making the city stink. A car slams in the mans home again. Why he says he will buy a target. Unique challenge protecting the new president. Teach tweet has an opportunity for someone to respond to the threat. Alison respond from the secret service with a warning for people thinking 140 characters cant cause harm. Announcer this is a breaking news alert. Michigan this comes from a national zoo where the bobcat missing since monday morning has been found save. Tom roussey is there with ollie and captured. Tom . Tom ollie was captured at the birdhouse, where that happened. Where ollie escaped was that way. You see the lid area down there. You have to go right and its a distance further away than the birdhouse is from where i am standing. This is a picture of ollie after she was captured earlier today. Earlier today they had a visitor who said i think i see the bobcat. They checked it out and put out a trap and it only took 15 minutes. Lo and behold ollie was in the trap. At first they werent sure it was ollie but then they were. Its a bobcat. Got to be ollie. We took her to the vet hospital and able to confirm

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