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Up with a new way to cheat you out of your money but stealing your e. Z. Pass and replacing it with a fake one that is identical. 7 on your side iteam investigator chris papst broke the story earlier today on twitter. Chris chamberlain contractors in laurel, maryland, just celebrated its 40th year. And for all of them, harold green has led the way. With his signature laugh. Yeah, really thank you very much. Chris in greens four decades he has seen a lot. There is one thing he didnt see coming. He is not laughing about it. It just never crossed our mind. I never would have thought that an e. Z. Pass transponder could be a license to steal. Chris this is a crime that is remarkably simple. The chief just has to find a truck that is open that he doesnt have to break into. When he gets inside of the truck, he then takes your e. Z. Pass. Replaces it with a fake one. In less than five seconds the crime that can cost you for months. Or at least until you figure it out. Kim figured it out at chamberlain contractors. Last month she noticed the companys e. Z. Pass bills didnt look right so on a whim she compared the g. P. S. In a truck with a time and date of a recent toll charge. They didnt match. Chris nice job investigating. I was shocked. Trying to figure out how they were doing it. Christ she analyzed 11 weeks of tolls in 2015 and found 52,000 of e. Z. Pass charges from vehicles not owned or driven by chamberlain employees. When you saw that number, what did you think . How am i going to be compensated for the loss perpetrated on our company . I think i made my first call to my attorney. Chris the item learned maryland e. Z. Pass and the u. S. Justice department launched investigations into this fraud which we know includes chamberlain and other local companies. But until charges are the feds wont tell us how widespread the crime is. Meanwhile, Greens Company is protecting itself. All its transponders have been personalized with simple designs. So if any are stolen and replaced, it will be noticed. I would like to find who the culprits are and to bring them to justice. Chris so now what happens with all the stolen money chamberlain owes e. Z. Pass . Well, lawyers for e. Z. Pass, chamberlain and their Credit Card Company are working to find a solution. Chamberlain doesnt think he should have to pay since somebody else was using their corresponders, but e. Z. Pass wants its money. Since the toll role was used toll role was for the toll road was used. Chris papst, abc7 news. Leon breaking news. C. E. O. Of fox news, roger ailes is stepping down after 20 years after allegation he forced out a former anchor after she rejected sexual Rupert Murdock the c. E. O. Says he will assume the role of chairman and c. E. O. Until a replacement is named. Michelle day four of the Republican National convention. Tonights main event is donald trump making his address. That is the topic of the instapoll. Will you watch Donald Trumps speech tonight . Head to wjla. Com votenow to participate. Right now we want to check in with Marci Gonzalez in cleveland. Marci michelle, good evening. In a few hours the seats will be filled and ivanka trump will be on the stage introducing her father after bumps along the way this week. They are hoping to end the convention with a powerful kickoff to the general election. This is perfect. Marci donald trump rehearsed and ready for his big night, ready to accept the g. O. P. Nomination and give the most anticipated speech of the convention. Im talking about trade and law and order. Im going to talk about borders and many different things. Marci today, so many are still former rival ted cruz. Stand and speak and vote your conscience. Marci endinglag nights speech ending last nights speech without endorsing trump met by booing on the convention floor. Despite his earlier pledge to support the partys nominee, cruz unapologetic this morning telling the texas delegation there is lingering resentment from the campaign trail. I will tell you the day the pledge was abdoe gaited was abdoegated. Its the day it became personal. Marci the ongoing outrage caused by cruz your wife and your dad, i hope you do the same thing. Marci its helping unify the party. This is Donald Trumps chance to take back his convention. He has gotten badly offmessage in the first three n change the narrative. He needs a strong finish after a shaky start. Marci they are hoping for a peaceful finish outside the arena. Last night two dozen people were arrested. More protests planned for tonight. In cleveland, Marci Gonzalez, abc7 news. Alison Michelle Scott thuman will join us at 5 30. And abc7 news is your home for the Republican National convention coverage. Tonight at 7 00 there is an hourlong look at what is happening in cleveland. Leon by tomorrow, maybe this time tomorrow we may know if virginia senator tim kaine is Hillary Clintons choice to be the Vice President ial candidate on the democratic side. Jeff goldberg is standing by in arlington with a look at what senator kaine is saying about the attention. What are you seeing and jeff well, leon, today tim kaine was business as usual holding prescheduled events in arlington and sterling across the river in virginia. The big question now is will he soon be the man hoping to occupy the Vice President s home in northwest washington . If you are looking to spoke the v. P. Buzz for tim kaine he is not the guy. Dont believe all the hype. Jeff following closed door round table discussion on immigration in arlington, kaine met with a crush of local and network tv cameras and reporters asking if he expects to be or wants to be Hillary Clintons v. P. Pick. Im a happy senator. Im not looking for another job. Jeff countless media reports have kaine on top of Hillary Clintons list with agriculture secretary tom vilsack. Runningmate for senator obama says it is still surreal the second time around. Is it strange . It is. It is. You know we are excited about philly. Im looking forward to being there. I will be working to help Hillary Clinton in whatever role, the best i can help is in virginia. He has a lot that is appealing to hillary. Jeff jeremy player who specializes in politics at george mason says kaine is loyal, attracts hispanic voter as a spanish speaker and a former governor and popular figure in key swing state. Kaine would seal the deal. Almost certain she would win virginia with kaine on the ticket. Jeff Hillary Clinton is expected to announce the choice friday or saturday. Any plans to head to florida . No plans yet. Well see. Sometimes he can be flat or boring. In the past week we have heard him energized on the topic when it comes to attacking donald trump. That is surely something he would be doing quite a bit of if he gets the nod from Hillary Clinton. Live in northwest washington, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. Leon thank you. Michelle the summer olympics are now weeks away. Tonight ten people have been arrested in brazil, charged with plotting to carry out a terrorist attack. Authorities say the suspects were not members of isis but had tried to make contact with the group through the internet. The group was allegedly in the planning stages of an attack and had contacted a weapons supply company. Its not clear if the attack would have been attempted during the olympics between august 5 and the 21st. We have new information in this terrorist attack in nice, france. Authorities there say the man who drove a truck through the bastille Day Celebrations spent months plotting that attack. 84 people were killed and a the wheel had accomplices. Five of them are charged with terrorism for their alleged roles in helping the driver. There are reports the drivers phone showed searches and photos that indicated he had been studying an attack since 2015. Leon a crime alert tonight in Prince Georges County. 68yearold man dies after being shot while filling up his car at a gas station. Alonzo jackson was shot on july 20th on marlboro pike in Capital Heights and later died at the hospital. Maryland bureau chief brad bell has details. Brad Alonzo Jackson was a former marine. He worked a long career for safeway and at 68 had retired to his tidy home in southeast d. C. His neighbor, francis leonard, says he will be missed. He cut my grass. And he would do anything he can to help a person. He always come and get my bag, helps me with my bags. He is very, very nice. To everybody. Brad but yesterday, police say tshirt killed mr. Jackson in cold blood. Just so he could steal jacksons 2015 Dodge Charger. The entire crime caught on camera at this Capital Heights b. P. Station on marlboro pike. Jackson is pumping gas when the gunman appears and opens fire. Sources telling me the Security Camera video captures the two heartless nature of the crime. Because after the gunman shoots his victim and he falls to the ground he gets in the car. Gets right back out. And goes to mr. Jackson on the ground. Dying. Demands his car keys. I just cant imagine. I just cant imagine. Who would do such a thing like that . Brad police are looking for the summit and jacksons the suspect and jacksons car. The Dodge Charger with tags ds0113. In Capital Heights brad bell, abc7 news. Leon 7 on your side to see exactly what is happening in your neighborhood go to wjla. Com. Click on the on your side tab and check out the spot crime map. Each crime report is posted right there. Down to the block. Coming up on abc7 news at 5 00 the video that has gone viral after a Controversial Police shooting. The stunning answer the victim says he got when he asked why he was shot here. A huge heatwave in our area. A lot of fun here but there is a serious side to the situation. We will explain in a live report coming up. Leon also coming up, latebreaking news about the nba making a big statement about north carolinas antilgbt law as its called. The big event the league is taking away from the state. Michelle later, emotional words from prince harry as he talks about his mother, the late Princess Diana. Hear what he said about her at a global conference on ai leon a plane crash in illinois leaves the pilot dead. Small plane went down outside a house in plainsville, 40 minutes outside of chicago. Plane hit the ground and a ball of flames went shooting in the home. The siding then began to off the structure. No one else in the neighborhood was hurt fortunately. The f. A. A. Is trying to figure out what brought the plane out of the sky in the first place. Michelle today temperatures in the area reached the high 80s. By the weekend, that is going to feel like an arctic blast. Not exactly but you get the idea. Temperatures are going up. A massive heatwave is coming our way. Richard reeve has more on what is being done to help people beat the heat. Splash pad, one idea. Richard boy, this is one way to do it. We are at virginia highlights park. I should have brought my bathing suit. Authorities want you to know there is a serious side of the coming heatwave. As fault is 370 degrees. This paving crew in arlington feeling the heat. They are bracing for 100day plus heat index. Stay hydrated. Keep plenty of water and gatorad nobody has to do it. The street is messed up. Richard anybody working outside or playing. Its crazy. This summer has been so hot. Richard will be in a weather hot zone. Just watch it. We have been getting warnings all this week. Richard Emergency Management Officials Say the coming heat is nothing to fool with. Since june four people from Southwestern United States died because of severe conditions. It starts off with a heat cramps, heat exhaustion and elevates to heat stroke. It progressively gets worse and more dangerous. When it does richard at Virginia Highland park, parents are watchful. We try to avoid the hottest time of the day. Richard utilities like pepco have crews on standby in case of outages. We are not expecting any issues with the energy grid. But its good to be prepared. Richard boy does that feel good. Our grid covers 13 states. 61 million customers. They say they have enough power to deal with this but go outside just be careful. Live in arlington, richard reeve, abc7 news. Leon they looked like they were having fun. Michelle even richard took off his shoes. Nice. Doug today is not terrible. Yesterday was a nice day. Today we are just starting with the fringes of the hot and the humid air. It will arrive tomorrow and the worst of it is saturday, sunday, monday for the highest temperature. The highest humidity levels. Leon are we going to get 100 . Doug well get close to it. Can you tell if its 99 or 100 . Leon yes, i can tell the difference. Doug i know steve rudin can feel the difference. He puts a finger up in the air and he knows. What is the temperature at the citi open, steve . What do you think . Steve it feels about 90 degrees or so. In the shade right now. It feels a whole lot better than in the sun. There are restaurants to go to between tennis matches. Grab a drink. Notice the folks under the cooling tent. It will be a busy place lets talk about this evening. We are looking at the temperatures that are going to be in the 80s. Plainly clear skies. Comfortable night. The heat will continue to build. We are going to go back to the studio, a cooler studio where its about 68 degrees. Chief meteorologist doug hill with details on the upcoming heatwave. Doug absolutely. Its crazy in here. Long sleeve shirt and suit. Its kind of cool. Another place that is cool is the beaches. Not bad. 77 at rehoboth beach. Clear skies, tons of people on the beaches. The weekend at the beaches wouldnt be warm. In the upper 80s to near 90 degrees. However, the water temperature in the low to mid70s. That is good. There is no pretty picture to put all this on our area. The beaches will be warm. Matter of fact some of the beaches might be in the lower 90s but with the proximity of the water and temperatures will be, close to 100 degrees that is not a bad choice for the upcoming weekend. For the evening we will be fine. No rain. Temperatures will drop in the 70s. But it become muggier overnight with clear to partly cloudy skies. Wake up tomorrow on friday. You will feel the increased moisture in the air. Muggy and well have clouds in the morning. Were watching a line of showers now. They will be with the hot air mass moving in boundarieses in the atmosphere every now and then. Tomorrow, tomorrow night and saturday. They could produce isolated showers or storms but we dont think the chances of the showers or storms will tick up here until late monday and tuesday. So its heat and humid we are dealing with. At the moment, the future cast continues to paint mostly clear skies through the day tomorrow with the southeast, the southwesterly, the southerly wind to pump up the heat and the humidity. As we get through the afternoon hours this model suggests showers or storms could pop up along the mountain top and the highest elevations to the west. Otherwise no relief as the temperatures hit 95 degrees warmer. But again, it will be saturday, sunday, monday when the peak of the heat and the humidity move in. Right now there are excessive heat warnings in effect for the entire region in red or purple. Then the heat advisories just to the south and east. As we head into the weekend, that is the kind of air that will overspread our area. At the moment, no headlines for us. Lete index values tomorrow heat index values tomorrow will be 108 in st. Louis. 109 in memphis. 104 in chicago. Our heat index feels like temperature is 96. We just move this forward a couple of days and you get an idea what is headed this way for the weekend. Coinciding with the last couple of days of the citi open, air temperatures near 100 degrees. Heat index feels like 105 or higher. Here it is. Seven days of the temperatures in the 90s. 95 tomorrow. Over the weekend close to 100 degrees. Very uncomfortable. Humidity levels high. Then the showers and the storms by monday and tuesday. Michelle you said 105 . Doug that is the way it leon between 101 and 103, ah, maybe. No. Not at all. It will be nasty out there. All right, folks. Stay with us now. At this hour, cause for celebration in one Northern Virginia community. Michelle abc7s ryan hughes is live in arlington. Ryan we are at a party on the plaza. The official kickoff of the opening of the Courthouse Plaza. Much to the relief of a lot of businesses. I will have that story coming leon the Courthouse Plaza has been underconstruction for six years and it opens up today with a party on the plaza. Thats where we find ryan hughes. How is the party out there . Ryan my gosh, leon. Free food. Free music. A lot of games for the kids. Take a look. You can see the guys having a lot of fun. This is years in the making. The project started in 2010. Sidewalks were ripped off. Blocking off stores. Business owners hope the ends justify the means to bring more people down here. It took nearly six years to complete but the newly renovated co arlington is officially open. Workers spent the day putting together tables and painting for a party on the plaza. A kickoff for the new neighborhood hub. Businesses like in style barbershop are hoping to reap the benefit of the plaza project. The owner says he took about a 40 hit in sales when construction started in 2010. Beginning it was very hard. Because of all the construction here. They blocked the sidewalk ryan similar story for faux deluxe. It has been open for a year and sales not been booming. They told us it would only take a couple of months but its taking longer than that. Ryan the restoration was done in several phases. New pavers and landscaping was put in and centerpiece. Outdoor gathering space with table and chairs. The loud noise, constant jackhammering and the tar smell. It wasnt great. Front row seat. But now they hope it will bring in more customers. I dont see any way, shape or form it will be negative toward us or the business. Ryan back live, a Nice Community event. We are told that the community played a big role in this project and will continue to do so. We are also told that new signs will be going up later this year. We are live tonight in arlington, ryan hughes, abc7 news. Michelle when we come back its happened again. A Controversial Police shooting. The video that has been released that has a lot of people outraged. Reporter a university of Maryland Police officer is fired following a Facebook Post. Im cheryl conner. We will tell you why the cultural ce announcer youre watching abc7 news at 5 00. On your side. Leon another Controversial Police shooting. This time in miami, florida. You see this video . This is moments before an officer shot charles kinsey. He is the unarmed man there who is laying on the ground with his hands up. He is on the ground, on his back and he was shot. Kinsey works as a Mental Health professional at a group home and says he was in the street there trying to get an upset patient with autism to come bac and kinsey says that when he was pleading with the cops to stand down, one of them shot him. When he hit me, im like, i still got my hands in the air. I just got shot. Im standing there, im like sir, why did you shoot me . His words to me, he said, i dont know. Leon police say that officers were responding to a 911 call about a man with a gun. However, there was no gun found there at the scene. The florida Attorneys Office is investigating. And kinsey is expected to be released from the hospital in the next day or two. Michelle the university of Maryland Police department has fired a member of its staff after a controversial Facebook Post. Cheryl conner explains what happened. Cheryl a member of the university of Maryland Police department is called into question the second incident in just two months. That is really his views he shouldnt be in a position of power. Cheryl a facebook meme a member of shared on the Facebook Page and said if we really wanted you dead all wed have to do is stop patrolling your neighborhoods and wait. Firing was too harsh. For Facebook Post its harsh. Cheryl we got a statement from the Police Department and a spokeswoman said they were notified of incident on twitter on monday and after the investigation the officer was fired. The director of the Culture Center hosted discussions on campus following a may pepper stray incident. Body camera showed an officer breaking up a predominantly africanamerican party. An officer was suspended for two weeks without pay for not following the departments standards. We cannot allow a bias to affect the public interaction. Cheryl his office heard stories of racial profiling on campus. He and his friends have been stopped a dozen times at the time i spoke to him and had never been charged cheryl the Cultural Center says they have a Good Relationship with the Police Department and they provide sensitivity training especially following the recent reports. This is just making the problem worse that everyone else is trying to solve. Like treating everyone equal. Cheryl in college park, cheryl conner, abc7 news. Michelle Prince Georges County Police Officer is accused of taking pictures up womens skirts. On june 1, someone filed a complaint about officer james sims claiming that he took an inappropriate picture of her at a store in bowie. An investigation revealed sims took similar photos of female drivers with his phone on at least two other traffic stops in the past year. If convicted he could face up to a year in prison. Leon all right, michelle. Back to the happenings in cleveland. Tonight, donald trump, the republican president ial nominee is going to be speaking at the national convention. You know when he talks he usually gets a lot of attention, right . But through the first three days of this convention it may be trumps son donald jr. Who abc7s chief Political Correspondent scott thuman now in cleveland. You cant not have that, nerves. But he performs better under pressure. He is the guy that on national tv hits the hole in one. Right . Scott while donald trump senior is known as the showman, jr. May be his best pitch man. After the Convention Speech headlines even read, a star is born. When bill clinton ran for office there was a line you are getting two clintons for the price of one. How many trumps are we getting on a trump ticket . A long list. A long list. But, you know, its more, you know, we may not be involved in government. Maybe we will be. Maybe we found a new calling. Who knows . Our primary job in this is making sure the people understand my father. He is the most famous man in the world that no one really knows. Scott is there a second donald trump that most of America Donald trump. He is always donald trump. But he understands the gravity of the situation we face in this country and he understands the problem. We wont joke about it and do the fluff. We can do all of those things. He could have my grand children at every event and pander for the photoop. Scott is there anything along the road so far that you as the team regret doing that you would do differently if you had another chance . I think its an interesting question. Some people say obviously yes. Yet i look at it and i say you know what . We are here for a reason. The accumulation of all of those things. He says something and people are outraged. They are outraged about everything. God forbid you have an opinion anymore. In the end i say no. The real talk, the real talking to the american people. Not at them. Scott he says there is another bloc of voters they believe they can win in november but didnt in the primary. He is talking about democrats who support his father and just didnt change their Party Affiliation in time. In abc7 news. Leon there have been a lot of memorable moments in cleveland this week. This is another. This one has gone viral. You see that . Donald trump trying to show affection for his running mate mike pence. The indiana governor kind of stiffarmed him there. The exchange teased on social media, called the air kiss. All right . Searches for air kiss went up 28 at the end of last nights convention. Michelle interesting. Still to come for us on abc7 news at 5 00 emotional words from prince harry, as he talks about his mother. The late Princess Diana. Hear what he said about her at a global conference on aids. We wanted to bring it to some more light and let everyone know we need to get together. We deserve our money back. Leon coming up ahead at 6 00, out of lock and out of cash out of luck and out of cash. 7 on your side trying to help a couple get steve im abc7s steve rudin live at the citi open. A beautiful evening underway. A few clouds here and there. Temperatures will be in the 80s. Take a look at the weekend forecast. If you are headed down to the open, dress comfortably. Have lots of sun screen. Drink plenty of water. Highs close to 100 degrees with feelslike temperatures around 105. Some locations even hotter than that. Take a look at the next seven days. We are at the beginning of a strong stretch of hot, hot weather. Temperatures upper 90s for the weekend. And then by monday and tuesday of next week we are talking about a chance for a few popup showers and thunderstorms. But temperatures stay in the 90s. Monday, tuesday, even into wednesday. Abc7 news at 5 00 co woman i have a masurprise for you. Are you . Man you have a surprise for me . Narrator at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. And when theyre away, they miss out on a lot. Inancial support. Because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. Why do we do it . Because our vets sacrifice enough. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Stand by me. Michelle britains prince harry is in south africa for a global aids conference. In a speech he paid tribute to his mother the late Princess Diana for her contribution to the fight against hiv. When my mother held the hand of a man dying of aids in east London Hospital no one would imagine just over a quarter of a century later, treatment could exist to see hivpositive people live full, michelle prince harry went on to say because of the progress he is concerned we may get complacent in beating the virus. Leon next years allstar week in the nba looking for a new home. Vertical is reporting that the nba is pulling the weekend celebration out of charlotte because of the bathroom laws that they say is discriminatory to the Lgbt Community and focusing to moving the allstar region to new orleans. Other cities are making a push. Formal announcement on that expected soon. So you order account from Value City Furniture and get stabbed in the progress. Confused . Well explain after the break. Joe the popular app tinder is adding a new feature that could change the way you go out for the evening. Leon metro could partner with a ridehailing service like uber lyft. They are looking to use the service to provide doortodoor service for the elderly disabilities. Metro taking the bids for the service and the Officials Say it could save millions on the heavily subsidized access paratransit program. Michelle now to a bizarre and a violent situation that started with a couch delivered to the wrong address. The person who ordered the couch is recovering from stab wounds. Montgomery county reporter kevin lewis explains. I knew what he was doing. He knew what he was doing. Kevin wood was stabbed in the hand over this 1,100 couch. Earlier in month, Value City Furniture stiffed the steel blue sofa but delivered it to the next door neighbor anthony francis. Francis signed off on the new piece of furniture. No questions asked. Later that day wood and his wife called Value City Furniture confused. When the delivery man returned to the Silver Spring apparent complex, francis allegedly started cursing and grabbed a knife. In an attempt to keep couch. I pulled my hands back and he cast this way when i pulled my hands back. Kevin woods wife called 911. Francis explained yall hear from me. I have a right to defend myself. Its cool because the knife was under seven inches. You got busted stealing something. You think you would be quiet and leave well enough alone. Kevin woods wounds are healing but he wants his neighbor evicted. Over a couch. Over a couch. I dont know how a couch would change his life. I guess. Some people its worth it. Today francis did not answer the front door. The 43yearold has more than 30 criminal cases on his maryland record alone and he faces 53 years in the furniture fight. Reporting in Silver Springs, im kevin lewis, abc7 news. Leon okay. Coming up at 6 00, new information on the deadly bastille day attacks in nice and the troubling details of how long the attacker planned it. Also ahead the new ruling that could keep all russian athletes out of the summers olympics games in rio. And on National Junk food day, the usda plan to stop your kids from eating it at school. Those stories coming up at 6 00. Michelle tinder will no longer just be for getting together oneonone. The dating app now allows you to set up a group thing as well. That means organizing an impromptu night out with friends and a few strangers. So say you and a friend want to go out to a concert or bar and no need to worry about stalkers, the app erases your Group Matches after the event. Im not sure about that. Leon as a single woman, you michelle all right. How is the weather for tennis . Leon im into air conditioning. Michelle me, too. Leon this is a good day to find some. Doug more so over the weekend. Saturday and sunday through monday afternoon probably be the hottest most uncomfortable stretch we have had in quite some time. Finish the numbers here, you will know why. 90 degrees in cumberland, winchester, frederick, leesburg and fredericksburg. 85 in annapolis. 89 reporting last hour at Reagan National airport. The forecast in the morning, upper 60s to 70 degrees. When you get up in the morning or even if you are up late tonight you will feel the added moisture in the air. It will have the summer muggy feeling. Once we get cooking through the day tomorrow and the sun comes up it will rapidly warm up and an average temperature is 95 degrees. When we pick a single number there is no way it represents the viewing area. Some might be 92. That is the average temperature for a high tomorrow around the area. Maybe a stray thunderstorm in the afternoon as well. The nationals have a game coming up. That is going to be hot stuff. They play this afternoon, dont they . Tomorrow. Doug it will drop in the evening hours tomorrow. Wanted to check. The big story for the weekend high heat still west. We believe there is a good chance that all the area may have heatrelated headlines for the weekend. We see combination of the temperatures approaching 100 degrees. Or the heat index or the feels like temperatures near 105 degrees through saturday, sunday and monday. Citi open final days will be sweltering. Upper 90s to 100 degrees but feeling more like 105. For the next seven days we get seven da but you see the peak of the heat is saturday, sunday, monday. Stray storms friday and saturday. Better chance of the showers and storms monday and tuesday. Got to cool off after that. Talk to you in a bit. Leon this will cool you off. Thank you, sir. Must see video. Not for those afraid of heights. This will take you 200 feet above the falls at 40 miles per hour. So when your pants are wet on the other side, no question. No surprise. Only one thing to bring storm troopers, wizards and superheros together. Comic con. Its expected in san diego and feature highlights are world premier of star trek beyond and a pokemon go pub crawl planned. Pokemon go would look right at home there, dont you think . Michelle yeah. With the folks dressed up in the weird co dont have too many layers on outside. Leon wear as little as possible i wont say as little as possible. Michelle i was waiting for you to fall in that trap [. Leon dont overdo it. Ill leave it at that. Go there. Keeping it clean. Keeping it clean. Erin hawksworth is live at the citi open for us right now. Hey, erin, how is it looking down there . Erin you guys are having more fun in studio than im having here. The tennis players bodies really developed over the years. Its all due to conditioning. See behind me. Some of the best players are warming up. Gale has a match tonight. He is on the bike right now. Earlier today i caught up with citi open medical director. Who says the conditioning is based on Power Movement and that the fitness levels of the players is at the conditioning that the players have for tennis is amazing. Completely different sport than when i started 25 years ago. Erin dr. Branch has been the citi open medical director since 1991 to give him the second longest tenure in the world. We have to been on call for matches, court calls. If someone has an injury or is showing sign of heat illness. Erin it doesnt mean it comes without challenges. This week is tricky. The tournament was earlier because of the olympics so a lot of the players are coming over from wimbledon. The climate there is different from here. Erin his passion for tennis coupled with the medical expertise makes him the perfect fit to treat world class athletes. I had to make a choice of plin being premed. Erin thankfully for athletes like these he spoke the latter. Its a niche sport. So unless you have played its hard to relate to the players and give them advice with the various injuries. Erin dr. Branch still plays tennis and he has got game. I was reading you have a mean serve. 115 miles per hour. I used to do that a few years back. That was the big strength of my game. My height. Erin now coming up tonight at 6 00, hear from tennis channels tracy austin who breaks down john isners match later tonight. Looking at all the tennis bodies all week i keep thinking i should be in the gym right now. Leon dont beat yourself up. Dont do that. Cmon now. Have a good time. Michelle we were just talking about working out and i was asking leon if he is running in the rubber seat this weekend with the temperatures so hot. Leon i might still do it. Stay cool down there, girl. See y michelle several yoga locations around the city have been targeted by criminals. And sam ford looks at one of the businesses hit. Sam on the Police Surveillance video, he walks in as he if he works here. At 10 45 a. M. This man is a burglar who just used a crowbar to pry over the front door and gets to work finding stuff to steal. I heard yoga studios are being targeted. Its a shame. Its an all inclusive environment so its too bad. Sam they are targeted in northeast and northwest. At least 10ee ga studios and gyms have yoga studios an gyms have been hit by thieves in the last weeks. They have been all up and down 14th street. Yoga is growing increasingly popular throughout the area for people of many walks of life. I think they are targeting the yoga studios because they think we are e we dont have security guards and its probably easier place for someone to burglar. Sam the studios are empty for many hours a day. I hope it never happens again. We have increased security measures in place. We have a great community. We do have a police presence. We have a lot of Police Officers actually that practice here. We are building a really great community. Were happy to be here. Sam its one of many businesses opened. Sadly the Bicycle Store next door has been hit as well. I think what happened they got in here and 30 second later the alarm went off and scared them off. Sam is loss of barry part of doing business . We talk to people at yoga studios who said they havent been hit recently but they had been hit before. We have him on videotape. Min news at 5 00. Here is what is coming up at 6 00 a Police Officer on the wrong side of the law. And accusation of lewd behavior in traffic stop. The heat is coming. Get used to the term heat dome. We track the timing and how long it will last. The final night of the Republican National convention. What to expect from donald trump as he gets set to accept the partys nomination. Abc7 news at 6 00 starts now. Announcer abc7 news at 6 00. On your side. Leon we are following a developing story this hour. This is coming out of Prince Georges County where a suspended Police Officer is accused of taking inappropriate pictures of women. Today a grand jury indicted james sims on several charges. Turn now to Maryland Bureau chief brad bell to get the latest on the story. Do we know where and when the incidents took place in brad they took place over the last couple of years. A couple of them in bowie. Other places around the county. The one in bowie at the Sports Authority is the one that got the the allegation is he was in the store offduty. Used his phone to take an upsecurity of a woman upskirt of the woman. It turns out she was offduty officer. She confronted the man and he identified himself as a Police Officer and he left the store and got in a marked cruiser. She reported it to the police and started an investigation and found out the last couple of years the officer while on duty at traffic stops approached women he had pulled over and taken his phone, hidden it below his ticket book and taken pictures of women in the car as they sat there expecting to get nothing more than a ticket from the officer. He has been identified as james sims. We can show you his photograph released by the Police Department today. He was working out of district one predict in hyattsville. He

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