Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170512 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170512

the beginning of the end of this pattern. finally moving out. the rain will not be a feature, we don't think, in the afternoon, and that will open the door to much better conditions here on sunday. be happy to share this weekend and the next 10 days with you coming up in a few minutes, alison. alison: thanks. take storm watch 7 wherever you go. you can download it from google play and i be tunes. >> abc 7 has been following the story ever since it broke tuesday evening. the firing of f.b.i. director james comey. that sent shock waves through the bureau and washington. the white house said president trump made the decision based on recommendations from his attorney general and deputy a.g. then we find yesterday president trump himself said he made up his mind before his top department of justice officials even weighed in which was a contradiction. that brings us today, a flur of tweets. here's the question for you -- do you think the president is tweeting too much? you can weigh in by going to wjla/votenow to weigh in yourself. the president is now considering several candidates to replace comey. >> should the president be believed that he may have secret tapes of james comey? the white house would not say. >> recording devices in the oval office or residence? >> there is nothing further to add to that. >> the questions prompted by the president's own tweets. james comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. >> the president with his tweets this morning borders on intimidation. what we're facing now whether there is obstruction of justice. >> but that wasn't the only tweet from the president that seemed to make the situation worse for the white house. president trump also argued he's very active so it's not possible for his staff to answer questions with perfect accuracy. and then president trump suggested he may cancel all future press briefings. the white house would comment on one issue -- disputing the dinner to pledge his loyalty to mr. trump. >> i think the president wants loyalty to this country and to the rule of law. >> but on msnbc, the former director of national intelligence said comey told him he was weary about accepting the president's invitation to dinner. >> he mentioned that he had been invited to the white house to have dinner with the president, and that he was uneasy with that because of even compromising even the optics, the appearance of independence, not only of him but of the f.b.i. >> and the member of the house oversight committee has now formally requested that they provide any tapes as part of their ongoing inquiry so we may learn if tapes do in fact exist or if the president is bluffing in that tweet. >> we are joined by former f.b.i. agent brad garrett for how this week shaked up the agency this week. it's good to get your perspective. there saying wait a second, is it a big deal to fire the director of the f.b.i.? it's well within his power to do so. brad: yes. you have to look at the reason why he fired him. they used the cover of hillary clinton's emails. nobody actually ever brought that. the optics of it is really poor. it's apparent to most of us, current and retired agents, that this has everything to do with the russian investigation. >> but just because you fire the head of that agency does not mean that investigation stops. there are a lot of agents below him. a lot of people look at him as a political figure anyway. there are a lot of agents underneath that are carrying out this investigation. it doesn't change the trajectory of this investigation, does it? brad: not at all. you are talking about 12,000-plus f.b.i. agents, 36,000 f.b.i. employees. divide it up into various divisions, you have an x number working on the russian situation. they're continuing to work. my guess they worked today, director probably had discussions but kept going. that's the reality here. you are not going to be able to shut this down. >> i'm sure you worked alongside a lot of f.b.i. agents. you have a pretty good idea of the barometer how people feel morale-wise. was it time for fresh air and a new change regardless of the circumstances surrounding why he was fired? brad: i don't think anybody thought he should have been fired. clearly there will be people that don't agree with his policies but the reality is honest, hardworking, extremely competent, has worked in the justice system since the 1990's, really knows his stuff and he's a very positive promoter of the f.b.i. so i don't know i see any reason at all other than maybe the obvious as to why he got fired. >> all right. interesting perspective. brad, we appreciate you taking the time. joining us this afternoon. abc 7 does have everything you need to know about this wild week in washington. just go online it our website, search comey when you're there and you'll see our ori the last week. at least 74 countries have now been hit by a huge cyberattack. it's disabled more than a dozen hospitals in the united kingdom. also hit, spain's largest telecom company, colleges in italy and some fedex computers and this just crossing the wires. russia's interior ministry says it has come under cyberattack as well. as of now, the attack hasn't hit the u.s. of course, abc 7 will stay on top of this and bring you more information once we get it. alison. alison: ok, michelle. thank you. also breaking right now, sky track 7 is over a crash in silver spring. a car running off the road at and into a person. it hit the pole first. hopefully slowing it down before hitting that person but right now we have no word on the victim's condition. >> a judge issuing a bench warrant for kenneth kelly. in march driving drunk and causing a crash that killed five people in prince george's county. today he did not show up to court for a sentencing. and coming up on abc 7 news at 6:00, we'll hear from angry family members from the victims of that crash. >> and also developing right now, new video of the man arlington police say is a sex assault suspect. he posed as a maintenance worker to get into this woman's apartment and that's when the assault happened. stephen with more of this video. stephen. stephen: nancy, we've learned within the past hour or so that occupants of a nearby apartment building received a warning from their management company. this afternoon what happened sunday and now we have something police believe took place this weekend at this apartment complex just prior to the assault nearby sunday morning as well. the suspect in a brutal beating and sexual assault made another building. surveillance video shows the man identified as the suspect tried to enter a code minute yum building from a few -- condo building from a few blocks. when he got into her building he posed as a maintenance man going door-to-door knocking. the woman opened the door and that's when he attacked her. in the video released, we see the man follow a person into a condo building on carlton but the conseerge stops him and has him turn away. they see him walking down in the direction of the condo where the woman was assaulted. now, after release of this new video and very clear images of the suspect's face, a lot of people here hoping an arrest comes soon. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> that video is on the abc facebo video so more people can help identify that man. and with mother's day approaching this holiday is going to be particularly hard for one d.c. family. a popular figure in southeast caught in the cross fire with no arrest today. sam ford spoke with her son. sam: at a spot where she died last january there is a collection of bottles but she didn't drink. there is a wheelchair, her coat and her son. >> i haven't cried yet so there's a hole. there's a big hole in my soul. i pretty much know everybody in my family feel the same way. sam: it was martin luther king day. police video shows one man chasing another firing a gun as a bullet hit her killing her. her wheelchair spins. the intended target gets away. police have not but the son says detectives told him they were holding someone on a parole violation they believe was the shooter, but the target who was eventually hospitalized will not talk. he's scared. >> if he tried to kill you what are you scared of? if you get out the hospital, whatever, they are going to come and try to kill you again? somebody needs to be charged. somebody needs to be held accountable to it. sam: he says he doesn't know who put this wheelchair's here. it wasn't his mother's. it was motorized. it's still a powerful symbol. marrow says he rejects the cliche that she's in a better place. >> she should have been in her bed right now waiting on mother's day to get some balloons, not right here. she should be getting balloons and flowers in her room. >> in southeast washington, i'm samford, abc 7 news. >> a townhouse goes up in flames. now police are searching for the man who was seen leaving the home hours before it was destroyed. the fire broke out overnight on the police said the man who lived there was set to be evicted this weekend and people saw him leave around overnight with several pieces of luggage. it displaced two families. >> coming up next at 4:00 for us, if you want to quit your job -- well, you're not alone. >> also, a million trucks being recalled? nancy: and also this -- >> a local politician pleads guilty to drunk driving but the couple he hit says it's not quite enough. nancy: if you think the weather this spring is severe you're right. the weather team breaking down the strong storms that's hit our area, next. alison: attorney general jeff sessions is ramping up the war on drugs. he's asking officials to slap them with the most charges they can. it stops an obama era policy to curve penalties for low-lefrl nonviolent offenders. former attorney general eric holder calls it being dumb on crime. nancy: and today a guilty plea from a prince george's councilmember. maryland bureau chief brad with his punishment and with those that he hit had to say about the judge's decision. brad: for the first time mel franklin is speaking publicly and accepting blame for driving drunk, crashing, injuring two people and totaling two cars, including the county-owned s.u.v. he was driving last november. mel: i take full responsibility for the accident and very, very sorry to the victims of the accident. brad: franklin spoke moments about -- after pleading guilty. the judge giving him the standard first-time offender sentence probation for judgment and $645 fine. mel: there's really no excuse to get behind the wheel of a vehicle when you are fully not prepared to drive. brad: teresa and another were in the car and said -- >> it's a long road ahead. brad: he hit the so bad that the rear window shattered, the seat pushed up against the front seat. >> i can clearly remember three seconds before the impact my husbanding screaming oh, my god and i'm thinking somebody's coming out the woods. i'm like what? before i could get my head around it we were rear-ended and i was out cold. brad: councilmember franklin says he hopes the voters forgive him. mel: i work doubly hard to do that. i am a public servant. brad: this is a third crash in a county car. he no longer has fleet privilege. brad bell, abc 7 news. >> well, this is a massive recall from fiat chrysler. about a million ram trucks may not be safe to drive. lisa fletcher has the consumer report. lisa: a software glitch could prevent air bags. the 2013-2016 ram pickups. it includes 2014-2016 ram 3500 pickup trucks. a computer module may incorrectly identify that one of the sensors failed and that would disable the side air bag and seat belt pretensioner so it won't hold tight. you can turn the truck off and back on for a reboot. reprogramming plans are in the works. jonathan. jonathan: some must-see video from norway tonight. an eyewitness capturing the moment when a helicopter -- look for it right there in the center of your screen -- crashed right in the drink. that was in the harbor. you can see the helicopterer was trying to initially land on the yacht right there. didn't go so well. missed it by that much. authorities say the pilot was trying to do that, didn't work out but three people were hurt. nobody seriously from the last time we checked. alison: very dramatic there. a milestone spacewalk. astronauts stepping outside morning. marking the 200th i.s.s. spacewalk. it's also a special for these two astronauts. for fischer it's his first one ever. and for witson it's her ninth, expend tending her u.s. record for most spacewalks by a female astronaut. jonathan: nice. doug: well, you would never know by our weather patterns recently but we are smack dab in the strongest part of the severe weather season through may and june and july, even into early fall. and while we've had a little touch of severe weather in our area, many parts of the country not that far from here have been rocked by severe weather. it's just the beginning of the season. bc 7 meteorologist molly cochran has more. d.m.v. has experienced rounds of severe storms this season. the first weather outbreak occurred in february with other outbreaks inpr of low pressure and associated cold front moved across the midwest. there was a confirmed ef-1 tornado near waldorf, maryland. one spotted in pennsylvania and the first february tornado ever recorded in massachusetts. on april 6, there was a confirmed ef-0 tornado that moved through the tidal basin. severe storms started deep in the south before reaching the d.c. metro. there was an confirmed ef-0 tornado in bowling base. the national weather season has been off to a intense start. based on preliminary data, the u.s. has recorded 650 tornadoes through may 10. january, 2017, has proven to be one for the record books with 134 actual tornadoes compared to just 17 in 2016 and 28 in 2015. for abc 7, molly cochran. doug: and once we get to see next week and temperatures through the 80's, anytime we have thunderstorms and cold fronts we have to think about the potential of severe weather. when you see a picture like this, not so much. it's only 50 degrees in spotsylvania. it's rainy. it will stay that way throughout the region. what happened, will the nationals play? don't know. could be the second makeup game in a row here. 56 is the forecast temperatures, periods of rain through the night. this is doppler. it's pretty solid. northern suburbs not so much. you'll get yours in bait. it's a solid area of rain that will continue through the afternoon and evening. the rest of the rush hour. there will continue to be good indications on radar and computer we'll have heavier pushes of rain. 9:30 southeastern suburbs. overnight, patches rain, gusty winds. very chilly temperatures. not appropriate at all or customary for this time of may. the storm center the northeast taking very heavy rain with it. around midday, the rain should pull out of the area. it will be breezy and cloudy. just maybe areas west of town could get a glimmer of sun. look at these temperatures. that's sad for middle of may. very sad temperatures in the mid 50's. it will get better by mother's day. about an inch in our area. more closer to the coast. then we get into the outlook period where we go through sunday and all of a sudden it's all smiles. partly sunny, breezy, 2. the same on monday. look at this warming trend. it will get too warm for many people as we get through the middle of the week. 89, 90 degrees. that's pretty impressive stuff. that is crazy. we have the little boy's chair today. [laughter] jonathan: we have a card table. doug needs to sit at the big table. doug: can i put my hands on the table? jonathan: you could care less. is doug, you have to sit in the little seat. doug: it's all good. jonathan: switching gears. oming up for us -- [laughter] jonathan: we call that a spicy roll. coming up at 4:00, hitting the roll. melissa mccarthy takes her impersonation of sean spicer to the streets. she's rolling. nancy: if you think your boss is harsh, wait until you hear what steve harvey does to his staff. he boundies set ahead. alison: that's my mom. she's happiest like this when she is with her granddaughter. we are all do this today so tune in to see pictures of everyone with their moms and we hope you'll do the same. share your pictures of mom with us. upload them at nancy: all right. welcome back. i want to wish my mom a happy mother's day. this is me and my mom on vacation in china. she watches all of our livestreams so she's watching right now. alison: hi, mom. nancy: share your pictures by uploading at jonathan: practicing. alison: she looks like your sister. nancy: she will appreciate that. mother's day gift right jonathan: anything, alison, will be yours. mother's day is sunday. don't forget. make your reservations now. alison: lindsay showing how people are honoring their moms. >> it's starting early. people are visiting their moms or here for a visit and that's the case for june. she's visiting her daughter here in d.c. they've been all over town including at the aquatic garden. and santiago posted a picture of him and his mom at a nats game saying she's a big nats fan. they have been spending the day at the national gallery of arts. and this photo of a mom and this is on instagram here. she writes, my mom is my hero, my best friend, strong, independent woman, kind, selfless and she is not scared of any bugs. that's a good thing because look at the size of that grasshopper. that is enormous. but it's been fun to see everyone's pictures and we have photo gallery online, jonathan: thanks very much. coming up at 4:00 for us, paying more for less on metro again? it's a plan to close budget gaps. when this will start, we'll tell you. alison: at least two others killed after a standoff from a nursing home. nancy: you may have seen a lot of police officers on their bikes today. we are going to take you along with one local squad's unity ride team and tell you what makes this year unique for those officers. that's when i join you back here at 5:00. >> you're watching abc 7 news at 4:00 on your side. >> doug: i'm going to bet that many people watching aren't happy with the way the weather is starting out for this weekend but i'm also going to guess a lot of people will be happy the way the weekend finishes up. with the bold statement made, rain, second big wave of rain we had. yesterday we had heavy rain. not so much this morning but late this afternoon, rain in the area coming from an impulse of low pressure over southern west virginia. it's going to take a while tonight but will make a steady run towards the mid-atlantic coast and as it does the rain will come overhead with a periods of heavy rain. maybe a few rumbles of thunder south and east of washington. holding right near 50 degrees overnight. our futurecast shows it will push northward into pennsylvania. the whole kit and caboodle will continue. when it gets off the coast tomorrow, that's going to be good news for us. it will pull the rain out to sea and we'll see the rain end. this is 3:15 tomorrow morning. you'll sleep through that and maybe hear a little rumble of thunder. noon, it looks like in the d.c. metro on the back edge of this system as it continues to move away. that clears for clouds clearing out late saturday night and sunday looking fine. all across the area. close to an inch of rain, additional rainfall may come late tonight into tomorrow. heavy rain will end midday. breezy, 56. sunday, mother's day, cleaning, 7 . hot, upper 80's by the end of next to you. jonathan: fares will take effect next summer. michelle: it's with a tradeoff. nancy: the announcement made just a couple hours ago. transportation reporter breaks down the changes for us. >> well, that's right. we now know that riders have about six weeks of what's become the new normal of a midnight closing seven days a week before even more changes come their way. well, just a few hours ago metro officially made the announcement that it will be sunday, june 25, that they will start to see new hours, fares and schedules. those new hours include an 11:30 closing monday through thursday. new hours also include 11:00 p.m. closings on sunday and 1:00 a.m. closings, giving riders an additional hour on the weekend friday and saturday. the changes also mean digging deeper into their pockets. fare increases coming on the 25th another 25 cents and rail riders will see an increase of 10 cents to 25 cents. all this as they see service cuts as well. >> it's not really a problem for me. i get off in time to take the train home so i don't really care. yeah, that would stink if you rely on it to get home, especially late at night. reporter: now, metro plans to do an outreach campaign to riders to make sure they are aware of these changes ahead of that june 25 date. meanwhile, some riders say they are possibly going to ditch the system altogether. we'll have more on that coming up tonight at 5:00. nancy: thank you. breaking news right now. former f.b.i. director james comey has declined an invitation from the senate intelligence committee to testify in a closed door session on tuesday. this coming in right now from "politico." of course, the president fired comey tuesday evening. jonathan: well, after months of waiting and ar peter is officially the chief of the metropolitan police department. the swearing in ceremony removed the acting title after he took over the department when kathy left to take the top ecurity job for the nfl. nancy: a lot of double takes in new york city. that is not sean spicer rolling down a busy new york street on a podium. at's melissa mckarty the comedianne who can be spoofing spicer on "saturday night live." those commuting and walking down the street certainly got a kick out of this sight. mccarthy is reportedly filming this for tomorrow night's upcoming episode. it ourns turns out a phrase president trump recently said he coined is older than he thinks. according to the merriam webster dictionary, the phrase prime the pump dates back to the early 19th phrase laughing up their sleeves. merriam webster quickly to translate on this saying the idiom means to be secretly happy or amused by something. the more you go. michelle: thank you. 7 on your side consumer alert. americans, we stepped up our retail sales by nearly half a percent in april. the commerce department says some of the biggest growth is online sales but that brought bad news for department stores. macy's and jcpenney continues to trouble. nancy: if you're seeing a lot of turnover in your office you are not alone. according to a.d.p., the country's largest payroll processers, nearly 2/3 of the workers who participated in the survey say they're open to leaving for another job. almost half say they would leave even if a new job matched or paid less. and get this. even more just left a job that didn't meet their expectations. jonathan: all right. how much do you know about charter schools and school voucher programs? you heard the name and the term a lot, but how much do you know? well, don't feel bad if you don't know much at all about it because you're actually with the majority. because according to an associated press poll, 58%, more than half of americans say they know little or nothing about charter schools which are schools funded by tax dollars. 66% said the same thing about school vouchers which are scholarships for low-income families. all right. you're probably though in the minority if you don't know what happened yesterday night in d.c. sports. michelle: wednesday not a good night for anyone. the caps were eliminated and the wizards got thumped up in boston. the wizards are alive but still need to win tonight. scott abraham is at the verizon. the wiz have a pretty good home record so fingers cross on this one but hopefully they'll pull this out. scott: their season might be finished. they may be down in the season right now but certainly far from being out. because that's because this game is being played right here tonight inside the friendly confines of verizon center. the wizards, a completely different team playing at home in this series. in game three and game four, they dominated the boston celtics. there is no panic with these wizards' confidence -- calm, ready to play their best game of the season tonight. >> we didn't lose the series. they were up 3-2. just because you're at home you don't -- that doesn't mean you are going to win. our fans will be amazing. we are going to come out with a lot of energy. all we're trying to do is win one game at home and force a game seven. >> it's doing whatever it takes to win. i think we definitely had opportunities for the series to be different than what it is right now. it is what it is. all we can do is move forward. scott rarned i spent time with the wizards at very loose. just going about their normal routine. guys will be ready to play tonight gets those boston celtics. michelle: all right. thank you so much, scott. hope everyone rocking the red and cheering for the wiz will be enough. jonathan: home cooking always seem to work. nancy: fingers cross it will be a game to watch. ahead on abc 7, the top baby names of last year. michelle: plus, a part-time job with full-time perks. 7 son your side with where to look for the best benefits around. jonathan: what's coming up on monday "good morning washington." autria: monday on "good morning washington." is it worth it week? the first cup of coffee really worth it or is this solution way better? >> how oncall musicians are helping to heal local patients. >> monday jonathan: want to show you something from overseas this is a ritual. how adorable is that. infants are rolled around in pink roses. parents believe it will help keep their children fresh and healthy. well, they are certainly going to smell good coming out of this. each year for the past 400 years this has been performed by the baby's mother, grandmother and aunts and makes for a good photo on. nancy: social security's annual list of the is out now. michelle: the most popular girls names out. three years is emma. ava. this is following noah taking the top spot for the fourth straight year. michelle: and liam, mason and james. nancy: we have a couple of those. it's like back in the day when i was growing up it was michelle a, michelle b. nancy: assistance -- michelle: nancys. ancy: we need more nancys. michelle: we're helping you fill out that weekend planner. the mother's day weekend planner ahead. jonathan: and the critical equipment failure that cost boeing millions of dollars. wait unt of providing reliable energy and that'll never change. what is changing, is our name to dominion energy. it's a reflection of our commitment to energy innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind... and cleaner energy like natural gas. and we'll continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. dominion energy. more than a new name, a new way of seeing energy. jonathan: seven months after the battle started, now the crush -- they want to crush isis in mode you will. that battle now may be -- in that battle may be coming to an end. they may be able to liberate that part of northern iraq. this move comes after iraqi forces with coalition support launched a multiprong offensive in the remaining areas that are still under extremist control. they say it's going well on the front. michelle: four people dead in ohio. nancy: the shooting happened outside a nursing home outside of columbus. tara with the latest there. tara: nancy, michelle, we are getting information from police at this hour. they are getting a search warrant for the suspect's home and the suspect's car that was found at a truck stop found not far from the nursing home. we're told two passersby were held by the suspect in the woods not far from the nursing home you see behind me. they were able to run away when they heard the dead, the can police chief, two nursing home employees and the shooter. a devastating blow to the close tight knit village. horror on the main drag of kirkersville. >> they are the best police we have ever had in this town. tara: the police chief shot and killed at the nursing center. >> it's a hard day for all of us. tara: two nursing home employees shot dead. one heard guns. >> it sounded like a backfire. tara: the first 911 called about a man in the street with a gun. the chief said he had the suspect in sight. >> the deputy pulled him to safety, if you will. they're having a hard time. tara: the chief had only been in his position three weeks. he had a wife, six children and a setcht on the way. -- seventh on the way. >> we will be fine. we will be fine. tara: now none of the nearly two dozen people who live in the care center were hurt. they are looking into motive as well as the relationship between the suspect and the nursing home. we're live in kirkersville, breaking news you jonathan: well, are the jumby jets safe for the president? because one of the plane's oxygen systems were contaminated. that was discovered last year during maintenance and fixed but the problem cost $4 million. three boeing mechanics are apparently being blamed for that problem and boeing paid the government back. nancy: a scoreboard jeon scare on a united airlines flight. this time the airline says there's no evidence the passenger was stung by the critter on a flight from houston to ecuador. it was delayed after someone saw it coming out of a fellow passenger's clothing. so united brought in a new plane for the flight. it's not clear if anyone actually ended up finding the scorp jeon so it scorpion so it may be out there. michelle: entertainer steve harvey sent a memo to his staffers not to meet with harvey in his dressing room or in the hall unless he speaks to them directly. harvey also warned that anyone who opens his door will be removed by his security. harvey told "entertainment tonight" he wrote the memo to ask everyone to honor and respect his privacy. so there is a joke in there somewhere. we haven't found it yet. let's check in with larry smith at the live desk who is coming up new at 5:00. what you got, larry? larry: michelle obama not staying silent as the trump administration rolls back many of the policies her husband put in place. plus, 7 son your side after a simple home improvement project leaves a big mess behind. who is responsible when a big company contracts out to a smaller one? have you whale? what parents need to know about the game. jonathan: all right. we will see you then. thanks. there are plenty of options to celebrate mom this weekend. nancy: that's after the foot massage, the flowers, the breakfast in bed. jonathan: all of that. nancy: kidd has more. kidd: luke bryan's tour is kicking off at jiffy lube live tonight. our friends are going to be backstage and out front. make sure you say hi if you see them. and you may want to train your -- oy boots with ga gulashes. the nationals versus the phillies. take your pup to the ballpark. 100% of the proceeds from your dog ticket benefit the humane rescue alliance. celebrate all things strawberry at the montgomery county strawberry festival with farmers and crafters market. plus, livent strawberry-inspired foods. proceeds from the festival will allow low-income familiar lease to stretch their dollar when buying fresh produce from local farmers at the shady grove farmers market which run may through october each year. whatever you do this weekend, i hope you do something that makes you happy. happy mother's day. have a great weekend. >> and the weekend is finally here and we are going to start it on a cloudy, wet and damp note this is our live camera. weather bug looking over national harbor. clouds are here. the rain has started, and it's going to stick around all evening long. this is what it looks like on live doppler radar. it's moving on off toward the north and east. this is batch number one that's on the way. we'll head in just a little bit closer around the capital beltway, it is wet. a slow go for your friday evening rush hour commute. if you're expecting anyone to be on time, maybe a little late due to the traffic. here's our temperatures stay on the chill side. it will be wet 10:00 tonight. as we move into the early morning hours tomorrow, 5:00 a.m.. if you are an early reiser, the areas in yellow, southern maryland, looking at the heaviest of rain. the best news of all about the noontime hour, 1:00, this lifts on out of here and our skies will slowly begin to clear and we may be looking at a pretty sunset come tomorrow evening. rain totals half inch to an inch. heavier amounts across southern maryland. more details. 56 degrees saturday, morning rain will give way to afternoon clearing. mother's day looks really nice. lower 70's. and i'll take you out to look at the 10-day outlook. if you like it hot and humid, you'll love what's on the way wednesday and thursday of the upcoming week. daytime highs around 90 degrees. we stay in the 80's in the following weekend. jonathan: coming up, full-time perks for part-time jobs. we'll let you know where you can find the best benefits. michelle: and i want to wish my mom a happy mother's day. michelle: they look like 60's. jonathan: they totally do. michelle: upload to >> with so many businesses in the d.c. area competing for talent, many companies are now offering full-time perks to part-time workers. ever stop by a craft brewery for a beer andburger? >> what can i get you? >> how about working there? >> a fun, relaxed environment. >> a craft brewery, employees who work 30 hours a week get full benefits. >> we have the traditional benefits like subsidized health insurance, paid time off. >> plus, you can't beat this perk, a glass of beer after your shift. think about it, the ideal part-time job gives you flexible hours, great benefits on the side and then they encourage you to go out and do some awesome fun stuff. that's what r.e.i. is all about. work 20 hours a week and get bicycles, kyaks and camping equipment. we can't talk great without talking hospitals. nurse carlton works two 12-hour days each week giving her plenty family time. >> i am able to do a lot of activities with my kids at school. i don't miss a lot of those activities which i'm a fan of. >> you don't even need to be a doctor or nurse. but chantel said if you want to go to nursing school -- >> we have a great tuition program as well and our part-time employees can take advantage of that as well. >> and the retail industry, costco tops many lists of best retailers. part-timers can get dental, health and vision insurance and 401-k. lowe's another big box store where part-time workers can access most full-time benefits the day they start. a great perk, free training in dozens of areas of home improvement. the nike store or outlet, part-time employees who work 20 hours get health insurance, along with discount on nike stock and shoes. we can't skip starbucks with the part-time partners getting health, dental, vision and life insurance. plus, 40147b k and all that free coffee. but you want physical activity, then look at u.p.s. where part-time employees get access to almost all benefits. finally, whole foods offers part-time workers paid time off, health insurance and discount stock. when your job has cool perks -- >> bad day at work, you can sit down and have a beer and your day gets a little bit better. >> you'll note that many requires you to work 20 hours a week to get those benefits. make sure you and your new employer are clear about that so you don't waste your money. suspect now at a determined to find a victim. metro fare increases. cancelled bus routes. shorter hours. we knew it was coming. now we know when. and -- >> match made in heaven. >> yeah, i guess you would say that. >> how do light marijua find each other? well, there's an app for that. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> now, abc 7 news at 5:00 on your side. >> right now, another batch of rain settling in across our area. chief meteorologist doug hill is in the storm watch 7 weather center. doug, is this weekend going to be a watchout? doug: no, i don't think so. you are going to wake up tomorrow and think, gosh, it is. but things will improve saturday and by sunday, you'll forget all about the doom and the gloom and the rain and the chill because it will get sunny and warmer. let's hit the headlines for you here. this is the rain pattern that re-emerged this afternoon, moved from the southwest. it's mostly light to steady across the area but it will turn heavier late tonight. temperatures will go near 50 degrees in the morning. our future cast shows rain coming in overnight. maybe rumblings of thunder especially south of the city. things will move quickly midday as it gets pulled out to sea. that we'll pick up another inch of rain across the area. more towards the bay and the eastern shore. the day tomorrow starts with the rain. could be heavy. ends with some clearing late in the day and much better weather on sunday. we'll talk about the weekend and the next 10 days coming up up in about 15 to 20 minutes, alison. alison: thank you, doug. download the weather app. larry: well, the search for this man who police say sexually assaulted a woman inside an apartment building. ephen tschida is live in arlington. stephen: they are concerned in this neighborhood and now we have learned that police believe the suspect in sunday's attack tried to get into this apartment building just before he's alleged to have assaulted the woman. the suspect in a brutal beating and sexual assault apparently made an attempt to get into

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