Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170428 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170428

industrial with kavnous warehouses and wooded train tracks. skytrak7 was overhead as the officers, the guns drawn searched a tractor trailer to no avail. we saw police with the leashed k9's attempting to track his escape route. we don't know if it was planned or more spontaneous spur of the moment. >> we have tactical teams from the police department, from the maryland state police department, so we have helicopters -- the maryland state police helicopter in addition to our en. a search of the magnitude is an undertaking but we have the resources to manage it. kevin: david watson is 5'8". he weighs 140 pounds. last seen wearing all white clothing. he also has at least one tear shape tattoo before ebelow his right -- below his right eye. jonathan: if you keep this mind, police rg that is his picture. his name is david watson. officers say he is serving more than 100 years for attempt murder in delaware an faced charged in maryland. that is why he was in the state. he was headed for the psychiatric evaluation and he has had a bunch of competencyerer hearing in recent years. nancy: coming up at 5:00, this is not the first escaped convict from this building. we are looking at the escapes from jessup. alison: get breaking news alerts to find out if he is spotted in your neighborhood. jonathan: we are looking at the protests in the inauguration, a hundred days ago. alison: the massive protest. at times we know they were violent and they resulted in more than 200 arrests. nancy: some of the protesters are facing more charges. d.c. sam ford at the courthouse. sam? sam: a couple of hearings involving the protesters that the government calls rioters from inauguration day. i began with the protester howell of florida pleading guilty to two felony rioting charges including breaking windows and throwing bricks at the police unking aration -- police on inauguration day. other protesters gathered outside in groups after hearing how much data from confiscated cell phones can be used. 220 people arrested, prosecutors confiscated 189 cell phones. one protester today talked about how little they know about the charges against them 100 days out. >> there is no individual evidence has been offered to any of the defendants at this mountain in time. yet, they continue to sort of lump all of us in together. with accusations. the judge made it clear any of the evidence being presented needs to be on an individual basis. they are not able to do that. sam: the judge did say it is about individuals and not groups. a protester noted police nowadays with the cell phones can often gather much more information from confiscating a cell phone than they could by going into a house where they would have to get a warrant. reporting live from d.c. superior court i'm sam ford, abc7 news. alison: thank you. it's just about a perfect start to the weekend. nancy: it's so sunny and gorgeous. it looks like we are going to get our first taste of summer as well. stormwatch7's commander-in-chief doug hill with -- stormwatch7's chief meteorologist doug hill with the forecast. could we have a record high? doug: we could tomorrow. the record high is 91. that is what we are forecasting. so another degree would make the difference. it's been a summary night. through the lower 80's pleasant outdoor conditions no matter what you have in mind. we will keep an eye on the radar. showing possibility of the storms west of the mountains that could pass through the overnight hours. 2:30, 3:00 in the morning. something like that. maybe 5:00 a.m. but it won't affect the weather tomorrow. we are forecasting a high of 91. that is the record. meanwhile on this 28th day of april, we are celebrating or observing is the benter word the 15th anniversary of the tragic tornado in la plata, maryland. maryland bureau chief brad bell is there now. both of us being life-long marylanders we remember old la plata. we can see the differences there, even the years litter. for the new folks they may have no clue that anything went through the town. brad: oh, gracious, doug. this was an incredible storm. this is one we wil forever. where i am standing now, it was devastation. this was the path. see the building now? that is today. this photograph shows what it looked like then. just one of many destroyed. those who lived through it remember it like yesterday. >> those electricity went out. then the hail started. then you look up in the sky and the clouds were going every direction. then you heard it. brad: the la plata tornado april 28, 2002. on the ground for 70 miles. it remains the second strongest recorded east coast tornado with winds reaching 260 miles per hour. it killed five people. injured more than a hundred. i damaged or destroyed 194 businesses and 860 homes, including bump's. this is before. this is after. >> to this day, we never found anything from the roof. it wasn't in the debris pile. it was just gone. brad: the storm reached the peak ef-4 as it plowed through la plata. the community was wrecked. the mayor at the time -- >> main street wasn't a street. i was an area full of debris. i looked around. i thought to myself you know if we clean this up in three months we will be fortunate. >> unbelievable. there was nothing left. there was no sound in la plata. brad: well, that is live now. you are looking again at the picture taken here right after the tornado. i am going to lower it now. you can see how the building is beautifully rebuilt. the area has been rebuilt. that is the second half of the story. we'll tell that at 5:00. the absolute rebirth of th la plata, brad bell, abc7 news. jonathan: new at 4:00, do you remember the massive fire in college park. tough to remember. the fire is out but you can still smell it. they were on 24-hour watch monitoring the hot spots since the fire broke out. the crews are still out there. it's estimated to cost $40 million in damage and for now it's treated as accidental. but they are ruling that it is finally out. alison: covering metro now. in addition to safetrack work on the green line and scheduled weekend work, add single tracking now on the red line this weekend, too. this is going to happen near gallery place where smoke started to fill a tunnel. that was the third incident in the downtown stretch of track in five months. nancy: the traffic alert making the weekend plans. saturday night, the crews will shutdown southbound i-95 at the nobasco creek bridge. south of potomac mills. crews are repairing that bridge, the express lanes w stay pointing south. they normally switch northbound saturday afternoon. this is important because it could cause serious delays in both directions saturday and all day sunday. they will reopen monday at 6:00 a.m. jonathan: developing right now -- state run media in north korea released video that it says shows a live fire military exercise. and a big one. the video shows north korean leader kim jong un meeting with his generals. the exercise reportedly took place on the 85th anniversary of the founding of north korea's army. alison: amid simmering tensions in the area, south korea says it has already agreed to pay for a missile defense system. that pushback comes after president trump said the u.s. allies should pay $1 billion for the technology. the system is being installed right now to protect south korea from north korea. time to reset the countdown to shutdown. that is because congress passed a measure to government for another week. we could be in the same place next friday. q mccray is here with how we got here. q: as you mentioned the congress avoided a government shutdown for at least the next seven days. the clock, though, it was ticking. the deadline was tonight at midnight. i took a vote to get the one-week extension passed. giving lawmakers more time to negotiate a broader budget deal. as lawmakers also pushed off talks of a new healthcare package. the spending measure passed the senate by a voice vote after clearing the house on a bipartisan 382-30 vote. >> people on the appropriations committee stayed up till 1:30 last night. they made a good deal of progress. but we still have progress to go. not all the poison pill riders have been eliminated. some have. a good number have. q: the aw trillion budget package under a new deadline next friday. the bill will go to president trump's desk for approval. from the "live desk," i'm q mccray. abc7 news. jonathan: thank you for that. saturday mark warner -- senator elizabeth warren calling out trump and is troubled there are reports he is going to take $400,000 to speak at a healthcare conference put on by a wall street firm this september. the spokesman for obama said the former president will be true to the values regardless of the venue or sponsor. >> you think the world gives a damn you are crying now? worry about yourself! jonathan: well, a pair of maryland parents are getting blasted for pulling pranks on their children and posting the videos online. next at 4:00, for us, the parents are speaking out about it and why they do it. nancy: next. look out! terrifying stroke of bad luck for one alison: that man on your screen david watson is a man convicted for trying to kill police officers in delaware. he has escaped a maryland prison facility. the one in jessup. he was being transferred for psychiatric evaluation and he is facing additional charges in mar last seen in jessup on route 1 but not since. call 911 if you see him. they stress do not approach him. these are live pictures here. we will continue to monitor this and j updates. jonathan: a maryland couple under fire for the youtube pranks that got millions of views and sparked outrage. child abuse accusations, even official investigation. alison: now they are speaking out and apologizing and revealing the real reason they made them. nancy: nancy: t.j. holmes sat down with them and have the story. reporter: the videos are shocking. >> what is this? >> cody! >> i didn't do that. >> you tell me what you did. >> i swear i didn't do that. reporter: showing the parents pranking and at times screaming profanity at their ch and making the entire family youtube stars and sparking widespread criticism and allegations of abuse. >> do you think the world gives a damn you are crying now? you got to worry about yourself. >> the martins now want the world to see them differently. >> we love our kids. they are the most important thing in the world to us. we made poor choices by portraying ourselves this way, but we are not bad people. >> the martins are now trying to explain themselves. >> i am ashamed. this started out as family fun. it started with me and my kids. we were just -- for them it was just about making a video. >> what are we to believe was real and wasn't real in the videos? >> we did do pranks but most of the time the kids knew about then. they were planned. some stuff is real. some stuff was acted out >> you are not suggesting that your kids and the crying and the sobbing and that emotion we see was not real, are you? >> not every single time. some of it was acted. some of it was. >> can you stop? >> the martins claim some of the kids' emotions are exaggerated for the sake of making more dramatic videos and getting more views. mike says deep down he just thought becoming a celebrity would make his kids proud. >> there are dads out there, lawyers. i'm not no lawyer. you have dads out there that are doctors. i can't do that. i felt like i'm not being a dad that they deserve. i'm no hero to them. but then starting youtube and seeing how happy the kids get when they get the views. jonathan: whoa! i don't know what to say. the family is now going to counseling. good start together with the children. they say the kids say they the martin kids hope to make a comeback with more tactful movies in the future. alison: all right. moving on now. prosecutors in russia are pushing for a 37 1/2-year prison sentence for a man who played pokémon go in church. the 22-year-old is charged with inciting religious hatred after someone posted video of him playing the game. members of a punk rock group went to prison on a similar charge in 2012. the man will be sentenced next month. terrifying video. watch this. caught on dash cam video in washington state. look at the massive tree that topples right onto a busy highway. it missed most of the cars except for one. a woman was hit in her prius but she is expected to recover. >> holy call! >> watch! nancy: how about this? says the apple watch saved his life. casey bennett said he was pinned inside his car after crashing it and rolling over twice. no one was nearby. so he turned to his watch for help. the device called 911 for him. also sent a text to his emergency contacts. his father rushing to the scene there because of that and was able to ride with him to the hospital. in all of this, he sumped only minor injuries but it was all because of his apple watch. incredible the technology involved. jonathan: nice when technology plays a part of saving someone 's life like that. you know about that. you use it all the time. doug: there are all kind of things to do technologically. but it unit always help us -- it doesn't always help us with the forecast. jonathan: you nailed it today. doug: wait until you see sunday's forecast. it's beautiful. sunshine, 87 in warrenton. the warm spot on the map is 86 in leesburg. 84 in frederick. 83 at joint base andrews and the nats are back. what a stretch they had in denver. that was fun to watch every game against the rockies. home tonight. the mets come to town. the first pitch is 82 degrees in the city with sunshine. a great night at the ballpark weatherwise. we hope otherwise as well. the sunshine is abundant on the east coast but we are watching showers and the storms in the afternoon. midweist starting to develop. the storm prediction center may issue tornado watch for area here as the storms continue to grow and increasingly warm and unstable air. that has some effect on us potentially later tonight. this is 1:00 in the morning across the mountains. if this turns out close to right by 4:00 or 5:00, we could have the showers come through. we could get it out of here after sunrise. once we do that and we get rid of the haze, it is going to turn sunny, hot and humid. forecasting a h washington. 91 is the record high for tomorrow in washington. set back in 1974. we could get close to it, tie it or break it. flip a coin. or flip three coins. maybe in the afternoon we could have pop-up thunderstorms and the air mass. this is the record for reagan and b.w.i. 91. is record at dulles, 87. i think this is in the bag for a record breaker. b.w.i. probably, too. we will be close to the record territory. as far as the forecast temperatures go, as we go through the day on sunday we are calling for the highs in the low to mid-80's. there is a cold front coming down. so if you are in baltimore it might be 73. fredericksburg is 87. we are trying to guess where the front will turn up. even with the technology there is more guess wok in this than anything else. 91. maybe 84 on sunday. both days with a chance of shower and storms in the better chance of thunderstorms on monday. pleasant weather through midweek. turning somewhat cooler as we head through next weekend. >> even john boehner will consider becoming a democrat. after all, we have a lot in common. he is a person of color. although, not a color that appears in the natural world. alison: coming up next at 4:00, former president barack obama at his first white house correspondents dinner. we will look at the more memorable moments before tomorrow's dinner. jonathan: also next, buying online. don't overlook the shipping fees. the triple digit mistakes that ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. egnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away. jonathan: a number of zoo animals recent celebrities in the recent years. alison: for that reason, many look for t-shirts and ways to remember them. nancy: but consumer john matarese shows how a $20 t-shirt can cost hundreds if you are not careful so you don't waste your money. john: zoo animals get our attention these days. april the giraffe who just gave birth, fiona the baby hippo and harambe, the gorilla cut down in his prime. before you buy merchandise bearing the likeness, be careful about the even the brylest of us can fall for a scam. >> i did a quick shirt for the r.i.p. harambe t-shirt. the first came up is etsy. john: etsy has dozens of the shirts hand made by members. you will also find shirts that honor april the giraffe and other zoo animal meme. >> i ordered it from my phone. >> but enhe received a retreat for $625. >> it says quantity one, $25 and shipping $600. john: $600 to ship. what was probably a $5 shirt. the good news as he e-mailed etsy and we followed up, they refunded the shipping ripoff. he says he missed the safety tips that say check the seller feedback, contact the seller directly through the conversations feature and read the seller shipping policies. next time he >> click details. it could look like for a cheap shirt but the shipping could be $600. >> offer anyone that is offering zoo merchandise before spending your money. john matarese, abc7 news. president trump: it's more work. i thought it would be easier. jonathan: the president opening up about the first 100 days. the candid interview coming up. >> washington redskins select jonathan allen. >> northern virginia jonathan allen coming home to play for the redskins. we talk to his high school coach in loudoun county. alison: now at 5:00, a community's novel approach to try to end the opioid epidemic and the strong message they are trying to send with the billboard when i join you at 5:00. why are you checking your credit score? you don't want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak] credit karma, huh? yep, it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. announcer: from abc7 news this is a breaking news assert. nancy: we are following breaking news. authorities are in an all-out search for david watson, a man convicted for trying to kill police officers in delaware. you see the picture on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. he escaped from a maryland prison facility in jessup this morning. he was transferred for a psychiatric facing additional charges in maryland. watson was last seen in route one in jessup but he has not been seen since. police want you to call 911 if you see him. take a close look at his picture. we will provide updates when we get them. jonathan: this is a big weekend. saturday marks 100 day of the presidentsy and commander-in-chief is reflecting on the job. michelle: he reveals running the country is harder than he thought it would be. nancy: q mccray with the words on the oval office and the ongoing tension with north korea. q: president trump says things may heat up with north korea. but he would rather it not. >> there is a chance we could end up having a major, major conflict with north korea. absolutely. q: the president told reuters in an oval office interview north korean threat is priority. when asked if he considered kim jong un to be rational the president says, "i hope he's hoping that kim jong un took over at the regime at a young age adding, "he is 27 years old. his father dies and took over a regime. say what you want but that is not easy. especially at that age." president trump also talked about his life before commander-in-chief. now on the eve of his 100th day milestone. >> i love my previous life. i had so many things going. i actually -- this is more work than in my previous life. i thought it would be easier. q: q mccray, abc7 news. nancy: president trump will not be attending this weekend's white house correspondents dinner but the gathering will still go on. michelle: lindsey mastis has highlights from the previous administrations. president obama: with that i have two more words to say. obama out. lindsey: obama had no trouble poking fun of himself. >> my bipartisan outreach will boehner will consider becoming a democrat. >> even george w. bush laughed at his mistakes. >> i want to talk about serious issues such as -- okay, here it comes. nuclear proliferation. lindsey: presidents don't always show up as is the case this year. but there will be a comedian and a journalism award ceremony. what is different this year, a rival dinner called not the white house correspondents dinner. made for tv and organized by the comedian samantha bee and her team. lindsey mastis, abc7 news. doug: get ready for a very summer-like weekend. in the low to mid-80's now as we head through friday evening. partly cloudy skies. temperatures will hold in the 80's until just about sunset or after. hold in 70's for most of the night. we have an interesting area of shower and storms in the midwest. this is eastward. this could be in a tornado watch. we are not worried about anything severe. but the storms could survive the trip over the mountains to 3:00, 4:00, 5:00. we can see a line of showers with isolated rumble of thunder coming through. put it in the forecast. cloudy and mild with the isolated thunderstorms late. overnight low of 65 to 72. mild night. the future cast shows that with the clouds increasing around midnight. watching this area move through. probably in the same time frame. 4:00 to 5:30 in the morning. once we get through the low cloudiness in the morning, the sun will come out. it will rise temperatures in a hurry. we expect the forecast high to reach around 91 degrees. 91 is the record high in washington tomorrow. we could be close to it. i will feel like summer. maybe the pop-up thunderstorms for the afternoon. 91, hot and humid just like july. chance of storms late in the day. sund w front. so the temperature of 84 is a guess. it could be 74. 87. we will get some sun out of the deal and isolated showers, too. back to you. nancy: the redskins are beefing up. the first pick is defenseline. they went local. jonathan: a big fellow, stone. stone bridges, richard reeve stole to jonathan allen's high school head coach. richards the high school feeling redskins pride. >> everyone in the community is so excited. because he is so likable. genuine anpiness for him. >> the washington redskins select jonathan allen. >> jonathan allen number 17 in the nfl draft is now officially a washington redskin. >> it was awesome. >> stone bridge football coach mickey thompson traveled to philadelphia to see his former team captain make it to the pros. >> for me it is a dream come true. i can watch him and follow m. than when he was at alabama. >> walk down the hallways and you will see pictures of allen and the alabama jersey. >> he is awesome. he represented the school well and alabama well. i know he represented himself well. >> everywhere at the school when the people talk about allen, they say he is a genuine nice human being. on the field, a much different story. sharp, fierce competitor. >> the work ethic is unreal. >> he was voted most likely to go pro. but he is no slacker either now. he is playing close to home. >> he was on a path. he was determined. it wasn't a dream. richard: richard reeve; abc7 news. jonathan: earlier this week we showed you this, a 14-year-old boy learning his wish was coming true. that is the young man down there on the stage. the ravens head coach telling him he would get to announce the team's first pick in the draft. you have to see the watch. >> i'm joined by t.j. from laurel, maryland, who is participating in the make a wish program. [applause] >> hey, t.j.! >> with the 16th pick in the 2017 nfl draft, the baltimore ravens select marlon humphrey, defensive back from alabama. jonathan: nice! even a fist pump. you have to love that. that is when he saw the pick the ravens made. he was diagnosed with brain cancer. but we understand he is in remission. he did a great job. the nfl should find him a home doing that. nancy: what a special opportunity for him. he did it with poises and energy and delivery. fantastic. jonathan: natural. michelle: natural. jonathan: no question. michelle: future doing that. michelle: next us at 4:00, the family goes back to the same self-checkout at the florida wal-mart and the reason could nancy: ready for next week? "good morning washington" is. autria godfrey has a first look. >> thanks, nancy. monday on "good morning washington," the drama and the mood swings. listen up. the seven crucial steps to survive the tween years. >> we take off high in the sky as i learn to fly a world war fighter plane. >> stay with us for traffic and weather every ten minutes monday morning starting at 4:25 on "good morning washin jonathan: police in florida trying to track down eight people who swarmed a wal-mart self-checkout. they found the machine handing out incorrect change innary favor. so it all starts, one guy purchases something and paid for the item and he got $20 back instead of $a. his prepped saw it and he did the same thing. the group got in and bought the small items to make off with more than $1,000. but they have a thing called surveillance video and now they are looking for all eight of them and they could give them shine hiv handcuffs when -- shiny handcuffs when they find them. michelle: is it troubleshooting? jonathan: it's bad math on wal-mart's part. they could have been out so police in columbus had the hands full with this woman. topless suspect. take a look. this video shows a woman handcuffed in a police cruiser after being arrested for a fight. she managed to free one hand and then sprayed an officer with mace. she faces assault charges now. nancy: interesting night for all officers involved. coming up at 4:00, hacking the election. not ours but france's. the growing concern that the outside influence could me creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner energy sources like solar, wind and natural gas. we've reduced carbon emissions by nearly 25%, which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. cleaner air and cleaner water. it's good for all of us. dominion. depend on us for more than energy. you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. jonathan: we continue to follow breaking news of the authorities in all-out search for david watson. he escaped a maryland prison facility this morning. that is his picture on the bottom right side of the screen. he was being transferred for psychiatric evaluation to face additional charges in maryland when he got away. watson was last seen in route one in jessup but not since this morning. police wa this afternoon, a woman injured in the truck attack in stockholm has died. so now five people are dead as a result of the terror attack. 39-year-old uzbek man identified as the driver did plead guilty. nancy: pope francis is in egypt. he is meeting with egypt's president and other leaders. he is the second pope to visit egypt. john paul ii was there in 2000. jonathan: this is good news. george h.w. bush out of the hospital after pneumonia and he is back home. the 92-year-old former president had a cough that would not go away. bush had been in the hospital since the 14th of the month. pneumonia forced bush to stay weekend. michelle: in france, the presidential election is in the final straight with two candidate vying for presidency. but there are growing concern about the outside influences. and scott thuman has a full report on this sunday's edition of "full measure." scott: we heard allegations back home but with the crucial elections underway in france and germany, there are concerns over another nation. russia. marine le pen and mark macron ae competing against each other and the sophisticated attempts to influence or hack the outcome by the outsiders. the head of france's tv 5 is a station that faced cyber attack traced to russia two years >> we can assume that presumably the russians will try to do something with the election. they will try like with the american thing and the brexit influence badly or dumped candidates. >> he says he is is victim of the personal attack and le pen like trump against the european union and seen as pro putin. what france doesn't want is what continues to plague the trump administration. investigation and the questions over russian influence. michelle: don't miss his report on "full measure" on abc7. jonathan: taking part in a marathon is never easy. so imagine doing it while walking and dressing like a gorilla. you really? why? he has done it for five years. each year he crawls like a gorilla through the streets of london. >> this will going to support the projects that support endangered gorillas. jonathan: he says it takes a toll on his body and his knees and he hopes to finish the walk tomorrow. one tip because i used to do tiling work. go to home depot and get the thick bad for your knees. it will help the knees. michelle: he must wear a back brace in there. that looks realistic. hats off for him. now get a check on what is coming up next at "abc7 news at 5:00". lars earlier in week we showed you the healing garden at the children national medical center. see who showed up today to help dedicate it. what was supposed to be a weekend of fun and music turns into something more like "lord of the flies." how much people paid and what they were promised that wasn't delivered. have you done the list about the nine concerts you have seen and the one you haven't? meet the guy who started it and says he started its. find out why he started the trend. that is coming up at 5:00. see you in a few minutes. jonathan: all right. see you then. michelle: i see it all over my facebook. i didn't know it was a trend. jonathan: a little irritating? it's irritating. no excuse for staying in. >> kidd o'shea has the weekend kickoff. >> there is something for all of those who want a taste of cinco de mayo. the fifth annual margarita march is an awesome margarita tasting tour at the best venue s. you enjoy eight spins at the mexican favorite cocktail at eight restaurants included your ticket. there are food deals as well. this event is saturday and sunday from 12:00 noon until 10:00 p.m. okay. if margaritas aren't your thing, the national harbor has something cool for you. the wine and the food festival as national harbor that brings together the world renown chefs, craftsman and the culinary pioneers with the thousands of the district foodies and the event is saturday and sunday. there is event for you if you are not in the mood to drink. george sunday. bookhill neighborhood of the george town transforms to parisian inspired marquette. boutique, salons will offer designer goods, arts and home furnishings and much more. and for dog owners and the nats fans there is pups in the park. you you can head to nats park to watch them take on the mets. the tickets for the dog are $10 but 100% of it will benefit the humane rescue alliance. i hope you do something to make you happy. i'm kidd o'shea. have a great weekend. doug: if you like summer weather you will love this weekend weather forecast. let's start with this evening. nats are back in town. home opener against the mets. i hope you follow what a great series in colorado. see what happens. perfect weather. we know that. 81 degrees. stil maryland day tomorrow. dress for summer. temperatures in the upper 80's to 90 but feel lower to middle 90's. the record was in 1974. we could come close to it, tie it or break it. a good chance and break it out of wallace -- washington dulles for four degrees. tomorrow we will feel four or five warmer than the air temperature. 96 in the city. this won't stay this way long. the numbers will start to drop. isolated thunderstorm, saturday and sunday. it could range from 70's to the it's mild tuesday, wednesday, thursday. latter part of the weekend next week. and the highs are in the 60's as it turns cooler again. jonathan: thank you. overcoming the odds and inspiring the swim teammates. words of encouragement from michelle: swimming laps despite all odds. a high school student is proving nothing is impossible. scott abraham introduces us to the rising star. scott: a simple jump into the pool for some. but not for walker shirley. >> when i was 4, they were like saying oh, you will be stuck in a wheelchair. scott: instead, the stonewall jackson high school freshman is proving his doubters wrong. >> i was born with arthrogryposis. it limits my flexibility. it reduces the leg muscles. scott: walker doesn't come in first place. not even close. he could care less. >> just improve. that is the main part about it. especially in swimming. you have to improve. prove -- improve your personal time. scott: he is not afraid of a challenge. he embraces being different. he wasn't just given a spot on the varsity team. he tr place on the roster with every stroke he is becoming an inspiration to his teammates and coaches. >> he is not the best at this on the team but he puts in more than everyone else. driven to do his best. scott: setting an example on how to overcome adversity. >> to the thing that people give you limits you can't do this because you have blah, blah, blah. just keep doing what you are doing. try to improve on your own personal terms. >> focused on the next race against the clock. i'm scott abraham with the rising star. larry: tonight, guns drawn. blood hoppeds. no stone left unturned after a dangerous inmate makes a break for it. his last known location and the violent past. sign of the epidemic. the numbers spike and a mother speaks out about not seeing signs in her enfamily. plus, $12,000 for this. high end musical the bahamas comes up as a lame cold cheese sandwich. the superstar organizer is taking fire. announcer: from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. alison: the breaking news today out of howard county where the search is still on for this man. this is an inmate who escaped from custody this morning. kevin lewis has the latest on the investigation. kevin: the search continues now in hour number eight. the good news is that the authorities do not believe this man is armed. the bad news he is serving time for shooting into the homes of off-duty police officers. authorities say that alone makes him dangerous. skytrak7 airborne as the officers with guns drawn search a tractor-trailer if for man, david watson. around 9:4024 morning, two -- 9:40 this morning two jailers were helping the clifton t. perkins psychiatric hospital when watson broke free. his handcuffs and the waist chain strewn beside the van. >> they lost sight of him in the woods. we were able to establish a k9 trail so we know what direction he was heading. kevin: police used k9 to sniff out his escape path in the industrial park of the warehouses and the railroad tracks. authorities confirm they found his all white clothing but the convict is at large. he had been serving 100-plus year sentence in a delaware prison. but yesterday the county picked up the felon on maryland charges. drove him to salisbury and today took him to clifton t. perkins in jessup for mental testing. >> there is no indication at that -- this time whether it was planned in advance or impull sif act -- impulsive act in the moment.

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Alabama , United States , Germany , Fredericksburg , Virginia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Florida , Loudoun County , Delaware , Howard County , Maryland , Salisbury , Mashonaland East , Zimbabwe , Russia , Bahamas , The , Denver , Colorado , London , City Of , United Kingdom , College Park , Mexico , Uzbekistan , Stockholm , Sweden , Egypt , Leesburg , Strayer University , District Of Columbia , North Korea , Fiona , Zimbabwe General , South Korea , France , Warrenton , Baltimore , America , Mexican , Russian , Marylanders , North Korean , Uzbek , Russians , American , Casey Bennett , C Sam Ford , Marlon Humphrey , Elizabeth Warren , Jonathan Allen , Clifton T Perkins , Richard Reeve , Stonewall Jackson , Kevin Lewis , Doug Hill , David Watson , Mickey Thompson , Brad Bell , Samantha Bee , George W Bush , John Boehner , Scott Abraham , Walker Shirley ,

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