Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170221 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170221

home what we are talking about. graffiti. just like this on the lincoln memorial. there is more of it up the stairs next to where lincoln sits. this is where someone who had nothing else better to do with themselves came out here and pulled out a permanent marker. writing on the walls. according to park police they found out about it late saturday night and they have since found five other instances of graffiti like this. at the lincoln memorial. more at the national monument. there is an electrical box at 15th and jefferson drive. graffiti on it. graffiti on the world war ii memorial. as well as we found out on the d.c. war memorial. it's all in black marker with the same handwriting. so they are positive they are searching for one person but the reason why, no one knows. >> the fact it happened over presidents' day weekend, you know, whether or not that was intent that makes more even tougher to swallow. >> when you come here this is an area where people should be most respectful. q: now when it comes to what it says, that is a story we are working on for you to air at 5:00. no hate speech here. a lot of conspiracy theories. we have it at 5:30. when it comes to the clean-up process, they are saying at least three weeks. that is the latest from the national mall, i'm q mccray. back to you. >> thank you. alison: it has been three and a half years since someone splattered green paint across the lincoln memorial. it also showed up at the national cathedral. tian was arrested but the case was later dismissed after she was deemed incompetent to stand trial multiple times. michelle: should a woman have to fight back for a sex crime to be considered rape? alison: what about being physically forced or threatened? that is he michelle: brad bell is in annapolis with a survivor's emotional fight to change the law. brad: she does want to change. she and critics say the way the law is written now, far too often the victims, the women have to make a choice do they fight back and risk possible death or submit and risk being potentially denied access to the criminal justice system? ebony johnson on a mission willing to tell her story on tv and legislators. she says she was raped but her attacker has never been prosecuted because maryland's rape statute requires during the crime there must be force or threat of force. when it happened to her, she didn't fight back. >> not even the fight or flight thing kicked in. more of a panic. i froze. brad: antisexual assault advocates says it happens too often. as resistance from a victim then force wasn't used and the crime of rape wasn't committed. it's simply saying no, even repeatedly isn't enough. >> that is wrong. it's not what we teach young women today in college. it's not what we teach young men today in college. we need to change it. brad: so when we come back at 5:00, we will explain more about the legislative remedy that the people are seeking. the law changed that they want. and we will tell you why even though it seems to make essentials it's not a sure thing -- seems to make sense it's not a sure thing to get through the general assembly. brad bell, abc7 news. jonathan: in the first 100 days former presidential candidate hillary clinton hasn't directly confronted donald trump until today. she took to twitter saying president trump must address the threat to the jewish community center and the cemetery vandalism that took place in missouri. today he did calling it horrible and painful after a tour of the national museum of african american history and culture. we look at the threats and the president's comments. reporter: terrifying trend. increasing acts of antisemitism. swastika graffiti and bomb threats to jewish community centers from wisconsin, texas, new york and new mexico. >> it's part of life right now as we see it. reporter: the calls coming in four ways. 11 jewish centers targeted monday with bomb threats. 60 in all since the beginning of the year. >> i am not going to avoid to the jewish community center. i won't be frightened. reporter: the president faced backlash after the holocaust memorial that made no mention of the threats. >> what we are concerned about and what we have to address -- >> sit down, i understand the rest of y number one i am the least antisemitic person you have ever seen in your entire life. >> but not directly addressing the issue until today. president trump: the antisemitic threats targeting our jewish community and the community centers are horrible and painful and a sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil. reporter: anne frank center said his acknowledgment of this is too little, too late and not enough. the f.b.i. is investigating. in new york, abc7 news. michelle: president trump is sending secretary of state rex tillerson and homeland security secretary john kelly to mexico. the two leave tomorrow for a two-day visit to meet with mexican president enrique peña nieto and others as well to discuss border secuty the relationship is tense. you might recall a meeting at the white house was called off shortly after inauguration day. alison: that fedex plane carrying bao bao has been dubbed the panda express. she is now on her way to china. she is finally gone. the plane took off from dulles just before 2:00 this afternoon. her crate was loaded and it had 60 pounds of food. veterinarians there beside her. you can take a look it at the flight plan if you would like online. according to flight aware you can see it right here, actually bao bao won't be in china until we're back on the air with "good morning washington." a long trip. richard reeve is at dulles airport. what a moment today. bitter-sweet around here. richard: this is an extraordinary day. they have been planning this for days and years. she started with a special meal this morning. they have been training her for this time for some time to put her favorite foods in there. she was off. you can see her from skytrak7 on the toll road. at the airport, the smartphones came out. when the crate in a protective enclosure was rolled out. her trainers say she is relaxed panic. she isn't drugged for the flight on the massive 777. a 16-hour journey. 8,600 miles. what a sight it was to see the plane taking off. >> i will miss her very much. a lot of folks in the u.s. and outside the u.s. have a strong connection to bao bao which is amazing. we know she will be a benefit to the conservation of the amazing species. richard: we have been talking about arrival time. they are due to china at 5:55 tomorrow morning. coming up at 5:00, we will show you how you can track that flight all the way to china. from dulles international airport, richard reeve, abc7 news. alison: rich, thank you. if you would like to relive bao bao's first moments at the national zoo to her goodbye, log on to our website just search bao bao. michelle: she is working on an itch right there. >> covering metro now. underground derailment this morning. the wheels of this work car actually slid off the tracks when the weight shifted. the morning rush a mess because of single tracking between noma and judiciary square. everything is back to normal on the red line tonight. check this out, in philadelphia, two trains colliding. cars jumping the rails. the septa trains were out of service so no passengers were on board. four people were hurt but they are expected to be okay. jonathan: shock dorn under. it's caught -- shocking video from down under. a plane goes down and we understand that americans were on board the small plane. amy: absolutely. we are learning new information about those on board as the day continues today. four american tourists and an australian pilot killed in the crash. catastrophic engine failure just moments after the charter plane took off. the pilot making two distress calls before the plane went down. >> the pilot attempts to return but it's crashed in the field. amy: the plane carrying four american tourists and an australian pate to a golf outing crashed into an outlet mall killing everyone on board. the swin engine beechcraft super king air erupted to a massive fireball 45 minutes before the ma >> i see a blue crash and then it hit the spotlight. erupted to a huge fireball. >> a very intense, very nasty fire. >> the sister of greg dehaven one of the americans killed tells abc news her brother was on vacation with a group of friends and their wives. she posted my handsome big brother was killed in a once in a lifetime trip to australia. >> very sad. a very sad day for the state. amy: this afternoon a texas law firm confirming one of the men on board a prominent u.s. bankruptcy attorney. they say russell munch was rez -- was retired. jonathan: thank you. so sad. uber hires a big name to handle a sexual harassment claim. alison: up next, a glimpse in the future. how ups are two planes are two places at one. erin: nationals agree to terms with the new free agent. we are tell you who that is up next. doug: cooler today. only eight and nine degrees above average. are we heading back to the 60s and the jonathan: you wil package. here is why. michelle: because it won't come from the big brown truck. it will be delivered by drones. alison: lindsey mastis is here now with what they had the first successful test of this this? lindsey: absolutely. they did it yesterday. they just tested the drone monday and they delivered the package to a farm just outside of tampa, florida. so take a look. the drone launches from the ups truck. the driver doesn't have to wait around. she can make deliveries and the drone will catch up to her later. ups believes this is helpful in rural areas where they drivers have to go long distances for each stop and cutting down on milal could save the company millions of -- mileage could save the company millions of dollars. they can carry up to 10 pounds. it's still in the testing phase but because of the government regulations they are not sure when they can roll it out. michelle: very cool. thank you. uber is hiring former u.s. attorney general eric holder who has been investigate claims of sexism in the company. he will conduct individual review and review diversity and given -- and inclusion. you can transfer through facebook. there is a new chat box that enables the users to move funds abroad using a messenger service. facebook users were able to transfer money in the u.s. but now rather the users can move the money between the u.s., canada, australia and the european union. today, abc7 is on traffic watch. trenice bishop has a look at the ride hope. trenice, a lot of folks back at work today. trenice: definitely back in full effect this afternoon. 66 never disappoints. we usually have delays and we have a few. take a look at the big picture map. the regular volume picking up through 495 across the legion. slow ride there. here on 66, we s.u.v. hanging out off to the shoulder. this is at route 50 but we have another incident that has more company. continuing the trip westbound on 66 to centreville. an accident with the several vehicles in response to the left shoulder here at the fairfax county parkway. as you can see, everyone is able to move by without much of a problem but still causing delays. 66 is jammed up from 495 to this point here. we had an incident that cleared up as well on the 95 corridor in prince george's county. it blocked two left lanes here at forestville road for a while. it looks like police cleared everything up but expect more volume through there. in north potomac a vehicle fire rolled out of the roadway. watch the camera leave there at falls road and great falls road. the travel lanes are now open. back to you in the studio. michelle: thank you. spring is in the air when you walk out. it feels that way. jonathan: so nice. alison: we know that spring isn't too far away because the nats have headed south. jonathan: it's weird we have having better weathe florida for spring training. erin hawksworth, you thought you scored big when you got a deal to go to florida only to find out we are having better weather than you are. erin: i know! i should have known because that's the kind of luck i tend to get. when i came, it was cold here. there you go. the nationals agreed to terms with free agent catcher matt wieters today. a physical pending, of course, so the deal isn't official until then. we have known that the nationals have been interested in him for a while. a two-year, $12 million deal with an opt-out after one year. wieters underwent tommy john in 2014 but the production hasn't been the same since then. although he did show flashes of his former self last season. he is a four-time all-star and a familiar face since he played played with the orals. even anthony rendone said he rehabbed with him in bowie. >> he killed us last year in d.c. he run. it will be good to have him on our side hitting homers now. it's exciting, though. erin: another guy who is improving and hoping to improve on his production next season is lefty gio gonzalez. i sat down with him this morning and he told me he has one very big goal. take a listen. >> to stay healthy. i said it before, smile more. wave to the camera. then just enjoy every bit of it. six seasons later i am enjoying playing for the organization and happy to be here. erin: what are you trying to work on this year? >> the truth of the matter is i walked in dusty's office and i told him i want to make the all-star team this year. it would be a big honor to represent this organization south floridian. i want to be there and pitch for the all-star game. erin: hopefully this season gio gonzalez can have a bounce-back season. all eyes, all attention, though, has been trey turner and daniel murphy. you will hear from both of those guys next hour at 5:50. michelle: thank you. i like that. smile more and wave to the camera. jonathan: you don't hear them say i have to work on smiling more. help him out. alison: the weather is something to smile about there. doug: this is the coolest day we have had for a while and the coolest once we have had. it's interesting when you have a day that is eight to nine degrees above average, that is a cool day. it's crazy. let's get started. if you are missing the 60's over the 70's, they are coming back. start with rockridge elementary school. they'll be mad at me. it's rock ridge vision. apartmently he was -- apparently he was wrong. maybe 20/50. it did lighten up. we had enough sunshine to make it comfortable. the temperatures climb in the 50's. the winds out of the south/southeast at 7 miles per hour. it's warmer to the southwest. warrenton is reporting 60 now. 59 in cumberland. in petersburg, west virginia, it's 66. that is the leading edge of the warmer air to come our way tomorrow and be with us for several days. if you are out this evening to talk the dog, beautiful weather. the sun sets at 5:53. we will drop in the 40's in the middle of the everything. overnight the temperatures bottom out in the low to mid-40's across most of the area. there is a disturbance in the atmosphere. that will track like this. cold front, a weak frontal zone from the northwest. the only effect it has on the weather tonight nd and sprinkle in the areas. the future cast shows through the overnight hours that the clouds continue, winds continue out of the south. most of rain washes out here. pushes to the southeast. we will break into the sun and we will be warmer than that for thursday and friday. 72 is the forecast high. saturday a cold front is coming through. showers and make thunderstorms, we'll hit 70. but 702% chance of showers and storms. clearing skies, breezy. 49 is the average high. monday, tuesday, wednesday, there we go again the temperatures climb back where they have been most of the winter. >> taking care of my little brother. michelle: the little brothers can be so annoying. how an eighth grader is turning her experience into a jonathan: next, west virginia's coach takes a knee. not for the reason you might think. his on the court emergency coming up. kimberly: i'm consumer investigator kimberly suiters. we are inside the "7 on your side" can for action center where they are here to answer your questions. and solve them. let's ch she is the director here. shirley, i mean for over 40 years, you have been helping consumers. >> we have, kim. we established a relationship with the government, with agencies, with businesses and we have been delighted to be working here. we are delighted to work with channel 7 on your side. kimberly: how do you get results so well? >> we negotiate. we are not telling people what they have to do. we listen to all sides and try to make everybody happy with the resolution. kimberly: you have an amazing number of volunteers but you would like more. >> this is the most fun thing i have done. i've been a volunteer forever. we hope will join us and volunteer here. it makes you a better consumer. kimberly: it does. the way to volunteer is go to the website at there is a tab for call for action. also, coming up at 4:30 for the next two hours, you can call this number. that is 4357. 301-652-4357. we have folks standing by to help resolve your unresolved issues. there is a call now. back to you. michelle: thank you. next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- has president trump's policies changed where you are willing to stop? we look at the red, blue and purple businesses. >> a man is in jail on drunk driving charges. and a 22-year-old young woman has lost her life. i'm jeff goldberg. details on this horrific story coming up. alison: then new at 5:00, i came here with $300 in my pocket and a big cream. -- and a big dream. alison: meet one of the most successful chefs when he tackles a new oh, how waso good!en house? look. 800 square feet, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 15 minute ride to work. dude! dude! i know! your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? how do i check? credit karma. it's free. that's great! that's super easy. um hm. that's a credit score. just whip bam boom, it's done. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. eyes over there, dude. this apartment's hers. mine... thank you. announcer: from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. jonathan: i want to get you updated on the breaking news we are following closely out of houston, texas. a hospital is on lockdown after reports went out that shots were fired. law enforcement swarmed the hospital. s.w.a.t. teams were called in. right now we are getting an update from the police chief who is saying there has been fired. no gunman has been fired. nobody they say has been injured. how the call went out, why it went is what they are trying to get to the bottom of it. the scene is still active. this is video from a short time ago. police are all over the hospital. doctors were evacuated. nurses were brought out as well. it's a big disruption for the hospital. but again, the nice part of the story so far no shooter has been found. right now it appears to be a false alarm. we will stay on top of this and let you know what we find. moving on, deadly crash in sterling overnight. >> the driver of the jeep wrangler with four inside is facing d.u.i. charge. a woman killed. jonathan: northern virginia bureau chief jeff goldberg is in sterling at the crash site. what happened? jeff: this is a horrific situation. an accident, a crash. a driver charged with d.u.i. a 22-year-old young woman from leesburg lost her life. this happened this morning. early this morning on 28 headed north south of dulles airport. authorities say the driver was under the influence of alcohol. again, this backup on the crash stretching for miles in rush hour on route 28. right near frying pan road. authorities say at 2:00, a jeep wrangler heading north on 28 when the driver hit a traffic divider. the victim identified as 22-year-old gabby perry of leesburg. she was thrown from the vehicle with another feel passenger. the driver identified as 26-year-old andre glenn of sterling was not injured and neither was another man in the jeep. friends of gabby perry are in shock following her death. >> she was always funny. always had a jock on -- always had a joke on a bad day. she could always find the silver lining and make something out of nothing. jeff: the drive andre glenn and driving on a suspended license. in an hour we have much more on the life of gabby perry and how the friends of her say this is a young woman who was going places. live in herndon, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. our call for action phone bank is open. you see the number on the screen. 301-652-help. 301-652-4357. with consumer complaints you have. give them a call. "7 on your side" to help any problems you have. and no problems in the weather. doug: we still have a-minute of winter to go. it's not as sunny or warm as yesterday. but take a look at the number. the rest of the day. we have more cloudiness. overnight it is going to stay on the cloudy side. the temperatures are in the 40's. keeping overnight mild. there s another warmup here. this is due to the increasing southerly winds. a warm front moves through on thursday. we hit upper 60's tomorrow and then 70, 72 on thursday and friday. for the weekend, a change. a cold front developing to the west. 70% chance of rain with a front on saturday afternoon. it will turn breezy behind the front but it's temporary. look at the highs. minneapolis is in the lower 40's and drop on friday. 70 by friday in st. louis. we wi temperatures but it's not going to turn bitterly colder behind the front. we have a 70% chance of showers on saturday. 49 to 50 on sunday and breezy. then the temperatures temperatul warm right back up through next week. how warm? steve rudin will be here in ten minutes to look at the ten-day outlook. jonathan: thank you. red and blue of politics seems to seep in the retall -- retail sector. some are pulling merchandise, like ivanka trump's clothing line. we have the mixing of retail and politics at the checkout counter. reporter: red, blue and purple shops becoming the new norm. some stores are attracting customers, not with quality or price but with similar beliefs. boycotting products based on politics is not new. what is new, consumer ranker. this timeov president trump. not a lightning rod issue like immigration. >> this is unprecedented. we haven't seen it before. it's a polarizing administration. people have strong views on either side. reporter: when nordstrom and t.j. maxx pulled the trump brand from the store shelves, in this case, daughter ivanka clothing line struck discordance response from trump and his supporters. nordstrom says declining sales, not politics guided its decision. how successful are boycotts? in 2012, chick-fil-a boycott to same-sex marriage did not hurt the chain. recently wegmen's a grocery store train came under pressure to -- store chain came under pressure to stop selling trump wine. they didn't give and some went to buy every bottle in every location. jonathan: americans are flit on how to save for retirement because a poll conducted by e-trade, 70% say the administration is good for their retirement funds. other say they will change the plans because of trump. michelle: liberals only 3 in 10 believe the new administration benefit the retirement plan. 64% will make changes to the portfolio. jonathan: coming up next for us on "abc7 news at 4:00" -- the get-away fail. you are looking at it. face planting in the liquor store and knocking himself out. wait until you see how the accomplice reacts next. michelle: west virginia's basketball coach floored. brought to his knees. the medical implant that nearly knocked him out coming up. here is julie wright with a lack at the wednesday wakeup with "good morning washington." julie: thank y washington," from smart tv's to baby monitor, how to protect your family from home devices that could be spying on you. >> plus, creative ways to celebrate black history month with your kids. >> keep it right here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at 4:25 on "good morning washington." announcer: countdown to be the red carpet brought to you by -- jonathan: from our knucklehead file. smash and grab that didn't go as planned. they were robbing the place. he jumps over the counter he does a header and he knocks himself out. michelle: this is sunday in akron. in the get-away he flips over the door and lands face first as we saw there. jonathan: this is how his buddy responds. he ran out of the car, he goes back to drag the pal out and puts him in the car. the heist was no laughing matter. they did $1,000 -- $10,000 in damage from the smashed glass and money and booze they stole. michelle: we want you to check this out in morgantown last night, west virginia versus texas. jonathan: this is a scary scene. mountaineers head coach bob huggins dropping to his knees after a time-out because his defibrillator went out. huggins suffered a heart attack in 2002. and that is when he was it went out. but at least he went to his knees and got help. michelle: universal sign he is in trouble. jonathan: yeah. weekend boating trip turned to a daring rescue in florida as two men were found clinging to the boat after it capsized. it's hard to see it from way out. michelle: this is chopper video. this captures a moment when the rescue teams found the men. they tossed inflatable jackets to them and they swam until another rescue team on a boat pulled them aboard to safety. thank goodness someone had a sharp eye to see them out there with the waves crashing. it looks like it blends in. jonathan: that is a lake. in the middle of a lake with chop. michelle: one month, two national security advisers. where h.r. mcmaster stands on russia, isis. our key to his selection. why he doesn't always see eye to eye with the president. we have it next. kellye: i'm kellye lynn in students won $25,000 each as finists in the major science -- finalists as a major science competition. ♪ ♪ kimberly: i'm consumer investigator kimberly suiters in the "7 on your side" call for action center where the volunteers are masterful to help you resolve the consumer complaints. we heard people call about roofs, time shares and about cemetery plots. they have a wealth of knowledge. the number to call if you have an issue 301-652-help. they are standing by to take your call tonight. if you need to call the master at 6:30, go to and fill out a complaint there. jonathan: the second national security adviser for trump. lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster has been widely praised even by critics of the president but it will be tough because he has a hawkish approach of reshaping russian relations. that is the big question. chief scott thuman reports from the white house. scott: trade in headline is no friend to russia. the rise comes after the fall of predecessor michael flynn for his dealings with the country. i'm curious what if any difference in tone or tenor or strategy we should expect now that they are working together? >> he will be a great asset to the president's national security team. ultimately the president has always been the decideer, russia or any other issue. scott: a pivotal time for a white house with president trump feeling the need to defend his sometimes con selliatory remarks -- conciliatory remarks. president trump: i own nothing in russia. i don't have loans in russia. i don't have deals in russia. scott: mcmaster according to many reports and past comments is viewed as quite hawkish toward the communist country. while many wonder if mcmaster's position at the white house will signify a notable shift in tone or policy toward russia the view in moscow i and see. recently we traveled to moscow for a "full measure" assignment. during our visit we spoke to russians about american relations under a trump presidency. >> the new president donald trump we invite you to come to putin to talk together and make good relations. scott: do you look as america as friend or enemy? >> first as a friend. my have friends there. my relatives live there. i don't see any confrontation between us. scott: whatever russians may think, washington has its own views, too. rising tensions since the trip to moscow may shape the message from mcmaster and this administration. at the white house, scott thuman, abc7 news. jonathan: iraqi forces discovered a recently abandoned isis tunnel near mosul. video taken from troops show it was outfitted with furniture and luxuries like beds and cooler and water tank. recapture the western part of the city from the terrorist group. michelle: new round of airstrikes on isis. video from the iraqi ministry of defense showing isis positions elsewhere in the country. this is the second straight day that the country released video of airstrikes like this on isis. jonathan: signs of a revival of paris tourism back on the rise. the 2015 terror attack was the main reason that vacationers avoided or canceled the trip to the city of lights. the biggest drop were from chinese, russian, italian tourists. 2016 saw $1 billion hit because of the attacks. but by the end of the year hotels did see a rise in bookings. good news for paris. now to the death of the estranged half brother of north korean leader kim jong un. this keeps going on and gets crazier. health officials in may la sha cannot determine a cause of death because option showed no evidence of heart attack or any sign of puncture wounds. his murder at the airport. there is video showing a woman coming up behind him. no cause of death. michelle: a book written by a second grader in alabama is popular. its probably because the topic so relatable. about her annoying little brother. 8-year-old nia mia reese got an idea to write about her younger brother in a homework assignment. her teacher asked her what she was good at, she knew what to write about and wanted to teach it to others. >> i was painting a picture of my annoying little brother. >> i went with it and i knew she would do a good job. >> i want to know how to take care of you when we get older. you don't want to be locked with the baby. [laughter] michelle: this is your guide book the president care for your annoying little brother" is making its way around book signings. and can be purchased online at major retailers. >> hopefully she is offering tips to find a constructive way. most times when you have an annoying mother -- michelle: i bet when he is older he has a follow-up. steve: my annoying sister. jonathan: been there, done that. steve: the average high for this time of year is 49 degrees. people are saying it's chilly today compared to yesterday. right now we are in the middle 50's. closer to 60 in charlottesville. stanton at 58. hagerstown to the north and west at 55 degrees. if it's too cool out there now. bigger changes on the way over the next three days. nighttime lows 40 to 48 degrees. mostly cloudy. on the chilly side but at least we are not dealing with the wind chill factors. the winds are out of the south at five to ten miles per hour. tomorrow looks better with the milder temperatures. morning clouds give way to afternoon sunshine. then we open the flood gates with the warmer air for thursday and friday. it's warmer than that south and west of town. we are watching a cold front moving through the d.m.v. midday on saturday that is likely to bring showers and thunderstorms. once it moves on by we are going to look for colder air to overspread the region. highs by sunday. only in the upper 40's. here is the ten-day outlook. this weekend, 70. sunday will be in the upper 40's to around 50 degrees. only going to last one day. we will warm up nicely for the 50's and the 60's next week. let's get a check on traffic. tuesday afternoon. here is trenice. trenice: thank you, steve. this afternoon everybody is back. and the traffic is in full effect. no new incident in the current hour. we have the regular delays in place. we wi picture. you can see on the map anything red, that is where the folks are waiting to get home. if you are making your way to the bridges it's not looking bad to make the ride to the woodrow wilson bridge. but slow outer look from the eisenhower connection to the bridge span. elsewhere for you we are slow if you are making a ride across the american legion bridge. regular delays heavy for folks between maryland and virginia. if you are making the trip to tysons and on to annandale. michelle? michelle: next on abc7 news, $2 million up for grabs. a high school math and science competition comes to d.c. we talk to two students here competing for a piece of the top prize. jonathan: have you ever take an personality quiz online? they are fun. do you know where the information about you is going? here is "7 on your side" reporter scott taylor. scott: hold it! i'm talking to you. are you taking a facebook quiz i'm scott taylor. i have a warning for you. >> i feel like all of it is tapping into things bigger and scarier than people realize. scott: where is your personal oh, how waso good!en house? look. 800 square feet, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 15 minute ride to work. dude! dude! i know! your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? how do i check? credit karma. it's free. that's great! that's super easy. um hm. that's a credit score. just whip bam boom, it's done. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. mine... thank you. alison: for many people it takes years of saving to fund college education. in today's "s us how two are searching for the talent search to cover the cost of college. kellye: the students come from the science classrooms around the country. 2,000 submit research projects and is in the study. >> mine is structural determination. kellye: a senior at blair high school working on the research with georgetown university he submitted it to the science talent search. >> we are searching for the greatest talent in the country in the scientific fields. kellye: there are 300 finalists and they will get a check of $3,000. he and another student are now competing for the grand prize. > fluctuations. kellye: this competition is not new to the montgomery blair high school. over the years they have produced 48 finalists. in march the two seniors join us other finalists in d.c. to display work before judges and compete for the $250,000 top prize. >> i'll apply it to the education. >> a way to advance the education and field of science. i'm kellye lynn, abc7 news. alison: tonight, a bit of relief after weeks of fear at the jewish community centers across the country. the president's reassuring remarks. vandalism of the national mall and why a monument's tag could take weeks to clean up. a care package. when se you take out the trash. announcer: now "abc7 news at 5:00". on your side. larry: the capital police say another jewish community center in california. threatening e-mails. one day after 11 flets to centers across the -- threats across the country. the total is 54 this year. after being pressured for weeks today the president talked about it. kevin lewis is live with a center that is threaten and people are following the developing story. kevin: on january 9, someone called in a bomb threat. around 200 preschoolers had to evacuate the building. in the weeks since added security including daily building sweeps. at the j.c.c. in rockville, money that could be used for center is now spent on added security. >> it seems to be the p >> the c.e.o. acutely aware that 54 j.c.c.'s including his own have been targeted so far this year. the incidents mostly bomb threats span 27 states and canada. for weeks, president trump kept quiet about the topic. president trump: sit down. i understand the rest of your question. kevin: even stopping a jewish journalist mid-question in a press conference last week. but today, for the first time, trump publicly condemns the frothing hatred. president trump: the antisemitic threats targeting the jewish community and community centers are horrible. kevin: trumps remarks spoke to finestein. >> i think what the president had to say today was a positive statement of concern. kevin: yet not everyone was moved including the anne frank center for mutual respect today wrote "the president's sudden acknowledgement is a band aid of the cancer

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home what we are talking about. graffiti. just like this on the lincoln memorial. there is more of it up the stairs next to where lincoln sits. this is where someone who had nothing else better to do with themselves came out here and pulled out a permanent marker. writing on the walls. according to park police they found out about it late saturday night and they have since found five other instances of graffiti like this. at the lincoln memorial. more at the national monument. there is an electrical box at 15th and jefferson drive. graffiti on it. graffiti on the world war ii memorial. as well as we found out on the d.c. war memorial. it's all in black marker with the same handwriting. so they are positive they are searching for one person but the reason why, no one knows. >> the fact it happened over presidents' day weekend, you know, whether or not that was intent that makes more even tougher to swallow. >> when you come here this is an area where people should be most respectful. q: now when it comes to what it says, that is a story we are working on for you to air at 5:00. no hate speech here. a lot of conspiracy theories. we have it at 5:30. when it comes to the clean-up process, they are saying at least three weeks. that is the latest from the national mall, i'm q mccray. back to you. >> thank you. alison: it has been three and a half years since someone splattered green paint across the lincoln memorial. it also showed up at the national cathedral. tian was arrested but the case was later dismissed after she was deemed incompetent to stand trial multiple times. michelle: should a woman have to fight back for a sex crime to be considered rape? alison: what about being physically forced or threatened? that is he michelle: brad bell is in annapolis with a survivor's emotional fight to change the law. brad: she does want to change. she and critics say the way the law is written now, far too often the victims, the women have to make a choice do they fight back and risk possible death or submit and risk being potentially denied access to the criminal justice system? ebony johnson on a mission willing to tell her story on tv and legislators. she says she was raped but her attacker has never been prosecuted because maryland's rape statute requires during the crime there must be force or threat of force. when it happened to her, she didn't fight back. >> not even the fight or flight thing kicked in. more of a panic. i froze. brad: antisexual assault advocates says it happens too often. as resistance from a victim then force wasn't used and the crime of rape wasn't committed. it's simply saying no, even repeatedly isn't enough. >> that is wrong. it's not what we teach young women today in college. it's not what we teach young men today in college. we need to change it. brad: so when we come back at 5:00, we will explain more about the legislative remedy that the people are seeking. the law changed that they want. and we will tell you why even though it seems to make essentials it's not a sure thing -- seems to make sense it's not a sure thing to get through the general assembly. brad bell, abc7 news. jonathan: in the first 100 days former presidential candidate hillary clinton hasn't directly confronted donald trump until today. she took to twitter saying president trump must address the threat to the jewish community center and the cemetery vandalism that took place in missouri. today he did calling it horrible and painful after a tour of the national museum of african american history and culture. we look at the threats and the president's comments. reporter: terrifying trend. increasing acts of antisemitism. swastika graffiti and bomb threats to jewish community centers from wisconsin, texas, new york and new mexico. >> it's part of life right now as we see it. reporter: the calls coming in four ways. 11 jewish centers targeted monday with bomb threats. 60 in all since the beginning of the year. >> i am not going to avoid to the jewish community center. i won't be frightened. reporter: the president faced backlash after the holocaust memorial that made no mention of the threats. >> what we are concerned about and what we have to address -- >> sit down, i understand the rest of y number one i am the least antisemitic person you have ever seen in your entire life. >> but not directly addressing the issue until today. president trump: the antisemitic threats targeting our jewish community and the community centers are horrible and painful and a sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil. reporter: anne frank center said his acknowledgment of this is too little, too late and not enough. the f.b.i. is investigating. in new york, abc7 news. michelle: president trump is sending secretary of state rex tillerson and homeland security secretary john kelly to mexico. the two leave tomorrow for a two-day visit to meet with mexican president enrique peña nieto and others as well to discuss border secuty the relationship is tense. you might recall a meeting at the white house was called off shortly after inauguration day. alison: that fedex plane carrying bao bao has been dubbed the panda express. she is now on her way to china. she is finally gone. the plane took off from dulles just before 2:00 this afternoon. her crate was loaded and it had 60 pounds of food. veterinarians there beside her. you can take a look it at the flight plan if you would like online. according to flight aware you can see it right here, actually bao bao won't be in china until we're back on the air with "good morning washington." a long trip. richard reeve is at dulles airport. what a moment today. bitter-sweet around here. richard: this is an extraordinary day. they have been planning this for days and years. she started with a special meal this morning. they have been training her for this time for some time to put her favorite foods in there. she was off. you can see her from skytrak7 on the toll road. at the airport, the smartphones came out. when the crate in a protective enclosure was rolled out. her trainers say she is relaxed panic. she isn't drugged for the flight on the massive 777. a 16-hour journey. 8,600 miles. what a sight it was to see the plane taking off. >> i will miss her very much. a lot of folks in the u.s. and outside the u.s. have a strong connection to bao bao which is amazing. we know she will be a benefit to the conservation of the amazing species. richard: we have been talking about arrival time. they are due to china at 5:55 tomorrow morning. coming up at 5:00, we will show you how you can track that flight all the way to china. from dulles international airport, richard reeve, abc7 news. alison: rich, thank you. if you would like to relive bao bao's first moments at the national zoo to her goodbye, log on to our website just search bao bao. michelle: she is working on an itch right there. >> covering metro now. underground derailment this morning. the wheels of this work car actually slid off the tracks when the weight shifted. the morning rush a mess because of single tracking between noma and judiciary square. everything is back to normal on the red line tonight. check this out, in philadelphia, two trains colliding. cars jumping the rails. the septa trains were out of service so no passengers were on board. four people were hurt but they are expected to be okay. jonathan: shock dorn under. it's caught -- shocking video from down under. a plane goes down and we understand that americans were on board the small plane. amy: absolutely. we are learning new information about those on board as the day continues today. four american tourists and an australian pilot killed in the crash. catastrophic engine failure just moments after the charter plane took off. the pilot making two distress calls before the plane went down. >> the pilot attempts to return but it's crashed in the field. amy: the plane carrying four american tourists and an australian pate to a golf outing crashed into an outlet mall killing everyone on board. the swin engine beechcraft super king air erupted to a massive fireball 45 minutes before the ma >> i see a blue crash and then it hit the spotlight. erupted to a huge fireball. >> a very intense, very nasty fire. >> the sister of greg dehaven one of the americans killed tells abc news her brother was on vacation with a group of friends and their wives. she posted my handsome big brother was killed in a once in a lifetime trip to australia. >> very sad. a very sad day for the state. amy: this afternoon a texas law firm confirming one of the men on board a prominent u.s. bankruptcy attorney. they say russell munch was rez -- was retired. jonathan: thank you. so sad. uber hires a big name to handle a sexual harassment claim. alison: up next, a glimpse in the future. how ups are two planes are two places at one. erin: nationals agree to terms with the new free agent. we are tell you who that is up next. doug: cooler today. only eight and nine degrees above average. are we heading back to the 60s and the jonathan: you wil package. here is why. michelle: because it won't come from the big brown truck. it will be delivered by drones. alison: lindsey mastis is here now with what they had the first successful test of this this? lindsey: absolutely. they did it yesterday. they just tested the drone monday and they delivered the package to a farm just outside of tampa, florida. so take a look. the drone launches from the ups truck. the driver doesn't have to wait around. she can make deliveries and the drone will catch up to her later. ups believes this is helpful in rural areas where they drivers have to go long distances for each stop and cutting down on milal could save the company millions of -- mileage could save the company millions of dollars. they can carry up to 10 pounds. it's still in the testing phase but because of the government regulations they are not sure when they can roll it out. michelle: very cool. thank you. uber is hiring former u.s. attorney general eric holder who has been investigate claims of sexism in the company. he will conduct individual review and review diversity and given -- and inclusion. you can transfer through facebook. there is a new chat box that enables the users to move funds abroad using a messenger service. facebook users were able to transfer money in the u.s. but now rather the users can move the money between the u.s., canada, australia and the european union. today, abc7 is on traffic watch. trenice bishop has a look at the ride hope. trenice, a lot of folks back at work today. trenice: definitely back in full effect this afternoon. 66 never disappoints. we usually have delays and we have a few. take a look at the big picture map. the regular volume picking up through 495 across the legion. slow ride there. here on 66, we s.u.v. hanging out off to the shoulder. this is at route 50 but we have another incident that has more company. continuing the trip westbound on 66 to centreville. an accident with the several vehicles in response to the left shoulder here at the fairfax county parkway. as you can see, everyone is able to move by without much of a problem but still causing delays. 66 is jammed up from 495 to this point here. we had an incident that cleared up as well on the 95 corridor in prince george's county. it blocked two left lanes here at forestville road for a while. it looks like police cleared everything up but expect more volume through there. in north potomac a vehicle fire rolled out of the roadway. watch the camera leave there at falls road and great falls road. the travel lanes are now open. back to you in the studio. michelle: thank you. spring is in the air when you walk out. it feels that way. jonathan: so nice. alison: we know that spring isn't too far away because the nats have headed south. jonathan: it's weird we have having better weathe florida for spring training. erin hawksworth, you thought you scored big when you got a deal to go to florida only to find out we are having better weather than you are. erin: i know! i should have known because that's the kind of luck i tend to get. when i came, it was cold here. there you go. the nationals agreed to terms with free agent catcher matt wieters today. a physical pending, of course, so the deal isn't official until then. we have known that the nationals have been interested in him for a while. a two-year, $12 million deal with an opt-out after one year. wieters underwent tommy john in 2014 but the production hasn't been the same since then. although he did show flashes of his former self last season. he is a four-time all-star and a familiar face since he played played with the orals. even anthony rendone said he rehabbed with him in bowie. >> he killed us last year in d.c. he run. it will be good to have him on our side hitting homers now. it's exciting, though. erin: another guy who is improving and hoping to improve on his production next season is lefty gio gonzalez. i sat down with him this morning and he told me he has one very big goal. take a listen. >> to stay healthy. i said it before, smile more. wave to the camera. then just enjoy every bit of it. six seasons later i am enjoying playing for the organization and happy to be here. erin: what are you trying to work on this year? >> the truth of the matter is i walked in dusty's office and i told him i want to make the all-star team this year. it would be a big honor to represent this organization south floridian. i want to be there and pitch for the all-star game. erin: hopefully this season gio gonzalez can have a bounce-back season. all eyes, all attention, though, has been trey turner and daniel murphy. you will hear from both of those guys next hour at 5:50. michelle: thank you. i like that. smile more and wave to the camera. jonathan: you don't hear them say i have to work on smiling more. help him out. alison: the weather is something to smile about there. doug: this is the coolest day we have had for a while and the coolest once we have had. it's interesting when you have a day that is eight to nine degrees above average, that is a cool day. it's crazy. let's get started. if you are missing the 60's over the 70's, they are coming back. start with rockridge elementary school. they'll be mad at me. it's rock ridge vision. apartmently he was -- apparently he was wrong. maybe 20/50. it did lighten up. we had enough sunshine to make it comfortable. the temperatures climb in the 50's. the winds out of the south/southeast at 7 miles per hour. it's warmer to the southwest. warrenton is reporting 60 now. 59 in cumberland. in petersburg, west virginia, it's 66. that is the leading edge of the warmer air to come our way tomorrow and be with us for several days. if you are out this evening to talk the dog, beautiful weather. the sun sets at 5:53. we will drop in the 40's in the middle of the everything. overnight the temperatures bottom out in the low to mid-40's across most of the area. there is a disturbance in the atmosphere. that will track like this. cold front, a weak frontal zone from the northwest. the only effect it has on the weather tonight nd and sprinkle in the areas. the future cast shows through the overnight hours that the clouds continue, winds continue out of the south. most of rain washes out here. pushes to the southeast. we will break into the sun and we will be warmer than that for thursday and friday. 72 is the forecast high. saturday a cold front is coming through. showers and make thunderstorms, we'll hit 70. but 702% chance of showers and storms. clearing skies, breezy. 49 is the average high. monday, tuesday, wednesday, there we go again the temperatures climb back where they have been most of the winter. >> taking care of my little brother. michelle: the little brothers can be so annoying. how an eighth grader is turning her experience into a jonathan: next, west virginia's coach takes a knee. not for the reason you might think. his on the court emergency coming up. kimberly: i'm consumer investigator kimberly suiters. we are inside the "7 on your side" can for action center where they are here to answer your questions. and solve them. let's ch she is the director here. shirley, i mean for over 40 years, you have been helping consumers. >> we have, kim. we established a relationship with the government, with agencies, with businesses and we have been delighted to be working here. we are delighted to work with channel 7 on your side. kimberly: how do you get results so well? >> we negotiate. we are not telling people what they have to do. we listen to all sides and try to make everybody happy with the resolution. kimberly: you have an amazing number of volunteers but you would like more. >> this is the most fun thing i have done. i've been a volunteer forever. we hope will join us and volunteer here. it makes you a better consumer. kimberly: it does. the way to volunteer is go to the website at there is a tab for call for action. also, coming up at 4:30 for the next two hours, you can call this number. that is 4357. 301-652-4357. we have folks standing by to help resolve your unresolved issues. there is a call now. back to you. michelle: thank you. next at "abc7 news at 4:00" -- has president trump's policies changed where you are willing to stop? we look at the red, blue and purple businesses. >> a man is in jail on drunk driving charges. and a 22-year-old young woman has lost her life. i'm jeff goldberg. details on this horrific story coming up. alison: then new at 5:00, i came here with $300 in my pocket and a big cream. -- and a big dream. alison: meet one of the most successful chefs when he tackles a new oh, how waso good!en house? look. 800 square feet, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 15 minute ride to work. dude! dude! i know! your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? how do i check? credit karma. it's free. that's great! that's super easy. um hm. that's a credit score. just whip bam boom, it's done. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. eyes over there, dude. this apartment's hers. mine... thank you. announcer: from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. jonathan: i want to get you updated on the breaking news we are following closely out of houston, texas. a hospital is on lockdown after reports went out that shots were fired. law enforcement swarmed the hospital. s.w.a.t. teams were called in. right now we are getting an update from the police chief who is saying there has been fired. no gunman has been fired. nobody they say has been injured. how the call went out, why it went is what they are trying to get to the bottom of it. the scene is still active. this is video from a short time ago. police are all over the hospital. doctors were evacuated. nurses were brought out as well. it's a big disruption for the hospital. but again, the nice part of the story so far no shooter has been found. right now it appears to be a false alarm. we will stay on top of this and let you know what we find. moving on, deadly crash in sterling overnight. >> the driver of the jeep wrangler with four inside is facing d.u.i. charge. a woman killed. jonathan: northern virginia bureau chief jeff goldberg is in sterling at the crash site. what happened? jeff: this is a horrific situation. an accident, a crash. a driver charged with d.u.i. a 22-year-old young woman from leesburg lost her life. this happened this morning. early this morning on 28 headed north south of dulles airport. authorities say the driver was under the influence of alcohol. again, this backup on the crash stretching for miles in rush hour on route 28. right near frying pan road. authorities say at 2:00, a jeep wrangler heading north on 28 when the driver hit a traffic divider. the victim identified as 22-year-old gabby perry of leesburg. she was thrown from the vehicle with another feel passenger. the driver identified as 26-year-old andre glenn of sterling was not injured and neither was another man in the jeep. friends of gabby perry are in shock following her death. >> she was always funny. always had a jock on -- always had a joke on a bad day. she could always find the silver lining and make something out of nothing. jeff: the drive andre glenn and driving on a suspended license. in an hour we have much more on the life of gabby perry and how the friends of her say this is a young woman who was going places. live in herndon, jeff goldberg, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. our call for action phone bank is open. you see the number on the screen. 301-652-help. 301-652-4357. with consumer complaints you have. give them a call. "7 on your side" to help any problems you have. and no problems in the weather. doug: we still have a-minute of winter to go. it's not as sunny or warm as yesterday. but take a look at the number. the rest of the day. we have more cloudiness. overnight it is going to stay on the cloudy side. the temperatures are in the 40's. keeping overnight mild. there s another warmup here. this is due to the increasing southerly winds. a warm front moves through on thursday. we hit upper 60's tomorrow and then 70, 72 on thursday and friday. for the weekend, a change. a cold front developing to the west. 70% chance of rain with a front on saturday afternoon. it will turn breezy behind the front but it's temporary. look at the highs. minneapolis is in the lower 40's and drop on friday. 70 by friday in st. louis. we wi temperatures but it's not going to turn bitterly colder behind the front. we have a 70% chance of showers on saturday. 49 to 50 on sunday and breezy. then the temperatures temperatul warm right back up through next week. how warm? steve rudin will be here in ten minutes to look at the ten-day outlook. jonathan: thank you. red and blue of politics seems to seep in the retall -- retail sector. some are pulling merchandise, like ivanka trump's clothing line. we have the mixing of retail and politics at the checkout counter. reporter: red, blue and purple shops becoming the new norm. some stores are attracting customers, not with quality or price but with similar beliefs. boycotting products based on politics is not new. what is new, consumer ranker. this timeov president trump. not a lightning rod issue like immigration. >> this is unprecedented. we haven't seen it before. it's a polarizing administration. people have strong views on either side. reporter: when nordstrom and t.j. maxx pulled the trump brand from the store shelves, in this case, daughter ivanka clothing line struck discordance response from trump and his supporters. nordstrom says declining sales, not politics guided its decision. how successful are boycotts? in 2012, chick-fil-a boycott to same-sex marriage did not hurt the chain. recently wegmen's a grocery store train came under pressure to -- store chain came under pressure to stop selling trump wine. they didn't give and some went to buy every bottle in every location. jonathan: americans are flit on how to save for retirement because a poll conducted by e-trade, 70% say the administration is good for their retirement funds. other say they will change the plans because of trump. michelle: liberals only 3 in 10 believe the new administration benefit the retirement plan. 64% will make changes to the portfolio. jonathan: coming up next for us on "abc7 news at 4:00" -- the get-away fail. you are looking at it. face planting in the liquor store and knocking himself out. wait until you see how the accomplice reacts next. michelle: west virginia's basketball coach floored. brought to his knees. the medical implant that nearly knocked him out coming up. here is julie wright with a lack at the wednesday wakeup with "good morning washington." julie: thank y washington," from smart tv's to baby monitor, how to protect your family from home devices that could be spying on you. >> plus, creative ways to celebrate black history month with your kids. >> keep it right here for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at 4:25 on "good morning washington." announcer: countdown to be the red carpet brought to you by -- jonathan: from our knucklehead file. smash and grab that didn't go as planned. they were robbing the place. he jumps over the counter he does a header and he knocks himself out. michelle: this is sunday in akron. in the get-away he flips over the door and lands face first as we saw there. jonathan: this is how his buddy responds. he ran out of the car, he goes back to drag the pal out and puts him in the car. the heist was no laughing matter. they did $1,000 -- $10,000 in damage from the smashed glass and money and booze they stole. michelle: we want you to check this out in morgantown last night, west virginia versus texas. jonathan: this is a scary scene. mountaineers head coach bob huggins dropping to his knees after a time-out because his defibrillator went out. huggins suffered a heart attack in 2002. and that is when he was it went out. but at least he went to his knees and got help. michelle: universal sign he is in trouble. jonathan: yeah. weekend boating trip turned to a daring rescue in florida as two men were found clinging to the boat after it capsized. it's hard to see it from way out. michelle: this is chopper video. this captures a moment when the rescue teams found the men. they tossed inflatable jackets to them and they swam until another rescue team on a boat pulled them aboard to safety. thank goodness someone had a sharp eye to see them out there with the waves crashing. it looks like it blends in. jonathan: that is a lake. in the middle of a lake with chop. michelle: one month, two national security advisers. where h.r. mcmaster stands on russia, isis. our key to his selection. why he doesn't always see eye to eye with the president. we have it next. kellye: i'm kellye lynn in students won $25,000 each as finists in the major science -- finalists as a major science competition. ♪ ♪ kimberly: i'm consumer investigator kimberly suiters in the "7 on your side" call for action center where the volunteers are masterful to help you resolve the consumer complaints. we heard people call about roofs, time shares and about cemetery plots. they have a wealth of knowledge. the number to call if you have an issue 301-652-help. they are standing by to take your call tonight. if you need to call the master at 6:30, go to and fill out a complaint there. jonathan: the second national security adviser for trump. lieutenant general h.r. mcmaster has been widely praised even by critics of the president but it will be tough because he has a hawkish approach of reshaping russian relations. that is the big question. chief scott thuman reports from the white house. scott: trade in headline is no friend to russia. the rise comes after the fall of predecessor michael flynn for his dealings with the country. i'm curious what if any difference in tone or tenor or strategy we should expect now that they are working together? >> he will be a great asset to the president's national security team. ultimately the president has always been the decideer, russia or any other issue. scott: a pivotal time for a white house with president trump feeling the need to defend his sometimes con selliatory remarks -- conciliatory remarks. president trump: i own nothing in russia. i don't have loans in russia. i don't have deals in russia. scott: mcmaster according to many reports and past comments is viewed as quite hawkish toward the communist country. while many wonder if mcmaster's position at the white house will signify a notable shift in tone or policy toward russia the view in moscow i and see. recently we traveled to moscow for a "full measure" assignment. during our visit we spoke to russians about american relations under a trump presidency. >> the new president donald trump we invite you to come to putin to talk together and make good relations. scott: do you look as america as friend or enemy? >> first as a friend. my have friends there. my relatives live there. i don't see any confrontation between us. scott: whatever russians may think, washington has its own views, too. rising tensions since the trip to moscow may shape the message from mcmaster and this administration. at the white house, scott thuman, abc7 news. jonathan: iraqi forces discovered a recently abandoned isis tunnel near mosul. video taken from troops show it was outfitted with furniture and luxuries like beds and cooler and water tank. recapture the western part of the city from the terrorist group. michelle: new round of airstrikes on isis. video from the iraqi ministry of defense showing isis positions elsewhere in the country. this is the second straight day that the country released video of airstrikes like this on isis. jonathan: signs of a revival of paris tourism back on the rise. the 2015 terror attack was the main reason that vacationers avoided or canceled the trip to the city of lights. the biggest drop were from chinese, russian, italian tourists. 2016 saw $1 billion hit because of the attacks. but by the end of the year hotels did see a rise in bookings. good news for paris. now to the death of the estranged half brother of north korean leader kim jong un. this keeps going on and gets crazier. health officials in may la sha cannot determine a cause of death because option showed no evidence of heart attack or any sign of puncture wounds. his murder at the airport. there is video showing a woman coming up behind him. no cause of death. michelle: a book written by a second grader in alabama is popular. its probably because the topic so relatable. about her annoying little brother. 8-year-old nia mia reese got an idea to write about her younger brother in a homework assignment. her teacher asked her what she was good at, she knew what to write about and wanted to teach it to others. >> i was painting a picture of my annoying little brother. >> i went with it and i knew she would do a good job. >> i want to know how to take care of you when we get older. you don't want to be locked with the baby. [laughter] michelle: this is your guide book the president care for your annoying little brother" is making its way around book signings. and can be purchased online at major retailers. >> hopefully she is offering tips to find a constructive way. most times when you have an annoying mother -- michelle: i bet when he is older he has a follow-up. steve: my annoying sister. jonathan: been there, done that. steve: the average high for this time of year is 49 degrees. people are saying it's chilly today compared to yesterday. right now we are in the middle 50's. closer to 60 in charlottesville. stanton at 58. hagerstown to the north and west at 55 degrees. if it's too cool out there now. bigger changes on the way over the next three days. nighttime lows 40 to 48 degrees. mostly cloudy. on the chilly side but at least we are not dealing with the wind chill factors. the winds are out of the south at five to ten miles per hour. tomorrow looks better with the milder temperatures. morning clouds give way to afternoon sunshine. then we open the flood gates with the warmer air for thursday and friday. it's warmer than that south and west of town. we are watching a cold front moving through the d.m.v. midday on saturday that is likely to bring showers and thunderstorms. once it moves on by we are going to look for colder air to overspread the region. highs by sunday. only in the upper 40's. here is the ten-day outlook. this weekend, 70. sunday will be in the upper 40's to around 50 degrees. only going to last one day. we will warm up nicely for the 50's and the 60's next week. let's get a check on traffic. tuesday afternoon. here is trenice. trenice: thank you, steve. this afternoon everybody is back. and the traffic is in full effect. no new incident in the current hour. we have the regular delays in place. we wi picture. you can see on the map anything red, that is where the folks are waiting to get home. if you are making your way to the bridges it's not looking bad to make the ride to the woodrow wilson bridge. but slow outer look from the eisenhower connection to the bridge span. elsewhere for you we are slow if you are making a ride across the american legion bridge. regular delays heavy for folks between maryland and virginia. if you are making the trip to tysons and on to annandale. michelle? michelle: next on abc7 news, $2 million up for grabs. a high school math and science competition comes to d.c. we talk to two students here competing for a piece of the top prize. jonathan: have you ever take an personality quiz online? they are fun. do you know where the information about you is going? here is "7 on your side" reporter scott taylor. scott: hold it! i'm talking to you. are you taking a facebook quiz i'm scott taylor. i have a warning for you. >> i feel like all of it is tapping into things bigger and scarier than people realize. scott: where is your personal oh, how waso good!en house? look. 800 square feet, 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, 15 minute ride to work. dude! dude! i know! your credit score must be amazing. my credit score? how do i check? credit karma. it's free. that's great! that's super easy. um hm. that's a credit score. just whip bam boom, it's done. check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit. mine... thank you. alison: for many people it takes years of saving to fund college education. in today's "s us how two are searching for the talent search to cover the cost of college. kellye: the students come from the science classrooms around the country. 2,000 submit research projects and is in the study. >> mine is structural determination. kellye: a senior at blair high school working on the research with georgetown university he submitted it to the science talent search. >> we are searching for the greatest talent in the country in the scientific fields. kellye: there are 300 finalists and they will get a check of $3,000. he and another student are now competing for the grand prize. > fluctuations. kellye: this competition is not new to the montgomery blair high school. over the years they have produced 48 finalists. in march the two seniors join us other finalists in d.c. to display work before judges and compete for the $250,000 top prize. >> i'll apply it to the education. >> a way to advance the education and field of science. i'm kellye lynn, abc7 news. alison: tonight, a bit of relief after weeks of fear at the jewish community centers across the country. the president's reassuring remarks. vandalism of the national mall and why a monument's tag could take weeks to clean up. a care package. when se you take out the trash. announcer: now "abc7 news at 5:00". on your side. larry: the capital police say another jewish community center in california. threatening e-mails. one day after 11 flets to centers across the -- threats across the country. the total is 54 this year. after being pressured for weeks today the president talked about it. kevin lewis is live with a center that is threaten and people are following the developing story. kevin: on january 9, someone called in a bomb threat. around 200 preschoolers had to evacuate the building. in the weeks since added security including daily building sweeps. at the j.c.c. in rockville, money that could be used for center is now spent on added security. >> it seems to be the p >> the c.e.o. acutely aware that 54 j.c.c.'s including his own have been targeted so far this year. the incidents mostly bomb threats span 27 states and canada. for weeks, president trump kept quiet about the topic. president trump: sit down. i understand the rest of your question. kevin: even stopping a jewish journalist mid-question in a press conference last week. but today, for the first time, trump publicly condemns the frothing hatred. president trump: the antisemitic threats targeting the jewish community and community centers are horrible. kevin: trumps remarks spoke to finestein. >> i think what the president had to say today was a positive statement of concern. kevin: yet not everyone was moved including the anne frank center for mutual respect today wrote "the president's sudden acknowledgement is a band aid of the cancer

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