Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170126 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WJLA ABC7 News At 4 20170126

to eat in 2009. cosby image is controversy initial the wake of the allegation he sexual assaulted dozens of women. someone painted a picture of kim jong un over cosby and the owner says it has nothing to do with the cosby investigation or obama leaving office but it instead needs a new look. overnight they repainted wall. >> it has been five years. a lot of change in the country. time to change the mural. put new faces up there. >> among the ideas submitted, martin luther king, prince, many, many other icons. coming up at 5:00, we will tell you the top two choices right now and what they want to paint here on the new mural. reporting live, richard reeve, abc7 michelle: all right. it's up to the people. two would you put on the new mural? there are 48 choices on the ben's chili bowl website. we have a link for you at our website jonathan: well, in the last hour and a half, white house spokesman sean spicer told the press pool how president trump is planning to pay for the border wall for the southern united states. the commander-in-chief plans to call for a 20% tax on all imports from mexico to cover the cost. now this news comes hours after mexico's president announced he won't be coming to the united states next week after all for a meeting with trump. elizabeth hur has more from today's g.o.p. retreat going on in philadelphia. president trump: nice to win. elizabeth: after opening with a pat on the back. >> the world has taken advantage of us. it won't happen again. elizabeth: trump showing he means business. president trump: our legislative work starts with repealing and obamacare. we need to keep the ballot box safe from illegal voting. elizabeth: the president telling republican lawmakers he is taking action. refusing to back down in the battle over the wall. maintaining the people will not pay for the wall. president trump: the mexican president and myself agreed to cancel the meeting for next week unless mexico will treat the united states fairly with respect. such a meeting would be fruitless. elizabeth: this is after the mexican president announced the upcoming trip is off. g.o.p. leaders while they support the president say he needs to work out the relationship with country leaders including theresa may. she is that is in response to trump telling abc news that he believes waterboarding works. the two leaders are set to meet in washington tomorrow. in the meantime, white house officials today confirmed that the president will sign off on another executive order calling on congress to investigate that alleged voter fraud. reporting live in philadelphia, i'm elizabeth hur for abc7 news. alison: thank you very much. meanwhile, today, the former head of president trump's transition team said we should except to see big budget and staff cut at the environmental protection agency soon. they tell the "associated press" the specific recommendations to the white house will stay confidential but you should expect the president to try to cut $1 billion from the e.p.a. $8 billion budget. michelle: protesters came down from the crane in d.c. after 10:00 last night, 16 hours after they went banner calling on people to resist the new trump administration. the protesters should be in court within the hour. we will bring you a live report when they appear. jonathan: it looks like an exodus is happening at the state department as new administration is taking over. several senior management officials answer a tom arms control diplomat are leaving the agency. the agency says the career diplomats re-signed before the inauguration for personal reasons or to retire. alison: the minute hand on the doomsday clock ticked closer to midnight. the group of scientists who orchestrate it, moved it 30 seconds closer to leave it at two and a half minutes away. >> the board advanced the time out of a growing concern about the deterioration in relations between the united states and russia. two countries that account for 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. jonathan: of course this clo y'all this is a symbolic instrument informing the public when they believe the earth is facing imminent disaster. sometimes it's moving closer to midnight, sometimes farther away. it depends on the scientists conclusions. but now is the closest it has been to midnight since 1953. michelle: human trafficking is a big concern around the world and in laurel police want to make sure that everyone has safe passage. maryland bureau chief brad bell explains how. brad: this corridor has been notorious for crime and the prostitutes operating out of a cluster of the cheap hotels. those behind the 198 strip say they have enough. >> as a woman i'm on guard in these areas. i would never go there after dark. brad: kathleen kitchen said clean-up track and evidence of widespread drug use. julie says it affects her quality of life. >> it makes you he is tant visit -- hesitant visiting the businesses at night. you don't know who will be there. brad: tonight they and others are announcing a crackdown on the hotels by the anne arundel county executive and his chief of police. >> we will let the criminals know, you are longer welcome. you can run but you can't hide. so get out and stay out. braked the county police chief says for the foreseeable future at least one officer will be assigned to monitor each of the hotels the county considers a problem. this is one of them. when we come back we introduce you to the general manager. but now she feels bullied. the county executive has a very harsh reply. doug: wind advisory is in effect for most of the area. winds gusting to 35 to 40 miles per hour. it will stay breezy tonight. the temperatures won't change a lot. it will drop to 40's and the 30's but the gusty winds will make it feel a touch colder. the weekend, the next ten days comes your way in nine minutes. jonathan: thank you, doug. coming up later, gearing up for the march for life. find out what will give tomorrow's march its own place in history. >> new word on safety lapses. new word on firing. the jonathan: back now covering metro. concerns about safety at the transit agency. a big topic of the weekly board meeting. our transportation reporter brianne carter was there. brianne: the investigation into this. the east falls church derailment has now led to the firings of a third of metro track inspection department. >> it's systemic issues we were having in that department. that's what we are addressing. brianne: 16 track inspectors and five supervisors have been fired for falsifying records. this is something the union denies. this is coming as they look into other safety issues. doors on a yellow line train opened while the trn metro says the operator claims ehit the door button taking off the jacket. >> the statement is the elbow triggered the door. >> policy calls for the operator to report an incident like this and walk around the train. riders never saw the operator get out of the train. >> we have to let the investigate go. i can't comment on that. >> metro saying there were safety lapses this month when a worker fell 30 feet cleaning debris in a vent shaft. >> the employee was trained on confined statements but he didn't take necessary cautions prior to entering the dome relief staff. nor is there a record he attended the required refresher training. brianne: metro says the employee is still going through rehab. another corrective action are taken when it comes to that cleaning. including they have suspended all vent track wiedefeld saying they are working to rebuild the team. and the inspectors will soon go through a ten-week retraining program. brianne carter, abc7 news. michelle: thank you. let's get a check on the traffic situation with jamie sullivan. jamie: we have seen lighter volume. that is good news. other areas well, we had earlier accidents so we have seen the volume get heavier. this is 66. right now as you head outbound, it's very light volume. we look at the big picture, d.c. slowing, same on 395. 66 once you get outside the beltway. in the northwest corner. right now as you head north crossing the american legion bridge, you get a good idea of how much volume we have. as you continue to wrap around closer toward connecticut avenue, well, right near the 270 spur. you can see how much volume we have. none of this is bumper to bumper or stop traffic. he's just volume we have now. a look at 95 through dale city. some areas there is a little sun glare. but the nice thing is nothing to worry about heading south. either 95 or heading south on branch avenue. one thing to keep in mind if you have to head to the bay bridge, they put wind restrictions in place. so you want to be careful. that is a look at traffic. back to you. michelle: thank you. national zoo tweeted out this picture yesterday of its new baby gray seal pup. it has set the internet on fire. now it has sparked the #cuteanimaltweetoff. and lindsey mastis is showing us how it's winning the web. eyes draw you in. lindsey: this might be the tweet that started it all. this is what really got the ball rolling. we have someone saying your move. virginia aquarium. with a winkie face. so that got the virginia aquarium involved and they tweeted out this picture showing their own otter/osprey combo. national orangutan baby. do you fold yet? they tweeted back and said we are still here. the national zoo says yawn. it didn't end there. the other zoos are getting in on it. we have the national aquarium. the reed park zoo, the bronx zoo. this is one of my favorite with the two cubs. but it might be cheating. that is two cute not just one. jonathan: that is a contest that is fun to watch play out. michelle: look at the hashtag. jonathan: ahh. michelle: you could never pick a winner. y'all dump competition -- alison: a dump competition. jonathan: speaking of winners, doug hill! doug: the temperatures got close to 60 degrees. we had a second mild day. the temperatures are falling. winds are a tree was down. likely due to the winds gusting 40 miles per hour. it's tangled up with the power lines, too. give an extra heads up. the ground is soft after the rain. with the gusty winds, it doesn't take much to break down branches. that is the story. the winds will hang with us through the evening. wind advisory is up through 7:00. take a look at the weather computer. you can see by the image, you don't get a sevens of the wind in alexandria at bell haven country club. live imagery. you see the bright blue skies. temperatures are starting to drop off now. 52. we were close to 60. now we have the west/northwesterly winds sustained to 30 miles per hour. dew point at 23. the air is dry. we have a combination of the colder temperatures and the gusty winds through the evening. even though the wind advisory is likely to expire at 7:00. a slow drop. but for every degree wind chills will sink lower. bid 9 it if legal like 31 in winchester. 39 on the midshore, leonardtown and annapolis. 38 in downtown washington. this is normal late january stuff but we climatized to the recent spat of the warmer weather. it will take a while to get used to this. like oh, yeah, it's the end of january. it is supposed to be cold. not bitterly cold. seasonably cold. tomorrow is bright and sunny and breezy and chilly. the wind chills in the 30s. but the sunshine, the sun tangle is a tiny bit higher. 36 to 43 the rain of temperatures tomorrow. the weekend looks good. saturday around served increasing clouds. oh degrees. a few late afternoon everything morning snowflakes here. a little disturbance going through. numbers are different. 39 on monday. warming up a couple of days and dropping back off heading through thursday and friday. the first weekend of february and it look like it will warm up a bit. there are indications that the following week may start to to see winter temperatures gone. jonathan: coming up at 4:00, what people are protesting in streets of seattle with roots rs in d.c. alison: then later get the bottles and the wine glasses ready. "scandal" is back tonight. we'll have a preview for all tie all that space together. with an open floor plan, you need to separate it with furniture. bassett had everything that we needed. fabric combinations marry the rooms together. having someone with bassett has been invaluable. we could've never dreamed up this room without bassett. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. alison: welcome back. "7 on your side" to help you ask the attorney. lisa fletcher up close and personal there. hi, lisa. she is in the abc7 help center. the phone bank is ready to begin. got everybody lined up? lisa: we got everybody lined up. today we are talking of eldercare. attorneys to answer specific questions. legal questions that don't necessarily deal with the elder care. today we are talking about the medicaid edgability. long-term care planning is most important thing is know the options. >> the more planning than the crisis management you have more options to consider. get your wishes in place and in writing so the family knows what you want as time goes on. lisa: a lot of people wonder what the expense is associated with doing these kind of plans. can you give us a general sense of what it is? >> well, it ranges depending on if you are just doing wills, trusts, estates rather than the complete planning or paying for long-term care. in this area, care is expensive. you want to plan accordingly, not in the end. lisa: if you don't do long-term care planning, what is the down side? >> the downside you are looking at less options. you are doing crisis management and the care providers that you want or the facilities might not be you knead them. ones that might not be close might not have anything able. lisa: we'll put you back on the phones. if you have questions, call the phone bank. 703-236-9220. give us a call. michelle: a great resource. thank you, lisa. we found the next story startling. according to a new study in the issue of "journal of science" gender stereotypes are alive and well and going strong. researchers think girls a young as 7 years old can be led to believe that men are more talented and smarter than women and that leads to girls being less motivated to pursue ambitious careers. jonathan: they're a lot smarter than we are. the draw of the table is too great for a gambler. what made him get up to keep his >> setup is underway ahead of the march for life event. coming up, we introduce you to a group that d why are you checking i want to see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much do they? really? i'll take it! sir, your credit... is great, right? when was the last time you checked? yeah, i better check my credit score. here, try credit karma. it's free. alright, no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit. announcer: you're watching "abc7 news at 4:00". on your side. jonathan: just about an hour, mike pence w this year's march for life. there are a lot of media outlets that are reporting this will be the first vice president in history to address this event tomorrow. it begins here at the washington monument. it will make its way to the u.s. supreme court. right now along the mall, amy aubert with what you need to know before it begins. amy: well, if you take a look right over in this direction, you can see the setup is underway ahead of the march for life event tomorrow. today, many people arriving and gearing up for the big day. i met with one group traveling from wisconsin to tell me this year, they are feeling a new sense of home. after 22 hours on the bus, the group is still all smiles. >> it gives us hope as we watch them give grace the call for life and the gift we have been given by our creator. amy: he and the group of 300 traveling to d.c. from it's all worth it. just to see the people of god, the people of this nation come together around a cause. around giving voice to those who don't have one. >> he has been part of the march event for 26 years. saying this year brings a different kind of spirit. >> there is a new found, i think a hopefulness, that we can begin to embrace life at its beginnings to its very end. >> my hope is we can hope we have continuity throughout the country. i believe that america is strong. amy: now at a conference earlier today some reiterated they do feel that this year's event will be different in years past. i will have more on that story plus a look at the preparations coming up tonight at 5:00. live in northwest washington, amy aub jonathan: thank you. you can see the route for the march and the roads that will be closed and the areas on the website doug? doug: all right. we have a wind advisory in effect until 7:00 for most of the area. wind gusts 40 miles per hour in leesburg. 41 miles per hour at the naval academy. 37 miles per hour at the reagan national airport. it will stay gusty even after the advisory expires. we will still have wind gusts 30 miles per hour while the temperatures start to fall. wind chill tonight and overnight. tomorrow the winds will be lighter. through the day, the sun up for a couple of hours the breezes will get gusty 15 to 20 miles per hour. most areas above freezing, the western and the northern zones will stay above freezing in the morning. most of the water is dried up. it's 33 in gaithersburg. tomorrow a beautiful day. a few clouds an 43 wind chills in the 30's. in the 20's early on. saturday, partly cloudy, breezy. sunday increasing cloudiness. highs of 40. low pressure disturbance will move overhead late, sunday night and sunday morning. that could yield flurries. isolated snowshower or two. 40-degree high temperature. that is it. we get back to typical late january and early february temperature conditions. 39 on monday. 45 on tuesday. we warm up on wednesday. back it down a few degrees as we head toward the end of next week. michelle? michelle: thank you. we are monitoring a developing story out of north dakota where the weather never convinced protesters to take down the camp near the dakota access pipeline. as lana zak reports, now the numbers could start to grow again. lana: republicans applauded the president action on pipeline. >> we have issued executive order to build the keystone lana: there is no shortage of protests. oil spill on the magellan pipeline demonstrates the risk involved. >> pipeline spill once a day, destroying farm and ranches and produce water supply. pipelines are a tremendous risk to the farms and the ranches and the climate. so here in the heartland we will be fighting keystone xl with everything we have. >> sho,000 gallon of the -- 140,000 gallons spilled in a field in iowa. it does not pose major environmentm impact but the snow and the wind create problem for clean-up crews. >> the biggest threat right now is the weather. with closing down the road. >> days earlier, another leak in saskatchewan, canada, spilled 52,000 gallons of oil. that was also the site of a major spill seven months ago. the canadian prime minister supports president trump will bring to canada. >> in both conversations i have had with president trump now, keystone xl came up as a topic. i reiterated my support for the project. >> the standing rock sioux tribe vowed to fight against the pipeline. they say it's open until february 20 for comment and the federal law requires that the process continues. reporting live, lana zak, back to you. jonathan: thank you. maryland's senate delayed the vote to try to boost the energy standards. they are trying to override the veto of the metro that is designed to use wind and solar energy. governor hogan calls it a wind and a sun tax. the vote will happen next week. michelle: look at this wreck. a 25-car coaltrain that toppled on the side of after it derailed late last night in colorado. this happened outside of denver. some of the c cargo. jonathan: the u.s. navy planning to bid farewell to the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier the uss enterprise will be decommissioned next week and played a major role in world events including the cuban missile crisis to wars in iraq and afghanistan. it's scheduled for february 3 at the newport news shipbuilding. that's where it was first built. michelle: "7 on your side" to get your legal questions answered. the phone lines are open right now to the phone bank for ask the attorney. you can speak with one of the lawyers in the abc7 help center for today's phone bank. just call the number on the screen. 703-236-9220. jonathan: good resource. coming up for us at 4:00. astronauts and what they wear have come a long way since the men first walked out on the men. it's, the new stuff considered out of this world. we have got it for you next. week we have the same experience where we sit down and the minds are alone. michelle: sometimes it's like that here, too. get ready, gladiators. your "scandal" scoop is next. jonathan: but first, jummy olabanji with a look at what is coming up on "good morning washington" tomorrow morning. jummy: thank you, jonathan. tomorrow on "good morning washington," whether you are heading down to join the march for life or trying to get around town we're live with everything you need to know including rally sites, security and detours. >> plus we are laughing our way to the weekend with "blackish." >> stay with us for traffic and weather every ten minutes tomorrow morning starting at abc7 youthat's why you drink ensure. sidelined. with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. for the strength and energy to get back to doing... ...what you love. always be you. michelle: boeing's latest design for nasa is out of this world. they designed new suits for the astronauts. it has touch-screen sensitive gloves and more flexible material. boeing already built a new starliner spaceship for nasa. but now they don't have to ride in style. they will ride with style. jonathan: so many things that have come out today. ball point pens. maybe in this case the gloves will work the cell phone. michelle: they olivia pope and her gang of the gladiators return to abc7 in the season premier. jonathan: one of big reveals. who is the new president? kidd o'shea with your "scandal" scoop. kidd: are you ready? >> last call. anyone who still needs to vote should go right now. we have already won virginia doesn't mean you shouldn't cast your ballot. i wanted voted stickers on everyone. kidd: they are after an extra long break. >> was it hard to take a break and come back? >> it was hard to be apart that long. we missed the gladiators. >> this is too close to call. kidd: the election results on tonight's scandal were filmed long before the real results. >> we shot it in the summertime. >> five of the first six episodes last summer. >> the long break because of the pregnancy. they hid it from the show. >>ig sweatshirts. >> big things. >> flower arrangements. we were saying the rest of us use it now. it's after christmas. jonathan: the whole line-up is back tonight starting with "grey's anatomy" and then "scandal." watch it all on abc7. exciting. michelle: set your d.v.r. if you are not home. jubilation. what the snowmobileer did that had folks running and jumping for joy. jonathan: wait for it. cheryl: i'm cheryl conner. this is where the athletes with the circus train to do the daredevil moves. coming up we will introduce you to travis who is after much push back is lisa: welcome back to abc7 news. i'm lisa fletcher. i'm in the "7 on your side" phone bank and we have a team of attorneys asking questions on elder care. primarily care. veteran asset protection to estate planning and guardianship issues or maybe you have a special needs issue like trusts for parents of children with disability or how to get government benefits for children and adults with disabilities. our teams can answer these and the other legal questions you might have. give us a call. 703-236-9220. jonathan: all right. thank you. the next story, this woman needs an attorney. not sure if she has one. she will need one. she assaulted a police officer with a tampon. i am not making that up. investigators were responding to a fight in st. petersburg when the 28-year-old cora fields threatened to throw the product at the officer and she did. she hit him in the shoulder. don't laugh. she did this. then she tried to run. the officers used a stun gun to stop her. this will be in a movie of the week at some point. the question after you hear the answer is unclear at this time. no idea. michelle: we have no idea. my gosh. jonathan: just move past it. michelle: don't want to touch it. right? all right. well a true gambler in west virginia that even kenny rogers would be proud of. a blackjack player pleaded guilty to leaving a casino to rob a bank. after robbing it, he then went back to the casino according to police with the money to keep on gambling. police eventually found the man back at his house sleeping. they found cash from the bank stuffed underneath the mattress. man told the judge he had taken quite a few drugs that day. he will be sentenced in march. jonathan: so his application to mensa will probably fall through now. the last thing you want to do after the super bowl is go to work. you are not alone. heinz is starting a petition to make monday after the super bowl a holiday. it's giving their salary employees the day off. i follow suit. it's calling it smonday. petition going around. if they get enough signatures they will send it to congress to make it official day off. no mail. everybody will get to stay home in the federal government. michelle: banks close. jonathan: maybe other companies follow suit. you are worthless after super bowl sunday. >> especially if your team loses. you might need tuesday off! jonathan: don't push it. let's just get the monday first. michelle: baby steps. people living near the navy marine corps stadium in annapolis are not thrilled about a sporting event planned for the summer. jonathan: cheryl conner reports the effort by travis to bring the nitro circus home is meeting stiff opposition. >> our decibel level is lower than a football game. cheryl: the starting flag will be waved in annapolis. >> they assume loud noise, derelicts. >> it took convincing but he hometown. >> three concerns were parking, noise and how long it would run. cheryl: that one ramp that travels with the show. it goes 16 feet in the air with the bicyclists and the skateboarders doing double and triple flips. there is a reason to flip with excitement. >> this is my hometown. it would mean the world to bring it here. cheryl: there are 400 shows in but annapolis was the first to put up the roadblocks. so we put down the bikes and we walk around the neighborhood with the mayor and the counselman. they came one a plan to move the show up from 5:00 to 3:00 p.m. and he will bring in the volunteers to pick up trash. carrie walker is in favor of the nitro circus but she has witnessed events -- nuisance of big events. >> nothing is impossible. >> including the flips in front of friends and family. in annapolis. cheryl conner, abc7 news. >> some extreme snowmobile riding is landing in the record books. david bowden is the man riding as a snowmobile does a double backflip. yes! he sticks the landing pretty good there. he is a first person in the world to do that jump success fully. this is including the holy grail of snowmobile cross tricks. two others tried at the last two winter x games and they crashed. bowden doesn't plan to try it this weekend. jonathan: between that and pastrana. he is a modern day evel knievel. what he does is like a wisconsin teenager has a novel way to shovel snow. lazy. he is using a hoverboard. he doesn't want to walk. tanner calls it his croatian, the hover plow. it works best with an inch or two of light snow. he knows about the fire hazard. he charges it outside. michelle: if it blows up, he won't have to shovel. jonathan: it moves faster. isn't that lazy? little bit. michelle: dangerous. jonathan: that's what it is. put a smile on his face and he is doing a chore. that is all you can ask for. steve: only works with a little bit of snow. he is outside of madison where they get a lot of snow. jonathan: hooverboard days are numbered. steve: exactly. yesterday was fantastic. had a cold front and then we had showers. now we are looking for flurries for the upcoming weekend. jonathan: really? steve: a little bit. nothing to accumulate but we could use some. some people like the cold weather. michelle? michelle: not here. jonathan: barking up the wrong tree, amigo. steve: 52 at reagan national airport. middle 40's in leesburg. 41 in winchester. heading to the west of us. elkins west virginia at 35 degrees. they have reports of a little bit of light snow at the hour. wind gusts are upward of 30 to 40 miles per hour. at least around the immediate metro area. andrews has a wind gust reported around 39 miles per hour. not windy to the west of us but still on the breezy side. as the cooler air overspreads the midatlantic. it's quiet and dry around the area. we will see mainly clear skies tonight. further west of us. garrett county and extreme western maryland where they are picking up snow. upward of 2-5 inches in the lower elevation. more than that in the higher elevatio want to live out a winter experience, head to western maryland. not only do they have snow naturally but the ski reports are producing snow. the temperatures are now falling below if freezing mark. hour-by-hour, for tonight. closer to home we have temperatures through the 40's. and in the 30's by early tomorrow morning. mainly clear skies. don't forget the 2017 polar plunge. oh, boy. saturday. sandy point state park. two plunges. the main at 1:00 p.m. the second at 3:00 p.m. it's cold out there. temperatures are in the lower 40's. the wind chill factors in the 30's. i'm going to do both of them. no, i'm not. i'm going to pass this year. great cause. the bay temperature, the water temperature at 39 to 40 degrees. cold! all right. rest of the weekend, 43 saturday for a high temperature. 40 degrees with a few nothing that is going to accumulate. ten-day outlook from storm watch 7. upper 30's on monday. may see flurries midday. middle 40's on tuesday. we stay in the 40's for most of next week. still no signs of any major snowstorms. just a few flurries here and there. check on what is going on this afternoon with traffic. jamie: this is inner loop just past ritchie marlboro road. bumper to bumper traffic that starts near route 50. this accident. you can see the fire truck here only letting two left lanes get by. we have the right lanes blocked off. outer loop is not bad north to joint base andrews. approaching the accident people looking over to see what is going on. in d.c., slowing. southbound 295. same thing northbound. kenilworth avenue, and the southeast/southwest freeway. in virginia crossing the american legion bridge to maryland. the innerl is slow as well. if you are traveling up a little closer to 270 near bradley boulevard. you see the volume continues. getting into silver spring. that is where you get a break. the one issue we are working is the accident on the inner loop of the beltway in prince george's county. 95 in virginia. looks great heading southbound through dale city. that is a look at traffic. back to you. jonathan: all right. >> coming up, i'm at the auto show with concept cars like this one. gold wing doors. massaging chairs. and a bar in the back. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. jonathan: do you like uber? it's now the most common expense for business travel. the companien analyzed 40 million expenses from a million travelers. uber accounted for 6% of all business travel transactions which passes starbucks. starbucks is the most popular meal expense. the largest amount of money is spent on air fare. michelle: there was a ceremony in tysons today as the city officials broke ground on the new jones branch connector. the project is expected to ease congestion to maybe it easier and safer for people to walk and bike between the two sides of tysons. one lane in each direction is expected to be open for traffic in 2018. the project is expected to be complete in 2019. jonathan: the washington auto show opens tomorrow. the show room packed. our veronica johnson got a first look at what center. >> 700 vehicles that year at the washington auto show. 37 manufacturers. this year it is on three levels. not just two. the theme mobility. and autonomous driving. >> all the cars are rolling computers. they will be talking to each other and talking to the infrastructure. that is what is happening now. there is a huge future on technology. and transportation. >> manufacturers want to connect with you and you need to be able to connect with your vehicle. that is a theme this year. so if you have ever been intimidated by the technology, come down here. the manufacturers will be on hand to answer your questions. take a look at this. that is cool. simulator to get in and do off-road driving. so hey, this is not just about you adults out there. you have something for the kids, too. activities all through here. art of motion. like every year, there is the hands on contest. and it runs through super bowl weekend and it opens tomorrow, friday afternoon. back to you. larry: getting ready for another march. >> the people of the nation giving voice to those who don't have one. larry: president trump doubles down on what will pay for the wall along the mexican border. plus an iconic mural gone. why ben's chili bowl is going for a clean slate on the famous restaurant. >> now "abc7 news at 5:00". on your side. alison: the morning antiabortion activists rallied outside planned parenthood in northeast washington. that ahead of tomorrow's big march that we ha will include the vice president. our amy aubert joins us live on the national mall with what to expect tomorrow. amy? amy: well, that is right. tomorrow, this area will be packed with people for the march for life event. group tells me they have been out here setting up all week and planning since early last year. crews battling heavy winds thursday, setting up tents and installing railings ahead of the march for life event set to happen friday. >> we will see something bigger than what we have seen for the last few years. because the excitement is so palpable. >> that excitement is echoing through the hall. >> it's that you are doing something about it. making a stand. and connect to other people. >> they don't do formal crowd counts but they anticipate numbers in the tens of thousands. enthusiasm, in part because of the new administration in town who committed to pro-life policies. >> put approximately news outlet reporting mike pence are expected to speak at the event. is there we are excited about the possibilities ahead. >> march goers say this year they are feeling a different kind of spirit. >> there is a newfound, i think a hopefulness that we can begin to embrace life at its very beginnings to the very ends. >> god loves life. god created life. you are not alone. we are here for you. we are supporting you. >> the event is expected to kick off before noon with the march happening around 1:00. live in northwest washington, amy aubert, abc7 news. >> all right. thank you. of course, tomorrow's rally means a lot of road closures. you will find a complete list on we are

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