Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With David Muir 20151006

Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News With David Muir 20151006

way to get the bank to know. pay you back. good evening. and as we come on the air tonight, there is real concern about the potential for a second disaster. they're dealing with deadly and historic flooding. dams on the brink, ready to burst. many already have. the towns simply decimated. the death toll rising. at least 17 now dead in the carolinas. 11 dams breeched already. 18 monitored throughout the night. tens of thousands without water, without power. this woman going door to door by boat, checking on neighbors. an elderly woman carried to safety. roads collapsing. more than more than 400 roadway closed. and this evening, the focus on those dams and the damage that could come, if they give way. abc's alex perez is in south carolina. >> reporter: in south carolina tonight, all eyes on at least 18 dams that could burst under pressure. >> the next 36 to 48 hours is going the volatile, so what we'll tell you is, don't let the sunshine fool you. >> reporter: thousands-pound sandbags at the ready. they'll be dropped by these national guard chinook helicopters to stabilize this can nall. this is what we saw on burwell lane, water lapping at the roofs of homes. tonight, a flood of volunteers. robert wise finally back at his house, which was underwater. what's it like to come back and see your neighborhood in shambles like this? >> this is overwhelming, there's no way to describe it. >> reporter: 11 trillion gallons of water. enough to fill 130,000 rose bowls. it is making already swollen rivers overflow long after the rain is gone. at least 17 are dead in these floods. and as many as 40,000 have no water. >> and i have three children at home. we don't have anything to even flush toilets or take showers. >> reporter: tonight, long lines for free bottles of water from the national guard. and tonight, david, on the ground here, this is what we are seeing. the inside of so many homes ending up on the front lawn, headed to the garbage. that boat on the front porch there carried by the storm belongs to a neighbor that lives half a mile away. experts say the damage here could easily top $1 billion. david? >> just incredible, the pictures. alex perez leading us off. alex, thank you. let's get right to meteorologist rob marciano in south carolina. the governor saying, don't let the sunshine fool you. the next 48 hours could bring more flooding? >> reporter: yeah, much of that water, david, that fell in the upstate has to come down the river system into the low country and the water certainly is rising. several major rivers are going to continue to rise and be a major, if not record-breaking flood stage, including the ashley river which i'm standing next to. so, we'll will watching that very, very carefully. i want to mention this out west, in the southwest, we have flash flood warnings in phoenix and those watches expanded into parts of western texas. but here in the low country of south carolina, david, we are anxiously watching the water come up. >> all right, rob, thank you. in the meantime tonight, we turn to the urgent search for the black box, after that ship went down after heading right into hurricane joaquin. 28 americans on board. federal investigators now on the scene, some of the faces tonight of those lost at sea. we're now learning what some of them had written on facebook about traveling through storms before. as their families this evening now demand answers. why did that captain head into a hurricane? the search area dramatically shrinking now, and this evening, the new discoveries. and abc's linzie janis from florida tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the coast guard says its narrowing in on thor is. zone. recovering that new debris from the el faro, including this container door. but so far, no new signs of the ship's missing crew members. the ntsb today launching a team of investigators to jacksonville. >> the purpose is to find out exactly what happened as accurately as possible. >> reporter: but the most crucial piece of the puzzle likely under 15,000 feet of water. >> we'll be looking at the data recorder. that will be of utmost importance. >> reporter: and tonight, we're learning more about the el faro's crew and its captain, miael davidson, who made the round trip from jacksonville to san juan, puerto rico, two times a month. he was used to navigating dangerous storms. just six weeks ago, crew member roosevelt clark, now among the missing, posting these photos with the message, "ship went through tropical tomorrow erika. big shoutout to the captain." and just weeks later, "no rough weather can stop us from getting the cargo here." clark's cousin telling us, families of the crew are angry they were in the that hurricane. >> why did they send them out there, knowing it was some type of storm? >> reporter: she says she's not ready to give up hope. ♪ i once was lost >> reporter: and overnight, prayers at this vigil for two crew members that grew up on the same street in rockland, maine. danielle randolph and dillon mecklin. the families are gathering here once again tonight for an update from the ship's owners. they want answers. but they are still clinging to hope. david? >> linzie, thank you again tonight. in the meantime, to yet another medical emergency in the cockpit. this time, during a flight from houston to san francisco. the second emergency in 24 hours. last night, we reported on that pilot who died mid-flight, the co-pilot landing the plane in syracuse. well tonight here, the new case. a united co. pilot losing consciousness. the other pilot landing the team. and we now know what caused this latest case. abc's david kerley tonight. >> reporter: for the second day in a row -- >> we have the airport in sight, united 1614. >> reporter: -- a jetliner with only one of the pilots at the controls. the united co-pilot had a seizure in flight, announced by the captain, according to a passenger. the co-pilot, as you can see, regained consciosness and walked down the stairs himself during the emergency stop in alburqurque. yesterday, a different story. american airlines captain mike johnston, just 57, died while in the air. he'd had a double bypass nearly a decade ago and his family in utah has been told it was likely a heart attack taking the pilot who loved to fly. >> watching those big jets and looked up, said, i'm going to fly me one of them some day and his mom said he always just had a passion for that. >> reporter: these incidents, especially involving the death of a pilot, are rare. only eight others like this in the past 20 years. those statistics only reinforce how unusual it is to have an incapacitated pilot two days in a row. david? >> david kerley covering aviation for us. david, thank you. now, to the race for 2016 and the new headline involving dr. ben carson. and what he said about guns. he was asked about the school massacre in oregon and what he could do if a gunman pointed a gun at him and asked him his religion. abc's cecilia vega with how he answered that question. >> reporter: today, this is what ben carson says he would have done. >> if a gunman walks up and puts a gun at you, says, what religion are you, that is the ultimate test of your faith. >> i'm glad you asked that question. because not only would i probably not cooperate with him, i would not just stand there and let him shoot me. i would say, hey guys, everybody attack him. he may shoot me but he can't get us all. >> reporter: carson didn't end there. the gop candidate also bashing president obama's plan to visit with victims, saying, if he were elected, he would not go. >> i would probably have so many things on my agenda that i'd go to the next one. >> reporter: this all comes after the retired neurosurgeon wrote on facebook, "i never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away." and today, suggesting that even some kindergarten teachers should be armed. and defending himself on "the view." >> why do you think that's a good idea? >> not all kindergarten teachers, i said people who are trained, and understand all the implications. and, you obviously are not just going to have a weapon sitting on a kindergarten teacher's desk. >> reporter: the republican candidates speaking out against gun control. but in iowa today, hillary clinton making the case for tougher laws. >> we have to act against those people who should not have guns in the first place. >> reporter: and ben carson accusing hillary clinton and president obama of playing politics with these mass shootings, but david, tonight, it is ben carson who is making headlines on that very topic. david? >> cecilia vega in iowa on the campaign trail. cecilia, thank you. meantime tonight, a chilling new portrait emerging of the oregon shooter, in his own words what he reportedly said about not having a girlfriend and about being lonely. abc's neal karlinsky on what he wrote. >> reporter: tonight, inside the manifesto of alleged community college shooter chris harper mercer. law enforcement sources reportedly say in writings he left behind, he says other people think i'm crazy, but i'm not. i'm the sane one. witnesses tell abc news he seemed to think by killing his victims, he was freeing them. >> he thinks the earth is evil and he didn't want us to suffer on earth, like maybe he was suffering? >> reporter: his mother reportedly told investigators he was struggling with mental health issues. he also reportedly complains in his writings about not having a girlfriend. the complaints are reminiscence of a shooting in santa barbara, california. the alleged killer there left videos in his wake. >> my life is so lonely and mundane. >> reporter: experts say mass killers are often people who feel isolated and frustrated with their lives. >> they gravitate towards some grievance and come to the conclusion that the only way to respond to their grievance is by killing as many people as possible. >> reporter: the challenge for law enforcement, identifying the risk before it's too late. neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> neal, thank you. from washington tonight, an admission. the top commander of u.s. and allied forces calling that bombing, that u.s. air strike a mistake. 22 people killed including doctors, nurses and patients. in addition, he told a senate panel he's recommending the white house keep more than the 1,000 american troops slated to remain in afghanistan beyond 2016. we turn now to a question being asked by american authorities after so many videos and images of isis. u.s. counterterrorism officials asking, why are isis fighters driving so many similar trucks and where are they getting them from? look at these images. isis fighters riding in toyota pickups and toyota land cruisers. authorities now asking the automaker, can they help officials figure out why isis has so many toyotas? abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross looking for answers tonight. >> reporter: the toyota hilux pickup is one tough truck. as the bbc auto show "top gear" demonstrated. >> here it is! >> reporter: seemingly indestructible. which has made the toyota hilux a vehicle of choice in war zones around the world. including by isis. their propaganda videos show convoys made up mostly of toyota hilux pickups and land cruisers. and now abc news has learned that a u.s. treasury counterterrorism unit is asking toyota to help them determine how so many of its trucks, both newer and older models, have ended up in the hands of isis. >> there are too many for it to be just stolen. >> reporter: former american diplomat mark wallace, who now runs the counter extremism project, says he suspects isis supporters are buying many of the trucks from toyota dealerships and turning them over to the terror group. >> we believe that sales are being diverted from these dealerships in order to support isis. i think it's a concern to the united states government and our allies. >> reporter: the iraqi ambassador to the united states says isis has hundreds of brand new toyotas in its fleet. >> how could they get these four wheel drives, they could with hundreds of them. where are they coming from? >> reporter: toyota says it does not know how isis is getting its vehicles, and that it is impossible to control indirect, or black market, sales. but no one from toyota would agree to appear in our report and when we went to last month's big toyota dealer meeting in las vegas, hotel security officials flashed lights into our camera lens and ordered us to stop taping or else. >> if you could just walk right out this way. >> and brian with us now. we just went to make this clear. toyota says it doesn't know how isis is getting its hands on these trucks. >> reporter: that's right. in a statement, toyota says it is not aware of any of its dealerships violating company policy not to sell to terrorists groups. all of this is part of a broad u.s. effort to keep isis from using its supply of casual to equip and resupply its terrorist army. >> brian ross and your team, thank you. we turn to other news tonight, and to a new case under investigation after another death on the high school football field. this time, in washington state. a young player dying days after a hit on the field. it was just two weeks ago, we reported on the death of that star quarterback from new jersey who died hours after walking off the field. abc's clayton sandell with the warning and this new case. >> reporter: kenney bui's family and friends say the 17-year-old died doing what he loved, playing football. >> he was just like always smiling and happy. he was a good person. >> reporter: bui, a senior, passed away monday. he was hurt during a tackle friday night in washington state. he's the fourth high school football player to die in just the last month. roughly 1.1 million kids play high school football. last year, injuries on the field killed five players. 36 in all since 2005. >> it is a shocking number. there is no doubt about this. it really has you scratching your head. and saying, what are we doing wrong? >> reporter: there is no easy answer. but sideline care may sometimes be lacking. >> high school players may not have the same medical care as the college players. >> reporter: but overall, the game is getting safer. better equipment, safer tackles and more focus on treating concussions. but is that enough? >> doctors have to be more vigilant, equipment companies continue to look to see if they can make safer helmets, the padding issues, the way kids tackle, everything should be examined. >> reporter: david, tonight, officials tell us that bui died of a head injury. david? >> clayton sandell tonight. clayton, thank you. much more ahead. and next here, your money tonight. outrage over record high atm fees. and tonight here, what you may not know. we didn't know. the one way to get the bank to pay you back for those fees. also, the pictures coming in tonight. the hot air balloon coming down on those power lines. and we met america's newest fewerball winner today, and her answer when asked if she quit her job. and what about her long-time partner? they never got married. what she said about him and he was sitting right there. you tuck here... you tuck there. if you're a toe tucker... because of toenail fungus, ask your doctor now about prescription kerydin. used daily, kerydin drops may kill the fungus at the site of infection and get to the root of your toe tucking. kerydin may cause irritation at the treated site. most common side effects include skin peeling... ...ingrown toenail, redness, iting, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin. the health care law gives us powerful tools to fight it. we're cracking down on medare fraud. to investigate it prosecute it and stop criminals our senior 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look, right on the screen, in the not so fine print, it clearly states the 3 fee is in addition to the fee that banks charge for the convenience, which, in this case, is another $1.50, bringing the total to $4.50. a cost of more than 22% for my $20. these fees for withdrawing from another bank are at an all-time high. on average, it will cost you $4.52. that's a 21% increase in just the last five years. that adds up to almost $500 a year if you get cash twice a week. >> in a low interest environment, banks to make as much revenue from lending so they have to find new ways to generate revenue. >> reporter: but there is something you can do. >> online only banks don't incur the same costs that traditional brick and mortar banks do. they are able to pass along those savings in the form of atm reimburnsmentes or no atm fees all together. >> reporter: and there is one thing. we should have an app that thas your bank's atm locations. >> linsey, thank you. when we come back tonight, mcdonald's serving all-day breakfast, but the headline, where one type of sandwich apparently won't be sold. we learned the hard way today in the news room. and the femme found by actor tom hanks. he's just trying to return it to its rightful owner tonight. what he tweeted out. about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal 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doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. to the index of other news tonight. two balloon accidents in new mexico. the first, landing on power lines here. knocking out electricity for a time. and then, a short time later, a second balloon hitting that truck there. no one was injured. well, apparently tom hanks to the rescue tonight. tweeting out a picture of this lost college i.d. he found it in new york city's central park, telling the student, lauren, if you need it, get in touch, signed hanx. and then, this tweet. tom, thanks for finding my roommate's i.d., you truly are a gentlem gentleman. and mcdonald's finally serving up all-day breakfast. the menu apparently varies by region. the egg mcmuff fin not available in the south, where they have biscuit mcmuffins instead. when we come back here tonight, the newest powerball winner, what she said when asked if she quit her job, and, more importantly, what she was asked about the guy in the audience about the guy in the audience 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have to sign a prenup now. >> reporter: and one very happy. >> julie, way to go. hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. from sony pictures studios, it's america's game. wheel.l... of... fortune! ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show, pat sajak k and vanna white. let's get ouhere. we have a country to enterertain. thank you, jim.

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