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Good evening, and we begin with that state of emergency, more than four feet of snow in 24 hours. Tonight 225 million americans dealing with frigid cold, drivers trapped on highways, part of a key interstate in upstate new york closed. Travel bans in effect as we head into the night. Look at this time lapse in buffalo, new york of the snow rolling in over that city, lake effect is not new there, but this is severe and early. Many saying the worst in memory. This image from the new york state through way covered in several feet of snow. You can see the tire tracks there. From the north in michigan, treacherous driving all the way to the south, record cold in georgia. The National Weather Service Reporting more than 1,000 records shattered with this system. Ginger zee is standing by with the forecast but we begin with gio benitez where drivers spent the day trapped. Reporter david. Good evening. This storm is dumping three to five inches of snow per hour that could take days to clean up. Tonight an incredible wintery mix. Whiteout conditions and drifts up to seven feet. Snow blower doesnt do anything. Reporter its just past noon and this storm is pounding buffalo. The conditions are to treacherous that cops are here telling people to get off these roads. Many cars completely buried. 130 miles of the through way shut down, hundreds stranded for hours. Ive been stuck here since about 5 00 a. M. As you can see, its white everywhere. Cars are stuck. We arent going anywhere probably for a while. We are having some difficulty in obtaining enough tow trucks to help clean the roads of cars that are abandoned. Reporter further west in kalamazoo, michigan, these semitrucks crashed. Both drivers survived. All night and day viewers sending images, this woman completely disappearing into a snow drift. In addition to the snow tonight, the bone shattering cold for more than 225 million americans, from kansas city where they hit a new record low today all the way to atlanta where wind chills were in the teens. Back in the great lakes where residents are used to lots of snow, theyre hunkering down. Just roll with it. Reporter the concern is now what happens when all of this snow melts. With more storms on the way, david, officials are concerned that this could lead to potentially serious flooding here. That will be a real problem for them in the days to come. Thanks leading us off. Lets get right to ginger zee. It is not over. Were talking three more days in lake effect snow zones. I want to take you straight to the map. You can see how it comes directly off the lake, unforgiving just south of buffalo. And that line is going to keep going. So we have a forecast, again, through the end of the week that adds another two to even three feet in some places. Yes, just south of buffalo, also watertown and look at west michigan, all of these places, even Northern Michigan seeing rough times ahead. A lot is fueled by this arctic air. We are not alone in the north. Look at tomorrow morning, orlando and a wind chill advisory. Record cold in the south. Ginger zee, thanks to you. To the other breaking headline weve been following all day here at abc. That terror atrack in jerusalem, three americans among the dead, targeted as they worshipped. This cell phone video capturing the moment of crises, Israeli Police surrounding the building. In the after math, this image of a holy book soaked in blood. Tonight abc news chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran taking is inside the ingoing where the rampage took place. Reporter the unimaginable scene unfolding in seven minutes. A shootout at a jerusalem synagogue. We came to pray this morning. We were coming into the synagogue and we heard gunshots from downstairs and you know one shot, two shots then a flurry of shots and we all ran out. Reporter inside a grisly horror. Blood everywhere. On the floor. On the sacred books. When we arrived later, we were taken inside to the scene. Eyewitnesses tell us that the two attackers burst into this room where about 30 people were praying this morning. The first assailant had a gun and started shooting people, the second was armed with a butchers knife or cleaver and he hacked away at the wounded. They showed us the bullet holes, one piercing the wall where the sacred torah is kept. Another tearing through the spine of a bible, its pages ripped apart. Both attackers palestinian cousins from East Jerusalem shot dead by police who quickly moved to secure nearby buildings. The wounded, rushed to the hospital. Five were killed here today, thousands turning out for their funerals this afternoon, among the dead three american born israelis. Moshe twersky son and grandson of renowned boston rabbis Aryeh Kupinsky 42 father of five Kalman Levine 55 his son released a statement, father you were saying your prayers when your soul left your body. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed a harsh response to this attack, already ordering the demolition of the homes of the attackers. Here in the room where the slaughter occurred this morning they have their own response they are praying again. Back here at home now and to the stunning images out of chicago. A small plane crashing into a house in the dead of night. Inside a husband and wife sleeping. That plane missing them by just 8 inches. Tonight the frantic call from the pilot, his last message. Abc news alex perez on the zone. About 2 45 this morning, shortly after take off from chicagos midway airport, the pilot radios for help. Id like to come back and land. Im having trouble with the left engine. Reporter the pilot, the only person on board, was just a quarter of a mile from the airport, but never made it back. Are you still with me . He went down, he didnt make it to the airfield. Okay, did not make it to the field. It looks like he just went down. Reporter there are planes flying over this neighborhood all day, hundreds of homes in every direction. The twin engine prop plane crashed through the front of the home, through the living and dining rooms and into the basement, killing the pilot. Sleeping in their bedroom, an elderly couple. Miraculously, both walking away without a scratch. The wreckage was about 8 inches away from them. The neighbor ran in. I saw the airplane inside the kitchen. Reporter she helped to get the elderly couple to safety. Tonight, the couples son, relieved and grateful. Can you describe how your parents are . Theyre in a safe place. Reporter tonight, authorities still working on clearing the scene here. The ntsb is investigating, but a final report not expected for at least six months. David . Now to ferguson, missouri, when the grand jury is deciding whether to charge the white Police Officer who shot and killed michael brown. Tonight the governor under scrutiny after his answer when asked whos responsible for what could come next. Abc news Steve Osunsami is there. Reporter hes the governor who just declared a state of emergency in missouri, calling up the national guard, seen here in august, to come back to ferguson. But listen to what he said when asked if he is ultimately responsible for keeping the peace. Does the buck ultimately stop with you when it comes to how any protests are policed . Well i mean were, um you know it reporter it was a News Conference over the phone the governor himself called. Its well i just dont want to give operational details. I guess, is there any other official or agency ultimately in charge here in terms of response . Well i mean, it uh clearly reporter these are clearly sensitive times in missouri. The grand jury debating possible charges in the Police Shooting death of michel brown, could finish any day now. And authorities worry the racially charged case could bring even more of this, demonstrators fighting with police in the streets, and thieves using the case as an excuse to rob and loot. At an event in ferguson today, where he swore in a commission to look into these issues here, he took a little more ownership. Whats your hesitation there . Immediately after signing an executive order calling up the assets of the state, quite frankly, i thought it was relatively obvious. Reporter tonight, the warning is out to police wholl be assigned to work the streets when the decision comes down. The government say police will be targets for extremists. Officers working the beat we talked with say its important to remember they have families too. Steve osunsami, thank you. Now to breaking news from washington, a high stakes vote late today in the senate involving the controversial keystone pipeline. Many argued it could have created thousands of american jobs. It did not pass the senate. You can see it there, the pipeline would send oil from canada to nebraska where it would hook up with existing pipe lines, sending the oil to refineries on the gulf coast. The house passed the bill late last week, tonight the Senate Voting it down. I want to bring in jonathan karl. This is not over yet. Could it be revived and how many jobs are we talking about here . Reporter it can certainly be revived and it will be revived. The jobs estimates range from 4,000 to 40,000 jobs. Pro opponents say it not only creates jobs but it could lead to energy independence. Opponents say this would be a terrible thing to do, it would contribute to global warming. David, this came just one vote short tonight. Congress, the senate in january. They will bring this up first order of business and it will pass. One vote sho rt in the senate. Stay with us here. Were going to turn to an another controversial. An economist talking about the quote stupidity of the American Voters. He said the passing of the president s Healthcare Plan relied on that socalled stupidity. Lack of transparency is a basic advantage. Call it the stupidity of the American Voter or whatever but that was critical to get it passed. Today jon pressed the white house, would gruber be hired by the white house again. Listen. Hes made more than 2 million in the federal government, 400,000 specifically regarding the healthcare law. No more government contracts for Jonathan Gruber . I assume that those kinds of decisions are based on merit, but certainly the comments that he has now famously expressed are not views that are shared by anybody at the white house. Jon, was that a yes or no . Would they hire him again . Reporter they wont rule out hiring him somewhere down the line. You wont see Jonathan Gruber around the white house again. They dont want any part of him after those comments. Jon karl, thank you. Now to a consumer alert tonight to what authorities are calling an epidemic of abuse of Debt Collection practices. A multimillion dollar collection scam hitting all 50 states, the feds rounding up suspects accused of bullying more than 6,000 victims into paying debts they did not owe. Tonight the threatening phone calls, ordering people to pay up or else. Abc news Rebecca Jarvis on the case. Were going around getting loans and not paying them back. Youre on your way to jail. Reporter youre listening to a threatening phone call but according to federal regulators, that debt collector on the line is actually a thief. Im going to send you out a letter. If i do not hear from you within two hours, the attorney will at that time forward the Los Angeles County for your arrest. Reporter the u. S. Government announcing criminal charges against georgia based William Scott and associates, seven employees arrested accused of scamming 6,000 victims, no one off limits. You think an 8 months pregnant woman wants to go to jail . I couldnt care if youre nine months pregnant. I have a job to do here. Reporter scaring victims into forking over 4 billion in five years. There are a lot of companies that victim mize not just 6,000 people but tens of thousands of people around the country. What are the red flags tonight . They could know a lot of information about you when they call but harassing phone calls, telling you you would be arrested and even telling you your friends and family know about these debts, theyre illegal. Hang up the phone. Thank you. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this tuesday. The breaking news at this hour, authorities now calling for that air bag recall to grow by millions. And our investigation tonight, we asked about the air bags in some of these cars being sold on the lot. And whats on your dinner plate tonight . Are you serving something that could affect your memory later on. Take a look at this smiling firefighter tonight, what a gift, a promise kept for her father, and this story will move you. It is america strong. Set, hike cheering yeah touchdown nice catch whos ready for half time . Yes ok im going to draw something up new. Wide receiver goes deep all the way to the corner and. Who ate the quarterback . Share what you love with who you love. Kelloggs frosted flakes. Theyre grrreat so far, youre horrible at this, flo. Yeah, no talent for drawing, flo. House car oh, raise the roof no one . Remember when we used to raise the roof, diane . Oh, quiet, richard, im trying to make sense of flos terrible drawing. Ill draw the pants off that thing. Oh, oh, hats on hamburgers dancing drivein Movie Theater home and auto. Lamp squares. Stupid, dumb. Lines. 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Its supposed to help me in a crash. Reporter she says this piece of twisted metal shot out of the airbag and into her face. And i had a massive strike on my right side. Reporter her car is one of about eight million subject to an airbag recall and some of those are now for sale in used car lots. So we wanted to see what used car dealers tell customers about this potential danger. In three states, out of nine dealers, only one checked on the spot. The customer just wanted to know if it had any recalls. Reporter but this salesman . He says this suv has no recall for the airbags. But you can tell me that theres no recall on this . Theres no recall on this one. Not for the airbags . Not for the airbags. Reporter wrong. So we made a return visit. Roberto, hi, gio benitez with abc news. So listen, you told gerry that this didnt have a recall, but it does. It does . Reporter yeah. Roberto says its not his fault, its the manufacturers. Do you feel any responsibility for the kinds of cars that youre selling, though, because of course. Yes. We need somebody to let us know and that person is the company, the manufacturer. Reporter the problem it is recall letters go to the registered owner. And the dealer hadnt registered this suv. The owner told us we are not required by law to check for recalls. And you know what, hes right. There is no federal law stopping used car dealers from selling cars with open recalls, or requiring them to check. But for now, its up to the consumer to check. Gio benitez, abc news new york. Thank you. When we come back here tonight, the medical alert. Is there something in your dinner tonight that could affect your memory long term. Any parent out there will relate to this, shouting from the sidelines and suddenly this rowing team steering off course. Its about to get even worse. The 325 million man, a quiz for you. How much will he earn every time he steps up to the plate. 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Meet baseballs 325 million man, giancarlo stanton. That mega deal with the miami marlins, 13 years, 325 million. Thats 42,000 every time he steps up to the plate, 155,000 per game, 68,000 per day, not bad. When we come back here tonight, a daughters promise to her father. This story is incredible and it proves she is america strong. At panera bread, our hearty allnatural turkey chili is back in season. Slowcooked with turkey raised thout antibiotics, tart tomatillos, chilies, carrots, edamame and more. The savory spice of the chili pairs perfectly with the black bean hummus and the fresh crunch of napa cabbage blend in our southwestern chicken flatbread. And it all comes together in a you pick two made just for you. Only at panera bread. Imany Cold Medicines may raisee your blood pressure. Thats why theres Coricidin Hbp it relieves cold symptoms without raising blood pressure. So look for powerful Cold Medicine with a heart. Coricidin hbp. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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Now smiling just like her dad once did. All of the training to get here and this evening telling us her fathers voice pushing her every step of the way. Training was really tough. Thought about him when i was tired and i wanted to stop and i thought about what he would say, just keep it going, keep pushing, keep pushing. Reporter and she did. Today on that stage in her uniform and her white gloves they called her name. Firefighter josephine smith. Reporter the promise to her father kept, still wearing a bracelet with his name, those same letters now edged into the edge of one of the reflecting pools at the memorial. I told him id be working with him one day. Reporter shes one of four women in a class of 280. She told us its been tough without her dad, still unable to enter the 9 11 museum. She got to the edge of the shares. What she is ready for is the fight when that call comes in in honor of her father, tonight making good on that promise. Tonight we salute josephine and her father. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow night

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