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Make their debut as husband and wife. The secret details coming in tonight. Good evening and thank you for joining us this sunday evening. Im cecilia vega. We begin with the damages storms slamming yet again an area already drenched, the southwest. In phoenix, winds up to 75 miles an hour shaking even the airport. And take a look at this, gnt pieces of roof littering the tarmac. Cars standing no chance with the torrential rain. And some spots with a an inch and a half in 30 minutes. And this at the public library, a visitor climbing under a tree to get to the door. And rob marciano leads us off with the storm on the move tonight. Reporter so much for the desert southwest. Another round of severe rains and storms this weekend. Yesterday, so much rain fell, even the interstates were flooding. This month alone, phoenix was receiving ten inches of rain. That is ten times the average amount. And yesterdays wind, hurricane strength, gusting up to 75 miles an hour. Look at it. Reporter that is the roof off terminal two at phoenixs airport. And the storm shut down the airport for an hour. And 40 flights to be diverted. And winds caused debris to hit electric lines. And you can see transformers exploding in the distance. And now in florida, much of the Sunshine State also dealing with flooding rain in the last few weeks, water inundating a neighborhood. And parts of a half of foot of rain, causing a whole other set of problems. The rains collapsed the roof of this business. It dumpbed a lot of rains and maybe the roop drains failed. And a sewer line erupted. 40,000 gallons erupted in a creek. There is more to come . Yeah, more rain across florida. The bulk of the rain tomorrow will be across the florida sf d handle where they havent seen it today. And we will see over two inches of rainfall. And also, the system that came out of phoenix and did the damage yesterday, that is pulling into the rockies. We will see heavy rain in spots there. And rapid city, over two inches of rainfall. It feels like sumner new york. That is not going to last. No, its been a summer curtain call. We will see cooling. Temperatures tomorrow, once again, will be in the upper 80s to 80 degrees in the big cities. And traverse city, 66, and the cooler air will be sliding south. We turn now to the deadly volcano eruption in japan. You can see it over my shoulder. The sudden blast trapping hikers on a mountain. Some bodies knee deep in ash. Here is more with the rescue tonight. Reporter it came without warning, japans epic mt. Ontake suddenly turning deadly. This is the moment, captured by a hiker who often posts his travels, a simple trek became a frantic fight for survival. Watch this video from inside the summit. The hikers plunged into darkness. Ontake erupted during prime hiking season, listen as the crystal sky is shattered by volcanic debris. Some 250 climbers many believed to be near the 10,000 foot peak caught, some of them trapped over night. Emergency helicopter teams rushing to pluck survivors from the ashen slope. And feel fears of another eruption. The hails fell like hailstone this man said, we couldnt breathe. Dozens are dead. Others are buried in ash. Mt. Ontake is just one of we volcanoes in japan. Abc news recently traveled to indonesia, in the ring of fire, those 450 volcanoes circling the pacific, responsible for 90 of the worlds volcanic eruptions. When your this close you not only hear that boom but you feel it. Thunder, fireworks, all at once. Its absolutely amazing. But eruptions such as mt. Ontake can be difficult to predict, scientists recently seeing an uptick in seismic activity, but nothing predicting this. Despite the nightmare, there were the lucky in japan. Survivors off the mountain, back in their loved ones arms. Gloria riviera, abc news, washington. And gloria will have an indepth report on dangerous volcanos late they are week on nightline. And hong kong, tens of thousands of people taking on the financial district. Police lobbing tear gas in the protester, arresting more than 60 people opposed to the chinese government. They fear it could affect the Global Markets tomorrow. And back here at home, and what could be a miserable travel week ahead. And a fire started by a disgruntled worker destroyed an air Traffic Control network and the effects, affected the count. And you can see the trouble there. Here is david kerley on the race to repair the damage. Reporter passengers still passing time in line with air Traffic Control around chicago still down. Its been very crazy. Reporter at least the passengers knew there were problems. Its frustrating to get through the line now. Reporter can control centers around chicago picking up the slack, about 70 of sflit flooits are getting in and out. And still, 500 chicago Flights Canceled sunday. The problem . The damage was so extensive to the Regional Center outside of chicago when a 36yearold contractor inside the building, sabotaged equipment, started a fire and tried to commit suicide. One said, there is so much blood its like a biohazard. So the faa is going to build a duplicate system. Building a new center will take day, meaning the delays and cancellations will last two weeks. Its affecting the whole world. Flights from asia and europe, they have to absorb of the delay. Reporter one faa official described the impact similar to a bad weather day. The problem is, we have at least 14 bad days ahead. Cecilia . Travelers bracing for what is to come. David kerley, thank you very much. And a new concern about the sfreding virus across the country. Three weeks ago, 11 States Affected by enterovirus. And tonight, 46 states with confirmed of suspected cases. Many of them children. Here is Clayton Sandell on a new system that has parents especially worried. Reporter Debra Johnson said that the virus nearly killed her son, 13yearold simon. He was a bluish gray color. I was scared because i was not able to stay awake. Reporter he spent nine days in the hospital. And now, doctors warn that patients with respiratory illness could face a new complication. At Childrens Hospital colorado, nine patients are experiencing symptoms of paralysis, several children having trouble moving their arms and legs have tested positive. And the cdc trying to see if that virus is to blame. We we are asking people to say what is going on around the nation. Reporter the paralysis could be permanent. Pampbts should keep an eye on sick kids. When your child is not with a cold system. You have to look for breathing difficulty and wheezing is important to deal with. Reporter nine paralysis cases here in colorado. But as more states begin reporting in in the next couple days, that number could go up. A flightens prospect. Thank you. And now a controversial move in College Football this weekend. Not because of what a player did. But what a coach did not do. His quarterback clearly hurt, a possible head injury. But his coach left him in the game. Here is the newest member of the abc news team, tom llamas, about the question, whose responsibility is it to keep the players safe. Reporter its a play that is painful to watch. He can barely stand up now. Reporter that is shane morris drilled by a minnesota defensive end. Morris, already suffering from a leg injury, seeming unsteady on his feet. The announcers say he might have a concussion. It was appalling he was left in on the day. And on social media, most basic tenet of coaching is player safety. And this one, fire brady hoke. After the game, coach hoke on defense, saying he didnt know his sophomore quarterback was wobbling. I dont know if he has a concussion of not. I dont that. Reporter during college games, its up to the coaches and staff to make the call. He took a heavy hit. Reporter the nfl, unlike the ncaa, has a certified athletic trainer to watch the game and replays to find plamps with potential head injuries. The ncaa and nfl are paying millions in settlements with concussions. If you are the head coach, brady hoke, how can you not know what your quarterback is going through . And how can you not say, get him out of here . Reporter an experts estimate there are about 4,000 concussions a year in College Football. And sis celia, no word just yet from morris and the university if he did sufficient ear concussion. That video is tough to watch. Tom, we want to woum to you world news totonight. And nice to have you here. Thank you very much. And the final goodbye to yankee captain to derek jeter. His final game taking place in boston. Normally the yankees arch rival. The red sox gave him a pregame send off, including a thank you from every member of the team. Big papi with a big hug, and every player shaking hands. And a single and a pinch runner brought in. And jeter walked off the field for the last time, tipping his hat to the crowd. A good sport and a good gentleman, indude. Still ahead, a terrifying moment at a car show. A monster truck in a crowd of spectators. What went wrong. And the hollywood wedding of the year. In italy, the oscar winning actor and the glam mouse attorney. And those lucky muenough to be the guest list had to follow. Im mary and i have copd. Im jeff and i have copd. Im lisa and i have copd, but i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way of hosting my book club. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. 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There is chilling video skoming in tonight from a dutch car show. A monster car crashed in a crowd of spectators. And sending people screaming. Here is the story. Reporter home video showing the moment a monster truck spectacle spins tragically out of control. Watch as the truck with tractortrailer sized wheels plows over a row of cars, knocking down a guardrail and slamming into a group of horrified spectators. The accident happened in a small town fair in the netherlands. Officials say at least two were kid, including a child and more than a dozen injured. Its not the first time we have seen monster trucks spin out of control. The massive truck used in the shows can weigh more than 9,000 pounds with tires more than five feet high. Last year, a truck lost control in a show in mexico, killing eight and injuring 79. In 2009, a 6yearold boy in Washington State was killed by a flying piece of metal from a truck. But officials from the Monster Truck Racing Association say they are committed to the public safety. We have distances for spectators, direction of travel with the intent of keeping the spectators as far away as possible. Reporter as for todays accident, the organizers say the truck driver is questioned by police. Think think the gas pedal got stuck or maybe the brakes failed. So hard to watch. Thank you. Still ahead tonight, remember this . Sir ur are no gent theman. And you are no lady. Why scarlet and red are back on the big screen tonight. The instant index is next. When , its like bricks piling up. I wish i could find some relief. announcer ask your doctor about linzess a oncedaily capsule for adults with ibs with constipation or chronic idiopathic constipation. Linzess is thought to help calm painsensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. It helps you proactively manage your symptoms. Do not give linzess to children under 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. 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Frankly, my dear, i dont give a damn. The civil war classic adjust the for inflation, its the biggest of all time, earning 1. 6 billion. Great movie. And that wedding, you know the one. From oceans 11 to the canals of venice, the rules the guests had to follow to get through the doors. Rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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A party that went all night long. What else from hollywood royalty. Lamba hasan, tonight on the canals of venice. Reporter the morning after the wedding of the year and the newlyweds making their debut as husband and wife. George clooney and his wife, amal alamuddin, emerging from the seven star aman hotel today. Beaming to the cameras and showing off their new rings. Feast your eyes on that bling. Then making their way to brunch with their guests, with a matt damon and wife luciana barroso, emily blunt and hubby john krasinski, anna wintour, bill murray, cindy crawford, and bono to name a few. The guests reportedly dancing to daft punk. Feasting on lobster, lemon risotto and fried polenta with mushrooms. Then dancing the night away to a to the night. We mortals may never know exactly what happened behind those closed doors, no images of the weating so far leaking out. The guests, reportedly asked to leave their cell phones outside. The partying reportedly continuing into the wee hours of the morning, and with another, civil ceremony reportedly planned for tomorrow. A fitting fete for one of the worlds most eligible bachelors, now a married man. We want to see the dress. Enjoy the rest of your sunday. Have a good night. Live, from the abc seven broadcast center, this is abc seven news at 6 30, on your side. Meetingg on a whole new at a theme park after violence left one person injured. Parts of the country cleaning up after nasty weather. The nohitter is complete. Jordan zimmermann. What a way to and the regular season the National Mosque Gordon Zimmerman pitches a nohitter against the marlins. We will have war highlights coming up and sports. Coming up, it was a chaotic late last night at six flags upper marlboro. One person was hurt in a fight in the parking lot

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