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Story. No bathrooms, no ac, just not a pretty scene. Also this morning, the search for a former l. A. Cop accused in three murders. The manhunt intensifying, keeping Southern California on edge. Theyre so worried about this guy there was extra security at the grammys. And hes highly trains, which makes it worse. And fighting back, the former Green Bay Packers cheerleader who says she was cyber bullied. Valentines day is coming up this thursday. So were pushing to dr. Ruth westheimer for some expert advice to make sure your evening with your sweetie has an extra happy ending. I didnt know dr. Ruth was still with us. 84. According to her wikipedia page. 84, still giving sex advice. Thats a big deal. Do you think people feel weird taking sex advice from somebody that could be their dpranld mother . But shes dr. Ruth. So it doesnt matter. First we want to get to this, that cruise ship that left for a tour of the gulf will not return to port today as planned. The triumph is stranded in the gulf of mexico adrift and awaiting a tow back to land. Heres abcs matt gutman. Reporter there are over 4200 people aboard, adrift about 150 miles off the yucatan peninsula. The fire e ript ee eed erupt one of the engine rooms. An audible called me to tell me that there was a fire in the engine room and that it was contained and everything was all okay. They have no running water. They have no way to use the bathroom. Reporter while emergency generators are providing some electricity, the ship has no propulsion. Carnival cruise lines has said no one is hurt and theres plenty of food, but urged guests to congregate on the decks. A tug boat has been dispatched to tow the 900 foot boat back to land. Matt gutman, abc news, miami. The ntsb and faa are investigating a fatal Helicopter Crash in Southern California. Three people died when the chopper went down in northern Los Angeles County yesterday. Its believed the aircraft was involved in a film shoot. A Production Company was issued a permit for a reality tv show. Theres now a 1 million reward for information about suspected killer Christopher Dorner. A possible sighting forced the evacuation of a lows store. Police say the reward is high because the stakes are high. Every day that dorner is loose, the likelihood of an attack on a Uniformed Police officer or a family of a Police Officer is likely. The 34yearold Police Officer killed in thursdays shooting will be buried wednesday. They dont know where this guy is, and hes so well trained. Flight training, weapons training, sharp shooter. He could wreak a lot of havoc if he uses his talents for evil. This was spawned on by bitterness because he was fired a few years ago. And abc was able to obtain Court Documents to indicate somebody saying that he is Christopher Dorner has reached out to the father of his first victim, saying you should have done a better job protecting your daughter. Now weve gone beyond him doing this whole warfare on lapd. Now its become amential game for him. Imagine being that girls dad getting that phone call. Moving on to other news on this monday morning, the wife of late penn state football coach joe paterno is fighting back against allegations that her husband helped cover up Jerry Sanduskys sexual abuse of children. Sue paterno makes her case on tv today in an interview with abcs katie couric. She talks about her first reaction when she heard the allegations against sandusky. Horror, disbelief. Its still hard to accept. But when i read the first charge, i actually got physically ill. And couldnt read anymore for a couple of days. Sue paternos appearance on katie follows the release of a report that denies that joe paterno covered up Jerry Sanduskys abuse toe protect penn states football program. That report, 238 pages. And they hired a former u. S. Attorney general and pennsylvania governor to do the report. Basically it says its a fullon attack of the freeh report, calling it a rush to justice. Theyre basically dismissing the whole thing. Complete injustice. And joes wife, who you saw there and can see today, wrote in a letter friday to former penn state players that her late husband was a moral disciplined man who never twisted the truth to avoid bad publicity. You have to wonder from a pr perspective, since people are so sickened, whether her coming out will change any opinions or not. Moving on now, near san diego a 12yearold middle School Student has been taken into custody, accused of threatening to shoot a teacher and 23 classmates. The 7th grader was admitted to the hospital for evaluation. The boy allegedly made threat in apemail to the school. The attack was supposed to take place today. A troubling new report says the u. S. Is the target of widespread computer crime that could cost the economy tens of billions of dollars. The report says china is by far the main culprit. Americas energy, finance industries are targeted mostly by hackers. And now a break of wild weather has slammed the south, triggering as many as 15 tornadoes. A single twist is being claimed for damaging hundreds of homes here hattiesburg, mississippi and snapping trees as well. Big storm bat ored the plains and upper midwest with up to a foot of snow. Hundreds of cars trashed or slid off the roads yesterday. The winds created near whiteout conditions in duluth. As you well know, the northeast is bigging out from a nord snowstorm over the weekend. President obama has declared a state of emergency in connecticut where the town of hamden got 40 inches of snow. After more than 6,000 flight cancellations, airports are getting back to normal. But Mother Nature was not kind. I cant imagine it. Areas hit by that blizzard can now expect freezing rain this morning. Good morning, abdrew. Good morning. Unsettled sunday. This same cold front giving us another round of showers and thunderstorms now today not looking for as big a Severe Weather threat. But damaging wind gusts not out of the question, as are the flooding downpours, because these are the same hit areas of all the thunderstorms on sunday. Where this is coming from, a disturbance across the northeast, giving us quite a mess especially in the morning. A couple of inches of snow across portions of maine. Rob and diana, back to you. When does spring start enough . Not soon enough. Lets say you never know what you are going to get when you see a Minor League Hockey game. Last friday, a live condor stole the show. The birds handler injured himself falling and the condor was free to rome the ice. The bird weighs 29 pounds and has a 10foot wingspan. By the way, he cracked four days, the handler cracked four ribs and he said during rehearsals, everything went perfe perfectly. You work with animals and kids, you never know whats going to happen. At least he didnt go and peck somebody to death. Coming up next, some expert advice to make sure your valenti valentines day a happy. And a former cheerleader fights cyber bullies and wins. Youre watching world news now. [ female announcer ] almost nothing can dampen a babys mood, when he wakes up dry in pampers. Unlike other diapers, pampers has 3 absorbent layers, for up to 12 hours of protection overnight, and more beautiful mornings. Pampers. Peaceful nights. Playful days. Have something new to say. Ahh mmm ahh mmm ahh mmm because finally, theres cepacol sensations. The serious medicine for sore throats, with a seriously great taste. Plus, the medicine lasts long after the lozenge is gone. Ahh but dont take our word for it. Ahh word of mouth is always better. Ahh mmm mmm try cepacol sensations. Serious medicine. Seriously great taste. Have given way to sleeping. Tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. I think a lot of our viewers are going to like this story. Cheerleader is fighting back after being cyber bullied. Abcs john muller has the story. Reporter no cheers, no pompoms, just words over a powerful melody. The former Green Bay Packers cheerleader Caitlin Collins delivering a message against cyber bullying. She addresses her critics, holding written signs in a Youtube Video now gone viral. No matter how confident a person you can seem and appear, words hurt. Reporter shes talking about the hurt she felt after her photo was uploaded to a Chicago Bears facebook page. The caption, like if you agree the packers have the worst cheer leaders in the nfl. The photo attracted nearly 3,000 likes and hundreds of comments, many down right cruel. Doesnt get any uglier. Truly an eye sore. And another calling her fugly. She knew she had to respond to her critics. What can i do and what can we all do to make sure that this doesnt happen again . Reporter in her video, she asked video to take down the post. Administrators on the Chicago Bears than page apologized to collins. She now hopes her message of kindness and antibullying lives on. Kind of a Second Thought before they type those nasty words or say those to somebody. You never know how it might how a person might take it. Reporter john muller, abc news, new york. Good for her. She took a stand. And there were some positive comments, as well. True and they apologized for their own fans. She took a stand and thats good. We see how dark bullying can get. Coming up next, making sure valentines day is your lucky day. Were turning to dr. Ruth for her expect advice. Youre watching world news now. Nfc, afc, offensive lineman, defensive tackles, quarterbacks and cornerbacks are all living united. Defento ensure the academic success of millions of kids in our communinities. All the way graduation day. But that wont happen without you. So take the pledge at unitedwayay. Org. Make a difference in the life o of a child. Suit up like your favovorite nfl players, and become a volunteer reader, tutor or mentor with united way. Welcome back. Its like cinemax. We thought we would give our viewers some big advice for the big day. This is our favorite story of the day. The next best thing to love potion number 9 is some expert guidance from dr. Ruth. Reporter and now, love advice from dr. Ruth westheimer. Im dr. Ruth westheimer with some great tips to spice up your love life. Bringing flowers is good. Sending flowers ahead of time is better. A woman needs more time to become aroused. So looking at those flowers all day will help put her in the mood. Whats the best gift you can give your partner . A massage. It feels good. And best of all, it doesnt cost a cent. Sometimes its better to have sex before you go out to dinner. Expecting to have sex later can put a certain amount of pressure on you. If you have sex before, your dinner can be totally relaxing. Instead of going out, order in and decorate with candles. Make your own love nest. Plus, youll be closer to the bedroom. Some men know they are supposed to be romantic, but theyre not sure what that means. The best way to set a romantic mood is to whisper Sweet Nothings in your partners ears. If you make her feel treasured, the two of you will be entrenched in romance. If you are worried about causing an unintended pregnancy, youll enjoy valentines day more if you play it safe. Dont think of contraceptives think of them as an enhancement. Most people think of going out to dinner as what you do on valentines day. But there are alternatives. Anything that gets your circulation going will make you both feel sexier. Do you remember what you did last valentines day . If the memory is hazy, then do what it takes to make this year special. That way the mood you set will have a lasting effect all year long. Dr. Ruth still got game. That was a little tame. For dr. Ruth that was a little tame. I was expecting vibrators and lotions. Its dr. Ruth. There you go. But when youp in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Im still thinking about dr. Ruth. All right. This morning in insomniac theater, a movie that won the box office this weekend. I peed my pants i laughed so hard. We have amanda van allen. Welcome back to the show. I appreciate that one and only title. You are an original. I have to say the box office this weekend i felt like i was duped. I think i was duped. Melissa mccartney is usually hilarious, but there were a lot of points where i didnt laugh. Then thats not a comedy. What they werent doing was funny or the movie was too serious . The movie got to be too serious. This part was different from that. There was way too much story line, not must have comedy. There were points i was cracking up. But most of the time i was sitting there, when is the next joke . Bring it on. Whats the general jils here . The gist of the film is that Melissa Mccartney is stealing Jason Batemans identity and going on shopping sprees and losing her mind with his money. And finally he goes and he catches her and hes trying to bring her back to get everything straightened out. Its kind of the road trip there. Lets listen to a quick sound of the movie. Thats okay, thats okay. Pretty intense. She doesnt care. He injured his male parts. Theyre just shredded down there and now he cant work. He loves to fight fires and he wants to pee standing up. But he cant. Sounds funny. That was one of the funny parts. Theres about two more in the movie. So go see that movie if you want to laugh about three or four times. Stars . Im giving it 1 1 2 out of 5 stars. I laughed sometimes but i need a it wille bit more when Melissa Mccartney is involved. Its the top of the box office, though. Nothing else out there. This morning on world news now, destructive storms. More than a dozen tornadoes tear their way across the south, including one that roared down main street in a town in mississippi. Its part of a weather system thats dumped a foot of snow and coated the midwest in ice. Its monday, february 11. From abc news, this is world news now. Good morning, everybody. Im rob nelson. And im diana perez. Accuweather is tracking that new storm as the northeast continues to dig out from the last one. Also this morning, l. A. On edge. The allout search for an excome accused in three murders. Where police have searched for him and where theyre turning to next. You have no sense how things are going to end. No more violence is what were hoping for. Also later, joe paternos widow is breaking her silence. What she now has to say about the Jerry Sandusky abuse scandal. Shes speaking out later today to abcs katie couric. Later on, after the Fashion Police crack down, a look at all the fashions on the Grammy Awards stage and which performers made their mark in the music world. Rihanna looked great, katy perry looked great. Jlos leg looked great. It down. Theyve got to be free. I support that freedom. Let freedom ring. But first, though, we begin with that powerful storm that is dumping heavy snow and ice on the north again and spawned 15 tornadoes across the south. This weather system moved east after a record snow caused hundreds of thousands of Power Outages over the weekend. Thats coming towards us. Reporter cell phone cameras captured the frightening scene last night as a twister barreled down on one of the main streets in hattiesburg, mississippi, leveling businesses and homes, part of the university of mississippi campus was damaged. People should prepare and protect them selves. Reporter the tornadoes injured as many as 20 people in mississippi. Its the same strong storm system thats dumped another foot of snow on parts of minnesota. All the roads are slippery at this point. Reporter and turned roads into ice in wisconsin. In the northeast, more bad weather could be on the day after the weekends deadly blizzard, which dumped up to 40 inches in connecticut. Many School Districts will be closed today. When you shovel your driveway, the plows come and put the snow back on the driveway. Reporter many gas stations remain closed. And after thousands of flight cancellations, travelers are looking for some better conditions. Good morning, andrew. Good morning, rob and diana. A very unsettled sunday night in portions of the gulf coast. A dozen reports of tornadoes. One of the hardest hit areas, hattiesburg, mississippi. The same cold front giving us another round today. Now, im not looking for a big Severe Weather threat, no tornadic activity, but damaging wind gusts not out of the question and flooding down tours. Rob and diana, back to you. Thanks a lot, andrew. Heres a look at the rest of your monday weather. A wet day from the carolinas to new york. Freezing rain in new england. Blustery with snow showers from minnesota to michigan and snow this eving from the rockies to the texas panhandle. Rainy and 55 in phoenix. Thirties from omaha to chicago. Forts in the northeast. 60s from dallas to atlanta. Now to the search for that former los angeles Police Officer and suspected killer Christopher Dorner. The lapd has sent special Protection Units to guard many Police Officers and their families who are considered targets. Abcs alex stone has more. Reporter a tip on the possible sighting of former los angeles officer Christopher Dorner led police to evacuate this lowes in the city of north ridge on sunday. Still, no sign of the suspected killer and police are banning together to offer an incentive. Collectively, this group, led my my office, is posting a reward of 1 million for information that will lead to mr. Dorners capture. Reporter police say the reward is high because the stakes are so high. Every day that dorner is loose, the likelihood of an attack on either a Uniformed Police officer or a family of a Police Officer is likely. Reporter Police Suspect the 33yearold fugitive and a weeklong reign of terror that left three people dead. He said the lapd was corrupt and racist and vowed war against former colleagues and their families. The police chief is reopening the 2007 case that resulted in dorner being fired. If there is anything to what he says in his manifesto, well deal with it and deal with it publicly. Reporter police found camping gear in his burned out pickup truck. Dorner is former military. A skilled marksman and familiar with Law Enforcement tactics and techniques. The 34yearold Police Officer killed in thursdays shooting will be buried in riverside on wednesday. Two suspected gang remembers are being questioned in the shooting death of 15yearold hadeea pend letopendleton. She was killed january 29. President obama will travel to chicago friday to speak about gun violce. Its sad, too. She was in school doing well. Any murder in some sense is also tragic, but particularly so young. Apparently this was Gang Violence where these other alleged suspects were shooting at what they thought were rival gang members but were just innocent bystanders. The two suspects, 18 and 20 years old. So very young themselves. And this happened about a mile away from president Barack Obamas home in the citys south side. When it comes to Gang Violence, theres nowhere that you can be safe. You may be wondering why the president has made gun control in such a high priority. There are more than 40 murders in the city of chicago just in january alone. 42 or 43 is the official number. 42 People Killed in one city in one month . Thats staggering. So something hopefully will get done. But we dont know yet. New classified reports reveal the u. S. Is the target of a widespread computer Hacking Campaign that could cost the economy tens of billions. China is by far the main culprit. The white house plans to crack down this week by getting government and private companies to simply share more information. So this is quite widespread. This is a National Issue at this point. So we all have to be mindful of this. People Love Computers in this day and age. You can do everything from your laptop or desk, but there is a dark side that were vulnerable to. So much more vulnerable so than even a decade ago. Not everybody had a laptop ten years ago. And these are little computers, iphones and blackberries. How aggressively can we call china out when we oh them so much money. A Progress Report on the injured u. S. Skier lindsey vaughn. Last week she tore two ligaments and broke a bone. Shed a surgery to repair the ligaments yesterday. She is expected to make a full recovery and return to competitive skiing as soon as possible. As my adoptive hometown of new orleans gets ready for mardi gras, theyre getting ready for it in their own way. Fireworks were the signal to start all sorts of old mags shaking. Elaborate floats are a competition. The winner of the twoday competition is announced tomorrow on if the tuesday. Which is the end of carnival season. Fat tuesday is the last day of the season. Just that tuesday which is the last day of carnival season. Thats the only time that its carnival . Mardi gras is the last kay of the whole season. Have you been there for carnival . Ive never been to the one in brazil. Have you been . No. You would. I would in a heart beat. Coming up, hurry up and relax already. The benefits of taking a chill pill. And the memorable grammy award performances by Justin Timberlake and much, much more. Youre watching world news now. [ male announcer ] heres a fun fact this single scoop of gain gives more freshness than a whole box of this other stuff. And that much freshness is gonna take some getting used to. [ sniffing ] ahh. Mmm [ male announcer ] yep, its amazing what a single scoop of gain freshness can do. Get more freshness from gain or get your money back, guaranteed. Its important to follow cdc guidelines to help protect your family. Wash your hands often. And clean your surfaces using a disinfectant to prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses. You can trust lysol because lysol disinfectant spray is approved to kill twice as many germs than any other disinfectant spray. And with lysol notouch hand soap, you have 10 times more protection with each wash. Helping protect your family with lysol. Thats our mission for health. Have given way to sleeping. Tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. The widow of joe paterno is fighting back against the official report of the scandal that brought down her husband. Sue paterno talked with katie couric about that report and abcs john schifrin has a look. Reporter for the first time were hearing from sue paterno, the widow of joe paterno. What was your reaction when you first heard about this . Horror. Disbelief. I actually got physically ill. I couldnt r read anymore for a couple of days. Reporter after the university commissioned an investigation led by former fbi chief lieuy freeh our lives are about children and making them better, not hurting them. Reporter it was a massive fall from grace. He was fired, his statue taken down. Now the family is fighting back, calling the freeh report a rush to injustice. The report claims there is no evidence that joe paterno deliberately covered up known incidents of child molestationly Jerry Sandusky to protect penn state football or for any other reason. Dick thornberg spoke to espn. They state they carried out 430 interviews of individuals. None of those were among the principaled persons involved in these events. Reporter within hours, freeh fired back, calling the report selfserving. Hes standing by the findings that the most powerful people at penn state failed to protect the children against a sexual predator for over a decade. Theres no question that the right thing was done. But the freeh report, for what it is, was a lot of hearsay. There were a lot of interviews with people who said they may have thought they saw something maybe sometime a long time ago. And that was used as a powerful tool to bring down not only joe paterno, but the man behind all the hard to believe something was going on that many years and no one knew to stop it much earlier before it came out publicly. So still an awful story. Well be back with more about the grammys. Welcome back, everybody. Last nights Grammy Awards show was pretty spectacular. Nice lineup of folks. Taylor swift opened the show and we saw the return of Justin Timberlake and the first time in four years. J. T. Fan, huh . Oh, yeah, bigtime. Were joined now by phone by jason with all of the highlights. So jason, lots of things happening. Who were the big winners . Reporter definitely had to be dan auerbach. He had three wins tonight. One solo for producer of the year. So hes the big overall winner. But when it comes to album of the year, the most coveted prize of the years, mumford and sons. Its good to see something thats critical and commercial success win that award. And theyve had a good year. So good to see a little surprise winner. Also taylor swift, she opened the show. How do you think that went . Reporter it was a good way to open the show. It was fun. There were clowns. There was fire. I think i saw tricycles. It was definitely a lot of fun and i think the people liked it and it was a good way to open the show. Definitely a big performance by taylor swift. Any other surprises of the show . Reporter what i call the adele fact. You had a lot of stripped down performances. Elton john, singing. Rihanna did a soaring vocal performance. Carrie underwood, just her singing. Adele has done this in the past and its taken the awards by storm. Its not some big dance number, its just about the music. A lot of people wanted to prove that they could sing and they did. Beyonce was there last night, did not perform. And you mentioned rihanna. How was her big performance with sting . Reporter that was probably one of the highlights of the night for sure. Definitely brought down the house. Bruno, sting, the marley brothers. It was a big, big number. Lots of horns on stage, sting on bass, and people just love that. Jason, any wardrobe mishaps . We hear about these every year. Were the Fashion Police out . Reporter we even got a memo saying dont wear certain things, watch how youre covered. Jlo came out and made a joke about that. They flashed her in that green dress she wore a couple years ago. Then katy perry, part of the chest area was missing. It was just a big cutout. People did take chances but there were no ops moments, nothing that seeded to be centers. Thanks to jason covering the grammies in l. A. Well be right back with more world news now. Have given way to sleeping. Tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful eep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. Ahh mmm ahh finally, theres cepacol sensations. Serious sore throat medicine, seriously great taste. Plus the medicine lasts long after the lozenge is gone. Ahh mmm cepacol sensations. Time for the mix and we start with something thats interesting. Im all about space travel. Lots of songs have been made about going to space, being spaced out. But none have been cowritten by an astronaut and recorded well, maybe there has been. But any way, really interesting concept. Here it is. Theyre in space rocking out. That is chris hatfield, the current commander of the International Space station and ed robertson of the bare naked ladies. And they sing this song in duet, one on the ground, the other in space. Very cool. It sounds wonderful. It does sound great. Sounds cool. Good to have a little biddy you can beam back to earth. Very good. Hes enjoying his job clearly, but we may no longer have one. Theres a new app called guide. And base complete it turns your favorite online news and blogs into video. So its using this avatar technology. So whatever you see online you can turn it into your own personalized news anchor. So it has hundreds of news anchors so that you can pick which one you would like to use. Meaning one day there will be no need for me and you, because people can go online and get their news from a cartoon with pink hair. Shes real credible. I saw a dog, too. What is that about . We need job security, folks. Dont do that. Thats terrible. You need to just relax. Because there is a new growing research that says more daytime workouts, short afternoon naps, longer sleep hours, more time away from the office and longer vacations boost productivity. All things we dont have on this shift. And health. We have to get a memo out. The more relaxed and productive you are. Im going to take a nap. And all you makers mark drinker out there, they cannot keep up with the increasing demand. Theyre actually lowering the percent of alcohol from 45 to 42 to keep up with the demand out there. This morning on world news now, februarys fury. Wintertime tornados hit mississippi, barreling down main street and leaving a path of damage behind. While the same system is dumping heavy snow and ice, turning busy highways into danger zones. Its monday, february 11. From abc news, this is world news now. Good monday morning, everybody. Im rob nelson. Came back for a second week, diana. Thats a good sign. Yeah. Weekends are short. Very on this shift, very. I was here a day and a half ago. Usually not the way it works. So i did the math. Turns out im here every day except for saturday. Saturday is the only day were not in the building. So the weekends go fast for us here. I have to start appreciating my weekends and not sleeping in anymore. Amen to that. Something else that wasnt cooperating this weekend was Mother Nature. We have another thing in store, even the hardhit northeast after a record blizzard over the weekend can expect even more snow and ice. Well get the latest from accuweather. No rest for the weary. Also this morning, a luxury vacation turns into a nightmare. A cruise ship is adrift off the coast of mexico. It has no power and no ac. Well explain what led up to this and now who is coming to the rescue. But you can imagine the conditions in that ship, no ac, no bathrooms, go on down the line. Tilting a little bit. Not pretty. And later on, so many musicians around so many memorable moments from last nights Grammy Awards. A full wrap upcoming up in our extended skinny. Is i know what my favorite moment was. Im just saying. Had nothing to do with the music. My girl, jlo, another Legendary Outfit from my exwife. We begin with the extreme storms battering two sections in the country, blinding snow in the midwest. Wet and wild down south. As many as 15 tornadoes have touched down since yesterday. Hundreds of homes were damaged. More than a dozen people injured. A twister ripped through hattiesburg and ripping off a roof at the university of southern mississippi. And the danger is not over yet. Southern states could be in for yet another day of Severe Weather. Drivers across the upper midwest are facing a treacherous morning commute after getting clobbered by a foot of snow and freezing rain. Hundreds of cars crashed on slik highways in that part of the country. On top of that, blowing snow created near whiteout conditions in duluth and several cities declared snow emergencies, including minneapolisst. Paul. This storm system could spell more trouble as it moves east this morning. Meteorologist Andrew Baglini is tracking the storm and has the latest. Good morning, andrew. Good morning. A very unsettled sunday. Nearly a dozen reports of tornadoes around mississippi and alabama. Round of showers andng us a thunderstorms for your monday. Its the same areas in alabama and mississippi, not a Severe Weather threat, but damaging winds and heavy flooding. This cold front coming from a disturbance bringing rain along the i95 corridor for the morning. Rob and diana . Thank you, andrew. And the cleanup continues in the northeast after that paralyzing blizzard. You made out where you were in jersey . Not too bad. How about you guys in new york . We were okay here in manhattan, thankfully. But not the same story for other folks. People in milford, connecticut are struggling to clear 38 inches of snow from their streets and driveways. That storm is being blamed for at least 12 deaths. Answers Marci Gonzalez has more from boston. Reporter flights and mass transit are starting to resume here, but those seem to be some of the only things getting back to normal in the areas hit hard by that massive noreaster. Prepping for the big digout in the northeast. Its slow going for residents. As far as you can see snow. And nobody is getting out. Reporter and first responders. There was like 20 ambulances that is nonfunctional because theyre snowed in. Reporter snowed in by as much as 40 inches in connecticut where president obama has declared a state of emergency. The weight of all the big blizzard left mind now tracking houses and wearing on nerves. Its horrible. When you shovel your driveway, the plows come and put it back on the driveway. Reporter many are finding the roads still a mess. On long island, the cleanup continues on streets where drivers were left stranded for hours. And back home, hundreds of thousands in new england are learning they are still without power. We got her bundled up in blankets and coveralls, but its still not enough. Her hands are freezing cold. So were going to bring her down here. Reporter emergency shelters still open, many schools remaining closed. As it becomes clear, lit be a while before these blizzard blues melt away. I think its going to be a few days before were back and functioning. Reporter and possibly slowing things down even more, the forecast for monday calls for rain, sleet, and even more snow. Rob and diana . Thank you. Welcome to abc by the way, marci. An interesting stat. Listen to this. Top snowfall was 40 inches in hamden, connecticut. At one point the pressure of the storm was so great, it was like a category hurricane in some parts. Waves up to 30 feet high and snowfall rates as high as 6 inches an hour. At one point over the weekend they closed every street in the state of connecticut. Thats all travel, every street, every highway, done. They did the same thing in boston. They were talking about fines and jail time if they found anybody out on the streets. They were not playing around. What do you do if you have to get somewhere . I guess it has to be an emergency. You saw the folks stuck in the snow. The long island expressway, there were people struck there here in new york out on long island. It was treacherous getting around. It was stuff. It was better that you stay inside any way. And now we probably havent seen the end of it. Lets hope this is the one big one for the winter. Lets just get to april. Now to other news this morning. More than 3,000 passengers and 1,000 crew members are stranded aboard a cruise ship off of mexico this morning. The carnal ship triumph is operating on emergency power after a fire took place in the engine room. On top of that, a tug boat is being sent to tow the ship to a mexican port. The coast guard says everyone on board is simply making due. All the passengers are staying in the public areas and the open decks, because theres no air condition. The air conditioning is not working right now, which is a discomfort, but it is not a level of emergency at this point. That ship has to be pretty funky by now. That tug boat is not expected to reach the ship until wednesday. Passengers will be flown home after that. Now to the latest in the search for the former l. A. Police officer, Christopher Dorner. A tip led authorities to evacuate a lowes store in north ridge yesterday. But there was no sign of the suspected killer. Police are hoping the Million Dollar reward being offered will provide them with some clues. We also learned over the weekend that dorner has some training and now authorities are watching the airports. Hes highly trained. Thats what makes him so dangerous. President obama is now putting the finishing touches on his state of the union address, which hell deliver before Congress Tomorrow night. Were told the focus of the president s speech will be boosting job creation and growing the economy. The president is expected to ring some alarm bells about automatic defense cuts and education and push for strict er gun laws. Tune in to abc news for live average of the state of the union. George stephanopoulos and diane sawyer will anchor our coverage beginning tomorrow night at 9 00 eastern. For all of you animal lovers, its that time of year once again. 137th annual Westminister Kennel Club dog show. More than 2700 dogs are in new york city right now nor the big event. Being a true lover of dogs myself, this is one of my favorite events of the entire year. Whats better than seeing the best of practically every breed of dog in the same place . Oh, lord, help us. The judging begins today, but were not going to know which dog is best in show until tomorrow night. Say all you want about this event. But heres to put it into perspective for you. Westminister predates the invention of the lightbulb, the automobile, the building of the brooklyn bridge, the invention of basketball, and the establishment of the world series. So say all you want about a bunch of pooches getting together and naming one cute pooch, but weve been doing this for a long, long time. I have no problems with animals or pets. Just sometimes the people involved get a little too into it. I find it a little odd. This is the place to be if you are crazy about dogs. All about doggy style this week here in new york. It will be good. Coming up, the supermodel putting some more skin into the skinny. An actual runin with chris brown. We set out to see how the paparazzi does its job. Youre watching world news now. First kid you ready . [ female announcer ] second kid by their second kid, every mom is an expert and more likely to choose luvs. After thousands of diaper changes, they know what works. Luvs lock away wetness better than huggies for a fraction of the cost live, learn, get luvs. In the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Ahh mmm ahh finally, theres cepacol sensations. Serious sore throat medicine, seriously great taste. Plus the medicine lasts long after the lozenge is gone. Ahh mmm cepacol sensations. Lady gaga on a monday. Youve got to love that song. More trouble for chris brown over the weekend. The singer crashed his porch and now hes blaming the paparazzi. There can be a big payoff for celebrity photographers if they get that great picture. Abcs nick watt takes a look at how the whole thing works. Reporter ruthlessly pursued by paparazzi. Thats how chris browns representative describes it. Apparently cut off in traffic. The occupants jumped out with cameras. And aggressive approached. Brown tried to escape down an alley. Cut off again, he slammed his porsche into a wall. No one was injured. Pap roz razi can get anything from 100 to thousands for a single frame. Just last month, a paparazzo was killed in traffic, trying to snap Justin Biebers picture. We rolled with Ricardo Mendoza for an afternoon. He has a network of informants, valets, ladies who lunch, all on the lookout, calling in tips. Where should i go, jump street . Reporter pregnant is good, right . It is good. Soon more photographers arrived. And there she is, all of this for a minor celebrity doing yoga. Why . Because these photos sell. Thats why photographers risk life and limb, their lives as well as others, to snap it. Nick watt, abc news, los angeles. See, im not sure what makes me sadder, the way those paparazzi go about doing their job, or theres such a market for what they do, theyre able to stay in business. Youre so right. As much as i want to say they should not follow those stars and they should leave them alone and let them have their privacy, im all over those magazines. Theres a market for it. Steven tyler is making a big push in hawaii to pass a new law called the steven tyler act that would allow celebrities to pew a photographer if they photograph them in an offensive way or during a private time. The latest celebrity to take an antipaparazzo stand. Well see if hawaii acts. Adam levine and Britney Spears have also signed to support that bill. Highly followed girls. These are young people who live their entire worlds in front of everybody because of these paparazzo. Follow that bill. It can be dangerous. Everyone remember Princess Diana . It can be dangerous. Coming up next, no harmony for two superstar singing divas. And who dazzled and who didnt last night at the Grammy Awards. Stay tuned for the skinny. Pop that hip. Skinny, so skinny youre cued up, willis. Skinny in the house welcome back to the tarzan version of the skinny. I dont know what that was, willis. Grammys last night, maybe you tuned in and saw it. Nothing crazy happening, but it was it had a few moments here. Lets go through the big winners. Album of the year went to mumford and sons. Thats a pretty good band. Babel, congratulations to them. And record of the year went to gotye. With that song that you love. Song of the year we are young. By the fand band fun. Pop vocal album went to kelly clarkson. And also some random highlights from the night. We talked last week about the fashion code that the grammys put into place. Dont show too much of this or that or the other thing. Jlo comes out with a nice little black number. Take a listen. As you can see, i read the memo. You know, momma, you are [ speaking Foreign Language ] you look beautiful and gorgeous and you inspired the memo. Im pretty inspired myself. When you can see hip skin, it might be a little too far up there. She is in her early 40s looking good. Also, Justin Timberlake, new album out. [ sneezing ] bless you. She does that to me. J. T. Had a great performance. And a tribute to bob marley last night as part of the telecast. You saw sting there on the left. Theres ziggy, his son. Rihanna was also on stage. So a lot of cool moments last night. That was a really big moment. I see some under boob. That wasnt allowed either. Speaking of the grammys, it was opened by taylor swift, big circus act. It was really good. Turns out carrie undergood and taylor swift cant stand each other. They were told to keep them away from each other, not to cross paths during the awards show. Apparently taylor swift says that carrie has always been rude to her, so she steers clear of her. This is something being reported in us weekly. And tony braxton saying after eight grammys, im retired, im done. She says, for what i do, i have to feel that excitement and its simply gone. So toni braxton is out of there. But dont worry, folks, its monday. We get a double dose of the skinny today. A bonus round, including a peek at kate upton. Dont go far. Dont go far. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. Thats a good thing, but it doesnt cover everything. 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And provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. Call today. Remember, Medicare Supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesnt pay expenses that could really add up. These kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in outofpocket costs. Youll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And you never need referrals. So dont wait. With all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. Call now to request your free decision guide. This easytounderstand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan thats right for you. Skinny, so skinny round two, skinny in the house this story i dedicate to the commish. This is a story near and dear to his heart. For the First Time Since 1986 to 1988, someone else is now gracing consecutive covers of Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition. Its their 50th anniversary. Its a big cover and for the second year in a row, kate upton is back on the cover again. Whoa there you go, willis. Shes 20 years old. Shes obviously out there, you know, pretending to be cold in her bikini top and jacket. She doesnt have a bikini top on. The polar caps look wonderful. So congratulations to kate. Beautiful young girl. Twice on the cover. You know what i love her . Shes a real woman. Shes not too big. Shes not too thin. Shes proportionate in every kind of way. I could not have said it better myself. Moving on. Now were going to talk about rock solid bodies. Fitness magazine released a list of the 14 fittest celebrity couples out there. They just happen to work out together and here is our list. Jessica beale and Justin Timberlake made the list. Shes got a really nice body. Blake wisely and ryan reynolds. Hes got some abs on him. She aint bad herself. Blake is lively. Topping the list, Ryan Seacrest and julianna huff. Shes a dancer, so shes in shape. He obviously goes to the gym just to hang out with him. Ive never seen him shirtless, so i have no idea. I know shes hot. But she was from american idol, right . Dancing with the stars. Thats what it was. All right. Very good. Must be a fun time for all those folks. And speaking of fit, the supermodel, wife of tom brady released a picture on twitter showing her new baby girl. Look at that. Love is everything. Happy friday, much love to all is what she put on her twitter. So e online is the first to have images from the babys trip to hawaii. Shes 35 years old, gave birth at home in boston on december 5. Shell be on the catwalk in two days. Congratulations to the new mommy. They all bounce back fast. Well be back with more after this from abc

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