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tent jouf side the er with these two, registered. >> 11/1 a discharge, miss jeanna doctors saw 145 children money with flu-like victims. they, too, have set up a triage within 15 minutes. >> if you don't like to have to add that extra space. we're just busy, and additional layer of protect as a warren >> georgia authority are waying to hear about federal residents are now returning to homes that were flooded. health officials warn the standing water remaining could be contaminated. he should wear rubble groups and club. >> here's a look at your stormy weather. lighter rein from the ohio val, sunny and high in the world, 84 degrees and dry in atlanta. 90 degrees in mime if i and new orleans, while fixing it, they're all awaking her form it. >> nasa says you can't find season extremely battle on the surface of the hoon. they walked in the living room soil which was thought to be dry and dusty. >> one sigh advertised calls it fantastic mood. >> pretty incredible to think there's that much water on the moon? >> is it sort of similar in water, i guess. 2. 0. >> we'll be right back with more "world news now." kruse: if you have a hard time walking and getting around in your house, you need a hoveround power chair. you'll be able to go to the mall... play with the grandkids... visit family and friends... and do all the things you ralways loved to do. tom kruse: i'm tom kruse, pinventor of the hoveround. call us toll-free now to find out how you can get one. grandpa: at first i hought i couldn't afford, a power chair, but thanks to my hoveround team, it didn't cost me a penny. tom kruse: 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost last year. that's why the most pimportant thing you can do right now is call us now to see if hoveround is right for you. announcer: call now to find out how you can get a hoveround in your !home right now., you'll receive a free information kit featuring a free video. you'll also get a !certificate for a free in-home test drive. there's no cost and !there's no obligation, so call today. grandma: calling hoveround is the best thing you can do. announcer: call the number on "your screen for your free consultation, information kit, video and test drive certificate. >> they are calling it the first of its kind in sweden. a major heist where the criminals used a helicopter. >> yesterday's caper was 100% real. nick watt has details. >> reporter: the police, well, there wasn't a whole lot they could do about it. listen, that's the bank robbers' chopper overhead. shortly after 5 a.m., they jumped from that hijacked helicopter on to the roof of the vault. they smashed a sky light window. they're in. witnesses heard loud explosions. the chopper hovered for 15 minutes until the raiders, swearing ski masks, brandishing automatic weapons emerged carrying bags of cash. they disappeared. police went to scrble their own helicopter but found a bag in the hangar planted by the robbers with the word "bomb" written on it. we decided we didn't dare use our helicopter, this cop explained. when dawn broke, they found the thieves' chopper abandon just outside the city. the most obvious include we've got, said the police spokesman. this heist is like something on the silver screen, like "the crown affair" perhaps. hollywood loves bank robbers. joe knows. he used to be one. >> so when somebody goes and robs a bank, they are not considered a bad criminal. the fact that hollywood hunks have been playing these criminals for 70 years, it's a sexy crime. >> once hollywood was inspired by robbers. >> are you stupid? did you hear what i said? what's the matter with you? >> reporter: good fellas, my favorite movie of all time was based around the 1978 lufthansa heist at jfk. now it seems to work the other way around. hollywood inspires the robbers. on millennium ooe in -- >> there is still a romantic fascination watching footage look, this robbers escaping a london diamond store. the >> the press builds them up as if they're a emform of heroic figures. when you no these people, they're the most vial, greedy, self-centered cruel individuals you can imagine. >> sexy, romantic heros or vial dirt bags? you decide. nick watt, abc news, london. >> indeed bang robbers are of n oftofte often? >> the criminologist is saying they only have 10 people involved and about ten people. >> now w >> now what sure looks like a return to the bad old days of the cold war. it comes on the heels of some rocky times. >> the story centers on an mern diplomat and actions caught on tape. as brian ross reports, it's all the work of the spy agency that took over from the k.g.b. >> there are few americans in moscow by the riggs's security service, then this man -- the u.s. diplomat assigned to work with rrjs and human right groups, a valuable density to -- >> he's responsible for outraesh to the russian orthodox church, human rights society, civil rights heros and would like to discredit him in the eyes of his contact. >> and that became clear when th undercover video of hatcher was posted on a russian internet side complete with background music. first hatch ser seen in surveillance video on a moscow street talking on a cell phone. audio is dubbed in with his voice, talking about a woman getting to the. photos of topless women are added suggests he call the prostitutes. patrick said this video was made several years ago when he advice $ moscow as a vief center. the lights on. then the light are out and a man and a woman appear to be having sexual relations on the bad. but he told u.s. officials the russians attempted to black mail him with this team, telling him they would make the tape public. the k.g.b. is now called the ffs. we showed the tape to dan major, the counter for counter njs and purely fsb operation. >> make talkus took us through the video. long before he worked for the state department. >> he says the pictures in the ho till, cons inning? >> it looks like to me going up and looking at the vent, all of a sudden things shot and they don't like the children hif her coming over, keeping the light off and then the print. >> he was ereported the ruks' daement. the u.s. has now filed a formal protest with the russian histories over what he callses a fabrication and a smear. elements inside the raugs -- >> i think there are people here who doesn't want he majority and i think that's one of the reasons i thought it was important to speak out. >> it is the second such incident involving a restaurant diplomat and a sex bus linked to the russian securityiases. a sap of a mrit man, which posed on the same web sight. there is no doubt about the identity of the left on. he also aringed russian efforts to approve him as a spy and reported the clay it on. sex has lon been used but the some said it had gone away to the end of core. >> of course it did. this is the nature of the business. you do what you can either to be successful or to recruit. >> not to make light of that, black soul. i think if someone were spelling like zoo they might be special -- >> oh, no! >> what's going on here. >> oh, my. this was the who will deepisode. i was dressed up as senator larry craig. >> was he the guy in the bathroom? >> yes, bathroom. >> we had to dig this up because even the crew recommends and gave you such rave reviews for your impersonation of the senator. >> hyena is miss south carolina. >> oh, the girls who couldn't sleep. vrments that's right. i was sort of hash harted about my larry craig. homes. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. stay tuned for this important medicare benefit information and free scooter guarantee. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. why should you call the scooter store today? because their mobility experts are also medicare experts. and that means the scooter store is your best shot at qualifying for a scooter that costs you little to nothing. hi i'm doug harrison. pay little to nothing out of pocket. how do we do it? we know what it takes to get you your power chair it's our strength. it's our mission. and we back it up with the scooter store guarantee. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a new powerchair or scooter, i'll give it to you absolutely free. i paid into medicare all my life, and when i needed it the benefit was there for me. the scooter store made it so easy. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. the scooter store got me back out in the world again. talk to. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. >> announcer: "world news now delivers your "morning papers." hi, fr back here. they say b 2. says you can't believe everything you read on u-2. six young americans are now claiming that they may be the world's longest basketball shot. take look for yourself. whoa! on the top of at football stadium seenings a shot, i can't even begin to estimate faux far that is. some video expert look at this club, haven't seen any type of edit. >> i can't even look and see who is going into the hugh. >> i'm try be to hear. >> we've been slow moeing it. it's got i don't know like three million hits on you ub. >> it's ard to think that i actually made it. >> can i risks of reed roading rim right now -- >> great and then compare it to 18-pound baby that a woman delivered. this happened in gentleman carra ind sen. they think the hoer had >>. they say this baby was when it wait a minute. it was like a loud, adult cry. >> marie's like i just love that soda. what is that thinking about high. >> how about you don't heat me. >> the boys gom a very strong appetite. almost nonstart thinking about temperature amazing. >> this next story is amazing. a british company has created underwear geared towards lefty. apparently the vent in the opening, for many it's closed towards writer. if also sick etting in visiting the law? lefty unaware. >> i appreciate your tact in the wind. >> i appreciate your tact in the wind. quickly before we leave.le if i lost the weight, i could stop taking so many medications. if i lost the weight, maybe my feet... my back... knees would stop hurting. if i lost the weight, i'd feel more comfortable shopping for clothes. i'd visit my sister in seattle more often. i might be able to improve or even resolve my type 2 diabetes. so, i finally lost the weight after talking with my doctor about the lap-band system. announcer: the lap-band is placed around the upper part of the stomach-- often as an outpatient procedure-- to help you achieve long-term weight loss. unlike gastric bypass, it can be adjusted, and there's no stomach cutting or stapling. call for your free fact kit or visit lap-band is not for those who are pregnant, or have symptoms of autoimmune, severe heart, lung or gastrointestinal disease, cirrhosis or pancreatitis. surgery-related fatalities, reoperation, and band removal are rare. band slippage, stomach injury, vomiting and heartburn may occur. i'm ready. i'm ready. i'm ready. announcer: ask your doctor about the latest generation lap-band system. >> uniting nations. president obama challenges world leaders to work together to solve global problems. now the president carries that same message to the g-20 summit. >> then fighting the flu. hospitals overwhelmed with h1n1 cases are being forced to treat patients in tents >> and survivor. the man who lived off the land for 50 days. what finally broke him? it's thursday, september 24th. >> announcer: from abc news, there is "world news now." >> well, we've got a familiar face in the house. it's been a while >> it's great to be here. i'm based in chicago. usually i'm out covering disasters out in the cold, wind so it's nice to be here with you. >> we'll make a disaster here. eric, thank you for being with us. i'm vinita nair. jeremy hubbard is off. many of the world leaders who gathered here in new york for the g-20 summit the steel c the g-20 summit. the steel city is preparing for protests by putting thousands more cops on the streets. >> greenpeace is hanging an environmental banner. president obama arrives later for a working dinner after wrapping up a few u.n. meetings. >> reporter: during his first speech yesterday, mr. obama made it clear the bush administration's foreign policy was no longer valid. jake tapper has more. >> reporter: at times the president sounded almost fed up with the international organization. >> he sounded apologetic about past u.s. behavior and he rattled off a list of his own reversals of bush administration policy ending torture, ordering the closing of the prison at guantanamo bay, working to end the war in iraq. >> every nation must know america will live its values and we will lead by example. >> reporter: the president said that distrust of america had for too long been a convenient cop-out for the u.n. >> this has fed an almost reflective anti-americanism, which too often has serve excuse for co >> reporter: hef1 o step up to the plate. >> we have sought in word and deed a new era of engagement with the world. and now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges. >> reporter: ironically the last president to scold the u.n. was the man whose legacy obama was bragging about undoing. >> when the united nations served the purpose of its founding or will it be irrelevant? >> reporter: president obama seemed to express similar frustration. >> the threat of proliferation is growing in scope and complexity. if we fail to act, we will invite nuclear arms races in every region a prospects of wars and acts of terror on a scale we can hardly imagine. >> reporter: the president was asked if he's heard react >> i've been in too m i >> reporter: but in that meeting with russian president medvedev, encouraging news. obama has been pushing russia to join him in tougher economic sanctions against iran for its nuclear weapons ambitions. russia had been resisting until wednesday when he said some sanctions are inevitable. >> among the other world leaders addressing the u.n., iran's president ahmadinejad speaking to a mostly empty room. he stuck to his usual script of railing against israel and the u.s. he said his country is ready to shake all hands that are honestly extended. >> outside the u.n. several hundred demonstrators protested ahmadinejad's appearance. most were supporters of the opposition leader. demonstrators demanded ahmadinejad step down so the iranian people could once again enjoy freedom. >> libyan leader moammar quaddafi finally broke his 40-year boycott of the u.n. and ranted for more than 90 minutes. he alleged the h1n1 virus was created by an unnamed country's army. he complained about the united nations itself and suggested the u.n. headquarters should be moved closer to libya so he wouldn't get jet lagged. >> john travolta said he tried frantically to save his son's life. jett travolta died in january. two men are accused of trying to black mail travolta about the events surrounding his son's death. the actor said he performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on jett. he was autistic d had seizures every five days. >> t.j. winick reports. >> reporter: as the floodwaters thousands of residents are returning to their water logged home and finding very little to average. >> reporter: as the floodwaters recede in georgia, they reveal a muddy mess. bill howell had put all his furniture up on paint buckets. >> we done everything we could possibly do and we thought we were doing right. we've never seen anything like this. >> reporter: it is the human loss that has taken a real toll. the floods are being blamed for ten deaths across the southeast. one drowning victim was a mother of two driving home from the night shift when her minivan was swept away. she called 911 as the water rose to her neck. >> the wheel is getting you and i'm going to drown. >> listen to me. >> it's taking me down, though. >> stay on the phone with me. i'm right here, i'll stay with you. >> reporter: metro atlanta students were back in class. on monday this building was submerged in the storm. >> school's been there 50 years or more so it's very special for the kids in the neighborhood. >> reporter: most of the roads and freeways swamped just a short timing a have reopened, including a busy stretch of interstate 20 in atlanta. the popular peach tree dunwoody bridge will be closed for the next two weeks for repairs. health experts are telling all residents to treat the floodwater as if it's contaminated. that means frequent hand washing and plenty of cleaning in the days ahead. t.j. winick, georgia. >> absolutely heart breaking. a difficult clean-up ahead for so many folks there. >> can you imagine going home to water logged homes? >> heart breaking. >> the heaviest rains from missouri to iowa. wet from the atlantic states. southwest sunny and ho3 >> phoix today. atlanta and new york city will reach a high of 84 degrees, 90 in miami and new orleans, 74 in chicago, a c springs. >> it's a story th's sort of a work of art so to speak. all downtown grand rapids michigan has become a gallery for artists in an unusual competition. more than 1,200 eye catching sculptures are on display in a contest that's drawn artists from all around the world. >> it ran the gamut from large furniture to really large furniture and pretty much everything in between. people are voting for their favorite. lest you think this does not have a huge price tag attached to it, the top prize a quarter million dollars. >> that's not chump change. >> some of these i can't tell if they're furniture. >> it's so often you let people vote. so often you walk into a modern art museum and say this is not art. ♪ push me in the water time walking and getting around in your house, you need a hoveround power chair. you'll be able to go to the mall... play with the grandkids... visit family and friends... and do all the things you ralways loved to do. tom kruse: i'm tom kruse, pinventor of the hoveround. call us toll-free now to find out how you can get one. grandpa: at first i hought i couldn't afford, a power chair, but thanks to my hoveround team, it didn't cost me a penny. tom kruse: 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no cost last year. that's why the most pimportant thing you can do right now is call us now to see if hoveround is right for you. announcer: call now to find out how you can get a hoveround in your !home right now., you'll receive a free information kit featuring a free video. you'll also get a !certificate for a free in-home test drive. there's no cost and !there's no obligation, so call today. grandma: calling hoveround is the best thing you can do. announcer: call the number on "your screen for your free consultation, information kit, video and test drive certificate. >> there is now a shortage of the children's version of the flu fighting drug tamiflu which is used to treat h1n1 and the seasonal flu. >> that's not good news especially with the number of children coming down with flu on the rise. >> ryan owens reports on what's being done to deal with the increase at one hospital in austin, texas. >> two triage tents, the kinds you usually see the a disaster or war sit outside the emergency room at del hospital in austin. with school back in session, doctors are seeing more than 300 suspected swine flu case as day, double a normal flu season. the tents allow them to isolate contagious kids and get them back home quickly. >> the doctor can see you, the nurse can discharge you and we can get it all done in 15 minutes or so. >> reporter: this is hardly only hospital forced to get creative this early in the flu season, especially across the south. 21 states are reporting widespread flu activity, including the entire southeast. but experts warn it is moving north. in memphis they pitched a tent more than a week ago and at one point were treating 400 children a day. vanderbilt university medical center in nashville has seen more than 5,000 patients with flu-like symptoms so far this month. six are now in critical condition. vanderbilt's children emergency division has increased its staffing by 50%. >> they're trying to keep an eye on her because her blood pressure was so low this morning. they want to make sure she's going to get better. >> reporter: the good news for 6-year-old faith is most do get better. the virus continues to be relatively mild. hospitals hope their efforts in and now just outside the emergency room will keep it that way. ryan owens, abc news, austin, texas. >> we certainly have heard so much about who should be taking it, who should in the right now but a lot of people are saying part of the problem has been that children have been >> they say part of the problem is children have been overrequesting the de -- it. one day to achieve the child gross, ground it up so many of those kid back there. >> security is tight and no chances are being with us. clrd >> as we mentioned at the top of the show, the g-20 swings into gear in pittsburgh today. >> here's how our pittsburgh station wtae has been covering the buildup to this meeting. >> announcer: you're watching wtae channel 4, now in high definition. this is channel 4 action news at 110. >> as dignitaries touch down, the rallies heat up. >> good evening, pittsburgh. the g-20 summit hasn't even started but there has been plenty going on since this morning. >> we have live team coverage. john is at pittsburgh international airport. first, tara edwards with the view from the state park. a big rally tonight there. >> reporter: thousands of people coming from downtown, many from around the country, around the globe but they all have one thing in common, their thoughts and green energy. clean energy jobs ashes list of local, national, state be leaders trying to spread a message. >> obviously the leaders of the world, the g-20 countries are coming to pittsburgh tomorrow. energy and climate are on the agenda for that meeting. >> reporter: governor ed rendell speaking with the importance of con verving energy. >> think for a minute if every person, every business, every manufacturer in the world reduced energy consumption by 4%. >> small organizations get their signs across and a group advertising expensive protective bubble called a survive a ball, a device they say people would be forced to live in. >> i'll be wearing it pretty much for the rest of my life and rest of eternity. once climate chang gets worse, looks like it could be in the next five, ten years. >> >> a little company is offering alternatives for those traveling, too. >> trying to create a different solution for pittsburgh and the way they travel and the way people see the city. >> reporter: just within the hour, another group emerging from just downtown. we want to show you that video. this is about an hour ago, a hundred protestors marching down fifth avenue. we're told a group around the country, other parts of the world, they were discussing how, quote, people need to be equal. >> trying to live eby their view, their beliefs and their politics. we tonight want to live like that, we're human beings. we can't afford that kind of lifestyle. >> and that protestor did not want his name to be used. he told us he heard there was protesting going on and just wand to be a part of the experience. officials are expecting a busy day with protesting and demonstration. >> as such pittsburgh is very much a city in transformation. stores to schools, downtown is changing, businesses are boarding up. there are metal barricades and eight foot feel gates, highly visible police presence from corner to corner downtown pitturgheems ready pretty much for anything. >> we got fencing up all over the place, lots of police everywhere. you walk down penn avenue they've got all kinds of county police in riot gear, things like that. >> the federal courthouse and u.s. postal services are surrounded by fences and armed federal law officers are keeping people away. >> we're all the planes aretouching down is not a part of the pittsburgh international airport open to regular travelers. john has kept tab on the arrivals all day long. it's a treat to see some of the aircraft we normally don't see in these parts. >> call me a geeg but when we first arrived and i saw the big 747s with the rising sun of japan on the tail fin, i thought that was pretty cruel. >> here, the world begins to arrive in pittsburgh. he is the fit of the g-20 heads of state to arrive, indonesian president was recently elected to a second term. the first delegation arrived. king abdullah didn't make the print. as his motorcade left for its eventual arrival at the convention sen teshing state troopers performed rolling closures on the park way stat state troopers performed rolling closures on the west so be prepared for that. heads of states will be greeted by an honor guard representing all of the wife' general orders. they parked here overnight. the two jumbo get from lane, it special russians in owen. site likely not to be seen at pits you aring >> some really worthwhile considerations of the the loan by ben mrsburg and try to control the situation. >> we're told the never seen yael be able to be spewing. >> while the lead leaders have been at the um, sonny are bess for miban? >> assassination virgin islands ii. in spaceal. >> it got under way on turs and that it mayor with his created traditional mat number. he certainly appeared to like it. dalai lama appeared to like it. benefit that may qualify e you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. stay tuned for this important medicare benefit information and free scooter guarantee. imagine... one scooter or power chair that could improve your may entitle you to pay little to nothing to own it. one company that can make it all happen ... your power chair will be paid in full. the scooter store. why should you call the scooter store today? because their mobility experts are also medicare experts. and that means the scooter store is your best shot at qualifying for a scooter that costs you little to nothing. hi i'm doug harrison. pay little to nothing out of pocket. how do we do it? we know what it takes to get you your power chair it's our strength. it's our mission. and we back it up with the scooter store guarantee. if we qualify you and medicare denies your claim for a new powerchair or scooter, i'll give it to you absolutely free. i paid into medicare all my life, and when i needed it the benefit was there for me. the scooter store made it so easy. i didn't pay a penny out of pocket for my power chair. the scooter store got me back out in the world again. talk to. there is a medicare benefit that may qualify you for a new power chair or scooter at little to no cost to you. improve his box is what i d to control my diabetes, to stay healthy - and get on with my life. it comes from liberty medical. and now, it's not only where i get my diabetes prescription drugs as well. see if you're on medicare, the cost of your diabetes testing supplies as well as your liberty takes care of all the paperwork with medicare and sends the prescription forms directly to your doctor for approval. then, on your schedule, packs up this box and sends it right to your door with no charge for shipping. and liberty assures you have everything you need to call now and we'll send you a free meter. plus, a free cookbook when you join. call liberty. they can help you live a better life. call the number on your screen. >> fin >> finally this half hour, maybe you read the book or saw the movie "into the wild." >> it's the story of an american college student who went to alaska, tried to live off the land and wild of dying alone in the wilderness. >> nick watt talks to a man who did something similar. >> i tried to spend the summer alone in canada, miles from home or anyplace. it was a boyhood dream for me. what have i gotten myself into? >> reporter: the plan? three months totally alone in the yukon wilderness, home to 17,000 bears. >> there's a bear. >> reporter: eating what he can kill. >> now that is my dinner tonight. >> reporter: living off the land. ed wartel filmed himself for a national gee geographic show. but his dream in many ways became a nightmare. >> did you ever just turn off the camera and bawl your eyes out? >> no, i did that on camera. >> finding food was tough. by law he wasn't allowed to hunt moose or even ducks. filming was tough. for the camera, wartel was forced to express ant confront his fears, pains and longings. >> the issues are difficult to deal without there and they make you sad. >> reporter: in every way he was tested to the limit. he lost 28 pounds, slowly starving to death. >> the worst moment for me was calling in and saying that's, it i've had enough. >> he added from his dream by flighting. i really don't know why i've been crying so much. it has nothing to do with beading alone. i lived alone in the wild for 50 days. and really i am happy that i did that. >> nick watt, abc news, london. >> in a weird way it reminds me of that movie cast away. on he did this momentarily. >> looks like he lost about 50 years. >> looks like he lost about 50 years. >> he actually met with if i lost the weight, i could stop taking so many medications. if i lost the weight, maybe my feet... my back... knees would stop hurting. if i lost the weight, i'd feel more comfortable shopping for clothes. i'd visit my sister in seattle more often. i might be able to improve or even resolve my type 2 diabetes. so, i finally lost the weight after talking with my doctor about the lap-band system. announcer: the lap-ba is placed around the upper part of the stomach-- often as an outpatient procedure-- to help you achieve long-term weight ls. unlike gastric bypass, it can be adjusted, and there's no stomach cutting or stapling. call for your free fact kit or visit lap-band is not for those who are pregnant, or have symptoms of autoimmune, severe heart, lung or gastrointestinal disease, cirrhosis pancreatitis. surgery-related fatalities, reoperation, and band removal are rare. band slippage, stomach injury, vomiting and heartburn may occur. i'm ready. i'm ready. i'm ready. announcer: ask your doctor about the latest generation lap-band system. it's estimat it's estimated officials are prepared to arrest 3,000 people. >> i do believe that most of the people that will be coming through to try to get their voices heard will be peaceful. >> but what has many on alert are the memories of a g-8 summit in seattle ten years ago when hundreds were arrested after protests turned violent. >> being an aging hippie, a wilting flower child, would i love to see them shut it down, just like they did in seattle. >> when president obama finally arrives this afternoon, he hopes to focus g-8 members on addressing global financial regulations. >> we will work with the world's largest economies to put an end to the greed and excess and abuse that led news this disaster and prevent a crisis like this from ever happening again. >> and he hopes to get traction on combatting global climate change. the president said earlier he doesn't want the world to become complacent on global climate chang. >> before traveling to pittsburgh, mr. obama chairs a u.n. security council meeting. speaking for the first time to the general assembly yesterday, the president challenged america's krit toiks draw a new era of engagement. he also expressed frustration over nuclear threats. >> the threats are growing in scope and complexity. if we fail to act, we will invite nuclear arms races in every region. >> mr. obama challenged world leaders to shoulder more responsibility. >> immediately following president obama to the podium was libyan leader moammar quaddafi. he spoke for six times more than hi allotted time. ahmadinejad delivered his usual anti-israel and anti-united states rant. the u.s. delegation and several others walked out in protest. >> there are new demands for iran to come clean about its nuclear program. secretary of state clinton says there will be consequences if iran does not cooperate. >> massachusetts's governor is expected to appoint an interim successor for the seat of ted kennedy this morning. deval patrick will declare an emergency and name kennedy's successor right away. >> murdered yale doctoral student annie le was remembered on new york's long island. he was remembered as bright, va vashs. a lab technician has been charged with her murder. >> southern california wildfire covers more than 25 square miles. it's been driven by hot and dry santa ana winds. about a thousand homes are -- firefighters are working. >> residents returning to survey the damage are warned of the -- >> at the six park amusement park, there was no fun happening here. the wours is beyond words. >> we walked in with four families in one of the hardest hair areas to see what is left. >> i don't know why you -- i don't know where to start. have i no clue what to do right now. >> reporter: each home was a disaster, turned upside down. none of these family had flood insurance. >> i was told i didn't need flood insurance because i wasn't in a flood plain. i asked a couple of times and they said, n you don't need it. >> you don't know how much this is going to cost? >> 18 about 5% georgia residents owned flood insurance. and state officials say they can't help. georgia is broke. there's simply no money to help families rebuild. >> we're going to be dependent on the federal government to help us with this disaster. fema has set a track record of coming in for didn't have a soon. steve osunsami, abc news. >> what should they do i'm sure is the question being asked. >> the showers and thunderstorms role through virginia and the caroline's rain with most of my arrests. >> a high 74 in chicago, 87 in ball more and 7 in seattle. >> time for a story that's every girl's best friend. the legendary hope diamond is getting a makeover. the world's largest blueiamond was unveiled without its neck lace setting for the first time in the heaven study p. it will be set in a new kiem but so far it's been worth, it's an inch thick lonned about a half an inch thick. imagine how about that would be setting on a finger. >> and it a billion years old, i think. la ledge will it down. >> brow to you by consumer felt lynn. >> i'm here to tell you about a different. why should we have to pay for waters we're not used. consumer cellular is different. their rates start as low as $10 a month and no long-term quiet is >> now here are some highlights from the speech. >> i come before you humbled by the responsibility that the american people have placed upon me, mindful of the enormous challenges of our moment in history and determined to act boldly and collectively on behalf of justice and prosperity at home and abroad. like all of you, my responsibility is to act in the interests of my nation and my people a i will never apologize for defending those interests. but it is my deeply held belief that in the year 2009 more than at any point in human history the interests of nations and peoples are shared. in this hall we come from many places but we share a common future. no longer do we have the luxury of indulging our differences to the exclusion of the work that we must do together. because the time has come for the world to move in a new direction. we must embrace a new era of engagement based on mutual interest and mutual response and our work must begin now. we know the future will be forged by deeds and t simply words. speeches alone will not solve our problems. it will take persistent action but make no mistake, this cannot solely be america's endeafer. those who used to chastise america for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for america to solve the world's problems alone. we have sought in word and deed a new era of engagement with the world and now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges. today let me put forward four pillars that i believe are fundamental to the future that we want for our children. nonproliferation and disarmament, the promotion of peace and security, the preservation of our planet and a global environment that advances tonight for all people. the threat of proliferation is growing in scope and complexity. if we fail to act, we will invite nuclear arms races in every region and the prospect of wars and acts of terror on a scale that we can hardly imagine. that brings me to the second pillar for our future, the pursuit of peace. the united nations was born of the belief that the people of the world can live their lives, raise their families and resolve their differences peacefully. and yet we know that in too many parts of the world this ideal remains in abstraction, a distant dream. we can either accept that outcome as inevitable and tolerate constant and crippling conflict or we can recognize that the yearning for peace is universal and reassert our resolve to end conflicts around the world. third, we must recognize in the 21st century there will be no peace unless we take responsibility for the preservation of our planet. the danger posed by climate change cannot be denied. our responsibility to meet it must not be deferred. if we continue down our current course, every member of this assembly will see irreversible changes. development will be devastated by famine. land that human beings have lived on for a millennium will disappear. future generations will look back and wonder why we refuse to act. this leads me to the final pillar that must forify our future, a global economy that advances opportunity for all people. growth will not be sustained or shared unless all nations embrace their responsibilities. and that means that wealthy nations must open their markets to more goods and extend a hand to those with less while informing nt national institutions to give those nations a great are voice. the united states stands ready to begin a new chapter of international cooperation, one that recognizes the rights and responsibilities of all nations. and so with confidce in our cause and with a commitment to our values, we call on all nations to join us in building the future that our people so rich ly deserve. thank you very much. >> it's a tough line for the president to straddle. on one hand he wants the thaos take a leadership role on esh use like climate change and economic recovery but he has to foster a spirit of collaboration. >> so many people saying this morning he really has this heavy task of repairing america's battered image. but noticeably absent was talk of afghanistan. we heard it was the new focus in a war of necessity but it was an issue he decided not to bring up yesterday. >> a tough line for him to straddle. >> coming up, a thursday "skinny." >> i'm looking forward to the enside ♪ skinny, so skinny >> eric, are you a simpson's fan? >> yeah. >> i feel like everyone in news is a simpson's fan. it's such a smart, clever show. it's the 21st season premiere. hard to believe they've been around that long. there's an unexpected guest, seth rogan. he has his own character, too. the character is going to be called every man. it's a super hero who can gain super powers by touching the comic book of any super hero. bizarre sort of power to have there. the way it came up was the writer of the simpson's james l. brook is a huge fan of super bad. when seth and his writing partner realized it, they just were completely flattered and said they'd love to do an episode. they're saying the 21st season will have a lot of guest stars, the smothers brothers, the manning brothers, ann hathaway will make an appearance. seth rogen is hilarious. >> they say it's based on that green hornet character he's going to be playing? >> they're bringing out the heavy hitters. >> serena williams, apparently she goss more to get off her chest. she was on a tyra banks show, a taping that will air today. she said when her tennis game was suffering a little bit, of newspaper in america was calling her fat. >> i personally think she's athletic. >> voluptuous. >> i wouldn't call her fat. she says it's in herrium coming memoirs. she said when she thought she would never get back to the shape she is right now people were writing her off and getting personal and calling her fat. >> regardless of what you think of her body, you can't deny her accomplishments. in aay it's almost the people who are just haters saying she's too big. >> she says she does not read any of the bad press that people write other than the fat comments, i guess. she sets aside those articles and says when she retires one day, maybe she'll take them out and read them. >> i try not to read the bad press i get. >> from that body to another body, this is a great ad. take a look whatever you're doing, look up for a second because you're going to want to see this one. it's karina smirnoff. she's the latest to join the peta campaign. "i'd rather dance neighborhood than wear fur." >> i'm glad dancing with the stars chose remember than than steve wozniak. >> she said she war fur in russia but she said now there's other ways to be warm, you doesn't need to go to fur. >> chloe kardashian, she's marrying lamar odom, the basketball star this weekend and waited to the last minute to figure out her gift registry and started randomly picking certain kitchen and household items. i don't know what you get someone like the kardashians. >> well, he's laker, right? >> yeah. i think kobe bryant will be at the wedding. >> we vaguely know a little bit about each of them. more news coming up. >> here are some stories to watch today on abc news: security and pittsburgh is already tight as the g-20 summit gets under way. some heads of state and delegations have already arrived. president obama get there is this afternoon. >> we'll get an update on the financial institutions that received hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money. it's been nearly a year since the bailout money known simply as tarp was disbursed. >> and dennis gout celebrates his 250th anniversary. millions around the world are participating in the celebration of that dash brew. >> i'll drink to that. >> finally this half hour, scooters are popular across asia where traffic problems are often monumental. >> we went to check some of them out. >> reporter: as the band warms up, fans flock to bandung from across indonesia. gathered here are countless bikes. this is world scooter style, the subculture of scooter appreciation in a country where motor bikes are the workhorse of basic transportation. here each bike is unique but none as original as the finalist in this competition. these finalists take the term "pimp my ride" to a whole new level. we are given a backstage glimpse at some of the top rides in the country, an event this organizer explains are judged by secret ballot. they are ground into category including retro, three-wheelers and modification. this year's airbrush winner? this design, indian style, legend of the american people. his prize for a month's work? 500,000 rupia, about $50. in indonesia they say they are proud of these schoolers because they are passed down through family. these days a scooter made in 1966 is being ridden by a person born in 1982. continuing this scooter subculture for future generations. margaret conley, indonesia. >> vintage scooters huge in asia. i was in taiwan last year where my parents are originally from. it's interesting, you ride down the streets, they have entire families on these scooters, kids and all. it's like a clown car scooter. around. >> i'm sure there's quite a bit of balancing on getting all

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