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And boy band bust. The biggest teen stars on the planet, one direction, the wanted, Justin Bieber, all passed over for grammy nominations in a stunning shutout. The guys Everyone Wants for their boyfriend, cant win this one thing. And elizabeth starts off the morning with a ding right there. I know. I think i deserve two or three. Channeling lara spencer, just back from london. Everyone back at the desk right now. Were going to be helping robin trim her tree at home later today. But a lot to get to first. New reports on how close syria came to using chemical weapons this week. They actually loaded the ddly gas on to bombs, prepared for launch. And Martha Raddatz is going to have the latest on that. Thats a frightening development, something president obama took very seriously. We have a warning this morning that all parents with infants need to here. Federal authorities are taking an unprecedented move of suing the manufacturers of infant recliner, saying they are dangerous. I dont know about you guys. But i used these with both of my babies. Pretty amazing. Yeah. Also ahead, a major announcement today we cant wait to share with you. It involves all of us and more gma every day. Were excited to tell you what were talking about later on this morning. Thats coming up. Lets get to the news out of london. Lama hasan is outside of the hospital where Kate Middleton checked out, roses in her hand. Good morning, lama. Reporter good morning, george. Just moments ago, a very happy duke and duchess of cambridge left the hospital behind me. One of the reporters asked kate if she was feeling any better. Kate nodded and smiled and replied yes. After three days and three nights in the hospital, kate, suffering from acute morning sickness, just departed the hospital with william, waving and smiling to wellwishers. The palace told abc news, she will head to Kensington Palace for a period of rest. William and kate issued a statement, thanking the staff at the hospital for the care and treatment the duchess has received. Kate will be trying to recuperate at home. But this condition sometimes lasts through the first trimester. And some mothers in the most difficult cases face symptoms throughout the pregnancy. If shes been hospitalized already this early on in the pregnancy, that means theres a greater chance shell be hospitalized again. Often times, we see people coming back and back. Reporter its been an eventful few i ddays since the couple went public with their pregnancy. When is a good time to visit her . When can you take me to the hospital, charles . Reporter despite the drama around her, kates spirits were lifted by visits from william, pippa, her brother, james, and mother, who all took turns at her bedside as she spent a third night in the hospital. I think it was a huge comfort to have those closest to her to come and see her in hospital. Reporter and the first Public Comment from the royal family. Wellwishes from Prince Edward and his wife, sophie. It was great about the news. But keep sympathy with katherine. The duchess may have to rely on her family for the next few weeks, as william heads back to wales for a search and rescue rotation. William and kate were due to attend a military awards ceremony this weekend. But the palace now says only william will be going. Lama, thanks. Lets get to josh with the frightening headline out of syria. New concerns as the u. S. May have to intervene in the bloody civil war in that country. This morning, were learning that syrian dictator, Bashar Al Assads forces have done in recent days thats alarmed u. S. Officials and prompted a stern warning from president obama. And abcs Martha Raddatz is here with the details this morning. Good morning, martha. Reporter good morning, josh. This morning, a u. S. Official is confirming that over the weekend, the Syrian Military loaded elements of the deadly nerve gas, sarin, on to bombs on or near syrian airfields. Theres 40 chemical weapons sites like this one. One drop of sarin can kill you within minutes. The theory is that the sarin bombs could be put on syrian warplanes to use against the opposition forces. Theres no way to know for certain if that was the plan. But president obama was so concerned, he issued that strong warning on monday. And since then, there has been no activity at those airfields. And the Syrian Government insists it will not use chemical weapons. But that does not mean this threat has gone away. Opposition forces are gaining ground in syrias capital, putting more pressure on syrias unpredictable and vicious president. Josh . And as news becomes available, well have it for you. Martha, thank you for that. Other breaking news from the other Major International crisis unfolding in recent days. The Egyptian Army has been deployed to keep the peace in cairo, after deadly riots erupted outside the palace overnight, between supporters and opponents of president mohamed morsi. You see them here. Critics say morsi is trying to install a dictatorship, with his recent power grab and the new constitution written. Five people have been killed in the fighting. Hundreds more have been injured. New accusations that walmart and the gap may have played a role in that devastating factory fire that made headlines around the world. At least 112 garment workers were killed in the fire in bangladesh last month. This morning, Bloomberg News is reporting that walmart and the g gap refused to help pay for safety upgrades at the factory. The companies have not issued any statement. Back here, a developing story near los angeles. Police looking for the driver who ran down a little girl then sped off. It was all caught on tape. I want to assure you, the girl you see struck here is okay. She will be okay. She was dragged 30 feet, however, before she was thrown free. Her horrified mother, you see her there, running to her side. Police have released this video, hoping the public will recognize that suv. Again, the girl you see struck by that car will be okay. And a quick sports headline for you this morning. Los Angeles Laker kobe bryant, now among the rarest of company last night. Becoming the fifth player in the history of the nba to score 30,000 points in his career. Joins impressive names. Wilt chamberlain, kareem abduljabbar, and michael jordan. He is the youngest to reach the milestone. He was just 18 when he began. And if santa predicts a snowstorm this winter, get a Second Opinion and perhaps a third. Then, roll up your car windows because this can happen. A guy in sweden woke up to that. Oh, no. Apparently, the day before the big storm, warm enough to drive around with the windows down. Apparently not so overnight. Oh, my gosh. Triplecheck, roll up windows. Somebodys speaking out from behind there. Or just believe the forecast. Thank you, sam. Just saying. All right, guys. Were going to turn to the breaking news overnight of the military software titan, john mcafee, captured by police in guatemala, where he went to seek asylum. Just before his arrest, he speak exclusively to abcs matt gutman. And matt joins us live from Guatemala City with the latest on that bizarre interview. Matt, good morning. Reporter good morning, elizabeth. In that interview, mcafee very animated. Saying he felt safe here for the first time in months. Seeking asylum here. But just hours later, the Immigration Police picked him up. Theyre planning to fly him back to belize from the airport behind me, a move that surprised nearly everyone here, most of all mcafee. Overnight, john mcafee was stuffed into a police car here in guatemala. John, where are you going . To jail. Reporter arrested by the country, just hours earlier. He told us exclusively he hoped would grant us asylum. This morning, officials here say they will deport him back to belize, where he is being sought for questioning in the november murder of his neighbor, greg faull. You did not, nor did any of your associates shoot him . For what reason . How stupid would i be . Hes my neighbor. Reporter investigators in belize say hes not a suspect. But when they asked him to talk to them, he went underground, convinced, he says, police there want him dead. Why dont you take a lawyer, somebody you trusted, go to the police, talk to them, hash this all out . They wont let a lawyer come into my prison, where im surrounded by guys with knives or whatever, paid to kill me. Reporter late wednesday, a confident mcafee thought he had escaped. Telling us how he managed to duck police for three weeks, while taunting investigators. I changed my hair erratically, as ive died it black. Chopped it off. Its been white sometimes. Reporter at times, he said, he even pretended to be elderly. I had a cane. I was walking like this. And i had my jaws stuffed with toilet paper. Reporter when we talked to him, his hair was still dyed black. But he had given up the other disguises, thinking he no longer had to keep running. Youre not wanted. Im safe here. Reporter instead, this morning, mcafee is in jail. Now, mcafee always able to find a way to communicate, has been blogging from jail. He said that a judge has temporarily stayed that deportation order. His attorney has been arguing all along that any move for mcafee back to belize, could risk his life. Matt, we know youll be on it. Were going to turn to the latest on the fiscal cliff. Just 26 days before everyones taxes go up and programs get cut. Jon karl is following it all. A small breakthrough yesterday, president obama and House Speaker john boehner got on the phone. Reporter that may not sound like much, george. But its the first time the two men have spoken in a week. And what may be the most significant sign of progress, neither side talked about what was said on the call, an indication they may be serious about negotiating in private. Were starting to see some republicans concede that tax rates on the wealthy, at least, are going to have to go up. The president has another rockhard bottom line. Thats an increase in the u. S. Debt limit, as well. Reporter thats right. Republicans even top republicans, say the tax rates are going to almost certainly go up. But on this question of the debt ceiling, the government reaches the limit of how much money it can borrow in february. Republicans say they will exact a price for that. They want spending cuts, if they cant get exchange for the tax increases. They will raise the debt ceiling. The president saying hes not going to negotiate on that, either. Now, to a major headline for parents about a popular affordable baby recliner. A federal agency is suing the maker of the nap nanny, claiming it has caused the death of five children and demanding the recall of the product. Jim avila has all of the details. Reporter this morning, the government says its a dangerous product with a faulty design that allegedly allowed children to just fall. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says there have been 70 complaints about nap nanny, including 5 deaths. We believe its a hazardous product. Reporter for months, the makers of the nap nanny have refused to pull its product or offer refunds. The government is taking a rare step to ask a judge to pull it off shelves. The reason i came up with it, my daughter would only sleep in her car seat. Reporter in a statement, she says she is heartbroken for the families who lost a child. But says the parents misused the product, but either not strapping the baby in or placing the device on a table or a crib. The nap nanny is for floor use only. Reporter nap nanny raised the sides, and posted this instructional video. But children continued to die. And the company, again, refused to take responsibility. Quote, no infant using the nap nanny properly has ever suffered an injury requiring medical attention. For good morning america, jim avila, abc news, washington. Thanks to jim. Were going to turn to the search for an Arizona College freshman missing almost a week. He was last seen partying late friday night with members of a fraternity he wants to join. And the missing teens mom says he was worried about rough hazing during pledge week. Abcs linsey davis has the latest. Reporter overnight, distraught family and friends came together for a vigil for Arizona State University Freshman jack culolias, who has been missing since friday night. Willing to do anything to find her 19yearold son, who was last seen at this arizona bar. He was allegedly kicked out after being very intoxicated. He left his cell phone and credit cards behind. He normally never would do anything like this. Reporter he had been at a social event friday night for a fraternity as a new pledge. The pledging process is something his mother says he was concerned about. There was rumor that they were going to put them in a garage, 30 of them, and make them live in this garage. Reporter in a statement to abc news, the fraternity said, they take a very strong stance against hazing and has zero tolerance for it. His mother reported him missing to police. Then, with family and friends, she decided to search for herself in the river bed behind the shopping center. And what she found is likely the most significant clue yet. I got alarmed the moment i saw the shoe. I washed his tennis shoes at thanksgiving. So, i know what they look like. Reporter police have few clues. And havent confirmed that the shoe belongs to jack. They had boats out there looking for him. Nothing was found. Im just scared. Hes my youngest son. Reporter linsey davis, abc news, new york. You have to feel for that mom. Lets hope this ends okay. Lets go to josh. Lets hope so, indeed. Were going to turn to a video we cannot get enough of. We showed you this memorable wrestling match yesterday. The middle schoolers teaching us all life lessons. Good morning america salutes you both, Jared Stevens and justin kievit. At first glance, this may look like an ordinary wrestling match between two seven graders. With one boy defeating the other. But on this day, both of these 12yearolds left the mat as victors. And to call this extraordinary doesnt even begin to describe it. Take a closer look. You see, Jared Stevens has cerebral palsy. But he doesnt let that stop him. He wants to wrestle. He asked coach if he could get on the mat. Thats when we asked the coach, you know, what do we have to do to make that happen . Reporter he started practicing. And then the next logical question for somebody whos practicing with a wrestling team, hey, coach, i want to get a match. What do you think, dad . And i was like, put him on. Reporter so, they approached a coach from the opposing team. He called me over to the side and said, he wanted to get jaret on the match today. And asked if i had kids who understood what the world is like. Reporter enter justin keivit, in his very first match. I shook his hand. I noticed he couldnt move. So, i sat on the mat and pulled him over me. And slid under him like that. Reporter and with the crowd standing and cheering, jared pins justin to the mat in just 18 seconds. Jared wins, as evidenced by that eartoear smile. He looked at me with a cheerful face and smiled at me right when the match was over. That made me feel really good. The two adjectives that came out of this whole episode is courage and character, on both of these guys part. Reporter courage and character. And a remarkable show of contrition. Sometimes winning always isnt the right thing and isnt the most important thing. Wow. I have to tell you thats unreal. Yeah. Teaching us all. Yeah. Teaching us all. Fantastic. That is great. And the behind the story was just as good as you thought it was going to be. That conversation from the coaches. It was completely spontaneous. Do you have a kid with a big heart . And then, you have this kid, who, in the end, just does it all. Any advanced notice or anything. Makes you feel better about the world. It really does. And kudos to those parents. Great family. Great, both of them. They really did. Were going to show you incredible pictures from space. Nighttime view of the entire earth, released by nasa. But this is not the way the earth really looks. Nasa had the composite images from satellites. They only show you what city lights, car lights, boat lights, auroras, things like that, even gas flames. They choose certain wavelengths and put this together. Its a beautiful view. It just came out. We thought we would bring it to you this morning. Its the way the earth should look. Its a cleanedup version. We edit our pictures on facebook. Not us. Maybe. Quick look at what the temperatures are doing today. These are some of the coldest temperatures weve seen so far this year. 21 degrees in new york. 21 in philly. Look at the warmer air on the west coast. San francisco to l. A. Sunshine from San Francisco, sacramento, all the way to l. A. Well give you the rest of the mornings weather in a moment. Good morning, washington. It is an incredibly beautiful sunrise but chilly at 35 degrees like 39 degrees. Up at ors are waking below the freezing mark but it up this afternoon into below average. Is we will have mostly sunny skies the coldest day of the week. Weekendwarm up by the and a chance of showers confessions of a serial killer. What he revealed about hiss deadly split personality. And an abc news exclusive, the birth mother in that utah case speaks out. Oh, its great now i can brew my coffee just the way i love it. How do you do that . Well, inside the brewer, theres this train thats powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee thats stronger and bigger. And even hotter actually, i just press this button. Brew the coffee you love stronger, bigger, or hotter with the keurig vue. And eddy said the toys might not be ready eddy . The elf [ radio announcer ] todays forecast its snowing snowballs and snow bricks out there. Seven more days and its snowing snow bricks oh, well, be careful [ radio announcer ] only two days to go, and several of the elves were tossed around when they tried to wrap a pony. [ female announcer ] the keepsake countdown ornament. Build anticipation every day till christmas. Elves tried to wrap a pony tomato, obviously. Haha. Theres more than that though, theres a kick to it. Wahlalalalallala smooth, but crisp. Its kind of like drinking a food thats a drink, or a drink thats a food, woooooh [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. Couldve had a v8. I made the clear choice. Claritind. Decongestant products on the shelf can take hours to start working. Claritind starts to work in just 30 minutes. Power through nasal congestion fast. Get claritind at the pharmacy counter. Want a dryer with professional quality results, but 50 percent less noise . Introducing the quiet pro hair dryer from revlon. Performance for you. Quiet for them. The quiet pro hair dryer from revlon. Maybmaybe you cant. Re; when you have migraines with fifteen or more headache days a month, you miss out on your life. You may have chronic migraine. Go to mychronicmigraine. Com to find a headache specialist. And dont live a maybe life. Introducing nook hd the worlds best 7 tablet made for reading and entertainment. Your favorite magazines and catalogs look better than ever. And with scrapbooking, you can save the things you love, bring them all together, and be inspired like never before. Scrapbooking. Create yours with nook hd and even bigger with hd . Find yours at barnes noble. Live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. At 7 26 on this morning, december 6. Samesex couples in maryland marriagert getting licenses today. Can start getting looked that canenses to start getting marriage licenses today. A cleanup continues this hour trailerovernight tractor accident that continues to cause the beltway. This is some of the damage after over on theipped eldeouter loop near 270. The driver suffered minor injuries but delays will continue for several hours. Newschannel 8 will have more in depth report in a few minutes. The truck was hauling blueberries and pineapples. We have an overhead tracking those delays. Ofare jammed on that stretch town coming out of greenbelt. This is going to be a solid the you continue through this stretch of town after the exit for 270. Lanes are at a crawl with two separate accidents. A much chillier start this morning, 35 degrees at Reagan National but it feels like 29 degrees. Most temperatures are below the mark. Ng 2535 degrees colder were this time yesterday. Up a little this with high temperatures 40s with mostly y skies. Thanks for being with us. You wont take my life. You wont take our future. Aids affects us all. Even babies. Chevron is working to stop mothertochild transmission. Our employees and their families are part of the fight. And were winning. At chevron nigeria, we havent had a reported case in 12 years. Aids is strong. Aids is strong. But we are stronger. And aids. Aids is going to lose. Aids is going to lose. You are looking at the chilling confession tapes of a serial killer. Revealing frightening details about targeting his eight victims. He had what he called kill kits stashed across the country. Its very silence of the lambs. A female fbi agent tracked him down. Also, ahead good morning, america, by the way. Good to be here. Robin is on leave, recovering. And i think were going to trim her Christmas Tree today. Also ahead, the latest on the controversial custody battle over this little girl who was given up for adoption. Her father had no idea. Now, the birth mother speaks out in an abc news exclusive, explaining why she did this. Also, making a turn of sorts. The biggest teen dreams, as elizabeth told you at the top of the program, arent so wanted, after all. Bieber, one d. , the wanted, shut out of grammy nominations. The outrage, explained in detail. So are the fashion police, in times square as we speak. We have an anchor competition coming up, thats already heating up, ladies and gentlemen. Which one of us will take your cues and model the whackiest christmas sweater on the planet. No one said there could be no electricity. No one said the sweater could not have electricity. Can i tell our viewers . This is intense. I just landed from london. I had no idea i needed to be working on my sweater. We will be working on this for a long time. Some of these are explosive. Some of them will explode. But we need your vote. So, choose wisely. As if that wasnt enough, sam, we also have Tori Spelling. She is speaking out about her pregnancy scare and what shes revealing about a lifethreatening ordeal she went through and how it helped her become the mom and the person she is today. A whole lot coming up. Lets get to the serial killer confessing on tape. It is a harrowing story about his eight victims and deadly split personality. Abcs Neal Karlinsky has the details. Reporter youre watching 34yearold israel keyes, describe over coffee and a bagel, his strategy for hunting and killing innocent people. Back when i was smart, i was letting them come to me. Just remote areas. Kind of a remote area thats not anywhere near where you live, but that other people go to, as well. Reporter this newlyreleased interrogation video, shows keyes in anchorage, being questioned about a missing barista. She is seen putting her hands up. He zip ties her hands and leads her away. Telling police he killed her, and then left for a cruise out of new orleans, before asking her family for ransom. But keyes didnt just reveal the details of that brutal attack. He also revealed that hes a serial killer. There is no one who knows me, or who has ever known me, who knows anything about me, really. They know theyre going to tell you something that is not going to line up with anything i tell you because im two different people, basically. Reporter fbi special agent jolene golden interviewed keyes over a period of months. He talked about the rush he got out of it. The adrenaline and the high from doing it. Reporter keyes told her he killed at least eight people, including a couple in essex, vermont, four others in washington state, and one more on the east coast, with a body hidden in new york. He told stunned agents, he left kill kits or caches buried in several states, filled with everything hed need to commit a murder. His strategy to grab his victims in remote locations like parks, campgrounds, even a cemetery. You may not get exactly what youre not a lot to choose from, in a matter of speaking. But theres no witnesses. Really, theres nobody around. Reporter portrait of a serial killer. They believe his eight victims are only the tip of the iceberg. How long have you been two different people . A long time. 14 years. Reporter hes done talking now. Keyes killed himself with a razor inside his cell on sunday. For good morning america, Neal Karlinsky, abc news, seattle. What a story. Now, to the latest twist in the controversial utah custody battle. A baby girl was put up for adoption without her soldier fathers knowledge or consent. A judge ordered the girl returned to her father. And now, the mother is speaking out in an abc news exclusive. Amy robach is here with the latest on this controversial story. Reporter good morning to you. This bitter battle over a 21monthold little girl, between her adoptive parents and the biological father, has grown more complicated. The girls birth mother is speaking out to abc news. Tira bland says no matter who has custody of her daughter, she is still her mother. And she still loves her. Her wellbeing is all that matters to me. I want to see her successful. I want to see her in a home, a good home. Reporter but the question of just who provides that home is now at the center of a contentious custody battle. Blands exhusband, terry achane, a sergeant in the army, said bland put his daughter up for adoption without his knowledge in 2010. When he learned that the child was being raised by jared and kristi frei in utah, he asked a court to give him custody. Last month, a judge did just that. Im hurt for the freis. Theyre great people. Reporter bland says the freis took her in. He knew bland was pregnant and had to move for work. She says the couple discussed adoption. But in the end, he abandoned her. And thats why she turned to the freis. They cared about me about the wellbeing of leah, when he wasnt there, when he didnt care. He showed no interest in me being pregnant. When he left me, he didnt leave me with an address. I didnt have a home address on him. Reporter achanes lawyers deny that. They say he was paying blands bills and wanted to take care of their unborn daughter. Telling abc news, the judge heard her story and completely ruled against her. He did not find that her story was credible. My heart was comfortable with leah being with the freis. I would rather see her with me struggling first before she goes with him. Reporter and the freis are not giving up. Their Attorney Says they have grounds for appeal and will vow to fight to keep their little girl. Its time for a check on the weather with sam champion. Hey, sam. Good morning, elizabeth. You have gliting on your do i have glitter . Ive been making exploding christmas sweaters. Youve been decorating your sweater. New information from noaa out today. If you compare this year to last year. Look this year, barely 6 of the country has snowfall. Last year, just about 40 of the country had snowfall. And it was a warm, dryish year last year. Now, this is a real problem because we need the snowfall for the season. Theres several opportunities over the next week to get snow in here, with a little batch of cold air that will continually reinforce itself about three or four times. Seattle, salt lake city, aspen. It looks like bismarck, minneapolis, green bay, will have a chance to get a little bit of snow here. And this will happen over the weekend. And maybe beyond next week. Heres a quick look at the big board. There is colder air in the northeast. Dallas, youre 74 degrees. And orlando, about 77. Phoenix, at 77 degrees. And weve got a dry, fairly dry west coast, as well, from San Francisco all the way into, probably we can expect a chilly start though the temperature is degrees, it feels like 26 degrees. 2535 degrees colder than y morning and mostly all that weather, all that weather, was brought to you by advil. Theres a lot, sam. Its all going on. Sam, you got a lot of i like the glitter. Coming up here, the grammy nominations have been revealed. And theyre not going in one direction. Were having so much fun today. Why are the worlds biggest boy bands and Justin Bieber shutout . Of washington about the future of medicare and Social Security. 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Gs, so at university of phoenix were working with a growing list of almost two thousand Corporate Partners Companies Like microsoft, American Red Cross and adobe to create options for you. Not only that, were using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want youll be a perfect fit. Lets get to work. [spiderman] we got this. [mom] this hero stuff is easy oh, yeah. Sing it with me, people. It is 7 43. Were back with big news. The emmy nominations i said emmy nominations because we were just talking about them. The grammy awards, the nominations were announced put your computer down. Like its the computers fault. George. Its georges fault. The electronics. Hey, listen. Ill try this again. One direction, the wanted, Justin Bieber, all out of the running. We never thought wed see this. But abcs Chris Connelly says, its true. Nashville. Reporter lady in lace, taylor swift, beatboxing with her cohost, l. L. Cool j. That wasnt the only surprise, as the grammy nominations were unveiled last night, amid an atmosphere of, well, fun. Tonight reporter bolstered by janelle monet. Leads for six nominations. Including record of the year, and album of the year. It typified what kind of night it was for fresh faces. Not those fresh faces, though. One direction, Justin Bieber, and the wanted, were all passed over. Oy vey. Instead youve been talking about reporter while the band perry and dierks bentley, pay tribute to johnny cash, the similarly acoustic mumford sons got album of the year nod, as well. And while neyo soared through let me love you. It didnt take long to realize that frank ocean looks like a favorite. One of his six nominations, along with record and album of the year. And this is crazy. Heres my number reporter call me . Maybe not. Carly rae jepsen missed out on a best new artist nomination. Bu call me maybe did get tapped as song of the year. As for taylor, she got a nomination herself. The no, maminees will await fey 10th, to see who takes home a grammy or two. For good morning america, Chris Connelly, abc news, los angeles. And congratulations to all. Meanwhile, coming up, a little singing for you on play of the day. Yay. Trust me, youll like it. Freeze it right now. Freeze. You just got 5 off for using your red card. Welcome home. She loves it. Nintendo 3ds xl nailed it. Dad, im actually totally satisfied and have no complaints. Ho, ho, ho so smart with your money plus Free Shipping at target. Com. With your red card get an extra 5 off our everyday low prices. Plus Free Shipping. Hello . [ sea ] hi this is the sea calling. Whens the last time you visited me . When i went surfing. I love to surf. Can you imagine surfing in the middle of me . In the middle of you . Oh yes [ giggles ] nice moves [ female announcer ] our biggest december sales event ever. Going on now. Call 1800royalcaribbean. Time for citi price rewind. 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[ male announcer ] its not complicated. Faster is better. And the iphone 5 downloads fastest on at t 4g. Heres the play of the day. Times awasting. Lets get right to it. Nothing like a good piece of music. It has to be the most unlikely duet ever. Wait for it. Theres only one star. Really great. Yeah. Tremendous. Anybody have a euro . I want to go fill the coffers over there. Terrific. Coming up, you know you want it. And even if you dont, sweater smackdown. Go nowhere. I gave birth to my daughter on may 18th, five days later, i had a massive heart attack. Bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. Now, im on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. And less saturated fat . Its eb. Egglands best eggs. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. Its eb. To say get well to your loved ones. This came for you, mommy. [ female announcer ] but when you send a kleenex® care pack, complete with americas softest tissue, youre also giving a warm gesture of care. Kleenex®. Americas softest tissue. Will you marry me . Yes. Attention. He went to jared. [ female announcer ] create your own oneofakind ring at jared this friday through sunday and receive get set in diamonds rewards up to 1,000 toward a beautiful diamond setting when you buy your diamond at jared. Choose from thousands of diamonds and hundreds of settings. Oh please return your fiancee to her original upright position. [ female announcer ] get up to a 1,000 reward at jared, the galleria of jewelry. Your season is here. Lets just call it the baking time of year. You need special ingredients. You need the staples. Thats a given. You need safeway sugar for just 1. 97. And that magic thing that makes everyone want another only 2. 99 for land olakes butter. And when hands get messy, quite surely theyll say, yum wow yay what a sweeter holiday. Safeway. Ingredients for life. Live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. Atgood morning once again on this thursday morning, december 6. To who triedoking to blow up an atm in fredericksburg, virginia. The atm had some damage and had message on the screen but is still in tact. E was a suspect spotted by a witness. Police are looking for answers found that aas Fairfax County school. Was found in the locker at secondary school in fairfax and officials questioned no students were in danger. Newschannel 8 will have more in a couple of minutes. Have problems going on. Around the maryland beltway, the cleanup off the tractortrailer that is on the maryland 0 ltway near the exit for 27 of greenbelt and merge ontoying to the beltway. Virginia i395 at duke street, accidentrs ago this is stilld there activity on the shoulder. Of sunshine but is chilly to start today. 35 degrees is the temperature but it feels like 26 degrees at Reagan National airport. We will warm up into the low to 40s with mostly sunny and it will be clear and cold tonight. We will be back at 8 27. Welcome to chevys yearend event. So, the 5. 3liter vv8 silverao can tow up to 9,600 pounds . 315 horsepower. Whats that in reiner power . [ laughing ] [ stops laughing ] [ male announcer ] chevys giving more. This holiday season, trade up to t the 2012 Chevy Silverado allstar edition for 0 apr financing for 60 months plus 2,000 cash allowance or get a total value of 9,000. [ cheers and applause ] everybody, all bundled up out there this morning. A little cold out there in times square. But it has not dampened the spirits of our crowd. As you know, robin at home recovering. Were going to visit her later today. Great to have Elizabeth Vargas here with us. And were rocking the holidays here at gma. Rocking the holidays, indeed. Were going headtohead in a sweater smackdown. Each of us have created i got the previous sweater i could find. And sam is covered with glitter, back there. Only one winner. Josh out here. Josh is working hard, too. Mine hes the dark horse candidate. I have something of a landfill theme. It will all make sense, people. Once again, proving that were not competitive at all. At all. Uglier. It must be uglier. You can go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo right now, to see our choices and cast your vote. Thank you. The teamup right there. Its not fair. Its not fair. Im sacrificing myself. Thank you, george. You dont even need to enter. Stephanopoulos is a runaway winner. Always. Also coming up, Angelina Jolie has a shocking a possible shocker here, we should say. Why would one of the worlds most famous actresses is saying, she is thinking about stepping away from her career for good. Sure it has something to do with her children. Shes such a terrific mom. And that yummy husband of hers. Oh, theres many adjectives. A lot to stay home for. Speaking of homes, one of the most famous homes in america is getting a brandnew neighbor. You might call it a neighborhood. Theres cinderella, right by that diconic castle. Its a new fantasyland. Yeah. And its near the castle. Boy, i wish i was there right now. Do you need anybody to go on assignment. We should have done that. I know a 4yearold who will go right now. Shell go. That would be great. Lets get news from josh. Were going to begin with great news. Out of london this morning, laras back. And so is kate. Kate middleton, leaving the hospital where she was being treated for acute, rather severe, morning sickness. The duchess of cambridge, bearing yellow roses, as you can see. Smiling while she walked out of the husband. Prince william, her husband, by her side. Welcome back, duchess. Theres news this morning about whether the United States have have to intervene in the bloody civil war in syria. Theres reports that the Syrian Military element loaded nerve gas on weapons. And theres fear that they will drop the bombs. But theres been no activity since monday, when president obama warned the syrians about using chemical weapons. New video of army tanks moving in to stop the violence that has erupted outside the president ial palace in cairo. Thousands you see here, protesting president mohamed morsi, claiming he is trying to establish a dictatorship. Also this morning, software mogul john mcafee has been arrested in guatemala. Police detained him for entering the country illegally. Hes request asylum in guatemala, claiming he is being persecuted in belize, in questioning for his neighbors murder there. A lawsuit has changed the way we criticize others online. A virginia contractor has won a legal victory this morning, after suing a client for defamation. Claiming her scathing reviews on the websites yelp and angieslist were not true. The judge ordered that she must remove her reviews. The lawyer calls it a violation of free speech. Heres diane sawyer with a preview of tonights world news. Josh, good morning. And to everyone on gma. It is day one. First time ever smoking marijuana is legal in one state of this country. Will other states follow . And tonight, were going to show you what its like when marijuana is suddenly legal. Well be watching. And finally, this years Sports Illustrated sports kids of the year. We had them on the program. Conner and cayden from tennessee. Cayden was born with cerebral palsy. But that doesnt keep him from competing with conner in triathlons. Theyve done a dozen together. Last night, look at conner, alongside nba star lebron james, who was named sportsman of the year by the magazine. Congratulations to all, especially conner and cayden. I can tell you, conners speech, in recognizing his brother, tears flowed in that hall, streaming down his face. Again, two more great examples. Great for our future. Thats great. Thank you, josh. You bet. Thats wonderful. Now, a little pop news. Good morning to everybody. Were going to begin with daniel craig. Hes said more than once that he is over playing james bond. Now, i wonder, though, how he would feel if one of the hottest leading men in the world is more than happy to take over the franchise. In a new interview with the sun not sam champion. Its hugh jackman. Hugh jackman says hes ready, willing and able to take over the role, as soon as craig says the word. In fact, jackman tells the sun he was approached about playing 007 before craig. He was too busy shooting xmen. But not now. The tux is dusted off. If his friend wants outs, i wonder if that leaves daniel craig shaken or stirred . The first singing james bond. That would be cool. Bond the musical . No, no, no. I love the image. I love the martinishaking backup dancers. Thats a great image. But bond is such an iconic guys guy. You cant mess with that. All the more reason that i have the new bond right here. Cant mess with that. Daniel craigs the best. I have another story you guys are going to like. You talked about it when i was in london. We gave you a sneak peek of the John Travolta and Olivia Newtonjohn video. That video has blown up online. They are still so hot. The song is called i think you might like it. It is a real trip down memory lane. The song written by the same guy that wrote youre the one that i want from the classic film, grease. And its featured on their holiday album. All of the proceeds from the album benefit charity. And were excited that john and olivia will be right here on gma to perform later this month. These two go together like shamalalalala. I sang while you were gone. How did that go again . Ooh, ooh, ooh there you go. Theres more. Really . Thank you. Hey, everybody. We have a pop news popin now. By now, most of us have seen the video of jayz, on the subway, explaining who he was, for a woman who was unclear about the fuss around him. We showed it to you yesterday, in the piece about beyonces documentary. That woman is a reporter in new york. We asked her about her experience. I didnt know who celebrities cant walk down the street easily because its part of what theyre about and what theyre after. But it must get tiresome doing that. Jayz, if you see this, i wouldnt mind meeting you again. My granddaughter wants to meet him. She was well aware of who he was. Jayzs biggest fan. Jayz, come to the studio to perform on gma. Ellen with a frontrow seat. Finally, time for our pop quiz. And speaking of jayz, what did Rolling Stone pick as the best hiphop song of alltime . Thats a hint. Is it jayz . Were going to find out in a little bit. First, we have to get the weather from sam. Sorry. Good morning, everybody. Were on. Were live. Where are you guys from . Louisville, colorado. I see a are you in school . Yeah. What school . A little chilly . Or just happy to be here . Youre dancing. Were not playing music. Its cold. Its a little chilly. Even from colorado, its a little cold in times square. Lets get to the boards. One or two things we want to talk about this morning. How about we start with miami . A live shot there. You can see theres a little cloud out there in the distance. Well show you the southeast. The idea is that you have the area of High Pressure that moves away. The low and the associated front moves in. There will be scattered thunderstorms moving in. Look at orlando, at 77. Miami, at 79 degrees. The bitter cold air stays in northern canada. But we are seeing it get closer to the contiguous u. S. Now, we watch the cold air and a couple bursts of it shoot down. Watch the temperatures in billings, bismarck, minneapolis, denver, get back to normal and get below it. The news for the next couple of weeks is, these bursts of cold air will come down. But it will get milder between them. So, were not getting one, solid block of cold temperatures. We are on the cold side of things this morning at 36 degrees. The wind is at 13 Miles Per Hour like upper 20s. Our temperature this morning is between 2530 degrees cooler than yesterday morning. Mostly sunny today with a high between 4046 and tomorrow, we the truth is, its much more comfortable huddle between you guys. Lets go back in the studio to lara. Thank you. Heres a look at whats coming up on our gma morning menu. Why Angelina Jolie is revealing she may be about to quit acting for good. And Tori Spelling is opening up about her pregnancy scare and what shes calling her miracle baby. Let the games begin. Its our holiday sweater smackdown. Your voice, your vote, coming up on gma, live in times square. Looks like your bags didnt make it. Well send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. Thanks. Both finally one taste, and youll understand. Enjoy delicious dunkinin dons coffee anytime. Best vacation ever pick some up where you buy groceries. America runs on dunkin. And now i got a great new way to get deals. Its called bankamerideals, from bank of america. I choose the cash back deals in my mobile or Online Banking. I just use my bank of america debit or credit card when i pay. And i get as much as 15 cash back put into my account. This is cash back on top of other rewards i already get. Best of all its free. Happy holidays. [ male announcer ] introducing bankamerideals, free for Online Banking customers. Sign in to your Online Banking to choose your deals today. That was me. The day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. Me. Thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. And me. Discovering oncedaily levemir® flexpen. Flexpen® is prefilled. Doesnt need refrigeration for up to 42 days. No drawing from a vial. Dial the exact dose. Inject by pushing a button. Flexpen® is insulin delivery. My way. Levemir® insulin detemir [rdna origin] injection is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes and is not recommended to treat diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not use levemir® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating, shakiness, confusion, and headache. Severe low blood sugar can be serious and life threatening. Ask your Healthcare Provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. Other possible side effects include injection site reactions. Tell your Healthcare Provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. Get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. With flexpen®. Say good night to vial and syringe. Ask your doctor about levemir® flexpen. Covered by 90 of insurance plans, including medicare. Find your copay at myflexpen. Com. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] oh what fun it is to ride. Get the mercedesbenz on your wish list at the winter event going on now through december 31st. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 e350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Yes, we do love you, robin. We cant wait to see you after the show. First, the pop quiz. What did Rolling Stone pick as the best hiphop song all time . The answer is the message from grand master flash. Vargas, you were right on. I had it. You nailed that one. The full list, the top50 are you kidding . Thats a classic. Thats great. It did. You can check out the magazine, hitting newsstands tomorrow. We turn to the major headline out of hollywood. Is Angelina Jolie really ready to close the door on her acting career . She is reflecting in a brandnew interview, saying she may soon leave movies behind to focus on being a fulltime mom. Paula faris has more. Reporter Angelina Jolie may be half of the hottest duo in tinseltown. Still alive, baby . Reporter but one of the most famous actresses in the world, says shes now willing to take a permanent hiatus from hollywood. I think im going to have to give up the acting as the kids hit the teenage years anyway. There will be too much to manage at home. Reporter in a candid interview with britains channel 4 news, the megastar, known for salt and tomb raider is speaking in the past tense. Saying she would give up her career for her family. Ive had great experience. Id be able to tell stories. And ive gotten to do things for fun. But if it went away tomorrow, id be very happy to just be home with my children. Reporter a lot has changed recently for jolie and pitt. In april, the paparazziplagued pair finally got engaged, after seven years ago and adopting three children. Theyve taken on new humanitarian projects, founding the joliepitt foundation, which fights disease and poverty in cambodia. Pitt also told Elizabeth Vargas that he is changing his focus. Everything is allocation. Spending my time wisely and doing the things that are important to me and spending the time i need with family. Reporter jolie isnt the other mother looking at motherhood. You make choices as a wife and mother, dont you . You cant have it all. The irony, of course, is that these stars have what appears to be very glamorous lifestyles. All they want to do, in many cases, is to get away from it. Reporter for now, jolie seems to have found a way to incorporate her family into her work. 4yearold vivian, 8yearold pax, and 7yearold saraha, have roles in her upcoming film, maleficent. She says she can see herself leading a less glamorous life. I see whats happening in the world. I want to be part of the world in a positive way. Reporter for good morning america, paula faris, abc news, new york. A good mom. And now, we turn to another superstar mom, speaking out this morning. Tori spelling, opening up about a lifethreatening pregnancy scare, with her youngest son, finn. And how it helped her to make her a better mother. Cecilia vega spoke with her and joins us now from los angeles. Hi, see celia. Reporter good morning. Tori spelling says she can relate to her difficulties right now. But for tori, the difficulty, the danger and toll it took on her body, she says baby number four is probably her last. I didnt plan to get drunk. Reporter these days, Tori Spelling is all grown up. Still living life in frontnt of the camera. But a this time, as a wife and a mom. Glad you guys are all here. Reporter from her online series, documentori. I love you, baby. Reporter to her reality show. A boy. Are you serious . Reporter but this is tori in her most challenging role yet. Four children with her husband of five years, dean mcdermott. And tori is opening up about her headlinegrabbing pregnancy, with her son, finn. Lifethreatening complications reportedly linked to her three previous csections. Had her pleading with doctors to save her baby. One of my doctors said, get that baby to 28 weeks. Im not going to cry. Reporter she was in the hospital for 2 1 2 months, lying flat on her back, unable to care for her other young children. I missed big moments. That was the hardest. Reporter what did you miss . I missed liams preschool graduation, and ellas 4th birthday party. Hattie, when she started to crawl and her first words. Reporter finn is 3 months old and healthy, the newest member of their growing family. Do you have a different bond with him than your other children because of what you went through with that pregnancy . With finn, i appreciate every second more with him. Reporter toris appreciating being back at work. She is starring in an abc family movie the mistletones, this time, playing a glammedup mean girl. It will age much faster than her face. Fingers crossed. It was my American Idol meets dancing with the stars moment. I finally got my moment. I watch those shows all the time. And now, it was me. Reporter but at home, this christmas is all about family. It looks good, guys. Are you eating more than youre decorating or what . Were such a diy family, our holidays are ideal. We make our own ornaments. Anything we can make, we do. I have to ask. Your parents are both jewish, right . Yes. We grew up celebrating everything because they believed it wasnt about a religious holiday. It was about a family celebration. Reporter toris famous tv producer father, aaron spelling, died in 2006. She has famously feuded with her mother. But theyve since made up. And now, tori plans to pass on some of the spelling family traditions to her own kids. But not quite all of them. And the gift wrapping room, it did exist. Reporter it did exist . Its not urban legend. And there might have been more than one. Reporter exclusive. There might have been a holiday one. Just a holiday one. All i want for christmas is you reporter two rooms, just for wrapping paper. There is one tradition that her father loved that shes passing on to her own kids. They brought in a snow machine to turn los angeles into a white christmas, to bring that snow to them. Guys, back in new york, one overthetop tradition theyre doing in los angeles, in the new generation of the spelling household. Back to you guys. All right, cecilia. Ive been in the wrapping rooms. I visited toris mom once. Switching gear, now, were rocking the holidays here at gma. So many of us have pulled on the crazy holiday sweaters, every year, right . Every year. Were going to show you ours a little bit later. First, the scoop behind those sweaters. Back for another season of holiday parties, blogs, books and fashion shows, take a look. They feature reindeer. Snowflakes. You wish you were in my family. Reporter and snowman motifs. Dog antlers. Theyve been embraced by mothers, daughters and grinches alike. No doubt about it, those kitchy holiday sweaters have grown into a phenomenon. Theres books devoted to the sweaters. Websites devoted to their every thread. And latenight comedians use the material provided by the sweaters. To keep their audiences in stitches. A little bonus poinsettia on the back there. Reporter our own team can attest, there are overthetop sweaters there. Look at their submissions for the whackiest and ugliest in yuletide yarnwear. Last year, the christmas sweater industry boasted record profits. Just goes to show you, theres beauty to be found in something so outrageous. Those are some great sweaters. Were going to model our bad tacky, like bad in a fun way, sweaters. By tacky, you mean perfect. Yours has a light motif. Mine is an outside sports, skier motif. Yours . Allout holiday. I added an accessory to it. I didnt accessorize. George, you didnt access rise . Go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo right now to cast your vote. Coming up, well model on our catwalk and reveal the winner. Good morning, the district is getting help to deal with the hurricane center. Declared obama has d. C. As a disaster area and that up federal money to cover emergency work and repair. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is in d. C. Today where lobbyinge doing some more aid following hurricane center. Federal a full thebursement for some of related costs. We have a couple of incidents on the road to. The maryland beltway leaving is clearing out. This morning, a tractor all the fruit and overturned. Lasern continues and the to collegenbelt park. Cleanup continues on the r loop from greenbelt to college park. 395 at a press and to treat but it is slow the 14th street bridge now. Be prepared for that. You are preparing differently today than the last couple of days. Our temperatures are about 2030 colder than this time yesterday morning. 36 is the temperature on the we have lots of across the rest of the region. We will see plenty of sunshine and warm up but still below average. We will warm things up into the weekend. We will be back at 8 56. [ cheers and applause ] big, happy crowd here in times square this morning. Crowded today. Look at the tree right there. Everybody, all bundled up. Were going to look, live, at gaston, from beauty and the beast. Disney worlds brandnew fantasyland opening now. Got a tweet from robin. Were going to head to her apartment to trim the tree. So excited to see george, sam, josh and lara today at my apartment. I have your froggy slippers ready. We cannot wait for that. We also cant wait for what is coming up right now. Were rocking the holidays with our firstever holiday sweater smackdown. Here to help judge, the style editor for lucky magazine, lori bergamotto. Thanks for coming in, lori. Thank you for having me. This is becoming a trend. The awesomely bad holiday sweater. 5 million people. Celebrities are wearing them. Diddy was wearing them. And we think it all started back in 2001, as a canadian house party. They had an ugly sweaterthemed holiday party. Are you ready for everyone now . Yes. Youre our first model. This, i understand show the camera here. You are very decisive in your pullover. I feel a lot of sophisticate ed patterns. But theres a tacky nacher to the ensemble. Thank you. Next up, elizabeth. It features a number of ornaments to go with the spirit of the season. Her inspiration, to deck herself out while decking the halls. This is a sweater that will stand up and make you take holiday notice. Looking good, elizabeth. Thank you. And next, we have lara. Fresh back from london. She brought with her some holiday fashion sense from the other side of the bond. This number is a Blue Christmas cardigan with a white collar, sleeve and trim. And with the fascinator. The tree sets it off. Look at that amazing fascinator. Incredible. Lara, im impressed. E for effort. Josh really brought it. He is wearing a sweater that has been custommade to accommodate his passion for the season. Hes taken the christmas sweater to new heights. His words were, throw in the kitchen sink. They threw in the christmas sink. They sure did. That wetter weighs 12 pounds. Thats right. Its a good workout. Very impressive. Very impressive. Okay, finally. Last but not least. Here it is. Sam is wearing a cotton holiday sweater. And this look, let there be light. And light there is. Behold the power and the wonder of sam champion in all of his electric glory. Sams sweater, being the true weatherman here, a flurry of snowflakes and lots of holiday lights. And a curtain toggle. Lights and sparkling balls. Yes. That is the ugliest christmas sweater. It is swashbuckling. Who has the whackiest holiday sweater of the season . Go to goodmorningamerica. Com on yah yahoo. Com to cast your vote. Well have the winner in a little bit. Sam, now, you have to do the weather in that. George, i would wear this any day, day or night. I would wear this to a festive holiday event. After all, youre wearing it right now. Right now. Lets get to the boards. One or two things going on we want to show you. How about a little picture out of michigan this morning. You send us the twitter and facebook pictures from all over the country. Quick look at the drier and milder air that comes into the west coast. It is about time. San francisco, getting 65 on saturday. Sacramento, getting to 62. Not only today, but again on saturday. And heres where the cold air comes in. It is a little chilly this morning, which is why you need a warm, holiday sweater. And if youre voting, apparently, its clearly only one sweater lights up, like this. Wearing mys holiday sweater. Degrees and the wind about 28 degrees. We will warm up. All of that weather was brought to you by mercedes. Give us a shake, sam. Give us a jingle. I have dibs on sam. Hes guiding me today. I dont know what is better, the shaking or the tassel. Walt disney once said, if you dream it, you can wear it. I mean, you can do it. Disney world dreamed it. And today, they have the grand opening of a brandnew park. Its called fantasyland. And our own Cameron Mathison and his kids were invited for a special sneak peek. Thank you, mickey. Looks fantastic. Imagine being invited to a fairy tale. The kids and i felt like we walked into the French Village of beauty and the beast. [ speaking french ] pardon me my french. At belles enchanted tales, everyone, including yours truly, gets a part. It will be fabulous. Lets go now. We dont have much time. Reporter i played murray. So cold. So cold. Lucas played the beast. A teacup named chip. Next door is first new castle in four decades. It belongs to the beast. Inside is the be our guest restaurant. Its an exact replica of the ballroom, from the chandeliers. To the cherubs on the ceiling, to the snowy scenery and magic portrait, that changes from prince to beast, before your eyes. But i had any eye out for a different kind of guy. Look at this. Its gaston. Your favorite. He is one of my favorites. Youre right. How are you doing . Hello. Im cameron. The pleasures all yours. Reporter lucas has a question for him. How many can you do . Plenty. Probably more than you can, for sure. Reporter we took the challenge, as a family affair. Okay. Beaten by the master, i asked gaston where he gets his confidence. Red is scientifically proven to make you 10 more attractive. Thats why i wear red all the time. Reporter like you need that. I know. Its just an extra boost. Reporter what do you any . 10 more attractive . 2 . Reporter ill take 2 our gang headed underwater, to aerials grotto. Its my second time meeting a mermaid. Oh, my gosh. How exciting. I hope youve been doing a lot of swimming. Youre probably a pretty fast swimmer, too. Reporter from sea to sky, we were off to the new doubledumbo. Twice the fun. We capped off the day with barnstormer. That was awesome. Again. Reporter again . Yes. Again and again and again. Until we all got our fill and we head home to tell mom all about it. Thats right. A little higher. Little higher. And all of this is just the beginning. Tomorrow, cameron will take us on a wild ride on a Disney Imaginering marvel. Dont miss that. Worldclass engineers designed it. And cameron will drive a car himself. Coming up, master chef Tyler Florence is in the kitchen with holi because we know how much you do to make the holidays j just rig. From ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea. Really happy to have Tyler Florence, author of seven bestselling cookbooks with us this morning. Has a new one coming out, fresh, combining ingredients to create something extraordinary and delicious. Hes going to show us a couple of dishes from the new book this morning. Great to see you again. Got to ask you about the cover shot. Thats your chick. My 5yearold and 4yearold fell in love with a chicken. The chickens live us with now. Seriously . This is our coop in our backyard. Every egg they lay, is about a 1,000 egg, which im excited about. Tell me about the book. Were going to make one of my favorite dishes out of this whole book. Were going to make seared flat iron stake with creamed spinach. And i have shaved truffles. Sounds and smells delicious. We have a big saute pan here. We sauteed fresh spinach here. And we squeezed the water out. We have a little bit of cream. Were going to pour it back in the same pan. This is a little garlic and butter. You could bottle this and sell this, right here, this mist. Fresh nutmeg. That fresh nutmeg, it does open up, once you get that yeah, the shave on it. Isnt that amazing . You want to release the essential oil. You can really smell it. It smells fresh. So, were going to add Parmesan Cheese to this. Were going to take our spinach and fold this back in. And then, were going to let this simmer and pull together. We have a couple minutes left. Lets work on everything. We have flat iron steak. You want to keep that working with the spoon . Or can it just hang out by itself . Were going to give it a nice z stir. When it starts to thicken up, youre pretty much done. This is a flat iron cut. This is the trendy thing that everybodys talking about. Its a cut from inside the shoulder. Its called a butchers cut in the u. K. Its really beefy. Lovely marbling. What does that do for the lemon . Gives a smoky flavor. Were going to get on top of this. Isnt that marbling beautiful . It really is consistent. Its even throughout. Right. So, weve got a nice, big platter here. Pull that up there. Ah, right . We have our creamed spinach. Put the creamed spinach around the bottom. Thats creamed spinach . That easy . A little Parmesan Cheese, nutmeg on the bottom. And were going to take the pressed steak. What are you having for lunch . A nice piece of skirt steak. Check it out. Isnt that gorgeous . Isnt that great . Look at that. Oh, yeah. Perfect. This is one of the great cuts, if youre king of the backyard, king of the grill. You havent tried a flat iron yet, youre going to love it. Wow. And then nice garlic pieces. Were going to finish up with fresh baby spinach. Okay. We have seared flat iron steak with creamed spinach. Also really delicious. And check it out because it happens to be truffle season, ladies and gentlemen. A little truffle. The book again, fresh. You can get tylers recipes on our website. Dude, as always, thank you very much. Delicious. Delicious. Coming up, a very special holiday performance from world coming up, a very special holiday performance from world famous violinist, andre reyou. In the people, businesses, and organizations that call Greater Washington home. Whether its funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence, or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d. C. , whats important to the people of Greater Washington is important to us, and were proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger. Well, he has sold over 50 million albums worldwide. Multitalented. A singular talent. Andre rieu, director, producer, world stadium tour was second to only u2s 360 tour. Hes going to perform for us in a moment. But we want to chat. Thank you for being here. Nice to be here. Its home for the holiday. A twohourlong christmas cd dvd. What made you decide to do two hours of Christmas Music . I couldnt stop. It was fantastic to be with my ark orchestra, in the snow at home. You designed the Winter Wonderland setting well see on the dvd. What inspired that . You know, i think, the best place for christmas is to be at home. They would give me 10 million to play anywhere. But i will not do it. I will play at home. Again, we hear about the tours and everything youre doing. What keeps you going, especially when it takes you far from home . You think, i can be with all these beautiful girls. Andre, youve got it nailed. We want to hear you perform, with the Johann Strauss orchestra. Its ave maria. Andre, please. [ applause ] im not wearing the sweater that i did not win. But that major announcement is coming up. We have another one right now, as well. Turns out, gmas not just for the warnings, as well. Were going to pull back the curtain for a live, digital show, starting at 9 00 eastern, on all time zones. It will also be on demand all day long. This is downloadworthy. Well bring you the outrageous moments that have made us laugh throughout the morning. Its going to be glma good late morning america. And we have a winner. Drumroll, please. There can be only one. The fruitcake goes to, samuel j. Champion. Speech. Speech. Speech. Speech. The errol flynn of holiday sweaters. George, i finally beat you. Welldeserved, sam. Thank you. Id like to thank the thousands thousands and thousands [ cheers and applause ] live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. Could morning at 8 56. When it comes to marriage, same couples in maryland can picking out marriage licenses today. Some of the jurisdictions will licenses today but not. Ll not bex couples will to actually get married in maryland until january 1. This evening, the first family will flip the switch to light the national Christmas Tree. On the lips. This dates back almost 90 years. Neil Patrick Harris will post the ceremony tonight. Jummy olabanji will be there as well. Lets get a look at traffic. Metro is a good way to go if headed downtown. A roundabout way, an overturned accident happened in the thenight hours this is 270. Loop westbound at it will be a while until late clear this for the truck is still on its side. From college park to silver still affected. I395 is slow with a crash after the 14th street bridge that has it is coldleared morning but it looks great, sunshine and it will up through the rest of the week. Drop the temperature by about 5 degrees because it is a little bit breezy. Our next system is waiting in wings and that will bring clouds by tomorrow. The mostly sunny skies be cool. It will thank you for watching. We will be back at noon. Live with kelly and michael is next

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