how kirstie says the show has changed her life, and how she can talk maks into doing anything. and good morning, everyone, on this good friday. george is on assignment. so glad to have david muir with us. did you say baby momma drama? >> baby momma drama. we're exactly one week away from the royal wedding. i'll be leaving later today. >> and i was pulling up to "gma" this morning. and i thought, is the queen here? this is how robin rolls, apparently. i still might beat you with that bus. >> we will have a lot of fun with it this morning. we have a lot of news to get to this morning. in libya, senator john mccain is there, meeting with the rebels, as the president orders armed drones against gadhafi forces. this morning, a roommate of a victim reveals the details about the night she went missing. and elton john, introducing his baby to the world. and none other than barbara walters will join us exclusively this morning with the happy fathers. and baby zach, and barbara, not surprisingly, first one to see the baby. we're going to start with the soaring gas prices rising again overnight. the average price for a gallon of gas at a two-year high. and this is affecting everything, from fueling our cars to driving. >> reporter: we haven't hit the peak driving season yet. the u.s. energy department projects that the average u.s. household will pay $825 more for gas this year than in 2011. we went to my abc news colleagues across the country to report on how the prices are affecting every aspect of our lives. they keep going up, up and up. >> i don't like to fill it all the way because i don't want to see the number. >> reporter: it's the same story from coast-to-coast, even in the big, little cities. >> in reno, prices are averaging more than $4 a gallon, highest in the state. the drivers are not happy. president obama told a crowd here he's going to go after anybody who gouges. >> we're going to make sure nobody is taking advantage of american consumers. >> reporter: seattle, average price per gallon, $3.94, leading some drivers to join forces. >> commuters are trying slugging. it's essentially legal hitch-hiking. they meet up and get a ride in a stranger's car. and the driver gets to speed by having another passenger and in the car pool line. >> reporter: for drivers, the trips to the pump has meant a new smaller car. sales for compact cars up 60% since the beginning of the year. >> gas in chicago is among the highest in the nation. and more drivers are looking for smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. this model, a top seller. the hyundai elantra. sales up 72% over last year. >> in the last four hours, i had eight on my grounds. now, i'm down to about three of them. >> reporter: but the pain doesn't end on the streets. airfare's up 7% since this time last year. >> if you think it's bad on the roads, consider the skies. for every penny per gallon that fuel goes up, airlines lose $175 million a year. rising prices are decimating their profits, which means you can count on higher ticket prices and added fees. >> reporter: there's just no escaping these painful gas prices, even in the air. and the president waste nod time, before turning the issue into a political one. during his speech in reno, president obama said budget cuts proposed by republicans would cut investments in clean technologies. and a lot of pressure. >> have a good weekend. we were talking about a solution to avoid the gas station altogether. but how do we do that? well, with this car right here, perhaps. it doesn't use any gas at all. and we sent jim avila to take it for a test drive. >> reporter: $5 a gallon gas means nothing to the nissan leaf, the mass-produced, fully-electric car on the market. there's no fuel pipe door and no ignition key. >> i'm going to push this button here and start the car up. >> reporter: which way do i move it? >> move it to the left. >> reporter: after tax incentives, it can cost as much as $25,000. the leaf goes 100 miles an overnight charge, enough to handle the average american round-trip commute of 35 miles. >> it would easily get you back and forth to work on a charge. >> reporter: but you can't go to grandma's house? >> not yet. >> reporter: nissan concedes it's not a car for everyone. but justin says it works for him. >> two seconds at home to plug it in at night. in the morning, it's charged. >> reporter: justin figures charging adds only $15 a month to his electric bill, for about the cost of $4 of gas. >> i don't know what the price of gas is. >> reporter: nissan says it's supposed to feel like a regular car. for "good morning america," abc news, new york. >> can we afford it? they say the leaf sells for $32,000. but with rebates, as jim said, you can drive off with it around $25,000. and if you can avoid the gas stations -- we're going to move on to lib libya, where one of the strongest backers of the action arrived in benghazi today. senator mccain was there to meet with rebels and assess the operation on the ground with his own eyes. mcgel marquez joins us with the latest. >> reporter: robin, this morning, the battle here in libya is taking on a new urgency. senator john mccain is on the ground. and the rebels couldn't ask for a greater u.s. champion to be here. his visit comes on the heels of an announcement by the administration, to deploy a proven and deadly weapons system to counter gadhafi's changing tactics. >> welcome to benghazi. >> thank you. it's nice to be here. >> reporter: a hero's welcome in the rebel capital for senator john mccain. an early supporter for u.s. involvement in libya, mccain has criticized the obama administration for not moving fast enough. and even gone against the grain of his own party to support the rebel cause here. >> libya like you. believe me. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming. >> thank you. >> reporter: mccain is attending a full day of meetings, with rebel military and political leaders. rebels here want more help. everything from humanitarian assistance to weapons. they do have new help from the air. president obama has authorized predator drones to strike gadhafi's military positions. although only two drones have been authorized, they could make a difference in places like the besieged city of misrata, where they locate heavier weapons near or in hospitals, schools or mosques. with the predators now operational, the rebels in misrata may be getting what they are begging for. the drones can stay in the air all day, waiting for the operations. it would give the u.s. an opportunity to fire on gadhafi's position with deadly precision. robin? >> one thing to keep in mind. miguel, thanks. back to the developing story here at home, the search for the long island serial killer is heating up, as police drivers are expected to go back out to comb the beaches for more victims. at least four of the suspected victims might have been women advertising their services online. and our andrea canning spoke to the roommate of one of the victims who says he might have actually set his eyes on the killer. >> good morning, david. this man says several men actually threatened to kill his friend on different occasions. he became used to protecting her. but on the night she disappeared, he said, whoever killed her went through great lengths to stay in the shadows. drivers were off the waters on long island. investigators are hoping to find clues in the deaths of as many as ten people. >> i think every long islander wants closure in this case. this is a real tragic event that has surprised each and every one of us with each of the new details that comes out. >> reporter: for the first time, we are learning new information about the final night of one of the victims. >> amber was my roommate. you know, one of my best friends. >> reporter: that friend was amber lynn costello. her body was found in december, along with three other prostitutes that advertised their services on craigslist. david was quite possibly the last person to have seen her alive. tell us about the night she went missing. >> it was pretty much like any other day. she started getting calls. you know? they pretty much said, well, i'm looking to have you here, either for hours. you know? or for the entire night. so, she had come back to me. and she said, the guy's looking to possibly pay me 1,500 bucks. and i'm going to go. i'm going to leave with him. >> reporter: it was the money, he believed that drove her to abandon better judgment. >> this person she ended up leaving with that night, he kept promising a lot of money. she was at the point, you know, heavily into getting high and what not. and i think that really blurred her that night. and she didn't make the right decision, on somebody to go with. >> reporter: for $1,500, schaller said amber left with a stranger and left her cell phone behind on purpose. two things, he says, she would normally never do. >> she wouldn't just leave with anybody. she wasn't stupid. i said, call me when you get to wherever you're going. >> reporter: but she never called. >> we saw on the news, they had found four bodies. you know, right away, i was, like, you know, i had the feeling. it's going to be her. >> reporter: now, as the search continues, schaller is left with deep regret. >> this person, to do what they did, you know, and took away someone's sister, aunt, daughter, you know what i'm saying? it's -- yeah. it eats away at me. it does. you know? there's not a night that goes by that i don't wish in a, you know, that i could have been there to help her. you know? it's hard, you know? it really is. you know? i do feel a lot of guilt, you know? i do. i do. >> reporter: and fascination with this case only continues to grow. there is now a website entirely dedicated to the crimes. long it gets as many as 15,000 hits per day. >> so broken. wishing he could have done something. >> completely. >> thanks. there's a lot of other news to get to this morning. for that, juju chang is at the newsdesk. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with the republican senator, handing in his resignation today. nevada's john ensign has been under investigation by the ethics committee for having an affair with a former staffer. and then, helping her husband get a lobbying job. ensign says he did nothing wrong. but adds the investigation has been taking too much of a toll on his family. oil giant bp has agreed to pay $1 billion for cleanup efforts along the gulf coast. the money is being spent among federal agencies in the five states hardest hit by last year's oil spill. they will get $100 million each. bp still faces billions in fines. a stern message from iraq's prime minister to the u.s. military. we can fend for ourselves, he says. nuri al maliki told the chairman of the joint chiefs he doesn't want troops to stay longer than they're scheduled to. they're supposed to withdraw at the end of the year. but some officials are pushing to keep 10,000 troops in iraq after that deadline. christians are crowding the outer lands of jerusalem this friday, to celebration the crucifixion of jesus. and finally, soccer players aren't allowed to use their hands. and perhaps, now, we know why. a team from madrid spain, just won the super bowl of soccer. but while showing off their trophy to fans on the way home -- oh. it was run over by the bus. they quickly moved in to quick up the pieces to be rebuilt. the player who dropped it said, it didn't fall. it jumped out. >> yeah. 10 to 12 pieces. should be a simple fix. >> how do you say whoopsie in italian? >> i think we heard it over there. juju, thanks so much. like the color you're wearing, too. >> you, too. >> getting ready for easter. >> i guess so. let's get over to sam. i keep singing -- ♪ it's friday, friday >> good morning, robin, david, juju, everyone. let's start with strong to severe weather. there's a couple things we want to talk about in this mix. look at the areas in red, austin, dallas. these areas will see strong storms. it's really the rain we're concerned about. yeah, there will be everything that comes with strong storms. but over the next couple of days, the areas shaded in red could see up to six inches of rain. there will be some areas that get even more than that. these rivers are running high. we've been around cincinnati, louisville. we've seen what the rivers look like. and they are very high. at this much more rain and we're concerned about flooding in these areas. that's pennsylvania into new jersey, where the rivers are running higher than normal, as well. quick look at the big board. we'll talk more this morning. gray skies and the clouds have increased. temperatures are in the 40's. 41 degrees in frederick. 46 degrees downtown. midol day to day, low to rain showers developing especially midday to the afternoon. some passing showers tomorrow be at will not hey, robin. it's also earth day, earth day, got to get down on earth day. >> that's right. good friday. all of it. sam, thank you. hard to believe, just one week to go until will and kate head down the aisle at westminster. and the queen has given her formal okay for the couple to get married. unveiling the royal consent form. while they're keeping that tradition, will and kate are breaking a few others. and always breaking tradition, is nick watt, who is tracking it from london for us, as always. good morning, nick. >> reporter: good morning, robin. well, we've just heard that kate is going to break from tradition with the vows that she delivers at the altar. she will, i quote, love, honor and keep her husband. but apparently, she will not obey. you know something? i think kate wears the pants in this relationship. and this morning, some startling words from the archbishop of kantorbury. the man who will mary will and kate. reminding them of the scrutiny on their marriage. but says the archbishop, they're mature. they know what's at the heart of all this. since the glowing euphoria of the announcement back in november, we've noticed signs of stress. kate's made four official appearances since then. and -- >> it's quite noticeable on each one, she's gotten thinner and thinner. >> reporter: she's a bride. she's nervous. she wants her big day to go well. and she's involved in every detail, even down to which flowers will decorate the wedding cake. >> i think it's that walk up the aisle. it's a long walk. i've done it. it's nearly four minutes. >> reporter: with 1,900 people in the abbey, maybe another 2 billion watching on tv. >> i can imagine she can't eat. i'd be amazed if she can sleep. >> reporter: think of the life of scrutiny she's signing up for. >> it's obviously nerve-racking. i don't know the ropes yet. but i'm willing to learn quickly and work hard. >> reporter: apparently william waited so long to propose to give kate a chance to dip a toe in royal waters. and perhaps, recoil. >> i wanted to give her a chance to see. >> reporter: but she didn't. she said yes. and now, it's reality. she's been shopping. is that relaxation? anyway, in one week, it will all be over. >> i'm sure as soon as the wedding day's out of the way, she'll put some of the weight back on. and color will come back in her cheeks. >> reporter: now, we've had another look this morning at the guest list. and on that guest list, coming to the wedding, is the isa designer. does that mean she will be designing the wedding dress? i don't know. but for the moment, for now, for today, my money is on her. >> you're always looking for a clue. nick, thanks so much. we're going to be joining you really soon because our coverage begins, kicks off sunday, with bianna in london. next week, i'll be joining them all there to celebrate the royal wedding in style. join us on monday, if you can. we'll be reporting from london's jubilee garden. >> cue the music. >> and you leave friday. >> not that double-dipper. >> sunday, right? >> that's right. hot on your trail. >> is there anybody left here? >> i don't think so. back here at home, something strange is happening to one of america's iconic fast foods. when you're asked, do you want fries with that? apparently more and more of you are saying no. restaurants have been seeing a steady decline in sales for years. we wanted to know what was behind the decline in fries. john berman said, he knows the answer. looking in the mirror. >> reporter: they call this golden bit of goodness, french. but really, it's anything more american. could anything so inspire the appetite of chris farley. >> lay off me. i'm starving. >> reporter: could anything trigger the rampant theft of the fry guys? >> fries, guys? >> reporter: there's no question we love them. but the stunning fact is, we seem to love them less than we used to. sales of frozen processed potatoes, basically french fries, are down 500 million pounds since 2007. how much is that? if there's three potatoes in a pound. and 15 fries in a potato, that makes for 22 1/2 billion french fries. that would go from new york to london to see the royal wedding, 308 times. all that gone from our gullet. why? many chains have moved away from the supersize. with the weak economy, we'll cut back on size before the main course. and many eaters have moved toward healthier options. like the apples mcdonald's offers. wendy's is doing its best to get people back. with natural-cut fries with sea salt. their sales are up 16% since december. these are the new fries, right? >> yes. >> reporter: are you making a lot of these these days? >> yes. >> reporter: it could get even busier. with the economy, the fry funk will fizzle. you might say fries will fly again. for "good morning america," john berman, abc news, new york. >> we have a plate right here. and smelling them, these are mcdonald's. >> we were debating the wendy's fries. i like the old ones. >> only the best. only the best. coming up, pretending to be pregnant. why did this straight-a student lie about her baby bump for so long? how her high school reacted to her great, big hoax. and deadly driving. the cap who has your number if you're phoning it in while on the highway. also, elton john introduces to oh, beautiful baby zachary. barbara walters, with two very happy families. communities are built by everyone doing their part. last year, jpmorgan chase lent more than $10 billion to small businesses. and raised billions more for local services to help hospitals expand... and schools grow. investing in the places we all call home. this is the way forward. i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. so, i get claritin clear. non-drowsy claritin relieves my worst symptoms. and only claritin is proven to keep you as alert and focused as someone without allergies. no other brand can say that not even allegra. live claritin clear. you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds! >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> and good morning everybody. the time is 7:26 and this friday, april 22. i am alison starling with a morningeck on the commute with lisa baden. it is running nicely now. tohave a couple of pictures up. things a little bit of traffic but not too much. you can see the traffic is pace here onood shady grove road. no issues across the american legion bridge, no problems on the greenway and the dulles toll road. the 14th street bridge, nicely and moving you the traffic through rosslyn and falls church. we have our first little of light rain moving in from the southwest. it is pushing to the northeast. not all of this is hitting the ground. there are some sprinkles though. the bulk of the rain will be later this afternoon into tomorrow, off and on. start to the day be a cool afternoon, only in the low to mid 50's. breezy tomorrow and a few hit or miss light showers but not washed out. 70's and cloudy on sunday. this is from prince george's county, a short time ago, newschopper7 was over dubarry street where a tree fell into this house. madeerson inside the home out safely. follow this story and breyer the latest. we will be back with another at 7:56. have a great day. are you easily distracted when you're driving? watch out because the cop known as the texting terminator is sending an instant message. that's right. i.m.'ing all distracted drivers. we say good morning, america, on this friday morning. george is on assignment. always glad to have david here. exclusive interview with elton john and his growing family. there's baby zachary. who got the exclusive? it was barbara walters. >> of course. >> she's in the family photo there. and it is facebook friday here at "gma." we have two, fun surprises for you just ahead. one is the most widely popular online game. it is called angry birds. and people are just -- they can't get enough of it. they can't get enough of it in the studio. scott already is dressed as an angry bird. yeah. and we have world premiere tickets to one of the biggest movies of the summer, coming up. >> scott with a leg up on us. first, we're going to get to the story that everyone's talking about. the 17-year-old pregnant high schooler. straight-a student. the entire school watched as her belly grew. but she had an extraordinary reveal, that she faked it. we asked why this morning. and we get that from neal karlinsky. >> reporter: it's no surprise that teenagers carry along a lot of secrets. but 17-year-old gabby rodriguez managed to pull one over on her entire school. even relatives. it was a secret to big, so surprising, friends cried when they found out the truth. >> everybody was just shocked. like speechless. >> reporter: for six months, gaby pretended to be pregnant. an elaborate hoax that began with baggy clothes. and eventually, this fake belly. she wanted to see how she would be treated. the straight-a student was conducting a self-social experiment. and the results were often painful. >> i heard that i was irresponsible. and i wasn't going to continue in college. and even it was bound to happen anyways. and i knew she was going to get pregnant. and how -- i mean, there was even one of, doesn't she know she just ruined her life? >> reporter: only a handful of people knew the truth, including her mother and boyfriend. incredibly, her own siblings and even her boyfriend's parents spent months under the impression gaby was having a baby. >> my son and my daughter, when she -- when we told them that she was pregnant, they were like, what? >> reporter: it took some doing. but she convinced the school's principal, and even the superintendent, before moving forward. >> i admire her so much. her courage. her creativity. her strength. she's gone through so much. alienating some of her friends along the way or feeling alienated from her friends. >> reporter: the struggles of being a teenager with a baby are well-documented. and they have gotten a lot of attention lately because of the controversial mtv shows, "teen mom," and 16 and pregnant." >> i'm pregnant. >> reporter: gaby had her own dramatic moment more powerful than any made-for-tv drama, when she revealed the truth to her entire school at this assembly. she began by saying that some students left her feeling alone and ashamed. and then, she pulled out the stuffing from under her shirt and left an entire gymnasium stunned. >> i was just astonished. but i was really proud of her. i felt like it was such a courageous thing to do. >> surprise. amazement. introspection, reflection. just a variety. tears, teachers crying. >> reporter: the girl with a 3.8 gpa says her project was pure research. she plans to present her findings to community leaders, to help other young women fight stereotypes and find the same quality she discovered along the way, courage. for "good morning america," neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> our thanks to neal this morning. and family therapist, terry real, joins us from baltimore. terry, good to have you. we've seen the shows, "16 and pregnant." we've seen what the young women, the teenage mothers, go through. i want to read a couple of quotes. she got in front of that school and talked about what had been whispered in the hallways. people said to her, this was bound to happen anyway. doesn't she know she just ruined her life? what do we learn from this? >> i think first of all we learn that being a teen mom is not an easy road. and i think we learned something about the courage of this girl, who was willing to pull off a really quite extraordinary experiment, with her own life on the line. >> i mean, straight-a student. she didn't have to do this. i mean, there was extraordinary courage on her part. >> yeah. i think it's amazing. i think people around her may have some mixed feelings. i think a social experiment with people you know and love is a high risk move. but i think that she learned an awful lot about what it means to be a teen mom. and i think that all of the people around her, when they had that moment of great revelation had to really stop and do some thinking about how they've been treating her. >> you talk about mixed feelings. i have to wonder about some of the family members. her mother knew. but her brothers did not know. her boyfriend's parents didn't know. and i can only imagine getting over the hurdle of the news of this baby and welcoming the baby. only to find out there wasn't going to be one. how do you handle the aftermath here? >> i think it's amazing. her boyfriend was afraid her older brothers were going to go after him. they are probably relieved that it isn't happening. i think they may have feelings about the hoax and being lied to. but i think in the end, everybody's in her corner. >> terry, thanks so much. a provocative experiment that had us all talking. we hope folks will weigh in online at "gma." have a great weekend. we're going to turn to sam champion. sam, can you give us the real forecast? >> i can. we're going to start with bad thunderstorms and very heavy rain. we'll show you pictures coming out of illinois. this is an area that is already seeing rivers higher than normal. you're looking at albany, illinois. i'm not sure which one is right. but all of this water is a real problem. and there will be more rain coming. and this is one of the things we're most concerned about this weekend into next week. but this line of thunderstorms, it develops right here in the middle of the country. this low is the first one to move through. there's another one behind it. there will be more and more and more. these storms keep training over the same area and dumping heavy rain with them. that means flooding is one issue. there's one side benefit to all of this. and that's what it does for texas. this area that's been dry, gets higher humidity, cooler temperatures and moisture in the air, as well. here is our extended -- today, showers and highs of the low 50's. approaching parts of culpeper county. improvement to marla and here's what's ahead on our friday edition of the "gma morning menu." are you a driver that just can't keep your eyes on the road? get ready to meet the texan terminator. there's some cops keeping an eye on you. also, the couple that seems to be entertaining everybody. kirstie and maks will take your questions. the behind the ballroom rehearsal scenes. and elton john and david furnace introduce us to baby zachary. barbara walters has that. some people don't like added sugar in their juice. so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here. with the rising price of fuel, guess which way shipping costs are going? the u.s postal service has no fuel surcharges. combine that with low online pricing... and your shipping costs... ..could head in a whole new direction. it's time to rethink your shipping. but the nicoderm cq patch gradually steps you down off of nicotine in just three steps, doubling your chances for success. nicoderm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you're free. woohoo! whoa. haircolor is a chore no more! you gotta come see what's new. c'mon! tadaaa! welcome to haircolor heaven. aa-ah-ahhh! courtesy of new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. permanent, dimensional color, now in a delightful foam! just three shakes, foam it, love it! simply saturate hair root to tip, front to back. with tones and highlights. it's foamtastic! home haircolor, make room for foam haircolor! new nice 'n easy colorblend foam. your right color. you're quite welcome. turning, now, to the battle against distracted driving. it is a huge problem, causing 450,000 injuries, 5,500 deaths each year on our roads. cell phone, yeah. they're a huge factor. implicated in about 24,000 crashes every year. "20/20" co-anchor and our good friend, chris cuomo, has a report from the front lines. you don't do this, do you? >> the sad, ugly truth. i do it. i have it all the time. >> i know. >> here's the thing with this. we know it's wrong. you know it's wrong. i certainly know it's wrong. i have three kids under the age of 10 in my car. and i do it anyway. why? i believe this lie that i can multitask. and so do you. but guess what? only 2% of us can. distracted driving is one of the most ignored problems. it's the only traffic safety problem that's getting worse. and, please, watch this story because it needs to stop. a young woman in a parking lot gets t-boned. [ screaming ] >> reporter: a trucker on the open road, a split-second lapse sends him across four lanes and into a crushing rollover. a new driver spins outs on a winter day, finding a snowbank the hard way. [ screams ] >> reporter: three, different cassi crashes. but all have a common ingredient, a cell phone. distracted driving causes almost 1 million accidents a year. >> that's way too many. people think they can drive safely doing this or doing this. and you can't. >> reporter: and automakers aren't helping. they're loading new cars with potential distractions. tv screens, wi-fi internet access. gm is even testing a new version of facebook. >> best first date ever. >> reporter: the d.o.t. is sponsoring a pilot program in syracuse, new york, and harts ford, connecticut. it's a simple plan. lots of tickets. >> reporter: meet police sergeant, joel cardone, the texting terminator. he's the guy you don't want to meet. >> there she is. >> reporter: when you're driving distracted. >> she is texting. look at her. right there. >> reporter: johnny law caught you. what were you doing? >> i was texting while driving. >> reporter: and if you still think using a cell phone while driving is no big deal, watch what happens when we take distracted drivers to this virginia tech test track. did i break one? and that was just the beginning. >> how did you do? >> i did lousy because you think you can do it. only 2% of us can. and, you know, it's just one of those thing, robin. you just have to learn not to do it. >> i know. and i appreciate you honesty. hart of the reason i love you so much. and i love your kids. don't do it when you have the kids in the car. >> they yell at me about it. daddy, what's in your hands? now, i get it. here's the good news tonight. >> okay. >> parents are going to learn about a new tool they have to help see what their teen drivers are doing. and teens text more than anyone else. have more accidents than anyone else. >> you're keeping it real, as always. see you across the pond. >> yes, yes. accent needs work. >> you can see more of chris' report tonight on "20/20," at 10:00, 9:00 central. tell us what you think. go online and take our distracted driving quiz. next, what are we using this for, do you say? we've gotten a lot of guesses from our twitter this morning. water balloon fights to, is this how i'm getting to london? did they ask if that's how i'm getting to london? >> did you try it? >> only if chris is going with me. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new from neutrogena naturals. i buy plants, i bring them home, and then...i water too little... too much... or i just forget. but look. this is doing fine. why? it's planted in miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. it holds 33% more water... than ordinary potting soil. releasing it as plants need it. not when i get around to it. and there's miracle-gro plant food mixed in. so you get miracle-gro results... i like that. [ female announcer ] miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. "around the watercooler" this morning, we're getting fired up with angry birds. especially sam. he's in the airport all the time. it is so popular, online, is it not, sam? >> everybody is doing it. >> my kids love it. >> we have a special surprise, just ahead, for everyone who plays it. first, here's becky worley on more on why so many people are spending time doing this, like sam. >> reporter: conan o'brien loves it. justin bieber adores it. even the british prime minister is addicted. angry birds is everywhere. from re-enactments online, to spoofing a dictator. in 2010 alone, it was downloaded over 50 million times. playing is simple. use a slingshot to fling your boards toward the pig. the evil swine hide in fortresses. they get stronger as you progress. it was designed to be played, while you kill time. in three-minute increments. but it's addictive. i'm ashamed to say, i've played over 20 hours of angry birds. it's like you get sucked into the game. i'm coming to get you, pigs. so, while you guys are finishing the show, i'm just going to clear another level. ah! >> did you see becky? okay. our big announcement for angry bird lovers everywhere, we have a special golden egg for you, just in time for easter. hit like on our "gma" facebook page to see the clues that will help you unlock a brand-new level in angry birds. >> brand-new version. on facebook. >> a whole new level. >> we're going to give it a shot here. our crew put this together. how, exactly, does this work? >> you pull it back. >> you put the slingshot. >> who else did it? >> all right. >> so, then -- >> robin has the red bird. >> you can do it. let's go, robin. >> hey. >> is that good? >> that's good. >> here's the deal with the red bird. to me, it's kind of a weak bird. it does one thing. you fly it in one direction. it does one thing. other birds do other things. david has the red bird, as well. oh. >> a swing and a miss. >> time for one more. >> go, juju, go. what's really annoying, robin, is when you miss, the pigs laugh at you. and that's what really bugs me. >> i can't. >> i want a redo. >> oh. >> very good. >> thank you. i tried. >> until we go to break -- you guys want to -- >> go to facebook. and find out how you can get to the next level. sam, go for it. i was diagnosed with copd. i could not take a deep breath i noticed i was having trouble. climbing the stairs, working in the garden, painting. my doctor suggested spiriva right then. announcer: spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled maintenance treatment for copd, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. i love what it does. it opens up the airways. announcer: spiriva does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. stop taking spiriva and call your doctor right away if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, have vision changes or eye pain, or have problems passing urine. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, problems passing urine, or an enlarged prostate, as these may worsen with spiriva. also, discuss the medicines you take, even eye drops. side effects include dry mouth, constipation, and trouble passing urine. it makes me breathe easier. i can't do everything i used to do. but there's a lot i can do that i was struggling with. announcer: ask your doctor if once-daily spiriva is right for you. but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. does your makeup do that? vegetables have important vitamins and minerals that can really help protect you. and v8 juice gives you three of your five daily servings. powerful, right? v8. what's your number? gotta get that bacon! there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. morning to you. 7:56 is the time on this friday, april 22. why am alison starling and let's the roadways with lisa baden. going out ofe our neighbors did busy so this morning of us still here work, it willto be uneventful heading south into good and north into baltimore and to be out -- good.t is happening on the highway. little bottom of here and there but it like this. great, good on the across the american no delays to, spring, college park, air force base and betweenems i-95 springfield, across the 14th street bridge and good on 66. it is starting to fall apart with areas of rain through culpeper county, winchester and fauquier county. the rain is developing day andut the afternoon this through this evening. the highs will only be in the 50's. mid tomorrow, a few hit or miss showers. in theill be warmer, lower 70's, partly cloudy and out and easter sunday. we cannot rule out an isolated late today storm sunday into monday. fairfax county may sue to stop the defense department from moving thousands of workers to mark center in alexandria. the pentagon traffic study was flawed. the move could lead to huge traffic jams. with anotherck update at 8: ♪ oh, my goodness. this is the way to travel to london. and if you make it over there, you will see these double-dekker buses all the time. our coverage continues, as we're a week away from the royal wedding. bianna golodryga will be there sunday in london. i'll join her on monday, from jubilee gardens. >> are the bags in here? they're all set. >> the different colors. easter colors. we're all set. >> will be a good week, next week on "good morning america." going to be a good hour coming up, too. >> barbara walters. >> she has a giant exclusive. elton john and his new baby. and if anybody can get the first photograph, it's barbara. you know who is really something? kirstie and maks on "dancing with the stars." and i had the chance to hang out with them yesterday, after the show. maks has a studio down here. we did a little dancing. we did a little talking. they've had a few malfunctions. wardrobe and -- >> i think there's a chemistry with maks. study the tapes. >> that's true. you remember the kid who stunned us on youtube, 39 million views. he got up and sang a solo. he sings "paparazzi" by lady gaga. he is here this morning. i met him upstairs. delightful. first, abbie boudreau leads us off with the latest on lindsay lohan. she's back to court. here's abbie. >> reporter: it's deja vu for the troubled hollywood starlet. lindsay lohan turning court appearances into red carpet events, that seem to center more on what she's wearing than why she is there. the movie star is charged with felony grand theft, for stealing this necklace. lohan tried to get today's preliminary hearing pushed back, citing religious beliefs. but the christian holy day, good friday, apparently wasn't a good enough reason to get a judge to postpone. the real reason a criminal defendant postpones a case, is for people to lose interest. >> reporter: today in court, the venice jewelry shop owner, with surveillance video showing lohan walking out without paying. lohan says she's innocent. this comes as 24-year-old lohan starts to kick-start her career. just this week, she reportedly landed a small part in the upcoming john gotti bio pic, starring john travolta, though, she wanted to play victoria gotti, a larger role. >> lindsay is untouchable for any studio. the only work that's possible for her is a little cameo. >> reporter: still, minor roles could help her career and her court case. at least that's the hope. >> by being a productive member of society, the judge is less likely to want to throw her in jail. >> reporter: if convicted, she faces up to three years behind bars. and her hollywood comeback would have to wait. for "good morning america," abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> our thanks to abbie for that. did we put you in the bus when you got here this morning? >> yeah. >> we'll let you out is a at some point. first, we want to go up to juju chang with the headlines of the morning. >> good morning, everyone. the united states is about to take a bigger role in libya. with crowds cheering him on, senator john mccain arrive there's today, to visit with rebels. he called them heroes for taking on moammar gadhafi. mccain's visit comes a day after president obama approved the use of predator drones to launch pinpoint attacks on gadhafi's forces. an indication washington doesn't think nato's air strikes have done enough. back home in the u.s., a search for a high school honor student from north carolina missing since december, has come to a tragic end. her body was found in a river in maryland. but as pierre thomas reports, there are even more questions surrounding her dispierce disappearance. >> reporter: no one wanted phylicia barnes story to end this way. the honor student is dead, likely murdered. she was only 16. >> all of us, since that fateful day in december, have been praying and hoping for a different outcome. >> reporter: phylicia, a straight-a student, was discovered near baltimore. a naked man's body was discovered in the water a short distance away. it's unclear how they died and if their deaths are connected. phylicia was last seen at her sister's apartment. her disappearance set off a massive search. while her parents struggled with desperation and anger. >> i was going to turn this city upside down to find my child. >> somebody knows where she's at. and i'm telling you right now, god's going to get you. >> reporter: friends simply prayed, hoping. this time, prayers went unanswered. for "good morning america," pierre thomas, abc news, washington. in other news, gas prices have gone up another 3 cents this week, approaching $5 per gallon in some areas. and president obama says he feels our pain. he's forms a task force to investigate any proud or price manipulation. but the president also warns there's, quote, no silver bullet that can bring prices down right away. now, diane sawyer with viewers, making a difference for tonight's "world news." diane? >> hello, juju. and a great friday to you. and it's "made in america" again tonight. it turns out, the u.s. air force was looking for something. they wanted it to be made in the usa but couldn't find it. well, our viewers came to the rescue. see what happens when you watch tonight on "world news." and finally, the latest dancing sensation on the internet is, the president of russia. ♪ to the right is dmitry medvedev, dancing at his college reunion to a russian pop hit called "american boy" ironically. 1.3 million people have viewed this online. but he doesn't seem too embarrassed. he said, we were just rocking out. now, time for the weather, with sam champion, who is always rockin' out. >> good morning, juju. the one thing i know, don't let anybody take pictures of you dancing. you're never as cool as you think you are. and it's never going to look good. it's just not. >> there you go. you look very cool on that bus right now. >> can you tell? did they widen out to show where we were? we're on top of the double-decker bus. you're from rocky mountain. >> rocky mountain, north carolina. >> and connecticut. >> connecticut. >> and vegas, as well? >> vegas. >> we're on top, to make it british on the corner. a 1957 bristol odecca, from rent-a-bus, or whatever. let's get to the pictures. we have some stuff to show you, what it looks like outside. from wcpo tv, we'll show you a quick shot. we're a little concerned about the flooding that goes on and heavy rain over the weekend. these are the states right now, before the rain gets to the area. a fly-by will show you widely-scattered showers 46 degrees in the district rain approaching down toer stretching warrenton, a few broken pushing to thers north and east. flood watch northwest area where the shaded in dark green. probably onlyll have happen is through tomorrow. off and on rain into robin, i hear you're going to drive this thing out of here. the steering wheel is son the left-hand side. >> thanks for the heads-up. i forgot about that. thanks, sam. we have one of the hottest couple on "dancing with the stars" right now. kirstie alley and maks with a dance, you can feel the chemistry between them. like this week. maks is my former dance partner. i'm not the jealous type. but i wonder how they click so well. i went to the rehearsal studio to find out myself. ♪ kirstie alley has taken to the dance floor. ♪ >> reporter: and with partner, maksim chmerkovskiy, she has stunned us with her performance. and equally stunning slip-ups. when we sat down at maks' manhattan, dance with me studio, i asked her about her now-famous wardrobe malfunction. >> what are you going to do? i thought, this is my opportunity to be the black swan. he comes around and he offers me his hands like this. he goes like this. like, what are you doing? >> reporter: she kept a smile on her face the whole time. well, almost. >> i said on twitter yesterday, saying, when you're walking down the stairs, you need to smile more. i was like, you have no idea. >> she's looking at me like, ow. if somebody rewinds, you'll see the look on her face. she's like a toddler. if you leave her alone for a second, she'll burst through a door or something. >> reporter: it's that youthful exuberance that makes kirstie so darn adorable. there's something you bring out in him that it doesn't seem like anybody else is able to do. >> maks is really funny. >> clearly. >> and i have no idea -- >> reporter: you have him blushing right now. >> it's easy if you tell him you love him all the time. i have to admit this. he's a bad boy. i'm like, hmm. i want to -- you know, you like to sort of -- you sort of want to conquer a bad boy. come on. >> reporter: isn't that part of the attraction with a bad boy? >> yes. i also knew he would be strong enough to handle me because you can't handle me -- you can't be weak with me or, oh, my god, i'll go in on you like, bam. >> reporter: everybody wants to ask the question posted on facebook. there's chemistry on the dance floor. is it anywhere else? becky wants to know. >> hi, becky. >> reporter: says becky. i think he's ignoring the answer. that's what i'm thinking. >> we always have chemistry. >> clearly. >> we do. >> reporter: she also has chemistry with good friend, john travolta, who made a surprise appearance as a dance doctor. >> i understand there's been some problems. >> reporter: behind the scenes, he had some kind words. >> he said to maks, you are the best thing to dancing, meaning himself. ♪ night fever night fever ♪ >> the most amazing thing about it is he's one of my heroes. we both look up to john, obviously. back from fred astaire, gene kelly era. he said when he came out in '77, they called him, they said that same thing to him. >> reporter: can i say something here? >> yes. >> reporter: you look really good. >> thank you. >> reporter: you really look good. >> thank you. >> reporter: does that match how you feel? >> i feel really good because i feel like i came out of a deep funk that i was in for a long time. i sort of chameleoned into someone else. and i made decisions that i didn't love. the only thing i did really well in that period of time was i was a great mother. sometimes you have to confront yourself. that's one thing that's been great about maks. it's a relationship. it's a partnership. it's give and take. you have to listen to someone. you have to do what they ask you to do, and vice versa. >> is this experience what you thought it would be? >> it's so much better. you know, i love dancing. i wish to god i could have been a dancer. it changed my life. it's cathartic. i feel younger now than i felt when i was 20. >> reporter: what do you have planned? you always surprise us. >> i'm done with reality tv. i want to act again. but what i have that i haven't had before that i'm excited about is, i really want to keep dancing. i want to be his spokesperson for his dance studios. and in exchange, i want to walk in there anytime and have some, you know, hot dance guys just -- i would like to do it -- i would like to do it like three hours a day. ♪ >> reporter: all right. speaking of hot dance guys, i had to ask about this costume, or lack transfhereof. >> i wanted him to do it. if you want him to do something, you have to tell him to do it. >> should i do it? should i not? it should be our call. and she's like, i don't care. i'm like, what? >> reporter: we have you to thank, kirstie, basically. >> i'm so taking it off now. you don't care? >> they need to thank me, yes. >> reporter: and she's not done with maks yet. they're very much in the game, rehearsing after our interview. and in the same studio where i practiced for my birthday cha-cha, with maks' brother, val, last fall. >> see if you can remember anything you did. >> reporter: kirstie challenged me to take a twirl, for old time's sake. >> oh. like riding a bike. woo. >> that's the only move i remember. the new yorker. >> you wanted to, like -- >> they are delightful. >> aren't they? aren't they? they're so much fun to watch. i was like, dude has my pants on this week. >> the leather pants? >> no. believe me. they dance monday night? >> they do. and they know they have some stiff competition, with hines, ralph, chelsea and the whole gang. you can see them monday at 8:00, 7:00 central time. first, this morning, barbara walters is here. that gigantic exclusivive. she's holding on to zachary right there. elton john, his partner and the new baby, coming up next.e's a e where everyone feels at home. where the company, the conversation, and the food make all who enter feel welcome. a place that feels as warm with a crowd... as it does with just a friend. it's a place you'll find town house crackers. because they're part of what makes your place the place. ♪ welcome to town house. where good times reside. i wear what i love, because expression means everything. ♪ too hot to trot some say i'm one-of-a-kind. i say i'm so chico's. ♪ are you having any joy? ♪ what you getting out f living? 7 ♪ what good is what you've got ifyou're not having any joy? ♪ ♪ ♪ are you having any laughs? ♪ if other people do, so can you ♪, ♪ have a little joy [ female announcer ] how does your next week look? why not get away and book royal caribbean cruise at today? and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. elton john has won so many grammys, of course. a tony, an oscar. this is the biggest gift of all. he and his partner, david furnish, have a brand-new baby boy. and they share him for the first time with barbara walters. >> you can see the baby for the first time on "20/20." and you'll learn which one of them is the father and how it all came about. the baby is now 4 1/2 months. we're not going to show him until tonight. but he's adorable. the date of the birth was a surprise to them. they thought that the surrogate mother was going to go into labor later. but it was a christmas baby. this is how it happened. >> we go out for lunch with friends on christmas eve. we stop and get the last few christmas presents. and we get a phone call. she's gone into labor. she's been rushed to hospital. >> reporter: it was now past midnight, christmas day. as they ran through the halls, they noticed they were eerily alone. >> it was ideal from the secrecy standpoint, as well. when we walked into the maternity ward, nobody was there. >> it was "the shining," barbara. people don't want to have a christmas baby. from a secrecy point of view, it worked in our favor so well. >> reporter: tell me about the birth. who cut the umbilical cord? >> i cut the umbilical cord. and from that point on, we took our shirts off. >> they call it skin-to-skin bonding. it's such a traumatic thing for a baby to come into the world, to have them close and get your human scent, it imprints you with the child. >> reporter: a few days later, they brought baby zachary home, to a christmas tree and presents. >> and i held him in my arms. and the christmas carols came on the music system. and i cried my eyes out. and you did, too. it was like, what more special thing could you ever want on a christmas day? >> it was incredible. they share so much with you. one of the things there's so much talk about is who is the god mother? >> yes. we said, is there a female figure. and there's lots of female figures but they're bringing the baby up themselves. but lady gaga is the god mother, for real. and we asked why. is it true that lady gaga is his god mother? >> yes. yes, she is. >> you get to the real person, there's a simple new york girl who loves her parents. >> reporter: and very smart. >> i love her to death. and people thought that's crazy. but they don't know her. and we do. >> you know, elton didn't want children in the beginning. he's 64. david furnish is 48. but they're so hands-on. they're changing the diapers. they're feeding the bottle. as i said, tonight, you will see the baby. and he is just -- i'm talking -- you can imagine what they're like. he's so adorable. >> there's the still photo. look at the smile on your face. and you're going to show us the baby tonight. it's a special barbara walter exclusive on "20/20," with elton john, david furnish and baby zachary. and i have to mention, elton john is going to be at the wedding? >> he's been invited to the wedding. on monday, he's going to talk with us about how he felt about princess diana and kate. >> you'll be leading off the coverage with us on "gma." and want to get the plug in. >> you're going to be with diane sawyer. yeah. >> thanks, barbara. just ahead on "good morning america," a delicious way to start the weekend. mario batali will be cooking up on eastern feast. he's outside, along with the double-decker. before we kick it off for london, we're going to kick off easter weekend, right here, friday morning. "good morning america." come on back. ♪ ♪ ♪ wake up ♪ it's a beautiful morning ♪ honey ♪ while the sun is still shining ♪ ♪ wake up ♪ would you like to go with me? ♪ ♪ honey ♪ take a run down to the beach ♪ ♪ oh, mama ♪ i wanna go surfing ♪ oh, mama ♪ i don't care about nothing ♪ ♪ ♪ wake up ♪ there's a new kid in the town ♪ hershey's bliss. one square inch of indulgence... joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian it's time to get real about what happens in the bathroom. and start talking about what you really want from your toilet paper. it's time to talk about clean. feeling clean is so important. i use quilted northern. quilted northern soft & strong. stronger than the leading rippled brand. for a confident clean. cadbury creme eggs an easter basket and eggs and...glidden premium brown and green paint. [ all screaming ] [ dad ] alright! [ boy ] where are they?! [ screaming continues ] camouflage paint? who would do that?! brilliant. found one! it's just lucky. [ male announcer ] only walmart has low prices every day on everything you need for easter. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. you, i amrning to that 8:27.n here is lisa baden with a check on traffic. not much to talk about, with, stayis on plan, south and to richmond and north and the baltimore, been smooth.s this is 395 + 2 king st., wonderful across the 14th street bridge. good at the roosevelt bridge and quiet traffic at the wilson bridge and no delays this on 270 or i-70 in and of baltimore. good across the american legion bridge. clouds have already increased and we have some broken light showers from winchester toward manassas. that stretches from culpeper toward spotsylvania and that will approach the metro area. later on to day and into to night and often on showers into tomorrow. 46 degrees downtown and dulles at 46 and flood watch metro and itthe cool day with often on showers, only in the low to mid 50's but warmer tomorrow. less 70's on saturday with intermittent showers. back to sunshine on sunday, 80 degrees. maryland attorney general drinka new alcoholic the shells. end a toked certain drink. targeted toward underage drinkers has the equivalent of five servings of alcohol. back at 8:56. ♪ ♪ so i go go easy ♪ ♪ i don't go fast ♪ ♪ lock me up inside your garden ♪ that young man is greyson chance. he's just 13 years old. and the online phenomenon has released a new song, rocketing up the charts. he's singing that live just ahead. you can see it's a holiday weekend. >> happy easter. the bunny ears. >> i know. >> what a friday morning. we're going to turn from bunnies to lions. before that, cue it -- ♪ we hear that in new york all the time, at "the lion king." this morning, the big question is, how hard is it to capture amazing images of lions in the wild? we have a sneak peek ourselves of an amazing, new movie. and the beautiful cubs in the studio this morning. we're going to check them ahead. >> so adorable. you know who is also adorable, this man right here. mario batali. >> how are you? >> he's here for "america's recipes." it smells so good out here. we always love it when you're here. and because it is good friday, you have a veggie option for us first, right? >> well, we have many things. but the vegetarian option is right here. there's also, celebrating earth day. >> yes. >> we're trying to have random acts of greenness, if at all possible. >> oh. >> and as a matter of fact, i brought you a packet of seeds, so you may also do a random act of greenness. if you plant something and pay attention, our planet may, in fact, be a little bit better. here, i have cheese-stuffed analode. the recipe's on the website. or you can buy prepaid. we have these wild, scallion-looking things. if you can't find them, you substitute spring onions or scallions. i like to chop up the green part and throw them in with a little bit of butter. you get all of the springy greenness. and vegetables in your diet work well. juju, if you can help me by spooning those right in there. >> absolutely. >> this is the easiest part of the world, when you get down to putting it all together. >> wow. >> we cook them in chicken stock. >> it's like a facial right here. >> unsodium or low-sodium chicken stock. and you throw a little bit of parmesan cheese right there. >> something for good friday. >> and you have cheese agnolotti with frenranch. if you don't want to eat as much meat, you go with an anti-pasta. we have asparagus, and top it with picorrino. and an egg like that. and for easter sunday, you have your lamb. you marinade it. you cook it over the grill, medium-rare. and all of this bounty, celebrating the mastery of earth day, the holiness of ceremony, and the magnificence of spring. >> and the angels started singing. >> what is this right here? >> this is a classic dessert called pastiera. and it's the traditional neapolitan pie for easter. everything italian is celebrating what's coming out of the soil at the very moment. >> oh, my golly. so good. >> that's really -- >> that is delicious, delicious, delicious. thank you so much. i know you're very excited. >> i'm always very excited. >> i know. but you have a new show. >> i do. and it's right here on abc. it starts september. >> give us an idea of what to expect? >> there will be myself. michael symon. charla from "top chef." we're talking about news, food, and pop culture in a way that hopefully makes sense and fun. >> it's september 20-something. >> september 20-something. we'll know when it gets sooner. >> thank you for this wonderful holiday weekend and earth day. that's all covered. you can get mario's fabulous dishes on our website, go to dot, dot, dot. >> dot, org. we're going back to morse code. a little star power on our "just one thing." i'm just saying, it doesn't hurt to have a superstar music dude come in and talk about -- this is awesome to us. we've been talking about all this waste for all this waste in the plastic bottles and how to stay away from them. but you have figured out a way to use that and make something really beautiful. tell me what this is. >> first of all, let me be clear. i didn't come up here. i was approached by return textiles. and we entered in a partnership. it's cool. the bottles are -- >> you cut the things off. >> they're melted down to fibers. those fibers are put with other alternative fibers, which is then woven into a fabric. and that fabric is sewn into a product. >> this is brilliant. it goes from this, to this, into fabrics like this. and this is water-proof. what you're wearing, which is soft. i didn't think it would be. >> yeah. >> and it's comfortable and cozy-looking. does it end up being water-proof in all its variations? >> depending on the product. >> like shoes. >> we're saying, you don't have to make new polyester. >> right. >> you can effectively -- >> reuse this. put it into that. and look at all the different things they're marketing. this is cool. i want to get one or two stats in. 30 million tons of plastic waste is generated every year. you guys, in what you're doing so far, using 1.7 million tons to get rid of it now. if we made this a fabric that everybody would use and wear in all of these different products, from tablet computer covers to shoes to bags, just think of how much waste we could get rid of. >> amazing. and by the way, these are all collaborations with companies. based on the policy, we can't say what names they are. but these are all products that are in market. most of the things have sold out. and we continue to have the collaborations. >> all you need to do is look for bionic yarn. thank you for coming by. "good morning america" "just one thing" is brought to you by starbucks. you and starbucks, you know what i say. it's bigger than coffee. i'm not kidding. let's get to the boards. one or two things we want to talk about. in is the easter weekend forecast. it will be stormy in the middle of the weekend. we want to highlight this. i think these storms, one of the biggest problems with them, will be the heavy amounts of rain that come in storm after storm right in the middle of the country. that's a part of the country that's been saturated and soaked. and the rivers are already running very high. our "just one 46ol around the d.c., degrees downtown but rising only into the low to mid 50's. areas of rain will develop a toward the metro area this afternoon and this e >> we haven't mentioned that it's earth day today. we're going to show you when we come back. stay with us. the pirates premiere at disneyland. you have to head over to the "gma" facebook page. a brand-new page. click on like. and you have a chance to win tickets to the new premiere. you can find out what your pirate name is. we plugged in robin's name. we always do. robin is the peg leg robin, the pillager. and captain david, the swashbuckler. sam, you're best mate. >> that's great. >> angry bird, too, that was the last hour. and we had a horrible showing with that. >> you were better than i was, david. >> i didn't hit anything. i was clear air. >> in practice, you were better than me. >> that's true. >> david mizejewski is here. we haven't said enough, it is earth day today. all of the things that are extraordinary about the planet. disneynature is marking the opening day of its newest film, "african cats" here on earth day. set in the mara national reserve in kenya. that's 930-square-miles. this film tells the story of two prides of lions as they fight for supremacy, with a young cheetah family. each ticket sold, there will be a donation to save that precious area in africa, in conjunction with the african wildlife foundation. we thought we would show you the amazing cats in the studio. david was kind enough to bring them in for us. what is it? >> this is another kind of african cat. this is a leopard. this guy shares the same habitat as the cheetah and the lions in the film live in. these guys are a near-threatened species. they're not endangered of going extin extinct. but there's habitat issues. >> we talk about it. but money isn't getting set aside to save these things. >> we need more funds going to conservation. the american public can get involved with my organization, protecting wildlife in north america. the fact they have the beautiful coats. he's just play-biting you there. >> i'm all right. >> he's only 11 weeks old. these guys are not pets. this is a wild animal. he lives at the zoo. this is not an animal you want. >> what else do you have to show us? >> our next animal is more rambunctio rambunctious. this is a cougar. this is a species we have in north america. this is a florida panther, sub species of cougar. there's only about 160 left of them in the wild. >> where in the world are they normally found? >> this is an animal that is found from canada down to south america. a wide range. the florida panther only lives in florida. they really need our help. >> where would it live if we didn't have condos and hotels? >> they live in forests and deserts and mountains. the florida panther lives in the everglades environment. the national wildlife federation fights for these animals all the time. >> how big will it get? >> this guy will get to be between 100 and 200 pounds. he's only 15 weeks old. you see the size of those paws. he's going to town on that rope toy there. >> we're not going to touch him. again, these are not pets. >> exactly. >> right now, the only way to see them is to see them in a beautiful film, like this one, that comes out. >> absolutely. >> this week, when you see it, you'll be able to make a donation. all week long, if you go see that film -- it's rare for me to pump a film. -- then, money is donated to save the habitats of these african cats. i thank you for bringing all this in to show us. >> absolutely. >> it's something we don't get a chance to see. we need to see them in real life. and know they actually live in places and we can help them keep living. "african cats" opens tonight. next, coming on the way -- we told you, i want to make sure. "african cats" opens tonight. youtube sensation, greyson chance, performs live. he's right there. it was just about a year ago, i reported on a boy who became an internet sensation after he bravely performed in front of his school. the only boy to perform solo. but it wasn't only that. it was the song he chose. lady gaga's "paparazzi." check this out. ♪ ♪ maybe you can say this gets outs ♪ >> we know what comes next, the resounding applause, right there in the auditorium. the mouths are dropped open in the background. and everybody in the studio. thank you for being here. you've been up to quite a bit since last year. >> i have been up to something. i am touring right now. i have an e.p. out right now, that has a remix version. and my video is free on itunes. and i have one more special announcement. >> please. >> this is a big one. this is for all the fans. my upcoming album, i have a title for it. it's called "hold on till the night." it will be out before school. >> can't wait. in the meantime, will you perform for us? >> of course. >> this is "waiting outside the lines." >> "waiting outside the lines." >> the floor is yours. ♪ you'll never enjoy your life living inside the box ♪ ♪ you're so afraid of taking chances ♪ ♪ how you gonna reach the top? ♪ ♪ rules and regulations force you to play it safe ♪ ♪ get rid of all the hesitation ♪ ♪ it's time for you to seize the day ♪ ♪ instead of just sitting around ♪ ♪ and looking down on tomorrow ♪ ♪ you gotta let your feet off the ground ♪ ♪ the time is now ♪ i'm waiting, waiting just waiting ♪ ♪ i'm waiting waiting outside the lines ♪ ♪ waiting outside the lines waiting outside the lines ♪ ♪ try to have no regrets even if it's just tonight ♪ ♪ how you gonna walk ahead if you keep living blind? ♪ ♪ stuck in that same position you deserve so much more ♪ ♪ there's a whole world around us ♪ ♪ just waiting to be explored ♪ ♪ instead of just sitting around ♪ ♪ and looking down on tomorrow ♪ ♪ you gotta let your feet off the ground ♪ ♪ the time is now just let it go ♪ ♪ don't wanna have to force you to smile ♪ ♪ i'm here to help you notice the rainbow ♪ ♪ 'cause i know what's in you is out there ♪ ♪ i'm waiting, waiting just waiting ♪ ♪ i'm waiting waiting outside the lines ♪ ♪ waiting outside the lines waiting outside the lines ♪ ♪ i'm trying to be patient i'm trying to be patient ♪ ♪ the first step is the hardest the hardest ♪ ♪ i know you can make it go ahead and take it ♪ ♪ i'm waiting, waiting just waiting, i'm waiting ♪ ♪ i'm waiting, waiting just waiting ♪ ♪ i'm waiting waiting outside the lines ♪ ♪ waiting outside the lines waiting outside the lines ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you have to go. >> i'm going to london. but i'm still a southern gal. see you all. bye. ready to go? okay. >> whoa. >> it may take me a while. >> live and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good morning to you and happy friday at 8:56. i am pamela brown and here is lisa baden with a look at traffic. just discovered a crash and near gallowsp road. is toward springfield. the outer loop after gallows road, there is an accident and get by but allow yourself a few extra minutes to that part of the looks good through springfield to the american legion bridge. we'll take you live to a couple of cameras. this is 395 traffic close to king street which as a little in volume. no problems to report in maryland across the american legion bridge. we have the clouds overhead to thee areas of rain into wall dark. up in northern have someut we still showers. lyall sprinkles early this morning and temperatures in the mid-40's. more rain later today and a few brief that she showers into saturday. a flood watches in effect, nw morning northwest of town. there is over and possible into the morning. today, amid 50's with areas of range for the afternoon and evening and tomorrow, passing not a total washout warmer, low 70's and 80 by sunday. today is good friday and earth day. numerous advanced ofraise awareness environmental issues. earth day has been celebrated every april 22 since 1970. thanks for watching and we will be back at noon. "live with regis and kelly" is up next.

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