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Around the 18 acres of the white house plus the executive Office Building and eventually, they say likely around the treasury department. The National Parks service work in collaboration with the secret service on these proposals described as temporary anticlimb devices or temporary anticlimb features. Theyre described as reversible if they decide to go in a different direction in the future but they say theres an immediate need for these changes. But when asked specifically what these anticlimb devices are, the National Park service declined to go into specifics and the secret service was unavailable after that vote. These are described as just proposals. Thats why they wont go on further record. But when asked about reports that this is a 1 2 inch steel spike that would be bolted on the existing fence on the north and south sides of the white house, the nationalshltional park service told me that report is not wrong. We can also tell you thats a temporary fix. Theres a process under way to create a permanent fix and there are many different ideas and proposals that are now being reviewed by these agencies. Theyve been brain storming ways to do so meeting two requirements. Less resistance and climb delay. Any of these changes both temporary and permanent must get the approval of u. S. Commission of fine arts as well as the u. S. Capitol planning commission. And after several recent fence jumpers or attempted fence jumpers, this is a big priority for the secret service notable in september, Omar Gonzalez made his way into the east room before being arrested after jumping the white house fence. Again, permanent changes must get approved but the proposal should be submitted to the commissions this fall. Construction projected to happen in 2016. Thats the permanent changes that are still being developed. As for this temporary change with the anticlimb devices meant to slow down fence jumpers, that has no timeline according to the National Parks service but they hope to get it done as soon as possible. Reporting live in northwest, mike conneen, abc 7 news. Jummy we want to switch to breaking news now coming in from indiana. We have a live look at whats left after a Grain Elevator explosion in la porte county. We are told four people are hurt. Their injuries are not considered life threatening. These are live images right now courtesy of wls in chicago. We will continue to follow this breaking news story and give you any updates as soon as they become available. Developing now the investigation into how a florida man this is in a fire in arlington. A two alarm fire. This is in the 100 block of south roll street. These are live images right here. We have a crew headed to that scene. You can make out there those three spears from the air force memorial. These are live images right now from arlington, virginia, here in our backyard and also some breaking news a fire. Well send that crew to the scene and make sure to keep you updated here on abc 7 on air and on line with any updates. Now to that developing story. The investigation into how a florida man was able to fly his gyrocopter into one of the most restricted airspaces in the country its unclear how doug hughes made it as far as he did without radar picking up that aircraft. Our John Gonzalez at the abc 7 live desk with the new developments that weve learned. John . John jummy, i see that video and still cant believe it. It will be a talker for a while. A day after doug hughes made this dramatic landing on the front lawn of the u. S. Capitol, he will appear in federal court in just over an hour to hear the charges against him. His wild ride into the Nations Capital is raising Major Concerns about security. How does an individual get that close . John doug hughes flew his gyrocopter right through the nofly zone around washington penetrating the missile systems, radar and antiaircraft weapons before crash landing. He traveled more than 50 miles. And sources say the chopper was just that. Too small too slow and too low. So it never detected. A witness said hughes was calm as he came in for the landing. There was no noise coming from him. He wasnt screaming. He wasnt shouting. John hughes told friends and family that he wanted to deliver letters to lawmakers demanding change in Campaign Finance laws. And im going to land on the capitol mall and front of the Capitol Building. What he wantedo do was very brave and all that. Even if a little bit stupid. John the florida postal carrier revealed his plans to a reporter from the tampa bay times. He called me up at my office and didnt identify himself and he said im going to commit an act of civil disobedience. Nobody is going to get hurt. John depending on who you ask this afternoon, the 61yearold is lucky he didnt get hurt or even killed. Top lawmaker says if he got any closer to the Capitol Building he would have been taken out by police. Live in the newsroom, John Gonzalez, abc 7 news. Jummy right now metro working to fix a track problem outside of fort totten. It caused them to suspend the service between prince Georges Plaza and georgia avenue. Riders had to use shuttle buses or take a detour on the red line. Delays are reported in both directions. Trains are single tracking. Service on the green line has been restored this noon after a pedestrian bridge fell on to the tracks in Berwyn Heights yesterday. This is what it looked like yesterday. We brought you that breaking news after a crane struck that bridge just before rush hour. Now, it sent part of the span crashing on to the commuter tracks. Luckily, no one was on the bridge and no trains were in the area at the time. Metro says crews worked through the night on repairs. And marc commuter trains are now operating full service on the camden line but Officials Say there could still be delays in the greenbelt area. An update now on januarys deadly metro incident near lenfant plaza. Metro says it will begin upgrading radio and cell phone systems inside tunnels in january. A recent study found only about 28 of 911 cal placed inside metro tunnels went through successfully. First responders had trouble communicating by radio after smoke filled a tunnel. One passenger died in the incident. Right now, Police Investigating a serious crash involving a taxi and a box truck in Prince Georges County. Two people were injured. Jeanette reyes live in lanham with an update on the cleanup effort now under way. Jeanette . Jeanette two people are in the hospital after a serious headon collision here involving a box truck and a taxi cab. Take a look here behind me. The debris field stretches over 20 yards here. Were along Fourth Street and you can see a streak of fuel that spilled as well. Its giving off a strong odor. Now, that team has been called out to clean that up. Take a look at the front of this taxi pad. The damage is just significant and its also significant on the front end of that truck as well. According to Prince Georges County police two people were taken to the hospital with nonlifethreatening injuries and one person was evaluated on scene. Now, we talked to a woman who lives right across the street from where this all happens. He says this is the third time that a vehicle has crashed on to her property. Take a listen to how she found out about this this morning. From the building just i was like oh my god. Whats going on . All i heard was my uncle screaming that we should get out of the house because it was an accident. Jeanette the manager of the company that owns the truck tells me police told them theyre looking into the possibility that the driver of the cab may have fallen asleep at the wheel. Reporting in lanham maryland jeanette reyes, abc 7 news. Jummy police are investigating a police chase that ended in a deadly crash in charles county. Police say an officer tried to pull over a toyota sion at route 301 and action lane early this morning. They say a pursuit began when the driver refused to stop and blew through a red light. Police say the officer lost sight of the car and then found it crashed on action lane at timberbrook drive. Police say the driver struck a utility pole which then fell on to the car killing that suspect. His name has not yet been released. Taking a live look right now at the white house. We will see more clouds than sun today. But its still going to be a pretty nice day out there. Chief meteorologist doug hill is here with a lookhe first forecast. Hey, doug. Doug hi there. Plenty of sunshine for the moment. What will happen later this afternoon is the clouds will increase and this evening, rain will move through the area. For the moment beautiful. 69 degrees with the sunshine. Outside of the belfort furniture Weather Center and the Reagan National airport dew point is low, too at 67 degrees. 68 degrees in frederick right now. Annapolis picking up a bit of a bay breeze and 58. Reagan national can see the temperatures drop a couple of degrees and winds coming across the Potomac River could do that. The general theme is were going to push through the upper 60s to around 70 area wide. It will be a very pleasant afternoon but during the mid afternoon hours, you will notice an increase in cloudiness from the west and that cloudiness will produce showers. I think theyll be later tonight. Looking at radar trends right now, certainly could happen in some areas west of town by very late this afternoon or early this evening. Keeping a very close eye on that. So here it comes on storm scan. You see one batch of rain southwest of richmond now. Small area. Larger area of rain developing over kentucky and tennessee and thats the area i think well be dealing with late tonight and through the day tomorrow. Some good news and some not so good news for outdoor weather conditions this weekend. Giving you details and timing in a couple of minutes. Jummy . Jummy see you then, thank you. Today is Holocaust Memorial day. It marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camps by allied forces. The u. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum held a rememberance ceremony this morning in the u. S. Capitol. Members of congress joined survivors to light a memorial candle. Its part of the annual days of rememberance which honors the six million jews killed in the nazi holocaust during world war ii. And today, the Virginia Tech community is marking a grim anniversary. On april 16th 2007 the student killed 32 people on campus before killing himself. It was the deadliest shooting spree in modern u. S. History. A moment of silence was held at 9 43 this morning followed by a community picnic. At midnight last night, a candlelighting ceremony was held. At 11 59 tonight there will be a candle extinguishing ceremony. First degree murder conviction for patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez and still more legal troubles to come. Hes also facing double murder charges in boston and civil lawsuits related to those killings. Hes also being sued in florida by a former friend who says hernandez shot him in the face after an argument. Just yesterday, a jury convicted hernandez in the 2013 killing of odin lloyd. Lloyd was shot six times in an Industrial Park less than a mile from where hernandez lived. Coming up on abc 7 news at noon video you must see. A wave sweeps away a vacationer in ireland. How she was saved. And a bizarre murderforhire plot busted. The strange case that landed a prominent cardiologist behind bars. New developments in the lawsuit against General Motors over the faulty ignitions. Why the judge says the company wont have to pay billions in claims. Will you need the umbrella, sunscreen or both today . Doug is back with the look at the weekend weather and well have another look at the breaking news in arlington right now. Crews on the scene of that two alarm fire on the second floor of the home. Well be back with more news. Jummy a woman vacationing in ireland is recovering this noon after being swept off a cliff by a massive wave. And it was all caught on video. Abcs Marcy Gonzalez tells us how it happened and how that woman was saved. Marcy soaking in the stunning irish coastal views when there on the left a giant wave crashes into a woman standing on the cliff. Of course, i didnt see it coming so i try to run and the wave just push me off my perch. Marcy she was visiting ireland with her parents, both watching in horror as the wave knocks her on to the rocks below. Most terrifying moment of my life. I see the huge wave coming and my daughter shouting mommy. And i just look back and shes not there. The water cushioned my fall. When i finally fell, the impact wasnt as good as it could have been. Next to me, though was a boulder and i held on to it. Marcy the 21yearold student clinging to the boulder until this man, a paramedic visiting rushes to help. Tying it to the backpack and lowering it down to pull her to safety. We did what anyone would do in that situation. And just try to help out. Its a miracle shes alive. Just simply amazing. Marcy she broke her ankle and had some cuts and bruises and otherwise is ok. Her rescuer will be awarded a medal for bravery later this year. Marcy gonzalez, abc 7 news. Jummy what a story. A cardiologist meantime in new york being accused of trying to hire an undercover cop to have another doctor hurt or killed. Dr. Anthony masetto allegedly hired two men to set fire to the other mans office. When that didnt do much damage he offered to pay 5,000 to have the doctor beaten and 20,000 to have him killed. He reportedly wanted to put the other doctor out of business. A federal judge has ruled General Motors not responsible for death claims while they were under bankruptcy protection. However, some g. M. Owners can file faulty ignition switch claims after the company left bankruptcy protection in 2009. One of the plaintiffs attorneys says the decision shields g. M. From up to 10 billion in potential liabilities from those lawsuits. The Wounded Warriors soldier ride made a special stop in d. C. Today. About 30 minutes ago, president obama and Vice President biden welcomed the group of injured Service Members to the white house. Its a celebration of the eighth annual soldier ride. Tomorrow, the group will head through the Naval Academy in annapolis. Ride wraps up saturday with a 20 mile trek in marlboro county. Saturday hopefully they have good weather. Doug sunshine and 70s. And rain will move in later tonight. But for the most it is gorgeous. This is the way that the day started in olney, virginia. A lot of broken cloud. Beautiful sunrise. Get ready for it. Well launch the sun in the sky and there it goes beautiful day. Now, were going to see cloudiness moving in our western suburbs and western viewing areas first and eventually moving across the entire area during the afternoon hours. Temperatures will make a nice climb in the upper 60s in most spots. Gorgeous out there right now. As far as temperatures and weather conditions very mild already. A little bit of numbers for you. 69 at Reagan National and 66 at dulles. 64 degrees at b. W. I. Thurgood marshall. 68 in manassas and 66 with the sunshine right now reported around the area. Whats going to happen in the afternoon is the wind are out of the southeast right now and going to start turning the other way and come out of the southwest. Notice the winds 10 12 15 miles an hour. Reagan national the winds are calm and theyre warming up. If we look another hour from now, well cool off a couple of degrees because of the coldness of the water. This time of year, well see that effect if were downwind along the shores of the bay or downwind the opposite side of the rivers or lakes, youll get the same effect of cooling temperatures. Here it comes, clouds and rain showing up on radar. Not much in the way of any clouds along the i95 corridor to maine. We have a batch of rain coming in. Some may diminish in the feks few hours. The clouds will make it in and more batches of rain will develop in tennessee and kentucky. Theyll expand as they head northeastward. Rain tonight but a very pleasant day. Until then low pressure area is helping to organize this moisture coming out of the gulf of mexico and that will be the weather pattern tomorrow. But its also going to bring very warm air with it. At least 70 degrees across the area. Perhaps a little bit more in spots but it will be a mild day but a rainy day and it looks as though the rain should probably end by late in the afternoon or the evening. Lets check out the timing of our futurecast and see this afternoon, were still in the sunshine. Clouds just off to our west. Clouds overspread the areas. Some showers tonight. During the overnight hours, this is set on 7 00 tomorrow morning. And then during the day the rain moves through in batches. Wont rain all day. By about 6 00, i think well start to clear and definitely clearing out as we head through the overnight hours. Cloudy skies, showers developing and southeasterly winds. As we head through the day tomorrow, it looks delightful. Temperature wise, sunny and a bit of a sotherly breeze. It will not rain all day long and as we got into the weekend, weather goes on an upswing for us. Looks like it will be about 75 degrees with sunshine on saturday. Clouds rapidly increase sunday with another system coming. In the question that we have sunday is when will the rain arrive . Could it arrive by noon . Yes. Better hunch is it probably will be later in the afternoon. Mild monday. Tuesday and wednesday looks terrific. We are in springtime. Locked into a spring pattern now. Jummy now summer. Doug thats coming next. Jummy ok. Well be waiting for it doug. Thank you. Coming up at noon its thursday. That means we have your scandal scoop. Plus a tour bus goes up in flames. Well tell you what caused it and the popular Country Singer on board when it erupted. Jummy lets get back to that breaking news were following here in arlington, virginia. You can see the smoke there. This is from a two alarm fire. We know crews are on that scene. What weve been told by arlington officials is that this fire is on the second floor, an attic in a home on the 100 block of south rolfs street. No word on any injuries. You can see the black smoke from this tower camera that we have for you here. This is not too far away from the rosslyn area. You can see in the background the air force memorial. Well continue to keep an eye on this breaking news story and look for any updates at wjla. Com. In the meantime, a tour bus carrying popular Country Group lead singer caught fire on the side of a road. Take a look at this image right here from a tour bus carrying Lady Antebellum lead singer hillary scott. Now, she was on her way to arlington ex texas for this weekends Country Music awards. The singer tweeted that a tire actually caught fire. She said everyone got off that bus ok and a new bus showed up to take them on their way. Ladies, Health Experts this noon are telling you to slow down whether it comes to multiple children. Typically supposed to wait 18 months to give your body time to recovery from a pregnancy. But researchers found that 1 3 of women dont give their body the time it needs. They say that can up the chance that a second child has problems. Tonight is thursday and that means its tgit on abc 7. Scandal scandal has returned to the lineup. A little bit of a spoiler alert. If you havent seen the last episode, papa pope is back. He returned at the end of the back seat and hes connected to olivias new man. Scandal returns at 9 00 here on abc 7. In the forecast rain and sun in store for the weekend. Doug has the details and a last look of the weather. Well be right back. Doug get close to 70. Clouds this afternoon. Rain tonight. Talk more about this afternoon at 4 00. Jummy ok see you at [dramatic music] yeah hey im terry crews, and its time to get the fun started right here on millionaire. [cheers and applause] ive been told todays first contestant has a very unusual way of saying hello. Im not gonna lie. Im a little bit nervous. But lets brg her out. From midvale, utah please welcome jan brownstein. [cheers and applause] hi, jan. How are you . Hi, how are you . Im well. Okay. Okay. Okay, what was the where is the im nervous

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