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Goldberg live in charlottesville with the latest on these charges. Jeff . Jummy, the investigators here saying that their case against Jesse Matthew has been wrapped up. They decided to pursue and charge matthew yesterday with firstdegree murder charges in the case of Hannah Graham as well as charges of abduction with intent to defile. Now, prosecutors making it very clear they are not charging Jesse Matthew with capital murder charges which would carry with it the death penalty. They said if they made that decision after very careful deliberation but would not explain exactly why that decision came to be. Now, this press conference taking place at 11 00 this morning here authorities today not revealing any information on the evidence against Jesse Matthew. Hannah graham was last seen in downtown charlottesville in september 13th in the Early Morning hours. A week later, matthew fled town and was captured in texas and hes been in custody since. Hannah grahams body was found on october 18th. Jesse matthew was earlier charged with the abduction of Hannah Graham but now hes being charged with the murder. The prosecutions for the abduction and murder of hannah will bring mr. Matthew to justice for these crimes crimes committed against Hannah Graham against her family and against her community. The press conference did end somewhat abruptly reporters still had a lot of questions for authorities but they wouldnt take any more questions about evidence questions about the case moving forward. Still a lot of Unanswered Questions there. Jesse matthew is currently in fail where he is facing charges of rape and attempted murder for a case in fairfax in 2005. How these two cases, the murder charge and the abduction charge excuse me the attempted murder charge in fairfax, how is it going to proceed as far as trial still remains to be seen. A trial date in fairfax is set is going to be set this friday in fairfax. Jesse matthew will make his first after answer via video link on the murder charges. Happening in arlington, police are questioning a man in connection to an attempted abduction earlier this morning. A woman stepped out of her apartment on the 1900 block after 8 00 in morning. They say thats when a man jumped out from behind a potted plant, grabbed that woman and then forced her to the ground. The conceirge saw the commotion and jumped in to help. He held the suspect until police got on that scene. We have a reporter working to get more details on this story. Make sure you stay with abc 7 and wjla. Com for any updates. Meantime this noon we are learning more about a devastating fire that took the lives of three people. Happened in Anne Arundel County overnight. That home on the 100 block of hilltop road in Brooklyn Park went up in flames just around 2 40 this morning. Our Jeanette Reyes is live at the scene where shes been all day long with new details about the victims. Jeanette . Jummy, a community is in mourning this noon after a massive blaze consumed this entire home claiming the life of a local pastors wife his youngest son and a neighbor who tried to save them both. My son came to the room of me and my wife. And was shouting daddy, fire. Mommy, fire. It was 2 30 in the morning and a fire was quickly engulfing the reverends home off hilltop road and his 17yearold son was still fast asleep in the upstairs room. His wife the 54yearold ran up to wake him. The black smoke was overpowering. She kept saying, i cant see. We cannot see. And i had to use my phone, the light. It was so thick. Nobody could see. The rickmans watch in horror. A father of two didnt watch for long. He ran across the icy road to help. Next thing i know, hes tearing down across the street. I couldnt see too much what was going on but the reverend said my family is in there. They were trapped upstairs. Firefighters rescued them shortly after arriving on scene but it was too late. Trying to get his freedom back. But i dont think they did. All three were later pronounced dead at the hospital. The devastation is beyond words, even for a preacher. I dont know. I cant explain it. It is tough. Two families forever tied together through a horrible tragedy. I wanted everybody to look in the eyes of the woman he died to save my wife and kid. Were thinking hes a hero. He died to try to save somebody and my son will always be a hero. And back out live here as you see that room upstairs. That is where the son and the wife were trapped and the neighbor was heading up there to try to save them. Now, investigators were all throughout the house looking for a cause of this fire. Well have a reporter coming up later on this afternoon with a full storya full report on this ongoing investigation. Reporting live Jeanette Reyes abc 7 news. Jeanette, just a tough story to hear. Thanks for that report. Meantime in the weather department, the ice, the rain and the snow made for some pretty slippery conditions this morning. Its being blamed for commuter headaches and even some School Delays and cancellations. Our John Gonzalez takes a look at some of the hardest hit areas. Truly a recipe for disaster on many of our area roadways. And this is what youre going to find on my of our roadways. This is the overpass over Central Avenue here at harry truman drive and what youre going to find is a lot of flares, Police Activity and, well, car parts, very icy. This was the location of a nine car pileup this morning. And that was just one of dozens of accidents. We want to show you some video. This is 195 up in elkridge maryland where at least 13 cars were counted by our traffic tracker. Mull multiple accidents up there and many of the ramps throughout the beltway have been an icy mess and this right here Central Avenue where there was another fender bender involving at least two cars but cars that were trying to work their way around this accident found themselves in a bit of a mess. Actually right there and i was trying to make a utur get up out of here. I dont know what happened. Can see how icy it is at this hour. Prince georges county police have been out here since that accident occurred at 5 00 this morning. They were actually attempting to reopen the roadway but still way too easy. As you can see, they will remain here keeping it closed for now. In landover John Gonzalez, abc 7 news. The good news is most rain is moving out. But it will be slow to warm up today. Doug hill is here with a look at the first forecast. Doug . Were doing better. Up to 34 degrees right now outside of the belfort furniture Weather Center in arlington and temperatures will climb a bit but the icy stuff is behind us. Lets give a look at conditions in bethesda. Cloudy skies there with a light eastnortheasterly wind. Dont know if well see much sunshine sunshine. Theres a clearing trend in some breaks as far and west. Cloudy and cold day. Precipitation this morning pushed well to the southeast of the metro area. 36 degrees at Reagan National and 34 in frederick. 35 degrees in quantico at this hour. Well see the possibility of a little sun breaking through the clouds later. 43 is the top number and some areas may stay in the upper 30s. At least it will be well above freezing. And the increasing northerly wind is 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour will start to dry things out a bit. Well come back and talk about a little warmer day for a day and a half. And then the next arctic front that will slam through the area on thursday. Well talk again shortly. Jummy, back to you. See you then doug. Thank you. Developing now sleeping in and starting later. Public officials will vote today on a plan to delay those start times for students. Mike conneen is live with more on whats being done in a pretty active meeting, you could say, mike . Some passionate parents inside and that debate is still ongoing and theyre still deep in this debate and frankly, its unclear how long it will continue. It started around 9 00 this morning or what kind of solution Board Members will come to. Just having stepped inside that Meeting Minutes ago, i can tell you the latest conversation focuses on a proposal by board member phil kaufman who suggested going all in and points to a countless study that he says shows students need more sleep, do better in school and learn. He said they should go all in and have Montgomery County High School Start as late as 8 50 a. M. Elementary School Starting earlier at 7 45 a. M. And middle School Students starting as late as 9 30 a. M. He got some support from some colleagues and showed support for this idea saying this would put the issue to bed after decades of debate. Others expressing concern and opposition talking about this being an extreme transition especially for low income families have to find child care options and concerns for students that have to work after School Athletics and after school activities. The Teachers Union has expressed opposition to this saying most teachers dont want the start times to change. Parents say it would be worth the investment in their children. See its very important for teenagers to help in getting up at 5 00 or 5 30 in the morning to catch a bus is not a normal thing. Its not safe. You cant learn if youre tired. You cant learn if you dont have teachers and theres no way that we can afford to spend the kind of money that would give us the best option. Outgoing Montgomery County superintendent joshua starr speaking there acknowledging the tough budget environment that county officials are facing looking this afternoon to make some massive cuts to the schools budget. He had suggested moving all start times back by 20 minutes across the board. Thats one of many options still on the table, as we said this debate is ongoing. My colleague is inside that meeting and well bring you the very latest details on wjla. Com and on abc 7 news throughout the afternoon. Reporting live in rockville, mike conneen, abc 7 news. New at noon the parents of an American Woman held by isil have been officially notified of her death. Kayla muellers family has been waiting for confirmation since friday when the Islamic State militants claimed the 26yearold died in a Jordanian Air strike. The white house issued a statement confirming her death this morning. Meanwhile, the United Arab Emirates launched a series of air strikes on isil militants today. Coming up on abc 7 news at noon the same sex marriage controversy continuing. Why many refused to recognize the law a day after the ban in alabama was officially lifted. Plus a scare in the air. The problem that forced an Emergency Landing of a u. S. Airways flight in houston. All right. We are back with an update to the report we just heard from mike conneen in Montgomery County. Weve just learned thechools system and the school board that is approved superintendent joshua starrs recommendation. That would move high school and middle School Start Times 20 minutes later. Elementary schools will start 10 minutes later. Now, this changingill go into effect in the fall for the next school year. Montgomery county reporter kevin lewis is gathering reaction from school Board Members and parents and even students right now. So make sure you look for his report starting on abc 7 news at 4 4 00 and on wjla. Com. Switching gears, more than 50 Alabama State judges refuse to issue licenses to same sex couples. The u. S. Supreme court ruled in favor of a Lower Court Ruling striking down the states ban on gay marriage. But the chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court ordered judges not to issue the wedding licenses. Some people are comparing this escalating legal showdown to battles over desegregation back in the 1960s. Well i think the definition of the word marriage is not found within the powers designated to the federal government. One man and one man or one woman and one woman or go to multiple marriages . Or did they go to marriage is between men and their daughters or women and their sons . Polls show that more than half of americans support gay marriage. But in the south less than half. Lower than any region in the country. The pilot a u. S. Airways flight successfully landed the plane without nose gear. This happened at the airport in houston. You can see the aircraft knows its just resting there on the runway after a reported rough landing. This after the pilot realized a gear was not deploying ahead of the planes landing. About 57 people were on board. Good news is no one was hurt. 7 is on your side with a Health Matters report. They are restoring the visitation policies after the flu cases they had 27 confirmed flu cases from september 4th to january 30th the lowest single week total since early december. The Medical Center had to limit visitation to only family members to prevent the spread of the flu virus. Abc 7 is on your side as we prepare to tackle the number one killer of women. Heart disease. And one of our very own reporters, Jennifer Donelan suffered a heart attack at the age of 36 and tonight, shes in new york city preparing to accept a red dress award from womens day magazine. Jennifer is being honored for her work with the Heart Campaign and everything shes done in the past four years to help women by sharing her story of survival. The gig is up. You live in fear. You dont know which day will be your last. Jennifer will return tomorrow evening to our station for our station wide effort to fight back against Heart Disease in women. We will have a twohour Womens Heart Health phone bank with area cardiologists and heart experts who are ready to take your calls and answer any questions you have. So make sure you are with us tomorrow at 4 30 right here on abc 7. So glad to see her. She looks terrific. She is happy. Working hard as always. And energetic. I wish you could see her running through these halls every single day. She deserves it. Really does. Heres our story with the weather. We have icy stuff this morning and were through it now. Temperatures above freezing and will be quiet for a bit. Very strong cold front coming through on thursday. Time lapse from our weather bug camera. The Army Navy Country club in fairfax, the rain ended earlier this morning. A lot of icy spots especially elevated structures and rooftops and grassy areas and windshields. If you parked outside. Well see that melt away on its own as temperatures head through the upper 30s to 40 degrees in many areas this afternoon. Currently, Still Holding at 32 degrees in haymarket. 33 in leesburg. 3 32 in bethesda. So all Things Considered were all kind of lucky. Temperatures to the north and west are a little colder. This isnt the real arctic air mass thats moving in. Thats going to come in later in the day on thursday. But definitely a trend of colder temperatures to the west. Milder air will continue to be pushed to the south and the east away from the area. Now, the precipitation, the main area thats pushed well south now consolidated and off the coast of north carolina. There are some breaks in the overcast and the shenandoah valley. Well keep our fingers crossed and i think our channelses will increase to the mid to Late Afternoon that well get breaks of sunshine. Even without that well stay safely above freezing all day long. The next event will be the cold front on the futurecast. Heres through the day tomorrow and could be a few snow flurries and snow showers. In fact, depending on the time of arrival, wouldnt be it out of the question a sprinkle or something accompanying the front. Definitely a cold blast will follow. As we get through the day on thursday and get the strong gusty winds, temperatures will fall. I suspect at the warmest part of the day will probably be 9 00 or 10 00 in the morning and temperatures fall winds will increase. Could be accompanied by flurries and this is the big boy cold front here. This will really drop temperatures through friday and as we get into saturday, it starts to warm up again. Another one will come and take its place. Get ready for the deep freeze coming our way here as we head through the end of the week and into the weekend. This afternoon, a glimpse of sun. 43 for the best. 29 degrees tomorrow morning and check out the next seven days. A little warmer tomorrow. 46 degrees and then thursday just before the cold air arrives here, we could hit 43 with some sunshine and well get some gusty winds, falling temperatures and maybe some flurries and really going to bottom out here in the low 20s on thursday night, rather, by friday be stuck in the 20s. Saturday, well warm up. Another arctic front may give us a snow shower. High on sunday only in the lower 20s and back to 30 degrees by monday. Closer we get to spring, the colder it gets. Go figure. I know, go figure. Hopefully a warmup is on the way. Thank you. Coming up on abc 7 news at noon how they are changing the way some people think of starting a family. Trying to get pregnant soon . An increasing number of apps have hit the market recently and they claim to help women enhance fertility. Many go far saying theyve helped thousands of women get pregnant. Women across the country are shelling out hundreds of bucks for products and gadgets that work with your smartphone including things like body temperature and saliva monitors. Well, today on abc 7 news at 4 00, hear from local doctors and a local woman who says her baby boy wouldnt have been born without help from an app and we talk to another woman who isnt buying into the app craze just yet. Well its not too bad today but youll want to wait and see the rest of the seven day forecast. Theres really some cold weather headed our way and doug is back with a look at that coming up next. Ok. So the cold is coming . Its coming. Next couple of days, not too bad. Take a look at conditions outside what we expect today. 43 with cloudy skies and a bit of a breeze. Maybe a glimpse of sun later. By tomorrow morning, in the 20s to 30. Thats not exceptionally cold for this time of year and then tomorrow afternoon well hit 46. Thats pleasant with some sunshine and it all changes with the first of two arctic fronts through tuesday. Only 29 by friday. Another blast of arctic air in friday, saturday. Friday night and saturday and sunday. Talk more about the numbers this afternoon at 4 00. Ok, doug. See you then. Thanks so much for joining us this midday and be sure to watch abc 7 news at 4 00. Have a great day. [dramatic music] yeah hey [laughs] hey. [cheers and applause] welcome to millionaire. Im terry crews, and all this week, we are raising money for shriners hospitals for children [cheers and applause] theyre a Wonderful Charity that provides s kids with lifechanging medical care regardless of their familys ability to pay. So heres the deal whenever a contestant gets to round 2 well give 10,000 to shriners hospitals for children. [cheers and applause] yes. Todays returning contestant has just earned 10,000 for the shriners hospitals for children by getting to classic

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