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Kathryn hoggle was seen with those children, threeyearold sarah and twoyearold jacob. Jeff goldberg is outside Monterey County Police Headquarters with new search efforts. Maureen, police are giving two new cruise to clues to help the public. Fond ofe hoggle is eating mcdonalds and likes drinking dr pepper, to details hope will help the public in their search, especially here in Montgomery County. Authorities are working on this case around the clock and are hoping that Catherine Hoggle is actively listening to the calls for her and her children to come home. With each hour that passes this is an incredibly serious situation. But the urgency and anxiety grows. This is a plea to my daughter to come home. Standing alongside Montgomery County Police Investigators today, Catherine Hoggles father, randy, shared his desperation and fear. We love the kids so much. She could not ever imagine anything happening to the kids. She is so protective. This is Surveillance Video of her moments before she slipped away from her, my husband, troy. The two children have been missing since. Randy says catherine has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and has not been taking her medication. We are greatly concerned for catherine, for jacob, and for sarah. We need to get them back. , i team of 50rs investigators, searched shops and elsewhere. They believe she may have spent monday night at a building near the germantown chickfila. But still, no answers. Please come home. We miss you and we miss the kids. Authorities have charged Catherine Hoggle with misdemeanor child neglect, giving them better tools to more aggressively pursue this case. They say catherine has no credit cards and very little cash, and will need the public help. And they need the publics help in finding her. A swim coach will spend the next 10 years in prison. A judge sentenced Christopher Huott today after he admitted to molesting a young girl he coached back in the 1980s. After the sentencing, the victim talked about the years of mental anguish she endured. She told us she wanted her name made public. When i think it, i look at them and i think, this is the age i was when i was abused. It is sad. He was banned from cold coaching children in the future, but will not have to register as a sex offender, because the listed not exist when the crimes were committed. But hours after president obama laid out his plan to destroy i , a statement from mr. Boehner saying he believes the president is not asking for enough. And f16 is not a strategy. Airstrikes alone will not accomplish what we are trying to college. And the president has what we are trying to accomplish. Somebody whos have to be on the ground. Bothide from reservations, chambers of congress appear ready to support the president s proposal, which includes arming and training moderate Syrian Rebels to combat isil. In addition to launching Coalition Airstrikes inside syria. Congress could act as soon as next week. 13 years after the 9 11 attacks, the memories from that Tuesday Morning are still fresh, still a source of pain for millions of americans. A ceremony was held this morning at the sight of the World Trade Center come out for the paragon, and in shanksville, pennsylvania. President obama marked the moment the plane struck the in a moment towers of silence. Later, he spoke outside the answer gone. But 13 years after a small and hateful group of mines conspired conspired to break us, america stands tall and proud. Victims when American Airlines flight 77 struck the pentagon. At arlington memorial has a new memorial to women you lost their lives in military service. It was unveiled today at the Arlington Center gateway. It consists of more than 1000 Indoor Plants and includes the names and images of 160 women servicemembers who died in iraq afghanistan. A rack and afghanistan. Coming up, a delay in metro rail cars, whether the new ones will finally come online. And a social Media Firestorm after abc teacher told students to compared former president george w. Bush and adolf hitler. Theany are recalling anniversary of another deadly attack, the one that claimed for american lives at u. S. Compounds in benghazi, libya. In the two years since militants stormed the compound, controversy has surface. A thuman spoke with the Family Member of one of those killed. He joins us now. In the aftermath of the benghazi attacks, there has been everything from valid omissions of fall to what sompeople allege are conspiracy theories. But Family Members of those who died in the assault will tell you they have more questions now than two years ago. I had wanted for the last two years to be able to find out what happened to my son in his last moments. For two years, adjourning mired in morning and thought fraught with controversy with the family trying to find out what happened to their beloved ty, a cia contractor and former ealghbors navy s killed alongside the others. Collect there never will be closure. Not until i see him in heaven there never will be closure. Not until i see him in heaven. The initial white house claim was that it was prodded by an internet video that muslims found offensive. It was insult on top of that death. The white house later admitted it was a coordinated attack. Efforts stalled and who was calling the shots is for the most part a mystery. We just want truth and closure in this. Next week, a House Select Committee will hold its first public hearings. While democrats call it a political stunt, others say i personally have never seen such a coverup. Bestselling author is author and journalist claims it is a conservative concerted effort to hide the claims of rubble groups overseas. This is the iran contra of the obama administration. A coverup,e is what that indicates is there is something really bad. We reached out to the white house for a reaction to these comments. We have not heard back yet. In the meantime, scores of in arrested in that attack. Only one has been charged. He is the alleged ringleader and still awaiting trial. So far, he admitted to being there, but says he did not take heart. Next did not take part. Asks studentscher to compare an american president to hitler. What the School System is saying today. A middle School Homework assignment has triggered a social media controversy. Ininley middle school northeast washington, a sixthgrade teacher sent the students home with a venn diagram asking them to compare former president george w. Bush and adolf hitler. The instructions for the assignment said both men abused their powers. I was in a fan of him, but i dont think its fair to compare him to hitler. Good to not secondguess that, and contrast it with a man who clearly committed evil. The school released this statement. The name of the teacher has not been released. A former driver for mayor has pleaded to conspiracy. He was the driver for his 2010 campaign. He is the sixth person to plead guilty for charges of campaign irregularities. Lobbyist for the Health Systems in 2013. The hospital the Hopkins University will not provide details of his release. Metro now tells abc 7 news vermeer, hightech cars will not go into service until next year. , hightech cars will i go into service until next year. War testing is necessary. They will replace the 1000 series cars. These have been in Service Since metro opened 40 years ago. Have a first look at proposals to repurpose the bridge that carried people from capitol hill to anacostia for decades. The 11th Street Bridge park staff has narrowed 80 proposals to four finalists. Each concept convert the old 11th Street Bridge into a parked above the anacostia river. A winner will be selected october 16. You can find more of the proposed designs on our website. Jla. Com it looks really nice, a park in the sky. Some showers in the next hour or so. Thunderstorms have been waiting all afternoon. Behind the cold front, you will love it. Here and if you look way in the back, you can see showers and thunderstorms across prince georges county. Nothing that has become severe. I do not expect anything to become severe and at least widespread, through the evening hours. Day number six at 90 degrees or better. 91 degrees. P to the average for this day is 10 degrees cooler than that. The record, 98 set in 1983. On this date in 1917, 40 degrees. A high today of 81 degrees in annapolis. At 86. N d. C. , now temperatures will take a bit of time to cool. 84 at dulles. And cooler air already moving into extreme western maryland. Showers and thunderstorms are beginning. That were earlier near Silver Spring have moved off to the east. Shower activity to the south across Fairfax County into loudoun county. It will not amount to a lot as it moves through in the next couple of hours or so. But the cold front will definitely pack a punch for tomorrow. Look at the temperature readings in detroit. Only 52 in chicago. Surf warning in Lake Michigan with waves up to 10 feet just out of chicago. You do not see that often this time of year. The temperature change behind this front is 20 to 25 degrees cooler. Tomorrows highs, only in the 70s as opposed to the lower 90s we had today. The strongest storms are well to the south of us. We will see showers and storms through the next couple of hours. Once the cold front moves by, lower humidity levels will move into night. Skies will gradually clear and by saturday, justintime for all of the football games, were going to call for an increased risk in showers. This will be during the afternoon and early evening hours. For sunday, more sunshine and temperatures in the 70s. 5663 overnight with partly cloudy skies. The wind will be out of the north at just over 10 miles per hour. During the day tomorrow, lots of sunshine and 7378 with winds staying out of the north. Once again the showers out of the way late saturday, sunday looks like a beauty. 75 degrees and staying in the middle 70s on monday. Now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. Rangers the ravens and steelers, a good game, but a few distractions. Ray wright has dominated the news. I cant imagine how ray rice has dominated the news. I can imagine how they have been able to focus on playing football. The ravens and steelers are one of the alltime great rivalries in the nfl since baltimore returned to the club in 1990 1986. Tonight, wow, theyll it the anyone is talking about his ray rice. Horace holmes is in baltimore at the stadium. What is the mood . Usually, when pittsburgh comes to town, the total focus and baltimore is on their chief rivals, the Pittsburgh Steelers. But because of the ray rice situation, it is difficult to focus. The video that you talk about of ray rice and his then fiancee in the elevator came out just a couple of days ago. The emotions are raw. Ray rice was a huge part of this team. Very well liked. Hes not here and not coming back. Its been a trying time, but at the same time, you cant really dive into somebodys personal life too much. Know, you have to becauseentalize some, if you dont, this is a game that is physical and you can get hurt. If your mind is not clear and focused on what you have to do. Those players are writing right now. Are a writing right now. What they need to do is beat the Pittsburgh Steelers right now. The last thing the Baltimore Ravens want to do is fall to 02 on the season for having lost to cincinnati on sunday. They kick it off at 8 25 p. M. They have to put everything aside and focus in on the Pittsburgh Steelers. Back to you. A to most at a motorist times like these locker room, leadership becomes extremely important. You have to rely on tradition to keep things in perspective and know that you have to carry on and keep things your best. Torrey smith is one of those guys that knows the task at hand and understands the meaning of this game and continues to talk about the history of this rivalry. Firsthand. Een ive seen guys fighting outside over the two teams. To be a part of it is special. The fans definitely take it to another level. Its different than most games. The redskins continue to prepare for the jaguars. They are almost a touchdown not erasebut that is the fact that the skins have lost nine nfl regular season games. While the defense continues to play well, the offense needs to score more points. Ride that horse all the way to the stable. To loosen things up, rg iii will have to take some deep shots down field. Guys can go really deeply down the field. You want to give them some opportunities. You want them to be able to be efficient, but you also have to get those home run shot every now and then. Meanwhile in barcelona, the United States demolished lithuania. Now france and serbia will play a few showers and thunderstorms out there right now. We are not expecting anything to become severe. We will update you tonight at 11 00. Captioned by the National Captioning Institute www. Ncicap. Org welcome to world news tonight. And dropping now, the new fallout in the nfl. Its the commissioners job now on the line. The former held of the fbi brought in after that nfl star is seen knocking out his now wife. And the Famous Players now weighing in. Severe wetting hitting tonight. The dramatic pictures. The Shopping Mall roof collapsing. The tornado damage coming in. And now cold and snow on the way. The new driving danger. Were in the patrol car as they pull this driver over. All right, man, you are driving all over the place. Its not drunk driving. Authorities say the new danger is something else. And america, marking 9 11. Tonight, we take you high above ground zero for a view you havent seen. Wow. With the American Workers finishing the new tower. Helping build america. And bringing it back. And were with a 9 11 survivor, seeing her

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