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Tonight, the manhunt is still on. This was the scene of the mangled cars and debris that police say a driver ran from early this morning after he slammed his car into another. Killing one woman inside. Wow thats crazy. I hope they do find the guy. Nobody deserves that for a car wreck. Brianne d. C. Police say it happened after midnight along suitland parkway. Authorities tell abc7 the driver of this volvo was speeding toward the city when he struck this chrysler trying to make a left turn on first sterling avenue. When police got on scene the driver was gone. Police say one of the two passengers in that volvo also tried to flee. He didnt make it far because of the injuries. He was stopped. He had a weapon. Placed under arrest. Brianne the four people inside the chrysler were trapped. A passenger yet to be identified died at the hospital. The other three people were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. People dont care about one another today. Bad situation. Brianne this intersection is covered with cameras. Investigators have been poring through the video throughout the day to see what clues may have been captured. At this point police say they are looking into why that driver was going at such a high rate of speed. They are also looking into why that passenger had a loaded weapon. Now police say they are looking into all possibilities including whether or not this incident could have been connected to any others. They say right now they dont have any information. What happened here early this morning was connected to anything else happening last night in the city. Reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. Jonathan the other big story heading in the weekend is this heat. Is it prompted d. C. To initiate a heat energy plan. There are two big questions. How hot is it . The second is how hot will it be tomorrow . Easy one. Meteorologist steve rudin has both answers to the questions. Steve a lot more. Hot out there right now. It is humid. It will stay that way at least for the next several hours. Look how radar is blossoming with the showers and the thunderstorms. Take a look at the temperature in the belfort furniture center. 89 at dulles. 93 at Reagan National. 91 in gaithersburg. 81 in winchester. The heat index, what it feels like there, 102 degrees. Downtown degree. It feels like 101 in fredericksburg. Cooler in charlottesville. That is where they have had heavier rains in the last hour or so. Heat advisory in effect until 8 00. The District Falls Church arlington and alexandria the area in orange and it doesnt mean that fairfax, montgomery and Prince Georges County feeling all that much better. This is Doppler Radar showing a thunderstorm cluster now ready to move in the middleburg area in 15 to 20 minutes. Capable of producing heavier downpours. So far this afternoon, evening hours, nothing has been warn down. The temperatures through the 11 00 hour. 81 degrees. Dropping in the 70s overnight. We will talk about another hot day tomorrow and a little little tiny cooldown. I mean a little tiny cooldown coming up in a few minutes. Jonathan every little bit helps. Thanks. The weather could become dangerous for those spending any amount of time outdoors. Linda hernandez continues the Team Coverage and is live with how people are trying to beat the heat. And the warning signs you should look out for. Linda . Linda that is right. Were at yards park where the d. C. Jazz festival is about to get underway. You can see a lot of people here with the blankets waiting for show to get started. There is a nice breeze right now. But that was not the case earlier today. Water is key today. Whether in it on it or consuming it. With the heat index around 100 degrees, d. C. Declared a heat emergency. Warning residents to limit their time outdoors. Not possible for these construction crews. But this couple from alexandria found a way to beat the heat. Paddling on the potomac. The water is nice and cool. The breeze is cool. Nice way to beat the sun a little bit. Linda at dogma day care the pooches are cooling ohe pool with shade and water and limited time outdoors. Dogs dont sweat. They pant and they can use water to get on their midsection to cool themselves off. Linda the managers here say watch your dogs energy levels. There are signs they could be in distress. For people warning sign of heat exhaustion include clammy skin headache, nausea dizziness being disoriented, weakness or thirst. But for nolan dooley who graduated kindergarten today the heat is a welcome sign of summer. It was first super hot when i got out of school. And i feel better in the water. Its summer. We have waited all year. It was snowing and now its here. We are enjoying it. Linda meantime, the heat advisory is still in effect until 8 00 tonight. Hydration is the keyword of the day. Also light weight light colored clothing, black is not a great choice today. Live in southeast, linda hernandez, abc7 news. Jonathan all right, we have much more how to beat the heat including list of area cooling centers. Great resource is the website, wjla. Com. Alison all right. Other news new at 5 00 Fairfax County animal control believe it caught the raccoon that attacked a woman wednesday morning near the south return recreation center. Animal control officer said the raccoon charged them at nearby walking path just before sunset wednesday. He was able to capture it and it did test positive for rabies. The woman attacked wednesday is undergoing treatment. Jonathan march 1 2016, is the new trial date for a man convicted of murdering intern chandra levy. A judge granted the retrial date after Defense Attorneys said a key witness gave false or misleading testimony. He will have another status hearing on his case on july 14. Alison three months after university of virginia student Martese Johnson was bloodied during the arrest in charlottesville, charges have now been dropped. Tonight, johnson is responding. Northern Virginia Bureau chief Jeff Goldberg has the story. Jeff Martese Johnson was all smiles walking into court for a hearing that lasted less than two minutes. Martese im ecstatic that the charges are being dropped. Jeff the judge accepting the attorneys request to drop two misdemeanors stemming from the incident on march 18. Cell phone video captured virginia abc officers throwing johnson to the ground his head bleeding in an area near u. V. A. Called the corner after johnson had been denied entry to a bar. Martese i think race was definitely a factor in this situation. I do not believe it was the only factor. Jeff johnson stressing the need for improved Law Enforcement training and better communication between police and minorities. Commonwealth attorney dave chapman said he ended legal action in favor of similar goals. The abc officers involved in the crash will also not be charged. Martese there is a bigger lesson to be learned that does not require punishing of the officers. Jeff while some in charlottesville question that decision i think you have to be accountable for the actions. Jeff many agree its time to move forward. It sounds like a reasonable outcome. I was relieved for martese. Martese so now im ten times more passionate and driven to get things done. Jeff he will intern on capitol hill in d. C. This summer and in the fall will return to u. Versusa. To begin his fourth u. V. A. To begin his fourth year. Next wednesday the charlottesville attorney will hold a meeting as part of the process to improve relations between citizen and Law Enforcement. Johnson says he will be there. In charlottesville, Jeff Goldberg, abc7 news. Alison Virginia State university has been placed on six months warning by its accrediting agency after problems were found with the schools accreditation standard. Is were found in the fiveyear report that is part of the tenyear reaffirmation process. This sanction will have no effect though on students, at least at this time. Jonathan happening now we are learning more about the woman suspected of helping two killers escape a maximum security prison in northern new york. This as the hundreds of Police Officers right now are searching for the two men. They get a valuable new clue. Marci gonzalez is where the search stands. Marci seven days of intense searching. Show me your license and i. D. Marci still, the two escaped inmates are on the run. Im scared. Marci investigators say blood hounds picked up their scent at the mobil gas station and sandwich shop. They are now going the video to look at the possibility that richard matt and david sweat rummaged through the trash for food. Investigators are trying to figure out if prison employee Joyce Mitchell was supposed to pick them up in a getaway car on saturday and had a change of heart, instead checking herself in a hospital for a panic attack. The presumption would be no joyce, no car. So at that point, they were sort of lost. Marci the District Attorney who was previously investigated for a relationship with the fugitive did not give the men the power tools they used to cut their way to freedom but she did bring some contraband in the prison. Im not going to get into what it with was. We are learning more and more information from her as far as what her involvement was what her relationships were with both matt and sweat. Marci investigators questioning other prison workers. We are talking to people who may have been involved. Marci narrowing down who may have helped the killers and could know where they are hiding. Investigators believe at some point the men may have camped out in the woods. So again today, officers are focusing their search here and checking around nearby homes. In new york marci gonzalez, abc7 news. Alison 7 on your side with a fighting back against crime update now. Fairfax county prosecutors charged two men with 11 felonies each in connection with a string of breakins. They are charged request breaking and entering and grand larssy. Police captured them yesterday near chantilly after a Resident Called Police to report seeing two suspicious men. They believed they tried to burglarize two homes yesterday. They are suspected of involvement in four other cases. Jonathan still ahead on abc7 news at 5 00 a second shooting on a busy area roadway. What you need to know about that shooting that shut down the b. W. Parkway. Alison and what scientists hope to learn from putting our sam sweeney right there in the path of 120mileperhour winds. Jonathan looks like a cartoon character. And the story behind this video that is quickly becoming a viral sensation. Plus are you africanamerican . I dont understand the question. Alison why a question of race has an naacp leader facing an investigation. And how she is connected to this area. Alison a respected civil rights activist is under fire after claims that she lied about being africanamerican. The claims come from her birth parents. We break down the fallout. In spokane, kimberly Rachel Dolezal serves as the president of the local naacp chapter and she has said she was black but that is being called into question as her own parents as heard on an interview with cnn. We are her birth parents and we do not understand why she feels its necessary to misrepresent hernicity. City of spokane launched an investigation into whether dolezal misrepresented herself as africanamerican on this application for a position on the Police Ombudsman commission. In an interview with abc affiliate klxy she referenced the man in this picture on the naacp Facebook Page as her father. Is that your dad . Yeah. That is my dad. Reporter a different man larry and his wife ann told the station they are rachels biological father and mother. Both say they are white. This is the birth certificate from montana and these are pictures of her as a white teenager. The conversation centered around hate crimes she and her family have been a victim of in recent years. But it took a turn when questions came up about her race. I dont understand the question. Are your parents white . In a statement, the naacp said ones racial identity is not a qualifying or disqualifying standard for the naacp leadership. The mayor says the city is determining if any policies have been violated. For abc7 news, los angeles. Alison now dolezal has a long history of work in African Studies at universities across the nation, including here in d. C. She obtained a masters degree from Howard University which is a historically black university. She spent time working at North Idaho College and was most recently an adjunct professor at Eastern Washington university. You dont have to go back too far to see her connection to the area. Last month she met with baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby at a naacp convention. She took part in a protest against the death of freddie gray last month outside the baltimore fraternal order of police. Jonathan its now illegal to smoke Electronic Cigarette in Public Places in Montgomery County. Its been banned where moking was banned. It now goes into effect today be. Warned. Lets talk about what is happening outside. If you get outside for longer than ten minutes we are all smoking its so hot out there. You steam first and then you start to smoke. Alison uncomfortable. Steve you start to sweat and then you melt. End of story. We are looking at hot weather for the rest of the evening but not round tomorrow. A lot going on tomorrow and around the d. C. Area. Sunday a little break. Alison we will take what we can get. Steve it wont make much of a difference. Outside we go. Looking toward Reagan National airport where today the record high 95 degrees, but we only hit 94. So far this year we have had ten days at 90 degrees or better compared to last year at this same time. Only three days at 90 degrees or better. So very hot so far. A lot more to come as they move through the rest of the summer. 93 this hour at the airport. Winds are beginning to pick up out of the South Southwest at 20. That is only pushing around the hot air. It feels like temperature of 100 degrees with the dew point levels around 70. 89 at dulles. 82 at winchester. Frederick at 90. 91 at marshall. Lexington park at 92. That is part of the story. The heat index makes it feel more uncomfortable. Near 100 for andrews. 101 in fredericksburg. 96 in manassas. They have a feelslike temperature of 83 degrees. That will go up moving through the next couple of hours. Now that the storms have come to an end. This evening in town looking at the temperatures that will fall to the lower 90s to the upper 80s. The heat advisory for the district arlington, alexandria and falls church until 8 00 tonight. Here is the radar for you. Dry inside the capitol beltway. Take a look at the storm system or the area of thunderstorms. Just off to the west of us. The north of middleburg, moving toward the east. Leesburg looking at light showers ae time. To give you a little relief from the heat but not the humidity. Its not going to last long as the storms will basically fizzle out as we move through the rest of the evening hours and then in overnight. The stronger frontal system off to the north and west of us. That is triggering stronger storms to ohio, pennsylvania and new york state. The heaviest are the strongest activity is well north of us. You can see how the storms begin to bubble up. Once the sun sets around 8 30 tonight, things will begin to settle down around here. The wider view. Look at chicago. 58 degrees right now. Compared to 86 in indianapolis. The heat, the humidity sticks around for one more day tomorrow. Then we will see a little bit of a drop for the day on sunday. Overnight, 78 degrees. Cooler in the northwestern could see upper 60s in the mountains. I wouldnt hold much faith in that as you will see the temperatures in the 70s. Here are the showers and the thunderstorms that develop in the afternoon hours tomorrow. Could find heavier downpours across the metro area but limited to 40 chance. Meaning some of you wont see anything at all. Future cast for day on sunday. Throw in the showers and the storms again. The beach forecast. Not so bad around 80 degrees for ocean city tomorrow. Near 90 for the outer banks of North Carolina. Dropping the temperature for the day on sunday. Highs tomorrow will be in the lower 90s with a good deal of sunshine. Popup showers and storms that will likely impact us later in the afternoon hours. The extended outlook. I promise a little bit of a cooldown. There you have it. Alison two degrees steve tuesday, even wednesday more than two degrees. Upper 80s. Lower humidity for one day on tuesday. Jonathan break out the parkas. Steve youre ready for it. Jonathan thank you. Alison all right. Still to come today shots ring out leaving two hurt. And a major road shut down. Coming up at abc7 news at 5 00 where the investigation stands in the eerily familiar story. Jonathan a one of a kind piece of technology for this area. Why Scientists Say the local wind tunnel is so critical. Alison a 2yearold girl becomes the strongest toddler in the world. We love this viral video. Well show it to you and give you the story behind it coming up next. Alison here is mustsee video tonight of the strongest toddler in the world. At least that is what one little girl is thinking after she made Duane Johnson who we know as the rock. So youre so strong my gosh. You are pulling an airplane. Alison so cute that is 2yearold kie pulling that entire airplane with a little bit of help from the rock. He said on his Instagram Page the little girl was visiting the set of his new movie and she wanted to pull it by herself. So there you go. Jonathan she is adorable. Look at the guns on her. That little girl made pulling a plane look like a breeze. Tonight the university of maryland creating its own breeze. Stronger than a breeze. They are trying to prepare for hurricanes and the way they are doing that is building a wind tunnel that shows them the damage it can cause. Abc7s sam sweeney got a firsthand look as he stood in the tunnel. Sam a one of a kind piece of technology in the washington d. C. Area. A wind tunnel responsible for development from everything of airplanes to olympic uniforms. Today it shows us the power of the hurricane. So i suited up and i went in. About 30 miles an hour right now. Going to go to 40. The photographer is getting pushed away. Going to get out now. Now we are going to go to 120 miles per hour. Sam within seconds, there we are. 120 miles per hour. I struggle to stay grounded. This kind of wind would cause heavy Property Damage and put dangerous projectiles soaring through the air. A climate scientists from the university of maryland explained what we need to prepare for. We are expecting a lower than average hurricane season. However, if we go back to 1992, that was the year of hurricane andrew also an el nino year and we had a category five hurricane that made disastrous landfall in miami. Sam back in the tunnel the wind starts to take a toll. That was intense. Category three storm. Man did it give me a workout on my thighs. Sam experts at the university of maryland want everyone to know why the simulation looks fun we need to be prepared for the worst. Have a plan, have an emergency kit and be ready for whatever Mother Nature brings us. Reporting at the university of maryland, sam sweeney, abc7 news. Jonathan let me get this straight. We tether sam to the floor and we left the photographer without a rope . Alison with a heavy camera. Jonathan sam you owe him a cup of coffee. Alison sam has an interesting idea of fun. Good job. Good story. Thank you. Coming up on abc7 news at 5 00 it looks like a scene from a final destination film. The story behind the frightening photo from arlington. Jonathan how this working woman took action after one too many times she had to turn to Mens Clothing to find something that fits. A shot while driving near the b. P. Wark pandym stephen tschid announcer youre watching abc7 news at 5 00. 7 on your side. Jonathan for the second time in a month there has been a shooting along a busy stretch of highway in our area. This time two people hurt after somebody opened fire on the b. W. Parkway near blansburg around 9 30 last night. I did shut down the road for hours. Stephen tschida is joining us live with the status of the victims and where the investigation stands. What happened out there . Stephen two people shot off the b. W. Parkway 9 309 45 last night. Parkway was closed down for hours. Its open now. Some of the drivers, there wondering whether this could be another example of road rage. Route 450 near the b. W. Parkway at 9 30 last night. Two men driving in a vehicle. Suddenly they heart the sound of gunshots and the startling realization they were under fire. One person shot in the arm and shoulder, the other grazed in the face. Either by a bullet or a piece of flying glass. The shootings along such a busy route trouble those who regularly drive here. What goes through my mind, im almost afraid to get on it. Stephen this comes two weeks after another shooting on 295 which killed one man. Tonight, comparisons and concerns about road rage. Just to the corner, this is getting out of hand. Something needs to be done about it. The shootings left drivers traumatizedded and inconvenience. U. S. Mark Police Closed the northbound lane of the b. W. Parkway between new york and i495 for several hours while conducting an investigation. Stephen the park police are continuing with that investigation. They do expect sometime imminently to put out some more information and clean up just what they believe prompted the shootings. Reporting live stephen tschida, abc7 news. Alison now a look at the top stories today. Police are looking for a hitandrun driver who fled on foot following a fatal accident. I happen on the suitland parkway in southeast washington just after midnight. Police say the driver of a volvo was speeding and hit a chrysler. One person in that chrysler later die and three others were injured. Jonathan we talked act this yesterday. Its official today. Charges were dropped against u. V. A. Student Martese Johnson. Cell phone video initially showed johnson with a bloody face after abc agents arrested him outside of a bar in the Early Morning hours in march in charlottesville. He was charged with two misdemeanor counts. A judge dropped the charges today at the prosecutors request. Alison a Howard University graduate is accused of misrepresenting her racial background. Rachel dolezal heads the naacp chapter in spokane, washington and identifies as black. Says her father is africanamerican. However, her other family members say dolezals parents are white. Jonathan well there is terrifying moments for a driver in arlingto the pictures tell the story. Check this out. Take a good look at that. That was a truck that went under the back end of a semi carrying a forklift. Not much left of the truck. That is a big truck. Arlington tweeted out the photo showing that the truck collided with the back of the tractortrailer. The accident shut down the southbound lanes of north glee road. At 13th street. Apparently minor injuries. That is a shocker there. Alison well a Traffic Alert meanwhile for drivers traveling around Montgomery County tomorrow. Starting at 7 00 a. M. , all southbound lanes of wisconsin avenue will close between commerce and old georgetown road in bethesda. Those lanes are expected to open by 4 00 p. M. Saturday. So in case of inclement weather the work will be performed sunday during the same time. Drivers should use alternate routes. Jonathan covering metro ahead of the weekend there are slow going this weekend. Biggest delays will come on the attorneying lanes because trains will run once every 18 minutes bought of stingal tracking between the armory and the station. The green light station is closed and the buses will provide riders to other part of the system. Alison nations capitol about to get a tourist friendly bus route. The d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser joined for the ceremonial opening of circulator bus route around the tional mall. The Service Starts on sunday. It will begin at Union Station with a total of is a stops at some of the most popular attractions in the district. Jonathan coming up on abc7 news at 5 00 why a woman spent a week without a working phone after a storm forced 7 on your side to step in and give her a hand. Alison we will tell you about the moment that made one working woman stop hunting for clothes for tall women and just start selling them herself. Jonathan new at 6 00, he lost a leg serving in afghanistan. Now his family says he is being denied benefits. The 7 on your side investigation is coming up for jonathan time for a check of the traffic situation. Robert altman is here with a traffic watch. It looks like there is wet roads out there. Robert definitely on 666. Definitely on 66. Lets look at the westbound side of 66. The west conditions dr in the rain is causing big, is through the area, beltway out past gainesville and centreville on westbound side of 66. Also southbound 95. Incident right near the area of 234 to the lefthand side. On and off we are slow through fredericksburg. This is a point i am starting to see a break in the interstate action. We have been looking at jammed up traffic since noon. Something had to give at some point. Across the 14th street bridge in northbound side of d. C. 295. Plenty of brake lights continue there. Heading to 295 past 100 eastbound route 100 in anne arundel county. The accident there now to the right shoulder. The inner loop beltway stop and go. Toll road through connecticut avenue to the area of 202. Eastbound 50 also jammed up to annapolis to the severn river bridge and the bay bridge joint brake lights as well. Back to you. Alison robert thank you. Have a great weekend. Well, for tonights working woman, shopping for clothes was a frustrating process. She stands at 64. And could never find clothes that fit her. So helen pappas took matters in her own hand helping other tall women along the way. Helen it was so hard walking in a room at school or it at church and standing so much taller than everyone and everyone turning to look at me because i was so tall. Alison helen spent her life looking down on everyone else, literally. Even as a child, she was taller than the rest of her family. Her mom is 54. This is helen with her grandmother. Her family understood helens dramatic growth after she was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder called marthan syndrome. Her struggle to find clothes continued. Helen it was a catch22. Do i buy clothes that are way too big or buy guys clothes that are for boys. Helen so she drew up a store for selling clothes for tall women. She worked in retail for a few years and launched tall tique in her home. I think Everyone Wants to feel comfortable in her own skin. Alison she has sold to members of the wnba to young girls. Customers that are teenagers that dont feel comfortable in their skin they come. You know, they have always got tears in their eyes if they come with their moms. Their moms are crying. Alison she loves filling a need she longed for for years. Helen your clothing dictates so much about your selfconfidence and how you carry yourself. That it makes a difference in peoples lives. Alison its the only one on the east coast and one of three in country catering to tall women. She sells some of the longest jeans in the country. Jonathan 86 years ago we learned a phrase there is no place like home. Now the search for the ruby slip herbs is not over the rainbow. Its at the bottom of a mine shaft. Drivers spent the day hunting for one of the four pairs of ruby slippers worn by judy garland in the wizard of oz. This pair was stolen from the Judy Garland Museum in grand rapids a decade ago. Local rumor says they were dropped in the mine pit. Maybe they got scared who knows . The search now has come up empty. Another pair of the slippers are held by the smithsonian. Alison wow jonathan why would you steal the slippers and dump them in there. Alison i know. We have so see if they find them there. So interesting. Coming up next at abc7 news at 5 00 simple steps to make sure snakes dont ruin your weekend. Horace im Horace Holmes a 96yearold woman loses her phone service because of a fight over this rotted out tree in her neighbors yard. What 7 on your side did to h jonathan tonight 7 on your side steps in to try to help a woman in district get her phone system restored. The storm brought down the lines to her house and she couldnt make a call even if she has to. 7 on your side troubleshooter Horace Holmes explains why. Horace jonathan, this is a tree right here. And right here is the telephone cable that came down on one of the branches came down to cut off the Telephone Service over here to 96yearold mural lockers hose poem murial lockers home. For 96yearold muriel, her telephone is her lifeline. Hoping that someone can help get my telephone back. Horace she asked for us not to show her face but her son has worked tirelessly to get her Verizon Service restored has no problem talking to us and said it start last month when a storm brought down a limb with the tree and the Verizon Telephone lines. Verizon said they couldnt do anything until all hazards concerning the situation were taken down. Horace the major hazard another limb of the rotted out tree that hangs over the property. Locker says the property where the tree sits is vacant. The Home Insurance says its not covered. Because the issue again is its on somebody elses property. Horace but locker says he the owner of the house to speak to him without a tree. And 7 on your side does a bit and finds that its owned by a timothy. We went to his home. He wasnt there but we were able to contact him by phone. He told us he was willing to help and just have the lockers give him a call. Appreciate the 7 on your sides work on this. Im happy. As long as it gets resolved im happy. Horace back live, that is the limb that verizon is concerned about. You can see how its hanging over the lockers residence and over another telephone line. They are concerned it could come down. That is why they havent started the work yet. This isnt over yet so 7 on your side will stay on top of this until we see that the line and the limb brought down. Reporting live in southeast washington, Horace Holmes, abc7 news. Jonathan thank you. A warning tonight if you have outdoor plans this weekend. We are in prime season for snake encounters. That is never fun. Especially if you dont like snakes. The combination of rain last week and the warm weather this week driving the snakes out of their home. Our producers wife brians wife has encountered two snakes this week. I wonder if she screamed. Did she scream . Oh, yeah. How can you prevent them from taking up residence in your yard . Snakes are looking for shelter. If you dont have a whole lot of debris and trash or just objects laying in your yard that the snakes could find refuge under they will pass on their way and not find your yard at adequate living facility. Jonathan if you see a snake, leave the snake alone. Back up and let the snake be. Alison brian and his wife have four kids at home. Im sure she was not happy to see a snake. Coming up at 6 00 tonight, iteam investigation. He put his life on the line and lost a leg in afghanistan serving his country. Army soldier treated at walter reed is fighting for the benefits that his family believes he should get. What 7 on your side is doing about this. And also a reversal tonight after a man was denied burial at arlington cemetery. The full story behind that tonight at 6 00. Jonathan all kind of stuff going on this weekend. A parade tomorrow. Softball in the morning. A lot of folks getting out running, playing golf. Whatever they are doing. Take necessary precautions. Alison stay hydrated right . Steve . Seize absolutely. Hot and stephen absolutely. Hot and humid day. We are v a cluster of thunderstorms not far from the metro area. Look at the Doppler Radar. You can see what is going on. We will zoom in closer. Dry inside the capital beltway. If you are watching us in centreville, you are looking at the heavy rain at this time. All of this is moving off toward the east. Eventually it will affect the western edge or the western portion of the capital beltway. Aded closer in the area in orange and red the iest at this time. Once again, northern Prince William county to western fairfax. These are the areas. Chantilly, no warning now but heavy rain at this time. Temperatures the big story otherwise is 793 degrees at Reagan National airport. Compare it to 8 to the heavier rain. In virginia earlier they had heavy rain. Now at 77 degrees. 74 in charlottesville. The heat index makes it feel uncomfortable. The heat advisory continues for district, Falls Church Alexandria until 8 00 tonight. This evening, temperatures in the 90s. Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Those will diminish. Warm and muggy. Temperatures fall in the 70s. Tomorrow a hot day, lore 90s. Feels like upper 90s. 92 on sunday. 93 on monday. Cool it down to the upper 80s come tuesday and wednesday. Be careful out there. A few storms in the next hour or so. Alison thank you. Jonathan we were talking a about the game, some game. Robert, you said you felt sorry for lebron. Robert for the first time. Im saying it those words are coming out of my mouth. He is playing 40 minutes a game. He is gassed. Only scored 20. Jonathan i need a moment. Robert the warriors became lebrons second biggest headache after tying the series at two. The biggest headache, im sure you saw in lane after he was fouled by the center bogut. He goes flying into the camera guy. His head was bloodied after the collision. He received stitches and a slight headache after the game. Game wise, big game from iggy andre iguodala. He stepped up for golden state. He gets the x factor award for game four after putting up 22 points going 815 from the field. It will be an interesting game five. Sunday night. For the redskins if you a rookie o. T. A. s are the perfect time to show you can contribute. Some even trying to make a team. For one rookie if he keeps the number on his chest he has to put in the work. There is a new number 89 for the redskins. After ten years, wide receiver santana moss is no longer with the team. You come to d. C. And you wear number 89 you have to bring it man you know that . I do. I know. The guys talk to me about it. All i can do is my best. Rookie the rookie tight end is 66 250 pounds but has an up side that is bigger. A big boy. That is a traditional tight end you want to see. Im excited to watch him grow. Robert off the field another passion. In his time at b. Y. U. He took two years off to serve a mission in madagascar for the church of latter day saints a trip he says changed his life. Opened up my eyes going to a third world Country Living amongst them. Eating what they were eating. Not getting the protein i need every day. Living with the poor and seeing a different world. Just really showed me humility and gratitude. Robert he says it is something that will have a lasting effect on his game. It shows me what a great opportunity i have to play the game and to be all on the platform on the stage. So you know i try to make the most out of every day. Robert when you take the trips to the third world country gives you a whole different perspective. And the game as well. Jonathan appreciation. Robert definitely. Jonathan good for him. Alison believe it or not this week marks six months since a plane lost control and crashed in a home in gaithersburg killing a mother and her two Young Children inside. Jonathan Maryland Bureau chief brad bell shows us how the community is coping. Brad a few tattered teddy bear, faded red ribbon. Six months after the wing of the business jet ripped in the family home. The sad momentos left by the well wishers remain as reminder of a terrible tragedy. Neighbor elizabeth says she never forgets especially when she spots a plane approaching Montgomery Air park. Every time a plane passes by me. Brad six people died december eight when the plane crashed. Three North Carolina men aboard the jet. In the home 36yearold marie and 2yearold cole and 7weekold devin. The children found in their mothers embrace. I had seen her going for walks around the area. Brad a go fund me campaign raised more than half a million for the husband and the surviving daughter. He did not respond to an interview express but in the past expressed gratitude for the support and he said he wont return to the old neighborhood. Today, only the foundation remains of his house. The badly damaged home next door also sits unrepaired and empty. I feel like nobody wants to come around and live there anymore. Because we dont even see the neighbors, the two houses that got damaged. Brad after six months the federal ntsb investigation into what caused the crash is not yet complete. We are told that it is still in the factfinding stage. But the preliminary findings were that the business jet was flying too slow on approach. When the pilot realized it it was too late to recover. In gaithersburg, brad bell abc7 news. Alison still to come tonight, he lost his leg in afghanistan. Now his family is forced to fight for his treatment. The 7 on your side iteam is investigating. Jonathan plus a second hack of the u. S. Government. Who is impacted and what is being done about this. Alison and bracing for more heat and more humidity. When will things cool off . Abc7 news at 6 00 starts right now. Announcer now abc7 news at 6 00. 7 on your side. Maureen rst at 6 00, a heatwave in the d. C. Region. Heat index values are close to 100 degrees today and the hot weather isnt going away. There is also a chance of some storms this evening. Abc7s meteorologist steve rudin is here with the outlook as we look into the weekend. Steve . Steve the storms are on the way toward the metro area over the next hour or so. Take a look at the Doppler Radar. We will see where they are located inside the capital beltway. Nothing to worry about right now. But head in closer and you can see centreville, all the areas looking at the heavy rain at this time. Closer in, the area shaded in red and orange where the heaviest rain is located. Northern Prince William county, western Fairfax County moving toward the east will eventually impact lake bridge and birk over the next half hour to 45 minutes. As it progresses toward the capital beltway. We should note we have no active watches or warning for the immediate metro area. We have a severe thunderstorm watch in effect for extreme western maryland, Garrett County for a few hours or so. Once again nothing for immediate metro. The heat and the humidity is out there. 89 at dulles. 93 at reagan. The rain will cut the temperatures a little bit. Feels like temperatures are near 100 degrees. We will talk about the rest of the forecast in the next seven days and the important weekend in a few minutes. Maureen . Maureen thank you steve. Remember you can have the daily forecast sent to your phone. Sign up for text alerts at wjla. Com. We have breaking news in the search for two prison escapees. Joyce mitchell a worker at the prison was arrested boy new

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