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Teenager they knew as sunny gather and leave white roses. Sunnys Father Samuel sinnah sits in the Neighboring Church where he is pastor. The ruined home of the parsonage. He usually comforts others. Now with his wife and son gone, he tries to be strong. Its tough. Im worried about my son. Its a hard time to talk about it. But the fire spokesperson says there are some lessons for all of us here. Sad story. There were no smoke detectors in this house. The call to 911 was delayed when one of the sons attempted to fight the fire himself. Firefighters say that is a terrible mistake. Additionally, they say once hed gotten out of the burning building, you just cant go back in. The smoke and the toxic fumes and the heat can claim a life in a matter of seconds. In Brooklyn Park brad bell, abc 7 news. Very sad story brad. Four people were hurt today including two firefighters when an ocean city business caught fire this morning. It took firefighters two hours to contain the fire at the lazy lizard brew pub. None of the injuries are life threatening and the cause is under investigation. Maryland state fire marshal is urging everyone to practice fire prevention. Fire is blamed for 13 deaths already in maryland this year. The man accused in the abduction of the university of virginia student Hannah Graham is charged with her murder. A grand jury has handed up a first degree murder indictment against Jesse Matthew. Grahams disappearance in september set off in a massive search effort where her remains were found in rural Albemarle County. Jeff goldberg has new information in the case against matthew. On grounds at u. V. A. Hannah grahams name is known and honored by all. Name Jesse Matthew i just hope that justice will be served. Brings pain and anger. But the murder charge against him is seen as a step towards healing. I think its a relief for everyone on grounds. Hopefully at least bring closure to the community and her family. On february 2nd, the grand jury indicted matthew of first degree murder of Hannah Graham as well as abduction with attempt to defile. He was charged late yesterday. Matthew and graham were last seen together in downtown charlottesville in the Early Morning hours of september 13th. He was captured in texas 11 days later. Grahams body was found in a field outside of charlottesville on october 18th. Im pleased that were able to bring these charges. This morning, surrounded by investigators, Albemarle County Commonwealth Attorney Denise Lunsford would give no details about the evidence against matthew. She would also not reveal exactly why prosecutors decided not to pursue capital murder charges which would have carried the Death Penalty. However, understand that a great deal of serious thought went into this determination including the impact on the community, the grahams, and the need to provide mr. Matthew with a fair trial. This community doesnt go for it. Its not like other parts of the state. The charlottesville defense attorney Scott Goodman says the decision not to go to the Death Penalty may have also been at the request of Hannah Grahams parents. They do take into account the wishes of the family and some families simply dont want to have another life taken because their loved one was taken. This is the restaurant where Hannah Graham was last seen with Jesse Matthew nearly five months ago. Matthew will make his First Court Appearance in Albemarle County a week from tomorrow via video link. And while Jesse Matthew has been connected to the disappearance and death of Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington prosecutors saying today in that case, no charges are pending. Jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. A Fairfax County judge is expected to rule friday on when Jesse Matthew will stand trial there. Hes accuse of beating and sexually assaulting a fairfax woman in 2005. His trial in the case was originally expected to begin a month from yesterday. But his attorneys requested at more time to review d. N. A. Evidence. The roads are dry now tonight after an icy mess of a commute for many today. Mobile track 7 came across more than a dozen accident scenes this morning in eastern maryland including a 13 car pileup on interstate 195 in elkridge. In some cases drivers got into trouble trying to avoid the ice. When i was trying to make a uturn and get up out of here, car just got stuck. I dont know what happened. The icy conditions this morning prompted several Area School Districts to delay or cancel classes today. Of course, youre wondering what next in our roller coaster weather pattern . Chief meteorologist doug hill is in the stormwatch Weather Center with a look for us. Doug . It looks like temperatures are going to go up for a couple of days and one of the big roller coaster drops and another one to fall over the weekend. Lets get started. 37. Finally some sunshine outside of the belfort furniture Weather Center. 37 in frederick and hagerstown as well. 39 degrees in reagan national. We have some gusty winds. These are sustained wind speeds 14, 15 16 miles per hour. It is helping to clear the skies and also helping to dry up the roadways. Thats good. By the overnight hours, drop into the 20s when clearing skies are continuing across the area. Winds diminishing about six to 12 miles per hour. Bus stop forecast for wednesday, should be nice and sunny in the morning. 30 degrees is the pickup time. 41 recess to lunch time and afternoon, getting out of school 46 degrees. Enjoy those numbers because two rounds of arctic air headed here will give you the timing in a few minutes. Leon . Ok, doug. Overseas now, new developments tonight. The report in the fight against isis this afternoon, the white house confirmed other americans are being held hostage. From the parents of american captive Kayla Mueller who has been confirmed dead. As karen traverse reports, that 26yearold aid worker left something behind. There are many questions about the tragic death of Kayla Mueller. Over the weekend, muellers family received a private message from their daughters isis captors which included photographic evidence of her body. That information was shared with the intelligence community. They concluded that kayla has in fact died. But the u. S. Government didnt know how or when. Isis claimed last friday that the 26yearold american aid worker was killed in a Jordanian Air strike. But offered no public proof. U. S. And jordanian officials expressed skepticism of the groups claims then and now. Theres no evidence of civilians in the target area prior to the Coalition Strike taking place. Mueller was the last known american hostage. She was captured in syria in august of 2013. Today, her family released a letter she sent them last spring. She wrote i have a lot of fight left inside of me. I am not breaking down and i will not give in no matter how long it takes. The mueller family said in a statement that kayla lived with purpose. And they will work every day to honor her legacy. She has done more in her incredible 26 years than many people can ever imagine doing in their lifetime. President obama spoke to kayla mule ares family today to offer his condolences. In a statement, he vowed to bring to justice those responsible for her captivity and death. Karen traverse, abc news washington. The United States is closing its embassy in yemen and deteriorating amid deteriorating security conditions, i should say. The two u. S. Officials are saying that diplomats are being evacuated from the country today. But u. S. Forces conducting Counterterrorism Missions will not be affected by this move. Yemen has been in crisis for months now with shiite rebels to seize control of that government. New tonight, abc 7 has learned Fairfax County is investigating a possible case of measles. But it will take 24 hours for the test results to come back. This comes as a nationwide outbreak spreads to the east coast. Suzanne kennedy is live in rockville tonight with what one local School District is doing about this. Suzanne . Well maureen, no details are being released about that possible case in fairfax. What authorities there are telling us if its a positive case, they will release more details about the person that has been infected here in Montgomery County, they are taking a closer look at the number of School Children who are unvaccinated. And what that could mean for this community. The number of u. S. Measles cases is growing. With mounting concern about how widespread this outbreak could be. There are now 121 reported cases in 17 states and the district of columbia. 85 of those cases with ties to disneyland. Even though no one has measles in Montgomery County the county council is being briefed on the outbreak. Measles is highly contagious. And potential impact on the county. As long as we maintain a High Compliance rate and we can encourage families that yes, make sure that your children are fully immunized and up to date, we should be ok. Nevada, delaware georgia and new jersey are the latest states to report outbreaks. Here in Montgomery County, just more than 800 students are vaccinated and have religious waivers. Some are worried how a potential outbreak could affect their kids. I was vaccinated and my husband was vaccinated and my daughter has been vaccinated. And i believe in that. And yes i am concerned. I think children should be vaccinated. As a parent, of course i worry about it. Not going to let my kids you know, be totally affected by it and not live their lives. It is only february and as you heard, there are 121 reported cases. That could put us on pace for beating the 644 diagnosed cases of measles last year. The last time there was a diagnosed measles case here in Montgomery County was 2013. Reporting live in rockville, suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. Thank you, suzanne. And as for that potential case of measles in Fairfax County count on abc 7 to bring you the results of the tests tomorrow as soon as theyre available. Leon . An alabama minister is facing a Disorderly Conduct charge after refusing to perform a same sex video. It shows the minister being led away in handcuffs. Alabama remains divided. Some counties in that state issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples and other refusing. The confusion came when the chief justice ordered judges to not allow same sex unions in defiance of a federal judge and the u. S. Supreme court. Wrong side of history . Absolutely not. Do they start with one man and one man or one woman or one woman or go to multiple marriages or go to marriage is between men and their daughters. Or women and their sons . More counties began issuing marriage licenses for same sex couples today but others are refusing to issue any marriage licenses to anyone until this issue is resolved. Still ahead on abc 7 news at 5 00, a woman attacked in georgetown. Key detail that has other the area very concerned. School start time will change in one area county. While some parents say the hard fought change is pointless, though. The piece of Music History thats fallen victim to emotions were on display in marylands state house today as parents urged lawmakers to do more to stop the spread of heroin. Anne arundel county has already said the surge in overdoses is a Public Health emergency. Diane cho is in annapolis with the new legislation aimed at those dealing with the deadly drug. She lost her son when he was 24 to a heroin overdose. It was hard. It was so terrible times. There were times when i just thought i cant go on another day. It started when he took a prescription painkiller for an injury when he was in high school. And then turned into a battle that went on for about search years until that killed him. I thought i was living through my worst stage. It wasnt until after my son died. Today, a maryland house panel held a hearing to consider a bill that would create a new criminal defense for the distribution of heroin if it contributes to death of another person making it a homicide that carries up to 30 behind bars. Torch said she didnt come here to testify in support of the proposed law. Instead, shes in favor of more immediate treatment. I dont see we can arrest our way out of this problem. The number of heroin related deaths went from 247 deaths in 2011 to 464 in 2013. What were attempting to do here to give an additional tool that would mirror what federal prosecutors have as a tool. Bottom line is we all have to get involved. During the hearing, delegate Curtis Anderson apologized for getting emotional after sharing his sister died from a cocaine addiction. He cant vote in favor of a bill like this when treatment is the answer. We should look at the addiction problem itself. Diane cho, abc 7 news. A federal judge sentenced a d. C. Man to 25 years in prison for his role in the Mclean High School students death. He was convicted of doing nothing to help the 16yearold as she overdosed on heroin he sold her. Prosecutors say instead of getting help thorn hid her body. Its becoming a frightening common sight in the northeastern u. S. Roofs collapsed your honor edd under the weight of snow that pounded new england in the past two weeks. In one case, the snow is like sitting on top of a piano custom made for libercace. It was encrusted in rhinestones and now a couple tons of snow. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, two more opportunities this week. Thursday night into friday and then into sunday late sunday night and monday morning, the possibility of more measurable snow from new england. Not good at all. The worst were going to get out of it a couple of flurries but very cold temperatures here. So lets get started. Beautiful time lapse, this from Washington Lee High School up the road in arlington from the rooftop. Start this morning and they were locked in the clouds like everybody else and we were watching the clearing skies work from north to south and finally late this afternoon, skies cleared over arlington and if you havent seen clearing skies over your home yet give it a little bit. You will. Because the clearing skies are all part of this pattern moving in with drier air from the north and the northwest as well. Temperature for you, 35 in haymarket. 34 in ocean city. 35 in mclean and in northern st. Marys county and the rainfall total since yesterday and into this morning, running. 2 of an inch and some of that glazed Higher Elevations and rooftops made for a mess. We saw the story on the accidents. The winds tonight will dry most of that out. Well be in good shape. Were above freezing and will be for several more hours. Later tonight, these temperatures in the mid to upper 30s will drop. In fact we expect by early tomorrow morning, the range of temperatures across the area, 23 in some of the colder outlying areas of the city and 30 degrees downtown with clear skies and somewhat lighter winds around the region. Our moisture for this morning consolidated as part of a low pressure area off shore. Good news for tonight is it looks as though this whole thing will rotate out and miss boston and new england. Theyll get some clouds. Thats about it. We cant say the same for whats coming down the pike and that is another area of low pressure with a cold front attached. There you can see a bit of a low and theres the cold front developing. That will be a feature that will move in here early on thursday morning. Right now, the cold air thats coming behind is way off the map still in canada. That will come pushing rapidly south and east and its noticeably colder but not terribly cold in pittsburgh. It will move through and get a second reinforcing push of this cold air by saturday. Heres the cold front on the futurecast. As it comes through the timing shows the front passing through about 8 00 in the morning. Often, what happens with the arctic fronts is the cold air lags behind a bit. Thats what well see. After the front goes through we may still get into the 40s for a couple of hours. But then the cold blast in the afternoon, maybe a few flurries but cold air will take up residence and then just as we try to warm into the low 30s on saturday, another bitter blast from the arctic arrives with a better chance of scattered snow showers and falling temperatures, gusty winds to go along with it. Thursday winds are kind of strong. Very active weather pattern. No major storms for us. A major change in temperatures. 28 in the morning. 41 at midday. 46 degrees for a high tomorrow afternoon. Thats sweet for the 11th of february. Next seven days for you for the dining and dancing pleasure take a look. 46, 47. Not too shabby in the next couple of days. But on friday, we get into the arctic air. Temperatures, highs only in the 20s. Feeling colder with the winds. Saturday 36 for a high but then gusty winds, falling temperatures, snow showers in the afternoon. 20 to 23 at the most for highs on sunday with wind chills in the single digits. It will stay very cold and the ground will freeze up again and we have clouds and flakes in the forecast for tuesday. How is Punxsutawney Phil doing . Hes just kind of doing one of those. Im thinking. His paws are pretty frozen by now. The mittens they put on them. All right coming up at 5 00 calls for change in the Episcopal Church. The possible reforms after a bishop is accuse of killing a cyclist in a drunk driving hit and run crash. Why residents are calling an attack of a woman in georgetown shocking. Im kevin lewis live in rockville. Coming up ill explain why thousands of students will soon have to reset their alarm clocks. That story after the break. First, heres whats coming up in primetime tonight. Montgomery county will soon be letting the students to get more sleep after all. Today, the board of education approved delaying the school day by up to 20 minutes starting this fall. Some people say though the move makes no difference. Montgomery county reporter kevin lewis is live in rockville with what both sides are saying about this. Kevin . Maureen, you might recall last summer when the superintendent joshua starr nixed a plan to delay bell times by 50 minutes a day. His decision hinged on the price tag from 21 million a year. Mcps says the measure approved today, while not perfect, wont cost taxpayers a dime. What do we want . More sleep what do we need . More sleep a protest. Teens expressing their scorn over school start times. If i can raise both hands i would raise both hands against this. Its really going to take a converted effort and lots of money to do this the right way. Montgomerys board of education gave the gift of sleep. Starting in august all mcps middle and High Schoolers will in theory get an extra 20 minutes in bed. High schools will run from 7 45 to 2 30 p. M. Elementary schools from 9 00 until 3 25 or 9 25 through 3 50 depending on the schools tier. They are resistant to change. Many parents say its not enough. What weve seen here this morning is the board did not listen to the parents. And they certainly did not listen to the scientific evidence. And my son leaves the house at 6 10 in the morning. He walks four blocks to a bus stop in the dark. We dont have a Printing Press of money. Cash president pat oneill says is the sticking point. We need to give our high school and middle school a bit of relief and this is as good as we can do given the fiscal climate. Three School Board Members did vote against the measure approved today. They cited a lengthy list of concerns. Again, this new plan will go into effect on august 31st. That is the First School Day of the new school year. Were live tonight in rockville, im kevin lewis, abc 7 news. Coming up on abc 7 news at 5 00, buying flowers for valentines day. The winner in our war of the roses between flowers bought on line and a boutique and in a grocery store. Plus, claims of discrimination in hospitals. The new group that says their health is being put at risk. This popular area of d. C. A woman attacked all while doing this. Details coming up on residents and students in georgetown are urged to be on alert after someone attacked a woman there. It happened early sunday morning near the corner of m and 33rd streets northwest near the key bridge and georgetown cupcake if you know the area. Brianne carter is live there now to tell us what happened. Brianne, what have you learned . Leon, anyone that comes to this area you know how busy it is. Were talking restaurants, were talking shops. A number of cars and walkers at all hours. Metropolitan Police Telling us now they are investigating what happened to this woman as an aggravated assault. Right now, police are searching for the person they say attacked a woman along this busy stretch of m street in georgetown. I do walk through here at night and i dont feel unsafe. I live up the street. Police say the woman was walking west on m around 1 30 sunday morning when she was assaulted. The woman was taken to the hospital where she was treated and released. It is shocking because even at night, this place theres still people around. The victim isnt believed to be a student. The area is popular with georgetown students. University officials sent out a campus wide email telling students about the incident and urging them to be safe. We got an email from campus alert and i remember getting it the next morning. Its not the first time ive heard of this happening. Campus wide email to be responsible about it. At this point, police do not have any information on a suspect description. They say this investigation is ongoing. Reporting live Brianne Carter abc 7 news. Thanks. A d. C. Man is being held without bond after an attempted abduction in arlington. Detectives say that a woman stepped out of her apartment in the 1900 block of clarendon boulevard. This happened just after 8 00 a. M. This morning. Investigators say that jerome king jumped out from behind a potted plant, grabbed the woman and forced her to ground in the vestibula of that apartment building. The concierge saw the commotion and jumped in to help. King is charged with abduction with attempt to defile. Time for todays top stories. Three people are dead after an Early Morning fire at a pastors home in anne arundel county. The fire killed the pastors wife, their 17yearold son and a neighbor who ran into help. Thor the pastor and other couples son made it out alive. No word of what sparked the fire. The man charged with the abduction of Hannah Graham is charged with her murder. A grand jury indicted Jesse Matthew on a first degree murder charge. Because hes not accused capital murder, he will not face the Death Penalty if convicted. The pentagon says the Islamic State killed the american aid worker Kayla Mueller. U. S. Officials say theyre unsure how mueller died but they are certain she did not die in a Jordanian Air strike as isil claims. Mueller was kidnapped in 2013 while working in a hospital in syria. 7 is on your side with a crime alert happening in an upandcoming area here. Police in arlington are investigating a series of vehicle breakins. The most recent case was discovered early sunday morning in the 2200 block of north scott street. At least five vehicles were broken into there. Another breakin happened Early Saturday Morning in the 1600 block of clarendon boulevard. Investigators say at least 14 vehicles had broken windows and some items stolen from them. Both incidents follow a strong of 17 breakins in rosalynn during the prior weekend. There are no suspect descriptions at this time. A leader of an Episcopal Church legislative body is calling for reforms of the process of electing bishops. This after marylands second highest ranking Bishop Heather cooke was accused of hitting and killing a cyclist while driving drunk in baltimore. Cooke was confirmed to her post despite a prior drunk driving conviction. The presiding officer of the house of deputies wants the churchs General Convention to form a board to selecting bishops. Three people are recovering tonight after being hit by a car at a bus stop in annandale. As you can clearly see there, the bus stop enclosure was badly damaged and there was broken glass strewn across the sidewalk there. All three people were hospitalized. Word is theyre expected to survive. Lets move on to get a check of the traffic situation around the area. Bob emler in the wtop traffic center. What do you have your eye on there now, bob . The crash on the inner loop of the beltway before van dorn street. This is down to one lane for a while. We have three lanes open but still have to clear out. As a result, delays are starting it back in oxon hill maryland at 210 on the inner loop of the beltway and roads throughout alexandria trying to get to the beltway, quite a mess. Here at the beltway on river road, volume delays in both directions. Lanes are open. No real problems here and traffic on the southbound side of i95 slows mainly over the occoquan getting down over into woodbridge and beyond that the pace is pretty good and 270 northbound headed out north past Montgomery Village up at germantown and clarksburg. Im bob emler with wtop radio. Thank you bob. Coming up on abc 7 news at 5 00 which will give you the longest life for your money . Another group says theyre facing constant discrimination at hospitals. One day after the abc 7 iteam told you the problems that deaf people are facing when their laifz are on the line. Coming up tonight at 6 00, training in the wake of a metro smoke disaster. What theyre doing to make sure it never happens again. David muir gives us a look at whats coming up on world news tonight. More on the breaking news the final american hostage, the young woman and her letter. What she had revealed to her parents. Emergency landing without nose gear. Youll see the pictures of passengers racing off. Were on the scene of the american sniper file. The images of the suspect we have never seen before and among the first witnesses, chris kyles wife. Youll hear from her tonight. And my interview this evening with batman turned birdman Michael Keaton and what he reveals right here on i know grandmas house isnt the most exciting, but its only for a few hours. Look what ive got. When you get verizon fios, you get beautiful hd picture quality, super fast internet, and americas most reliable network. So you wont miss a second of that movie, that game they love, or those moments with family. Can we sleep over . Please come on make your house the house. You get more from verizon fios the tv Service Rated 1 in hd picture quality and signal reliability based on Customer Satisfaction studies plus americas fastest most reliable internet. And for peace of mind, get a price quote in writing and professional installation from a highly trained verizon technician. Now thru february 21st get a fios triple play online for just 79. 99 a month a price guaranteed for two full years. Plus get an incredible 400 bonus with a twoyear agreement. But hurry, t this amazing deal ends february 21st. Visit verizon. Com worryfree to learn more today. Local medical facilities accused of discrimination end up on the radar of the Justice Department. A problem that the iteam exposed last night. They discovered the deaf population isnt the only group the feds say is denied access to health care. Investigator joce sterman is back with who is standing up for those with h. I. V. Joce . Maureen, you would think by now, everyone are defending the stereotypes and theyve got the Justice Department on their side thanks to the americans with disabilities act. So we continue to hear about people with h. I. V. H. I. V. Being flat out denied access to Health Care Providers. And when the d. O. J. Hears about that it takes action. In the last three years, its settled six cases with Health Care Providers accused of discriminating against people with h. I. V. Including a virginia dental practice. The settlements involve cases that include everything from a rite aid pharmacy they say refused to provide flu shots to a man with h. I. V. To an eating disorder clinic who claims they wouldnt treat her because she had the disease. They settled with the Justice Department and paid 3,000 in Civil Penalties after claims it treated a man with h. I. V. When it was scheduling his appointments. It surprises me that the medical professionals that we count on to know the Science Behind these disabilities react to the same sometimes uneducated approaches and fears and stereotypes. The Justice Department has been very aggressive in handing these claims of discrimination related to h. I. V. And aids. The issue has been a primary focus for the agency. Through whats called a Barrier Free Health Care Initiative which has led to 26 settlements since 2011. Go to our website right now, wjla. Com. You can click and read through each and every case. Joce sterman, abc 7 news. Thank you. Up next on abc 7 news at 5 00 their story touched hearts. Now the young man who needed a tie and the target employee who helped him get ready for a Job Interview are reunited. We put three different bouquets of roses to the test just in time for valentines day. The war of the roses is coming up next. All right. T minus four days until valentines day. Do you know where your roses are . Its that time of year when the prices for roses double. So 7 on your side consumer investigator kimberly suters took a look at how you can get the best bloom for your buck. And shes live at a florist in arlington to tell us what shes found. Kimberly . Leon heres the twin towers florist, 450 arrangements with roses in the valentines week alone alone. We went out and bought three different bouquets. One dozen red roses each from a grocery store, from a florist and online dealer wanting to see if anyone could make it to the twoweek mark. The pressure is on. If youre anything like him or her. Hoping to get roses on valentines . Of course i am. Not too much like him. Buying roses for your valentine is a no brainer. How long would you like those red roses to last . All year. The good will might endure but what about fresh cut flowers . Realistically maybe a week. Lasts two weeks. 7 on your side put three bouquets to the test. And we spent just 10 to a grocery store. 65. Would you be able to do that today . And 90 for a rush order on line. On day one we put them in a cold room and waited. Day three the grocers looked great. Internet impressive. The florist in full bloom. By day six, the online order still fresh. The florist had cracked flowers and some grocery flowers flopped. We asked a horticulturist at the hillwood green house to weigh in. We ordered roses from the grocery store, from a local boutique and from an internet company. What would you expect to last the longest . The care of the rose once they bought it is probably the most important. Jason explains because the roses are all coming from central and south america, a little t. L. C. Once they arrive at the store and in your home counts. Most of the flowers are coming from the same place. Its how you care for them once you receive them. Make sure once you get it, just take that extra time to clear the base of the old water. Cut the stems off every couple of days. And it will guarantee you beautiful flowers to last a couple of weeks. 10 days in the most expensive dozen displayable. Florist past prime. The bargain roses, toast. And none of our three bouquets lived to see day 14. So the online priceiest flowers fared best for us in the end. Some tips we picked up along the way, make sure to change your water out every single day, if you can imagine doing that. Dont be afraid to take the arrangements out of the vase and cut those stems every three days. And the biggest mistake that some say you make is you dont have to get red roses. These flowers down here especially the daisies will last well beyond two weeks. Reporting live in arlington, im kimberly suters. Back to you in studio. Leon . May save a few guys in here. Could also give her a ring. Wait a second. That will last longer than the flowers 7 is on your side with a consumer alert tonight. A mother in oregon found bugs infesting her daughters stuffed toy and shes not alone. A number of complaints have been made about a microwaveable stuffed aromatherapy animal from cozy hugs. A woman says one day a seam ripped open on the toy. And more than wheat and lavender filling came out. I looked out on the counter and there was like bugs all over it. Just crawling. My first reaction was this is really gross. And then my second reaction was i tore my daughters whole room apart. The Oregon Department of agriculture says the bugs are probably grain weavals. Those stuffed toys are still being sold. Capri sun is dropping corn syrup and calories from its popular pouch drinks. Kraft foods say it will sweeten the drinks with sugar. That will cut 10 calories per pack. The company will also use sugar and stevia in its low calorie Roaring Waters line instead of corn syrup and sucrolose. It should appear on store shelves in coming weeks. We get to update you a story we first brought you last week. A young teenager whose picture went viral after two target employees stepped up and helped him prepare for a Job Interview. Well he returned to thank his career coaches. The photo showed helping him tie his tie. They didnt stop therement they also gave him some helpful add vase for his ever Job Interview at a nearby chickfila restaurant. Got my confidence back. So, you know when i went there, i was calm cool collected. And it sounds like he still is. Moore went back for a second interview on saturday, weve learned. And hes going to find out the next step in the interview process on friday. Moore says he asked his parents to get him another new tie for that interview. Looking good good luck move. All right. Hopefully things will work out for him. Lets see what doug is up to. Any change in the weather update . And the temperatures, doug . Temperatures are going to change leon and maureen, as they drop off. It wont be bitterly cold tonight. Well save that for later in the week. Lets get a start right now sun went down nine minutes ago at 5 40. Looking live from the rooftop here and we have clear skies. Few clouds on the horizon. It took all day to clear out. Temperatures are not uncomfortable at all. Mid to upper 30s. Well drop into the 20s tonight. Average wakeup temperature of 28 degrees. Moe mostly clear skies and the winds will slacken a bit by early tomorrow morning. Temperatures north and west of the metro area a bit colder and thats some of the colder air that well move into the region tonight. Thats why well wake up to temperatures in the 20s. Tomorrow, well hit the 40s and have a nice day. Have the start of a nice day on thursday but then the arctic front will come through with clouds gusty winds. Maybe a sprinkle and the much colder air blasts in. And by friday, well be cold and if you think its cold on friday, wait until sunday. This arctic fronts big brother is coming in saturday and saturday night, it will get mighty chilly indeed. Express forecast tomorrow partly cloudy and pleasant. 46. It all changes with the cold front on thursday with falling temperatures later in the day. Cold and breezy and sunny on friday. Second cold front with snow showers and falling temperatures and gusty winds saturday. Sunday, 20 to 23 for a high. Thats it. And well stay cold through monday and tuesday. That is very latest. Maureen, leon and timmy, back to you. All right. Thanks. Were just sitting here talking about this latest thing that r. G. 3 has got himself in the middle of. Have you been following this . The latest conversation. R. G. 3 sent an instagram of himself driving to a work jut listening and singing along with Michael Jacksons billy jean. Thats ok. When he made it public via instagram, a fan engaged him and said this is why youre going to be cut next season. You care more about your brand. Bla, bla, bla. It went on. R. G. 3 kept it going. He answered the guy. Back and forth they went. The knicks owner did the same thing in new york. Folks, you cannot win if youre a pro athlete or owner. Dont engage them. My old partner dan fauts always said dont engage the enemy. I cant understand why pro athletes get into these debates with their fans. The wizards play toronto tomorrow night and then theres all star break and breaking news. Washington all star guard john wall will not participate in the all star skills challenge or any of the saturday events because of his sore ankle which is a good news on his part. John wall will participate in sundays all star game. Here we go again. John wall said today he carries three iphones. One for business. One for family and one for people he meets along the way. Keeps them on vibrate. Talking about a buzz. Here are the guys who created a buzz on the court last night. Still have fans talking. K. J. Mcdaniels with the sixers throws the pass off the backboard. His own assist, pass to himself. It was his only assist of the night and the sixers lost to the warriors. All right. How about the dunk by nuggets rookie kenneth bereez . Hes a human highlight film. Here we go again. O. K. C. Beat the nuggets because kevin durant dropped 40 points on him. Dunk that and the best throwdown of the night in tallahassee. Florida state and duke. Freshman phil koker and the tomahawk flush. This is a freshman on freshman crime. Indecent exposure okifor will probably be the number one player in the draft. He got posterized here. The dunk loses. So all three of the dunks but what highlights. Great stuff. Good stuff. Yeah. Just not good enough. No, send them flowers. No rings, though. All right. Coming up next on abc 7 news at 5 00, why a d. C. Charter school is at risk of being shut down and what students and parents are doing now to fight back against that. Stay with us. An elevator shaft withstood more than two ton explosive punch meant to implode this hotel and casino off the vegas strip. It crumbled in the predawn demolition but the crews will have to go back in there and finish the job. The site is being cleared to make way for new construction there in vegas. Meanwhile, here the d. C. Public Charter School board wants to pull the charter from the dorothy hyde Community Academy public Charter School. That school is accused of mishandling funds. But as Caroline Tucker tells us today, parents, students and staff came together and rallied around the school in one last effort to save it. The dorothy i. Hyde community Charter School began in 1998 and there are now 1600 students across multiple campuses including the only campus for elementary students. Those students in preschool through eighth grade may have to find another school though if d. C. s public Charter School board revokes the caps charter due to what it said is a mismanagement of millions of dollars of funds by the schools founder. This is an adult problem. This is not a children problem. The children are getting what they need at cap. Parents, staff and students took to the streets outside of d. C. s city hall tuesday afternoon. I mean its illogical to take this out on the children and their families. This is something surely there are other alternatives. Many families dont know where students will go if cap closes. Especially families who have relied on the online program. Our husband and dad has some health problems. We spent so much time at the hospital. We needed another way to keep him close to us and keep them in school. Kind of a little frightened. You wouldnt want to lose your school and stuff. The d. C. Public Charter School board is not making any statements at this time. It is really not fair. There are too many kids that are going to be left out in the dust where no one else cares. The d. C. Public Charter School board will make its final decision about the future of cap at its meeting this thursday morning. That meeting will be held on 14th street in northwest d. C. Caroline tucker, abc 7 news. And thats it for us here at 5 00. Tonight, coming up here at 6 00, a heartbreaking confirmation. Isil strikes again killing an american hostage. This as theres a new troubling revelation from that region. The waiting game here will a d. C. Police captain win his court battle against the chief over a demotion and Celebrity Police escorts . And a hitandrun crash, the Driver Police are looking for tonight. Next. It is the sad news many worried would come. Confirmation 26yearold american hostage Kayla Mueller has been killed in syria. The white house today confirmed the isil claims and now says there is another american in the region. Senior political reporter scott thuman joins us now with more on this new resolution. Listening to the White House Press briefing today, josh earnest saying what we didnt know until now at least not publicly that there is indeed at least one more american hostage being held in that region. Some hoping that means the effort to defeat isil will step up dramatically now. Prayers for Kayla Muellers return now replaced with piles of flowers. The mueller family sharing an emotional letter she wrote her parents last year. She wrote i have to come to see theres good in every situation. Sometimes we just have to look for it. And right now, thats what were all trying to do. While president obama vowed to find those responsible, the white house revealed there is at least one other american held captive. We have avoided discussing the individual cases of americans who are being held hostage. But we are aware of other american hostages being held in the region. The United Arab Emirates that grounded its fighter jets after the capture and eventual killing of jordans pilot returned to the skies today. And here at Home Congress is

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