Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 500 20150115 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 500 20150115

c.p.r. on carol glover who died that day. he says he was on the train an hour before being evacuated. >> it was way too long for the people on our car to get the help that they needed. so you know an hour can't survive in an hour if you're really in trouble. >> today, the mayor said an initial report on the incident will be released in the next 48 hours. >> from our point of view we have to make sure that the response time for our department responded in every -- every fast and safe way possible. >> fire service consultant dave statter questions the timing of many aspects of the response. >> certainly if you're on that train, it's an eternity. but the firefighters do have to make sure they're safe. >> in the end carol glover was taken to the hospital at 4:25 p.m. more than an hour after eyewitnesses reported first seeing smoke. as for that report that it was released within 48 hours, it will also include hours of radio traffic information as well as interviews from first responders. as for metro, we called them to get a comment on this timeline and they say they are unable to do so because they are currently engaged in an investigation with the ntsb. reporting live in southwest washington suzanne kennedy, abc 7 news. >> those people should not have been trapped like rats, that's the message from an attorney representing two people on that yellow line train during monday's metro chaos. among those, a passenger who says he posts a final text message for his wife and children. it accuses metro of being negligent in several areas. ahead at 6:00 we compare metro's track record for injuries to similar sized public transit systems in boston and chicago. meanwhile, services taking shape now to remember that alexandria woman who died on board the yellow line train carol glover. a memorial service is planned for 10:00 a.m. monday at capitol hill baptist church in northeast washington. glover was a mother of two, a grandmother of three she was 61 years old. >> of some frightening moments of deja vu for metro riders this morning. a smoke alarm sounded at gallery place just after 9:00 including a message to evacuate the station. metro later said that a faulty smoke detector is what caused that alarm to activate. the alarm has a default message to evacuate as a precaution. >> a teenager is dead and another hurt after what's being described as a chaotic scene in southeast washington. the shots rang out just before 8:30 last night at the corner of martin luther king jr. boulevard and randall place near malcolm x boulevard. but the shooting death of phillip jones was just the start of the chaos. d.c. bureau chief sam ford is live near the scene with what unfolded. sam? >> alison as young people were leaving a basketball game at nearby blue high school we understand mayhem was the word. bullets were flying and teenagers were running and screaming. >> by the time i get on the avenue it was pandemonium up here and the kids were going wild. >> activists and former school board rep trayon white said 60 or more youths were waiting at bus stops following the basketball games and then shots and chaos. two teenagers were shot a 14-year-old girl in the hand and the 17-year-old phillip jones, a former anacostia student was killed. >> five minutes, walk right in. >> for many, last night's mayhem was too much. one man who did not want to be seen said after the shooting stopped, he walked to his home and in the dark, stumbled on a pistol. >> walked out into your yard and somebody came stumbling across a gun lying there. >> stepped on it? >> yeah. >> were you startled? >> yes. >> he said police took it away. the neighborhood association is calling for a meeting on violence. >> our communities are in peril. it's unfortunate that we talk about how great our city is doing and crime is at an all time low. unfortunately, we're not feeling it. our kids are in a war zone every day. >> a tearful cousin of phillip jones walked past reporters at the crime scene today. and declined to talk. >> good young man. he was destined to go to the job corps january 26th. he got into the program with the organization and was leaving to go to job corps. >> phillip jones is the second 17-year-old to be killed in the city this week. there was another incident in which the young man was killed on a porch in northeast washington on sunday. this community meeting here they're setting for next thursday. reporting from southeast washington, sam ford abc 7 news. >> thank you, sam. keep an eye on it. starting finally now to get relief from the winter chill that's been gripping the area. but enjoy it folks it may not last for long. meteorologist steve rudin is here with the timing of it all for us. steve? >> big changes are on the way. i think you'll be rewarded with a little bit a warmup as you move to the end of the upcoming weekend. take a look at what's going on outside the weather center. winds are out of the west-southwest at eight miles per hour and the wind and the breeze not so bad out there. 33 at dulles. 36 gaithersburg. 36 at andrews and looking at middle 40's for lexington park maryland. if you're out and about for the evening hours, temperatures will hold in the 30's under partly cloudy skies. the sun will set. talking about the longer daylight hours at 5:11 this evening. just about five minutes or so. partly cloudy and cold for the overnight. temperatures around 24 to 30 degrees. winds will be out of the west at just around 6 to 12 miles per hour. the changes are on the way. we have an area of low pressure well, well to the south of us. but what you see on the left-hand side of your screen that h. that's high pressure. that means clearing skies and sunshine. we'll talk about that plus the upcoming weekend in just a few minutes. leon? >> ok steve. a plan to carry out major terrorist attacks on police buildings in belgium has been foiled. security forces killed two terror suspects in a shootout and arrested another today in the city about 69 miles southeast of brussels. government officials confirm that it was an anti-terror raid. officials say that well armed men with automatic weapons opened fire on police who were closing in on them. investigators say they believe the attacks were ordered in retaliation of u.s.-led air strikes against isil in syria and iraq. alison? house speaker john boehner is crediting a controversial government program for helping stop the plot to attack the u.s. capitol. last night, we brought you the breaking news of the arrest of 20-year-old christopher cornell from ohio. the isil sympathizer is accused of plotting to set off pipe bombs in the capitol and shoot members of congress. the f.b.i. arrested him yesterday. house speaker says the foreign intelligence surveillance act that allows eavesdropping played a crucial role in that arrest. tonight at 6:00, what we're learning about the suspect including his father's own accusation against the f.b.i. >> after five months of fear and frustration, some action to report tonight. 24 hours after abc 7 aired a story about threats against a local jewish-owned business by self-avowed members of isis the f.b.i. is stepping in. stephen tschida is in our news sf room with an update to this story that you'll see only here on 7. stephen? >> leon several hours after our story aired about threats to attack a d.c. business and kill its employees, detectives descended on the establishment and just before midnight this morning, the manager received a phone call from one of those detectives informing her the case is now in the hands of the f.b.i.'s terrorism task force. out of concern over copycats and the nature of these threats, we are not identifying the business nor any of its employees. the calls have come on a daily basis. for five months. sometimes several a day. >> anti-semitic murder racist and homophobic rants tinged with threats of mass destruction, torture and murder from individuals who allege they are fighting for the islamic state. >> sometimes we're very scared. sometimes we're angry. >> the taunts are posted on the internet and phoned into this business over and over again. >> i'm going to get you and i'm going to burn it and after that i'm going to burn it to the ground. i'm going to burn you. i have gasoline here. >> local police handed over the investigation to the department of homeland security. which deemed it not credible and returned it to police. >> maybe i'll stab you in front of your [beep] work. >> nothing happened until our story aired tuesday. >> action now finally. it took five months. >> we now know that calls are via the internet and come from a server in nevada. just this morning, police informed the business another agency is taking up this case. >> it's also been sent to the f.b.i. terrorist task force. >> while the fear lingers, at least the frustration is diminished. >> it's about time. still disappointed that it took this long and it took this to make it happen. >> now, about those phone calls, d.c. detectives say they get at the caller via the internet will involve a subpoena to the justice department. we will keep you posted. reporting live from the newsroom, stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> thank you, stephen. stay on that one! the episcopal bishop accused of killing a cyclist in a hit and run crash is free tonight on bond. the bishop heather cooke posted the $2.5 million bond today through a bail bondsman. police say she was drunk and texting when she hit him december 27th as he was riding his bike in baltimore. cooke's attorney says the bishop is going to an inpatient treatment facility. >> a teacher's aide to those with special needs has been arrested. with a bag full of illegal drugs. casey johnson had been a teacher's aide at germantown elementary school. now, she's facing felony drug charges alongside the alleged accomplice anthony hack. only on 7 the montgomery county reporter kevin lewis is live with how this allunfolded. kevin? >> alison last friday night, police spotted a car traveling with a burned out spotlight. they actually pulled it over in this safeway parking lot and who and what they found inside of that vehicle has parents of more than 400 children stunned. >> that's good. >> shock at copper mill elementary school today after learning casey johnson, a special needs para educator was arrested on felony drug charges. >> now i'm like you know afraid. i'm like i don't know. i'm actually shocked. >> last friday police stopped johnson and her friend anthony hock. germantown commons shopping plaza. investigators say johnson nervously fumbled around as she looked for her license. her voice trembled. her hands shook uncontrollably and her breathing was extremely labored. while searching the paraeducator's car, a k-9 unit sniffed out a backpack stashed in the truck. inside, officers say they found a large baggy of marijuana and digital scale surrounded by orange peels and coffee grounds. police say drug dealers often use those items to mask the distinct and potent scent of pot. >> that really bothers me. >> parents like amy riley say school leaders have kept johnson's arrest quiet. >> i think they should have notified the parents and especially the parents that have to deal directly with this teacher and their children were getting caught by this teacher. >> johnson who earns about $22 an hour as a teacher's aide was not home when we visited her hyattsville apartment complex. >> they transmit what they have as knowledge to our children. i don't think it's something we should teach our children. >> now, the teacher here has been on medical leave since october. she is still employed by the school system, though. she had $500 in a coat pocket, according to police. as far as her alleged accomplice here anthony hock they say he was carrying p.c.p. we're live in germantown, i'm kevin lewis abc 7 news. >> thank you, kevin. >> wow. >> still ahead here on abc 7 news at 5:00 a community in disbelief. what's being blamed for the second house fire in less than a year on the same piece of land. >> plus you have to see it to believe it. how this woman made out with a tv using only her clothes. >> ok. and the oscar nominations are out. and there is outrage over some big snubs this year. but one of those snub filmmakers have a perfect response. we'll tell you about it. >> one day after an explosion hurt three people in a popular shopping center we take you inside the shotattered glass and recovery effort. >> "7 on your side" tonight, you can call the "7 on your side" help center. number there is 703-236-9220. we'll be checking in with kimberly sut >> we are getting an up-close look of the aftermath of yesterday's explosion in falls church. >> the blast and fire at the eden center yesterday left three people with minor injuries and shattered glass everywhere! caroline tucker shows us the s to recovery. >> they are putting the pieces back together here at eden center in falls church. >> very heard a very loud bang. with an explosion. and then she ran -- everybody ran outside. >> that was yesterday when fire officials say propane and oxygen missed to create that explosion inside princess diamonds. it destroyed the jewelry store, neighboring businesses like this salon which are now feeling the effects. >> so there is damage. some electrical wires. >> outside, the water on the floor. >> over at this neighboring restaurant, power was lost and so were pounds of pork and other food. >> take the damage, it really hurts. >> three people were hurt. the center's senior vice president says it was a customer, jewelry repair worker and the shop's owner vivian wynne who were cut up from the glass. he says she is out of the hospital. >> it wasn't the injury. it was how is our store? >> only a small portion were affected and repairs are already under way to that jewelry shop. >> they'll be back in business as quickly as the contractor can put the space back together. and maybe before then if we can find a temporary location for them. >> and you can see, the cleaning crews are going to continue to work here until the other businesses in this mall are able to get back up to speed following this explosion. in falls church, caroline tucker, abc 7 news. >> in the future drones could be used to cover stories like that as they unfold. right now a coalition of 10 media companies including our parent company sinclair broadcasting has partnered with virginia tech to study the concept of using drones for news coverage. the study is aimed at helping the government develop rules and regulations for the safe and responsible use of drone technology. >> would be nice to have some of those to cover s weather stories that we have. wouldn't be nice to have one of those in a hail storm shooting video back to you? >> i don't think the drone would do too well. >> especially a little one. >> that would be fun, high definition. let's get you some high definition images, satellite and graphics to tell our weather story. fairly quiet going through. here's a perfect example. storm watch weather bug camera at damascus elementary school which is located in damascus, maryland and this morning it was clear. most of the area south and east was cloudy this morning. most of the city enjoyed sunshine the entire day. few clouds in the late afternoon. things are settling down nicely. partly cloudy skies now. they'll last through the evening. temperatures are starting to head down. numbers right now at 29 in frostburg and a little higher elevation in allegheny county maryland. 34 at leesburg, 35 in waldorf. morning lows range through the teens and 20's. we won't be terribly cold tonight. we're in the upper 30's in some spots now. we'll drop to about 25 to 30 degrees overnight with partly cloudy skies. and as we get through the day tomorrow, we'll warm it up a little bit more and get into the 40's. that should be a very pleasant day. there's the official range of the forecast from 24 to 30 with partly cloudy skies. as far as what's happening weatherwise, area of high pressure that's built in today chased away some of the cloudiness but down to the south, there's more clouds. another disturbance building up and this is going to bypass us totally but there's a cold front that's going to associate with this. so once all this moves through tomorrow and tomorrow night, temperatures will get colder. so with this action missing the rain to the south and missing most of the clouds i think tomorrow will be a pleasant day. partly cloudy. it will be breezy because of the sun approaching but we'll hit the mid 40's and turn colder tomorrow night as skies clear out. saturday looks gorgeous. futurecast, there's the time stamp. 10:00 a.m. lots of sunshine. there's the cold front. it will wash out for us. don't have any weather worries. partly cloudy and breezy. saturday will be bright and sunny. we get into sunday and another cold front will approach. along with that another area of low pressure. storm center will develop. that will give us a good chance of scattered showers developing sunday afternoon and sunday night. the expectation is all of this will push out of the area late sunday night so we'll round out dr. king holiday weekend back to the sunshine on monday. tomorrow partly cloudy breezy. 42 to 48. i like that. northwesterly winds at 10 to 15 miles per hour. mid 40's on sunday. and now martin luther king day on monday will be beautiful. partly cloudy breezy. temperatures in the lower 40's and extend our view out here a few more days for you through the middle of next week and beyond. we do this, of course at no extra charge. we're just nice people. we like to do it for you. look ahead past monday and see tuesday and wednesday, lower 40's. the next chance of precipitation is yet another system that comes in wednesday. right now we think it's going to be rain highs of 42 and into the mid 40's for the day on thursday. if you like cold weather, some of the extended guidance beyond next week suggests that maybe it might turn significantly colder as we head towards the end of the month of january. so always fun in the weather center trying to figure out what's going to happen. >> figure out if there's any snow involved with that. >> sooner or later mark my words. >> thank you. coming up at 5:00 a new home and what's being blamed for today's two alarm blaze in the exact spot where fire killed a man less than a year ago. >> if you have legal questions, we have assembled a group of folks who can help guide you. i'm consumer investigative kimberly suters inside the "7 on your side" help center. a live report ahead after this. >> a woman in costa rica managed to steal a tv undetected in just a matter of seconds. look at this. it was all caught on camera. there it goes! all caught on camera. it happened in the store about two months ago. the surveillance video shows the one woman there keeping watch. the other just lifts up her skirt or her dress, tucks the box of the tv between her legs and walks off like nothing happened. one way to do it. >> ok. >> don't say anything. >> i'm not going to say anything. i like this job. i'm not going to say a thing. >> right. >> all right. tonight, "7 on your side" is giving you a chance to get answers to any nagging legal questions that you might have. >> that's right, "7 on your side" consumer investigative kimberly suters is live in the "7 on your side" help center with what you can ask the attorney today. hi kimberly. >> hi alison and leon. i like this job too, because the phones are ringing off the hook. clearly, you have legal questions you want answered and this group of experts that "7 on your side" invited here is answering all kinds of questions from family law questions, traffic law, if you have questions about contract disputes, fraud, litigation, and we have aarp legal counsel so a wide range of expertise here these attorneys in our ask an attorney phone bank are standing by until 6:30 tonight. they are taking all kinds of questions and really more than giving legal advice what they're saying is a lot of people have questions about the legal process. what to expect if they are going to go to court, how to prepare. those kinds of things help navigate through the legal process. but as we said the phones are ringing off the hook tonight and we hope that you'll call if you have a legal question. the number to call 703-236-9220. they'll be answering your calls until 6:30 tonight. after that you can always e-mail us at tips at and make sure one of these attorneys gets your questions. back to you. >> thank you. coming up at 5:00 the new plan to build a new metro station in one of the fastest growing parts of northern virginia. >> plus the academy is ready with some of your oscar favorites that are not invited this time around. the accolades, the snubs and one priceless reaction still ahead. >> for the second time in less than a year, a home at this address is destroyed by a fire. i'll tell you why >> a home that was the scene of a deadly fire 10 months ago has again gone up in flames. >> the fire broke out with the sound of a boom as the home was being rebuilt on marshall avenue in deale, maryland. brad bell live on the scene tonight. a lot of disbelief on the scene, got to be the case. >> yeah. disbelief for two reasons, leon because it burned before and because of what happened here today. couple of guys say they're lucky to be alive. this is the house you can see, it's been gutted. but as john mann the cameraman pans up there to the roof to that porch, you can see what looks like a twisted ladder. a couple of contractors were standing on there when this house blew and it caught fire. one of the reasons that people are shocked by this. this cell phone video from neighbor william dix shows the blaze before fire trucks even arrive on scene. dix himself is stunned. >> it's pretty weird. >> he says that because this home under construction on east marshall avenue in deale was being built on the same lot, same address, same spot where last march, 62-year-old chris schlgel died in this fire caught on camera by another photographer in the community. disbelieving neighbors reacting the same way with the same words. >> seems a little weird, doesn't it? >> weird. >> kind of weird, ain't it? are you superstitious? >> fire investigators say the cause today in this under construction home was a leak in a temporary propane heating system. the fire last march, also touched off by a propane leak. >> just a very strange coincidence. second fire at the same address with what appears to be very similar causes. >> as was the case last year the new home here is destroyed. so, too, is the sense of security along marshall avenue. >> i couldn't believe it. this huge big fire and it happened last year. >> the good news today is no injuries here. the guys that were working on the side are both fine. they were a little bit rattled. this house was being built by a builder so no owner just yet beyond the builder and he says he's going to get this under construction again very soon. in deale, brad bell abc 7 news. >> thank you, brad. prince william county police have charged a man in the stabbing death of his stepfather. investigators say that march marlo rodriguez was attacked in his home last night. brian hernandez entered that home, picked up a knife and started pacing around the house. his mother called 911 after police say hernandez began stabbing rodriguez repeatedly. rodriguez died at the hospital and there's no word on a motive. >> and it's time for a look at the day's other top stories now. we have learned some new details about the metro's smoke incident that killed one passenger and injured dozens of others. d.c. officials released a timeline of the emergency calls and dispatch times on monday. the passengers were trapped below the streets of d.c. for more than half-hour after their metro train filled with thick smoke. >> a high school basketball game ends with a double shooting and mayhem on the streets outside. the incident happened around 8:30 last night on martin luther king jr. avenue. 17-year-old phillip jones, a former anacostia student headed into the job corps program was shot and killed. a 14-year-old girl was shot in the hand. search is on for the suspect tonight. >> and recovery efforts are under way after an explosion and two alarm fire at the eden center in falls church. fire officials say propane and oxygen mixed to create that explosion yesterday inside of princess diamonds jewelry store. that incident left three people with minor injuries. >> the families of two women killed in a 2012 train derailment in ellicott city have reached a settlement with the railroad. a spokesman tells "the baltimore sun" the settlement was reached in december. the terms are controversial. 19-year-old rose mare and elizabeth mast were sitting on a trestle when 21 of the 80 rail cars overturned. investigators say the accident was caused by a broken rail on the section of track that had previous problems. >> time for a check on the traffic situation. at this hour bob emler is in the wtop traffic center with details. bob? >> hi alison. on the inner loop of the beltway, delays on the toll road and now a new crash reported to be on the inner loop of the beltway near the dulles toll road and 66 where the little exclamation point is there was a crash there earlier. that's gone now. it's quite slow to the beltway headed out to centreville and route 28 northbound before the toll road and southbound before 50 accidents reported in each of those locations. then headed south from quantico towards stafford, no incidents in the roadway anyway. things are generally in good shape as we take a look at traffic and see how it looks on the beltway at connecticut avenue. lot of brake lights on the inner loop headed out of bethesda into silver spring. traffic headed south on 395. volume headed for landmark with the lanes open. all the way down to duke street. i'm bob emler with wtop radio. >> you got it. have a good one. talk to you soon. coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00 why smithsonian visitors are getting a closer view at an american icon in a generation. >> an old friend gets a special honor. we learn about a big snub by oscar. the snub and the reaction next. >> and ahead at 6:00 tonight, big changes when it comes to americans traveling to cuba. at what's going to be different beginning tomorrow. >> and remember "7 on your side" tonight letting you ask attorneys your legal questions. so just call the "7 on your side" help center right now. the number 703-236-99220. >> first, let's check in with david and get a look at what's coming up on "world news tonight." david? >> leon, alison breaking news, the large scale raids under way. you'll see the picture authorities say a major attack was eminent. also tonight, an abc news exclusive. the moment in an american quarry the f.b.i. says this is home grown terror before your eyes. the video we never saw until tonight. the real estate scam going to open houses it's really about something else. getting their hands on your valuables. and oscar nominee bradley cooper right here tonight. coming up after abc 7 news. >> look who it is. a familiar face and he got some much deserved recognition today. washingtonian macgazine has selected the long time movie critic arch campbell as one of the washingtonians of the year. he sat here with us for eight years warning us about films and praising others and we really miss that now. we don't know what to see anymore. >> especially this time of year. >> he stepped down in august after four decades of work in washington's airways and you said it was a lovely luncheon. >> great to see him being recognized. this time of year you don't get to see them. speaking of this time of year hollywood's signature event taking shape. >> as always amidst the glitz and glamour, there's a little controversy. ted rollins has more on the nominees and snubs. >> michael keaton was nominated for best actor for his performance in "birdman." he is joined by cumberbatch and eddie redmain who plays stephen hawkings in "the theory of everything." >> it's too much to take in really. what a privilege. >> for best actress, felicity jones, marian and reece witherspoon join favorite julianne nominated for "still alice." >> this is an accident period. robert duval in "the judge" joins edward norton ethan hawke and mark rufalo for best supporting actor and nomination number 19 for meryl streep for "into the woods" joining patricia arquette emma stone, keira knightly and laura dern for best supporting actress. this year's snubs including the "selma" director, amy adams in "big eyes" ask jennifer anniston for her performance in "cake." >> lot of people were disappointed that jennifer anniston didn't get her first oscar nomination. there was a lot of buzz. >> eight movies will battle for best picture. "american sniper" imitation game, the grand budapest hotel and "whiplash." the grand budapest hotel and "birdman" tied with the most nominations at nine a piece. oscars will be handed out february 22nd on abc. in los angeles, ted rollins, abc 7 news. >> one more note here the director of the lego movie was quick to react to his film's snub in the best animated film category. here's the tweet that phil lord sent out as the nominations were being announced and it simply said "it's ok i made my own." . >> that's awesome. awesome. >> isn't that funny? he later responded to some internet commenters saying this is not a tragedy! and he congratulat made the film that he calls "a classic." >> everything is awesome. >> that's right. how many times did they say that? >> over and over again. >> way to go phil! all right, ahead here on abc 7 news at 5:00. a metro expansion. the new twist in the push to build a new station in a fast growing northern virginia community. >> well "7 on your side" wants to invite you inside our health center here. we've assembled a group of legal experts to answer your questions. a live report with the kinds of questions they're getting and >> we have a "7 on your side" consumer alert now. ikea has recalled 169,000 baby crib mattresses in the u.s. and canada. the company says it received reports of infants getting stuck between the mattress and the end panels. neither child, though was seriously hurt. but the recall involves ikea this is style cribs sold in stores and on line between august 2010 and may 2014. >> 7 is on your side with help getting answers to your legal questions. for the past hour we've had attorneys on call here. kimberly suters is in the "7 on your side" help center with what we've been hearing this evening. >> the phones have been ringing off the hook and i've been hearing a lot of referrals going on. our attorneys saying if they don't know how to answer questions, handing people phone numbers and e-mails where they can go for help. introduce you to one of our attorneys, they're all volunteers tonight. we appreciate it. sabrina ware maryland legal aid. what kind of work do you all do? >> maryland legal aid provides free legal services to low income individuals throughout the state. and we have offices all over maryland in the d.c. metro area. specifically, we have an office in prince george's county as well as an office in montgomery county. and we assist clients that have civil disputes that are similar in nature. consumer cases family law employment and public benefits are some of the main areas that we focus on. >> you also do pro bono days and there's one coming up in washington county. what can viewers expect at a place like that? >> so pro bono days is basically a chance for someone to walk in and meet with an attorney. usually legal aid partners with the private bar and so there's nonprofit and private attorneys who are available to consult with individuals who have legal questions and so sort of a chance to meet for free and get brief advice about your legal situation, review documents that you might have and maybe come up with a plan of action of what next steps you have to take. >> a little bit of everything has somebody calling and asking about disability benefits. someone with a question related to a time share. consumer and debt-related questions as well so it's been a little bit of everything. >> thank you for being here. we'll let you get to the phones. these attorneys are all here for ask an attorney phone bank night until 6:30. go ahead, you'll see the number at the bottom of your screen crawling all evening. call if you have a legal question. back to you. >> thank you. looking ahead to what's coming up at 6:00 speaking of legal issues a lawsuit is going to be filed in the metro smoke investigation. hear from the man filing that suit and what he thought were his final words to his loved ones. and starting tomorrow it will be easier for americans to travel to cuba. learn how the change is part of a major shift in policy between the u.s. and that nation. we'll have those stories and more coming up right here tonight at 6:00. >> leon you have the chance to get a rare up-close look at charles lindberg's spirit of st. louis. the historic custom built plane is now on the floor of the smithsonian air & space museum today for the first time in 22 years. scientists are giving that plane a conservation treatment so charles lindberg of course, flew the plane on the first ever transatlantic flight in 1927. it will stay there right where it is for the next eight months. >> nice history lesson for the kids. check that out. don't you think? >> eight months to do it. >> nice weather to get downtown. no major storms but minor day-to-day changes. get started with a preview. 40's holding on at reagan national airport. it will be chilly but not exceptionally cold. 30 here in arlington. cloudiness, we're going to watch that come through and tomorrow, a fair amount of sunshine. it will be breezy ahead of the next system that's swinging through. no rain or snow in the next system. just the winds. clear out and turn colder tomorrow night. saturday looks spectacular. sunday looks like we'll have clouds moving in and another cold front and a little area of low pressure could combine to bring us showers on sunday afternoon and sunday night. hourly forecast through the day tomorrow looks pleasant breezy as we head through the dr. king holiday weekend. this saturday sunshine, showers on sunday in the mid 40's. then on monday partly cloudy and breezy about 43 degrees for a high. we'll stay in the low 40's through next week after we have our sunday showers, next chance of precipitation with the next clipper type system moving through will be on wednesday and right now we're thinking if we get anything it will be a low end chance of rain. i think that's about it for now. now, let's talk to leon, alison. >> beautiful day in the neighborhood! >> how about that? >> big news coming up. breaking news out of redskins park today, the skins have hired former dallas cowboy offensive coordinator and offensesive line coach bill callahan. callahan was a well respected o line coach and also has experience as the head coach in the nfl. as a matter of fact he coached the raiders to super bowl in 2003. he will be charged with repairing a line that has been struggling and has a tough time protecting the quarterbacks. they have some talent including pro back trent williams. they should be able to help themselves in free agency and with the draft as well. bill callahan now with the washington redskins and should be a pretty good get. all right, let me change gears here. women's basketball gives us the most outstanding performance of the night. robert burton spent the afternoon at george mason with the lady patriots. robert? >> for the past two games, george mason guard taylor brown has been more than clutch. >> have ice water in your veins? >> i just worked extremely hard and it's finally paying off. >> on sunday the former bishop mcnamara star won it for the patriots with this layup at the buzzer beating lasalle 73-71. then last night, they trailed by three in the closing seconds to st. bonaventure. taylor's three would force overtime. they went on to win 68-55. >> honestly, it was crazy. crazy shot. so i have to give him all the glory. >> what does that do for your confidence? >> it does a lot for my confidence and makes me want to be a better leader and lead my teammates. >> george mason will return to action on sunday. they'll take on richmond. that game will be nationally televised on espnu. so you never know. you might see taylor knock down another buzzer-beater. this time in front of the entire country. >> if you had to do it again, could you do it? >> i think i can. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> at george mason, robert burton abc 7 sports. >> like that? >> downtown taylor brown! >> i bet she hasn't stopped smiling. >> robert burton in horse said no! >> no thank you. >> smiling assassin. >> very cute. >> i'll take that! >> all right. >> coming up next here at 5:00 the $50 million boost to a >> after months of dormancy, the proposal to build a new metro station in northern virginia is roaring back to life. >> it would add a metro stop to the potomac yard in alexandria. jeff goldberg is live there tonight with a look at where that project stands at this point. hi, jeff? >> hey, leon. you hear metro going by behind me all the time. now the idea is to build a station in this area. the state of virginia just granting alexandria a big loan to build the station here and it might be right by this park in the potomac greens neighborhood. now, this sign has been up for years letting people know that a station could some day be built here in the future but they're not too pleased but now, it might actually happen. the metro passes through potomac greens without stopping all the time. and many people living here hope it stays that way. >> this location by these town homes? it shouldn't go there. >> mark anderson says all the construction could cause many problems including safety. >> constant trucks going back and forth could jeopardize and put at risk some of our neighbors and our kids that's for sure. >> the project is taking a major step forward after the governor announced the state has approved a $50 million low interest loan to the city of alexandria to help build the station which will serve the yellow and blue lines between stops at reagan airport and braddock road. the loan comes as good news to city staffers working on the project as it would cover about 20% to 25% of the total cost. >> without this loan the project would have been harder to do. we got a very flexible loan. >> beyond building the station right in potomac greens another option is just north of the neighborhood next to the g.w. parkway. the other two and less likely possibilities are behind the potomac yard shopping center near existing amtrak train tracks. >> it is definitely a phenomenal idea. >> christine lives right nearby and hopes planners will take a closer look. >> rush hour behind here in 2018, that station is expected to open here in potomac yard. the city is thrilled it's going to be paid for through a mix of business tax revenue and money from the state and federal government. no money from taxpayers, the city council set to make a decision on where to build that station at some point this spring. live in alexandria jeff goldberg, abc 7 news. >> good deal. thanks jeff. sounds good. that's it nu now for abc 7 news at 5:00. >> one of the riders sickened by that smoke at l'enfant plaza plans to file a lawsuit. what he thought his last words were to his family. >> new details on the plot to bomb the u.s. capitol. learn what's being credited with foiling that attack. >> big changes when it comes to americans traveling to cuba. details on what takes effect tomorrow. abc 7 news at 6:00 starts now! >> d.c. officials have released a timeline of the emergency response to monday's smoke incident at l'enfant plaza metro station. it confirms the reports of passengers who said they waited more than 30 minutes for help. d.c. mayor muriel bowser has ordered a review of the response and she expects a preliminary report in about two days. a second report will be released next week. >> there are still questions that remain that i want answers to including i mentioned earlier that we did not know the time that the train actually became disabled on the tracks when the time that the first smoke appeared. >> 61-year-old carol glover died and dozens more were sickened by the smoke. a memorial service for glover will be held on monday morning at 10:00 at capitol hill baptist church in northeast washington. tonight, we're learning more about the first lawsuit to be filed in the metro smoke incident. 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