Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 400 20141110 : comparemel

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 400 20141110

require daily monitoring starting tomorrow. today marks 21 days since kaci hickox' last exposure to an ebola patient. she said she wants to be an advocate for health care workers and will continue speaking out on their behalf. >> right now crews are working to get part of georgia avenue back open in as penn hill. this is after a water main break along the ramp to connecticut avenue happened this morning. stephen tschida joins us live for an update. >> this is what we've got going on here right now. you can see the repair crews busy and trying to get this span repaired. this is a vital link between georgia avenue and connecticut avenue. very busy during the morning rush hour. you can see they're trying to smooth out the pavement here. it has been taking all day to get this repaired. now, what happened about 5:00 last night, the water main ruptured. the 10-inch main, 48 years old, caused major problems. cut-off water to dozens of homes, businesses, even schools. now the wssc says that it is anxiously trying to get this repaired. they're working very hard. they do not expect to have traffic moving through here this evening during the rush. >> i guess it is unfortunate but there is not a whole heck of a lot they can do. luckily they can get it fixed. everybody is coming out of the city which they get home from work so hopefully it won't be too bad, but connecticut avenue is a big road here. >> yeah. you can see behind me that still traffic if you can see through there, it is backing up traffic heading southbound trying to get on connecticut avenue. this is not the morning rush hour. it is going into the evening rush, but, still, traffic is backed up there. the best estimates wssc can give us as far as to when this might be open again and traffic moving here smoothly, they're hoping by the morning rush hour. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> stephen, unfortunately, we could start to see more water main breaks as winter's cold starts moving into the area. arctic weather is already sweeping across parts of the united states right now. montana, the dakotas, and minnesota are getting hit with snow and could even see as much as up to 10 inches by tonight. by the time the system pushes through, few states will escape the bitter winter weather. >> what a wakeup call that winter is on its way. as much as two feet of snow expected in the upper midwest, and it is already coming down. it's blanketing roads in minnesota, causing crashes and sending cars sliding. >> i saw one or two spinouts but i think everyone kind of got it. >> a little scary the first time because people are relearning how to drive on snow. >> runways shut down, dozens of flights canceled at minneapolis/st. paul international airport. the big shift in weather all caused by this, the remnants of the powerful, 800-milewide storm that battered alaska now pushing the jet stream south bringing an arctic blast of bitter cold. temperatures are expected to plunge as much as 30 degrees below normal for much of the country. >> it is going to be a true taste of winter. >> and while this may be great news for little snow angels and for george, not everyone is so happy that the days of winter coats and shoveling snow are back already. forecasters say the only parts of the country avoiding the big temperature change will be the southwest, hawaii, alaska, and south florida. abc 7 news, marci gonzalez. >> we just put the snow shovels away. that system will bring the coldest air of the season to our area this week. >> you know what else it'll bring? some sleep. >> hey, we'll have more mild weather before the cold weather arrives. when it comes, it is going to be cold but not the kind of cold they're having in montana and the dakotas. let's get you off to a good start on a monday afternoon, the time lapse from river bend golf and country club in great falls. a chilly morning but a beautiful day into the lower 60's. tomorrow, highs in the upper 60's. 64 in washington now. 67 in fredericksburg. frederick 66 degrees. 63 now in winchester. it'll be clear and chilly overnight. 38 to 46 degrees by morning. light winds. so bundle up and dress the children accordingly. we'll spend a lot of time this week looking at this cold air out west. these are the current temperatures. 17 in billings and rapid city. 21 minot. these are the air temperatures. that's about 35, 38 degrees below average for them right now. and it's only going to get colder as the blast heads south. then the blast heads east toward our area. we'll give you the timing exactly what to expect in just a few minutes. >> okay, doug. see you then. thank you. two maryland teenagers accused of trying to steal girl scout cookies are now facing charges. the incident happened saturday in severn. police say a 12-year-old and 13-year-old girl were selling the cookies from a wagon. when the girls stepped away, two young men grabbed the wagon and took off in a car. a homeowner heard the girls scream, jumped in his car, and followed the suspects. 18-year-old gabriel smith and a 17-year-old boy are both charged with theft. >> the latest hit to the u.s. postal service is actually an attack on some of the 800,000 employees. the agency says that some of their social security numbers might have been compromised in a cyber attack. sabs's horace holmes is live in northeast washington tonight with the latest on this developing story. horace? >> i'm here at the brentwood post office, the largest postal facility in all of the district. there are hundreds of people who work here. all of them are affected by this breach. any information they would use on their personal computers has been compromised -- their personal information like their names, dates of birth, social security numbers. i talked to the head of the union that represents all the workers in the d.c. area. she is very concerned about this. >> we don't know when it happened, so our information came in a month or so ago. >> obviously concerned. >> yeah, yeah. you look at the list -- it's name, social, date of birth, your address, whatever. hatever is in there. >> and this affects postal workers across the country. 800,000 people all the way up the chain maybe even to the post master general, himself. coming up tonight at 5:00, we'll talk about what the postal service is doing and whether you and i, consumers, should be concerned about this. reporting live in northeast, horace holmes, sabs 7 news. >> the federal government spends a couple billion dollars a year to protect sensitive information of its employees. between 2009 and 2013 the number of breaches on gov and mils sites went from 27,000 to more than 46,000 according to the emergency readiness team. and the team responded to 228,700 cyber incidents last year. that's more than double the number from 2009. >> it's not hacking but mismanagement that has been the problem for the department of veterans affairs in recent years. kai jackson is at the live desk with more about a major reorganization for the agency. kai? >> when you're active in serving the military the military is responsible for your medical care. once you're out men and women look to the v.a. for that help. today an announcement of a big overhaul at the agency following numerous complaints of poor service. robert macdonald, the v.a. secretary, says he will put a process in place to make it easier to receive care. one goal is to simplify the process because he says many patients don't know where to go. he says some changes won't be immediately visible like streamlining organizational structures across the country and they will design a website that creates one entry point into the system. this is important because he says this will eliminate multiple user names and passwords currently in place. he is also promising better customer service. >> we need to focus externally and care only about veteran outcomes, and put in place the organization structure we need to care for veterans. >> robert mcdonald is new, a graduate of the united states military academy, west point, and served in the army for five years. he's retired as chairman, president, and ceo of proctor and gamble before being appointed and confirmed v.a. secretary july 30 of this year. >> okay, kai jackson live for us in our newsroom. thank you. maryland's governor-elect is planning a tour to thank voters. larry hogan's "thank you tour" is set to begin tomorrow in st. mary's county. a campaign spokeswoman says more details will be released later today. hogan was the republican and defeated lieutenant governor anthony brown in last week's election. the montgomery county executive will sign legislation aimed at helping people previously convicted of crimes get a job. ban the box delays the employer's ability to find out about a job applicant's criminal record. the criminal history won't be available now until the end of the first job interview. >> lawmakers in virginia are back in work for a packed special session. legislators are set to vote on a new virginia supreme court justice. only one candidate has been interviewed so far for that job. lawmakers also plan to use the late session to make a final tweaking to the budget. the republican senate majority leader is introducing a bill to allow virginians to renew their healthcare plans that don't meet affordable care act standards. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, scientists learn their fate after being sued for not giving a country a warning about the potential for earthquakes. >> a little later, a substitute teacher charged with sexually assaulting a student for the second time in a month. parents are asking why they weren't notified sooner. >> plus the investigation into the plane crash that claimed the life of a prominent minister and his wife. >> you have actors and singers and hundreds of thousands of people all on the national mall. that's should make for smooth sailing on the roads and >> the marine corps is celebrating its 239th birthday today. u.s. senator tim kaine attended a wreath laying ceremony at the marine corps war memorial in arlington to mark the anniversary. he spoke with abc 7's senior political reporter scott thuman after the event and we'll have more right here at 4:55 on that. of course, tomorrow is veterans day. a new study by the financial website wallet hub names d.c. as the 14th best city in the country for veterans. the site looked at factors like the number of jobs for people with military skills, number of businesses owned by veterans, the unemployment rate for veterans, and the rate of wage growth. lincoln, nebraska ranked number one followed by gilbert, arizona, and irvine, california. chesapeake, virginia beach, norfolk, richmond, virginia all and 70th, 75th, 7th second. >> this honor flight land eat reagan national airport today from new york carrying nearly 120 world war ii veterans. the entire flight crew was comprised of veterans as well. very cool. kai jackson will have more on that special flight coming up at 5:00 tonight. you may have heard about the concert for valor down on the national mall playing for this veterans day. >> it is going to be a star studded affair. it's expected to draw hundreds of thousands of people and also mean some changes to metro service. >> kennedy is gibson is live along the national mall with all the details. >> if you have ever been on the national mall for inauguration then you have a pretty good sense of what it will be like down here. the mall will be filled with hundreds of thousands of people. today has been all about putting in some last-minute preparations, getting the barricades set, getting the stage set. in fact, as you zoom in right now you can probably hear someone doing a dress rehearsal. just about an hour ago the singer jesti jay was on stage for dress rehearsal. this is for something called the concert for valor, an hbo event, a made for tv event, and it will make for a nightmare down in these parts come tomorrow. plenty starting at 6:00 in the morning and also metro is readjusting its system all to make sure that everybody can get in and out of this area tomorrow. i am told, though, this is something that we are used to and prepared for. >> this is an event like d.c. has seen before. certainly folks should prepare for some inconveniences obviously, if you're traveling in d.c., steer clear of the mall area. >> all right. so we're back now live. it'll be -- i don't know if you can hear it but in the background right now you can hear them practicing the national anthem. it sounds pretty good. i'm sure there will be a great concert tomorrow. should point out a couple things about the concert. it is going to be on hbo and because it is on-to- honor veterans and pay tribute to them on the big day, it'll be free for anybody who is watching on tv. hbo is going to unscramble its service. reporting live from national mall, kendis gibson, abc 7 news. >> i didn't know you and j-lo were so close. you guys have nicknames. k-gibb out there on the mall. thank you. as kendis mentioned there will be a lot of road closures. we have maps of those closures and more information on metro's plan at >> let's see how things are shaping up tonight for folks traveling in the area. bob, everything looks green there. >> so far not such a bad rush hour on this monday. just a lot of sunshine. mondays tend to be a little lighter this time of the day. for now we're doing all right. on 270 brief slowdowns up through montgomery village and germantown and the beltway, some volume delays. 95 southbound a minor accident near route 1 that should be out of the roadway. further south heaviest. south of dale city past dumfries and the express lane merge. no incidents there. some volume both ways here at river road especially on the inner loop out of tysons headed up for 270 and through bethesda and silver spring at 66 near 123. into the bright sun. again, probably heading out toward centreville. >> thank you, bob. >> we don't have to worry about weather. >> for sure. >> for the commute home today. >> no. weather won't be a problem. later in the week could be inissue. you've been hearing about the cold air and the arctic cold front. because of our vast resources of the weather network and my failure to press the green button at the proper time, this is a weather bug site on our network in boulder, colorado. this was late this morning. watch what happens during the late morning and afternoon, the arctic cold front. there it is. >> wow. >> temperatures plummet. they go from very comfortable temperatures in the 60's to this. >> oh, no! nchingts that's what the front did in boulder. and it's repeated even more intensely at higher elevations in the continental u.s. to southern canada. earlier, 77 in pueblo. now 44. it was 72 in colorado springs. now 36. >> no. >> in denver, at the -- >> 21? >> yeah. 67 earlier this afternoon. 21 now. the bottom dropping out. that is what an arctic cold front will do to you. we are not going to have numbers like that here. we'll get cold but that is a relative term. the chill is incredible off to the north and west of our area. these temperatures in the teens and 20's, cold air will plunge to the south and eventually the east. 62 in chicago. while just a little to the north and west it's 24 in map. these are temperature changes. we'll highlight just to show how dramatic the change is going to happen here and then that dramatic change is going to come here to where we are. so we've had an 11-degree warmer day today than yesterday in chicago. 12 degrees warmer in indianapolis. the other side of the equation, rapid city now 37 degrees colder than this time yesterday all because of this storm that is going to provide the momentum and energy to drag the cold front southeastward. the storm center lifts up to the northeast. snow, wind, all kinds of wild stuff. then the bitter blast comes pushing to the south and eventually to the east. but as the bitter blast moves, trans continentally, other factors will come in and warm up the air a bit. we are going to get colder. 60's today, upper 60's tomorrow. we'll barely be into the 40's for highs on friday. really colder but not the dramatic cold stuff. as you see the front move through the cold blast will lose some of its sting. it looks like wednesday we'll start to cool off, lower 60's and falling temperatures in the afternoon. breezy conditions ch. thursday and friday we see the coldest temperatures coming into our area. here's the next seven days you can see. we'll go down and down and down. and you get right cold here as we head into this upcoming weekend. that's it. >> that'll be good for the concert tomorrow evening. >> that'll be good. >> perfect day. thank you. well, an italian appeals court has cleared seven people in a case that shook the scientific community. the seven defendants all prominent scientists or geological or disaster experts were convicted two years ago for failing to properly warn about an earthquake in italy. the 2009 quake killed 300 people. scientists argued the convictions showed a complete misunderstanding of the science behind earthquakes. >> coming up, president obama says the internet should be free and open to everyone. see how the markets react to that stance on net neutrality of his. >> a little later, why the internet isn't the only place you may have to protect your identity. >> but first, why today's soyuz >> 7 is on your side with an investigation into how long you're waiting at the dmv. >> is the service designed to save you time wasting it? >> anyone who has been to the demilitarize feels this pain. >> it the -- it is the number one thing you want to know when you go to the d.m.v. how long will i have to wait? let's take a look here at the virginia d.m.v. website. these customers are telling us they're going to virginia d.m.v. website first to check the wait time to pick the fastest location but the reality is they wait from three to seven times longer than what was posted online. take a look. fair oaks mall, says wait time 16 minutes. is anyone actually going to wait just 16 minutes to get to the service counter? all right. that is something we checked out undercover. we'll have all that at 11:00. let's go over to d.c. for a moment to show you what they do. kind of interesting. they don't post wait times but they do post these live web pictures. as you can see at this particular branch it's either closed or the camera isn't updating. that's supposed to give you a pretty good idea of how long you'll wait. it doesn't, however, give you the full picture because this live streaming video does not show you the line to get in to even get a service ticket. that can be extraordinarily long. what you need to know, tonight at 11:00 go with us under cover as 7 on your side tests wait times all around the region and also hear from virginia d.m.v. headquarters about whether it is possible to give you a precise and accurate wait time. the live desk, kimberly suters, abc 7. >> 16 minutes? no way. >> those offices are closed. still to come, a police officer trapped inside a burning cruiser. how complete strangers came to his rescue. >> crazy scene there. plus, new evidence of the investigation into what general motors knew and when it knew >> two montgomery county schools' parents will get a chance to voice their frustration with the school system tomorrow. >> this is about two allegations of sexual abuse inside the schools. here is more on the story you saw first here on 7. rich? >> leon, here at roberto clemente middle school and baker middle school parents say they are pretty upset as you said not only about the allegations but what they say are long, long delays in the school district letting them know what was happening. the first incident happened here back on september 30. court documents show jose pineda, a 50-year-old substitute teacher grabbed a 12-year-old female student turg can science class, touched her from behind, and did it several more times. pineda was arrested october 14. a letter didn't go out to parents until this past friday. this wasn't the first time. there was a 44-year-old contract worker who allegedly touched a 12-year-old girl october 6. parents didn't find out until nearly a month later. there is a lot of frustration out there. >> why weren't we notified when it happened? they notify us on many things on a regular basis. why did it take so long to let us know this incident happened? >> now, the school district has apologized, said it really should have notified the parents a lot earlier. they say they are looking into the parental notification procedures. as you guys mentioned, there will be public p.t.a. meetings at baker and roberto clemente and, certainly, we think both these issues will come up. reporting live, richard reeve, abc 7 news. >> thank you, rich. president obama is throwing his support behind the concept of net neutrality and the president is asking the federal communications commission to reclassify the internet as a utility. that would make it subject to regulations like electricity and telephone services are. >> they should make it clear whether you use a computer or a tablet internet providers have a legal obligation not to block or limit your access to a website. cable companies can't decide which online stores you can shop at. or which streaming services you can use. they can't let any company pay for priority over its competitors. >> the potential ban on the content deals and the possibility of heavier government regulation sent stocks down for several cable companies. u.s. cable stocks plummeted after the president issued that statement. talking about plummeting -- as we heard doug say a moment ago get ready for the temperatures to do just that. >> it's coming. chief meteorologist doug hill is in the weather center with a look at when the chill will come to town. >> we'll first start to feel it wednesday when the cold front goes through but the real core cold air is hanging back about 18, 24 hours behind that. we'll give you details. for the moment, 60 degrees. clear skies outside the studios in northwest. 61 gaithersburg. 64 in the nation's capital. as we head through the evening hours we'll enjoy clear skies, 38 to 46. the overnight range of temperatures, suburban to downtown washington being the warmest. then as we get through the day tomorrow it looks just fine for veterans day. in fact, the concert for valor tomorrow night, it is going to be just about ideal with temperatures in the 50's. a nice southerly wind. mostly clear skies on the national mall. that is perfect timing because you really don't have the concert thursday night or friday. highs only in the upper 40's thursday. early friday morning the real push of cold air arrives. maybe a rain or snow shower. highs at best in the low 40's and then warm all the way up through the upper 40's over the weekend. we'll look at some of these bitterly cold temperatures when i join you in studio in a few moments. >> thank you. severe weather would likely be a factor in the deadly plane crash that killed a prominent pastor and his wife in the bahamas according to the bahamas foreign minister. the crash killed nine people including dr. miles monroe and his wife. the learjet hit a crane in a ship yard and crashed as it was approaching grand bahama national airport. members of dr. monroe's congregation were in shock when they heard the news. >> the aircraft involved belonged to dr. miles monroe, founder, president, and senior pastor, who was onboard at the time along with his wife, ruth anne, and dr. richard pinder, senior vice president and pastor of bahama safe ministries. there were additional passengers and two pilots onboard. >> a full investigation into exactly what happened is still under way. >> accusations surfaced today that automotive giant general motors was secretly working to fix a major problem with its vehicles before the problem became public. kai jackson joins us from the live desk with more on the new claims related to a nationwide rrl. >> what's the story? >> there were a half million defective ignition switches in popular models, and the case is being held now in a detroit courtroom. an attorney released e-mail that appear to raise questions about what gm knew about the defective switches and when. the chain of e-mails between lower level gm employees and delphi corporation appear to indicate gm knew at least by december 18th, 2013. they didn't decide on a recall until january, 2014, and alerted the government a month later on february 7. the switches can slip out of position, causing a host of problems like loss of power, steering, brakes, and air bags. that's what we know about that right now. 32 people have died reportedly related to the faulty switches. gm eventually recalled 2.6 million cars. now, in its defense, gm says it is standard procedure to start ordering parts before a recall decision is made. leon? >> thank you, kai. boy, we don't know what happened with this particular car in this next story, but a police officer in philadelphia has two strangers to think for a dramatic rescue that saved his life. >> in this video you can see flames shooting out of the police cruiser. investigators say the 30-year-old officer crashed his car, which then caught on fire. a teenage volunteer firefighter and his neighbor were at the right place at the right time. they jumped in to pull the officer to safety. >> i said, get out. he said, i can't feel my legs. his door was jammed shut. i said, i can't get you out through the door. i'll get you out through the window. >> once they pulled the officer to the curb they say the car burst into flames. the officer did need to go to the hospital but is expected to be just fine. >> all right. a maryland astronaut back on solid ground this afternoon. >> he is one of three members of the international space station crew which landed in cazzick stan this morning. the soyuz capsule brought him home and his return also means an end to amazing photographs from the international space station. he has been providing us with a lot. abc spoke with him back in august about the mission and some of the great pictures that he was tweeting out at the time. you can see more of them on our website, >> i think what he wants to see first is a crabcake. >> that's right. >> get that man some crabs. you may have heard about christmas in july. what about november? >> find out why one family was celebrating a month early, coming up. >> plus the man arrested with hundreds of pieces of mail in his car. what this means for your personal security. >> but first, 45 years of learning and fun. you're looking at some of your >> good morning america! >> with robin roberts and george snuffle-upus. >> stephanopolus. >> you know where he was going with that. the cast of "sesame street" on good morning america" today. this has been trending all day online. this is on the wjla facebook page. when my kids were small we got a kitten. kids couldn't decide between the name of bert or ernie so our kitty was named bert-ernie for the first 20 years we had him. uch a fond memory. verna writes, roosevelt franklin was the coolest muppet ever. i hope they bring him back one day. share your favorite "sesame street" memories on the wjla facebook page. >> 35 years. so many kids grew up with them. >> "sesame street" was probably already a senior in college by the time you were born. >> you know? >> all right. a heart warming wish come true for a little boy battling stage four cancer. >> he made memories this weekend celebrating christmas early. but 10-year-old jonathan davis suffers from neuro blastoma. his friends and family gathered in bellevue, texas for the early holiday festivities. he cut a christmas tree, rode a wagon and even met mrs. klaus and opened presents. the celebration was held by an organization that helps kids with cancer. >> we know it's early but we had to make it happen soon. you look at how frail he is and . w weak he is >> oh, despite how much energy it took out of him, jonathan did enjoy his early christmas celebration. he is now living in hospice. >> as you texans would say, bless his heart. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00 an overhaul for the menu at a popular pizza place may have you scratching your head. >> take a look at rush hour on the newest stretch of the i.c.c. i'm brad bell. when we come back, what motorists and state officials are saying about >> here is the view from news chopper 7 over the last segment of the intercounty connector as crews put the finishing touches on the road. this is from last week. today that section of road opened up to drivers. it was from interstate 95 to route 1 north of the beltway. maryland bureau chief brad bell is live in beltsville tonight with a look at whether drivers are actually using this road. brad, not seeing much activity there. >> no. there isn't, leon. we just set ten minutes on the stop watch on our phone and counted cars. both directions, ten minutes, 40 vehicles at what right now is the heart of rush hour. now, this stretch here really just about half a mile west of route 1. you can see the road is all set up. that big brown thing there, the toll collector, an extra 40 cents to drive this patch past i-95. makes the total drive from gaithersburg to here to beltsville, $4.40. it cost $89 million to build this stretch, more than $2 billion to build the entire i.c.c. you know what? when we talked to those people who are using the road today, we didn't really hear any complaints. >> it is a very pleasant drive. it's much less trafficy. it is very nice because there isn't much traffic coming from olney. it is costly. but it is worth it. >> well, what you can see around me behind here is a lot of open space and one of the things we're hearing is we don't expect this road to be used much in the near future but there is going to be a lot of development around here. at 6:00 we'll have more on the story including hearing from the mayor of laurel. he said he believes this roadway is going to be good for his town. we'll tell you why when we have the story. >> all right. you got it. thanks, brad. today a former georgetown university student convicted of having the agent ricin in his room was sentenced to a year in prison. >> it is unclear if the seven months daniel milzman already sat in jail will go toward the sentence. our question of the day is what do you think of the sentence? nicole posts, quote, ricin can kill in very small amounts. he is a terrorist and should be sentenced as such. and ricky writes, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. >> katrina echoed a sentiment we heard on the wjla facebook page. one year? i sadly think if he hadn't ban rich white kid he would have received a much stiffer penalty. you can join the conversation on the wjla facebook page. let us know what you think. >> well, next time you see someone suspicious in your neighborhood maybe working around they may not be thinking about breaking into your house. in our 7 on your side consumer alert, why they actually might be scheming to steal your identity. >> these people were arrested after police were tipped off by a 911 call simply about a suspicious car. >> these two people were in the neighborhood going through mail boxes taking mail. >> police found more than 750 pieces of mail when they pulled the car over. this led to a search warrant of their home. >> we found various identifying information, other people's credit cards. a lot of stuff that didn't belong to hem. fplgts postal inspectors discovered the latest technology identity thieves are using to commit these crimes. >> they can make credit cards, driver's licenses, forge checks, there is check making software. they can make safe checks that look pretty good, pretty real to the banking system. >> how can you keep yourself safe? postal inspectors say keep track of all your identifying information. if you need to mail a check in order to pay a bill, bring it directly to the post office or you can drop it off in one of their secure blue collection boxes. it is also a good idea to know the exact delivery schedule in your neighborhood. >> know when the mail person comes to your house and delivers the mail and try not to let it sit overnight or if you're on vacation forget to put a hold. >> and of course report the suspicious cars creeping around your neighborhood. >> that reporter looks so familiar. >> did she do a good job? >> she did. >> all right. pizza hut is giving its menu a makeover after nearly two years of declining sales. the pizza chain is adding a section of skinny pies that are lower in calories. they're also adding specialty pies such as the pretzel piggy made with a parmesan sauce: the crust has a flavor like salted pretzel. the changes will begin in stores on november 19. >> doesn't sound like that is going to be on your plate anytime soon. here is a look at what we're working on for abc 7 news at 5:00. police release new details about what happened in mclean when a home invasion turned violent on a quiet street. >> and a very special flight arrives at reagan national airport just in time for veterans day. hear what everyone onboard, even the crew, all have in common. >> and mcdonald's recalls a happy meal toy because it could be a choking hazard for your child. the details of that, coming up right here at 5:00. >> all right. in the meantime, details on the weather. >> practice sugar? >> no, no. >> get ready. >> tomorrow is going to be gorgeous. let's get to your coverage on a monday afternoon. clear skies. down here in a little less than ten minutes the soun down. if you look at the numbers at the right-hand side those were the lows this morning. it was plenty chilly, in the mid 30's. it looks like we'll be in the upper 30's to lower 40's by early tomorrow morning and very pleasant all across the entire region with a nice push of mild air ahead of the first cold front coming through. 60 right now at washington dulles and quantico. 57 degrees annapolis. temperatures are going to drop slowly at first then more dramatically later on. this is what we think the temperatures will be like in the morning. 35 in marlinsburg, frederick. 48 in annapolis. 44 degrees near andrews air force. a couple -- a few clouds around and future cast may even have some fog up over the bay and the eastern shore tomorrow morning. then that will burn off and be partly cloudy with the upper 60's. then we look ahead to the first cold front starting to show up coming through wednesday morning. no rain with it. just a change in the wind direction and a bit cooler temperatures. so tomorrow chilly then warming up to 67 degrees. then we get through tomorrow, it looks as though in the afternoon 67 will be your high. it'll be just fine especially for the concert for valor on the mall tomorrow night. temperatures in the 50's. that is good news. here's the rest of the seven day. watch the temperatures start to turn a bit cooler on wednesday. it becomes breezy with the cold front. 48 and breezy on thursday. friday, friday morning early we could have a rain or snow shower in some areas at best hitting 44 in the afternoon. then we'll stay in the upper 40's through the weekend and early next week so a definite change is in the air. >> looking at our first snow then you think? >> as a legalist if we have a snowflake i guess you would say that is our first snow. strictly speaking, no. >> okay. >> but legally speaking, yes. >> nothing you can call in sick for. >> oh, thank you. >> you got to come to work. >> okay. >> speaking of driving, let's check the traffic situation. bob? >> certainly some dry pavement out there and right now just volume delays on the beltway both ways between the dulles toll road and 270. traffic on 66 westbound doing all right. just a lot of volume heading out to centreville as always. 95 south, a bit of a crash in woodbridge near route 1. that's gone but a little further south maybe a bit of a hangup with a new crash near triangle in fact just after exit 148 at quantico. let's see what things look like on 95 right now. at dumfries it doesn't look bad. they must have moved it out of the roadway already on 95 near exit 148 at quantico. on 270 and montgomery, a slowdown heading up to germantown this afternoon. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, just days after the president said it would happen, more american troops start arriving in iraq. >> we will hear from a member of the virginia delegation about the ramp >> on the eve of veterans day major military developments. >> more u.s. troops arriving today in iraq as the president ramps up the show of force there in the fight against isil. we'll go to the live desk for a look at what we're seeing in iraq. scott thuman? >> the big news is that we really have more troops arriving and they are setting the stage and serving the area for those being called noncombat troops in iraq that would number close to 3,000 soon. the president and the pentagon saying the u.s. forces will only be used to train and advise iraqi troops who are fighting isil. that means doubling personnel there. also, spending about $5.6 billion and members of congress are saying the president really needs to go through congress for permission saying he doesn't have the power to keep doing this and they want a clear definition of the mission before putting more lives in harm's way. are you okay with this plan? >> i am only okay with it if congress debates and votes on it. i'm not okay if we don't. we need to. i do think the president has sort of changed his position from i would welcome congress to, you know, i don't actually need congress. i think the president's realized the scope of the mission is expanding and it will likely take longer to be successful maybe than originally thought. >> so how big could this mission get if the government, being up front about the direction and the dangers involved, we have more on that and an enlightening conversation with senator kaine and what the president has to say, too, tonight at 6:00. that's it for abc 7 news at 4:00. abc 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. >> this is abc seven news at 5:00, on your side for subjects -- in your side. >> they didn't have any water. >> no water and no flushing toilets and an elementary school. that had parents asking whether kids were sent there in the first place today. >> the water main break is now fixed, but crews are still .eiring the torn up road harmony hills elementary school stayed open throughout the morning even though there was no for sanitary service. parents are angry and want answers. >> you can see behind me they've made considerable progress out here. you can see this huge crater from this ruptured water main is now paved over. they're still quite a bit of work to be done before it is reopened to traffic. in the meantime, getting back to harm an elementary school, -- harmony hills elementary school, some parents are very upset that there's children were sent to school with no running water. crews are working to get this act open to traffic as soon as possible. it was as going on? >> broken water main about 5:00 sunday night. the ruptured line cut off water to dozens of customers through just before noon today. once the water came back on, some customers said it was far from drinkable. among the homes and businesses affected, harmony hills elementary. >> it was not good. since they are not flushing, nothing. >> some parents were learned -- were surprised to learn that the water columns extended to their child's school. >> there was no water at my place, but i didn't know they didn't have it at the schools. couldn't drink it because the research in it. >> the building apparently had little to no water earlier in the day. known then, ihave would have just cap my child at home. i just talked with the representative of montgomery county pli

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Montana , United States , Arlington , Texas , Alaska , Minnesota , California , Dumfries , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Bahamas , The , Richmond , Beltsville , Maryland , Chesapeake , Montgomery Village , Quantico , Centreville , Dale City , Brentwood Post Office , Georgetown University , Chicago , Illinois , New York , Canada , Fredericksburg , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , Gaithersburg , Minneapolis , Irvine , Denver , Colorado , Oaks Mall , Iraq , Nebraska , Colorado Springs , Norfolk , Boulder , Montgomery County , Germantown , Italy , Hawaii , Texans , Italian , America , Virginians , Iraqi , American , Larry Hogan , Tim Kaine , Jose Pineda , Wjla Facebook , Sam Ford , Skai Jackson , Richard Reeve , Roberto Clemente , Brad Bell , Marci Gonzalez , Ruth Anne , Jonathan Davis , Robert Macdonald , Gabriel Smith , Anthony Brown , Roosevelt Franklin , Horace Holmes , Richard Pinder , Robin Roberts ,

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require daily monitoring starting tomorrow. today marks 21 days since kaci hickox' last exposure to an ebola patient. she said she wants to be an advocate for health care workers and will continue speaking out on their behalf. >> right now crews are working to get part of georgia avenue back open in as penn hill. this is after a water main break along the ramp to connecticut avenue happened this morning. stephen tschida joins us live for an update. >> this is what we've got going on here right now. you can see the repair crews busy and trying to get this span repaired. this is a vital link between georgia avenue and connecticut avenue. very busy during the morning rush hour. you can see they're trying to smooth out the pavement here. it has been taking all day to get this repaired. now, what happened about 5:00 last night, the water main ruptured. the 10-inch main, 48 years old, caused major problems. cut-off water to dozens of homes, businesses, even schools. now the wssc says that it is anxiously trying to get this repaired. they're working very hard. they do not expect to have traffic moving through here this evening during the rush. >> i guess it is unfortunate but there is not a whole heck of a lot they can do. luckily they can get it fixed. everybody is coming out of the city which they get home from work so hopefully it won't be too bad, but connecticut avenue is a big road here. >> yeah. you can see behind me that still traffic if you can see through there, it is backing up traffic heading southbound trying to get on connecticut avenue. this is not the morning rush hour. it is going into the evening rush, but, still, traffic is backed up there. the best estimates wssc can give us as far as to when this might be open again and traffic moving here smoothly, they're hoping by the morning rush hour. reporting live, stephen tschida, abc 7 news. >> stephen, unfortunately, we could start to see more water main breaks as winter's cold starts moving into the area. arctic weather is already sweeping across parts of the united states right now. montana, the dakotas, and minnesota are getting hit with snow and could even see as much as up to 10 inches by tonight. by the time the system pushes through, few states will escape the bitter winter weather. >> what a wakeup call that winter is on its way. as much as two feet of snow expected in the upper midwest, and it is already coming down. it's blanketing roads in minnesota, causing crashes and sending cars sliding. >> i saw one or two spinouts but i think everyone kind of got it. >> a little scary the first time because people are relearning how to drive on snow. >> runways shut down, dozens of flights canceled at minneapolis/st. paul international airport. the big shift in weather all caused by this, the remnants of the powerful, 800-milewide storm that battered alaska now pushing the jet stream south bringing an arctic blast of bitter cold. temperatures are expected to plunge as much as 30 degrees below normal for much of the country. >> it is going to be a true taste of winter. >> and while this may be great news for little snow angels and for george, not everyone is so happy that the days of winter coats and shoveling snow are back already. forecasters say the only parts of the country avoiding the big temperature change will be the southwest, hawaii, alaska, and south florida. abc 7 news, marci gonzalez. >> we just put the snow shovels away. that system will bring the coldest air of the season to our area this week. >> you know what else it'll bring? some sleep. >> hey, we'll have more mild weather before the cold weather arrives. when it comes, it is going to be cold but not the kind of cold they're having in montana and the dakotas. let's get you off to a good start on a monday afternoon, the time lapse from river bend golf and country club in great falls. a chilly morning but a beautiful day into the lower 60's. tomorrow, highs in the upper 60's. 64 in washington now. 67 in fredericksburg. frederick 66 degrees. 63 now in winchester. it'll be clear and chilly overnight. 38 to 46 degrees by morning. light winds. so bundle up and dress the children accordingly. we'll spend a lot of time this week looking at this cold air out west. these are the current temperatures. 17 in billings and rapid city. 21 minot. these are the air temperatures. that's about 35, 38 degrees below average for them right now. and it's only going to get colder as the blast heads south. then the blast heads east toward our area. we'll give you the timing exactly what to expect in just a few minutes. >> okay, doug. see you then. thank you. two maryland teenagers accused of trying to steal girl scout cookies are now facing charges. the incident happened saturday in severn. police say a 12-year-old and 13-year-old girl were selling the cookies from a wagon. when the girls stepped away, two young men grabbed the wagon and took off in a car. a homeowner heard the girls scream, jumped in his car, and followed the suspects. 18-year-old gabriel smith and a 17-year-old boy are both charged with theft. >> the latest hit to the u.s. postal service is actually an attack on some of the 800,000 employees. the agency says that some of their social security numbers might have been compromised in a cyber attack. sabs's horace holmes is live in northeast washington tonight with the latest on this developing story. horace? >> i'm here at the brentwood post office, the largest postal facility in all of the district. there are hundreds of people who work here. all of them are affected by this breach. any information they would use on their personal computers has been compromised -- their personal information like their names, dates of birth, social security numbers. i talked to the head of the union that represents all the workers in the d.c. area. she is very concerned about this. >> we don't know when it happened, so our information came in a month or so ago. >> obviously concerned. >> yeah, yeah. you look at the list -- it's name, social, date of birth, your address, whatever. hatever is in there. >> and this affects postal workers across the country. 800,000 people all the way up the chain maybe even to the post master general, himself. coming up tonight at 5:00, we'll talk about what the postal service is doing and whether you and i, consumers, should be concerned about this. reporting live in northeast, horace holmes, sabs 7 news. >> the federal government spends a couple billion dollars a year to protect sensitive information of its employees. between 2009 and 2013 the number of breaches on gov and mils sites went from 27,000 to more than 46,000 according to the emergency readiness team. and the team responded to 228,700 cyber incidents last year. that's more than double the number from 2009. >> it's not hacking but mismanagement that has been the problem for the department of veterans affairs in recent years. kai jackson is at the live desk with more about a major reorganization for the agency. kai? >> when you're active in serving the military the military is responsible for your medical care. once you're out men and women look to the v.a. for that help. today an announcement of a big overhaul at the agency following numerous complaints of poor service. robert macdonald, the v.a. secretary, says he will put a process in place to make it easier to receive care. one goal is to simplify the process because he says many patients don't know where to go. he says some changes won't be immediately visible like streamlining organizational structures across the country and they will design a website that creates one entry point into the system. this is important because he says this will eliminate multiple user names and passwords currently in place. he is also promising better customer service. >> we need to focus externally and care only about veteran outcomes, and put in place the organization structure we need to care for veterans. >> robert mcdonald is new, a graduate of the united states military academy, west point, and served in the army for five years. he's retired as chairman, president, and ceo of proctor and gamble before being appointed and confirmed v.a. secretary july 30 of this year. >> okay, kai jackson live for us in our newsroom. thank you. maryland's governor-elect is planning a tour to thank voters. larry hogan's "thank you tour" is set to begin tomorrow in st. mary's county. a campaign spokeswoman says more details will be released later today. hogan was the republican and defeated lieutenant governor anthony brown in last week's election. the montgomery county executive will sign legislation aimed at helping people previously convicted of crimes get a job. ban the box delays the employer's ability to find out about a job applicant's criminal record. the criminal history won't be available now until the end of the first job interview. >> lawmakers in virginia are back in work for a packed special session. legislators are set to vote on a new virginia supreme court justice. only one candidate has been interviewed so far for that job. lawmakers also plan to use the late session to make a final tweaking to the budget. the republican senate majority leader is introducing a bill to allow virginians to renew their healthcare plans that don't meet affordable care act standards. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, scientists learn their fate after being sued for not giving a country a warning about the potential for earthquakes. >> a little later, a substitute teacher charged with sexually assaulting a student for the second time in a month. parents are asking why they weren't notified sooner. >> plus the investigation into the plane crash that claimed the life of a prominent minister and his wife. >> you have actors and singers and hundreds of thousands of people all on the national mall. that's should make for smooth sailing on the roads and >> the marine corps is celebrating its 239th birthday today. u.s. senator tim kaine attended a wreath laying ceremony at the marine corps war memorial in arlington to mark the anniversary. he spoke with abc 7's senior political reporter scott thuman after the event and we'll have more right here at 4:55 on that. of course, tomorrow is veterans day. a new study by the financial website wallet hub names d.c. as the 14th best city in the country for veterans. the site looked at factors like the number of jobs for people with military skills, number of businesses owned by veterans, the unemployment rate for veterans, and the rate of wage growth. lincoln, nebraska ranked number one followed by gilbert, arizona, and irvine, california. chesapeake, virginia beach, norfolk, richmond, virginia all and 70th, 75th, 7th second. >> this honor flight land eat reagan national airport today from new york carrying nearly 120 world war ii veterans. the entire flight crew was comprised of veterans as well. very cool. kai jackson will have more on that special flight coming up at 5:00 tonight. you may have heard about the concert for valor down on the national mall playing for this veterans day. >> it is going to be a star studded affair. it's expected to draw hundreds of thousands of people and also mean some changes to metro service. >> kennedy is gibson is live along the national mall with all the details. >> if you have ever been on the national mall for inauguration then you have a pretty good sense of what it will be like down here. the mall will be filled with hundreds of thousands of people. today has been all about putting in some last-minute preparations, getting the barricades set, getting the stage set. in fact, as you zoom in right now you can probably hear someone doing a dress rehearsal. just about an hour ago the singer jesti jay was on stage for dress rehearsal. this is for something called the concert for valor, an hbo event, a made for tv event, and it will make for a nightmare down in these parts come tomorrow. plenty starting at 6:00 in the morning and also metro is readjusting its system all to make sure that everybody can get in and out of this area tomorrow. i am told, though, this is something that we are used to and prepared for. >> this is an event like d.c. has seen before. certainly folks should prepare for some inconveniences obviously, if you're traveling in d.c., steer clear of the mall area. >> all right. so we're back now live. it'll be -- i don't know if you can hear it but in the background right now you can hear them practicing the national anthem. it sounds pretty good. i'm sure there will be a great concert tomorrow. should point out a couple things about the concert. it is going to be on hbo and because it is on-to- honor veterans and pay tribute to them on the big day, it'll be free for anybody who is watching on tv. hbo is going to unscramble its service. reporting live from national mall, kendis gibson, abc 7 news. >> i didn't know you and j-lo were so close. you guys have nicknames. k-gibb out there on the mall. thank you. as kendis mentioned there will be a lot of road closures. we have maps of those closures and more information on metro's plan at >> let's see how things are shaping up tonight for folks traveling in the area. bob, everything looks green there. >> so far not such a bad rush hour on this monday. just a lot of sunshine. mondays tend to be a little lighter this time of the day. for now we're doing all right. on 270 brief slowdowns up through montgomery village and germantown and the beltway, some volume delays. 95 southbound a minor accident near route 1 that should be out of the roadway. further south heaviest. south of dale city past dumfries and the express lane merge. no incidents there. some volume both ways here at river road especially on the inner loop out of tysons headed up for 270 and through bethesda and silver spring at 66 near 123. into the bright sun. again, probably heading out toward centreville. >> thank you, bob. >> we don't have to worry about weather. >> for sure. >> for the commute home today. >> no. weather won't be a problem. later in the week could be inissue. you've been hearing about the cold air and the arctic cold front. because of our vast resources of the weather network and my failure to press the green button at the proper time, this is a weather bug site on our network in boulder, colorado. this was late this morning. watch what happens during the late morning and afternoon, the arctic cold front. there it is. >> wow. >> temperatures plummet. they go from very comfortable temperatures in the 60's to this. >> oh, no! nchingts that's what the front did in boulder. and it's repeated even more intensely at higher elevations in the continental u.s. to southern canada. earlier, 77 in pueblo. now 44. it was 72 in colorado springs. now 36. >> no. >> in denver, at the -- >> 21? >> yeah. 67 earlier this afternoon. 21 now. the bottom dropping out. that is what an arctic cold front will do to you. we are not going to have numbers like that here. we'll get cold but that is a relative term. the chill is incredible off to the north and west of our area. these temperatures in the teens and 20's, cold air will plunge to the south and eventually the east. 62 in chicago. while just a little to the north and west it's 24 in map. these are temperature changes. we'll highlight just to show how dramatic the change is going to happen here and then that dramatic change is going to come here to where we are. so we've had an 11-degree warmer day today than yesterday in chicago. 12 degrees warmer in indianapolis. the other side of the equation, rapid city now 37 degrees colder than this time yesterday all because of this storm that is going to provide the momentum and energy to drag the cold front southeastward. the storm center lifts up to the northeast. snow, wind, all kinds of wild stuff. then the bitter blast comes pushing to the south and eventually to the east. but as the bitter blast moves, trans continentally, other factors will come in and warm up the air a bit. we are going to get colder. 60's today, upper 60's tomorrow. we'll barely be into the 40's for highs on friday. really colder but not the dramatic cold stuff. as you see the front move through the cold blast will lose some of its sting. it looks like wednesday we'll start to cool off, lower 60's and falling temperatures in the afternoon. breezy conditions ch. thursday and friday we see the coldest temperatures coming into our area. here's the next seven days you can see. we'll go down and down and down. and you get right cold here as we head into this upcoming weekend. that's it. >> that'll be good for the concert tomorrow evening. >> that'll be good. >> perfect day. thank you. well, an italian appeals court has cleared seven people in a case that shook the scientific community. the seven defendants all prominent scientists or geological or disaster experts were convicted two years ago for failing to properly warn about an earthquake in italy. the 2009 quake killed 300 people. scientists argued the convictions showed a complete misunderstanding of the science behind earthquakes. >> coming up, president obama says the internet should be free and open to everyone. see how the markets react to that stance on net neutrality of his. >> a little later, why the internet isn't the only place you may have to protect your identity. >> but first, why today's soyuz >> 7 is on your side with an investigation into how long you're waiting at the dmv. >> is the service designed to save you time wasting it? >> anyone who has been to the demilitarize feels this pain. >> it the -- it is the number one thing you want to know when you go to the d.m.v. how long will i have to wait? let's take a look here at the virginia d.m.v. website. these customers are telling us they're going to virginia d.m.v. website first to check the wait time to pick the fastest location but the reality is they wait from three to seven times longer than what was posted online. take a look. fair oaks mall, says wait time 16 minutes. is anyone actually going to wait just 16 minutes to get to the service counter? all right. that is something we checked out undercover. we'll have all that at 11:00. let's go over to d.c. for a moment to show you what they do. kind of interesting. they don't post wait times but they do post these live web pictures. as you can see at this particular branch it's either closed or the camera isn't updating. that's supposed to give you a pretty good idea of how long you'll wait. it doesn't, however, give you the full picture because this live streaming video does not show you the line to get in to even get a service ticket. that can be extraordinarily long. what you need to know, tonight at 11:00 go with us under cover as 7 on your side tests wait times all around the region and also hear from virginia d.m.v. headquarters about whether it is possible to give you a precise and accurate wait time. the live desk, kimberly suters, abc 7. >> 16 minutes? no way. >> those offices are closed. still to come, a police officer trapped inside a burning cruiser. how complete strangers came to his rescue. >> crazy scene there. plus, new evidence of the investigation into what general motors knew and when it knew >> two montgomery county schools' parents will get a chance to voice their frustration with the school system tomorrow. >> this is about two allegations of sexual abuse inside the schools. here is more on the story you saw first here on 7. rich? >> leon, here at roberto clemente middle school and baker middle school parents say they are pretty upset as you said not only about the allegations but what they say are long, long delays in the school district letting them know what was happening. the first incident happened here back on september 30. court documents show jose pineda, a 50-year-old substitute teacher grabbed a 12-year-old female student turg can science class, touched her from behind, and did it several more times. pineda was arrested october 14. a letter didn't go out to parents until this past friday. this wasn't the first time. there was a 44-year-old contract worker who allegedly touched a 12-year-old girl october 6. parents didn't find out until nearly a month later. there is a lot of frustration out there. >> why weren't we notified when it happened? they notify us on many things on a regular basis. why did it take so long to let us know this incident happened? >> now, the school district has apologized, said it really should have notified the parents a lot earlier. they say they are looking into the parental notification procedures. as you guys mentioned, there will be public p.t.a. meetings at baker and roberto clemente and, certainly, we think both these issues will come up. reporting live, richard reeve, abc 7 news. >> thank you, rich. president obama is throwing his support behind the concept of net neutrality and the president is asking the federal communications commission to reclassify the internet as a utility. that would make it subject to regulations like electricity and telephone services are. >> they should make it clear whether you use a computer or a tablet internet providers have a legal obligation not to block or limit your access to a website. cable companies can't decide which online stores you can shop at. or which streaming services you can use. they can't let any company pay for priority over its competitors. >> the potential ban on the content deals and the possibility of heavier government regulation sent stocks down for several cable companies. u.s. cable stocks plummeted after the president issued that statement. talking about plummeting -- as we heard doug say a moment ago get ready for the temperatures to do just that. >> it's coming. chief meteorologist doug hill is in the weather center with a look at when the chill will come to town. >> we'll first start to feel it wednesday when the cold front goes through but the real core cold air is hanging back about 18, 24 hours behind that. we'll give you details. for the moment, 60 degrees. clear skies outside the studios in northwest. 61 gaithersburg. 64 in the nation's capital. as we head through the evening hours we'll enjoy clear skies, 38 to 46. the overnight range of temperatures, suburban to downtown washington being the warmest. then as we get through the day tomorrow it looks just fine for veterans day. in fact, the concert for valor tomorrow night, it is going to be just about ideal with temperatures in the 50's. a nice southerly wind. mostly clear skies on the national mall. that is perfect timing because you really don't have the concert thursday night or friday. highs only in the upper 40's thursday. early friday morning the real push of cold air arrives. maybe a rain or snow shower. highs at best in the low 40's and then warm all the way up through the upper 40's over the weekend. we'll look at some of these bitterly cold temperatures when i join you in studio in a few moments. >> thank you. severe weather would likely be a factor in the deadly plane crash that killed a prominent pastor and his wife in the bahamas according to the bahamas foreign minister. the crash killed nine people including dr. miles monroe and his wife. the learjet hit a crane in a ship yard and crashed as it was approaching grand bahama national airport. members of dr. monroe's congregation were in shock when they heard the news. >> the aircraft involved belonged to dr. miles monroe, founder, president, and senior pastor, who was onboard at the time along with his wife, ruth anne, and dr. richard pinder, senior vice president and pastor of bahama safe ministries. there were additional passengers and two pilots onboard. >> a full investigation into exactly what happened is still under way. >> accusations surfaced today that automotive giant general motors was secretly working to fix a major problem with its vehicles before the problem became public. kai jackson joins us from the live desk with more on the new claims related to a nationwide rrl. >> what's the story? >> there were a half million defective ignition switches in popular models, and the case is being held now in a detroit courtroom. an attorney released e-mail that appear to raise questions about what gm knew about the defective switches and when. the chain of e-mails between lower level gm employees and delphi corporation appear to indicate gm knew at least by december 18th, 2013. they didn't decide on a recall until january, 2014, and alerted the government a month later on february 7. the switches can slip out of position, causing a host of problems like loss of power, steering, brakes, and air bags. that's what we know about that right now. 32 people have died reportedly related to the faulty switches. gm eventually recalled 2.6 million cars. now, in its defense, gm says it is standard procedure to start ordering parts before a recall decision is made. leon? >> thank you, kai. boy, we don't know what happened with this particular car in this next story, but a police officer in philadelphia has two strangers to think for a dramatic rescue that saved his life. >> in this video you can see flames shooting out of the police cruiser. investigators say the 30-year-old officer crashed his car, which then caught on fire. a teenage volunteer firefighter and his neighbor were at the right place at the right time. they jumped in to pull the officer to safety. >> i said, get out. he said, i can't feel my legs. his door was jammed shut. i said, i can't get you out through the door. i'll get you out through the window. >> once they pulled the officer to the curb they say the car burst into flames. the officer did need to go to the hospital but is expected to be just fine. >> all right. a maryland astronaut back on solid ground this afternoon. >> he is one of three members of the international space station crew which landed in cazzick stan this morning. the soyuz capsule brought him home and his return also means an end to amazing photographs from the international space station. he has been providing us with a lot. abc spoke with him back in august about the mission and some of the great pictures that he was tweeting out at the time. you can see more of them on our website, >> i think what he wants to see first is a crabcake. >> that's right. >> get that man some crabs. you may have heard about christmas in july. what about november? >> find out why one family was celebrating a month early, coming up. >> plus the man arrested with hundreds of pieces of mail in his car. what this means for your personal security. >> but first, 45 years of learning and fun. you're looking at some of your >> good morning america! >> with robin roberts and george snuffle-upus. >> stephanopolus. >> you know where he was going with that. the cast of "sesame street" on good morning america" today. this has been trending all day online. this is on the wjla facebook page. when my kids were small we got a kitten. kids couldn't decide between the name of bert or ernie so our kitty was named bert-ernie for the first 20 years we had him. uch a fond memory. verna writes, roosevelt franklin was the coolest muppet ever. i hope they bring him back one day. share your favorite "sesame street" memories on the wjla facebook page. >> 35 years. so many kids grew up with them. >> "sesame street" was probably already a senior in college by the time you were born. >> you know? >> all right. a heart warming wish come true for a little boy battling stage four cancer. >> he made memories this weekend celebrating christmas early. but 10-year-old jonathan davis suffers from neuro blastoma. his friends and family gathered in bellevue, texas for the early holiday festivities. he cut a christmas tree, rode a wagon and even met mrs. klaus and opened presents. the celebration was held by an organization that helps kids with cancer. >> we know it's early but we had to make it happen soon. you look at how frail he is and . w weak he is >> oh, despite how much energy it took out of him, jonathan did enjoy his early christmas celebration. he is now living in hospice. >> as you texans would say, bless his heart. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00 an overhaul for the menu at a popular pizza place may have you scratching your head. >> take a look at rush hour on the newest stretch of the i.c.c. i'm brad bell. when we come back, what motorists and state officials are saying about >> here is the view from news chopper 7 over the last segment of the intercounty connector as crews put the finishing touches on the road. this is from last week. today that section of road opened up to drivers. it was from interstate 95 to route 1 north of the beltway. maryland bureau chief brad bell is live in beltsville tonight with a look at whether drivers are actually using this road. brad, not seeing much activity there. >> no. there isn't, leon. we just set ten minutes on the stop watch on our phone and counted cars. both directions, ten minutes, 40 vehicles at what right now is the heart of rush hour. now, this stretch here really just about half a mile west of route 1. you can see the road is all set up. that big brown thing there, the toll collector, an extra 40 cents to drive this patch past i-95. makes the total drive from gaithersburg to here to beltsville, $4.40. it cost $89 million to build this stretch, more than $2 billion to build the entire i.c.c. you know what? when we talked to those people who are using the road today, we didn't really hear any complaints. >> it is a very pleasant drive. it's much less trafficy. it is very nice because there isn't much traffic coming from olney. it is costly. but it is worth it. >> well, what you can see around me behind here is a lot of open space and one of the things we're hearing is we don't expect this road to be used much in the near future but there is going to be a lot of development around here. at 6:00 we'll have more on the story including hearing from the mayor of laurel. he said he believes this roadway is going to be good for his town. we'll tell you why when we have the story. >> all right. you got it. thanks, brad. today a former georgetown university student convicted of having the agent ricin in his room was sentenced to a year in prison. >> it is unclear if the seven months daniel milzman already sat in jail will go toward the sentence. our question of the day is what do you think of the sentence? nicole posts, quote, ricin can kill in very small amounts. he is a terrorist and should be sentenced as such. and ricky writes, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. >> katrina echoed a sentiment we heard on the wjla facebook page. one year? i sadly think if he hadn't ban rich white kid he would have received a much stiffer penalty. you can join the conversation on the wjla facebook page. let us know what you think. >> well, next time you see someone suspicious in your neighborhood maybe working around they may not be thinking about breaking into your house. in our 7 on your side consumer alert, why they actually might be scheming to steal your identity. >> these people were arrested after police were tipped off by a 911 call simply about a suspicious car. >> these two people were in the neighborhood going through mail boxes taking mail. >> police found more than 750 pieces of mail when they pulled the car over. this led to a search warrant of their home. >> we found various identifying information, other people's credit cards. a lot of stuff that didn't belong to hem. fplgts postal inspectors discovered the latest technology identity thieves are using to commit these crimes. >> they can make credit cards, driver's licenses, forge checks, there is check making software. they can make safe checks that look pretty good, pretty real to the banking system. >> how can you keep yourself safe? postal inspectors say keep track of all your identifying information. if you need to mail a check in order to pay a bill, bring it directly to the post office or you can drop it off in one of their secure blue collection boxes. it is also a good idea to know the exact delivery schedule in your neighborhood. >> know when the mail person comes to your house and delivers the mail and try not to let it sit overnight or if you're on vacation forget to put a hold. >> and of course report the suspicious cars creeping around your neighborhood. >> that reporter looks so familiar. >> did she do a good job? >> she did. >> all right. pizza hut is giving its menu a makeover after nearly two years of declining sales. the pizza chain is adding a section of skinny pies that are lower in calories. they're also adding specialty pies such as the pretzel piggy made with a parmesan sauce: the crust has a flavor like salted pretzel. the changes will begin in stores on november 19. >> doesn't sound like that is going to be on your plate anytime soon. here is a look at what we're working on for abc 7 news at 5:00. police release new details about what happened in mclean when a home invasion turned violent on a quiet street. >> and a very special flight arrives at reagan national airport just in time for veterans day. hear what everyone onboard, even the crew, all have in common. >> and mcdonald's recalls a happy meal toy because it could be a choking hazard for your child. the details of that, coming up right here at 5:00. >> all right. in the meantime, details on the weather. >> practice sugar? >> no, no. >> get ready. >> tomorrow is going to be gorgeous. let's get to your coverage on a monday afternoon. clear skies. down here in a little less than ten minutes the soun down. if you look at the numbers at the right-hand side those were the lows this morning. it was plenty chilly, in the mid 30's. it looks like we'll be in the upper 30's to lower 40's by early tomorrow morning and very pleasant all across the entire region with a nice push of mild air ahead of the first cold front coming through. 60 right now at washington dulles and quantico. 57 degrees annapolis. temperatures are going to drop slowly at first then more dramatically later on. this is what we think the temperatures will be like in the morning. 35 in marlinsburg, frederick. 48 in annapolis. 44 degrees near andrews air force. a couple -- a few clouds around and future cast may even have some fog up over the bay and the eastern shore tomorrow morning. then that will burn off and be partly cloudy with the upper 60's. then we look ahead to the first cold front starting to show up coming through wednesday morning. no rain with it. just a change in the wind direction and a bit cooler temperatures. so tomorrow chilly then warming up to 67 degrees. then we get through tomorrow, it looks as though in the afternoon 67 will be your high. it'll be just fine especially for the concert for valor on the mall tomorrow night. temperatures in the 50's. that is good news. here's the rest of the seven day. watch the temperatures start to turn a bit cooler on wednesday. it becomes breezy with the cold front. 48 and breezy on thursday. friday, friday morning early we could have a rain or snow shower in some areas at best hitting 44 in the afternoon. then we'll stay in the upper 40's through the weekend and early next week so a definite change is in the air. >> looking at our first snow then you think? >> as a legalist if we have a snowflake i guess you would say that is our first snow. strictly speaking, no. >> okay. >> but legally speaking, yes. >> nothing you can call in sick for. >> oh, thank you. >> you got to come to work. >> okay. >> speaking of driving, let's check the traffic situation. bob? >> certainly some dry pavement out there and right now just volume delays on the beltway both ways between the dulles toll road and 270. traffic on 66 westbound doing all right. just a lot of volume heading out to centreville as always. 95 south, a bit of a crash in woodbridge near route 1. that's gone but a little further south maybe a bit of a hangup with a new crash near triangle in fact just after exit 148 at quantico. let's see what things look like on 95 right now. at dumfries it doesn't look bad. they must have moved it out of the roadway already on 95 near exit 148 at quantico. on 270 and montgomery, a slowdown heading up to germantown this afternoon. >> coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00, just days after the president said it would happen, more american troops start arriving in iraq. >> we will hear from a member of the virginia delegation about the ramp >> on the eve of veterans day major military developments. >> more u.s. troops arriving today in iraq as the president ramps up the show of force there in the fight against isil. we'll go to the live desk for a look at what we're seeing in iraq. scott thuman? >> the big news is that we really have more troops arriving and they are setting the stage and serving the area for those being called noncombat troops in iraq that would number close to 3,000 soon. the president and the pentagon saying the u.s. forces will only be used to train and advise iraqi troops who are fighting isil. that means doubling personnel there. also, spending about $5.6 billion and members of congress are saying the president really needs to go through congress for permission saying he doesn't have the power to keep doing this and they want a clear definition of the mission before putting more lives in harm's way. are you okay with this plan? >> i am only okay with it if congress debates and votes on it. i'm not okay if we don't. we need to. i do think the president has sort of changed his position from i would welcome congress to, you know, i don't actually need congress. i think the president's realized the scope of the mission is expanding and it will likely take longer to be successful maybe than originally thought. >> so how big could this mission get if the government, being up front about the direction and the dangers involved, we have more on that and an enlightening conversation with senator kaine and what the president has to say, too, tonight at 6:00. that's it for abc 7 news at 4:00. abc 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. >> this is abc seven news at 5:00, on your side for subjects -- in your side. >> they didn't have any water. >> no water and no flushing toilets and an elementary school. that had parents asking whether kids were sent there in the first place today. >> the water main break is now fixed, but crews are still .eiring the torn up road harmony hills elementary school stayed open throughout the morning even though there was no for sanitary service. parents are angry and want answers. >> you can see behind me they've made considerable progress out here. you can see this huge crater from this ruptured water main is now paved over. they're still quite a bit of work to be done before it is reopened to traffic. in the meantime, getting back to harm an elementary school, -- harmony hills elementary school, some parents are very upset that there's children were sent to school with no running water. crews are working to get this act open to traffic as soon as possible. it was as going on? >> broken water main about 5:00 sunday night. the ruptured line cut off water to dozens of customers through just before noon today. once the water came back on, some customers said it was far from drinkable. among the homes and businesses affected, harmony hills elementary. >> it was not good. since they are not flushing, nothing. >> some parents were learned -- were surprised to learn that the water columns extended to their child's school. >> there was no water at my place, but i didn't know they didn't have it at the schools. couldn't drink it because the research in it. >> the building apparently had little to no water earlier in the day. known then, ihave would have just cap my child at home. i just talked with the representative of montgomery county pli

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