Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150528 : compareme

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150528

>> new details about the case and the motive. live anthrax. the investigation happening now next. >> from abc 7 news, this is a breaking news alert. >> the large police presence over what is being called contraband. officers recall that for the 3400 block early this afternoon. originally for a domestic incident. what have you learned? tom: this is on -- close to the leisure world community. police after being on the scene for 10 hours, a lot of the focus on that house. here is video of folks in hazmat suits looking into that van earlier this evening. it was an active scene. the fire department was called out here for a number of hours eventually determining it was nothing hazardous on the scene. police saying they found " contraband on the property. not saying what that is but we saw guy in a police sure that said narcotics on it looking through the home so we cannot be sure that anything like that was found in the house. we did see narcotics investigators were at least here. police going from the scene in just the last few minutes after being out here for 10 hours. they were called around 1:00 p.m. for what was called a domestic incident. obviously, this turned into something much more. the band that was the focus of their attention still parked in the driveway that police just left. reporting live in aspen, i am tom rosie. a woman was shot on good hope road and alabama avenue. no word on the woman's condition. new at 11. hundreds of loudoun county students in limbo because there =-- their s.a.t.'s are missing. who is angrier, parents or students? >> 300 students took the test it now they're just gone. loudoun county high school junior victoria round is not a happy student. >> someone texte me, we have to retake them, they lost our scores. i was like, you're kidding me. richard: the texts were sent to college board and -- the nonprofit that administers the test. but the tests never arrived. >> they said they were lost in the mail. richard: connie brown is angry and upset. >> i am done i am relieved after the test and i have to take it over again. richard: if a spot could be found they could to get again but they could -- they would have to pay a late fee and addition to the $80 cost. >> i have finals coming up very of that is getting in the way. vacation plans and summer. it is so stressful with everything. richard: does this put your college plans at risk? >> it pushes them back knowing have to take the sat again. richard: we did make multiple calls and e-mails to the administrator of the test. they did that -- not get back to us. the issued a statement. they are as upset as anyone and they say they are making every effort to find out where those tests are. there is a re-take session on june 20 but there is a lot of frustration out there with parents and students. leon: developing now live anthrax accidentally shipped by the pentagon. the u.s. military is investigating what happened here. offense officials say 11 utah mistakenly sent out that deadly bacteria. it was supposed to be inactive. as many as nine laboratories received it including one in maryland and virginia. no illness has been reported. any lab is -- that handles samples is reviewing its inventory. threats of terror against the d.c. metro system. police have arrested a man featured on an mtv reality show. he was exposed about lying to a woman and saying he was a hip-hop producer. he is behind 11 different threats of terrorism since december. in one case, he demanded $1 million to deactivate bombs on a bus. spotty rain and storms this evening in the area but now the threat of severe weather is clear tomorrow. what can we expect, more of the same? let's find out. steve is here with a timeline on possible rain. steve: more rain and thundershowers on the way. similar to what we had today. we may see a few strong storms. we have some showers and a few thunderstorms developing well to the west of us. take a look at live doppler radar and you will see where they are located. more on this and what to expect in the next seven days coming up area -- coming up. leon: officials will announce indictments against several people. clinics claiming to help with pain management were actually pill mills. so stay with us and for updates on this tomorrow. and emotional day in court today. rahul gupta will be sentenced to prison. richard: was known for his generosity. >> mark was a gift from god and his death is a tragedy. that we must carry for the rest of our lives. richard: they had been friends since freshman year. the state says wall went to tell gupta that another man had flirted with a woman. police say they found him like this, covered in his friends blood. gold said she could not november what happened. gupta was accusing her. >> i was in shock when he said that. richard: he found wall cheating with gold. leon: good just family did not speak to the media. he graduated from gw with a degree in biomedical engineering and volunteered at the university hospital. now this just in from baltimore. lawyers for the six officers charged in the death of ready gray have filed a motion for a change of venue. the attorneys are arguing that it is impossible for those officers to get a fair trial in the city. one of the reasons cited the citywide curfew which they say created an insurmountable prejudice. the suspects in a murder at the donovan hotel are due in court tomorrow. lawyer david measures ship -- messerschmitt was stabbed. we will have crews in the courtroom tomorrow morning working on that story and live updates for you on abc 7 news starting at noon. happening right now, hundreds are being forced to live -- leave home because of flooding in texas. more than a dozen people have died and thousands of homes and businesses have been completely destroyed. it has been a few hours since we talked with you. what have you been seeing today? reporter: the force of this destruction was so strong in the area that they have not been able to make a real dent in any kind of clearing the way the debris. the focus is still on the search for those people missing. there are still nine people missing, eight of them in this county alone area today they said they need to expand the search zone basically -- search zone. they have been clearing the riverbank. they are bringing in professional organized volunteers who can -- you have done these kind of searches before. the area of the search will be so large it is the tip of the iceberg and they do not know how long it will take. leon: we understand there is more rain expected to fall. any relief in sight there? yon: it could be a rough two days. you mentioned the rain tonight. they're expecting to to three inches, even up to four inches in some areas. there is a flash flood watch already in effect. that went into effect 2.5 hours ago lasting until tomorrow morning. they are saying that some areas a bit north of where i am, dallas into oklahoma, they could see on and off bad weather all the way through sunday. that makes it hard for the rescue efforts, for the recovery efforts, and for people to put their lives back together again. the river behind me, they said it might reach 11 feet tonight. not as bad as we saw last week at any time we have these rivers overflowing again, it puts more people in danger, point -- puts more property in danger and they have to deal with that issue at hand these rivers, and they cannot get on with the recovery effort. it could be a rocky few days and the weekend. leon: thank you. talk to you soon. still ahead here tonight, we have got the mystery text that can trash or iphone. what to know if you get this message. we will tell you about that in our consumer alert. and taxpayers impacted by eight security breach. ♪ ♪ ♪ leon: a mysterious text that can crash or iphone. it contains certain latin and arabic characters. the receiving phone crashes. text messaging is disabled until you delete that message. apple says it is working on a fix. a massive -- data breach at the irs. more than 100,000 taxpayers had their information stolen from an online system called get transcript. the irises providing credit monitoring services for those who have been in cap -- impacted. sources say these are from russia but no other details have been released. tonight offered another chance for people to come out and share the concerns about widening i-66 between haymarket and the beltway. vdot hopes to begin work in 2017 if i can come up with the funding. the public meeting was of four vdot had scheduled. the next is at 4:30 p.m. at oakton high school in vienna. the white house grounds will start undergoing some changes. that includes temporary security enhancements. the work starts on the sidewalk and finishes up with the white house fence sometime in july. they're meant to provide better protection for the mansion as officials worked on a long-term solution. all this coming after the series of security incidents of people jumping the fence. now to the contest for the next person who will live in the white house. rick santorum announced his second bid for the republican nomination late today. the former pennsylvania senator was runner-up to mitt romney four years ago, you may recall. he is the seventh republican to formally declare. he will spend the next few days in iowa before heading off to south carolina. george attack he is expected to enter the race tomorrow. on the mechanics are, former governor martin o'malley says he will announce his candidacy on saturday. we will be watching and reporting. neighbors in mclean are on alert after some bear sightings. a black hair was seen at a bird feeder this morning in the 7800 block of langley road. -- ridge road. another sighting was reported along scots run nature preserve. experts say does not unusual to see bears at this time of year. you should not panic if you do see one. make sure you were moved trash and anything that smells like food from outside her home. -- outside your home. >>doug: we are keeping showers in the forecast. wait until you see the seven day outlook. 90 degrees as mentioned. that was the average for the state. the record 97 in 1941. 77 at the airport. the dew point still in the upper 60's. that is why it feels sticky and a bit uncomfortable. cooler off to the north and west area that is where they had the showers and a thunderstorm. the storms fizzled out as they moved through the late afternoon hours. that is when we had that severe thunderstorm watch that canceled early. we have a few showers and some storms. it is not going to amount to a whole lot. no watches, no warnings, nothing will become severe but you may hear a few rumbles of thunder as this moves off toward the north and east over the next 45 minutes to an hour. it will rain itself out and then skies will turn partly cloudy and we may see a it of patchy fog later on tonight. low temperatures range from the middle 60's to the lower 70's. the coolest of the air north and west of d.c., milder temperatures inside the capital beltway. this is what it looked like for the day tomorrow. weak frontal system that will dissolve across the mid-atlantic area -- mid-atlantic. a few rumbles of thunder, not expecting widespread severe weather but some of the storms will have the potential to bring some gusty winds and some heavier downpours. let's time it out for you. 2:00 through 4:00, the times when you will most likely need an umbrella. and then we do it again on friday. mainly the afternoon hours and a stronger cold front on the way sunday. that will bring up -- bring relief from the heat and the humidity. highs in the 60's. here is the forecast hour by hour for tomorrow. 11:00 a.m., 80 degrees area middle to upper 80's midday with the humidity making it feel a bit warmer. there are the showers and thunderstorms area here is the next seven days. highs around 80 on saturday. lower 80's on sunday. look at monday. that is not a mistake read we're talking a high temperature of 67 degrees. nighttime lows in the 50's. we will rebound slightly by next week. what are you so happy about, tim? leon: he is celebrating sports christmas. his tail biting like a puppy with all the stuff. tim: everyone is bringing me gifts. if i had known this i would have left earlier. the o's have a good night in salty balty. and the dynamic duo. the nats get salty at >> and now, the toyota sports desk. brought to you by your local toyota dealers. the nationals and the rugby's -- ccubbies played at wrigley field. how about this? eight of harpers home runs have come when he was pitching. throwing and mowing them down. nats beat the cubs three-zip. astros and orioles tied in one. chris davis is your batter and he says boo-yah. houston, you have a problem. there is more. bottom of the eighth, here he is again. taking the mistake to deep right center field. that is a souvenir. get a new baseball. game, set at -- and match. eating houston 5-4. watched josh hamilton go get it. the back to the wall. he leads and thing. look out for the wall, josh. hangs out for the out there is no doubt he will be feeling it tomorrow. hamilton makes the catch and loses the game. indians when 12-3. for football fans, the redskins ocas continued. two were given their papers. they were released which got the attention of everybody. these activities are voluntary but you are expected to be there. that is why desean jackson had everyone fired up when they saw him at the cavs game last night in cleveland. kirk cousins continues to go through ota's like he is a rookie, still trying to find his place in the nfl. he is battling colt mccoy for the number two job. >> it is a process and you have to have patience. things do not happen overnight usually. i am going to keep staying the course and working hard and staying humble and hungry. no matter what. whether i am a 10 year veteran or first year player i will always be competing. i'm there, i will compete and do the best i can and let the chips fall where they may. tim: and trying to stop the blackhawks. like a broken field runner through the defense. starting the siren. get on the bus. it will be game seven in the series. five-to the blackhawks need the ducks. as expected, the warriors game with houston has been a good old-fashioned donnybrook. steph curry is playing. golden state trying to close it out and eliminate the rockets right now in the fourth quarter. they are up six points. there you have it. leon: a lot going on. tim: what a day. leon: check this out. a mass of waterslide. leon: a massive city street transformed into a water slide. it was 1000 feet long. padded vinyl filled with water spanning the link the three football fields. this event completely sold out. 5000 tickets. that is a great idea. it looks like fun. a final look at the leon: will we be laughing this time tomorrow? tim: we will get a break and we will have to wait another five days. 88 to 89. 85 on friday. better chance for a few showers and thunderstorms. our 80's on sunday. i monday that is the big cool down. upper 60's for daytime highs and lower 70's on tuesday and 80 on wednesday. leon: that waterslide is coming to arlington june 27. >> dickey: from hollywood it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight, paul giamatti, “science bob” pflugfelder, and this week in unnecessary censorship, with cleto and the cletones. and now, for the most part, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. thank you for watching at home. thank you fo

Related Keywords

Center Field , Utah , United States , Texas , Loudoun County , Virginia , Russia , Oklahoma , South Carolina , University Hospital , Iowa , Hollywood , California , Maryland , Houston , Pennsylvania , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Dallas , Baltimore , Haymarket , Rahul Gupta , Chris Davis , Tom Rosie , Paul Giamatti , Jimmy Kimmel , Connie Brown , Rick Santorum ,

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150528 :

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150528

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>> new details about the case and the motive. live anthrax. the investigation happening now next. >> from abc 7 news, this is a breaking news alert. >> the large police presence over what is being called contraband. officers recall that for the 3400 block early this afternoon. originally for a domestic incident. what have you learned? tom: this is on -- close to the leisure world community. police after being on the scene for 10 hours, a lot of the focus on that house. here is video of folks in hazmat suits looking into that van earlier this evening. it was an active scene. the fire department was called out here for a number of hours eventually determining it was nothing hazardous on the scene. police saying they found " contraband on the property. not saying what that is but we saw guy in a police sure that said narcotics on it looking through the home so we cannot be sure that anything like that was found in the house. we did see narcotics investigators were at least here. police going from the scene in just the last few minutes after being out here for 10 hours. they were called around 1:00 p.m. for what was called a domestic incident. obviously, this turned into something much more. the band that was the focus of their attention still parked in the driveway that police just left. reporting live in aspen, i am tom rosie. a woman was shot on good hope road and alabama avenue. no word on the woman's condition. new at 11. hundreds of loudoun county students in limbo because there =-- their s.a.t.'s are missing. who is angrier, parents or students? >> 300 students took the test it now they're just gone. loudoun county high school junior victoria round is not a happy student. >> someone texte me, we have to retake them, they lost our scores. i was like, you're kidding me. richard: the texts were sent to college board and -- the nonprofit that administers the test. but the tests never arrived. >> they said they were lost in the mail. richard: connie brown is angry and upset. >> i am done i am relieved after the test and i have to take it over again. richard: if a spot could be found they could to get again but they could -- they would have to pay a late fee and addition to the $80 cost. >> i have finals coming up very of that is getting in the way. vacation plans and summer. it is so stressful with everything. richard: does this put your college plans at risk? >> it pushes them back knowing have to take the sat again. richard: we did make multiple calls and e-mails to the administrator of the test. they did that -- not get back to us. the issued a statement. they are as upset as anyone and they say they are making every effort to find out where those tests are. there is a re-take session on june 20 but there is a lot of frustration out there with parents and students. leon: developing now live anthrax accidentally shipped by the pentagon. the u.s. military is investigating what happened here. offense officials say 11 utah mistakenly sent out that deadly bacteria. it was supposed to be inactive. as many as nine laboratories received it including one in maryland and virginia. no illness has been reported. any lab is -- that handles samples is reviewing its inventory. threats of terror against the d.c. metro system. police have arrested a man featured on an mtv reality show. he was exposed about lying to a woman and saying he was a hip-hop producer. he is behind 11 different threats of terrorism since december. in one case, he demanded $1 million to deactivate bombs on a bus. spotty rain and storms this evening in the area but now the threat of severe weather is clear tomorrow. what can we expect, more of the same? let's find out. steve is here with a timeline on possible rain. steve: more rain and thundershowers on the way. similar to what we had today. we may see a few strong storms. we have some showers and a few thunderstorms developing well to the west of us. take a look at live doppler radar and you will see where they are located. more on this and what to expect in the next seven days coming up area -- coming up. leon: officials will announce indictments against several people. clinics claiming to help with pain management were actually pill mills. so stay with us and for updates on this tomorrow. and emotional day in court today. rahul gupta will be sentenced to prison. richard: was known for his generosity. >> mark was a gift from god and his death is a tragedy. that we must carry for the rest of our lives. richard: they had been friends since freshman year. the state says wall went to tell gupta that another man had flirted with a woman. police say they found him like this, covered in his friends blood. gold said she could not november what happened. gupta was accusing her. >> i was in shock when he said that. richard: he found wall cheating with gold. leon: good just family did not speak to the media. he graduated from gw with a degree in biomedical engineering and volunteered at the university hospital. now this just in from baltimore. lawyers for the six officers charged in the death of ready gray have filed a motion for a change of venue. the attorneys are arguing that it is impossible for those officers to get a fair trial in the city. one of the reasons cited the citywide curfew which they say created an insurmountable prejudice. the suspects in a murder at the donovan hotel are due in court tomorrow. lawyer david measures ship -- messerschmitt was stabbed. we will have crews in the courtroom tomorrow morning working on that story and live updates for you on abc 7 news starting at noon. happening right now, hundreds are being forced to live -- leave home because of flooding in texas. more than a dozen people have died and thousands of homes and businesses have been completely destroyed. it has been a few hours since we talked with you. what have you been seeing today? reporter: the force of this destruction was so strong in the area that they have not been able to make a real dent in any kind of clearing the way the debris. the focus is still on the search for those people missing. there are still nine people missing, eight of them in this county alone area today they said they need to expand the search zone basically -- search zone. they have been clearing the riverbank. they are bringing in professional organized volunteers who can -- you have done these kind of searches before. the area of the search will be so large it is the tip of the iceberg and they do not know how long it will take. leon: we understand there is more rain expected to fall. any relief in sight there? yon: it could be a rough two days. you mentioned the rain tonight. they're expecting to to three inches, even up to four inches in some areas. there is a flash flood watch already in effect. that went into effect 2.5 hours ago lasting until tomorrow morning. they are saying that some areas a bit north of where i am, dallas into oklahoma, they could see on and off bad weather all the way through sunday. that makes it hard for the rescue efforts, for the recovery efforts, and for people to put their lives back together again. the river behind me, they said it might reach 11 feet tonight. not as bad as we saw last week at any time we have these rivers overflowing again, it puts more people in danger, point -- puts more property in danger and they have to deal with that issue at hand these rivers, and they cannot get on with the recovery effort. it could be a rocky few days and the weekend. leon: thank you. talk to you soon. still ahead here tonight, we have got the mystery text that can trash or iphone. what to know if you get this message. we will tell you about that in our consumer alert. and taxpayers impacted by eight security breach. ♪ ♪ ♪ leon: a mysterious text that can crash or iphone. it contains certain latin and arabic characters. the receiving phone crashes. text messaging is disabled until you delete that message. apple says it is working on a fix. a massive -- data breach at the irs. more than 100,000 taxpayers had their information stolen from an online system called get transcript. the irises providing credit monitoring services for those who have been in cap -- impacted. sources say these are from russia but no other details have been released. tonight offered another chance for people to come out and share the concerns about widening i-66 between haymarket and the beltway. vdot hopes to begin work in 2017 if i can come up with the funding. the public meeting was of four vdot had scheduled. the next is at 4:30 p.m. at oakton high school in vienna. the white house grounds will start undergoing some changes. that includes temporary security enhancements. the work starts on the sidewalk and finishes up with the white house fence sometime in july. they're meant to provide better protection for the mansion as officials worked on a long-term solution. all this coming after the series of security incidents of people jumping the fence. now to the contest for the next person who will live in the white house. rick santorum announced his second bid for the republican nomination late today. the former pennsylvania senator was runner-up to mitt romney four years ago, you may recall. he is the seventh republican to formally declare. he will spend the next few days in iowa before heading off to south carolina. george attack he is expected to enter the race tomorrow. on the mechanics are, former governor martin o'malley says he will announce his candidacy on saturday. we will be watching and reporting. neighbors in mclean are on alert after some bear sightings. a black hair was seen at a bird feeder this morning in the 7800 block of langley road. -- ridge road. another sighting was reported along scots run nature preserve. experts say does not unusual to see bears at this time of year. you should not panic if you do see one. make sure you were moved trash and anything that smells like food from outside her home. -- outside your home. >>doug: we are keeping showers in the forecast. wait until you see the seven day outlook. 90 degrees as mentioned. that was the average for the state. the record 97 in 1941. 77 at the airport. the dew point still in the upper 60's. that is why it feels sticky and a bit uncomfortable. cooler off to the north and west area that is where they had the showers and a thunderstorm. the storms fizzled out as they moved through the late afternoon hours. that is when we had that severe thunderstorm watch that canceled early. we have a few showers and some storms. it is not going to amount to a whole lot. no watches, no warnings, nothing will become severe but you may hear a few rumbles of thunder as this moves off toward the north and east over the next 45 minutes to an hour. it will rain itself out and then skies will turn partly cloudy and we may see a it of patchy fog later on tonight. low temperatures range from the middle 60's to the lower 70's. the coolest of the air north and west of d.c., milder temperatures inside the capital beltway. this is what it looked like for the day tomorrow. weak frontal system that will dissolve across the mid-atlantic area -- mid-atlantic. a few rumbles of thunder, not expecting widespread severe weather but some of the storms will have the potential to bring some gusty winds and some heavier downpours. let's time it out for you. 2:00 through 4:00, the times when you will most likely need an umbrella. and then we do it again on friday. mainly the afternoon hours and a stronger cold front on the way sunday. that will bring up -- bring relief from the heat and the humidity. highs in the 60's. here is the forecast hour by hour for tomorrow. 11:00 a.m., 80 degrees area middle to upper 80's midday with the humidity making it feel a bit warmer. there are the showers and thunderstorms area here is the next seven days. highs around 80 on saturday. lower 80's on sunday. look at monday. that is not a mistake read we're talking a high temperature of 67 degrees. nighttime lows in the 50's. we will rebound slightly by next week. what are you so happy about, tim? leon: he is celebrating sports christmas. his tail biting like a puppy with all the stuff. tim: everyone is bringing me gifts. if i had known this i would have left earlier. the o's have a good night in salty balty. and the dynamic duo. the nats get salty at >> and now, the toyota sports desk. brought to you by your local toyota dealers. the nationals and the rugby's -- ccubbies played at wrigley field. how about this? eight of harpers home runs have come when he was pitching. throwing and mowing them down. nats beat the cubs three-zip. astros and orioles tied in one. chris davis is your batter and he says boo-yah. houston, you have a problem. there is more. bottom of the eighth, here he is again. taking the mistake to deep right center field. that is a souvenir. get a new baseball. game, set at -- and match. eating houston 5-4. watched josh hamilton go get it. the back to the wall. he leads and thing. look out for the wall, josh. hangs out for the out there is no doubt he will be feeling it tomorrow. hamilton makes the catch and loses the game. indians when 12-3. for football fans, the redskins ocas continued. two were given their papers. they were released which got the attention of everybody. these activities are voluntary but you are expected to be there. that is why desean jackson had everyone fired up when they saw him at the cavs game last night in cleveland. kirk cousins continues to go through ota's like he is a rookie, still trying to find his place in the nfl. he is battling colt mccoy for the number two job. >> it is a process and you have to have patience. things do not happen overnight usually. i am going to keep staying the course and working hard and staying humble and hungry. no matter what. whether i am a 10 year veteran or first year player i will always be competing. i'm there, i will compete and do the best i can and let the chips fall where they may. tim: and trying to stop the blackhawks. like a broken field runner through the defense. starting the siren. get on the bus. it will be game seven in the series. five-to the blackhawks need the ducks. as expected, the warriors game with houston has been a good old-fashioned donnybrook. steph curry is playing. golden state trying to close it out and eliminate the rockets right now in the fourth quarter. they are up six points. there you have it. leon: a lot going on. tim: what a day. leon: check this out. a mass of waterslide. leon: a massive city street transformed into a water slide. it was 1000 feet long. padded vinyl filled with water spanning the link the three football fields. this event completely sold out. 5000 tickets. that is a great idea. it looks like fun. a final look at the leon: will we be laughing this time tomorrow? tim: we will get a break and we will have to wait another five days. 88 to 89. 85 on friday. better chance for a few showers and thunderstorms. our 80's on sunday. i monday that is the big cool down. upper 60's for daytime highs and lower 70's on tuesday and 80 on wednesday. leon: that waterslide is coming to arlington june 27. >> dickey: from hollywood it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight, paul giamatti, “science bob” pflugfelder, and this week in unnecessary censorship, with cleto and the cletones. and now, for the most part, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. thank you for watching at home. thank you fo

Related Keywords

Center Field , Utah , United States , Texas , Loudoun County , Virginia , Russia , Oklahoma , South Carolina , University Hospital , Iowa , Hollywood , California , Maryland , Houston , Pennsylvania , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Dallas , Baltimore , Haymarket , Rahul Gupta , Chris Davis , Tom Rosie , Paul Giamatti , Jimmy Kimmel , Connie Brown , Rick Santorum ,

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