Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150309 : compareme

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150309

hope will bring answers in a death that killed one of their own. and a daring rescue on the ice for a dog. we begin with the much needed relief from the harsh winter. it is not just good for us to get out and enjoy the weather, it is also in some cases good news for your car. jay korff is live in springfield where how -- where people are trying to watch winter away. jay: first off, look at this massive pile of snow. this is what we have been dealing with the last few days. to deal with it, crews have to lay this down, salt. everybody is out and about, at the car wash. if they survive the salt, then they have to deal with the potholes. >> almost perfect. jay: it has gone from snow en subzero -- and subzero to sunny and melting. it meant long lines at the car washed in springfield. >> business is booming. jay: they stayed past closing to remove the corrosive salt. >> we have to get it off. >> i'm here today because i need to get rid of the sand and salt underneath my car. jay: once clean, another worry follows. protecting the alignment. for a monster potholes. the weather has created cavernous holes on d.c. area roads. david tells us that he taps into all of his driving skills to outmaneuver a plethora of potholes. >> it is an obstacle course. i'm ready for some tax dollars being spent. jay: like so many things, there is a price to pay. for such a picturesque day. i spoke tonight with a spokesperson for the virginia department of transportation, and she told me since january crews have filled 1500 potholes, and they expect to be out in full force this week packing more. jay korff, abc 7 news. scott: on the same day that we spring forward, we are feeling the first real signs of spring but will it extend into the work week? eileen whelan has the first look. eileen: yes it will come especially tomorrow. a lot of us getting back in to the swing of things for the work and school day. tonight is a little cold after reaching 59 degrees at reagan national this afternoon 41 at 11:00. 34 degrees manassas, 33 dulles, 35 degrees at bwi marshall. through the overnight, we will bottom out in the middle 30's downtown but the suburbs likely fall into the mid to upper 20's. for more afternoon, lunchtime 52 degrees, heading near 60 degrees by tomorrow afternoon. no problems monday morning or evening. tuesday, it will be wet so you will want the umbrella, and yes there is the possibility of a little bit of snow and sleet early friday morning. those possibilities coming up from the belfort furniture weather center in just a little bit. scott: the morning commute will be a little difficult for those who rely on marc train's because the bowie state university station will be closed through wednesday. the odenton station will have significant delays for northbound trains. the schedule changes are to allow for emergency track repairs. friday night, an amtrak train wheels lost contact with the track, damaging a car. tomorrow d.c. mayor muriel bowser will outline major changes to the busy southeast washington intersection, making the announcement your the intersection of martin luther king and malcolm x. avenue. it is designed to improve pedestrian driver safety at that intersection. it is part of vision zero come a program with the goal of eliminating all traffic related deaths. the police are hoping that a new video and clues were helped turn up answers of the crash that left a police officer dead. the new evidence comes with questions. rebecca cooper is in palmer park with what she has learned. rebecca? rebecca: scott, the prince george's county police department is asking for the public's help to help determine what caused 26-year-old officer robert: to lose -- 26-year-old officer brennan rabain to lose control of his vehicle. his dash cam video was not working. tonight, the chief of police says hearing the heartbreak in the voice of officer rabain's father was one of the most difficult moment since the accident occurred. another, it was personal at the scene. >> putting this young man on a gurney covered with an american flag. rebecca: the police say they left his girlfriend's apartment at 3 a.m. in his police cruiser, which is allowed when an officer is off duty. she told investigators rabain had zero dan on a speeding car as they drove along greenbelt road. he commented at the time that is chilling in the wake of what happened. >> the vehicle was at a high rate of speed. the officer made a statement "he is going to kill someone," and he initiated an action to slow the car down or stop them. rebecca: the police want the public's help finding vehicles on 193 at the time, including this tour bus. just after his cruiser is seen on the right, this dark minivan. >> my prayers go to his family and his daughter. that he loved dearly. rebecca: we have spoken with neighbors and family friends come extremely distraught about his passing. they have set up a go fund may account for his three-year-old daughter to help try to raise money for her education when she turns 18. if you know any information about any vehicles that may have been on 193 greenbelt rd last night at 3:15 saturday morning they want you to contact the prince george's county police department. rebecca cooper, abc 7 news. scott: yesterday's crashes reopening old wounds for many prince george's county police officers. it was five years ago tomorrow that corporal thomas jensen died. he was injured two weeks prior when his cruiser hit a passerby while responding to a call in college park. a firsthand look at history today for the first family. cameras were rolling as president obama's motorcade arrived at the library of congress. his daughters sasha and melia saw the original manuscript from president lincoln's inaugural address. today's visit comes one day after president obama participated in a march marking the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday. it is a commemoration of a landmark day in civil rights continuing tonight. ♪ scott: a mixture of celebration, sorrow, and outrage and that southern town. the celebration came in the form of a wreathlaying and the march retracing the steps of martin luther king jr. and other civil rights icon. the sorrow is the price many of the marchers paid to pave the way. >> i thought it was our duty to come out and represent represent those who have died for us. scott: the outrage factor was from those who received flyers promoting the kkk. they showed up at homes in sylmar and montgomery over the past two weeks. the klan distributed the flyers at random, they said, and were exercising their free speech. today also marks a grim anniversary for the united states. 50 years ago,, troops first arrived in vietnam. it marked the beginning of the u.s. escalation to help fight against communist north. at the time troops withdrew in march 1973, 78,000 americans had been killed. coming up -- president obama breaks his silence on the e-mail controversy surrounding former secretary of state hillary clinton. plus, the startling admission from a powerful predator who has presidential aspirations. next, a daring rescue. scott: firefighters risked their lives to save a dog from a partially frozen river in massachusetts. cooper, an eight-year-old golden retriever mix, ran off during his walk this morning and a neighbor spotted him on this piece of ice. it took firefighters about 15 minutes to get out and rescue him. he was cold and wet but otherwise is doing ok. an unusual confession from a powerful republican senator as he pushed for all of hillary clinton's e-mail from her time is secretary of state to be released. listen to what senator lindsey graham said on "meet the press." >> you can have every e-mail i ever sent. i've never sent one. i don't know what that makes me. scott: his confession, of sorts comes amid a big push by republicans against hillary clinton. today, some democrats were questioning clinton silence on this issue. reporter: hillary clinton in the spotlight this weekend. >> chelsea and i did a little talk on snapshot. reporter: she is not taking questions about her decision to use a private e-mail account for government business. this weekend, her boss revealed not even he knew president obama telling cbs news how he found out. president obama: at the same time that everybody else did through news reports. that is why my e-mail, from the black hairy, all those record -- from the blackberry zen etc. all those records are available. reporter: clinton is not the first secretary of state to use private e-mail. >> a lot of the e-mails that came from my personal account went to the state department system, addressed to state department employees and the domain. reporter: he told george stephanopoulos he cannot comment on clinton but when the state department asked him to turn over his e-mails he did not save them. >> they were all unclassified, and most of them are b nine. i'm not terribly concerned even if they recover them. reporter: still, critics say that clinton needs to start talking. >> she needs to step up and stayed exactly what the situation is. >> once the shadow of doubt has been placed, i think it will linger through the presidential campaign should she decide to run. scott: few were virginians are coming down with the flu according to the department of health. the number of new cases declined in the last week of february the first drop after nearly three months of widespread activity. there have been five flu-related child deaths during the current flu season. you probably noticed gas prices are climbing again. the average price of unleaded is $2.44 per gallon, still two cents cheaper than the national average, but $.29 more than a month ago. the increase is it attributed in large part to an explosion at a california refinery and a strike by workers at several of the refineries. people basking in the sun at ocean city look to have more options to get around. ridesharing service number -- ridesharing service uber has begun looking into servicing the town. city leaders said they are taking a wait-and-see on the plan before coming up with regulations. eileen whelan, we are talking about the beach mentioning ocean city, but today we were halfway there. it was gorgeous. eileen: you would have thought it was the first day of summer. people were walking their dogs, shorts, t-shirts. if you want another day of it, we've got that covered. stormwatch seven weather team, on your side. virginia, the weatherbug camera, the time lapse shows the beautiful day. also notice the grass on the right-hand side, but also notice the snow with operating and melting -- the snow is melting. there is a slight chance we have a chance of a winter makes friday, but nothing like this snow that we had earlier this week on thursday. right now, 40 degree stafford the high 63. 59 the high today and alan maryland, st. mary's callieounty. we will be right back into the 60's tomorrow. the official high at reagan national, 59 degrees. off to the south, even warmer in north carolina, 71 today in raleigh and wilmington. enjoy another warm day tomorrow with highs into the upper 50's, low 60's. a little more cloud cover tonight, the temperatures falling into the middle 30's downtown. i think the 20's in the suburbs don't be full become even though it will be nice and mild tomorrow, it will be chikllylly heading out the door, so make sure the kids have their jacket". lunchtime 53, highs in the afternoon climbing into the upper 50's, lower 60's. another thing to note, sunrise tomorrow, since we switched back to daylight savings time, not until 7:29, so be especially careful by the bus stops because visibility will be reduced. we have some high clouds moving in tonight associated with the week weather system approaching from the west. the next chance of precipitation will come from the showers already moving into the deep south. the low pressure will track north and bring us the chance of rain tuesday. i will show you the futurecast. i started here at tuesday, 7:00 in the morning. the morning commute may be damp, cloudy, drury, pockets of rain shower through the afternoon. i think most of the rain will wrap up early wednesday morning. notice the rain off to the south by 11:00 wednesday. i think sunshine in the afternoon, temperatures wednesday climbing into the upper 50's. thursday, nice and dry, 56. friday morning, temperatures start in the upper 30's, especially northwest. we may start with a little bit of snow or sleet before everyone changes over to just plain old rain. keep in mind it's friday, so we are still about 16 days away. -- six days away. there is still time to fine-tune the forecast. until then, a nice and dry start for the work week, and the first day back for a lot of the students and teachers after the longer weekend. scott: and march brings madness. robert: march madness. scott: like that segue? robert: we got a double dose of maryland basketball today. the terp looked at to finish off announcer: and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. robert: we start with college hoops, the season finale for the terps against nebraska, who has nothing to lose. in other words, anything can happen. second half, dez wells off the rebound, coast to coast. nobody stops him, so he does that. terps down four. 11 seconds to go, and he is not done. four seconds left on the shot clock, wells arises, hits the jumper. the terps up three. just seconds left, nebraska gets to the frontcourt, the good look, rolls around, and out. maryland wins 64-61. they win their last seven games. page rig league semifinal, a.u.- colegate. peewee gardener, nice up and under. a.u. lead at the half. second half, the eagles continue their hot shooting. jonathan schoop drains the three in the corner. a.u. wins 73-62. they will play lafayette for the patriot league championship. the lady terps won for their first ever big ten tournament title -- went for their first ever big ten tournament title. laurin mincy with some fancy moves. the basket in the bucket. 3.8 seconds left to go, the terps with a three-point lead. the buckeyes with a chance to tie it. chelsea mitchell throws up the prayer, almost goes in, but no good. maryland wins the big ten title 77-74. celebration. they finish undefeated in the conference. gw-dayton, the colonials trailed by 8 at the half. jones in foul trouble, but they get going. crenshaw puts the colonials up. less than four minutes to go the colonials in control, up 10. the nice turnaround jumper. wins the a10 title, 75-62. spring ball, the nats off to a good start. today they were in tampa, facing a-rod and the yankees. michael tucker, deep to left center bye, nats up 1-0. that's how you start the game. a-rod started at third base for the first time in almost two years. one of the cheapest hits that you will see in your lifetime. popped up, behind first base it's the chalk, bounces into the stands, ground rule double. even a-rod cannot believe that. the nats lose their first game of the spring, the final 3-2. and check out seth curry. putting on a dribbling clinic against the clips. throws up the three like it is nothing. the boy has handles. he finished with 12 points. that is the play of the day. and a final note -- former terp in free-agent receiver torrey smith says he will not play for the ravens in 2015. meanwhile, seth curry putting up some curry chicken on the basketball court. and i think you have a shout out? scott: winners of the scc toruney,urney, they are 30-1. the next big thing from apple is on the way. scott: less than 24 hours away from learning about the apple watch. they have an event scheduled for 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, when they will announce when the watch will go on sale and how much it will cost. apple is also expected to reveal what apps will be available on it. oh will stream the event online and we will bring you up to speed on abc seven scott: time for a final check of the forecast. eileen: monday looks nice, a little cold getting out the door, but we are climbing into the upper 50's in the afternoon with sunshine. clouds late in the day as the next weather system approaches. it will be raining tuesday. scott: thanks so much. stay with us [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] scott: it is becoming an all too familiar scene across the united states, protests after

Related Keywords

Vietnam , Republic Of , United States , College Park , Virginia , Ocean City , Maryland , Prince George County , North Carolina , Nebraska , Massachusetts , Raleigh , Springfield , California , Virginians , Americans , American , Martin Luther King Jr , Michael Tucker , Rebecca Cooper , Thomas Jensen , Chelsea Mitchell , Martin Luther King , Eileen Whelan , Lindsey Graham , Bwi Marshall , George Stephanopoulos , Torrey Smith , Jay Korff , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150309 :

Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20150309

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hope will bring answers in a death that killed one of their own. and a daring rescue on the ice for a dog. we begin with the much needed relief from the harsh winter. it is not just good for us to get out and enjoy the weather, it is also in some cases good news for your car. jay korff is live in springfield where how -- where people are trying to watch winter away. jay: first off, look at this massive pile of snow. this is what we have been dealing with the last few days. to deal with it, crews have to lay this down, salt. everybody is out and about, at the car wash. if they survive the salt, then they have to deal with the potholes. >> almost perfect. jay: it has gone from snow en subzero -- and subzero to sunny and melting. it meant long lines at the car washed in springfield. >> business is booming. jay: they stayed past closing to remove the corrosive salt. >> we have to get it off. >> i'm here today because i need to get rid of the sand and salt underneath my car. jay: once clean, another worry follows. protecting the alignment. for a monster potholes. the weather has created cavernous holes on d.c. area roads. david tells us that he taps into all of his driving skills to outmaneuver a plethora of potholes. >> it is an obstacle course. i'm ready for some tax dollars being spent. jay: like so many things, there is a price to pay. for such a picturesque day. i spoke tonight with a spokesperson for the virginia department of transportation, and she told me since january crews have filled 1500 potholes, and they expect to be out in full force this week packing more. jay korff, abc 7 news. scott: on the same day that we spring forward, we are feeling the first real signs of spring but will it extend into the work week? eileen whelan has the first look. eileen: yes it will come especially tomorrow. a lot of us getting back in to the swing of things for the work and school day. tonight is a little cold after reaching 59 degrees at reagan national this afternoon 41 at 11:00. 34 degrees manassas, 33 dulles, 35 degrees at bwi marshall. through the overnight, we will bottom out in the middle 30's downtown but the suburbs likely fall into the mid to upper 20's. for more afternoon, lunchtime 52 degrees, heading near 60 degrees by tomorrow afternoon. no problems monday morning or evening. tuesday, it will be wet so you will want the umbrella, and yes there is the possibility of a little bit of snow and sleet early friday morning. those possibilities coming up from the belfort furniture weather center in just a little bit. scott: the morning commute will be a little difficult for those who rely on marc train's because the bowie state university station will be closed through wednesday. the odenton station will have significant delays for northbound trains. the schedule changes are to allow for emergency track repairs. friday night, an amtrak train wheels lost contact with the track, damaging a car. tomorrow d.c. mayor muriel bowser will outline major changes to the busy southeast washington intersection, making the announcement your the intersection of martin luther king and malcolm x. avenue. it is designed to improve pedestrian driver safety at that intersection. it is part of vision zero come a program with the goal of eliminating all traffic related deaths. the police are hoping that a new video and clues were helped turn up answers of the crash that left a police officer dead. the new evidence comes with questions. rebecca cooper is in palmer park with what she has learned. rebecca? rebecca: scott, the prince george's county police department is asking for the public's help to help determine what caused 26-year-old officer robert: to lose -- 26-year-old officer brennan rabain to lose control of his vehicle. his dash cam video was not working. tonight, the chief of police says hearing the heartbreak in the voice of officer rabain's father was one of the most difficult moment since the accident occurred. another, it was personal at the scene. >> putting this young man on a gurney covered with an american flag. rebecca: the police say they left his girlfriend's apartment at 3 a.m. in his police cruiser, which is allowed when an officer is off duty. she told investigators rabain had zero dan on a speeding car as they drove along greenbelt road. he commented at the time that is chilling in the wake of what happened. >> the vehicle was at a high rate of speed. the officer made a statement "he is going to kill someone," and he initiated an action to slow the car down or stop them. rebecca: the police want the public's help finding vehicles on 193 at the time, including this tour bus. just after his cruiser is seen on the right, this dark minivan. >> my prayers go to his family and his daughter. that he loved dearly. rebecca: we have spoken with neighbors and family friends come extremely distraught about his passing. they have set up a go fund may account for his three-year-old daughter to help try to raise money for her education when she turns 18. if you know any information about any vehicles that may have been on 193 greenbelt rd last night at 3:15 saturday morning they want you to contact the prince george's county police department. rebecca cooper, abc 7 news. scott: yesterday's crashes reopening old wounds for many prince george's county police officers. it was five years ago tomorrow that corporal thomas jensen died. he was injured two weeks prior when his cruiser hit a passerby while responding to a call in college park. a firsthand look at history today for the first family. cameras were rolling as president obama's motorcade arrived at the library of congress. his daughters sasha and melia saw the original manuscript from president lincoln's inaugural address. today's visit comes one day after president obama participated in a march marking the 50th anniversary of bloody sunday. it is a commemoration of a landmark day in civil rights continuing tonight. ♪ scott: a mixture of celebration, sorrow, and outrage and that southern town. the celebration came in the form of a wreathlaying and the march retracing the steps of martin luther king jr. and other civil rights icon. the sorrow is the price many of the marchers paid to pave the way. >> i thought it was our duty to come out and represent represent those who have died for us. scott: the outrage factor was from those who received flyers promoting the kkk. they showed up at homes in sylmar and montgomery over the past two weeks. the klan distributed the flyers at random, they said, and were exercising their free speech. today also marks a grim anniversary for the united states. 50 years ago,, troops first arrived in vietnam. it marked the beginning of the u.s. escalation to help fight against communist north. at the time troops withdrew in march 1973, 78,000 americans had been killed. coming up -- president obama breaks his silence on the e-mail controversy surrounding former secretary of state hillary clinton. plus, the startling admission from a powerful predator who has presidential aspirations. next, a daring rescue. scott: firefighters risked their lives to save a dog from a partially frozen river in massachusetts. cooper, an eight-year-old golden retriever mix, ran off during his walk this morning and a neighbor spotted him on this piece of ice. it took firefighters about 15 minutes to get out and rescue him. he was cold and wet but otherwise is doing ok. an unusual confession from a powerful republican senator as he pushed for all of hillary clinton's e-mail from her time is secretary of state to be released. listen to what senator lindsey graham said on "meet the press." >> you can have every e-mail i ever sent. i've never sent one. i don't know what that makes me. scott: his confession, of sorts comes amid a big push by republicans against hillary clinton. today, some democrats were questioning clinton silence on this issue. reporter: hillary clinton in the spotlight this weekend. >> chelsea and i did a little talk on snapshot. reporter: she is not taking questions about her decision to use a private e-mail account for government business. this weekend, her boss revealed not even he knew president obama telling cbs news how he found out. president obama: at the same time that everybody else did through news reports. that is why my e-mail, from the black hairy, all those record -- from the blackberry zen etc. all those records are available. reporter: clinton is not the first secretary of state to use private e-mail. >> a lot of the e-mails that came from my personal account went to the state department system, addressed to state department employees and the domain. reporter: he told george stephanopoulos he cannot comment on clinton but when the state department asked him to turn over his e-mails he did not save them. >> they were all unclassified, and most of them are b nine. i'm not terribly concerned even if they recover them. reporter: still, critics say that clinton needs to start talking. >> she needs to step up and stayed exactly what the situation is. >> once the shadow of doubt has been placed, i think it will linger through the presidential campaign should she decide to run. scott: few were virginians are coming down with the flu according to the department of health. the number of new cases declined in the last week of february the first drop after nearly three months of widespread activity. there have been five flu-related child deaths during the current flu season. you probably noticed gas prices are climbing again. the average price of unleaded is $2.44 per gallon, still two cents cheaper than the national average, but $.29 more than a month ago. the increase is it attributed in large part to an explosion at a california refinery and a strike by workers at several of the refineries. people basking in the sun at ocean city look to have more options to get around. ridesharing service number -- ridesharing service uber has begun looking into servicing the town. city leaders said they are taking a wait-and-see on the plan before coming up with regulations. eileen whelan, we are talking about the beach mentioning ocean city, but today we were halfway there. it was gorgeous. eileen: you would have thought it was the first day of summer. people were walking their dogs, shorts, t-shirts. if you want another day of it, we've got that covered. stormwatch seven weather team, on your side. virginia, the weatherbug camera, the time lapse shows the beautiful day. also notice the grass on the right-hand side, but also notice the snow with operating and melting -- the snow is melting. there is a slight chance we have a chance of a winter makes friday, but nothing like this snow that we had earlier this week on thursday. right now, 40 degree stafford the high 63. 59 the high today and alan maryland, st. mary's callieounty. we will be right back into the 60's tomorrow. the official high at reagan national, 59 degrees. off to the south, even warmer in north carolina, 71 today in raleigh and wilmington. enjoy another warm day tomorrow with highs into the upper 50's, low 60's. a little more cloud cover tonight, the temperatures falling into the middle 30's downtown. i think the 20's in the suburbs don't be full become even though it will be nice and mild tomorrow, it will be chikllylly heading out the door, so make sure the kids have their jacket". lunchtime 53, highs in the afternoon climbing into the upper 50's, lower 60's. another thing to note, sunrise tomorrow, since we switched back to daylight savings time, not until 7:29, so be especially careful by the bus stops because visibility will be reduced. we have some high clouds moving in tonight associated with the week weather system approaching from the west. the next chance of precipitation will come from the showers already moving into the deep south. the low pressure will track north and bring us the chance of rain tuesday. i will show you the futurecast. i started here at tuesday, 7:00 in the morning. the morning commute may be damp, cloudy, drury, pockets of rain shower through the afternoon. i think most of the rain will wrap up early wednesday morning. notice the rain off to the south by 11:00 wednesday. i think sunshine in the afternoon, temperatures wednesday climbing into the upper 50's. thursday, nice and dry, 56. friday morning, temperatures start in the upper 30's, especially northwest. we may start with a little bit of snow or sleet before everyone changes over to just plain old rain. keep in mind it's friday, so we are still about 16 days away. -- six days away. there is still time to fine-tune the forecast. until then, a nice and dry start for the work week, and the first day back for a lot of the students and teachers after the longer weekend. scott: and march brings madness. robert: march madness. scott: like that segue? robert: we got a double dose of maryland basketball today. the terp looked at to finish off announcer: and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. robert: we start with college hoops, the season finale for the terps against nebraska, who has nothing to lose. in other words, anything can happen. second half, dez wells off the rebound, coast to coast. nobody stops him, so he does that. terps down four. 11 seconds to go, and he is not done. four seconds left on the shot clock, wells arises, hits the jumper. the terps up three. just seconds left, nebraska gets to the frontcourt, the good look, rolls around, and out. maryland wins 64-61. they win their last seven games. page rig league semifinal, a.u.- colegate. peewee gardener, nice up and under. a.u. lead at the half. second half, the eagles continue their hot shooting. jonathan schoop drains the three in the corner. a.u. wins 73-62. they will play lafayette for the patriot league championship. the lady terps won for their first ever big ten tournament title -- went for their first ever big ten tournament title. laurin mincy with some fancy moves. the basket in the bucket. 3.8 seconds left to go, the terps with a three-point lead. the buckeyes with a chance to tie it. chelsea mitchell throws up the prayer, almost goes in, but no good. maryland wins the big ten title 77-74. celebration. they finish undefeated in the conference. gw-dayton, the colonials trailed by 8 at the half. jones in foul trouble, but they get going. crenshaw puts the colonials up. less than four minutes to go the colonials in control, up 10. the nice turnaround jumper. wins the a10 title, 75-62. spring ball, the nats off to a good start. today they were in tampa, facing a-rod and the yankees. michael tucker, deep to left center bye, nats up 1-0. that's how you start the game. a-rod started at third base for the first time in almost two years. one of the cheapest hits that you will see in your lifetime. popped up, behind first base it's the chalk, bounces into the stands, ground rule double. even a-rod cannot believe that. the nats lose their first game of the spring, the final 3-2. and check out seth curry. putting on a dribbling clinic against the clips. throws up the three like it is nothing. the boy has handles. he finished with 12 points. that is the play of the day. and a final note -- former terp in free-agent receiver torrey smith says he will not play for the ravens in 2015. meanwhile, seth curry putting up some curry chicken on the basketball court. and i think you have a shout out? scott: winners of the scc toruney,urney, they are 30-1. the next big thing from apple is on the way. scott: less than 24 hours away from learning about the apple watch. they have an event scheduled for 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, when they will announce when the watch will go on sale and how much it will cost. apple is also expected to reveal what apps will be available on it. oh will stream the event online and we will bring you up to speed on abc seven scott: time for a final check of the forecast. eileen: monday looks nice, a little cold getting out the door, but we are climbing into the upper 50's in the afternoon with sunshine. clouds late in the day as the next weather system approaches. it will be raining tuesday. scott: thanks so much. stay with us [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] scott: it is becoming an all too familiar scene across the united states, protests after

Related Keywords

Vietnam , Republic Of , United States , College Park , Virginia , Ocean City , Maryland , Prince George County , North Carolina , Nebraska , Massachusetts , Raleigh , Springfield , California , Virginians , Americans , American , Martin Luther King Jr , Michael Tucker , Rebecca Cooper , Thomas Jensen , Chelsea Mitchell , Martin Luther King , Eileen Whelan , Lindsey Graham , Bwi Marshall , George Stephanopoulos , Torrey Smith , Jay Korff , Hillary Clinton ,

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