Transcripts For WITI FOX 6 News At 9 20161005 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WITI FOX 6 News At 9 20161005

into our world. >> let -- >> there are so many families around the country who can't have children. >> governor -- >> if we can approve the options -- >> governor, why can't you trust women to make the choices for themselves? we can encourage people to support life, but why don't you trust women? why doesn't donald trump trust women to make this choice for themselves? that's what we ought to be doing in public life, living our lives of faith enthusiasm and excitement, convincing each other, dialoguing with each other about important moral issues of the day. but on fundamental issues of morality, we should let women make their own decisions. >> because a society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. the aged, the infirm, the disabled, and the unborn. i believe it with all my heart. and i couldn't be more proud to be standing with a pro-life candidate in donald trump. >> i do have one final question for you both tonight. wins, what specifically are you going to do to unify the country and reassure the people who voted against you? >> that's a really important one. that may be the $64,000 question, because it has been a divisive campaign. and again, hillary is running a campaign about stronger together. and donald trump, and this is not directed at this man, except to the extent that he can't defend donald trump, donald trump has run a campaign that's been about one insult after the next. weo together. so here's what we'll do. hillary clinton was first lady, then senator for eight years, then secretary of state. and i serve in the senate. and i'm really amazed, elaine, as i talk to republican senators, how well they regard and respect hillary clinton. she was on the armed services committee. she was on other committees. she worked across the aisle when she was first lady to get the chip program passed so that 8 health insurance in this country, including in indiana. she worked across the aisle in 9/11 to get health benefits for the first responders who bravely went into the towers and the pentagon. she worked to get tricare benefits for national guard members, includinghoosiers and virginians. i was a governor of virginia with two republican houses. in the senate i have good aisle. because i think it's fine to be a democrat or republican or independent. but after election day, the goal is work together. and hillary clinton has a track record of accomplishment across the aisle that will enable her to do just that when we work with the new congress in january. >> governor, how will you unify the country if you win? >> thank you, elaine, and thanks for a great discussion. >> absolutely. >> tonight. thank you, senator. this is a very challenging time we can -- american's place in the world, the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton on the world stage has been followed by an economy that is truly struggling, stifled by an avalanche of more taxes, more regulation, obamacare, the war on coal, and the kind of trade deals that have put american workers in the back seat. i think the best way that we can bring people together is through change in washington, dc. you know, i served in washington, dc for the congress of the united states. and i served with many republicans and democrats, men and women of goodwill. the potential is there to really change the direction of this country. but it's going to take leadership to do it. the american people want to see our nation standing tall on the world stage again. they want to see us supporting our military, rebuilding our military, commanding the respect of the world. and they want to see the american economy off to the come back. donald trump's entire career has been about building. it's going through hardship just like a businessperson does, and finding a way through smarts and ingenuity and resilience to fight forward. when donald trump becomes president of the united states, we're going to have a stronger america. when you hear him say he wants to make america great again, when we do that, i truly do believe the american people are going to be standing taller. they're going to see that real an of just talking about it. and when that happens, the american people are going to stand tall, stand together, and we'll have the kind of unity that's been missing for way too long. >> all right, gentlemen. thank you so much. this concludes the vice presidential debate. my thanks to the candidates, the commission, and to you for watching. please tune in this sunday for the second presidential debate at washington university in st. louis and the final debate on october 19th at the university from farmville, virginia, i'm elaine quijano of cbs news. good night. [ applause ] >> the republican and nominees to be vice president of the united states, and a debate which stands in stark contrast to what we saw last week before the republican and democratic standard bearers' aggressive interruptions to begin tonight. donald trump -- i should say, mike pence's attacks on the clinton leadership and trustworthiness issues, tim kaine demanding that mike pence defend donald trump's position throughout. and through it all, an attempt by pence to turn around the recent slide in the polls and providing a roadmap for future debates between donald trump and hillary clinton. the question is, did it succeed tonight? kellyanne conway, donald trump's spokesperson, stepping into this room behind us this evening, as the debate itself was wrapping up, just moments ago. donald trump live tweeting throughout. and the analysis will come next. but one thing is for certain. there was no late evening fade. there was no move away from the positions of the day. and certainly no move away strategy on either man's part. we'll talk about all of that as fox broadcasting network's coverage continues right after this. ? ? ? i'll never go down your road ? ? i'll find my way on my own ? ? i'm never gonna fall in line ? the aftermath of the first and only vice presidential debate of the 2016 season. there were goals tonight for each campaign. for trump/pence, the goal was to get tim kaine to come forward and represent hillary clinton, though they disagree with each other on some issues. and for tim kaine, the idea was to attach pence to donald trump's rhetoric and demand he defend it. did either side succeed could this vice presidential debate reset the stage for what's to come? there's an analysis now on fox news channel, on satellite and cable. the next debate is between the candidates themselves, that's this sunday, washington university in st. louis. we'll be there. i'm shepard smith, fox news, for v-p nominees.. tim kaine and mike pence face off in their only debate tonight, and both went on the attack. fox 6 political reporter theo keith now -- to catch us up. t commander in chief scares us to deathtim kaine went on offense, criticizing mike pence's running mate... i cant imagine how governor pence can defend the selfish, insult driven trumplast week, trump publicly feuded with a beauty queen over her weight. he has struggled to answer questions about a 916 million dollar business loss from 1995. pence criticized appreciate the youre hired, youre fired thing. its nice youve got some pre-done lines.pence turned his attacks to president obama, and said kaine and hillary clinton were offering more of the same. obviously ive hit a nerve here. the campaign of clinton and kaine has been an avalanche of insultsboth men are political veterans, having served in congress and as governors... arguing with each otherboth were ready to spar in their only debate. elaine jumps in -- "tha can't understand when you talk over each other. pence's performance had wisconsin ties. governor scott walker played kaine in debate prep with pence last week in madison. speaker paul ryan shared with pence his own veep debate experience from 2012. more at the top of the hour. live, theo keith, fox6 news. he has one of the most famous fathers in the world.. so what does donald trump junior - have to say about his dad? my exclusive one on one interview - next. workers: he campaigned as a job creator but senator johnson helps companies ship jobs overseas. guys with families... guys like me? just gets harder and harder to get ahead. we need an economy that works for people like me. for people like me. for people like me. people like me. russ: i'm russ feingold and i approve this message because wisconsin's middle class from electing the next president of the united states. and wisconsin is proving to be a battleground. both campaigns have spent time here in the state. this week even more visits are on the way. tonight, though, i had the chance to sit down one-on-one with donald trump junior to talk about his father's plan for the country. clip 3703 15:38:25 did you ever father of course an entrepreneur, a real estate mogul a business man not a politician, not a politician, is this surreal in any sense for you being his eldest child? 15:38:37 35:08 its surreal in the sense that i get to go around the country and meet people who lool at him as the last hope to get rid of bureaucry, the bloat the same old same old in dc. what this election is and even in the primaries. its a referendum for change. people are sick of whats going on in this country. theyre sick of watchig codes surrounding dc. 35:30 40:14 how do you think the first debate went. were a week out from it were less than a week until the next debate which is a very different format. how do you think the debate went? 40:22 4:36:44 i think the debate went fine. youre nevert going get a fair debate i think with the media and with everything the way it is. mr trump when you were 20 years old you did x. mrs clinton were not going to aks you about scandal after scandal pay to play clinton foundation the things you did as secretary of state, benghazi. we wont even talk about that thing, thats off limits 37:00 come sunday? 38:32 i imagine so. its there. i think he was thinking hey maybe the moderator will actually ask about those things rather than random things from 50 years ago. thats nto going ot happen so im sure hell do it himself. 38:41clip 3703 42:38 how big of a role does wisconsin play in this election? 39:45 wisconsins not supposed to be in play, its not supposed to be, but it is and frankly theres no reason we shouldnt win it. 43:55 wi hasnt gone red since reagans reelection in 84. its been very tight 44:13 how do you win? how do you especially the minority vote. milwaukee of course is very democratic and has been for more than 100 years4:40:45 look what happens to milwaukee int hose 100 years my father talks about putting 20- billion dollars back into inner city schools to make sure those kids also have a good education to break the cycle of poverty. loo what the democratic policies have done to those cities around the world its not just milwaukee. look at detroit look at chicago you cabn go example after example of disaster and guess what every four years they come back vote. my father can actually make a different. hes not just talk. clip 3703 15:45:52 one of the biggest problem nationwide unfortaunetly is milwaukee is put right in the national spotlight as one of epicenters of it is the police-community relations and the brokeness of that pact as it should be. how does your father plan to go after that and mend those broken relationships that some claim are too broken to repair at this point? 46:14 42:35 id like to beie needs to be law and order int his country of course there are going ot be some bad apples things happen you have millions of police officers in this country somethings going to go wrong but i think you do have to work on it you do have to have that dialogue. i think thats what my father is doing right now. hes actually having that dialogue hes asking the questions that need to be asked that so many people are afraid of 42:58 15:47:35 do you ever just want to take your dads phone away from him and tell him to stop tweeting sometimes? 44:10 i know my father. my fathers a fighter. hes going his company businesses or whatever it may be hes made a career doing that and not giving up hes going to channel that to fight for the american people. 44:2149:45 what do you have to say about his temperment. is he tempermentally unfit to be president because there a lot of people who would argue that case? 46:12 i think its ridiculous when people they try to say that. hes a fighter he fights back and we need someone fighting for us. but he also cant do what he done in business in vast businesses for 40 years without being able to work with people or having a good tonewi how to get something done. you couldnt do it. 46:29 you could do it once be a bull in a china shop and ram through a deal maybe twice aftera w hile you wouldnt be able to get it done. theres a reason hes been successful time and time again for 40 years doing deal after deal with all diff people all over the country all over the world. hes been able to do that because he does have the right temperament. 46:44 51:23 why should the american people especially the people here in wi trust your father to run this country and put it in the right direction? 48:40 you know what if youre happy with politicians and where theyve taken this country then great vote for a politician, but i think this change, people want to see something different. 48:50 49:23 i think its time to give someone a chance whos actually create something whos actually created jobs and thats my father. for more from donald trump jr. -- head to our website -- fox six now dot com, or your fox six news mobile app. donald trump junior is sticking around wisconsin for one more day, tomorrow morning he will be at the embassy suites in brookfield. and then donald trump himself will be in our area on saturday -- details have yet to be announced. sanders will campaign for hillary clinton in madison and green bay tomorrow. and on monday -- clinton's daughter chelsea will make another stop in our state. details of her event have not been released. a taste of indian summer today.. a taste of indian summer today.. but don't get used to it.. tom deck. rain chances return on wednesday. i'll show you when the best time will be adlib to wx weather with temperatures holding steady in the 60s. showers and a few thunderstorms will move in from the southwest by mid-morning wednesday. the rain will move out during the afternoon. sun during the afternoon with temperatures in the low-to-mid 70s. scattered thunderstorms are possible thursday with a better chance for rain on friday. the to blow in on saturday. tonight: partly to mostly cloudy. low: 63 dewpoint: 59 wind: se 5 mph wednesday: mostly cloudy with t-storms moving out during the dewpoint: 60 wind: sw 5-15 mph thursday: mostly cloudy with a chance for thunderstorms. am low: 62 high: 71 dewpoint: 62 well-known radio talk show host charlie sykes - is retiring. sykes will be leaving his mid-morning show on 620 w-t-m-j show "sunday insight". governor scott walker congratulated him on 23 years behind the mic.. sykes is leaving in december. 10pm open now at 10: an unsettling message-- children overdose, i know people that were adults that overdosed." how a halloween store -- is taking the mask off drug abuse. plus -- debate nat pop both candidates or announcer welcome the one and only vice presidential debate. what the running mates want you to know about their candidates. and -- bringing tosa... together. "we are getting through it, but really, its been painful." the effort to heal -- awareness and demanding answers. jay anderson was shot and killed by a wauwatosa police officer in late june. a new group called "tosa together" will be holding a forum asking questions about the shooting. fox 6's ashley sears is live with what they want to achieve. the group will be holding a discussion here at the wauwatosa public library at 7 oclock tomorrow evening. the group hopes more awareness and added pressure--brings more transparency. its been really hard. a devastating death... 50:12 were taking it one day at a time. made more painful by frustration. 56:27 its been hell for me. jay and linda anderson lost their son 25-year-old jay anderson, jr. in late june. he was shot and killed by a wauwatosa police officer while he sat in his car in madison park. police say anderson had a gun. since that day these parents...say there has been a

Related Keywords

Madison Park , Washington , United States , Mexico , Wauwatosa , Wisconsin , Green Bay , China , Indiana , Virginia , Brookfield , Chicago , Illinois , Virginians , America , Mexicans , American , Russ Feingold , Shepard Smith , Elaine Quijano , Jay Anderson , Tim Kaine , Barack Obama , Scott Walker , Linda Anderson , Jay Anderson Jr , Theo Keith , Charlie Sykes , Ashley Sears , Paul Ryan , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WITI FOX 6 News At 9 20161005 :

Transcripts For WITI FOX 6 News At 9 20161005

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into our world. >> let -- >> there are so many families around the country who can't have children. >> governor -- >> if we can approve the options -- >> governor, why can't you trust women to make the choices for themselves? we can encourage people to support life, but why don't you trust women? why doesn't donald trump trust women to make this choice for themselves? that's what we ought to be doing in public life, living our lives of faith enthusiasm and excitement, convincing each other, dialoguing with each other about important moral issues of the day. but on fundamental issues of morality, we should let women make their own decisions. >> because a society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable. the aged, the infirm, the disabled, and the unborn. i believe it with all my heart. and i couldn't be more proud to be standing with a pro-life candidate in donald trump. >> i do have one final question for you both tonight. wins, what specifically are you going to do to unify the country and reassure the people who voted against you? >> that's a really important one. that may be the $64,000 question, because it has been a divisive campaign. and again, hillary is running a campaign about stronger together. and donald trump, and this is not directed at this man, except to the extent that he can't defend donald trump, donald trump has run a campaign that's been about one insult after the next. weo together. so here's what we'll do. hillary clinton was first lady, then senator for eight years, then secretary of state. and i serve in the senate. and i'm really amazed, elaine, as i talk to republican senators, how well they regard and respect hillary clinton. she was on the armed services committee. she was on other committees. she worked across the aisle when she was first lady to get the chip program passed so that 8 health insurance in this country, including in indiana. she worked across the aisle in 9/11 to get health benefits for the first responders who bravely went into the towers and the pentagon. she worked to get tricare benefits for national guard members, includinghoosiers and virginians. i was a governor of virginia with two republican houses. in the senate i have good aisle. because i think it's fine to be a democrat or republican or independent. but after election day, the goal is work together. and hillary clinton has a track record of accomplishment across the aisle that will enable her to do just that when we work with the new congress in january. >> governor, how will you unify the country if you win? >> thank you, elaine, and thanks for a great discussion. >> absolutely. >> tonight. thank you, senator. this is a very challenging time we can -- american's place in the world, the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton on the world stage has been followed by an economy that is truly struggling, stifled by an avalanche of more taxes, more regulation, obamacare, the war on coal, and the kind of trade deals that have put american workers in the back seat. i think the best way that we can bring people together is through change in washington, dc. you know, i served in washington, dc for the congress of the united states. and i served with many republicans and democrats, men and women of goodwill. the potential is there to really change the direction of this country. but it's going to take leadership to do it. the american people want to see our nation standing tall on the world stage again. they want to see us supporting our military, rebuilding our military, commanding the respect of the world. and they want to see the american economy off to the come back. donald trump's entire career has been about building. it's going through hardship just like a businessperson does, and finding a way through smarts and ingenuity and resilience to fight forward. when donald trump becomes president of the united states, we're going to have a stronger america. when you hear him say he wants to make america great again, when we do that, i truly do believe the american people are going to be standing taller. they're going to see that real an of just talking about it. and when that happens, the american people are going to stand tall, stand together, and we'll have the kind of unity that's been missing for way too long. >> all right, gentlemen. thank you so much. this concludes the vice presidential debate. my thanks to the candidates, the commission, and to you for watching. please tune in this sunday for the second presidential debate at washington university in st. louis and the final debate on october 19th at the university from farmville, virginia, i'm elaine quijano of cbs news. good night. [ applause ] >> the republican and nominees to be vice president of the united states, and a debate which stands in stark contrast to what we saw last week before the republican and democratic standard bearers' aggressive interruptions to begin tonight. donald trump -- i should say, mike pence's attacks on the clinton leadership and trustworthiness issues, tim kaine demanding that mike pence defend donald trump's position throughout. and through it all, an attempt by pence to turn around the recent slide in the polls and providing a roadmap for future debates between donald trump and hillary clinton. the question is, did it succeed tonight? kellyanne conway, donald trump's spokesperson, stepping into this room behind us this evening, as the debate itself was wrapping up, just moments ago. donald trump live tweeting throughout. and the analysis will come next. but one thing is for certain. there was no late evening fade. there was no move away from the positions of the day. and certainly no move away strategy on either man's part. we'll talk about all of that as fox broadcasting network's coverage continues right after this. ? ? ? i'll never go down your road ? ? i'll find my way on my own ? ? i'm never gonna fall in line ? the aftermath of the first and only vice presidential debate of the 2016 season. there were goals tonight for each campaign. for trump/pence, the goal was to get tim kaine to come forward and represent hillary clinton, though they disagree with each other on some issues. and for tim kaine, the idea was to attach pence to donald trump's rhetoric and demand he defend it. did either side succeed could this vice presidential debate reset the stage for what's to come? there's an analysis now on fox news channel, on satellite and cable. the next debate is between the candidates themselves, that's this sunday, washington university in st. louis. we'll be there. i'm shepard smith, fox news, for v-p nominees.. tim kaine and mike pence face off in their only debate tonight, and both went on the attack. fox 6 political reporter theo keith now -- to catch us up. t commander in chief scares us to deathtim kaine went on offense, criticizing mike pence's running mate... i cant imagine how governor pence can defend the selfish, insult driven trumplast week, trump publicly feuded with a beauty queen over her weight. he has struggled to answer questions about a 916 million dollar business loss from 1995. pence criticized appreciate the youre hired, youre fired thing. its nice youve got some pre-done lines.pence turned his attacks to president obama, and said kaine and hillary clinton were offering more of the same. obviously ive hit a nerve here. the campaign of clinton and kaine has been an avalanche of insultsboth men are political veterans, having served in congress and as governors... arguing with each otherboth were ready to spar in their only debate. elaine jumps in -- "tha can't understand when you talk over each other. pence's performance had wisconsin ties. governor scott walker played kaine in debate prep with pence last week in madison. speaker paul ryan shared with pence his own veep debate experience from 2012. more at the top of the hour. live, theo keith, fox6 news. he has one of the most famous fathers in the world.. so what does donald trump junior - have to say about his dad? my exclusive one on one interview - next. workers: he campaigned as a job creator but senator johnson helps companies ship jobs overseas. guys with families... guys like me? just gets harder and harder to get ahead. we need an economy that works for people like me. for people like me. for people like me. people like me. russ: i'm russ feingold and i approve this message because wisconsin's middle class from electing the next president of the united states. and wisconsin is proving to be a battleground. both campaigns have spent time here in the state. this week even more visits are on the way. tonight, though, i had the chance to sit down one-on-one with donald trump junior to talk about his father's plan for the country. clip 3703 15:38:25 did you ever father of course an entrepreneur, a real estate mogul a business man not a politician, not a politician, is this surreal in any sense for you being his eldest child? 15:38:37 35:08 its surreal in the sense that i get to go around the country and meet people who lool at him as the last hope to get rid of bureaucry, the bloat the same old same old in dc. what this election is and even in the primaries. its a referendum for change. people are sick of whats going on in this country. theyre sick of watchig codes surrounding dc. 35:30 40:14 how do you think the first debate went. were a week out from it were less than a week until the next debate which is a very different format. how do you think the debate went? 40:22 4:36:44 i think the debate went fine. youre nevert going get a fair debate i think with the media and with everything the way it is. mr trump when you were 20 years old you did x. mrs clinton were not going to aks you about scandal after scandal pay to play clinton foundation the things you did as secretary of state, benghazi. we wont even talk about that thing, thats off limits 37:00 come sunday? 38:32 i imagine so. its there. i think he was thinking hey maybe the moderator will actually ask about those things rather than random things from 50 years ago. thats nto going ot happen so im sure hell do it himself. 38:41clip 3703 42:38 how big of a role does wisconsin play in this election? 39:45 wisconsins not supposed to be in play, its not supposed to be, but it is and frankly theres no reason we shouldnt win it. 43:55 wi hasnt gone red since reagans reelection in 84. its been very tight 44:13 how do you win? how do you especially the minority vote. milwaukee of course is very democratic and has been for more than 100 years4:40:45 look what happens to milwaukee int hose 100 years my father talks about putting 20- billion dollars back into inner city schools to make sure those kids also have a good education to break the cycle of poverty. loo what the democratic policies have done to those cities around the world its not just milwaukee. look at detroit look at chicago you cabn go example after example of disaster and guess what every four years they come back vote. my father can actually make a different. hes not just talk. clip 3703 15:45:52 one of the biggest problem nationwide unfortaunetly is milwaukee is put right in the national spotlight as one of epicenters of it is the police-community relations and the brokeness of that pact as it should be. how does your father plan to go after that and mend those broken relationships that some claim are too broken to repair at this point? 46:14 42:35 id like to beie needs to be law and order int his country of course there are going ot be some bad apples things happen you have millions of police officers in this country somethings going to go wrong but i think you do have to work on it you do have to have that dialogue. i think thats what my father is doing right now. hes actually having that dialogue hes asking the questions that need to be asked that so many people are afraid of 42:58 15:47:35 do you ever just want to take your dads phone away from him and tell him to stop tweeting sometimes? 44:10 i know my father. my fathers a fighter. hes going his company businesses or whatever it may be hes made a career doing that and not giving up hes going to channel that to fight for the american people. 44:2149:45 what do you have to say about his temperment. is he tempermentally unfit to be president because there a lot of people who would argue that case? 46:12 i think its ridiculous when people they try to say that. hes a fighter he fights back and we need someone fighting for us. but he also cant do what he done in business in vast businesses for 40 years without being able to work with people or having a good tonewi how to get something done. you couldnt do it. 46:29 you could do it once be a bull in a china shop and ram through a deal maybe twice aftera w hile you wouldnt be able to get it done. theres a reason hes been successful time and time again for 40 years doing deal after deal with all diff people all over the country all over the world. hes been able to do that because he does have the right temperament. 46:44 51:23 why should the american people especially the people here in wi trust your father to run this country and put it in the right direction? 48:40 you know what if youre happy with politicians and where theyve taken this country then great vote for a politician, but i think this change, people want to see something different. 48:50 49:23 i think its time to give someone a chance whos actually create something whos actually created jobs and thats my father. for more from donald trump jr. -- head to our website -- fox six now dot com, or your fox six news mobile app. donald trump junior is sticking around wisconsin for one more day, tomorrow morning he will be at the embassy suites in brookfield. and then donald trump himself will be in our area on saturday -- details have yet to be announced. sanders will campaign for hillary clinton in madison and green bay tomorrow. and on monday -- clinton's daughter chelsea will make another stop in our state. details of her event have not been released. a taste of indian summer today.. a taste of indian summer today.. but don't get used to it.. tom deck. rain chances return on wednesday. i'll show you when the best time will be adlib to wx weather with temperatures holding steady in the 60s. showers and a few thunderstorms will move in from the southwest by mid-morning wednesday. the rain will move out during the afternoon. sun during the afternoon with temperatures in the low-to-mid 70s. scattered thunderstorms are possible thursday with a better chance for rain on friday. the to blow in on saturday. tonight: partly to mostly cloudy. low: 63 dewpoint: 59 wind: se 5 mph wednesday: mostly cloudy with t-storms moving out during the dewpoint: 60 wind: sw 5-15 mph thursday: mostly cloudy with a chance for thunderstorms. am low: 62 high: 71 dewpoint: 62 well-known radio talk show host charlie sykes - is retiring. sykes will be leaving his mid-morning show on 620 w-t-m-j show "sunday insight". governor scott walker congratulated him on 23 years behind the mic.. sykes is leaving in december. 10pm open now at 10: an unsettling message-- children overdose, i know people that were adults that overdosed." how a halloween store -- is taking the mask off drug abuse. plus -- debate nat pop both candidates or announcer welcome the one and only vice presidential debate. what the running mates want you to know about their candidates. and -- bringing tosa... together. "we are getting through it, but really, its been painful." the effort to heal -- awareness and demanding answers. jay anderson was shot and killed by a wauwatosa police officer in late june. a new group called "tosa together" will be holding a forum asking questions about the shooting. fox 6's ashley sears is live with what they want to achieve. the group will be holding a discussion here at the wauwatosa public library at 7 oclock tomorrow evening. the group hopes more awareness and added pressure--brings more transparency. its been really hard. a devastating death... 50:12 were taking it one day at a time. made more painful by frustration. 56:27 its been hell for me. jay and linda anderson lost their son 25-year-old jay anderson, jr. in late june. he was shot and killed by a wauwatosa police officer while he sat in his car in madison park. police say anderson had a gun. since that day these parents...say there has been a

Related Keywords

Madison Park , Washington , United States , Mexico , Wauwatosa , Wisconsin , Green Bay , China , Indiana , Virginia , Brookfield , Chicago , Illinois , Virginians , America , Mexicans , American , Russ Feingold , Shepard Smith , Elaine Quijano , Jay Anderson , Tim Kaine , Barack Obama , Scott Walker , Linda Anderson , Jay Anderson Jr , Theo Keith , Charlie Sykes , Ashley Sears , Paul Ryan , Hillary Clinton ,

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