Transcripts For WISN ET Entertainment Tonight 20160916 : com

Transcripts For WISN ET Entertainment Tonight 20160916

his sister's death is not what people expect and dr. phil gave us answers today. >> hey, we can't find your sister. what do you think happened? she's dead. >> many of you have commented on burke's smile. this is anxiety. he's socially uncomfortable. >> at some point you have to move on. >> he's not autistic. he's not weird. he's not creepy. he's just nervous. >> dr. phil's very protective of burke who is coming under fire for his smile, his fidgeting his nervous laugh. the 29-year-old computer consultant has not been seen since the interview aired. >> he's been moved around a lot. he lived in isolation quite a bit and he's just not socially comfortable. >> i want them to focus on finding the real killer and not making up bogus theories about me and my parents. >> more airs monday on dr. phil, but right now let us introduce you to the girl picked to play jonbenet in a new tv movie. >> 6-year-old payton lapinski got the role because of her striking resemblance of jonbenet. the model from canada beat out 20th little girls who auditioned one of eight projects focusing on the unsolved mystery, here's what we know about lifetime's movie "who killed jonbenet." they recreated five pageant scenes and only used one. as for the cast, mr. michael gil plays john ramsey while julia campbell is patsy. >> want mom to put lipstick on you? >> yes! >> what's really interesting is peyton herself plays the dead scenes of jonbenet who was found beaten and strangled with duct tape over her mouth. producers were careful and treated those scenes like it was halloween or a game so the girl wouldn't be scared. as for how peyton's mom felt. movie that i saw my baby lying on the floor, and that got to me. she knows that now that the little girl did pass away. we talked about wearing bracelets and necklaces for the noose and stuff so she understands. >> in this case just like the o.j. simpson case still has me riveted after all of these years. >> people are desperate to know what happened to that little girl. >> "who killed jonbenet" the highest ratings in five years and had a record setting number of people voting and crowned 12-year-old singer grace vanderwaal as its new champion. so what's next for the girl simon cowell called the next taylor swift? e.t. online was there -- >> the winner is -- grace vanderwaal. >> high five. she did it. >> these are tears of joy, right? >> yes, of course! >> from the beginning. i'm such a good judge. >> i'm such a good judge. >> really. >> you are a shooting star. you are on your way. i love you. you are so special. >> i've been watching this show for 11 years and doing it for seven. i've never been more excited. >> how does that make you feel? >> thank you. ? i don't play by the rules of the game ? >> the ukulele-playing phenom became by writing and playing her original music. >> i think you're the next taylor swift. ?? >> and just like swift, grace is also a pro on social media. >> here's my never-before-seen -- >> how will the 12-year-old spend the million dollar grand prize money? zip line, bridges, everything. >> she is so adorable. >> such a cutie. >> grace will be long past treehouse age by the time she collects that money. "america's got talent" pays out that million dollar prize over 40 years or she can take a $300,000 lump sum payment. take the money now, grace. take the lump sum. ryan lochte will not let anybody stop him, not even the >> just finished our second rehearsal for quick step, and i am beat. look at this. i am toast. >> ryan is all in. so ready to put monday night's "dancing with the stars" ambush behind him and there are questions about what prompted the protest. >> the relative of the protesters was arrested in rio during the olympics. brazilian authorities posted this image of what they say is a fake i.d. of an american who was arrested for allegedly selling fake tickets. according to the report, he is protesters. the climate changed. >> right. >> all of a sudden americans became targets in rio. >> just four days until monday night's live show, yesterday i stopped by to watch babyface rehearse. ?? ? >> the singer, songwriter and producer tied for third last week. would you like to see more security there in the coming >> i guess there could be. i don't know if it's going to point was made that they were trying to make them get out and move on. >> i call you mr. unbothered because you're so cool, calm and collected. i mean, look at you now, come on. have you fallen in love with dance or are you falling in love with dance? >> no, not yet. >> i've got to get it first. >> he's mildly irritating. it's just hard. >> so are you good with the swagger with the tango. i've got to think about it and you have to work for it. you might not be babyfaae this week. you might be stank face. >> i like that stank face. we'll go with that. >> such a good guy and a great singer, as well. dancing and singing is absolutely insane because beyonce brought it last night. she made dddger stadium look like an a-listers pouring in and i have a queen b hangover because i was there, too. ?? ?? >> also in the zone, amy schumer looking recovered from the food poisoning that put her in the hospital earlier this week. ?? ?? ?? ?? >> katy glammed up for the show with a fringed frock and feathering earrings. she watched from a private suite while chowing down on a hot dog. ?? >> a source tells me jay-z also hung out in a prief sat suite while other celebs including christina aguilera and vin channing tatum and wife jena made it a date night. ?? ? ?? ?? >> last night was the 37th concert for b on this tour. her second show back on stage after the doctor told her to rest her vocal cords. she looked a little fit after killing on stage. >> i know what she had to go down a couple of octaves, can you hear it? >> coming up next -- .&- >> welcome to my home. >> inside a new york housewives five-story manhattan home with an elevator and wait until you see the expensive stuff she's hiding in there. >> i have shoes that are anywhere from 10,000 to $12,000. >> and a "full house" mom with her look alike daughter turned model. >> hi, e.t. >> when have you seen an actress ever do this? tomorrow, only "e.t." is olay total effects vitamin enriched to revive skin your old school dance moves might show your age, your skin never will olay. ageless. i don't want to be a part of the show. she does not care about my feelings at all. >> yes, she does. did you catch that drama on the final reunion show of the real sonja morgan stormed off the set. things were calmer when sonja gave us a tour of her unbelievable home in the middle of manhattan. >> hello, "e.t." welcome to my home. >> the 4500-square foot house with five bedrooms and five and a half bathrooms. >> but what i like about this house is all of the outdoor space. >> living in new york and spending a lot of time since my divorce, that's been a godsend. >> sonja kept the townhouse in the divorce from her ex whose family founded j.p. morgan. the home is worth an estimated $8 million. and the real housewives of new york city, son, j a is a friend who always knows where the party is. and the party, well, it's usually at her place. >> this gets the most action. i've had board meetings here, fashion meetings. i can have friends over, cocktail parties. >> the elegant feast goes down on the second floor. >> if the walls could talk. >> draped in classic french into the mahogany kitchen. >> i have great views. >> moving on up to the third floor or should we say master suite. >> did i lock these closets? >> this is where i keep my birck ins and my good stuff. >> if you're a guest at chateau morgan, it's a five-star service. >> you can take the elevator straight up. >> what is the most lavish thing in the home? >> i have shoes worth anywhere from clips her purse on top of it. still ahead, me and first-time emmy nominee tracee ellis ross who happens to be one of the coolest chicks in hollywood. puuting work at the gym and getting real about body issues. >> i have had an internal struggle of want feeling comfortable in my skin. >> then -- i'll tell you a little story. >> ashton kutcher on his modeling past how the smalltown you can, too. >> candace cameron bure on the runway and why you might see her on the primetime show. >> honey! over here! picture! >> i won't be like that. i promise i won't do that. >> closed captioning provided well, this is becoming a trend, young models with famous meet natasha bure and her mother were the only ones backstage with them as they made their debut at fashion week. >> honey, over here! picture! >> i promise, i won't do that. >> candace was gushing over natasha as she prepared to walk the catwalk. >> i prefer being here as a proud mom than just a celebrity in the front row. >> i love doing thii kind of stuff. you get to show your attitude a little bit. >> i wish i felt like she does when i was 18 years old. >> i've been practicing since i was 5 years i'm not even kidding you, i was in my room going up and down the carpet hallway. >> i was a shy, shy child she is? >> earlier in the day we were with the designer sherry hill and natasha as she tried on some outfits. >> it's time to see if these girls want to do something themselves rather than spend their mom's money. >> they've never walked in a runway show before. i'm super excited and i hope i don't trip and that's my biggest auditioning for this season of "the voice" which premieres this week. >> it was incredible. i am super proud of her and i am looking forward to watching the show air. >> when you think fashion and models you think new york, paris, l.a. did you see many of the famous faces you see on the runway in ads are from the heartland, the middle of america and there is an agency that specializes in finding those beautiful people like ashton kutcher and closs in the most unlikely places. >> when someone comes up to you and says i want to give you the world. you should be a model and come to new york you're immediately dubious. >> ashton was still in college when he heard those words. it came from this woman, mary clark, a fellow cedar rapids, iowa, native who discoveeed asston in a bar and pretty much launched his career. >> mary walked up to me and said you need to do this. so i went and entered a fresh faces contest. even him up on stage talking to everybody and you can't help but think it was 20 years ago and look at everything that's happened. it's pretty incredible. >> you can say mary has a knack for finding talent especially in iowa. she and her husband run model management and they're responsible for finding the top faces. they found carlie kloss at a fashion show and voeg cover girl grace hartzel mary discovered her. >> she's with gigi hadid at new york fashion week and another one of their find, up and comer a lana arrington. >> yeezy. >> they take from where i was two years ago to the top. it's, like, it's very inspiring. >> i'll tell you a story about what makes them unbelievable and doing really well right off the and i was really struggling and i was, like on my last dime and to the point where i was, like, i don't know if i can do this anymore, and i called them and they lent me $300. what makes iowa so special? it's a secret, but all of the best people come from the middle. there is a genuine, heartfelt difference, and they're beautiful and people are really& tall the secret is the corn. >> by the way, corn sales just went through the roof. >> kloss told us that the best advice for aspiring models, be patient. it doesn't always happen overnight like it did for ashton and carlie. ?? ?? >> oh, yeah. we all know tracee ellis ross can work that body and she proved it moving just like her mother diana ross. let me tell you, i had no idea emmy-nominated star "black-ish" invited me to work out with her. >> i'm i i am full-on alicia keysing is. i don't wear makeup because i feel if you want to look in the mirror you have too feel a little pop. >> i was surprised to learn that like a lot of women tracee once was conflicted with body issues. i have had an internal struggle as a young comfortable in my skin and i happen to be one of those people who have fought hard to love whoi am, but it's hard earned. my size fluctuates between a large, 4 and a 10. i work out regularly. >> because you have to use your whole -- >> oh, my gosh. >> so you get all of this. >> she put me through the ringer at the tracee anderson studio and said those past body insecurities have nothing to do >> my mom was just my mom and she was just this gorgeous, glamorous woman and she nformed a lot of other things like my self-esteem and courage and be who i am. if anything it gave me the desire to work out in red lipstick. >> what's the best piece of advice that she has ever given you about navigating this business. >> it's a lifetime of a mommy. >> tracee ellis ross! "black-ish." >> her emmy nomination was her >> i said this is ridiculous! >> and while trying on her emmy dress tracee became emotional. >> i am 43 years old. i have not been engaged or gotten married and i have not had a child and there aren't a lot of things in our culture that allow single people to be celebrated and there was this moment that was really beautiful. >> single? yes, but that doesn't mean she's not keeping her eyes wide open. >> today i was driving my car and there was this man walking without a shirt on and i was, focus the road! i was, like, oh, god? s. >> that's real honest, right? tracee is my girl crush. she's the first african-american woman to be nominated for an emmy. >> the last? >> phylicia hey, what are you doing? getting the coats. for a half hour? bob just got time warner cable. he's getting more. more what? on demand, most for free. look, he's dvr-ing like 6 shows at once. let's go. ah, this grass is so much greener than on our tv. why are your shoes off? because i'm on their bed. i don't want to be rude. discover how much more is included. are those meatballs still circulating? get tv, internet and phone for $89.99 per month. (beep, camera shutter click) did you just see that? that was awesome. we have to try it. okay. okay, mine's not working. hing. right. okay, yeah. (muffled) you can take money out using the bmo harris app! you want to buy a hairless cat? there's a pet store down the street. cool... i think she said "bmo harris app". yeah, that makes more sense. when your phone is your debit card. that's the bmo effect. it's all at travel consideration provided by -- all right. before we go, the guys that bring you thursday night football are bringing good will to deserving kids. >> hey! >> tony gonzalez from the nfl today spent the day in memphis for children's cancer awareness month. they participated in football >> i'm looking at you and getting a high five. you see the smile on their face and you can imagine what these kids are going through and you get a chance to make a kid smile it moves you. >> giving back is what i elieve is our responsibility as people who have been given so much. you have to give back to the world around you. you have to put it out there. >> tony and bill tig when the new york jets take on the buffalo bills for thursday night football. my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the grocery store anything but simple. so i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. he explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, logists. clearer skin is possible. >> donald trump is here. >> i view this as in a way going to see my doctor. >> a no holds barred conversation. dr. oz: talking about the candidate's medical records. >> when you're running for president you have an obligation to be president. oldest person to ever enter the oval office. >> the moment no one expected. dr. oz: why not share your medical records. >> i have it right here. should i do it? >> coming up next. dr. oz: we'll save lives today. get healthy! [applause and cheering] there are 53 days between now and election day when americans head to the polls to vote for president. our report released this week shows this is a major cause of stress in america. now, the doctor, first and foremost, i'm focused on the nation's health, our shared anxiety over access to quality health care, and the health crisis we have to combat over the next four years whatever it

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