Transcripts For WIS WIS News 10 Sunrise 20160222 : compareme

Transcripts For WIS WIS News 10 Sunrise 20160222

south carolina's primary on saturday, deepening his hold on the gop. trump took 33-percent of the vote in the palmetto state. senators marco rubio and ted cruz came in 2nd and 3rd in a virtual tie behind trump. out west, hillary clinton pulled out a crucial win saturday over bernie sanders in nevada's democratic caucuses, easing the rising anxieties of her backers. at a raucous victory rally in las vegas, she lavished praise on her supporters and declared -- "this one is for you." the victories put clinton and trump in strong positions as the 2016 presidential election advances toward the south carolina democratic primary on saturday and the march 1st "super tuesday" contests. dianne gallagher has a look at the races ahead. nothing easy about running for presisint.. it's tough, it's nasty, it's mean, it's vicious... it's beautiful when you win, it's beautiful... acknowledging it's hard to run for president, donald trump saw the huge payoff in south carolina night.... victory in the south for the republican frontrunner -- his win so commanding, he clinched every single delegate in the palmetto state. while on the democratic side... luck was a lady. hillary clinton thanking nevada for her much needed victory. and now she's looking toward south carolina and super tuesday. we want to make progress in our country, we want to make a real difference in people's lives that's what i've always been about opponent bernie sanders may have conceded nevada.... and possibly next week's primary in south carolina, but don't count him out. donald trump's sizeable lead going forward spells trouble for cruz rubio especially -- both looking for wins -- because come march 15th the races are winner-take-all. it is now apparent that the only of the republican primary butt lot of democrats, bring over a i'll win states that the republicans don't even think of.... dianne galagher reporting. later this morning our michal higdon talks with a political analyst on how the races ahead will ultimately shape the future of the candidates in the races. a developing story this morning... richland county deputies say a weekend death at a columbia motel is suspicious. investigators were called to the motel 6 on nates road on saturday afternoon, where they fofod a man unresponsive. no other details have been given regarding the man's death. deputies are asking you to call crimestoppers at 1- 888-crime-sc if you have information. one man continues to recover in the hospital after a shooting early sunday morning in columbia. richland county deputies responded to a shots fired call at 'darrell's place' on percival road. lower body --- his condition is unknown. if you can help investigators find who is responsible for this shooting, call crimestoppers. columbia police continue their search for suspects tied to saturday night's shooting at columbiana centre mall. parts of the mall were put on lockdown until all areas could be evacuated. investigators concluded it was an isolated shooting that began as a fist fight between two men who fired shots into the air. daniel morales owns a cell phone repair kiosk inside the mall. he says he was near that fight when it broke out and saw one of the men pull out a gun. "when we exited from the food court by the carousel and we turned around and looked back...there were so many people pushing out that one of the doors had actually come off the hinge and ya know so there was definitely ya know the danger of somebody getting trampled or pushed over or falling over for sure." investigators believe the two men involved in the incidenenare in their early one was wearing an acid washed shirt and pants -- the other a dark hoodie. if you have information on the suspects, again, call crimestoppers. police in kalamazoo, michigan continue to search for answers in a deadly shooting rampage over the weekend. police have arrested a man who opened fire at three different locations saturday night shooting eight people -- six of them fatally. nbc's dan scheneman has the latest. more than 24 hours after the first shots were fired..... people gathered at a special church service to mourn and to pray. police identified the gunman as 45-year-old jason dalton. authorities say the shootings began saturday...just before six o' an apartment complex...... "i heard something hit the siding so i checked out the back window and saw the car driving off and then i looked out here and there was a woman laying on the ground." the victim, a mother of three, condition. the shooting spree continued for more than four a car dealership and a restaurant parking lot six people were killed....including tyler smith and his father who were killed shopping for a new car. maryjoe nye and her sister in law mary l. nye also killed...they had spent the evening at a play. seven hours after the first shots were fired police apprehended jason dalton without incident. "we do have a hand gun that's consistent with the evidence that was found a each one of these crime scenes there's other evidence in the car as well " dalton was a driver for uber and one man claims he rode with him before he was "i kind of jokingly said to the driver you're not the shooter are you? he gave me some was rushed to surgery when she unexpectedly squeezed her mother's hand. she's now reported in critical condition. pope francis is calling for a one-year moratorium on the death penalty. he's proposing that catholic leaders suspend the practice during the holy year of mercy. a push for forgiveness that runs through november. the pontiff is also throwing his support behind a conference set to begin today that he hopes, will help bring an end to capital punishment. charlotte city leaders are expected to vote on some controversial chang to several non-discrimination ordinances at their meeting tonight. proposed changes would protect members of the lgbt community from discrimination in businesses like hotels, restaurants and taxis. raycom's michael clark has both sides of the story. for lgbt advocates proposed changes that would protect people from discrimination are long overdue. "nobody should be kicked out of a cab simply for whatever it may be, nobody should be kicked out of a restaurant for the way they identify." it's a battle matt hirschy and north carolina equality have been fighting since the measure failed last year by one vote. but now there's a new mayor and several council members who may see things differently "every person in our community in charlotte deserves to have the same rights and advantages that everybody else in the community does." one proposed change would allow someone to use the restroom of "we do know that there's a risk governor pat mccrory emailed council members that passing the measure could result in immediate state intervention and strain the relationship between charlotte and the state. harris and hundreds of others plan to rally monday restroom changes and for the rights of business owners. "they may find themselves in positions of being fined or facing some kind of lawsuit for really choosing to do what their convictions and their faith lead them to do." focus on profit not the sexual orientation or gender identity of the customer. council members have been small, small, small way to help governor mccrory's email was sent sunday as a response to a councilman asking mccrory how it might affect charlotte's relationship with the state. coming up on sunrise... a finish to remember. video you have to see of denny hamlin's thrilling victory in the daytona 500. joe gorchow's got more ahead in your morning sportswrap. break 1 opening weekend on the diamond usc sweeps up albany... to start off the season in the best way possible. although the great danes proved to be a tough out in sunday's series finale. carolina... in a little bit a trouble in the first frame. === runner on second... with taylor widener on the bump... he induces a ground ball to short... but marcus mooney's throw to first sails. one run scores on the error. === widener settles in... pitches five innings... strikes out six... gives up no earned runs. === bottom five... gamecocks still trailing 1-0 when john jones delivers. smokes the offering back up the middle... to drive in mooney. usc ties it up at 1-1. === next frame... usc breaks this thing wide open. gene cone in as a pinch hitter... nearly hits into an ending inning double play. instead... the go ahead run scores. === then leading 3-1... jones creates breathing room with one swing of the bat. two gamecocks race home. as usc beats albany 8-1 to sweep the series. holbrook: "i think we played all three phases of the game well all weekend long. i think we battled at we had some really good at made some great defensive plays. our pitchers threw strikes for the most part. had some power arms and some power stuff out there. it was good to see. we weren't trying to trick people. we went after them." ------------------------------ over in tiger town... a rubber match between clemson and maine.....winner takes the weekend series. === maine grabs the early lead....tigers take it away in the bottom of the first....chris williams drives in eli white to give clemson a 2-1 lead.... ==== same score into the bottom of on for chase pinder.....he rips the first home run of the year for the tigers.....5-1 clemson... ==== two batters later......clemson catcher chris oakey caps a 4 run fourth.....with an rbi single to left..... the tigers hang 7 more runs in the 5th......all clemson today.... they win 19-2. -------------------------------- -- moving to the hardwood... the usc women tip-off tomorrow night at alabama. the game against the crimson tide will mark the return of senior guard asia dozier to the line up. dozier's missed the last five games due to injury. she hurt her right hand at texas a&m back on january 31st. today... dozier practiced fully with the team for the first time since injuring her hand. after practice... coach dawn staley discussed dozier's biggest obstacle returning to game action. staley: "she's in great shape. probably feel a lot better from having a break. so she's going to be able to get up and down the floor. just psychologically too she has to overcome that. she fell down a few times. those things must happen for her to psychologically be there." dozier: "feel a lot better. everybody told me to just take my time. it was kind of a pain tolerance thing. just had to be able to measure it myself. not rush but come back when i felt the most comfortable. and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to middle 60s. moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler temperatures. just when you thought you could refund you're getting and splurge on something you want...along comes an idea on what you really need to do with it.. here's nbc's chris clackum. if tempted to use your 2015 tax refund to indulge yourself... you are not alone. "maybe a day at the spa...i know that sounds crazy but maybe just a day of total relaxation" because the irs is on pace to exceed last year's...77-million refund checks....that averaged "in an imaginary world i would figure out what you should do credit cards" advisor chris hobart says credit card debt is fund ...that reduces the "that means making sure your 401k or your ira is maxed out or more importantly maybe starting a roth ira" or maybe he says you should adjust your withholdings... so, you aren't providing the government with an interest-free loan for next year. don't forget -- the date to submit your tax return has been moved back four days. this year's deadline falls on april the 18th. still ahead on sunrise. a possible alternative for americans seeking health insurance. the company that's looking to provide a better ease of access to care. break 3 a new start up is hoping to make the battle over better worker protections in the sharing economy space is as hot as ever. but there's one company that uber, etsy, postmates and more are turning to as these developments unfold-- stride health. the benefits platform, launched as a modern-day insurance broker, helping individuals find the right health insurance plans for their profile, with a personal forecast via a proprietary algorithm. individuals, not the startups, cover the "we also look at quality and convenience and access to care so you can keep using the doctors you love and want to keep. and we have a team that supports you all year round so if you ever have an issue you need to resolve with your insurance company we take care of that on your behalf" "the company has raised more than $15 million from investors including the mayo clinic, and makes money by taking a commission from insurers on the competitors include and even" the sharing economy, which has grown in popularity due in part to an uneven recovery post-recession, allows americans to work part time as freelancers, connecting them with available jobs. as the debate about benefits and worker protections rages on, it seems startups and workers can agree on the importance of flexibility and who foots the bill for the latter. that was kate rogers reporting. the time is now 4:-- thanks for starting your day with news ten sunrise. these lil' chickies and lil' doggies are small, -but they're intense. -yeah. -it's like my niece, hannah. -and you, uh, take karate? show him how intense you are. -yah! yah! ah! -(karate sounds) hey! now finish him. big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. -(click) there are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message, two coneys or two burgers, and two tots and two drinks. -yeah. -it's like i'm seeing double. speaking of double. look. (yells) you guys wanna hang out sometime? oh, man. i think i nailed it. now two can eat for $9.99 all month long. (clicks) in the palmetto state with just five days to go until voters head to the polls. and... unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good plus... nevada's next for the gop. what donald trump's big south carolina win means as the field narrows and all of the candidates continue to work to garner support. it's monday, february 22nd. and news 10 sunrise starts right good morning. thanks for waking up with sunrise. i'm mary king. i'm len kiese. it's five o'clock on this monday, february 22nd. hillary clinton will now make south carolina her focus after a victory in the nevada caucuses over the weekend. the democratic presidential candidate closely edged out rival bernie sanders after days of campaigning. in her victory speech-- clinton spoke on her plans for the middle class and her appeal to various groups of voters. donald trump is still riding high off a big victory here in south carolina over the weekend. trump swept all of the palmetto state's congressional districts-- banking all of south carolina 50 delegates. it's trump's second win-- after sealing a victory in new hampshire about two weeks ago. this week, the parties are swapping states. nevada will hold it's republican caucus tomorrow. south carolina holds it's democratic primary this saturday. we'll be bringing you coverage of the races in the days ahead. watching two fronts that will cross the state bringing off-and-on rain over the next 3 days. some of that rain could be heavy at times. and we could also see strong storms by wednesday morning. our tim miller is tracking that chance for severe weather in your first alert forecast. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. highs will settle in the low 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves produce with 1" to 3" of rain, and the highest totals will come in from the upstate. hillary clinton is looking ahead to south carolina's democratic primary this weekend after a narrow victory in the nevada caucus. clinton closely edged rival bernie sanders after days of intense campaigning. the win gives clinton a much needed boost-- after her 22-point loss to sanders in the new hampshire primary. "we need more than a plan for the big banks. the middle class needs a raise, and we need more jobs." clinton went on to congratulate sanders for his close finish in the nevada caucuses. a win for clinton here in south carolina this weekend would also give her a boost of momentum going into super tuesday on march first. week. tomorrow night, she's scheduled to be at central baptist church at 6:15. on wednesday, she'll attend a luncheon at brookland baptist church at 2:30. vermont senator bernie sanders made his way across south carolina over the weekend ahead of this weekend's primary. sanders stopped by brookland baptist church for a meet-and-greet. he shook hands and posed for photos with several members of the congregation. he also spoke on issues of social justice and racial disparity in america. later in the day, sanders made an appearance at a rally in greenville. sanders is expected to make a campaign stop in sumter this morning. the free event will be held at serendipity cafe on main street. doors open at 8:30 a-m. it's all a part of clinton and sanders final push for support ahead of saturday's democratic primary. there is still time to vote absentee. if you want to receive an absentee ballot by mail you must turn in your application by tomorrow. you can vote in person at your county voter registration office until 5 p-m the republican race now heads to nevada where the state's caucus will be held tomorrow. but over the weekend -- voters overwhelming made their voices heard giving donald trump a convincing win here in south carolina. our michal higdon is live in the newsroom with a breakdown. the turnout for saturday's republican presidential primary smashed both the number of people who voted in 2012 and the expected number of voters this year. more than 735- thousand people cast ballots in the election -- easily surpassing the 650- thousand experts were predicting. donald trump easily took the "first in the south" primary picking up every congressional district -- which means he won all fifty available delegates. marco rubio and ted cruz practically tied, coming in second and third respectively -- each with 22 percent of the votes. followed by jeb bush, who ended his campaign, then john kasich, and ben carson. we spoke with a usc political science professor who says the candidates will have to focus their campaigns more on appealing to voters if they look to be successful in the future race. solidify their base.the victory in south carolina or even second or third place finish, but really a victory, helps them to have some more momentum. the issues that seem to help them with the voters here will certainly are likely to help them in other states -- particularly those in the south." that momentum will carry them into the nevada gop primary tomorrow, followed by super tuesday on march first. it's flipped on the democratic side as the candidates make their way here ahead of south carolina's primary on saturday. coming up in the next half hour i'll tell you what experts say they are expecting with this primary -- that's very different from what we just saw with the republicans. live in the newsroom, michal higdon, wis news 10. in the wis alert center this morning.. the man arrested in a deadly shooting rampage in kalamazoo, michigan this weekend, is due in court today. 45-year old jason dalton is is expected to be arraigned on numerous murder charges. he was arrested early sunday morning after a massive manhunt. police say he opened fire at three different locations saturday night shooting eight people. six of them died. last night -- mourners gathered for a special church service to remember those who lost their lives in the shooting. investigators believe the gunman chose the victims at random. columbia police are continuing their search for suspects tied to a shooting scare at columbiana centre mall. dozens of first responders responded to the mall saturday night after getting reports of shots fired inside. investigators believe the shooting was isolated and began as a fist fight between two men in their early 20's who fired shots into the air. after looking at surveillance video and speaking to witnesses, police believe one of the men was wearing an acid washed shirt and pants, while the other was wearing a dark hoodie. if you saw anything or have any information that can help make an arrest, call 1-888-crime-sc. officials from dhec will hold a public meeting today to get your input on the controversial proposed lower richland sewer project. the project would offer an alternative to septic tanks in parts of lower richland county-- but some in the area are worried they may end up paying more. the meeting is happening tonight from 6:30 to 7:30 at hopkins park. a formal hearing will be after the meeting. in addition to the meeting, dhec will be accepting comments from the public in writing. the deadline to send those in is march 9th. and tim miller's getting your day started with your first alert forecast. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the nort highs will settle in the low 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves out of the gulf of mexico, temperatures will warm up to the low 60s. the entire event is expected to produce with 1" to 3" of rain, and the highest totals will come in from the upstate. coming up on news 10 sunrise... donald trump makes light of a situation at a campaign rally over the weekend more on what happened at the republican candidate's event-- just after he clinched a victory here in south carolina. morningthe deaths of a family of six in detroit over the weekend. four children between the ages of 2 and 11 were among the dead when a family member found them sunday. a generator was running on the lower level of their home -- apparently in use after a power outage on friday night. a relative discovered the bodies sunday after they were unable to reach them. now an investigation is underway. after nabbing the number 2 spot in south carolina's republican primary -- marco rubio is on to other southern states with upcoming voting contests. during a stop in tennessee, rubio said he's a conservative that can grow the g-o-p. he's also portraying himself as candidate who can unite republicans...and the nation. "if you elect me i'll be a president for all americans. even the americans that don't agree with me. even the americans who don't like me. even the americans that protest against me. even the americans who say nasty things about me on twitter, i will cut their taxes too." rubio also made a stop in little rock, arkansas sunday... he says the race has a different dynamic now... with who he calls three real contenders-- trump, senator ted cruz, and himself. meanwhile 3rd place south carolina finisher, ted cruz says he is the candidate conservatives should turn to as the chief alternative to donald trump. he held a rally in front of a crowd of supporters in nevada sunday. cruz told cnn's state of the union, he continues to see more conservatives uniting behind his campaign. "as the field narrows, we're seeing more and more people coming to us because we're looking for a strong, proven constitutional conservative to stand up and present a clear contrast with the cruz also dismissed the idea that he under- performed in south carolina. he argued since his own lead narrowed in recent weeks, donald trump's margin of victory should have been greater. it was 'lights out' in atlanta at a rally for donald trump. trump spoke to supporters at the georgia world congress center just after his big win in south carolina. he discussed issues such as the iran deal, veterans and defeating isis. in the middle of trump's speech-- the lights went out... but the republican candidate used that event to energize the crowd. he said "oh i like that much better." then when the lights came back on - he insisted they stay off turning it in to an opportunity to talk about how the country should negotiate. cnn is hosting one last gop debate before super tuesday on march first. the debate will be broadcast thursday night at 8:30 from houston, texas. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. highs will settle in the low 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves mexico, temperatures will warm up to the low 60s. the entire event is expected to produce with 1" to 3" of rain, and the highest totals will come in from the upstate. the usc women's basketball team has hit the homestretch. the ap's number 3 ranked team takes the court again tonight for an sec road game. the gamecocks are on the road tonight to play alabama. game time is 7 o'clock on the sec network. thursday -- usc will again be on the road for a 9 o'clock game at ole miss before returning home for their versus lsu. while the usc women are wrapping up their regular season -- the usc baseball team is just getting started. and the gamecocks got a big three game sweep over albany to get some early momentum. after wins friday and saturday, usc won 8 to 1 yesterday to cap off the series. they host appalachian state tomorrow afternoon. a photo finish in the great american race. in fact -- the closest finish ever in the history of the daytona 500. after a day full of action in daytona, it all came down to the final lap sunday. in the final lap denny hamlin in 11 car charges to the front with a gutsy move in between two cars. on the final turn -- he edges past martin truex junior by mere inches to take the checkered flag. the margin of victory -- just ten-hundredths of a second. we've got plenty more of today's top headlines-- coming up just after the break. thanks for starting your monday news 10 sunrise. blake mccoy good morning to you from going back to the old neighborhood can be hard sometimes. walls have been built invisibly around the old neighborhood and that police brutality is used to keep folks hemmed in, and frankly, opportunity locked out. i spent my entire life in the civil rights movement. i came up in the naacp like my mom came up in the naacp, like my father came up with the congress of racial equality, like bernie sanders came up with the congress of racial equality. we need to combat institutional racism from top to bottom in a broken criminal justice system. i'm supporting bernie sanders for president and all of us who have joined this campaign are there for the same reason. he's always fought for a populus position of let's fight for all our families as if they are our own. weekend, the victims apparently chosen at random. this morning an uber driver is in custody accused of the crimes, and later this morning on today you'll hear from a man who says he got a ride from this mind, that's coming up later this morning on today. caught on camera-- rescuers in california worked for hours over the weekend to rescue a driver stuck in a truck. a three-car crash sent a rental truck over the side of interstate 80-- to crash 45 feet below. the truck driver got trapped. pull the man up from the wreckage and lift him up to the freeway in a gurney basket. officials said the man was conscious and able to move when they found him. he was taken to the hospital for treatment. drivers in the other vehicles suffered minor injuries. the supreme court will hear cases for the first time today since the death of supreme court members. president obama plans to nominate a replacement-- over the objection of many republicans, who say that job should be the responsibility of his successor. republican presidential candidate john kasich has signed a bill to block funding to planned parenthood. the gop candidate signed a bill banning the state of ohio from contracting health services with any group that performs or promotes abortion. the bill doesn't speifically mention planned parenthood-- but the organization will be cut from more than a million dollars in funding for health program. many republicans have been calling to defund the women's health organization. after a tropical cyclone winston tore through the country of fiji. officials say the country is no longer under curfew-- it was lifted hours ago. government workers are expected to head back to work and the country's international airport has reopened. all schools will be shut down this week and the prime minister has declared a state of emergency for the next 30 days-- as emergency crews clean up the damage. missouri police are searching for a suspect in connection with a house fire that killed four people over the weekend in kansas city. 24-year-old grayden denham is a person of interest in the case. denham has previously pleaded guilty to assault and claims the burned down home as his address. investigators are treating the deadly blaze as a quadruple homicide. neighbors say they heard an explosion around the time the fire was reported. gas prices continue to drop. according to triple-a, the average price for a gallon of regular is $1.71. prices haven't been this low since 2008. crude oil costs have steadied-- and analysts say the latest price drop may be prices go back up and stay up. wholesale prices for refiners have already increased in the past couple of days. the average price in south carolina is $1.50-- in columbia it's $1.53. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. highs will settle in the low 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves out of the gulf of mexico, temperatures will warm up to the low 60s. the entire event is expected to produce with 1" to 3" of rain, and the highest totals will come in from the upstate. we are back with another half hour, in just a few minutes. thanks for starting your day with news 10 sunrise. good morning. thanks for waking up with sunrise. these lil' chickies and lil' doggies are small, -but they're intense. -oh, yeah. small but intense like my niece, hannah. oh, yeah. and you, uh, take karate? show him how intense you are, hannah. -yah! yah! ah! -(karate sounds) oh, my... hey! yes! now finish him. -bow to her, peter. -i'm not gonna bow to a... bow to her, peter. (gong) big flavor in a little package. new lil' chickies and lil' doggies. and grab a burrito and drink for $3.00 delivered in two minutes-- -guaranteed. -(click) she says their names. trayvon martin shot to death. dontre hamilton unarmed. sandra bland... did nothing wrong. and makes their mothers' fight for justice her own. she speaks for a city poisoned by indifference. we need action now. and stands with the president against those who would undo his achievements. just like she's always...stood with us. hillary clinton. your top stories this morning... democratic presidential candidates are making the rounds now in south carolina...meanwhile its on to nevada for the gop. more on tomorrow's caucus. plus the week ahead in the plus... the search for two men behind a shooting scare at columbiana centre mall over the weekend continues. this is video of officers sweeping the mall saturday search of the gunmen. there is a chance that we may see some rain in the forecast today as we prepare to monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. highs will settle in the low 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an the entire event is expected to hillary clinton grabbed a much needed boost in nevada over the weekend after winning the nevada caucuses. the democratic presidential candidate is now looking ahead to south carolina's democratic primary on saturday. clinton closely edged rival vermont senator bernie sanders after days of campaigning. clinton lost to sanders by 22 points in the new hampshire primary about two weeks ago. bernie sanders wasted no time moving past nevada and is looking to gain more south carolina. sanders spoke to a rally of more people in greenville yesterday after a stop in the midlands. sanders garnered loud cheers when touching on college debt, equal pay, and our criminal justice system. he says he believes south carolina has the opportunity to make history, and that he will be the candidate to defeat the republican challenger when elected. "we have the momentum not only primary process if you look at national polls and you want a candidate who is going to defeat donald trump you're looking at that candidate." sanders also picked up an edorsement from actor danny glover who attended the event as well. as south carolina voters head to as south carolina voters head to the polls this weekend for the democratic primary -- there's several factors that political analysts say won't be the same as with the republican. our michal higdon is live in the newsroom with more -- michal? i spoke with robert oldendick, a professor at usc. and he says because south carolina is traditionally a red state -- the winner of the republican primary has more at stake. but he says on the democratic side -- this week is going to be very different for the candidates after hillary clinton pulled out the win in nevada. oldendick says clinton has a lead in south carolina because of the broad level of support from the african-american community which oldendick says will make up about 55 percent of the a reason bernie sanders will have to step up his game if they want to win the palmetto state. but, oldendick adds the winner of the south carolina democratic primary has not always gone on to win the democratic nomination. he believes the win in south carolina will come down to multiple factors. "there's the personality characteristic, is the candidate trustworthy... but there's also the issues -- where do people stand on the issues. are they closer to your positions? and then there's also the idea of credibility and will they actually be able to get things done. in the primary election you're making some calculus as to can this candidate actually win against their republican opponent in november." oldendick says what was a record turnout of voters for the republican primary here in south carolina will not be mirrored by the democrats this week. he does expect there to be a lot of voters, but nothing like what we saw back in 2008 with president obama's campaign. live in the newsroom, michal higdon, wis news 10. jackson is in south carolina encouraging people to vote. jackson says there are close to one point two million who are eligible to vote, but only about a million of them are he will be in winnsboro this morning, then at midlands tech at noon and allen university. over the weekend, jackson made stops at churches in columbia, chester and rock hill. fresh off his first place finish in south carolina, donald trump believes he will have enough delegates to clinch the gop nomination before the party's convention in july. trump's victories in south carolina and new hampshire and second place finish in iowa has given him a decisive lead in the delegate count. some have said that if the field does not narrow in the coming weeks, the chances of having a brokered convention would increase dramatically. trump dismissed that notion to cnn's jake tapper. ", i have a second and i have two firsts. and new hampshire was a blowout and this one was a blowout. and, you know, i don't think, i don't see where this a... convention. and i think most of the smart people are saying there's convention." trump also told tapper that he expects to win states that quote "republicans don't even think of." trump was in altanta on sunday and is now headed to nevada. after jeb bush dropped out of the race in columbia saturday night, the narrowing republican field now looks to gain supporters in nevada. trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, and ben carson all have scheduled campaign stops across nevada today. john kasich will be stumping in virginia today. meanwhile at a las vegas rally sunday- celebrity donnie wahlberg said he believes marco rubio has the right stuff. the blue bloods star and former "new kids on the block" member has officially endorsed rubio for president. wahlberg told the crowd that he's never voted for a republican before-- but rubio changed his mind. an endorsement from wahlberg-- who is a boston native-- may come in handy as part of rubio's efforts to hang tough on 'super tuesday.' massachusetts will cast its votes on that day. just coming into the wis alert center right now the commander of the u.s navy's 7th fleet says this morning - the situation in the south china sea is not a battle between the u.s and china. the rise after beijing deployed a surface-to-air missiles last week on an island in the disputed waters. china says patrols by u.s. navy vessels and military aircraft have raised concerns about stability and peace in the area. the u.s. says it is not using the patrols to single out china and wishes the situation wasn't portrayed as "u.s. versus china." a developing story this morning... richland county deputies say a weekend death at a columbia motel is suspicious. investigators were called to the motel 6 on nates road on saturday afternoon, where they found a man unresponsive. no other details have been given regarding the man's death. deputies are asking you to call crimestoppers at 1- 888-crime-sc if you have information that can help. columbia police continue their search for suspects tied to saturday night's shooting at columbiana centre mall. parts of the mall were put on lockdown until all areas could be evacuated. investigators concluded it was an isolated shooting that began as a fist fight fired shots into the air. daniel morales owns a cell phone repair kiosk inside the mall. he says he was near that fight when it broke out and saw one of the men pull out a gun. that's when he says people started running to get out of the way. "when we exited from the food court by the carousel and we turned around and looked back...there were so many people pushing out that one of the doors had actually come off the hinge and ya know so there was definitely ya know the danger of somebody getting trampled or pushed over or falling over for sure." investigators believe the shooting was isolated and began as a fist fight between two men in their early 20's who fired shots into the air. one was wearing an acid washed shirt and pants, investigators need your help finding a suspect involved in a shooting in columbia over the weekend. richland county deputies responded to a shots fired call around 4-30 sunday morning at 'darrell's place' on percival road. they found a victim shot in the lower body. he is now in the hospital if you can help investigators find who is responsible for this shooting-- again, the number to call is 1-888- crime-sc. still no sign of a missing boater on lake marion-- that search is expected to resume at daylight. that boat went down with two men on board early saturday afternoon...near lakevue landing. d-n-r says witnesses were able to pull one man out...and perform c-p-r with no success. the other man reportedly could not stay above water. two days of searching on the lake have yielded no results...but officials say they'll keep looking. they say neither man was wearing a life jacket. richland county officials want your input as they build the district's general fund budget school. it is open to the public. the richland two office of diversity and multicultural inclusion will hold a forum tonight in northeast richland county. that's starting at six at the brookland baptist church on summit parkway. throughout the spring and community members are invited. coming up on news 10 sunrise... it's not a scene you see every day-- hundreds of mascots breaking it down and getting jiggy with it. why these dressed-up furry friends were dancing for a cure over the weekend-- as we take a look at what's trending this morning. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in to wreck main street again. americans haven't had a raise in 15 years. but i want to go further. whether it's racism holding people back... big financial interests, drug companies, insurance companies, big oil companies... the indifference, the negligence. that's what i want to take on. to root out all of these barriers... and together we will make progress. middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the 50s. the unsettled weather will continue into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves out of the gulf of mexico, temperatures will warm up to the low 60s. the entire event is expected to produce with when life gives you limes-- grab some tequila and make a frozen drink favorite. today is national margarita day! of course-- margaritas consist of tequila, triple sec and lime or lemon juice. it can be made traditional or frozen. mix up your favorite-- and enjoy! check this out. 138 mascots doing the electric slide. a mascot convention of sorts brought together furry fanatics from near and far. a charity called "mascots for a cure" raises money to combat childhood cancers. they brought together the costumed characters in philadelphia to try and break the guinness world record for the 'largest gathering of mascots in one location.' and-- they seemingly did it. now the guinness people just need to verify it. the previous record was set in japan with 141 mascots, but the the break. thanks for starting your morning a class-action lawsuit has been hillary clinton: wall street should never be allowed to wreck main street again. but i want to go further. whether it's racism holding people back... big financial interests, drug companies, insurance companies, big oil companies... the indifference, the negligence. that's what i want to take on. to root out all of these barriers... and together we will make progress. i'm hillary clinton, theatres, claiming the chain makes it hard for blind people to enjoy going to movies. the lawsuit, filed in san francisco, says amc does not provide appropriate functioning audio description devices to blind customers. those listed in the lawsuit say the devices are often unavailable, have a low battery or play the wrong audio descriptions. the lawsuit also says amc staff hands blind customers devices intended for those who are deaf. amc has not yet responded. netflix knows it only has seconds before you move on to something else. so-- the company has rolled out a multi-million dollar recommendation system for its new global audience. before, recommendations were based on where you lived, but going forward, recommendations will be based on the viewing habits of customers from around the world. netflix's aim is to give you exactly what you want to watch- monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late ordinances at their meeting tonight. proposed changes would protect members of the lgbt community from discrimination in businesses like hotels, restaurants and taxis. opponents of the ordinance thought the battle was over last year, but advocates continued to fight to get city leaders to take another look. some of the proposed protections are reasons the measure failed last year by one vote. it's also still the hot button topic this time around. "every person in our community in charlotte deserves to have the same rights and advantages that everybody else in the community does." "we do know that there's a risk that individuals that do happen to be sexual predators would be able to take advantage of this." north carolina governor pat mccrory emailed charlotte council members yesterday warning that passing the measure could result in immediate state intervention and strain the relationship between charlotte and the state. we'll continue to follow. next month-- about three dozen members of congress will be in south role in the civil rights movement. the 'faith and politics institute' announced the three-day event will be held the weekend of march 18th. it will be hosted by congressman jim clyburn, senator tim scott and senator lindsey graham as well as congressman john lewis of georgia. the group will visit sites in columbia, the orangeburg massacre and attend a worship service at mother emanuel church in charleston. happy birthday to everyone celebrating today!! send your birthday club pictures to: [email protected] and specify the date in subject line. you can also mail photos to: birthday board hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together [ cheering ] i've got some real estate here in my bag counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] all come to look for america all come to look for america pope francis is now calling for a one year temporary prohibition on the the pontiff is proposing that catholic leaders suspend the practice of the death penalty during the holy year of mercy-- which is the push for forgiveness that runs through november. pope francis is also throwing his support behind a conference set to begin today, that he hopes will bring an end to capital punishment. bill cosby's wife, camille, is scheduled to give her deposition in a defamation suit against him this morning. eight women have sued cosby for defamation. they claim he portrayed them as liars, after they publicly accused him of sexually assaulting them. cosby has denied any wrongdoing. the director of the fbi is speaking out-- saying the agency owes it to the victims of the san bernardino terror attacks to gain access to one of the suspect's cell phones. james comey spoke out five days after a federal magistrate ordered apple to help hack into an iphone used by syed farook-- who along with his wife, killed 14 people in the december attacks. comey says he wants to bring justice to the monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. where hillary clinton and bernie sanders are making moves around the state ahead of this saturday's democratic primary. and... unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. plus... nevada's next for the gop. what donald trump's big south carolina win means as the field narrows and all of the candidates continue to work to garner support. good morning. thanks for waking up with i'm len kiese. it's 6 o'clock. the democratic presidential candidates have narrowed in on south carolina, after hillary clinton got a big win saturday in the nevada caucus. clinton beat out bernie sanders by a little more than 5% in her victory speech-- clinton spoke on her plans for the middle class and her appeal to various groups of voters. donald trump is still riding high off a big victory here in south carolina. the republican candidate won the congressional districts-- banking all of south carolina's 50 delegates. it's trump's second win-- after sealing a victory in new hampshire about two weeks ago. this week, the parties are swaping states. nevada will hold it's republican caucus tomorrow. south carolina holds it's democratic primary on saturday. we'll be bringing you extensive coverage of the races in the days ahead. plus we are in first alert mode watching two fronts that will cross the state bringing storms by wednesday morning. our tim miller is tracking that chance for severe weather in your first alert forecast. unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to middle 60s. the wedge moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with first alert traffic report hillary clinton's is looking to ride the momentum from saturday's nevada caucus right carolina. it was a much needed win for the former secretary of state -- after a landslide 22 point loss to bernie sanders in new hampshire. during her victory speech -- clinton again made the economy an important talking point. "we need more than a plan for the big banks. the middle class needs a raise, and we need more jobs." a win for either candidate here in south carolina this weekend would be big going into super tuesday on march first. clinton will be in columbia this week. tomorrow night, she's scheduled to be at central baptist church at 6:15. on wednesday, she'll attend a luncheon at brookland baptist church at 2:30. bernie sanders also busy with stops around the state. he wasted no time getting to south carolina from nevada. sanders stopped by brookland baptist church for a meet-and-greet sunday. he spoke on issues of social justice and racial disparity in america. later in the day, sanders made an appearance at a sanders is expected to make a campaign stop in sumter this morning. the free event will be held at serendipity cafe on main street. doors open at 8:30 a-m. if you're planning to vote in the primary -- there is still time to vote absentee. if you want to receive an absentee ballot by mail you must turn in your application by tomorrow. you can vote in person at your county voter registration office until 5 p-m on friday. the republican race now heads to nevada where the state's caucus will be held tomorrow. but over the weekend -- voters overwhelming made their voices heard giving donald trump a convincing win here in south carolina. our michal higdon is live in the newsroom with a breakdown. the turnout for saturday's republican presidential primary smashed both the number of people who voted in 2012 and the expected number of voters this year. more than 735- thousand people cast ballots in the election -- easily surpassing the 650- thousand experts were predicting. donald trump easily took the "first in the south" primary picking up every congressional district -- which means he won all fifty available delegates. marco rubio and ted cruz practically tied, coming in second and third respectively -- each with followed by jeb bush, who ended his campaign, then john kasich, and ben carson. we spoke with a usc political science professor who says the candidates will have to focus their campaigns more on appealing to voters if they look to be successful in the future race. "the best thing they can do is solidify their base.the victory in south carolina or even second or third place finish, but really a victory, helps them to have or even second or third place finish, but really a victory, helps them to have some more momentum. the issues that seem to help south." that momentum will carry them into the nevada gop caucus tomorrow, followed by super tuesday on march first. it's flipped on the democratic it's flipped on the democratic side as the candidates make their way here ahead of south coming up in the next half hour i'll tell you what live in the newsroom, michal higdon, wis news 10. in the wis alert center this morning.. the man arrested in a deadly shooting rampage over the weekend in kalamazoo, michigan is due in court today. in the wis alert center this morning.. the man arrested in a deadly shooting rampage over the weekend in kalamazoo, michigan is due in court today. 45-year old jason dalton, pictured here, is expected to be arraigned on numerous murder charges. he was arrested early sunday morning after a massive manhunt. police say he opened fire at three different locations saturday night shooting eight people. six of them died. last night -- mourners gathered for a special church service to remember those who lost their lives in the shooting. investigators believe the gunman chose the victims at random. columbia police are continuing their search for suspects tied to a shooting scare at columbiana centre mall. responded to the mall saturday night after getting reports of shots fired inside. investigators believe the shooting was isolated and began as a fist fight between two men in their early 20's who fired shots into the air. police believe one of the men was wearing acid washed shirt and pants, while the other was wearing a dark hoodie. if you saw anything or have any officials from dhec will hold a public meeting today to get your input on the controversial proposed lower richland sewer project. the project would offer an alternative to septic tanks in parts of lower richland county-- but some in the area are worried they may end up paying more. the meeting is happening tonight from 6:30 to 7:30 at hopkins park. a formal hearing will be after the meeting. in addition to the meeting, dhec will be accepting comments from the public in writing. the deadline to send those in is march 9th. has hit the homestretch. the ap's number 3 ranked team takes the court again tonight the gamecocks are on the road tonight to play alabama. game time is 7 o'clock on the sec network. thursday -- usc will again be on the road for a 9 o'clock game at ole miss before returning home for their final regular season game sunday versus lsu. while the usc women are wrapping up their regular season -- the usc baseball team is just getting started. and the gamecocks got a big three game sweep over albany to get some early momentum. after wins friday and saturday, usc won 8 to 1 yesterday to cap off the series. they host appalachian state tomorrow afternoon. and -- expected in your first alert forecast today. here's tim miller. unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. developing, highs lower to middle 60s. the wedge moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler temperatures. a powerful cyclone has ravaged the island of fiji. up next a look at some incredible video of the damage caused by that storm, as the death toll has continued to climb this morning. after nabbing the number 2 spot in south carolina's republican primary -- marco hillary clinton: wall street should never be allowed to wreck main street again. americans haven't had a raise in 15 years. but i want to go further. whether it's racism holding people back... big financial interests, drug companies, insurance companies, big oil companies... the indifference, the negligence. that's what i want to take on. to root out all of these barriers... and together we will make progress. i'm hillary clinton, southern states. during a stop in tennessee, rubio said he's a conservative that can grow the g-o-p. he's also portraying himself as the lone candidate who can unite republicans...and the nation. "if you elect me i'll be a president for all americans. even the americans that don't even the americans that protest against me. even the americans who say nasty things about me on twitter, i will cut their taxes too." rubio also made a stop in little rock, arkansas sunday... he says the race has a different dynamic now... with who he calls three real contenders-- trump, senator ted cruz, and himself. meanwhile 3rd place south carolina finisher, ted cruz says he is the candidate conservatives should turn to as the chief he held a rally in front of a crowd of supporters in nevada sunday. cruz told cnn's state of the union, he continues to see more conservatives uniting behind his campaign. cruz also dismissed the idea that he under- performed in south carolina. he argued since his own lead narrowed in recent weeks, donald trump's margin of victory should have been greater. it was 'lights out' in atlanta at a rally for donald trump. nats: 'because to put them in our jails -- they didn't pay the electric bill. i like that much better" there was a brief power outage during the middle of trump's speech at the georgia world congress center. but trump managed to use the moment to entertain the crowd. when the lights came back on - he insisted they stay off turning it in to an opportunity to talk about how the country should negotiate. trump also talked about his victory in south carolina and issues like the iran deal, veterans and defeating isis. cnn is hosting one last gop debate before super tuesday on march first. the debate will be broadcast thursday night at 8:30 from in the alert center this morning at least 20 people are confirmed dead in the most severe cyclone to hit the island of fiji. here's some aerial photos - showing the aftermath in the destruction caused by tropical cyclone winston. fiji began a massive cleanup this morning from one of the most powerful storms ever recorded in the southern hemisphere. the cyclone tore through the pacific island nation, flooding remote villages. there's a report that at least 7 fishermen are still missing at sea, and more deaths will likely be confirmed. fiji's prime minister has declared a 30-day state of emergency. unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler temperatures. today's picture the weather is from emily lindler, thomas sumter academy send us your weather pictures to columbia, sc 29202. a photo finish in the great american race. in fact -- the closest finish ever in the history of the daytona 500. after a day full of action in daytona, it all came down to the in the final lap denny hamlin in 11 car charges to the front with a gutsy move in between two cars. on the final turn -- he edges truex junior by mere inches to checkered flag. the margin of victory -- just ten-hundredths of a second. denny hamlin "everything just came together. you couldn't have written a better ending to our the nascar series heads to atlanta this sunday. up next on sunrise -- a look at your monday headlines. thanks for starting your morning with news 10. kristen welker good morning, a big weekend here in nevada--secretary clinton today since the death of justice antonin scalia. chief justice john roberts is expected to mention scalia's passing from the bench. the court is now evenly split ideologically among its eight members. president obama plans to nominate a replacement-- over the objection of republicans, who say that job should be the responsibility of his successor. ohio governor and republican presidential candidate john kasich is blocking planned parenthood from receiving any state government money. kasich signed a bill sunday, banning the state from contracting health services with any group that performs or promotes abortion. the bill doesn't specifically mention planned parenthood -- but the group will effectively be cut from more than a-million dollars in funding for health programs. lawyers for the company that manufactured the rifle used in the sandy hook elementary school shooting are due in court today. some of the victims' families filed a wrongful death lawsuit against bushmaster, which made and sold the ar-15 rifle used by shooter adam lanza. lawyers for bushmaster successfully got the case moved to federal from state will ask a judge to dismiss it. 20 students and 6 educators died during the shooting in 2012. a u.s. navy commander says military activity in the south china sea is not an indication of a fight between the us and china. the united states has moved a number of ships into the area and done flyovers in recent months. just last week, reports revealed beijing had deployed surface to air missiles in the fiercly contested region. military officials say the united states is not singling out china with it's patrols of the area. the super hero movie "deadpool" is still at the top of the box office. "deadpool" earned 55-million-dollars in its second week. it was also the number one movie last week and has earned more than 300-million dollars in the united states. "kung fu panda three" was in one movie last week and has earned more than 300-million unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. middle 60s. the wedge looks to break late unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler temperatures. ahead all new in our next half hour. a man's life saved... by total strangers.. after his car went off the road and burst into flames. but his survival wasn't the only miracle at the scene. you won't believe what was found inside this burning car, after the fire was put out! the time is now 6:--. thanks for starting your day with news 10 sunrise. ho she says their names. trayvon martin shot to death. dontre hamilton unarmed. sandra bland... did nothing wrong. and makes their mothers' fight for justice her own. we need action now. and stands with the president against those who would undo his achievements. just like she's always...stood with us. hillary clinton. your top stories this morning... democratic presidential candidates are making the carolina...meanwhile its on to nevada for the gop. more on tomorrow's caucus for the republicans's and the democratic primary this weekend. plus... the search for two men behind a shooting scare at columbiana centre mall over the this is video of officers sweeping the mall saturday search of the gunmen. and -- a good chance of some first alert forecast. monday will start with clouds, a few light showers and mild temperatures in the middle 50s. rain will start to move in from the south during the late morning, there will be periods of heavy rain at times and rain totals will approach 1". severe weather is not expected but we may have a few rumbles of thunder. tuesday will be cold and soggy as winds shift to the northeast and light rain continues to move in from the south. highs will settle in the low 50s. the into wednesday as an area of low pressure moves out of the gulf of mexico, temperatures will warm up to the low 60s. the entire event is expected to produce with 1" to 3" of rain, and the highest totals will come in from the upstate. first alert traffic report hillary clinton grabbed a much needed boost in nevada over the caucus. the democratic presidential candidate is now looking ahead to south carolina's democratic primary on saturday. clinton closely edged rival vermont senator bernie sanders after days of campaigning. that came after sanders dominated in new hampshire, winning by 22 points. bernie sanders wasted no time moving past nevada and is looking to gain more momentum here in south carolina. sanders spoke to a rally of more than 5-thousand people in greenville yesterday. sanders garnered loud cheers when touching on college debt, equal pay, and our criminal justice system. he says he believes south carolina has the opportunity to make history, and that he will be the candidate to defeat the republican challenger when elected. "we have the momentum not only in the democratic primary process if you look at going to defeat donald trump you're looking at that candidate." sanders also picked up an endorsement from actor danny glover who attended the event as well. as south carolina voters head to the polls this weekend for the democratic primary -- there's several factors that political analysts say won't be the same as with the republican. our michal higdon is live in the newsroom with more -- michal? i spoke with robert oldendick, a professor at usc. and he says because south carolina is traditionally a red state -- the winner of the republican primary has more at stake. but he says on the democratic side -- this week is going to be very different for the candidates after hillary clinton pulled out the win in nevada. oldendick says clinton has a lead in south carolina because of the broad level of support from the african-american community which oldendick says will make up about 55 percent of the vote this saturday. a reason bernie sanders will game if they want to win the palmetto state. but, oldendick adds the winner of the south carolina democratic primary has not always gone on to win the democratic nomination. he believes the win in south carolina will come down to multiple factors. "there's the personality characteristic, is the candidate trustworthy... but there's also the issues -- where do people stand on the issues. are they closer to your positions? and then there's also the idea of credibility and will they actually be able to get things done. in the primary election you're making some calculus as to can this candidate actually win against their republican opponent in november." oldendick says what was a record turnout of voters for the republican primary here in south carolina will not be mirrored by the democrats this week. he does expect there to be a lot of voters, but nothing like what we saw back in 2008 with president obama's campaign. live in the newsroom, michal higdon, wis news civil rights activist jesse jackson is in south carolina encouraging people to vote. jackson says there are close to one point two million african-americans in the state who are eligible to vote, but only about a million of them are registered. he will be in winnsboro this morning, then at midlands tech at noon and allen university. over the weekend, jackson made stops at churches in columbia, chester and rock hill. fresh off his first place finish in south carolina, donald trump believes he will have enough delegates to clinch the gop nomination before the party's convention in july. trump's victories in south carolina and new hampshire and second place finish in iowa has given him a decisive lead in the delegate count. some have said that if the field does not narrow in the coming weeks, the chances of having a brokered convention would increase dramatically. trump dismissed that notion to cnn's jake tapper. ", i have a second and i have two firsts. and new hampshire was a blowout and this one was a blowout. and, you know, i don't think, i don't see where this a... convention. and i think most of the smart people are saying there's convention." trump also told tapper that he expects to win states that quote "republicans don't even think of." trump was in atlanta on sunday and is now headed to nevada. after jeb bush dropped out of the race in columbia saturday night, the narrowing republican field now looks to gain supporters in nevada. trump, ted cruz, marco rubio, and ben carson all have scheduled campaign stops across nevada today. john kasich will be stumping in virginia today. just coming into the wis alert center... russia is expected to request permission to fly over the united states using surveillance planes. the request by russia comes under the open skies treaty at one of the most tension-filled periods since the cold war. the treaty allows unarmed observation flights over all 34 member nations. defense officials warn it will help moscow collect intelligence on the united states. russia will make its formal request today in vienna. tied to saturday night's shooting at columbiana centre mall. parts of the mall were put on lockdown until all areas could be evacuated. investigators concluded it was an isolated shooting that began as a fist fight between two men who fired shots into the air. daniel morales owns a cell phone repair kiosk inside the mall. he says he was near that fight when it broke out and saw one of the men pull out a gun. that's when he says people started running to get out of the way. "when we exited from the food court by the carousel and we turned around and looked back...there were so many people pushing out that one of the doors had actually come off the hinge and ya know so there was definitely ya know the danger of somebody getting trampled or pushed over or falling over for sure." investigators believe the shooting was isolated and began as a fist fight between two men in their early 20's who fired shots into the air. one was wearing an acid washed shirt and pants, while the other-- a dark hoodie. call crimestoppers at help investigators. still no sign of a missing boater on lake marion-- that search is expected to resume at daylight. that boat went down with two men on board early saturday afternoon...near lakevue landing. d-n-r says witnesses were able to pull one man out...and perform c-p-r with no success. the other man reportedly could not stay above water. two days of searching on the lake have yielded no results...but officials say they'll keep looking. they say neither man was wearing a life jacket. richland county officials want your input as they build the district's general fund budget for the 2016- 2017 fiscal year. leaders from richland one are holding a meeting tonight at six p-m at e-e taylor elementary school. it is open to the public. the richland two office of diversity and multicultural inclusion will hold a forum tonight in northeast richland county. that's starting at six at the brookland baptist church on summit parkway. the meetings will continue throughout the spring and community members are invited. still ahead on sunrise -- more back and forth in the ongoing dispute between apple and the fbi. why the fbi's director says date from the phone of one of the san bernardino shooters. unsettled pattern the next few opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more pronounced cold front by wednesday. ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to middle 60s. the wedge moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler an incredible story out of tennessee -- where witnesses to a fiery crash say there was a message from above. a jeep crashed into a pole after being run off the road by another car. it caught fire with the driver still pinned inside. a k9 officer was assisted by a number of good samaritans who managed to get that driver out, before the car then exploded. when the flames were put out later in the day -- officers say the only thing they were able to recover eugene mcneil. "that is god," "if you don't believe it, i don't know what to say." the driver was taken to the hospital in non-critical they served our country. our country should serve them better. bernie sanders cracked the gridlock with john mccain to help clean up the mess at the v.a. and strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders has always stood with our veterans, and that's why he'll never rush to put our men and women in harm's way. judgment. integrity. new in the wis alert center... a fire brokeout onboard a minneapolis-bound megabus sunday afternoon. one passenger says there was a boom and black smoke. the bus then burst into flames, creating a 30-foot plume of smoke. firefighters say the bus was fully engulfed by the time they got to the scene. riders are crediting the driver with h tting all 40 passengers off the bus without injury. the cause of the fire is under the director of the fbi is speaking out-- saying the agency owes it to the victims of the san bernardino terror attacks to gain access to one of the suspect's cell phones. james comey spoke out five days after a federal magistrate ordered apple to help hack into an iphone used by syed farook-- who along with his wife, killed 14 people in the december attacks. comey says he wants to bring justice to the victims' families. bill cosby's wife, camille, is scheduled to give her deposition in a defamation suit against him today. cosby's attorneys are still fighting to stop it- but at this point, the deposition is expected to go on at nine a-m this morning. eight women have sued cosby for defamation. they claim he portrayed them as liars, after they publicly accused him of sexually assaulting them. cosby has denied any wrongdoing. unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the state today with a strong more ahead of both will be widespread showers and rain with a chance of thunderstorms late tuesday into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to middle 60s. the wedge moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, say a weekend death at a columbia motel is suspicious. investigators were called to the motel 6 on nates road on saturday afternoon, where they found a man unresponsive. no other details have been given regarding the man's death. deputies are asking you to call crimestoppers at 1- 888-crime-sc if you have information that can help. investigators need your help finding a suspect involved in a shooting in columbia over the weekend. richland county deputies responded to a shots fired call around 4-30 sunday morning at 'darrell's place' on percival road. they found a victim shot in the lower body. recovering. if you can help investigators find who is responsible for this shooting-- again, the number to call is 1-888- crime-sc. charlotte city leaders are expected to vote on some controversial changes to several non-discrimination ordinances at their meeting tonight. proposed changes would protect members of the lgbt community from discrimination in businesses like hotels, restaurants and taxis. opponents of the ordinance thought the battle was over last year, but advocates continued to fight to get city leaders to take another look. some of the proposed protections are reasons the measure failed last year by one vote. it's also still the hot button topic this time around. "every person in our community in charlotte deserves to have the same rights and advantages that everybody else in the community does." "we do know that there's a risk that individuals that do happen to be sexual predators would be able to take advantage of this." north carolina governor pat mccrory emailed charlotte council members yesterday warning that passing the measure could result in immediate state intervention and strain the relationship between charlotte and the state. the time is now . coming up, we'll have one final check of your traffic and weather. plus the headlines of the day. thanks for starting your day investigation this morning. this photo was tweeted out by lee county fire where this car ran into a building on highway 15. we're working to learn more information on the crash and will update you when we know more. top headlines... columbia police continue their search for suspects tied to a shooting scare at columbiana centre mall. dozens of officers responded to the mall saturday night after reports of shots being fired inside. investigators believe the shooting stemmed from a fight between two men who fired shots into the air. police are asking you to call crrimestoppers if you can help identify those involved. police are working to find out the motive behind a shooting that killed six people in kalamazoo, michigan over the weekend. police believe 45-year-old jason dalton shot at least eight people during the seven hour shooting spree. six of the victims died. dalton is expected in court today. a search is expected to resume at daylight for a mising boater on lake marion. that boat went down with two men on board early saturday afternoon...near lakevue landing. d-n-r says witnesses were able to pull one man out...and the other man reportedly could not stay above water. two days of searching on the lake have yielded no results...but officials say they'll keep looking. they say neither man was wearing a life jacket. officials from dhec will hold a public meeting today to get your input on the controversial proposed lower richland sewer project. the project would offer an alternative to septic tanks in parts of lower richland county-- but some in the area are worried they may end up dhec is accepting written comments from the public until march 9th. we are looking to the south carolina democratic primary taking place on saturday. hillary clinton won the nevada caucus just days ago. she and challenger bernie sanders are looking ahead to campaigning stops throughout the state this week. bernie sanders is expected to make a campaign stop in sumter this morning. the free event will be held at serendipity cafe on main street. doors open at 8:30 a-m. unsettled pattern the next few days as we'll see good opportunities for showers and thunderstorms today through wednesday. a cold front will enter the pronounced cold front by into wednesday. rain chance between 70%-90%. today, mostly cloudy with showers and areas of rain developing, highs lower to middle 60s. the wedge moves in for tuesday with mostly cloudy skies, periods of showers, cooler highs lower to middle 50s. the wedge looks to break late tuesday night early wednesday as warmer air moves in ahead of the strong cold front, it's at that point things could become unstable enough to produce thunderstorms we'll have to wait and see how that plays out over the next 24 hours. the front moves through by latest wednesday, skies clear for the rest of the week with sunny conditions and cooler temperatures. thanks for starting your day with news 10 sunrise. the usc women's basketball team has hit the homestretch. the ap's number 3 ranked team court again tonight for an sec road game. the gamecocks are on the road tonight to play alabama. game time is 7 o'clock on the sec network. thanks for starting your day with news 10 sunrise. good morning. unstoppable unstoppable? with two wins under his belt and candidates dropping out of the race, donald trump in position for the nomination and feeling confident. >> you're going to get so tired. you're going to say please, please, mr. president, we can't stand it anymore. we don't want to keep winning. we can't stand it. and i'm going to say, i don't care. we're going to make america great again! >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton reenergized after winning in nevada. with two more contests this week and super tuesday eight days away, is there anything left that could shake up this race? facing justice. the uber driver suspected in the michigan shooting rampage that killed six people and injured two others, due in court today. now, we're learning he may have picked up fares in the middle of his alleged shooting spree. >> i kind of jokingly said to the driver, you're not the shooter, are you? >> this morning, what witnesses are saying about their interactions that night. high powered pressure. the head of the fbi urges apple to help hack into the phone of one of the san bernardino shooters. why he says everyone needs to take a deep breath. senior moment. a 106-year-old woman fulfills a

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