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Frankly as you with us we're loaded up with news today I mean loaded up with. Big time deep state news that we are going to go over with a fine tooth comb. And this is big news and I want to pay very close attention and this is probably the beginning of many things to come I would be shocked now I don't know what it's going to happen because I don't know I'm not in charge of whether or not grand juries are put together I'm not in charge of whether or not. That people think it's met the criminal standard I I just know if I did it or many of you in this audience did it that we'd be in deep deep trouble. None of you would get away with what Hillary Clinton did I'm telling you all right now and if you don't believe me member Linda when this caused such a controversy when I said Yeah go ahead go out there and you try that good luck to you you know you delete your subpoenaed emails you delete us and wash your hard drive you beat up your devices with hammers and remove sim cards all after a subpoena good luck to you you go try that and the sad part is Hillary is making fun of it today while in Europe and in order to exhibit she's like Oh look I family my e-mails in the Saudi exhibit all oh let's alert the g.o.p. And she's put all this stuff on Twitter I'm like Who is it's is funny to you I'm like we have people in jail for far far less things and you think this is funny this is so funny going to tweet about it that's nice. Helen in Cedar Rapids Well the problem I guess there's a recent study I don't like go when there's an injustice and say well Hannity did mention Hillary's name you see that some I don't know where the Media Matters people it kind of cracked me up Hannity archives they went through like 3 years of Hannity how many times he mentioned Hillary I'm like well I really I messed up because I be I should be on this every day because no other American would ever get away with what she's gotten away with so far. But to me the premeditated fraud committed against the court yet those fires are warrants the evidence is in Con tro verbal overwhelming compelling and anything less than a conclusion that they were obtained illegally would shock me and they were attained illegally that means people probably committed illegal acts I know that have any of us ever lied to us if we were warned or about to go before a judge and a multiple break Jarrett's counted for I think I have 2 or 3 instances where I know for a fact that I remember it's gets a little hard and complicated sometimes to keep this all straight but the number of times the d.o.j. Was warned. About and the f.b.i. Was warned that the DAs it was on verified and still had an agenda and Hillary paid for it the Russian dossier which nobody in the media seems to care they only care about Russian an affair and have it Donald Trump amazing the opposite thing happened and they just ignore the biggest abuse of power scandal in history that's why they are a mob and that's why they are dishonest and the American people now know know it if we were wrong as much as them I can promise you promise you my ob I would not be on the air today they would have gone for me in every step of the way how many times Linda do you know of instances where we had a story and we held back even though we did have verification authentic you know to sourcing and more and we just waited and waited for the right time to make sure we got everything right I'm also concerned that you know I'm hearing these stories that there might be a dump of all these documents at once which I don't think the American people could possibly absorb I don't know why they don't you know put out Ok on this this is what you need to know if you want to pay attention to it pay attention to it. But anyway so what's happening today is the Justice Department is now rejected this is big appeals by the attorneys for the fired at interim f.b.i. Director the deputy f.b.i. Director under James Komi Andrew McCabe who had urged the Department of Justice to refrain from seeking an indictment against him for allegedly lying to internal investigators over a disclosure of information to a reporter back in late 2016 hording to a.b.c. Do source close to McCabe legal team said they received the following email from the Justice Department Thursday it read the Department rejected your appeal of the United States Attorney's Office decision in this manner any further in Korea should be directed to the u. S. Attorney's office another source familiar with the matter confirms the appeal was rejected. Now that would mean that if there is a grand jury sources tell me there likely is convened in Washington d.c. That this will be brought up before the grand jury yet before a grand jury is not good because you don't ever get to hear the defenses side in fairness to McCain just the way the system works I don't like that system but that's the way the system is you know defense doesn't get to say anything because whether or not there's enough cause to issue an indictment that's all you get out of that and usually that is a huge upper hand for prosecutors Hence the phrase you can indict a ham sandwich you can it's absolutely true and if you have prosecutorial abuse let's say like Andrew Weissman that guy or in the in the General Flynn case which I'm so glad Sidney Powell. I wish I could spend as much to I wish I could spend a show just reading the motion she's filing their devastating it's just been it's a been a brutal week for the deep state and I mean she is all over them for what is withholding exculpatory evidence and prosecutorial misconduct now the case should be thrown out for prosecutorial misconduct now the judge in that case is actually investigating Yeah prosecutorial misconduct but anyway so McCabe that basically let me let me spell it out that paves the way for McCabe to be indicted maybe even as early as next week just telling you how the system works now I will say and I'm going to be fair here. Because anybody that serves their country in the f.b.i. I want to be super super sure now we read the i.g. Report it was damning I mean it was it was I mean it was breathtaking to be honest and frankly worse on Comi how comi is skated through all of the so far as Ben a miracle if he skates through the i.g. Report on Faiza we might as well just give up I mean is that this too just the systems one for them and the powerful and the Mighty and the Hillary's in the coneys of the world and one for the rest of us a little people I guess as a some people say anyway and city Powells case now if she gets her way we're going to get a treasure trove of these Russian hoax documents evidence that will expose a lot of this deep state corruption throughout the highest levels of the Justice Department and the f.b.i. That would then be made public very soon and from the looks of Sydney Powells list the material could be more explosive than any other document release we've seen on the Russia gate case and the 3 long years since the conspiracy in the hoax began because the partial list of materials the Powells looking for now I do have a little bit of faith in Judge Emmet Sullivan he was the guy that was about to expose all the prosecutorial abuse against Senator Ted Stevens Eric Holder that. Holder pulled out the case because he knew it was going to lose because there was prosecutorial abuse that man was railroaded but by the time they got to the justice Well it's too late he was out as a senator of Alaska great system of justice right can't happen in America Ray Donovan where do I go to get my good name back anyway the a potentially exonerating records being sought by Powell touch on everything from the text messages between strucken page to possible. Surveillance of when and that would include f.b.i. Interview notes conversations between f.b.i. Agents and Flynn to questions about the mysterious figures about Stefan helper and Joseph sued the professor and then of course specifically Sidney Powell wants access to the quote and there's a lot let me tell you this is not by accident what they're asking here is not my 1st rodeo when you read through this they will know what they're asking for the 2 page Alectryon of communication that allegedly launched the Trump rush investigation in July 2060 the un redacted memos on the scope of Mahler's investigation a letter from the British embassy to Trump's incoming national security team that allegedly disavowed British ex-Pirate Christopher Steele and he work the opposition research firm fusion g.p.s. Did on Flynn and he Flynn related documents from the d.o.j. Official Bruce Soren his wife infusion g.p.s. Contractor Nellie or anything related to former f.b.i. Director Komi or former director of Intel National Intelligence Clapper going after Flynn the unredacted interview notes and many notes of recordings from the 7 secret of meetings including on planning sessions among former f.b.i. Director Andrew McCabe and other f.b.i. Officials about interviewing Flynn in January 2017 that's when McCabe said no you don't need a lawyer all he knew damn well he needed a lawyer and just that was one comi brag I just thought I put aside all procedure took advantage of the chaos I wouldn't do that under Obama or Bush. Wow That's how we treat 33 year veterans of this country now amazing. Anyway the younger dike that interview notes etc etc interviewing planned f.b.i. Note showing former acting attorney general yeah it's allegedly saying a surprise interview of Flynn would be problematic Wow James Komi his full interview with the special counsel's office communications within the d.o.j. Foreign Agents Registration Act related to Flynt leaks from government officials to the media about Flynn and here's what Sidney Powell told Judge Sullivan the prosecution this prosecution in the circumstances surrounding it are unprecedented the only way to achieve justice in this case is to provide transparency in the full disclosure of all information relevant to the defense of Mr Flynn which by the way they have been denying which he deserves by law the government has until September the 24th to respond to the motion for the production of Brady material things she mentioned and a hearing on that issue is scheduled for October 31st sentence the memos from the prosecution and defense are due in early December and the judge set a tentative date for the hearing of sentencing in December 18th and city palaces now I don't know going to pull back on the plea deal now but I might. Now the only investigator empowered to file indictments by the way against the perpetrators of the Russia gate hoax is conducting a far more thorough investigation than the house g.o.p. Probers ever expected now Congressman Mark Meadows freedom caucus thank God for them said that he's surprised by the lengths to which Durham is going to conduct his review of the origins of the Russia investigation I've been telling you pay attention there might be a Durham report one day and with little public knowledge the congressman said that the prosecutor of Connecticut is doing a lot of work behind the scenes quote I can tell you they're reaching people that I thought only I had talked to and it's going to be a good day for America and a good day for justice and he said he believes Barr and Horowitz are doing a good job hopes for accountability for naming fusion g.p.s. Co-founder Glenn Simpson former officials James Komi Andrew McKay been struck if people do not go to jail and this is all about just talking and rhetoric and people are not held accountable the American people will be disillusioned and say enough is enough that I agree with now the Justice Department has cleared the way if in fact they're going to indict Andrew McCabe I'm going to say last thing I'm going to be consistent I believe in the presumption of innocence that a report by the i.g. He was beyond damning. But everybody deserves the day in court I'm sorry I'm not changing and I'm not going to be inconsistent now by the way we do have our friends at your dishwasher Oh yeah they got d.o.j. Records that they didn't want to hand over through the Freedom of Information Act about the effort oh within the Department of Justice and Rod Rosenstein to wear a wire by the way speaking of McCabe McCabe says oh yeah he meant every word of it but they're trying to like in these back emails or are we just going to say we're joking right right we're joking we're joking let's not always the way it is anyway 809 for one Sean if you want to be a part of the program listen you want to protect you want your privacy right I want my privacy Well here's the deal every e-mail you send received even if it's wife I protected in your house or public life I password protect it's doesn't work cyber criminals have figured that out if you want to hide every text you send and receive if you want to hide every e-mail you send and receive there's only one way to do it that's Norton secure v.p.n. 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