Transcripts for WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450

WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] February 22, 2019 030000

In to the razor we use when we wake up but we've neglected one of the more important products in our daily routine that old worn out tooth brush I'm Simon and of and I'm a product designer after I learned how important brushing teeth is to overall health I worked with a dentist a crip better electric toothbrush that makes brushing more simple affordable and surprisingly enjoyable quip has sensitive sunny vibrations that a gentle on your gums and a built in time of the pulses to guide you around your mouth all packed into a beautifully slim and it dies aluminum design We also deliver fresh brush heads on a dentist recommended schedule for just $5.00 with 3 shipping our attention to perfection and quit the Time magazine distinction of one of the best inventions of the year upgrade and stop brushing Besa with quick whip starts at $25.00 and is guaranteed for a life with a refill plan sign up now a good quick dot com slash save and you'll get your 1st refill pack free with a quick electric toothbrush plan that's your 1st refill pack free at g e t Q u.i.p. Dot com slash save. You over. Fox News and it will let you know for a still undecided congressional seat in North Carolina after allegations of absentee ballot fraud Republican Mark Harris was ahead of Democrat Dan McCready by 905 votes he acknowledged the evidence but denied any role in the tampering and Harris saying he's now ill after battling what we saw was bronchitis I developed a severe that actually caused me to become septic in the process that it was experienced Touche troops from which I'm still recovering. It was really that undergo the rigors of this year and getting stronger and clearly in a congressional seat could remain open for a while of the day for new primary end general election must be decided reaction coming into the charges filed against Empire Star just a small lead for filing a false police report only a few celebs took to Twitter following just the small Let's arrest on disorderly conduct for filing a false report regarding an alleged racist and homophobic attack Panoz all tweeted Amber sponsor to the president's. Sweet way to go just say you just handed this racist get out of race baiting free card that he's going to wave around like a soiled diaper until he's reelected the president earlier wrote about what about Maggie and the 10s of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments off 50 cent on an Instagram post shared a mock up of a cover of a Tupac album with a picture smaller instead tweaking the title all lies on me Fox's Michelle pulling Elsmore let's legal team issuing a statement reading in part the presumption of innocence a bedrock in the search for justice was trampled upon at the expense of Mr Small let at Cape Canaveral to. The space x. Launch carrying Israel's privately funded lunar lander on its way to the moon the Falcon 9 rocket carrying 3 separate spacecraft Israel the only 4th country to successfully land on the moon this is Fox News. Fox Nation is the place for exclusive content you can't get anywhere else new opinion shows from Tucker Carlson and Tom Lehrer and you can only get by signing up for Fox station plus the real stories behind the headlines documentaries on Chappaquiddick Jimmy Hoffa and more that you'll only find on Fox Nation more of the opinion done right great it's on Fox Nation documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation so go to Fox Nation dot com today and sign up now for Fox Nation opinion done right now Tucker Carlson there's just so much barking and noisy yelling our role is to take 3 steps back and just what really matters Sean Hannity the most important thing that we do we are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country. They're going to get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not going to cut people slack Fox is the one place for dissent is a laugh we have voices we won't be signing controls my voice nobody Fox News Channel real news real honest to local news. And an ad from Dad save money on car insurance when you bundle home and auto with progressive. Where did you get this I'm talking to you with the hair yeah Where did you get the good stuff. That's not the near that silence no progressive can save you from becoming your parents but we can save you money when you go progressive casualty insurance company affiliates another interest comes not available in all states or situations. With 2 types of melted cheese it's the perfect comfort food for young comfortable things in life like. Just something about the trauma for 99. I'm Patrick and I made Rianna for Ted and where the host of bread filled America and you story telling podcast red pilled America is not another talk show covering the day's news we are all about telling stories stories Hollywood doesn't want you to hear stories the media mocks stories about everyday Americans if the elites ignore you could think of red pill the America as audio documentaries and we promise only one thing the truth this is the i Heart Radio app to listen to read pilled America. Lately it seems like everything we use every day is getting an upgrade from the bed we sleep in to the razor we use when we wake up but we've neglected one of the more important products in our daily routine that old worn out tooth brush I'm Simon and of and I'm a product designer after I learned how important brushing teeth is to overall health I worked with a dentist a crypt better electric toothbrush that makes brushing most simple affordable and surprisingly enjoyable quip has sensitive sonic vibrations that a gentle on your gums and a built in time of the pulses to guide you run your mouth all packed into a beautifully slim and advise aluminum design we also to live a fresh brush heads on a dentist recommended schedule for just $5.00 with free shipping backed by thousands of dentists quip is one of the 1st electric toothbrushes accepted by the American Dental Association upgrade and stop brushing Besa with quick starts a $25.00 and is guaranteed for life with a refill plan sign up now or get quit dot com slash save and you'll get your 1st refill pack free with a quick electric toothbrush plan that's your 1st refill pack free at g e t Q u.i.p. Dot com slash save. This is ground 0. The numbers call the 673. 3700 that's really 673-3700. So I guess it's too secret that I was raised at a young age to be a patriot and I was a Boy Scout and I learned that I had a responsibility to God and my country to honor the constitution to be a moral and upright human being and I was asked about scouting today my friend Dave Hall and I were having breakfast and he asked me about you know what it was like to be a Boy Scout and I told him I said yeah I'm still into the idea of scouting the only thing is that now there are a lot of girls in the scouts and. There's something called Girl Scouts I don't understand why we have to let girls in Boy Scouts is like it doesn't make any sense to me by said yeah I support being a Boy Scout and I was saying to him you know if you want to learn how to be prepared in life you know just get a Boy Scout meant manual teaches you everything from making knots to setting up camp to building fires I mean the Boy Scout Handbook is a survival manual if anything else but. You know being a Boy Scout means a lot of things it means that yeah you you do your duty to God and Country you remain moral you're loyal you're all these things that a good American should be and whenever possible I certainly defend the rights that the Constitution provides and regardless of politics it's a cornerstone of law and I believe it should be honored now in the preamble of the constitution there's a passage that reads but we the people provide for the common defense we promote actually promote the general welfare and sure the blessings of liberty to those who live now and to the future generations and we have to leave a good America for those who come after us under the Constitution the responsibility to ensure peace by maintaining our national defense. Rest 1st with the federal government America's common defense is therefore the primary responsibility of United States government responsibility that in the and makes it possible for us to safely enjoy the many freedoms we have by providing for the common defense the Constitution secures the unalienable rights recognized in the Declaration of Independence that's life liberty and the pursuit of happiness now as we plod along into our unknown future it's very nebulous of course and many people think they know what's happening and what he's going to happen sure maybe you can you know predict a few things and you know get it right you know every once in a while you get something right when I get something right sometimes but in this unknown future that we have before as it is becoming apparent that the Constitution is being cherry picked for political reasons it becomes a bone of contention. In our country because of the division our country is divided over how we should treat each other and what we should do the other people on this planet we have some very peculiar ways of. Treating people who don't agree with us and it's really sad because we used to be able to have love and tolerance and respect for people respect for free was speech respect for gun ownership respect for due process I mean all these things that you know for the longest time I had preached about and preached about and preached about until I found myself sounding like the old man saying Get off my lawn you know get out my lawn you kids that's why it's not like every time I brought up the Constitution and I also learned that you know anymore if you bring up you know Constitution it's really a turnoff people think you're some outright weirdo and I feel bad about that I feel bad. About how patriotism is kind of one of these bad things now you know if you're if you're American flag person or if you're a patriot or if you're a you know person who believes that our nation needs sovereignty needs to remain independent because that's what makes this so successful you know it's sort of a bad thing now it's not in vogue it's not relevant and. And you know I know I'm talking to a few people out there say oh it's still relevant but I'm no I. I get the feeling that it's not a topic that people and they like to talk about too much it's. It's just a hard thing to actually it's like it's kind of religion it's coming religion in a way it's civic religion I guess you know people say well I'm a Christian and I believe in the Bible and I believe the Word of God and I believe it's not believe that and sometimes they get so caught up in it they're afraid that if they talk to a pagan or a Muslim or a Jew they're going to get you know you know all over them that I can be able to go back to their Bibles and feel the same way and he should be afraid of that you should be afraid of other people's of your visions and viewpoints but. You know and that's why I think you know right now in the way this country is. There needs to be a new way of thinking and I'm not saying that we should get rid of the Constitution No not by any stretch. But I think it's timely to actually believe that we as a people should. Not only provide for the common defense and support the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty I think that. We are about to make some giant leaps I mean we're really making some very giant leaps be on this planet and we're going to have to make decisions to defend our country and our planet from enemies foreign domestic and now cosmic and there's something new right the idea of protecting the planet from enemies foreign domestic and cosmic. In fact it might be timely to actually believe that we as a people should also provide for a common defense to establish safety from new threats to Earth that go beyond that of what our forefathers could not of foreseen and you imagine that they wrote the Constitution in the idea that you know we need to protect and provide for the common defense even if it's a common defense against near earth objects or aliens or any of that you know the reason why I'm bringing this up is because 2 days ago President Trump signed an order outlining his vision for the newly proposed Space Force we talked about space force before it seems like now. The idea of putting it forward is really kicking into high gear and so Donald Trump signed an order outlining what he wanted to see for the newly proposed Space Force last year President from said he wanted to create a space force to protect satellites tackle vulnerabilities in space to assert u.s. Dominance in orbit Well I mean it would be the 6 branch of military alongside the Navy Marine Corps Army Air Force Coast Guard and the order that. Is being pushed through outlined the order for Congress basically is they need to Congress these to draft legislation it was stablish the space forces the branch that falls out of the Air Force and be similar to how the Navy oversees the Marine Corps now I don't know if you remember oh a while ago and this is what really gets me is that you know everybody laughs at Donald Trump for wanting a Space Force and I hear a lot of criticism is they are we have spent money here yes but many there you spend money on a wall spend money they're always like you know why do we need a space force Well a long time ago just not too long ago there was another president proposed Space Corps but it you know there was a budget for Space Corps. All the all the money that went for the space court was just a pipe dream by the Pentagon I mean the Pentagon came up with Space Corps and President Obama you know he carried now and then when you know all the money that you are using right now is going to go to fight climate change or climate disruption or global warming or wherever it was at the time we were we were using the money NASA was using the money to fund research to try and combat global warming and but Space Corps was on the books and the Pentagon proportion that proposed the Space Corps Well Trump is pushing Space Force the Pentagon now not saying much I think the Pentagon is fighting the matter I think they want to go back to the idea of Space Corps. The creation of space force is not a done deal not by a long shot I mean it has to be vetted and approved by Congress lawmakers defense officials have reacted with skepticism wary because tonight a bureaucracy of having another branch of government but it's also been criticized on a purely political level and as of yet the major media networks that frame the narrative have not actually investigated the purpose or even the reason why space war should be established and you know since these inroads have been made and Donald Trump still pushing forward with Space Force I think that the surrounding stories leading up to this movie it's always about you know the other stories that happen simultaneously when president trying to size he wants to make you know their argument for space wars before it was rumored that it was a movie mode that they got President Trump's attention he spoke of the Space Force and then of course the threat assessment valuation of U.F.O.'s by the military and the Pentagon got the balls rolling again it got the ball going and Trump was like Space Force space for Space Force. Now something else is is pushing this issue something I knew this would happen because of all the other stories when reporting as of late and so I want to share them with you about why now Space Force is getting again another boost from Donald Trump still no sign of any acceptance by the Pentagon but pretty soon I think that the Pentagon will have to make a move. With all the weapons that we're hearing about being shot into space are there other things that are out there that we need to talk about to some very interesting things or transpired in the past month I mean here we are almost to the end of February and we have some interesting news to tell you about what's going on in space tonight 673-3700. 673-3700 I'm quite Lou as you assume Ground 0 and we'll be back. Here's an unfortunate fact that applies to most financial advisors they're not legally required to act in your best interest creative is different our certified financial. Investment Strategies. A mike is the house. 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Band it was all Star Wars characters from the dark side of the force Darth Vader's playing bass and storm to responding lead guitar and Boba Fett was on drums and it was pretty cool they were doing the Star Wars the heavy metal right as a man everybody out there you know ever since you're a kid from the time I would wear a silly Buck Rogers helmet. It's my dog around in a. In a stroller little dog sailor boy I used to put him in a stroller I used to run around with a cape and I had his Buck Rogers helmet a runner I don't wear this but Rogers helmet came from I had little pipes on the side was really I remember how cool that was it was like It's like some strange helmet now where I go I'm going to be an astronaut you know because I was about time you know 5 years old you know you're 5 y

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