Ive been around long enough to recognize the people who are out there owning it. The ones getting involved, staying engaged. They are not afraid to question the path theyre on. Because the one question they never want to ask is, how did i end up here . I started schwab with those people. People who want to take ownership of their investments, like they do in every other aspect of their lives. And with the ongoing support of these institutions and. This program was made possible by the corporation for public broadcasting. And by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Sreenivasan the tensions between ukraine and russia spiked today, when a convoy of russian trucks rolled across the frontier. The move drew widespread condemnation. Hari sreenivasan has the story. Sreenivasan after more than a week of waiting, a stream of white trucks crossed the Ukrainian Border without the kiev governments approval. Russian officials said the trucks carried only food, water, generators and sleeping bags. translated we cant tolerate this kind of outrageous situation, barefaced lie and all pretexts to postpone the aid delivery to the people in the area of humanitarian catastrophe are over. The russian side has decided to act. We warn of any attempts to disrupt the purely humanitarian mission that has been prepared long ago. Sreenivasan the Ukrainian Government said it would not use force to stop the trucks, but it condemned the russian move. translated we call it this way this is a direct invasion, these are military vehicles, these are military men with fake documents. These are military men who have been trained to convoy cargo, trained to drive combat vehicles, tanks and artillery. This is why this situation is so dangerous. Sreenivasan the convoy headed for luhansk, a rebelheld city under siege by Ukrainian Government forces. The first trucks arrived there by midday, and many appeared halfempty. Ukrainian Prime MinisterArseniy Yatsenyuk said that proved russia is lying about the real purpose of the convoy. translated here is their motivation they are now waiting for several trucks of the so called humanitarian aid convoy to be simply bombed, and bombed by the russians themselves so that they can tell the whole world, this is a junta which wages war on its own people. Sreenivasan the ukrainians further charged the trucks would transport weapons and carry away the bodies of russians killed in the fighting. International criticism also poured in. Rear admiral john kirby spoke at the pentagon. This is a violation of ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity by russia. Russia must remove its vehicles and its personnel from the territory of ukraine immediately. Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen added his voice, saying sreenivasan at the same time, russian president vladimir putin, in a phone call with german chancellor angela merkel, discussed possible steps for a ceasefire in ukraine. Merkel travels to kiev tomorrow. Woodruff in iraq, a deadly new assault today jeopardized efforts to form a new government. 64 people died when a suicide bomber and then, gunmen, attacked a sunni mosque northeast of baghdad, in diyala province. At least 60 others were wounded. It was unclear if shiite militias or sunni radicals from the Islamic StateGroup Carried out the attack. But it prompted sunni lawmakers to quit talks on creating an allinclusive cabinet. Woodruff the white house has signaled that the u. S. Military might go after Islamic State forces inside syria, as well as iraq. Yesterday, the chair of the joint chiefs, army general martin dempsey, said thats the only way to defeat the militants. Deputy National Security advisor ben rhodes addressed the issue today, at marthas vineyard, where the president is vacationing. Were actively considering whats going to be necessary to deal with that threat, and were not going to be restricted by borders. Weve shown time and again that if theres a counterterrorism threat, well take direct action against that threat if necessary. Woodruff overnight, u. S. Warplanes carried out more air strikes against Islamic State targets around mosul, in northern iraq. The u. S. Today accused chinas military of dangerous conduct in an aerial incident on tuesday. Pentagon officials said a chinese fighter jet repeatedly buzzed a u. S. Navy surveillance plane, coming within 30 feet at one point. It happened about 135 miles off Chinas Hainan island. Another u. S. Surveillance plane had to land there in 2001 after being hit by a chinese plane. To the middle east, and gaza, where gunmen executed 18 palestinians accused of spying for israel, a day after israeli air strikes killed three hamas commanders. Meanwhile, a mortar round killed a fouryearold israeli child. The Israeli Military said it was fired from next to a u. N. School sheltering gazans. Four palestinians died in the latest israeli air strikes. The u. N. Human Rights Office now estimates stunning numbers have died in syrias threeyearlong civil war, more than 191,000 people. That includes 62,000 in the last year alone. A spokesman for the u. N. s human rights commissioner spoke today in geneva. People are dying every single day. The rates of killing in syria, if you look at monthly averages, is extraordinarily high. Were talking, i think over the last year, around 5,000 to 6,000 per month. Woodruff u. N. Officials charged war crimes are also being committed on all sides in the syrian conflict. The death count in west africas Ebola Outbreak has surged past 1,400. The World Health Organization says nearly 300 more people died since the last count, a week ago. More than 2,600 cases are confirmed in four affected countries liberia, guinea, sierra leone and nigeria. More marches are planned tonight and through the weekend in ferguson, missouri, as street violence subsides. About a hundred people peacefully protested in the st. Louis suburb last night. They carried signs and chanted slogans calling for justice in the Police Shooting death of Michael Brown. The funeral for brown is scheduled for monday. The Obama Administration is trying again to end a fight over contraception coverage under health care reform. New rules they announced today say Church Groups and some companies dont have to pay for birth control, if they notify the government of religious objections. Instead, insurers will foot the bill. Supreme Court Decisions in june struck down previous requirements. Woodruff Federal Reserve board chair janet yellen gave little indication today of when the fed might raise interest rates. But, in a major speech, she suggested again it wont be any time soon. Wall streets reaction was muted, the Dow Jones Industrial average lost 38 points to close at 17,001. The nasdaq rose six points to close at 4,538. And the sandp 500 was down nearly four points, at 1,988. For the week, the dow gained 2 . The nasdaq and the sandp were up more than 1. 5 . Woodruff also ahead on the newshour. Why kurdish fighters lack the military might to thwart Islamic State militants in iraq. Orange is the new black author piper kerman on the emmy nominated netflix series. How parents and family can be the key to making sure kids keep learning during the summer break. Ruth marcus and Michael Gerson on the weeks news. And, how the a. L. S. Ice bucket challenge went viral. Woodruff now, to the frontline of the fight to save iraq. One element of the u. S. Effort to turn the situation around relies on arming Kurdish Security forces in their fight with militants from the Islamic State group. Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Margaret Warner just spent the day with Kurdish Military leaders as they traveled to jalawla which is not that far from baghdad. Heres her report. Warner racing south on the highway between iraqs kurdish capital erbil and baghdad, miles of open desert unfold, dotted by villages and towns. But just a quarter of the way down, iraqs most vital commercial lifeline becomes the frontline. Islamic state group has advanced to within 650 yards of the road. Kurdish forces colonel wrya hasan took us to one of many wellmanned Kurdish Peshmerga outposts guarding the new frontier, to show us just how close the Islamic States forbidding flag flew. Warner what keeps them from coming right across this highway . If they came closer, we could stop them. And we could move their way , but there are a lot arabs living in that area and it would kill a lot of people. Warner so it would be a bloody encounter to retake . translated yes it would be bloody, and many civilians would die. Warner colonel hasan was escorting us in his armored suv to the town of jalawla, 100 miles northeast of baghdad, in southern diyala province. Its now partly controlled by the kurds since the iraqi army collapsed before the Islamic States onslaught in midjune. Wed come to explore why, over the past month, the famed peshmerga army, considered one of the best in the region, had also fallen back at several points along its internal frontier against the islamist group. General Mahmoud Sengawi commands this southern region, and on our way to the front, i asked him why he was now fighting to take back the strategically located town of jalawla. Warner how did you lose jalawla on august 11th . translated because there were civilians inside the town, and because we couldnt distinguish those who are isis with those who are not. There were snipers among them and our peshmerga were getting killed. This is why i decided to retreat from jawawla. Warner we continued talking behind the shelter of a peshmerga outpost overlooking a twomile stretch of nomans land east of jawawla. Warner how different are they from any force youve faced before . Isis is essentially fighting the way islamic fighters did in early centuries when they spilled a lot of blood to occupy other countries. Weve never fought anyone like that. Warner do you all need to change strategy . translated yes, of course we need to change strategy, these fighters came straight from the streets and we need to learn to fight them in the streets. Warner street fighting training is key, says military analyst michael stephens. Though he lives in erbil, i spoke with him today via skype from london. The general rank and file are not able to do this. Theyve almost been turned into a checkpoint army. Theyre basically responsible for static Security Protection and not the other kind of dynamic advance tactics that isis is using the ground. Warner but thats not the only change they need, stephens says. The other thing of course is that isis is fighting a new type of warfare that the kurds are not used to. A tank is no good versus mobile units of independently working armored humvees, that are very able to move quickly and that they simply arent trained for that sort of combat. Warner the Kurdish Forces blame their problems on the lack of the sort of advanced weaponry needed to combat the modern americanmade items captured by Islamic State forces from iraqi army bases in mosul and elsewhere. General hussein mansour, who runs the weapons supply unit for the south, took us to see just how Old Fashioned their weapons are this is from 1955. Warner 1955 . Warner the generals phone rang constantly, with requests from commanders in the field, demanding more weapons. This is what isis has, this is what we have exchange. Warner inside his operations center, mansour explained further. Unfortunately, our weapons are very old, left over from saddams regime, and we do not have sufficient ammunition. We are supporting our peshmerga fighters as much as we can. But we really need help to acquire modern weapons, because we think this fight is a long term war, and it will not end easily. Warner was that the problem in jalawla . There, we have problems larger than weapons. Arabs in those towns support isis, thats the bigger problem. Jalawla has always been a bastion of baathist support, there are 1,200 former high ranking baathist offices there. Its always been a bastion of terrorists, even when the americans were here. Warner to test that notion, we had mohamed mala hussein, mayor of khanequin where the peshmerga are based, take us in his convoy of heavily armed men to meet one of the many sunni arabs he said have fled to khanequin from jalawla. Amer yusef, a successful contractor, left with his family of 13 in june as Islamic State began infiltrating jalawla. He has a decidedly negative view of the islamist group. translated they are a terrorist organization that wants to harm us. They have harmed most of the families that have stayed in the town. Warner weve talked to a lot of people whove fled iraq who say, all the arabs are supporting isis translated i have a close friend who was member of the municipality, my neighbor, and he is a sunni arab. They killed him few days ago. Warner isis is saying theyre doing all of this in the name of pure islam. No they are enemy of everyone, they are everyones enemy. Who are they killing the most . Christians or muslims . They have killed mostly muslims, both sunnis and shiites. Warner to halt the Islamic States onslaught here and throughout iraq, the kurdish commanders were say they need more american help, including the weapons they say they have not yet received. Back at our spot overlooking jalawla, general sengawi had an ominous warning. They should help us. I tell you, if they succeed in occupying our country, they next will take the battle to america. Woodruff and margaret joins me now from irbil. That was quite a report, margaret. We are hearing there is fresh fighting today in the same place where you were yesterday between kurdish fighters and these shrank extremists. Jude y, certainly kurdish and british web sites are reporting the Peshmerga Forces launched a new assault against jalawla today and in fact took an Eastern District which is exactly where we were, i was in that crows nest outpost at the end with the generics and a senior kurdish official confirmed that to me tonight. The guardians are reporting this action was supported by u. S. Airstrikes and syncom said they had launched strikes in addition to near the dam. We dont know if they are related. Woodruff what can you tell us about whether the kurds are getting weapons from the u. S. . Oon the long drive home from the shoot yesterday i called a senior kurdish official and reported what the commanders said and he said take it with a grain of salt. Commanders always like to say if things arent going too well they didnt have the right weapons. He said u. S. And allied weapons are getting through, though many may be directed at areas of higher priority for the u. S. Like the Peshmerga Forces assaults to retake the mosul dam. Separately, a military analyst here told me that part of the problem is distribution among the two different political factions of the Kurdish Forces and that since the weapons are being funneled and they are being funneled but its through the Political Party of the president , president barzani, the socalled kdp, and that the other Political Party who makes up part of the goth called the p. U. K. Is getting the short end of the stuck and the forces we were with yesterday were with the p. U. K. So basically this country is not only divided among sunni arabs, shiite arabs and kurds, but, in fact, even within each ethnic or sectarian group which gives you an idea of how complicated it is, i think, to put this country back together. Woodruff a lot of complexity to pull apart. Margaret warner from erbil. Thank you and stay safe. Thank you, judy. Woodruff next, with the emmy awards ceremony coming up monday night, we take a look at one the most celebrated shows of the season. Hari is back with that. Did you ask that question . I read that youre not supposed to ask that. You read that . You do studies for prisons . Sreenivasan orange is the new black, netflixs most popular original show, follows the story of piper kerman, a white, middle class woman sentenced to 15 years in prison for a drug crime. Im here to surrender. Oh, okay. Did he look surprised to you . When i said i was here to surrender. Didnt he look surprised . I didnt notice. He did to me. Sreenivasan in 2004, in real life, piper kerman spend st prison in danbury connecticut ct and wrote a book called orange is the new black. It brought life behind bars for women to light. She advocates for prison reform. She testified at a Senate Judiciary hearing on solitaire confinement earlier this year. There are egregious examples of solitaire confinement used by prison officials to hide horrific systemic sexual abuse under their watch. The terrible threat of isolation makes women afraid to report abuse and serves as a powerful disincentive to ask for help or justice. Sreenivasan the series has already won three emmis and is nominated for nine more. Piper kerman joins me now mentd whaferred. Whats it like to seen of your life turned into a tv show and nominated for emmys . Its good to see the consequences of a mistake turn into something that has such farreaching impact and that is really thrilling. I think every writer probably fantasizes finding an audience and find