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they were commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the protest in beijing. the event organizer says 180,000 people took part in the vigil. police put the number at 85,000. participants called on chinese government officials to change the account of the events. the official story says a group of students provoked a riot. the demonstrators demanded that chinese leaders do more to improve human rights on the mainland. the media spotlight on chen quan chen has increased scrutiny of those issues. the human rights activist fled house arrest in april and then moved last month to new york. communist party officials are preparing for a change of leadership this fall and the government has been cracking down on pro-democracy activists. >> translator: i feel the chinese communist party is also tightening its control over the people of hong kong. we have to strongly oppose this. >> about 600 young people joined a candle light vigil in taipei. university students organized the event. they showed a film of the crackdown and participants prayed for the victims. one of the people who led the protest in beijing spoke about the importance of the democratic movement. he lives in taiwan. the organizers said they hope that authorities understand how taiwanese see human rights. >> translator: i want many young people in taiwan to remember this incident. we want the chinese to know we take this matter seriously. >> chinese and taiwanese officials are working to strengthen economic ties. they remain far apart on issues such as democracy and human rights. >> this is because she was removed ahead of a drastic leadership program. we have uncovered some detaileds. >> to have accepted huge play by using public position. a business man gave us more details. he says he got the information from a case in hong kong. the businessman says that through meetings, he got a close look at what he and his family have been doing. he said some family members asked for money. >> translator: to hold a kinner party for those relatives, one one of my acquaintances was asked for a bribe of nearly 1.3 million dollars. his wife and relatives have also gathered wealth. 5 despite this, people suffered. >> he is invaluable to the people here. >> he has listened to their grievances of expanding wealth gap. china's government has made the economy grow fast. but it widened the gap. this upset the people and other areas. they did not benefit from expansion. aiming for support to include the lives of low income families, he built cheap apartment apartments and he made the city safer. >> he has lived up to almost all of his pledges in the past few years like improving security and providing apartments we can afford. >> he also encouraged the people to sing revolutionary songs called on the public to relive the spirit of equality. 5 he a has also won support from a group of people based in beijing. >> also they shut down the new website the coveraging party wants to avoid more backlash. so it thought they are taking this into account. nhk world. delegates from the international atomic energy agency will resume talks on friday with negotiators from iran. the head of the nuclear watchdog says he hopes to restart an investigation in to country's suspected weapons program. >> i wish to inform the board that a meeting between iran and the agency has been scheduled for june 8th in vienna. i invite iran to sign and implement the structure of the document as soon as possible and to provide early access to the site. >> iaea inspectors suspect scientists have been developing nuclear weapons at the parchin military complex. the iranian leaders have refused to allow them into the site. north korean military leaders are threatening again to attack media outlets in south korea for criticizing the north's leadership under kim jong-un. the military issued what it calls an open notice through the state-run broadcasters. it condemned coverage of an event under way now in pyongyang. 20,000 children are on a state-sponsored visit to the capital. they portrayed it as a staged attempt to show the public supports kim. military leaders said the media outlets must apologize or face an attack. they identified the offices of several newspapers and tv stations as possible targets, including the newspaper and public broadcaster kbs. it's the second time this year that north korean officials have threatened to attack media organizations in the south. people in japan's northeast are focused on overcoming the challenges of the 2011 disaster, but it won't be easy. they have to rebuild homes, businesses, entire communities. we'll show you their struggles and their successes on "the road ahead" every wedneay at 1:00 p.m. japan time here on "newsline." officials at the japan's tokyo police are searching for the last remaining fugitive from a cult. a female member now in custody says she once lived with the wanted man. 40-year-old woman was arrested sunday after 17 years on the run. she is suspected of being involved in the cult's 1995 gas attack on the subway system. police say she admitted to helping make the deadly gas. she told police that she was with the last remaining fugitive after police raided the cult's facilities in march 1995. the pair were among japan's most wanted fugitives. she said that and he stayed in various hotels and later settled south of tokyo. police said she moved out about six years later. police received a tip that he was still there two years ago. officers searched the apartment but did not find him. details about the life as a fugitive are gradually coming to light. she's said to have met in 2005 at a company where he was a temporary worker. the following year they began living together in a suburb of tokyo. the monthly rent about $1,000 and payment was never late. they moved to west of tokyo two years ago. this is where police arrested her on sunday night. >> police say she has been working at a care facility for the elderly for the past two years. she has been using a false name. an employee of the facility says she first started in the accounting section. she then received qualification to become a care worker. >> translator: she was paid about $11 per hour. she worked hard, changing diapers for the elderly. although it took her a long time. >> her daughter says she no long believes in the cult founder. he said she is telling the police the truth. she says she feels a sense of relief that she no longer has to live on the run. next, an update on one of japan's nuclear plants. nuclear crisis minister has met the governor to discuss restarting the facility. he urged that the prime minister noda explain to the public why the plant must be put back online. he explained the government's efforts to enhance nuclear safety and sought the governor's support. >> translator: the government has worked to increase nuclear safety since the accident at fukushima daiichi. some safety standards are provisional and have not yet been legislated. restarting the reactors will require special monitoring. >> translator: such new arrangements must take effect immediately to reassure fukui residents. prime minister noda must assure the public that nuclear plants are important for the country's economy, not just for meeting short-term demand. this is needed to win public support. >> niche ka with an urged that noda directly seek public support for restarting the plant. last week, seven prefectures issued a statement on restarting the plant's number three and four reactors, urging the government to make an appropriate judgment and assume that any decision to restart the plant would be temporary. noda later met ministers responsible for nuclear power issues. he said they were winning some local consent. he said he'll take responsibility for making a decision if authorities in fuku i prefecture and town approve a restart. after meeting with nishakawa, he explained the government's position. >> translator: fukui has accumulated knowledge and where experts discuss the issue. we're awaiting f f ukui's decision. >> the government plans to call on ministerial meeting for an official approval to restart. officials have dug in to the past. they found evidence that their predecessors bowed to pressure of utility companies when drafting safety measures more than 20 years ago. documents show that japan nuclear safety commissioning considering an overhaul of safety measures covering a total loss of power at a nuclear plant but officials say the commission scrapped the idea after utility company officials objected. they argued that there was little risk of a total power loss. the commission's report of the time shows it set up a task force in 1991 to study the affects of a power failure. members decided to omit power loss measures from the guidelines. the commission also revealed that task force members based the conclusions on a draft based by the utilities. >> translator: it is inappropriate that the agency based its report on the utility's draft. we are very sorry. >> commission officials found the archive documents after a panel began investigating the accident at fukushima daiichi. the plant suffered a total loss of power when the tsunami flooded the facility. people in japan's northeast are focused on overcoming the challenges of the 2011 disaster, but it won't be easy. they have to rebuild homes, businesses, entire communities. we'll show you their struggles and their successes on "the road ahead" every wednesday at 1:00 p.m. japan time here on "newsline." delegates from the international atomic energy agency will restart talks on friday with negotiators from iran. the head of the nuclear watchdog says he hopes to restart an investigation of the country's suspected weapons program. >> japanese officials are wanting to keep their toes in the water. they met on the sidelines in russia. kirk reiterated that further liberalization of three markets is a prerequisite for japan's joining the negotiations. >> the u.s. requests come from various sectors but japan and the u.s. have agreed to continue talks based on much y'all consideration. >> japanese leaders are still divided about joining talks on the agreement. japan's newing a cultture minister says that the government needs to provide the government with more detailed explanations before deciding to take part in the negotiations. >> translator: sufficient information has not been disclosed. >> rr will ramp up production where markets are rapidly expanding. >> the japanese automaker is building the plant in a suburb. with an annual capacity. their aim to triple manufacturing capacity using the new site along with an existing plant along in the same compound. >> he added indonesia will attract parts and material makers to be one of asia's major auto production centers. demand for natural gas is soaring as is concern about energy security. business people and energy experts are in malaysia this week to hammer out deals for the resource. about 5,000 people from more than 80 countries are attending the five-day triennial world gas conference. president of the international gas union abdul rahim hashim said natural gas is efficient and environmentally friendly. he also said the fuel can help save the global environment. emerging economies like china and india are driving the booming demand for natural gas. japan also wants more of the fuel. the country has halted all its nuclear power plants and faces a potential energy shortfall. the participants are expected to discuss prices and new energy resources. shale gas which is extracted from sedimentary rock has been hailed as a fuel of the future. but experts are divided over its ecological impact. and that's the latest in business for this hour. i'll leave you with a check on markets. tokyo police are searching for the last remaining fugitive from aum shinrikyo cult. a female member now in custody says she once lived with the wanted man. 40-year-old naoko kikuchi was arrested sunday after 17 years on the run. she is suspected of being involved in the cult's 1995 saran gas attack on the subway system. police say she admitted to helping make the deadly gas. she told police that she was with the last remaining fugitive after police raided the cult's facilities in march 1995. the pair were among japan's most wanted fugitives. she said that and katsuya takahashi stayed in various hotels and later settled in kawasaki south of tokyo. police said kikuchi moved out about six years later. police received a tip that takahashi was still there two years ago. officers searched the apartment but did not find him. details about the life as a fugitive are gradually coming to light. police on sunday also arrested a man living with her when she was taken in to police custody. kikuchi met takahashi in around 2005. >> and buckingham palace was at a fever pitch. many enjoyed a star studded celebration. paul mccartny join eed many who performed a melody of songs. ♪ >> a little windy and humid here in tokyo. >> hi there. a strong typhoon mawar is targeting the southern islands of japan including okinawa island producing stormy conditions. we have some footage coming out of the islands. miyako, i should say. this is the situation yesterday. mawar situated close to the islands and gusts of 60 miles per hour and waves of near 5 meters. as the storm gets nearer to the rest of the okinawa islands, conditions are getting stormier today. waves are expected to reach up to 9 meters with sustained winds of nearly 110 kph in some islands. let's take a look at the details of the typhoon mori right now packing winds of 126 kilometers per hour with gusts of 180 kilometers per hour. it has weakened a little but still a strong typhoon. it looks like it will move parallel to the shoreline of mainland japan over the next few days. strong winds and high waves could be a concern over the coast. in terms of rainfall, an additional 200 millimeters is on the cards for the southern islands of japan and 100 millimeters for the south. it looks like the bulk of heavy rain will move out to sea from western japan over the next 24 hours. however, the outer band of mawar will produce some showers along the pacific coast of central japan from wednesday. for the rest of japan, some brief showers are expected from this afternoon. out toward the west, seasonal rain will expand across the southern half of china. more intense rain can be found in northeastern india, myanmar and bangladesh but conditions not as bad as yesterday. 31 degrees is expect in hong kong. with some sunny periods. 26 degrees for shanghai. 29 in seoul. with cloudy conditions. tokyo getting up to 26. almost the same as yesterday. all right. heading to the americas. a front is lying over the southern tier of the u.s. producing thundershowers. over the next 24 hours the rain will move slowly towards the south and there is a risk of severe weather in parts of the southeastern corner of the u.s. on tuesday. up toward the north there is a potent low pressure system in front producing stormy conditions across the northwestern corner of the u.s. and western canada and it's going to produce a variety of weather on your tuesday. severe weather near the low pressure system and very dry and a risk of wildfire to the south of the system. but back behind the cold front a lot of cool air is producing mountain snow in the higher elevations. as you can see, temperatures are on the chilly side. in vancouver, only 13 degrees and 14 degrees expected in seattle on your tuesday. but ahead of the system very hot. 30 degrees in winnipeg and out toward the east looking at a seasonal 22 in washington, d.c. and 33 degrees expected in miami. producing severe weather on your tuesday. to the south, very dry and wipdy conditions are ideal for wild fires across this area. as for the highs, very cool in vancouver. only 13 degrees expected on your tuesday. 14 in seattle. but ahead of the system. quite warm. 30 in winnipeg. all right. let's go over to europe. a high pleasure system is pushing on. so full-timely we are looking at dry conditions across much of this region. eastern kwlurp and the balkan peninsula will turn quite stormy. in terms of temperatures still on the chilly side across areas of london paris. we will see temperatures warmin. that's it for me now and here is your extended forecast. our top story at this hour, once again, tens of thousands of people joined a candlelight vigil in hong kong. they were commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the crackdown in tiananmen square. the event organizer says 180,000 people took part in a vigil. police put the number at 85,000. participants called on chinese government officials to change the account of the events in 1989. the official story says group of students provoked a riot. the demonstrators also demanded that chinese leaders improve human rights on the mainland. communist party officials are preparing for a change of leadership this fall and the government has been cracking down on pro-democracy activists. about 600 people took part in a similar vigil in taipei. university students organized those commemorations. they played a film of the crackdown and participants offered prayers. for the victims. one of the leaders of the protests in tiananmen square spoke about his experiences. he now lives in taiwan. chinese and taiwanese officials are strengthening economic ties but they remain far apart on human rights. and that's all for now on this edition of "newsline." we'll be back with more news at the top of the hour so do join us then. thank you very much for watching.

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New York , United States , Miami , Florida , Malaysia , Miyako , Iwate , Japan , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Canada , Tokyo , Shanghai , China , Iran , Vancouver , British Columbia , Beijing , Taipei , T Ai Pei , Taiwan , Indonesia , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Bangladesh , India , Okinawa , Hong Kong , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Parchin , Zanjan , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Tiananmen Square , Chinese , Iranian , North Korean , Japanese , Taiwanese , Aum Shinrikyo , Chen Quan , Kim Jong , Katsuya Takahashi , Fukushima Daiichi , Naoko Kikuchi , Abdul Rahim Hashim ,

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