Transcripts For WHDH Today 20161202 :

Transcripts For WHDH Today 20161202

hospital after the 86-year-old's emergency evacuation from the bottom of the world. this morning, the health scare that forced the legendary astronaut to suddenly apart his mission. and one last lighting. the first family flips the switch on the national christmas tree. >> one, two, three. >> president obama's holiday wish to the country, today, friday, december 2nd, >> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a friday morning. while the first family gets ready to celebrate their last christmas at the white house, we're marking your last day on the show until you take off for maternity leave. >> you don't want me to give are you excited? >> just excited and thrilled and ready to get this baby off in the world. >> we'll send outoff in style. let's start with the energy and the anger from the presidential campaign back in full display. donald trump launched into his thank you tour, using it to make a surprise announcement. as members of his campaign clashed with hillary clinton's team during a post-election debrief at harvard. we have it starting with peter alexander. pete g >> reporter: matt and savannah, good morning to you. the new donald trump is a lot like the old trump. but winning the white house hasn't changed him very much. last night in cincinnati, wrapping up the first leg of what transition officials are calling a thank you tour. trump soaked up his supporters' adoration. and made a surprise announcement, naming his pick for secretary of defense. >> i love you, ohio. this is a great place. >> reporter: president-elect lot like candidate trump, basking in the glow of his electoral win. >> we have the house. we have the senate and the presidency. >> reporter: going offscript, trump surprised his staff, spontaneously revealing his cabinet pick. >> we're going to appoint maddog mattis of our secretary of defense. we're not announcing it until monday, so, don't tell anybody. probably saying, you weren't supposed to do that. >> a tough-talking former marine, he is admired for his tours in combat, and his leadership in iraq and afghanistan. on stage, trump's speech was an ode to american workers and unity. >> now is time to push for profound change that restores the full promise of america for all of its people. >> reporter: but president-elect was self-congratulatory, boasting about beating hillary clinton. >> we had a lot of fun fighting hillary, didn't we? >> reporter: that triggered the crowd to chant lock her up. and reminiscent of old ral can is, trump attacking the media. >> these are dishonest people. should i go on longer? >> reporter: and he doubl by the first amendment. >> if people burn the american flag, there should be consequences. >> reporter: the rally punctuated the start of a presidential victory lap. earlier, at a carrier plant at indianapolis, trump took a vow, a deal to keep 1,100 jobs from leaving town. most to mexico. and hiring a warning shot at leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: the deal, $7 million in state tax breaks over t ten years, in exchange for the heating and air-conditioning giant to invest in the plant. but 1,300 jobs are headed to mexico. critics like bernie sanders said companies took trump >> trump is setting a dangerous precedent. >> reporter: arguing that the deal opens more threats to fireworkers. and john mccain called james mattis one of the finest military officers of his generation. to be confirmed three years out of uniform, will need a waiver from congress that bars anyone of serving secretary of defense within seven years of active peter, thanks. a fascinating event at harvard. it featured top members of the trump and clinton campaigns. it showed how bitter things still are. andrea mitchell was right there. good morning. >> reporter: i was one of the moderators of this panel. a postmortem election tradition. every four years at the kennedy school of government at harvard. this year, unprecedented. devolving into a shouting match between the trump and clinton campaigns as they sat across from each other. emotions are still raw. >> i would rather lose than win the way you guys did. >> no, you wouldn't. >> reporter: culminating in this exchange between jennifer pal palmerry and kellyanne conway. >> it did. >> reporter: steve bannan, the trump strategist, slammed by nationalists, the so-called alt-right. >> donald trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. >> hillary clinton had the courage top stand up. >> reporter: conway, accusing the clinton campaign of not having a message. >> do you think you could have had a decent message for the white working class people. it e's hillary clinton, they ha nothing in common with >> reporter: and when they talked about her lead in the popular vote. >> don't act like you have a popular mandate for your message. >> reporter: conway shot back. >> i can tell you're angry. #he'syourpresident. >> reporter: what the campaigns did agree on, resentment of the media. trump's team arguing the media were pro-clinton. and the clinton campaign complain nag more attention was paid to her e-mails than trump's failings. >> why wasn't there the same business. why didn't we look into his bankruptcies? >> reporter: long-time clinton strategist sarcastically said that the trump team doesn't get enough credit for waging a negative campaign, with fake news, like portraying clinton as fatally ill. this was a rough session. >> i know you've been a part of these in the past. how unusual is it to be so bitter and to spill out so publicly? 's heard in there. >> not at all. this has been going on since 1972. both sides coming together. doing a postgame analysis. it's an academic exercise. and we prepared for it that way. but it was off to the races. they were going at each other. this was the first time it has exploded this way. and it shows how deep the resentments are. usually the winners are gracious. >> did anybody talk about their >> they're not blaming hillary clinton at all. they reject the argument that she didn't go enough to the battleground states. they blame the media, frankly. and they also feel that it's basically james comey. the bottom line is, james comey, the last 11 days, they had momentum. they think it stalled and they couldn't break through. >> all right, andrea. fascinating. you were right there. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> good luck to we're going to miss you. a deadly case this morning of what appears to be road rage near new orleans. it's now under investigation. the victim, a former nfl running back who was shot and killed in a confrontation with another driver. nbc's jacob rascon has the latest on that. jacob, good morning. >> reporter: matt, good morning. the gunman is being held inside the complex behind me, after being questionedal late last night. he waited for police to show up his weapon, after gunning down a local hero, joe mcknight, dead at 28 years old. caught on camera by a bystander, the futile effort to revive joe mcknight. an apparent road rage incident. >> there were statements being made, i told you not to mess with me. >> reporter: lawrence harris was driving nearby. >> you hear, pow, pow, pow. >> reporter: authorities say mcknight, in a 54-year-old, ronald gasser, in a blue infiniti, were stopped side-by-side, at an intersection, when an argument led to a shooting. >> mr. gasser did shoot mr. mcknight. >> the suspect was standing there with the gun, waitle until the police came. and they asked him to put the gun down. that's when he threw the gun on the seat of the car. and the police arrested him. >> reporter: mcknight was the and spent three seasons at usc before playing for the new york jets, the kansas city chiefs and most recently in the canadian league. his first touchdown with the jets, a kickoff return for 107 yards. the longest play in jets history. just eight months ago in new orleans, an eerily similar incident. another nfl player, former saints defensive end, will smith, killed after another possible road rage incident. usc standout reggie what point did we lose our ability to handle differences like men? mcknight's cousin and coach, eric allen. >> this is a tragic moment right here. tremendous kid. tremendous kid. >> reporter: and the sheriff's office said the suspect will face charges. they're not sure which yet. after the shooting, a family member of mcknight told reporters he was getting ready to sign a deal to get back into the nfl. turning to the massive wildfires in eastern tennessee. the death toll has risen to 11. manage the victims, a couple on vacation with their family. the three sons are alive. they're recovering in the burn unit this morning. more than 700 structures have been destroyed in these fires. and this morning, residents are being allowed access into the residents in the south are also cleaning up this morning after 34 tornadoes touched down across 7 states. in alabama, a tornado with wind speeds up to 127 miles per hour leveled the town of rosalie. in atlanta, the national weather service is confirming that a tornado hit the area on wednesday. the school security video shows the powerful winds that swept through that region. a tree crashing to the ground. now, to the investigation crashed into colombia, killing 71 people. we have more images of the wreckage. keir simmons visited the crash site. he's with us now. keir, good morning. >> reporter: we traveled from hours from the city here. and made our way on foot to find a plane simply torn into pieces. this morning, we're told the bodies of the brazilians will be in that country for a national memorial tomorrow. savannah, from what we saw, they didn't stand a chance. the crash site is hard to reach. we trekked through colombian jungle. imagine the rescuers facing this. twisted metal. the wing flipped over. trees torn from the ground by the force of the crash. colombian police escorting us closer. here is a shrine to the 71 who died. complete construction. that six people survived this seems incredible. the loss of life here, overwhelming. almost an entire soccer team wiped out. there's no sign of fire, supporting the theory that the plane ran out of fuel. locals told us the pilot was four minutes from the airport. and we found another clue to what happened. we've climbed to where the tail of the plane hit the top of the hill. and this is just terrible. the pilot flew across that valley,in and days later, no one here can comprehend how this plane apparently ended its journey without fuel. so many lives. one local said he found a cell phone in the wreckage. it had multiple missed calls. he didn't know who that phone belonged to. >> brings it home poignantly. injury or possibly worse with the help of an unlikely source. she was standing in an intersection. a black sedan crashes into an suv. and careens towards her. the car slams into a pole. the woman was lucky enough to be right behind that pole. so, she escapes the impact. no one involved in the collision was seriously injured. >> wow. niagara falls is $40 million makeover. officials unveiled a new l.e.d. lighting system. the lights are positioned on the canadian side of the border. they shine over to the american side. it's a $4 million project, environmentally friendly and uses lights that are brighter than the old ones but uses about half the power. president obama and the first family mark their final time lighting the national christmas tree. turned on the red, white and blue lights, with help from their daughter, sasha. performers at this year'ser t ceremony included kelly clarkson. and the president led everyone in a rendition of "jingle bells." and the president delivered americans treat one another as they would like to be treated. >> i could hear him singing. >> yeah. i heard one where they isolated his microphone. >> uh-oh. >> it wasn't bad. wasn't bad at all. >> he likes to sing. we all do this time of year. >> you had to rebel that. >> al never forgets. what's going on in the weather? >> we have wind to talk about. especially for our friends in southern california. santa ana setting up. things are gusty and dry, offshore winds. and because things are so dry, we could be look at fire growth potential. damaging wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour. high wind warnings and red flag warnings. another thing we'll talk about, developing rain in texas that will spread into the mississippi river valley. the rest of the country, though, fairly . we're wrapping up your workweek with a nice friday. mostly cloudy skies for us. 91. and temperatures still above average for most. it is going to be breezy. into tonight partly cloudy skies, we could see a couple flurries in the worcester hills. and you can see as we head into tomorrow, we keep that sunshine, it does cool off a little more, we're looking at highs in the mid to low >> all right, guys. >> al, thank you so much. coming developments on the health scare for buzz aldrin. how he's doing after an emergency evacuation from the south pole. and some are speculating about a possible motive of the chilling abduction of a mother in california. and how police are not happy about the victim's husband speaking out about the case. new england's energy comes from a pool of energy producers. eversource buys it at a set price and delivers it to you. e pool is shrinking, causing energy costs to go up and down. so we're working to increase the supply of clean, affordable energy across the region. because more energy means lower energy costs for you and the communities we serve. ? 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santa claus is coming ? we're back at 7:30 friday morning. the 2nd of december. we got a great crowd out on the plaza. and ready to get a jump-start on the weekend, with our gorgeous tree in the background. >> we'll get while. next week, something to look forward to on "today". for the tenth-straight year, helping "time" magazine reveal its person of the year. we'll look at the short list ahead of wednesday's announcement only on "today." now, a check of the headlines. donald trump made news at his first appearance at a rally in cincinnati. the president-elect announced he james mattis. he oversaw all u.s. forces in the middle east. >> that was the first stop on mr. trump's post election thank you tour. he had fun battling hillary clinton during the campaign. and vowed his administration would unite the country. >> we're going to unite the coun and get the job done properly. >> the president-elect plans to hold events across the country in coming weeks. and a state of emergency remains for starts of tennessee. wildfires are being blamed for deaths and 700 homes there. good news for buzz aldrin who had to be medically evacuated from the south pole on thursday. he's now in new zealand, where tom costello covers all things space for us. what's the latest? >> reporter: his manager says his it was a grueling medical evacuation from the south pole. his symptoms suggest he may have high-altitude pulmonary adema. that's a dangerous buildup of fluid in the lungs. for 86-year-old buzz aldrin, it was to be another life adventure. on tuesday, he tweeted, south pole, here aldrin signed on with luxury tour company, white desert, traveling from south africa, to antarctica and then to the south pole. elevation, 9,000 people, double the elevation of denver. overnight, his manager tweeting aldrin reaching his destination. that's where the trouble began. aldrin's oxygen level began to drop. his condition deteriorated. brought in a c-130 on skis, and rushing him back to a flight of new zealand. new footage, shows him walking off of the plane to a waiting ambulance. at a wheelchair as he arrived at the hospital. by the time he was in the e.r., he was smiling, described as stable, with fluid in his lungs but responding well to antibiotics. >> it's important that they get down to sea level very quickly. it's a they can't breathe. they can't get the oxygen to sustain life. >> reporter: it was july 1969, when the world watched neil armstrong and buzz aldrin land apollo 11 on the moon. the two men, the first humans to walk on the lunar surface. neil armstrong died in 2014. >> we were the only people on the earth that ever got there. and we came back. and what do we have? memories. >> reporter: for decades, aldrin has pushed for more manned missions back to the moon and mars. the animated character buzz lightyear from "toy story," created in his honor. >> he never gives up. he never surrenders. and that's a quality that we should celebrate in a whole lot of ways. >> reporter: even in retirement, nasa doctors track the health of any astronaut who is still living. after consulting with doctors in new zealand,a doing well. 86 years young, and looking for a new adventure. no word how long he will be in the hospital. but patients who suffers pulmonary adema are told to stay at sea level for a week until they get on a flight. neil armstrong passed away in 2012. >> all right, tom. happy that buzz is doing well. >> an adventure. >> he is quite the character. going on. a developing situation this weekend, the jet stream takes a dip down to the south. that allows a ton of moisture to make its way up into the gulf. so, all that moisture gets in here, we're going to see a system start to develop. and that means we're going to see heavy rain starting late tonight, on into saturday, developing. damaging winds, hail in southern texas. as we move into saturday, heavy rain, into oklahoma and into the mid-mississippi and tennessee rive help for the severe drought. the problem is, we're watching the burn areas in tennessee. there could be heavy rain gating in there and that can cause some flooding. houston, you're in a seven-inch bull's eye through tuesday. and the heavy rain spreads to atlanta, where you could see two to four inches of rain before . we're wrapping up your workweek with a nice friday. mostly cloudy skies for us. above average for most. it is going to be breezy. into tonight partly cloudy skies, we could see a couple flurries in the worcester hills. and you can see as we head into tomorrow, we keep that sunshine, it does cool off a little more, we're looking at highs in the mid to low >> don't forget. get your weekend weather anytime, go on the weather channel. it's a case of mistaken this thursday through saturday at kohl's it's time to spread the holiday cheer so whip up some sugar cookies help him save the world and make her eyes light up. at kohl's, you'll save a little more with an extra 20% off and earn a little more with kohl's cash so you can give a little more this holiday. kohl's. my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe we're back at 7:40. and a possible motive emerging of that kidnapping of a mother in california. >> she was found alive after being held and tortured for three weeks. gati schwartz is in redding, about this case. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. investigators haven't release ed a a motive as to why two women kidnapped sherri papini. 22 days of terror. beaten and chained, her hair chopped off. her skin branded. two hispanic women who spoke mainly in spanish and concealed their faces. >> we don't know if she was a specific target or a random abduction. >> that's trafficking. >> reporter: but nbc news spoke to experts who believe this case has classic signs of human trafficking. >> trafficked. that's the number one thing we look for in a traffic victim is a brand. >> reporter: rebecca bender is a national expert on human trafficking and a former victim. >> i've been brandon twice by my traffickers. >> reporter: can you show us one of >> this is my one. >> reporter: she theoryizes that the kidnappers took papini for a teen. and seeing her face on the news. >> when so much publicity was coming, they said, we have to get rid of this girl. >> reporter: the area where she was abducted is a hotbed for drug cartels and sex rings. private investigator bill garcia during her disappearance and specializes in sex trafficking cases. their m.o. are signatures of sex traffickers. >> the brutal beating and the hair, these are earmarks of something that i've seen happen south of the border. >> reporter: this, as papini's husband reveals new details about her struggle to get help after her captors released her. >> she was coughing up blood from the screaming, trying to get someone to talk. >> reporter: his decision to talk about the case, not sitting well with law enforcement. >> i think that some of the details that he has provided, it could affect the integrity of the investigation. >> reporter: the sheriff won't comment specifically on whether this is a case of human trafficking. but experts theoryize that the papini, may be slaves themselves. >> thank you very much. still to come, more of our series, teens tell all. how long can your teens go without their smartphone. what happens when we do it for a week. week. and a close shave a headed ? 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>> it feels great. i want to thank john for coming down. i feel like al capone in this chair. >> hopefully it ends better for you. >> and if you want a cigarette, there's a cigarette thing here. of savannah's last day. let's look at baby names. >> okay. >> this is a list of the top names of 2016. jackson for a boy. sofia for a girl. those are the strong top spots. this is the trend. inspired by the rise of technology and science. you see apple, cloud, and rocket on the rise. that's food for thought for you. and before you leave, we wanted to get our prediction. just kidding. just kidding. >> really? >> just kidding. >> really? >> inspired by al. here's my predictions right here. i'm going with gabriel, born on december 12th. >> that's nice. an angel's name. >> i went with notorious fld. >> for feldy, my husband. i love that. that's cute. >> and i'm going with december 14th. that's my sister's birthday. >> okay. >> and mr. lauer. the whole thing is a mistake. >> oh, my gosh. >> how do you explain this name? >> she's going to name her emmitt. >> that's a cute name. >> for you, emoji. >> and you say december 11th. >> yes. >> you do love me. that's the soonest. it could happen at 9:01 and i would be psyched. >> people want to predict savannah's baby name, send it to #orangeroom. that is come up here. >> it feels nice. it really does. it feels good. it was for a good cause. matty, are you going to get in line? >> i'm going to hang on for a month or so. >> me, too. >> what am i doing here? >> whining. what's your point? as long as you're happy, that's all that matters. >> it is nice, al. >> we know it will grow back by this afternoon anyway. >> that's true. >> we're going to miss you >> we got an important message of prince harry and rihanna getting blood tests tonight. and jill morgan is back, with bargains for new parents, get it? get it? and a special live impressive linda. it seems age isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. i could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. will it be you? 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it gets it all clean. they give me a very happy feeling bum. cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. 9-10, ready or not... wait...what am i doing? you're searching!! oh, that's right! here i come!!! ohhh. i bet someone is hiding in that house... ouch!!! ohhh. oh, i bet someone is hiding in that...ahhh!!! oh, dory, are you okay? oh, let's cover that, it'll get better quicker. wait, what were we doing? hide and seek. i'm still hiding! for all of life's mishaps, band-aid brand's got you covered. . we're quickly approaching 8:00 o'clock and that's a welcome sight. some sunshine over the city. let's get a peak of today and the weekend forecast. >> it's crisp but beautiful. the mid to low 30s. despite the cooler start we're going to warm up nicely. we're good news mostly cloudy skies here in boston. more cloud cover as you head into western mass . police have searching for three suspects after a man was can hit by a car. custody. a man rushed to the hospital after he was shot inside of a car. it happened in dorchester. we're told he suffered severe injuries so far. we're back in about 25 minutes with another check of your news and weather headlines. we'll see you then. ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. ? it's 8:00 on "today." . and coming up, trump surprise. the president elect announces a major cabinet pick. dog mattis as our secretary of defense. my people over there are probably saying, you weren't supposed to do that. >> this, as tensions flare in a meeting between both aides. >> i wouldn't want to win the way you did. >> no, you didn't. and hold the phone. >> i'm not that scared. >> i want to just go home and not do it. >> what happens when you without their smartphones? >> i'm going insane. >> i'm really bored. >> we put a group of them to the test. and the results might surprise you. and -- ? make them boys go crazy ? >> the pop star stops by to perform her brand-new hit. friday, december 2nd, 2016. ? >> 50 and fabulous from greenville, south carolina. >> good morning, d.c. >> shoutout to my dad and brother from blomington hills, michigan. >> sending all our love to tennessee. >> good morning, fulton, new york. >> we love you, savannah. [ cheers and applause ] >> we're back, now. it's the 2nd day of december, 2016. we have a massive crowd out on the plaza. i would imagine that a lot of the people are here, simply to wish savannah well on maternity leave. they're all here to say good-bye. >> they're here because this is a beautiful morning. and a wonderful tree. it's december. we have a great sign over there, actually. great smokey mountain volunteer people thinking about those in tennessee. and then, if we go inside, carson is really stretching out this shave business. >> i know. >> look at him. he's getting his eyebrows waxed next. >> when is the mani and pedi, carson? >> going great, guys. >> nice. just ahead, we check out carson's new look and jill martin is dropping by this epic we'll start with baby must-haves. and then, an entire hour on everything from toys to fashion. get the fingers ready to click. >> coming up in the next hour. and grammy-winner fergie is going to grace us with a live perform mansion. so much lined up next week on "today." next week on "today," pharrell williams taking over the plaza for a special december concert. come on down. >> i might have come back for >> you'll be on air. >> exactly. a check of your headlines. time for the news at 8:00. >> we begin with the trump transition. i'm kristen well kerr, in cincinnati, ohio, where president-elect donald trump kicked off his thank you tour last night, the first of many stops, aimed at thanking supporters all across the country. and it comes against the backdrop of a stark reminder that the 2016 race is still raw a shouting match at a political forum that was supposed to be cordial. donald trump back in campaign mode, in the state that helped make him president-elect. >> thank you, to ohio. >> reporter: reveling in his victory in cincinnati thursday night. touting the fact it was not a glass ceiling that was shattered on election night, but a blue wall that crumbled with the support of working-class voters all across the midwest. >> we didn't break it. we shatter >> reporter: several hundred miles away, the tensions of the 2016 race flared up at a politics forum at harvard university. >> if providing a platform for white supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician, i am glad to have lost. >> reporter: that's the voice of hillary clinton's former communications director, jennifer palmeiri, when trump's add called steve banon a breitbart news. >> i would rather lose than win the way you did. >> reporter: trump aid kellyanne conway firing back. >> you think i ran a platform? >> it did. >> reporter: accused the clinton team of being sore losers. >> #he'syourpresident. >> reporter: in ohio, mr. trump was building of his own, teasing the crowd with announcing his secretary of defense. >> i will not tell you that one of our great, great generals. >> reporter: only to reveal his pick moments later. >> we're not announcing it until monday, so, don't tell anybody. mad dog. he's great. >> reporter: retired marine general, james mad dog mattis is respected throughout the military. and a hard-liner on isis and took a victory lap in indiana, where he announced saving more than 1,000 jobs at carrier corporation. >> companies are not going to leave the united states anymore without consequences. not going to happen. >> reporter: and while we now know the president-elect's pick for secretary of defense, he is deciding his secretary of state. rudy giuliani and mitt romney had been top now, he is expanding his search to include a former and current ceo with exxon mobil. mr. trump will hold more meetings at trump tower today. matt? >> thank you very much. police in utah are praising two parents who disarmed their son after he fired a gun inside a classroom at his junior high school. the 15-year-old son had been acting strangely thursday. and realized he had taken a shotgun and a handgun and two boxes and ammunition from the there right after he had fired a shotgun round into the ceiling. and they grabbed the gun from him, as other students hid under their desks. no one is hurt. the boy is facing charges. police are looking for a motive. just ahead, the medical test with a very powerful message for rihanna and prince harry. and money magic. how you can transfer a dollar bill like this into a model of the white house. aef weekend of holiday shopping, we weekend of holiday shopping, we will reveal we're only human. we rely on our courage. the kind of courage that shows up when we need it... and when cancer is least expecting it. courage. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer ? like a net on a jet to london hat that means! we overthrow humanity? no, dude. save big storewide and online. rats. it's cyber week at toys"r"us! save big on thousands of toys kids want, online and in store! toys"r"us ...awwwesome! i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. ? we're back, now. 8:10. it's a good time to trend. and meanwhile, like a baby's behind, your face. >> it . >> my mother is so happy now. >> you lost a little weight, too. >> i'll take it. i'll find it. >> savannah is trending. are you going to trend every day at 8:10 when you're not here? >> i'll be watching. >> let's do it in style. we brought treats and goodies. >> yes. >> dylan dwyer here. >> dylan. >> somebody else about to go out on maternity leave. >> these are the milk bars. >> and milkshakes. >> great. >> you should leave every day. >> i know. let me tell you. >> this is why i showed up. i knew there was extra snacks. >> i love it. >> chin-chin. >> let's talk trending here. are you ready? if you thought a dollar bill was good for buying things, think again. the white house has put out a new app. it's called 1600. it uses augmented reality to turn a dollar bill into the white house. i have a dollar bill. i have a cell phone here with the app on it. i just and watch what happens. >> whoa. >> okay? >> we cutting in to see this, guys? this is happening on the phone in front of me. it builds the white house. there's a narrator providing history of the white house. and you can move your phone around and take a tour 360 degrees of that building. >> that's wild. >> i think at one point the president walks out. and does things like that. how about that? >> is it only the $1 bill? >> give me a 20 and we'll see. >> no. amazing what they can do on the 50. >> we're eating chocolate. this is for the next story. nestle is moving from science and chocolate are delicious. the candy company has announced its new chocolate formula. and it has 40% less sugar. but nestle claims it actually tastes the same. scientists were able to hollow ou molecules, leaving the taste but removing the fat. companies are hoping to get a pattent for this technology. >> is that the company saying it's going to taste the same and if we try it -- >> don't kill my buzz. >> made with 40% less fat. >> no. like 200% fat. we have two more weeks, babe. >> i'm enjoying every second of it. >> like there's no tomorrow. >> here's one. but if the last subject got you hungry, this is probably going to change that. cremation is a common practice after loved ones pass away. a new company is trying to change what you do with the ashes afterwards. chronicle cremation designs is making it possible for yu to have breakfast with grandma every morning. the company is offering to make coffee cups, bowls and jewelry, out of the ashes of your loved ones. they say this allows you to be reminded of how much you love those people every day. >> dide >> it is just a little -- it's a little macabre. >> creepy. >> what you choose to make. a coffee cup may seem weird. >> but the plate you put up. >> what about a picture frame and you can put a picture of your loved one in that. >> i like that. >> that's good. >> wow. >> here, give me a $20. >> that's good. segue. how about a "pop start." >> will you do "pop start." >> i can text you. >> you invented "pop start." starting with mariah carey, who is sort of breaking the silence on the new man. talking to kathie lee and hoda. when asked about the mystery man, she said this. >> we've seen pictures. he's out and about with you. >> tell us about the frolicking. >> i refuse to ans me. >> otherwise, guilty as all get-out. >> he's cute, by the way. you pick cute men. >> this is so pretty in here. >> what? >> that tree. >> much more of that nonanswer and the interview coming up on kathie lee and hoda. and mariah's world on e! and are best buds. they met in barbados to mark 50 years of independence. and now, they get blood tests done together. all to raise awareness of world aids day. harry made the test look painful. rihanna had to call him out. >> oh, that was not bad. you really made this -- you made me feel like -- >> it was a >> the test came back negative. harry saying that the instant results made it easy for everybody to get tested. and finally, chris pratt is having fun at jennifer lawrence's expense. they were on a press circuit. and pratt had selfies of him and lawrence. he is cropping her out. side face. and then, the back of her head. lawrence in the movie. that will do it for "pop start." we're wrapping up here. we have our teens tell all series, too. >> we're going to get there right now. >> odd. >> that's why the prompter said guthrie. >> i'm sorry. >> it's her last day. >> do you have a truffle? yeah. you will love these. we are wrapping up our team series. stephanie gosk has challenged experiment. steph? >> reporter: you have a teenager or you see them walking down the street, you know how hooked they are to their cell phones. what would happen if we took those phones away? >> if i don't know where my phone is for ten minutes, i start to freak out. >> for me, getting that little buzz is like an adrenaline rush. >> reporter: these are tenth graders in washington state. the school bans phones during class. made to be broken. >> i need you to put that away. phones away. >> reporter: before we came, we asked the students to track their phone usage. listen to the totals for a single day. >> 6:38. >> 4:26. >> i'm over nine hours. that was just on monday. >> reporter: the class just watched "screen agers," a documentary that explores teens' obsession with their dal devices. the producers conducted a little experiment. would these students give up their phones for a week? >> there's no way. no way. >> reporter: but with some arm-twisting, nine, brave students agree. here were the ground rules. no smartphones. no gaming. lab tops for schoolwork only. and no social media. >> i think i can do it. i'm not that scared. >> i will probably suffer a lot. >> no video games is kind of going to be not so fun for me. home and just not do it. >> reporter: we did give them flip phones for emergencies. flip phones. >> oh. >> what is this? >> oh. >> it's a samsung flip phone, like grandpa's. >> no access to social media. no facebook. no instagram. no snapchat. everyone clear? >> reporter: then, the moment of truth. ? >> good-bye, phone. >> reporter: as we suspected, video diaries show a jarring start. >> i'm already really bored. >> it kind of sucks. none of my friends are answering their phone. >> reporter: but a few days in, we saw changes. >> so far, i have done most of my chores. >> i started reading a book like last night. homework done. ? >> during the week, i learned a song on my guitar. >> it made me hang out with family more often. and so, it's been nice. >> reporter: but not so nice, they weren't happy when the week was over. >> last day of the detox. thank god. ? >> reporter: if you could, one to ten, how excited are you to get back online? >> that scale is broken. ep what if i said to you, you have to do another week? >> we didn't sign up for that. >> no way. >> reporter: okay. brandon. >> i'm so happy. >> yay. >> oh, my gosh. >> over 60 missed messages. and over 100 instagram. >> reporter: that many missed messages, are you feeling anxious to check them? >> i'm freaking out. >> this guy thinks i blocked him because i wasn't texting. >> reporter: what was the >> the toughest thing was to see other people on their phones. it was a different perspective. i guess i should not going on the phone as much. >> reporter: did anyone else feel something similar? i do spend too much time on it? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> reporter: almost everyone nodded. the teens told us they were more present. >> without my phone, i'm more engaged. like, actually in the moment. >> i went to dinner with my family. and i didn't have my phone. well time. that was nice. >> how about anyone else? their else arelationship with t parents? >> i was paying attention and waiting for someone to talk to me. it was nice to talk to people. when you get a text, you sit there and go, how did they mean that? >> reporter: who cheated? >> honestly? >> reporter: honestly. >> it was emergency reasons. >> reporter: one, two, three, four. >> i did think about it. but my parents would not let me. you can get games on them. >> reporter: that's cheating. >> it's over. >> reporter: their teacher, dave hayward, kept tabs on the experiment. with some of the kids you saw physical effect. >> behavior changes. some were withdrawn. more outgoing. >> reporter: he was impressed with how reflective the students are. >> students are self-observant. they control them. and a week without their phone really freed them. >> reporter: you're glad you twisted their arms. >> yeah. this project gets an "a." >> we checked back with the students after the experiment. most have returned to their old habits. one leaves it at home more. another turns his into his parents at night. interestingly, almost all of the kids said the parents gave them a hard time with the phone. but they turn around and use their phones as much, if not and you know, healthy parental double-standard, right? >> it's absolutely true. >> i was thinking, it's not a teen problem. it's an all of us. could we give it up for a week? >> when i walk my dog, i leave my phones home. and it's a nice 20 minutes of no phone. can't do anything about it. >> your dog probably likes it, too. >> what is cool is howfu >> stephanie, thank you very much. and we posted tips on how families can disconnect. find more at >> al, how about a weather forecast? >> connect you to the weather. we're looking at cold air. our first outbreak of the season. big area of high pressure up around the north pole. it will be funneling this cold air in by early next week. bismarck will have a high of 8 degrees. 24, denver. vegas, 46. these are low temperatures. bismarck, 1 below. look how far south it gets. amarillo, texas, 23. that's 11 below normal. and that chill is as far east as kansas city, oklahoma and into the west, as well. . we're wrapping up your workweek with a nice friday. mostly cloudy skies for us. more cloud cover west of highway 91. and temperatures still above average f it is going to be breezy. into tonight partly cloudy skies, we could see a couple flurries in the worcester hills. and you can see as we head into tomorrow, we keep that sunshine, it does cool off a little more, we're looking at highs in the mid to low >> that's your latest weather. time for a little football. best night of the week, sunday night, football night in carolina, coming into century link field in seattle. it's an open stadium. it will be rainy, wet and maybe some snow, as the seahawks defend against the carolina panthers on "sunday night football" night in america. carson? >> al, thank you very much. all week long, we've been counting down to the biggest steals & deals ever. let's get right to some bargains. >> we're teasing this. we have a baby one coming up. 10:00. it's "steals & deals" morning. these robes, men and women. go on to see the retails 220. 100% cotton, machine-washable. the retail $220. and the deal, $65. >> and we have lovely jewelry. what do we have here? >> comes gift wrapped. things women may already have. sterling silver, wire bracelet. comes in the u.s. celebrity fans include kate hudson and rihanna. the deal, $26. >> what a deal. a small glimpse. head to to get in on these deals. the bracelets in front of us, from skinny. and jill will be back the next half hour with bargains on baby gifts. and in honor of day. and the meg supersized hour of biggest "steals & deals." >> also ahead, why have you left us for so long? >> i don't know. >> fergie's back. she's going to perform in our studio. just to welcome you back. >> oh. >> doughnuts from savannah. . good friday morning to you. live look outside as we approach 8:30. >> we have a nice stretch of weather ahead of us. we're seeing mostly cloudy skies. we have a few additional clouds to our west. but again mostly cloudy skies throughout theay though. still feeling like the mid 30s throughout sort southern new en. top stories now. two people are dead of a car accident in milton. a car slammed into a tree on bush hill road. two people in that vehicle died on the scene. there was a third project who survivorred and is being treated an autopsy will be performed an a decapitated body. a woman was walking her dog yesterday afternoon when she found the body. the medical examiner is now trying the identify the man and a cause of death. seems likely the gronk is going to be out for the rest of the season. he is set so undergo surgery for got any good gift ideas? ? verizon prepaid is gonna be my gift ? ? no extra charges ? ? cash stays in your pocket ? ? it's got hd streaming others are too stingy... ? (deep voice) with verizon you look awesome. ? you wanted more data and look what santa gave ya ? ? verizon keeps you going with that always-on data ? ? 4g lte that's a lotta speed ? ? think about it n' you'll say... ? (vo) give verizon prepaid with always-on data on the best network for only $50 per month. ? [ cheers and applause ] it's 8:30. it's friday morning, december 2nd, 2016. what a great day. we got a great crowd. and we want to remind that we are going -- we are starting our toy drive. if you're going to be in the plaza, we have this great crowd. bring your unwrapped gift. >> no question about it. >> we have fergie coming up. >> we do. fergie is going to perform. she is right over there. she's about to grab some toys as part of the toy drive. and by the way, speaking of toys for holiday, we're going to walk you through the best toys per "good housekeeping." coming up in a second. as you just saw, jill has revealed a couple of bargains from the biggest "steals & deals" ever. and she has so many more in the next hour and a half of today. first, let's get a check of the weather from al. >> let's look at the weekend. starting off with flooding rains down through texas into the mid and lower mississippi valley. santa ana winds out west. and look for snowshowers around the great lakes. and su, rain moves into the lower mississippi river valley. heavy snow. and lake-effect snows around the great lakes. . we're wrapping up your workweek with a nice friday. mostly cloudy skies for us. more cloud cover west of highway 91. and temperatures still above average for most. it is going to be breezy. into tonight partly cloudy flurries in the worcester hills. and you can see as we head into tomorrow, we keep that sunshine, it does cool off a little more, we're looking at highs in the mid to low >> and don't forget, get that weather anytime you need it, go to the weather channel on cable. >> the share kindness getaway contest is created with our sister orlando, with amazing theme parks and spectacular hotels, island's days and nights of endless fun. >> okay, guys. we are in the midst of our second annual share kindness campaign. we have a goal of 1 million acts of kindness. and you can help. post your kind acts using #sharekindness. >> lego group was inspired and created this huge share kindness vessel, to help us count to 1 million. when someone does an act of we will put in a brick. and lego donated 25,000 kind acts. our elf in the box, is doing that. in fact, thanks to your many acts of kindness, we're at 47,833. but there's a long way to go. >> yes. >> we want you to keep the up kindness. >> we're also launching our share kindness getaway contest so you can thank the generous people in your life. head to our w someone you think is deserving of a getaway, for a chance to win a trip for four to universal orlando. and stay at the sapphire falls resort, which is beautiful. >> we have 50,000 acts of kindness. we just need a million. >> and then, alex can get out of there. >> #sharekindness. let's send it to matt. >> thank you very much. the "today" stress-free lori bergamotto is here with her toys list. good morning. >> good morning, mr. lauer. >> matt, please. we have young people playing. but before we get to the individual toys, what's the criteria. >> we get asked this question. our electrical and mechanical engineers are testing for safety standards first. durability, ease of putting things together, making sure nothing poses a choking hazard. >> and fun. >> and we bring in the toy testers, 100 kids, to assess the fun factor. >> what am i looking at here? >> this is frozen science. a fun toy, that starts at age 4 up. and adult supervision is required. doesn't that feel like snow? it's a little warm. but it's not real snow. it exposes kids to stem. you can make snowmen. >> adult supervision. you don't want a kid to eat that. >> it is safe and nontaxic. kids. you see them crafting down there. you can do string lanterns, to trains to dream boards. superfun. and this table $20. affordability is key. for little artists, the kids went nuts for this superdough. it's inspired by the book by eric karl. wh we love about this is that it doesn't crumble easily. it doesn't make a mess. but kids love that they're able to keep the shape together. as you can see, my daughter is this is my son. >> he came to you and said momma. i was hoping there is a relationship. >> little kids say this to me. this is the bee boogie woog can i mat. >> this is like tom hanks. >> exactly. in "big." >> will you shake your bootee and run on this. these toys are great for the whole family. musicality. really get in there, leo. and the whole family can play. >> that's fantastic. from my childhood. >> how us how it works. this is the hotwheels crisscross crash track. and what's awesome about this is because kids love it. it's 16 feet of track, it took ten minutes to put together. these are the things we test out at good housekeeping. next, we move to props in a box. we love that it takes the old-school pretend costume dress-up, with gender-knew federal and and it pairs with modern day technology. >> $60. at toys "r" us. we're going to wake these guys up. this is part of the fur-real friends. this is one of the hottest toys of the year. it's called torch. >> i've seen them on some of the hot lists. they are. this guy interacts with you. i'm going to toast this ditching other toys to play with these. next up, the hex bugs battlebotts. kids will love this. we have gabby and riley playing. it's a robot battle they will have hours with fun with. >> and some of the kids said we will play this over and over. >> as well as charlie, my man. >> this is big. look at this. >> this is our top toy pick. >> can you can i help you out? the cool thing. here we go. thomas jumps. this is $100. it is pricey. but there's deals to be had. doing a big deals segment. you can probably find it for less. but the kids went nuts for this thomas and friends toy. >> carson just said, i want that toy. >> yes. >> merry christmas, carson. >> lori, thank you so much. >> thank you for being part of this segment. don't forget, check out the full up next, jill is back with baby gift bargains on our biggest "deals and steals" ever on this morning. we're back. it's 8:40. we have "expecting today" and a special "steals & deals." jill marti i she's busy this week and especially this morning. >> this is a special one. we're going to miss you. but the next time we see you, there will be another little one. to celebrate you and parents to be, we have a great baby "steals & deals." >> tell us. the retail, $59.95. a six-piece gift set. you get two footless cover-alls, did val like those? >> yes. i like those, honestly. >> three colors. four sizes available. up to 12 months. 100% organic cotton, comes in a gift box. the deal, $17.99. >> you don't know what you're having, you go with the gray and yellows. >> i love baby girls in gray. >> this is nice. a t swaddlers. they retail for $99. you get one fitted sheet, two baby blankets and gender-neutral patterns. this is great for people that aren't saying what they're having. the deal $26. that's 74% off. >> superfabulous patterns. you can choose your pattern. >> everything on and clearly spelled out. >> good. >> original sprout baby bundle. the baby wash and the cream and the cradle cap cam bow. safe for newborns. and safe for adults, as well. the deal, $29, 70% off. >> i love this little comb. you put the steal in "steals & deals" and take it with me. >> the steal. >> i will do the steal part. >> you can buy a bunch of them and mix and match the sets. my mom is like, i should have thought of that. >> this is baby shower to go to. >> retail, $199 changing pad included. a wipible exterior. 16 fabric stiles available. the deal, $65, 67% off. >> it's awesome. and the baby bottle on the side. cute. >> great to feel -- you need to sit down? >> always. make sure everybody sees that. the swollen feet situation. >> the retail $69. they call it the love set. two colors, obvious. you get the giraffe, the travel blankie and the plush toy. retail $69. the deal, $20. >> i love you. >> you have great stuff. watching me get up. >> i know. sitting down is a lot easier than getting back up. jill, thank you so much. the products are the bu baby bundle. sets from pure fiber. and original sprout. the lou harvey diaper bags. and plush toy sets from little giraffe. go to >> and you should rest. you have a full hour coming up, next hour. 9:00. biggest "steals & deals" ever. >> i have to get my elf costume. if you have to go to work, just costume and the deals. the citi concert series, is proudly presented to you by citi. >> how cool is this? >> awesome. >> this is great. fergie, one-fourth of the grammy-winning group, the black eyed peas. >> and hits like "glamorous" and >> she has a new single, "life goes on." new album, on the way. can we catch up? you have been enjoying life for several years. >> yeah. i'm about to come out with my second album, which will be ten years ago, i had my first solo album. i've done four albums with the peas. and i did this little thing called having a kid. made. >> hit after hit. >> i mean, yeah. he just keeps on coming with them. >> are you in full christmas mode for axl, who is 3? >> we're teaching him he's out of halloween mode. he doesn't want to let go of the halloween mode. we're trying to get him -- thanksgiving is a harder pull. it's all about a turkey. and he's thinking, that's not as good as candy and costumes. >> how about josh? has he gotte h we have the tee in the backyard. he's about the balls and the sticks, as most boys are. >> yes, we are. >> good one. >> doesn't end. >> morning. >> you mentioned, it's been a decade since your last solo album. how is the music different now? >> the process is pretty much the same. i've been through a lot of life experiences since my last album. and so, a lot of the subject matter is kind of going into that. stuff. autobiographical stuff. stuff that doesn't have a place on a black eyed peas album when we're partying and having a good time. let's talk about what is going on in fergie's subconscious. there's the fun stuff. there's dance, pop, reggae, throwback stuff. it's a bunch of everything, like "the duchess" was. that's me all over the place. >> we're excited. sounds like the title sense. "life goes on" is the name of the single. we're happy to have fergie with us. ? ? mm ? ? da, da, da, da, da ? ? every day, when i wake up trying to read my fortune in the bottom of my coffee cup ? ? or a protection with a look ahead ? ? oh, oh, oh ? ? still sitting here just watching the sun ? ? go down down ? ? down ? ? life goes on with or without you ? ? it's up to you what you're going to do ? ? you could go or you could stay ? ? who cares anyway ? ? life goes on with or without you ? ? damn it, baby what you gonna do ? ? you couo stay ? ? what who cares anyway ? ? every conversation gets me high on motivation ? ? gets me craving of your own familiar situation ? ? reach the unreachable achieve the unbelievable in midst of all of the madness ? ? still feeling restless thinking i should rest less ? ? work more play hard ready for the encore ? ? is this the kind of life i really want to live for ? more, more, more ? ? live goes on with or without you ? ? it's up to you what you're going to do ? ? you could go or you could stay ? ? who cares anyway? life goes on with or without you ? ? damn it, baby what you gonna do ? ? you could go or you could stay ? ? but who cares anyway ? ? it's time to think it's out of my hands ? ? is it all gonna be worth it in the end ? ? 'cause it's safe here in my comfort zone ? ? never stray too far from home ? ? then again, this way, i'll never know ? ? maybe i should go ? go crazy go insane go for everything ? ? get the money dollar bills in ? sign the dealey, make a mili, found familiar ? ? the rjcy is downeding drilly, for the ma-lli ? really though ? ? feel the vibration of higher ground ? ? love always leads to the highest sound ? ? many conversations people making speculations ? ? as may procrastination due to my revolutions ? ? and then you get yourself a rider ? ? you need to speed your loyalty up like bugatti ? ? baby don't understatement my underdog mentality ? ? we about to race ahead ? ? ambition on ferrari ? ? life goes on, with or without you, it's up to you what you're gonna do ? ? you could go or you could stay ? ? who cares anyway ? stay ? ? but who cares anyway? you could go ? ? you could stay you could go ? ? you could stay da, da, da, da, da ? [ cheers and applause ] >> fergie. thank you very much. we're back in a moment on a friday morning. this is "today" on nbc. ? life goes on ? >> i like that new song from fergie. 8:53. willie is going to show us what's coming up. >> you, savannah. on sunday "today." we have a profile of miss m., bette midler. i don't know to call you an actress, a singer, musician. how do you describe yourself? >> i call myself an entertainer. i never called myself an that. you're not supposed to call yourself that. i'm gratified when people call me an artist. i'm not a song writer. i'm an interpreter. i'm an interpreter of other people's thoughts and feelings and writings. that's really what i am. >> i love interviews when it's an honor to be sitting across from somebody that long. you'll hear more of it on "sunday today." >> and nobody was eat in the restaurant. >> shut it down. >> so, the time has come to say good-bye to miss guthrie for the next little while. we tonigdon't know low long. hoda could not be here. she is here in spirit. we want to propose a toast to you. >> i hope this is the hard stuff. >> not yet. but soon. >> everyone has been missing my boozing. >> we'll love you. we miss you. we wish you the best. and we can't wait to see the new little boy. t >> happy, healthy. >> i love you so much. >> and to mike feldman, too. >> feldy. >> yeah. and bailey, you have no idea what's coming. thank you so much. i love you guys so much. and i feel like my blessings are overflowing this morning. i'm going to miss you guys. and you know i'll be texting you every morning. >> let us know when your water breaks. >> it's been an honor and a and you've given me so many answers. i don't know if they're right. >> guilty or not. and cheers to you, as well. >> i'll be with you in spirit. your last day is next week. >> yes. you want to give birth, i want to give it on air. >> wow. >> love you guys. >> got any good gift ideas? ? verizon prepaid is gonna be my gift ? ? no extra charges ? ? cash stays in your pocket ? ? it's got hd streaming others are too stingy... ? (deep voice) with verizon you look awesome. ? you wanted more data and look what santa gave ya ? ? think about it n' you'll say... ? (deep voice) "that's the deal of my dreams." with verizon you look awesome. (vo) give verizon prepaid with always-on data on the best network for only $50 per month. thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa, whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check. almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck. we have breaking news. two people ill asked when their car slams into a true and burst into flames in mrlton. police are investigating how it happened. also breaking the search is cruiser in post. and set for surgery. pat's tight end rob grownkowski set for procedure later on his back. possibly out for season. victory lap for donald trump rallying supporter in a state that helped him security the white house. >> here in manages mast we're managing to stay dry. you can see to the northwest couple of flurries won't reach us. that story ahead. >> all that and a lot >> it's 9:00 # a.m. we have breaking news. police investigating a crash in milton where two people were killed if when their car slammed into a tree. disturbing discovery. police found a decapitated body right near the river in merrimack river. >> patriots probabl grownkowski for the rest of the season. gronk set for surgery on his back later today. >> all right. good friday morning. thanks for spending time with us here. we're all so ready for the weekend right now. i have a lot of work ahead of me. we have to get christmas done.

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