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Hillary clinton was spotted over the weekend shopping at a local rhode island bookstore while Donald Trumpstill prefers borders. [ applause ] donald trump has put out a Youtube Video outlining his plans for creating jobs. Then in another video he explained how to outline almond shaped eyes. [ light laughter ] apples top designers created a special Christmas Tree that does not feature any lights or decorations. Said the designer, i didnt know this was due today. [ laughter ] and finally producers have started developing an untitled biopic about former Vice President dick cheney and we actually have a clip of it right here. [ gunshot ] looks good. Looks good. You guys we have a fantastic shes the editor at large at o magazine and cohost of cbs this morning gayle king, is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] he is the star of broadways, dear even Hansen Ben Platt is here. [ cheers and applause ] and its a fantastic show, and very exciting. He and his cast will be doing a performance of waving through a window from the play dear evan hansen. So thats very exciting. Youre here on a great night. Also a reminder, this is the third year we will be doing a thanksgiving show here aat and for the third year running the only guest on the show will be my brother and my parents. So catch that, make sure you check it out. I figure if im gonna spend it with my parents, might as well get them to work for it. All right. Moving on. President elect donald trump continues to face increasing scrutiny over his foreign business ties, and the conflicts of interest that could pose during his administration. With some experts even warning they could violate the constitution. Seth because donald trump refused to release his tax returns. We know very little about how his financial dealings might effect his presidency but trump has been able to distract from those questions by stirring speculation about his cabinet picks. Every time he hints at a new name the media runs wild with it. President elect Donald Trumps white house takes shape. Mitt romney a top candidate for the secretary of state spot. Other names in the mix, House Speaker newt gingrich. Newt gingrich is apparently out. He tells nbc news he wont be in the cabinet. Rudy giuliani is the leading candidate for secretary of state. It looks as if Rudy Giuliani is no longer the leading candidate to be secretary of state. John bolton might be trumps choice for secretary of state. John bolton is no longer under serious consideration for secretary of state. We have seen a number of cabinet prospects paraded in front of the cameras all day long. It has been sort of a reality tv show. Seth everybody is in the running. Well, almost everybody. Im standing right here. Trumps obsession with spectacles even seems to dictate in a large part who hes interested in picking for his cabinet. More so than their actual qualifications. According to the New York Times trump was interested in romney despite their rocky past because quote, trump believes that mr. Romney with his patrician bearing looks the part of a top diplomat right out of central casting. [ light laughter ] do you think he looks like a diplomat . I think he looks a lot more like Ferris Buellers dad. [ laughter ] which could workout perfectly since we just elected a president who respects the rules as much as ferris bueller. In the end its hard to tell whats serious and whats not. Because trump just enjoys the game of it. As the times reported trump loves the tension and drama of the selection process. And is thought to stoke it. A Senior Advisor described the meeting in part as mr. Romney simply coming to pay his respects to the president elect and kiss his ring. And just look at all the psychological mind games at play in their encounter. Nope, no dont come to the top step yet. The top step is for me. Okay now lets do that awkward white guy pat. Pat, pat, there we go, pat, another pat, and then come on in and one last pat. And while trump has been parading contestants for cabinet spots in front of the media he has also been scolding that same media for what he claims is their bias coverage of him. At an off the record meeting with anchors and media executives, monday. Trump reportedly launched an unhinged attack on the he even complained to the president of nbc news that, quote, the network won run a nice picture of him. Instead choosing this picture of me made a face with a double chin. What picture do you mean . Oh, that one. Okay, right. No, no, no thats right. That was pretty bad. Thats not fair that they used that. That is not fair. In fact, lets switch it for something else. There we go. [ light laughter ] aggressive free press holding him accountable. Specifically on his promises to separate his Business Empire from his administration. During the campaign for example, he claimed that if he won the presidency he would have nothing to do with his business. If i become president i couldnt care less about my company. Its peanuts. I want to make i want to use that same up here whatever that may be to make america rich again and to make America Great again. Seth that same up here whatever it may be. Only trump could brag about how smart he is and forget the word brain. You know, the thing up here. Whats the word for it . Skull meat . But in fact, trump doesnt seem to be taking any steps so far to separate his business from his government work. For example, we told you yesterday about how trumps new hotel in washington d. C. Was pitching itself to foreign diplomats as a place to stay. While those diplomats are in town doing business with trumps government. And then there was also trumps meeting with Indian Business and then there was the fact that his daughter ivanka, who trump said would run his business while he governed sat in with him on an official meeting with the Prime Minister of japan. It started with what as billed as a courtesy call. Japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe slipping in a back elevator at trump tower to meet the president elect. Trumps daughter ivanka in attendance, but neither reporters nor their cameras were at the meeting which reportedly included a gift to trump of a golf club like this one. Nearly 4,000. Seth a bullying authoritarian who meets in secrets with foreign leaders and receives gifts of gold. Were probably a month away from trump growing out a Saddam Hussein mustache. Of course his mustache would probably look like this. [ light laughter ] and then it emerged on monday that trump had reportedly used the congratulatory call from argentinas president to push for a stalled building project in buenos aires. Now spokespeople for both trump and the argentinean president its true or not because journalists werent even notified about the call, and werent briefed on it. In fact, the only other person who was invited to join the call was once again ivanka trump. Im starting to think we might end up with a woman president after all. [ light laughter ] now trump could have responded to these concerns by pledging to liquidate his holdings or put his assets in a legitimately blind trust. Instead donald trump has spent months accusing Hillary Clinton of pay to play politics and corruption tweeted this response last night quoteri election it was wellknown that i have interest in properties all over the world. Only the Crooked Media makes this a big deal. Yeah the Crooked Media has some kind of crooked hard on for the crooked constitution. [ light laughter ] now there arent any laws preventing the president from running a business but legal experts are warning that if trump receives foreign money through his hotels or any other part of his company while hes president. Not only could that be unethical it could actually be a violation of a clause in the constitution that prohibits Public Officials the founders were so concerned about bribes, they barred them in two different parts of the constitution. The, emoluments clause which bars officials from accepting presents or benefits from foreign influences and then the impeachment clause. The founders reserved impeachment to address high crimes by president s and they only listed two of them by name. Treason and bribery. Seth treason and bribery which incidentally were both majors at trump university. [ laughter ] serious concern not just to trump critics but to his supporters as well. Remember trump spent the closing weeks of the campaign promising to tackle corruption in washington. And as he put it. Were going to drain the swamp in washington d. C. Seth thats right. Trump is going to drain the swamp and then hes gonna build a golf course on the swamp, bottle the swamp water and sell it to voters as trump all Natural Organic elixir. This has been a closer look. Well be right back with more late night, everybody. . [ applause ] . . I never over think it do what i want . . And i do it my way okay . . We live the life we want to live . . Thats right lets celebrate . . Yeah were all about a good time . About a good life . . You wont believe until you see this . . Is gonna be a fun ride . . Yeah were all about a good time . . Yeah were all about a good life . . Good energy come follow me oh . Save on Butterball Turkey for only 99 . A pound at target. 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Usually what you see in neglected dogs. It was one of those complete, meanttobe moments. avo through the subaru share the love event, weve helped the aspca save nearly thirty thousand animals so far. Get a new subaru, and well donate another two hundred and fifty dollars to help those in need. . Put a little love in your heart. . Ill have that goat cheese garden salad. That gentleman got the last one. Sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Re . Yes, but it has to be a comedy. A little cash back on the side. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Throw. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] also, were so thankful to have fred armisen with us this week. [ cheers and applause ] thanksgiving week, so thankful to have fred. And one of the things i love most about having fred here, we both love tv, fred, would you say thats true . Fred love it. Everything. Seth and you always say, what shows are you watching and ill name one or two shows, then i say to fred, what shows are you watching and you say, all of them. Fred everything. Yes. Seth you claim you watch every Television Show that airs at any given time. Fred every episode. Seth and i i claim thats impossible. Fred no, its very possible. Time once again for Fred Armisens extremely accurate tv recap. . Seth so, heres how this works, i try to prove that fred is lying when he says he watches every show. Im going to name the title of the show and freds going to tell us whats it about. What its about. Masha and the bear. Fred masha and the bear. Masha and the bear. Seth uhhuh. [ light laughter ] fred you know masha and the bear . Seth i do not. Thats why i asked you. Fred i told you about masha and the bear, didnt i seth you did not. Fred didnt i Say Something . Seth no, i dont think so. Fred the pilot is great. Seth great. Fred, what is it about . [ light laughter ] fred its a casino. Its a casino drama and the editing is great. Its like a lot of like the Spinning Wheel and the cards and the sort of like you see las vegas all the casinos, like, you know, its like so fast pace. And like people are up all night. And theyre coming in and theres like a lot of the dealers are there. A lot of like poker faces. A lot of poker faces. Seth a lot of poker faces. [ laughter ] fred you know, like theyre just seth you can see a lot of people who you cant read their emotions. Fred you dont know what they have. You dont know what theyre holding so they have like aces, jokers, you know seth i know the cards. [ laughter ] fred you know the cards, yeah. All of them. So, theyre just holding them. But, they dont know what the other one has so they just sort of lay them down and theyre like, you know, im out or whatever. I fold. I fold. [ laughter ] so, masha and the bear, its one of the casinos. Seth theres a casino called masha and the bear. That does not seem like a normal name for a casino. Fred well youve got to watch it. Fred theres a reason why its called that. And theres all of these tourists that come in and they try to gamble and you just see what unfolds. Yeah. Seth who is the name character . Fred masha. Seth that sounds great, but according to tv guide its an animated show about a spunky russian girl who lives without parents in the forest with a pig, a goat and a brown bear. Fred and they gamble. Seth okay, they probably just didnt have room to fit that in. Fred right, yeah. Seth give it up for fred armisen everybody. [ cheers and applause ] Emmy Award Winning journalist. She can be seen weekdays as cohost of cbs this morning. Shes also the editor at large for o, the Oprah Magazine. The annual oprahs favorite things issue is on stands right now. Please welcome back to the show our friend gayle king, everybody. . [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . I love masha and the bear. Seth youre a big fan of masha and the bear as well . Yes, i love that show, fred. Seth you like casino dramas. Yes. Seth also congratulations of favorite things. Oh, thanks, thanks, thanks. Seth our favorite thing, this is an annual a big deal. I was psyched about that. You know, it was a big trademark when the oprah show was on and we thought after the show went off the air, can we still pull it off in the magazine and years later, we can, seth. We can. Seth thats fantastic. We can. Seth and you are integral did you bring something for me, first . Yes, i did. This is on the list. Seth oh my goodness. Can we please get a tight shot of the wrapping paper . Seth so, what is this wrapping paper . Thats you. [ laughter ] i bet you dont have anything wrapped like this. Would you like to open it . Seth i would love to open it. Well, i mean, i think i know what it is. This is from oprah. Yeah, this is from oprah. Seth this is from oprah . Yeah. Seth oh my goodness. Oprah wanted you to be on the wrapping paper. To seth, love oprah. Thats really great. Wow. [ laughter ] silver oak wine. Seth thats fantastic. [ cheers ] shes a big wine drinker. Here, shall we . Shes a big wine drinker. And i heard that you actually like this kind of wine. Seth i do. This is silver oak wine, right . Yep. Seth is this on the list . It is on the list. Seth and is that wrapping paper with your face on it on the list. No, i did that just for you. Seth okay, thanks. I did that just for you. Seth cheers. Cheers. I actually, seth, dont drink, but i hear this is very good wine. [ light laughter ] theres something else. Seth so, whats on the list . So listen, its the biggest list that weve ever had, over from 0 to 15,000, a big screen tv. Seth whats zero . Zero, its a game. Seth oh, a game that you play a game that you play online. Seth okay, great. See, so its sort of like candy crush meets wheel of fortune except with oprah, its quotations. So if you fill it out, and you do the puzzle correctly, you get a quotation from oprah, from maya angelou, from lady gaga. Shes very big on words, as you know. Seth of course. So that its called bold move so thats free, and then theres a whole big range in seth now i want to ask this and, and if you this is what we did. You dont even have to do christmas shopping, guys. Weve done it all for you. Seth really . Yeah. Seth like we just call you and you bring the stuff over . You just call me and you order it through amazon. Seth okay, there you go. [ laughter ] so everything is available on amazon. Yeah, but thats the beauty of it, its available through many places, but we teamed up with amazon this year. So you can do a click of one button and get everything. Seth thats great, now when you put this list together, does oprah then come into the end or well, no, no, no. So we start working on it maybe six months out. Its a whole big to do as you might imagine. And we narrow it down and then she comes in, and picks the things that she really likes. But whats so interesting, well pick something that we like and shell say, well, its called o, the Oprah Magazine. gayle, when you have a magazine then you can put your list on it. [ light laughter ] you know so we, you know seth would you call it g . No, i dont know. [ light laughter ] no, i think the Oprah Magazine is good. But i mean she has very sorts of people. Friends, people will send things, well see something on tv and somebody in the audience will suggest something. Seth thats great. I think so too. What i like is that it still holds up after all these years. Seth yeah. As well, i think of the list as one that people look forward to every year. Yeah, i think so too. Seth you have of course many jobs and one of them is hosting cbs good morning, which you are fantastic at. Yes. Me, charlie, and norah [ cheers and applause ] seth so great, you, charlie, and norah. Yes its our fifth year. Seth fifth year. And that day must start when its our fifth year. It starts at 3 30. Seth 3 30 in the morning. I have been up since 3 30. [ light laughter ] ive been up since 3 30. I get up, i actually bathe every day. Seth wow. Yeah. I bathed extra today because i was coming to see you. Seth thank you so much. [ laughter ] youre welcome. Put on perfume and everything. Car picks me up at 4 30 and then its off to the races. Seth and theyre such fantastic races and one of the reasons is, you guys have such good chemistry, you, norah, and charlie. Yeah, yeah. Seth is it true that women all the time ask you about charlie. Oh, god, yes and its sort of hes mine. Seth but hes a sexy guy, right . You know, i do think that hes a very sexy guy. But, this is the thing thats so great about him. Hes a little naughty. Shes scary smart. He really is a class act and a gentleman in every sense of the word. And i think that that is attractive to any woman, black, white, young, old. Women stop me from all around the country and ask me about charlie. He is single. Seth oh, wow. He is available. Seth is he on the im not chilling for charlie. Im just saying. Seth is he available via amazon. [ laughter ] no, hes available you can reach him by the telephone. Hes an Old Fashioned guy. Seth youre one of the people one of the members of the media that went to this donald trump off the record meeting, that we mentioned. Lets highlight the word off the record because now it just seems like swiss cheese. Seth yeah, cause as soon as it was over we heard a lot of stuff that happened in that meeting. They actually took a picture of you, i think this is you leaving the meeting . Seth this one was that was after the meeting. Thats where it looks like you know, this is that very awkward thing, seth. Because its supposed to be off the record, you know theres cameras there. Im trying to hold my face on straight, but it looks like im skulking away from the scene of a crime. [ light laughter ] seth there was there was a headline. I mean, i didnt know what to do. Seth there was a headline that said, donald trump meets with the dishonest media. Yes, yes, yeah. Seth and then you look right there like you were going to have a lot of secrets, yeah. I know, seth, it did look like what is she hiding . But i have to tell you something, when he was talking charlie, norah, and i, were all sitting there and im thinking why are we sitting in this room because i honest to god didnt think he was talking about us. He went hard, its been reported on, you know, some people that were there. But the whole time i never thought hes talking to us at cbs. I never did feel that. Yet its uncomfortable when youre in a room that way and theres a slap down going on that is uncomfortable. But, i never thought he was talking to us. Seth yeah. And listen, donald trump has been very clear throughout the campaign that hes not a fan of so, weve heard that. I cant wait for him to come on your show after that monologue. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] lord have mercy. Seth oh, i think hell wait awhile, gayle. [ laughter ] i think hell wait awhile for that. You better take a drink. You better take a drink. So, its true, hes been no fan of the media but the thing is, we have a job to do. He has a job to do. Sometimes its adversarial but we have got to figure out a way to work together. We next four, maybe 8 years. And i think weve got to figure out how to make this work. I love what barack obama said seth can i just ask Something Real quick, though, what is working together . Like what is why does the media have to do anything but report on what he is doing . Like whats the other part . That is all that the media is doing. Seth i agree. But we have to have access to the president. Thats what im talking about. He has to give access to the press seth but dont you think he has to do that no matter what. Yes, but listen this is a game. This is a whole new ball game with a very different kind of candidate, and i like what Barrack Obama said after they had that meeting together. He said, listen, we want him to succeed because we want the country to succeed. I love this country and i think that weve got to figure figure this out. Dave chapel was here. Saturday night live. He was great, did you guys see dave . Seth fantastic, absolutely, great. [ cheers and applause ] oh, he was so good, and i liked even dave chapels message at the end of the monologue where he said, listen, im going to give this president a chance. Give the disenfranchised a chance as well. You know, im very im very worried. Im very the country is very divided. Seth yeah. And i dont like that. Hate crimes are up, thats not good. Seth yeah. You know, weve got to we have to figure this out. Seth well, i also genuinely want him to succeed. Do you . Seth i think one of the keys to him being successful, is the media being successful yeah, yeah. Seth in covering him and im very glad that youre one of the people in charge of that because i have a lot of trust and faith in you and thank you so much for being here. Thank you, seth. Gayle king, everybody. The oprah favorite things issue. Thank you, thank you. Seth Oprah Magazine is available now. Be right back. [ cheers and applause ] . . Come on, wake up come on, why ya sleepin . Come on what time is it . Its go time. Come on. Lets go, lets go, lets go. Woooo hoooo yeah i feel like i went to bed an hour ago. Ill make the cocoa. At the mercedesbenz winter event. Its the look on their faces that make it all worthwhile. Thank you santa now lease the 2017 c300 for 389 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Whats it gonna be . An ovenbaked digiorno . Or waiting for delivery . 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At kay, the numberone jewelry store. In america. Levian chocolate diamonds. For the sweetest thing in your life. . [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back you guys. So, as you know every night of the show we do a monologue and that monologue is comprised of jokes that my writers write and i think theyre very smart. I think theyre clever. I think they challenge you as an audience. But, there are times where my writers just dont have it. And the jokes they come up with are no better than something you find on one of those corny popsicle sticks you know when you were a kid. Those corny jokes they believe they can save them with what they call kick ass graphics. Lets see if theyre right in a segment we call popsicle schtick. . [ cheers and applause ] seth okay, so the way this works is well take a joke and then well give them the popsicle stick treatment. First up what did the sheep text at 3 00 a. M. . You up . [ lick ] [ light laughter ] seth why was the female postal worker passed up for the promotion . [ lick ] its a male dominated industry. [ audience groans ] run for your schticks. Kicking it in the popsicle schtick. Seth why did larry king stay [ lick ] he was suspendered. . Popsicle schtick popsicle schtick popsicle schtick popsicle schtick . . Popsicle schtick popsicle schtick popsicle schtick popsicle schtick . . Popsicle schtick popsicle schtick schtick schtick schtick . [ light laughter ] seth why did the meth dealer take his car to the shop . [ lick ] it was breaking bad. [ audience groans ] mommy what are you thankful for . The same thing were all thankful for. Popsicle schtick. Oh, whats happening . I dont know. [ splat ] gross. Nice. Seth such a huge waste of money. You guys, why did the stapler lose the election. [ lick ] he was running with scissors. Here is your final jeopardy time we do it. You have 30 seconds. Good luck. [ jeopardy jingle ] . . . . Seth last one, whats Donald Trumps favorite musical . [ lick ] putin on the ritz. [ cheers and applause ] lets keep going. Are you sure . Yeah. Hit it. . . Its a motherle seth this has been popsicle schtick. Stay tuned. Theres more late night coming up. With advil, youll ask what twisted ankle . What muscle strain . Advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain . Advil. . Go paperless, dont stress, girl . . I got the discounts that you need . . Safe driver . . Accidentfree . . I got the discounts that you need . . Safe driver . . Accidentfree . . Everybody put your flaps in the air for me . I cant lipsynch in these conditions. . Savings . . Oh, yeah . Heres a little healthy advice. Take care of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin. Aveeno . Daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Naturally beautiful results . Hanes wants to end the smellfie. This thing weve all done doesnt need to be a thing. Theres a smart way to stay fresh. Hanes with freshiq advanced odorprotection technology. Bonus packs available now. Oh caroline. So corporate put you up in a roadside motel. Or that friendly dumpster diver outside. I wouldnt sit there. Its your tv, take it with you. [ cheers and applause ] . Seth welcome back everybody. Our next guest is the talented young actor you know from the Pitch Perfect films. He is currently starring in the new Broadway Musical dear evan hansen. Which opens at the music box theatre december 4th. Please welcome to the show ben platt. . [ cheers and applause ] . Seth welcome to the show. Thank you very much. Seth this is your first late night show. Were so honored to have you. In my whole life. Seth in your whole life. Im terribly nervous. Seth oh no. Youll be fine. Trust me. And this is very exciting. You are in previews right now. As soon as we finish taping this youre going to run off and youre going to have to do a show tonight. Yes, sir. We have an 8 00 curtain. Luckily were all in the same neighborhood. So its pretty quick. Seth well i just have 100 questions. Excellent. Broadway seems like the path you have been on your entire life. It really has. Yes. Seth you love musical theater. I am a big, big huge musical theater nerd. Always have been. My whole family is really. Its kind of our bread and butter since i was a really, really little kid. My parents put me in the program. Called the adderley school. In the palisades in california. When i was 6 years old. All of my siblings did. Which is you rehearse once a week for twelve weeks and do some semblance of a musical. Seth okay. And the parents come and watch, clap. Seth what was your first musical . My First Time Ever on stage was cinderella. I was the prince. Seth we have some photos. You look very princely. Thank you so much. Seth that is fantastic. And were done. Thanks. Seth what is the next photo im going to show you, do you know what this is . Explain it real quick before i show it. Well, so, tori livovic who was my cinderella who im still friends with to this day she came to do evan hansen on saturday night actually. Seth thats fantastic. She and i had sort of a disagreement about how a waltz should be done. Seth gotcha. I was correct for the record. Seth all right. Well, i will say that does not that looks like someone is teaching a selfdefense class. Like how to take down a guy. But you this wasnt just in programs. You were doing musicals in your back yard. Yes so this wasnt enough for me because we would only do one show every twelve weeks. And i was like i need to be doing a musical every day. So i would go home. I have a platform in the backyard of my house in los angeles. That screams to be a stage truly. Seth so the platform was there first. Oh, yeah. That was the inspiration. So it started doing shows on my own and making my parents watch. Which s boombox like alone. And then they would start to grow. I asked for a fog machine for my 7th birthday to kind of add some tech value. I asked for clip on microphones for the following birthday. Because it was difficult to hear in my backyard when its just me. Seth that was something. You just wanted to have a clip on microphone. Yeah because i saw the professional shows and i was like thats what you need to make a real show. So they became higher budget over time. Seth you had a lot of enthusiasm early on for this. Im just so glad america knows just how cool i am. Seth what show are you one. This is my friend molly gordon whos actually now playing Melissa Mccarthys daughter in the new movie life of the party which is coming out next year. And were doing mama mia. A two person mama mia. Yes, yes of course. Youll notice shes wearing tallit which is a jewish prayer shawl. Yeah, were jews at my house. Seth not in the original new mama mia. No it was kind of a directorial choice. Theres a number where donnas preparing her daughter to be wed. And i didnt have any veil or dress or anything so as is sang the song i lovingly draped her in the tallit. And that was just my take on the number. Directorial choice. You were also the director. Always. Always yes. Very harsh if i was luck enough to get like a few cousins to come. I had auditions in my bedroom. I would post call backs on the door. The full nine yards. Seth is this a singing family . Does everybody have a descent voice. Everybody can sing in the family. Were known as the von platts around my home town. Seth great, fantastic. Trademark, and we sing. We started singing only at bar mitzvahs and weddings. We would sing. We would like rewrite musical theater numbers to be about its called plattisfied. You can find it on youtube. Seth gotcha oh wow fantastic. Quick plug. Seth that will be the only plattisfied on youtube . I just want to make sure that im watching the right one. I havent checked. And then the word got out around the small Jewish Community that were this singing clan of mutants so we sing at high holidays. Theyd get us to sing at parties and things like that. We would always do a number for yom kippur, things like that, and were like sort of neighborhood celebrities. Seth so can you sing do you do any show tunes in hebrew. Well, fun i played sky masterson four times in guys and dolls in my childhood and one of those times was at my jewish summer camp, camp ramah in california and we do all our productions there in hebrew so i can give you a little bit of luck be a lady in hebrew. Just a warning theres no word for lady in hebrew. Seth oh no. [ singing in hebrew ] [ applause ] to talk to you about the show but i realized there was one more photo left. Oh, yes. Of course. Seth this is im gonna guess, production of cats. Yes one of my biggest works. Seth obviously you spent a lot of money on costumes. Big money. I inverted that jacket to be a little more cat like and youll notice my sister was on fog machine duty. Seth so, thats the fog machine. Yes, shes been allocated to sit there and pressed the button when i look at her. Seth does that mean that her audition didnt go well . Thats correct. Yes. She did not get rumpleteazer she got fog mache. So yes, yes. Seth congratulations on this show dear evan hansen. Thank you very much. Seth tell us a bit because were going to do a scene from it. Yes, yes. Seth and i know you brought one of your costars. I did laura dreyfiss, she plays my Love Interest in the show. She plays zoey murphy. Shes very talented. Seth so were kind of getting a hybrid performance. This is not the full cast. This is just the two of you. You brought some musicians thank you. Tell us about the show. Sure so this is a brand new musical from scratch. Not based on any previous material written by benj pasek, justin paul and steven levenson. Its a brand new piece about this really sort of profoundly lot of trouble connecting and sort of being seen by others. Which is only sort of amplified by the hyper connectivity of social media and the way things can be instantaneously judged these days. And so through a sort fabricated friendship that this boy creates with the kid in his class that has passed away, he not only helps the family of this child to heal. But also finds a new confidence and a new openness and a new way to show himself to the world although its all prediced and the show is a lot about trying to sift through all the many superficial connections that can be made to find the real ones that make all the difference and that can help you find any kind of meaningful selfvalidation. It also has a lot to do with the generational gap. And parents not knowing a lot about whats going on with their kids. And kids not feeling that they can be seen by their parents. Seth its safe to say this is a tear jerker. Its a little sad. Its pretty funny as well. Most of the beginning of the at the show. Which is a beautiful thing. Seth it must be nice when you get a reaction from an audience like that. That must feel incredibly satisfying. Its wonderful and especially at the moment which is kind of a scary moment were having in this country its been a really amazing thing. We just opened last week. Seth Vice President elects are showing up for Broadway Musicals all the time. He is more than welcome at dear evan hansen. Seth i hope so. I hope he comes to all the shows now. Me too. But, its really nice to sit in a room full of people who want to connect with each other and feel something and listen to a story and talk about Human Connection and acceptance and equality. Seth well, i cannot tell you how happy i am to have you here. I cannot tell you how happy i am youre sticking around to do a song from your show. Than you so much. Thanks for having me. Seth such a pleasure to have you. Ben platt everybody. Dear evan hansen opens at the music box theatre, december 4th. Stick around for more late night. [ cheers and applause ] . . 3,2,1. Lumi . Re, action . . You never believed in fairytales. Ver after. But you believed when the right one came along, youd be ready. Time to shine. Orbit. Oh, lifesized dragon hand back scratcher. If only it came in a luffa. It does oh, a raisin rehydrator. It turns them back into grapes. Wow, what an exhausting journey. Thats a good wedding present. Good call. Thank you. And thank you, lady blue. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Oh, look at this. Disposable microphone for my uncle bobs 75th yes. Find your voice and then dispose of it. Its more than cash back. 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[phone ding] [ cheers and applause ] seth now here to perform waving through a window from the new Broadway Musical dear evan hansen, please welcome ben platt and lori dreyfus. [ cheers and applause ] . . . Ive learned to slam on the brake before i even turn the key before i make tis . Before i lead with the worst of me give them no reason to stare no slipping up if you slip away . . So ive got nothing to share no i got nothing to say . . Step out step out of the sun if you keep getting burned step out step out of the sun . . On the outside always looking in will i ever be more than ive always been . . Cause im tap tap tapping on the glass im waving through a window i try to speak but nobody can hear . . So i wait around for an answer to appear . . While im watch watch watching people pass im waving through a window . . Oh can anybody see is anybody waving back at me . Hey, im sorry about my brother. I saw him push you. Evan, right . Evan. Thats your name. Yes it is, its evan, sorry. Why are you sorry . Because you said evan and then i said it and then i repeated it, which is just thats so annoying when people do that, though. Im zoe. Yes, yeah, no, i know. You know . No, no, no, i just no, i mean ive seen you play guitar in jazz band. But definitely like jazz band jazz. Thats so weird, im sorry. You apologize a lot. Im sorry, i mean, you know what i mean okay, well ill you dont want to sign my cast, do you . What . What . Whatd you say . I didnt say anything, you said something. No, i me, no way, jose. Um, okay jose right, cause i said . We start with stars in our eyes we start believing that we belong but every sun doesnt rise . . And no one tells you where you went wrong . . Step out step out of the sun if you keep getting burned step out step out of the sun . . Because youve learned because youve learned . . On the outside always looking in will i ever be more than ive always been . . Cause im tap tap tapping on the glass waving . So i wait around for an answer to appear while im watch watch watching people pass waving through a window . . Oh can anybody see is anybody waving . . When youre falling in a forest and theres nobody around do you ever really crash or even make a sound . . When youre falling in a forest and theres nobody around do you ever really crash or even make a sound . When youre falling in a forest and theres nobody around do you ever really crash or even make a sound . . When youre falling in a forest and theres nobody around do you ever really crash or even make a sound . . Did i even make a sound did i even make a sound its like i never made a sound will i ever make a sound . . On the outside always looking in will i ever be more than ive always been . A window i try to speak but nobody can hear . . So i wait around for an answer to appear while im watch watch watching people pass waving . . Through a window can anybody see is anybody waving back at me oh is anybody waving . . Waving waving whoaoh whoa oh oh oh . [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to gayle king, ben platt, the cast of dear evan hansen. Fred armisen and the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. [ cheers and applause ] . . . . Carson hey, whats up everybody . Im carson daly. Thank you so much. Its last call. Tonight, American Honey star sasha lane gets our spotlight treatment. The music is elliphant. Out in los angeles. But first, Jack Osbourne is in the house tonight to promote his latest project, of course with his famous father, the one and only ozzy osbourne. Well head over to 77 north. Now here is everything you ever wanted to know about ozzy and jacks world detour. . I mean, ive worked in reality tv now for nearly 16 years, and so over that time period its like ive been around through all the phases of it. From when early on, it was just like turn a camera on and roll, and then it kind of started becoming a lot more contrive place where literally every reality tv show, fully scripted. And you cant do that with my dad. You cant hand my dad a script and be like, here, now say this and do this, hes just like, no, like [ bleep ] you. Really reality tv is like its the hiphop of tv. Its that genre that everyone was like, this is a fad, its bad for your kids, dont let your kids watch it, itll rot their brain or whatever. And its like hey, its been going for a long time now and its mainly what cable tvs made

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