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40s. Although its a struggle to warm you up much. Out into Worcester County near 40 this afternoon. Even tracking a couple of flurries out there across the western half of the state. Some steadier snow trying to work in southwestern and western edgeses of connecticut. Steadier snow across upstate new york. We begin the early afternoon hours. Through portions of worcester and a little bit of wet snow just briefly here in the west of the city of worcester. Predominantly a rain event 495 inside. A few inch of wet snow a possibility across the berkshires especially the higher terrain this afternoon. 48 in boston. Close to 50 across the cape. Upper 30s and lower 40s all through the Worcester Hills for high temperatures. When you get burst of precipitation a little bit heavier you may drag down cooler air and be 36 or 37 degrees. Overall some mix inland. Mostly afternoon rainent. Really picking up by the evening and heaviest rain overnight. More on that ahead. Time now for fast track traffic. Heres danielle gersh. Good morning, everyone. Still slow heading into town this is 93 as you make your way through summerville. Lets go to maps. This traffic thats backed up to 128 still this morning. Braintree to boston northbound on the expressway over half an hour. So its still slow going out there. Route 3 stop and go back to weymouth. The pike fine from 495 to boston after you pass over 128. Route 2 stop and go traffic route 3 not as bad. And not really watching any incidents on route one. Lets look at the drive time as you get ready to head tout door. 26 to half an our on the expressway. Into town on the pike from 128 still half an hour on 3 southbound. 128 to zakim bridge. The t running on schedule. Back to you guys. Right now city leader demanding answers after commuter chaos breaks out on the orange get off of a train. Firefighters tell us they had to put out two fires at Back Bay Station. Now we learn why the doors didnt open right away. John cocoa live at Back Bay Station with all the details. John . Sarah some of the cars werent totally up against the platform. Thats why the doors didnt open. Passengers started breaking window. We spoke with one city leader demanding improvements. Tpassenger getting on the orange line thursday morning at the Back Bay Station in boston. Quiet evening before. When rider were breaking windows and climbing out of the train as smoke filled the station in the result of two fires. Quite scary to see whats happening here. Back bay station part of the daily commute. She said what happened is just another example as to why the mbta needs improvement. We really need to make sure the millions of riders who need the service that they deserve. Im still shaking. Rider like tracy taylor a pastry chef onboard during the fire. She use a knife to smash a window. I took my scarf. This was my 8 inch chef knife. I did this. Im a certified black belts. And i attached to my elbow like so. Five people were treated for smoke inhalation including taylor. We also found a trash fire on extinguished both. This is another disappointment with tservice. There frankly hasnt been enough revenue or investment to keep up the infrastructure and provide the level of service that are growing city and growing state need to have. Mbta defending the decisions not to open the door saying it could have caused some major problems. Live in back bay. John cocoa. 7news today in new england. John, thank you. New this morning were hearing from sheriffs deputy who deadly rampage in a crowded restaurant. Nicole oliverio is live in plymouth this morning with what he had to say. Nicole . Well, jen. This all comes after five month long investigation. The District Attorney just releasing yesterday that this shooting was justified. Today we heard from offduty deputy james krooed. He talks about how he was at the restaurant with his wife at the taunton city galleria back in may. He said the w phones when they heard a commotion. Initially he thought it was a domestic dispute then he realized he saw the suspect author de rosa with a weapon going after customers. It was at that point that creed said his training went into action. Its what you do. You just go to your spouse and you be there for them. I stop thinking about him the minute george was stabbed. I immediately went to the floor. He was so close to me. I know it. I know it. Right there that was rosemary talking about her husband george, george was also inside that restaurant at the time. Heath saying her husband went to protect a pregnant waitress who was stopped. At that point she went down to help her husband. If deputy creed didnt act when he did she been next. Auto pilot. We stood up and yelled over. Once i saw there was a weapon involved. I took my badge out of my left pocket on a chain put around my neck and draw my firearm and started giving demands for him to get on the ground. Stop, drop the knife over and over and over again. He was probably 6 or 7 feet from me. Probably too close training chance to comply and get on the ground before i had to do anything. Thats the last thing i wanted to have to do. We heard from creed wife. Shes a nurse. She helped the injured victims during the stabbing and the couple said they and the heath family have formed a close relationship since the stabbing five months ago. He said since this report came out saying the shooting was justified its a weight lifted off his shoulders. Nicole oliverio. Right now two people are recovering after an suv slammed right into a brick wall on beacon hill. Police say the man behind the wheel was a driver for uber and that he had a passenger in the car at the time. 7s victoria warren is live on beacon hill with the latest. Witnesses tell us that they are so incredibly happy to hear that both the driver and the passenger going to be okay. Take a look at the damage that and thats when the crash happened. A car slamming right into a brick wall in beacon hill, two people in the car at the time, the driver drives for uber. The women his passenger. I thought they was dead. Im surprised they both got out of the car. This witness doesnt want to show his face but said something happened right before the crash. I heard a boom down attend of the street. So when i walked to the o come flying up the hill. He said there was no stopping it. And ran straight smack to the wall with like he was going so fast. No brakes or nothing. I understand its coming up the street at high rate of speed. May have been a hitandrun. Boston police cant confirm if this was a hitandrun. But they are looking to see if there was one accident that led to another. The uber drive and messenger went to hospital but they will be okay. The homeowner awrying to emergency crews a gaping hole in our house and power shut off. Can you tell us what happened here. I cant. Because i wasnt here. Everyone is okay and were happy. God was them. Gods with them. They survived. The damage is extensive. Weve got a garage from one unit damaged and then the main damage is to the pantry section of somebodys kitchen. But it can all be repaired as still under investigation. Its unclear from Boston Police if the driver at this point is going to face any charges. Live on beacon hill. Victoria warren 7news today in new england. Mechanical issue causing a box truck to crash into multimillion dollar home in winchester. It happened on lorenna road around 3 30 yesterday afternoon. No one was hurt. The crash did significant damage to the homes garage. A woman is rushed to the hospital after she was stabbed happened on lawn street around 10 00 last night. Ems Officials Say the victims suffered minor injuries. Police are still searching for suspects. We are counting down to the election. And theres just 12 days to go now. Both candidates are in an allout battle to secure votes in key states. And a new poll this morning has one with a lead in the most in one of the most important states, florida. Wrapping up her 69th birthday Hillary Clinton shared cake that was might be losing her edge in florida. I dont Pay Attention to polls when they are good. I dont Pay Attention to them when they are bad. I really dont. Clinton spent two days stumping in the Sunshine State where the latest bloomberg poll has her trailing two points behind donald trump. We cannot stop for a minute. No complacency here. This morning new apgfk poll in New Hampshire nbc wall street journal has her up by four points. Drum envelope be in manchester friday. On wednesday the republican was in washington, d. C. Cutting the ribbon for his new hotel near the white house. My theme today the five words. Under budget and ahead of schedule. While the trump internationals lined with protestors the republican has his eyes on other gathering around the country. The lines, the lin trump hopes those long lines of early voters are filled with people who are choosing him. And early voting could be a big factor in nbc targets smart Analysis Shows more than 10 million americans have already voted. Also this morning. Member of Cape Cod Community coming together to remember four College Students killed in a tragic accident. Two of those student grew up on cape. They were killed monday in driver. That 31yearold driver from fall river was also killed. The crash is still under investigation. Now to developing story. Part of central italy reeling after two powerful earthquakes within hours of each other. Building crumbled and neighborhoods were flattened. The u. S. Geological survey said they were actually after shocks from a quake that killed 300 people back in august. So far Authorities Say only two people were hurt in yesterdays earthquakes. Still ahead this morning an attempted attack in marblehead. Police search for man who exposed himself and tried to grab a women. And serious concerns in the air in south dakota. A pilot pulled from his flight. We will explain why, coming up. Snow working into portions of western new england as we speak. But the main story this afternoon and tonight will be the rain and the wind. The timing of it, ahead. Meet the newest member of security at Logan Airport still in training, of course. How she is helping keep the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. Heres the truth every time a new Charter School opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million just last year according to the states own data. Which means real cuts to our kids in arts, technology, ap classes, preschool, bus service and more. Thats why question twos opposed by the massachusetts pta voting no on question two. The difference. Always putting people first. Maggie hassan helped energize our economy by focusing on families, innovation and education. The same approach maggie will take as us senator a detailed plan to make college more affordable. Lower cost prescription drugs for everyday families. And an approach to leadership that puts New Hampshire families and Small Businesses ahead of the corporate special interests. Been. Always will be. Im Maggie Hassan and i approve this message. This is where the Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers im Maggie Hassan hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte. This is where ayotte voted with the Koch Brothers 90 of the time. Ayottes campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. And voted for them, not you. She voted wall street banks billions in write offs for executive bonuses. Voted Big Oil Billions in tax breaks. But kelly ayotte voted against letting families refinance student loans. And against lowering the cost of prescription drugs. For New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible the Police Department has thrilling reminder for trick or treaters check it out . . . . The officers tweeted that they wanted to remind everyone to stay safe this en very creative. Alove that long. They look like they are having fun. We have talk about Something Else too. Did i hear Chris Lambert said he was Michael Jackson when he was a kid. I saw that picture. Halloween 1984. That was right about the time thriller was a big hit. Its still a hit. Of course on halloween as well. Lot of Michael Jacksons song. That just came out i think like 83 or something . I had tin foil mic and white glove. Take a look at radar and quiet across much of the state right now. A few flurry through western mass. Steadier light snow at that working into the western edges of connecticut. If you can look close you can see that pressing to coastline. Theres initially cold air residing across a lot of new england that would be able to support the snow. The later in day you go the warmer that will likelyd briefly though. North connecticut into the Worcester Hills into southwestern New Hampshire could get snow and sleet mixed on in. Then as the east to southeaster i will wind takes over late this afternoon this evening even there would be flip over just a plain old rain. With temperature above freezing mark well above the freezing mark. I dont expect accumulating snow. The higher terrain you get into southwestern New Hampshire maybe 13 across the berkshires higher across the higher terrain of vermont. The story late today will be the wet weather and then tonight isolated downpours working on in. For few hours either side of midnight. And a gusty wind that will develop. In fact strong wind likely along the coastline. Gusting 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour. You take a look at accumulation maps up to few finishes in higher terrain of berkshires into vermont. Overall not expecting a lot from worcester on the east into boston. In fact boston w flakes. Once then onshore wind kicks in temperature midtoupper 40s. Rainfall totals a good inch of rain locally higher if downpours of rumble of thunder overnight tonight and it will be beneficial rain all around 40 in worcester about 48 in boston. Clouds thickening up the afternoon rain does arrive. Motion of the rain after 1 00 p. M. Thats when we see the wet weather settle in. Briefly mixing outside 495 with a little bit of snow and sleet. Perhaps if you are like me dressing up for Michael Jackson like 1984 looks good monday. Should stay dry. Toxic concerns in south dakota. Airline pilot accused of being drunk pulled from his flight. 38yearold already onboard a flight headed to Salt Lake City when taken into custody. Tsa Officials Say hes smelled of alcohol. And according to police his blood alcohol level was above the legal limit. One passenger flying with his 9yearold son outrageous. It could have injured myself. My son or frankly killed us if the plane goes down based upon him showing up to work drunk. Its absolutely ridiculous. Pilot released on bail and has been placed on administrative leave. Theres a new Security Team in place at Logan Airport. Tsa showing off its new passenger screening dog. The black lab is a little different than other bomb her handler said black lab make good bomb sniffing dog because they are trainable and cute too. I love her tail just wagging. Fun to see them go by. Still ahead this morning. Hundreds of pumpkins stolen. Now one farmer in new jersey is looking for answers just days before halloween. And at 9 30 accused hacker heads to court. Where he collapses. Why his wife said he may have fall massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. But some kids arent so lucky. E. Imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. Public Charter Schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. If you like your school, question 2 wont affect you. But question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. Please join me and vote yes on question 2. Kelly ayotte thanks, buddy. Kelly voiceover im kelly ayotte. And when i take the plate for New Hampshire. Im up against a political machine that plays dirty because New Hampshire deserves better. Thats why im batting for goodpaying jobs, to protect Social Security and medicare. And help families pay for college. I approved this message because no matter what theyre throwing at me. Caught on camera new Jersey Farmer left looking for answer after hundreds of pumpkins are plucked from his farm. But cameras were rolling when it all happened. Police are hoping that footage will lead to their capture. Even at night its clear as day. Caught on camera four people stealing dozens of pumpkins i pulled in. And half of my display was gone. About 200 pumpkin worth more than 2000 taken early tuesday in the thieves who appeared to be four young men came three different times to grab their loot. Its not funny at all. This the blatant thievery. Its not a prank. Im not laughing. Todds a family has operated the farm and market for over 120 pay our bills. Its about the principle. The Farm Security license plate deduction program. They hope to catch the pumpkin thieves. Im really hoping they get caught. Im really hoping they get prosecuted. And they learn in life not to do this again. The family offering 1,000 reward. As the pats gear up for matchup with the joanne shes not fooling me. Britt kelly ayotte sides with the special interests. Vivian now, shes even playing politic games with medicare. Vo kelly ayotte voted to cut medicare and cost seniors up to 1,700 more for prescriptions. While protecting tax breaks for the wall street banks and Big Oil Companies that fund her campaign. Fred kelly ayotte sold us out. Britt with kelly ayotte, its all politics. Joanne shes not looking out for New Hampshire anymore. Were already at week 8 in the nfl. Holding up. Tray dare and Jadiann Thompson will let you know who to sit and pick in this weeks fantasy fixer. Welcome to fantasy fixer. Im Jadiann Thompson here with tray dare. Were on week 8 and talking about the patriots. Only team 6and1. They will play the same team that defeated them in the season. A lot has changed since they played the bills one month the biggest thing tom brady really elevating the play. Look to do what they did last year. In week two against buffalo. James white three touchdowns the last two weeks. Think he will have another big week. The bill game really killed it for the patriots in weak four. You know what do you think about for this coming week. The patriots struggled to mccoy not the same guy. He was injured in practice last week tried to give it a go against miami. Obviously things arent right. Hes a star player probably the most explosive in the nfl. You have to hit him down. Hes going up against the patriots defense. Aaron roger a little bit too soon. More of the same this week. Or not . Monster game. One week ago against the bears one of the best hes played in a long time. Got to look to the guys around him. Kind of coming out of running back wide receiver. He had 19 touches one week ago. Thats a huge number. He put up a lot of point still without a touchdown. Go start your line up. Much more ahead in next half hour of 7news. Including Hollywood Sign smashed. Two tick a pick ax to donald trump star on the hollywood. And the cold air just enough england with snow before the terrain. Forecast, ahead. The missing drakette women now safe and sound. Where officials were able to find her. The outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. Heres the truth every time a new Charter School opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million just last year according to the states own data. In arts, technology, ap classes, preschool, bus service and more. Thats why question twos opposed by the massachusetts pta and School Committees all across the state. Communities on alert. Police searching for a man that tried to grab a women on the trail in marblehead. The mall attacker speaks out for the first time. Hear what the sheriffs deputy has to say. National guard member asked to pay backbonus. Halting this action while outrage continues to grow this morning. Welcome back. Im jennifer eagan. Really chilly day out is there. Definitely want to grab the coat. When you walk around outside you can see your breath now. Its always a little bit depressing. Had last week. Different story outside this morning. Look at the lows. This was coldest in boston since april 10th at 34, 24 in bedford. A lot of suburb down midtoupper 20s. Back to april 10th when back below freezing. Didnt quite hit it there in the city. We were close. Average low this time of year at 43. Up to 37. The numbers along the coastline will jump up once the wind changing direction and moves onshore. It will jump into the 40s. 33 in bosnia. 35 it will be more of slow and steady warm up out that way. Then initially when precipitation works in the atmosphere is cold enough that few snowflake and sleet pell irts mixed in this afternoon early this afternoon out through Worcester County up into southern New Hampshire and steady snow western connecticut edging into western ms and back into new york. The best chance of few inch of snow will be higher terrain of the berkshires. Once you wake your way a little bit of mix. Heaviest rain tonight. Well talk more on this coming up. Thank you. Right now several city leader are asking questions and demanding answers from the mbta after commuter chaos broke out on the orange line. Fires produce smoke which caused passengers to bust out windows and jump off the train. John cocoa has more on how it all played out. T passenger getting on the orange line thursday at the back quiet compared chaos thenning before. When rider were breaking yindo and climbing out of the train as smoke filled the station during the wednesday commute. The result of two fires. Quite scary to see whats happening here. Back bay station part of michelle woos daily commute. She said what happen is another example as to why the mbta needs improve. We need to make sure that the millions of riders who need the service that they deserve. Im still shaking. Rider like tracy tayler a pastry chef onboard. She used a knife to smash a window. I took my scarf. This is my 8 inch chef knife. Im a certified black belts. I attached to my elbow like so. And into the window. Five people were treated for smoke inhalation including taylor. Turned out to be and trash fire. This is another disappointment with t service. They frankly has not been enough revenue or investment to keep up our infrastructure and to provide the level of service that our growing city and our growing state need to have. The mwta defends the anythings not to open the door saying it could have caused some major problems. In the back bay, john cocoa. 7news today in new england. New this morning a sheriffs deputy who ended a deadly woman speaking out for the first time. District attorney has officially determined that deputy james creed justified when he killed author derosa back in may. He did so after derosa killed two people and assaulted several others inside the mall. Creed eating at the time and said his training compelled him to take action. He was probably six, 7 feet from me. Probably a little bit too close training wise but trying to give him a chance to comply and get on the ground before i had to do anything. Thats the last thing i wanted tow have to do. The report also said creed wife instrumental in helping the victims after the attack. Now to story you will see on just one station. Accused computer hacker collapsed at the end of his first appearance in federal court. Martin has been on a threeweek hunger strike. He said he considers himself a rooman right activist. Hacked two web silents to defend a connecticut teenager who claimed shes kept at boston Childrens Hospital without her familys permission. The cyberattack cost the facility more than 300,000. Gotsfeld woos said 123rd day of hunger strike. He may have collapsed due to weakness. Really cares about protecting kids from institutional abuse. Do you think hes willing to die. He will not strikent hes willing to give his life for this cause. He received medical treatment from a nurse in the courtroom after collapsing. Happening now the search continues after police say a man there exposed himself to a women before trying to grab her on a bike path. They say that man then took off on a bike leaving many in the area on edge over what happened. Police flood a popular walking trail in marblehead searching for a man who exposed himself i find that shocking. Because ive always thought this trail is very safe. The women in her 40s said shes walking alone on the rail trail near 114 at the Marblehead Salem line when the man leaning defense the fence lunged toward him. The women wasnt hurt and other people who were nearby called 911. The suspect rode off on a bicycle. School in the area were notified of the incident. One school quickly moved student we immediately went into lockdown. You know obviously this security of our kids is a priority. Police say they will have increase patrols in that area throughout the rest of the week. Also happening now police in fallriverer searching for repeat offender. This man walked into todeski oo armed with knife and demanded money. He took off when the clericaled for help. Employee said the same man robbed the store earlier this month. Police in auburn, New Hampshire are searching for wednesday morning. Investigators say someone inside the home confronted the intruder and fired a shot before the suspect ran away. Detective say there was a small marijuana grow operation inside the home. Theres new details after missing women in drakette is found safe. Katherine lucer recover fling the hospital this morning. They found the 75yearold in the woods behind homes on pleasant street yesterday afternoon. She had been missing for thr days. The son of connecticut women lost at sea holding a private Memorial Service for her. Nathan carmen honoring his mother in hartford yesterday. According to nathan he and his mother ran into trouble during a boating trip off of rhode island last month. Nathans found floelting on a life raft 8 days later. His mother is presumed dead. Im glad that many of my mom friend chose to attend and i think the service was a good support one another. I wished desperately that my mom was rescued. I hope that she will be found. The circumstances behind his mothers disappearance remain under investigation. New this morning the 2014 woflt champion has been stripped from title. They announced wednesday they are doubling ritas ban for doping and stripping her 2014 win in boston and chicago. She failed a drug test in september of 2014. Daa is trying to get back the money she earned for winning the boston marathon. National guard member were asked to pay back improper incentive they received and now some National Guard members are speaking out. Face on recouping bonus repayment treated with keptism. How is anyone going to sign a contract that these contract mean slooultly nothing. Like thousands of other guard member he was ordered to pay back 25,000 in bonuses and due visit assistance for reenlisting in 2007. After appeals and a lawsuit he got the amount reduced to 5,000. A debt thats been ive lost trust. Thats a hell of a thing to say for people that you depend on for your life when you are signing knowing you you might pay. The pentagon announcing that its suspending bonus collection efforts. Defense secretary ash carter ordered staff to establish a streamline centralized appeals process by january 1st. Most people are just caught we need to give them what they deserve. While carter said some shoulders should have known they were inel eligible for the payments some did not. That was tough to file. Refinancing home to cover a 46,000 bill. The white house said they will get another chance to appeal. Presently those individuals need to be treated fairly as well. A fair hearing for many soldier has come at secretary carter wants the cases to be resolved by next july. Trump star on the hollywood walk of fame will be replaced. A man dressed as a City Construction worker destroyed it with a pick ax yesterday. He wants to remove the star and auction it off. Hillary clinton hoping to break the Glass Ceiling to become the first female u. S. President and shell be holding her Election Night party theirent will take place and New York Convention center. The building is built top to bottom with glass. Just ahead amazon slapped with a major lawsuit. The device one family said is behind a 30 million lawsuit. And fans of pokemon go can get on some election fun. The similar game featuring the president ial candidate. Cold weather settled. In well track rain and snow across new england this this is where the Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte. This is where ayotte voted with the Koch Brothers 90 of the time. Ayottes campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. And voted for them, eet banks billions in write offs for executive bonuses. Voted Big Oil Billions in tax breaks. But kelly ayotte voted against letting families refinance student loans. And against lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Kelly ayottes not working for New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible interviewer what would stop you from voting this november . Woman 1 working late. Man 1 lines i hate long lines. Woman 2 no babysitter. William f. Galvin for the First Time Ever we have early voting. If youre registered, you can vote any day between vote on your schedule. Man 1 wow, that helps William F Galvin early voting is easy voting. Interviewer so what do you think . Woman 2 it a timesaver. I love it. William f. Galvin its easier than ever for you to vote. Pringles hopes to cash in on new holiday treat. They announce some holiday flavors. The limited Edition Flavors will include salted caramel and sugar co nationwide. Bugger king in new york getting halloween makeover. The entire restaurant covered in a white sheet to make it look like a ghost. They also made a sign making fun of mcdonalds hamburgers of course. I feel like the kids would be a little bit spooked out or scared of that. 37 in boston right now. 32 in bedford. 33 in worcester. Cold start this morning. Thinking about that extra layer right with the temperature down in 20s and 30. What this blue showing up on radar. Tis the season. We talk about some snowflakes into the mix. Theres been flurries across western mass and steadier light snow breaking into western connecticut. You look back into upstate new york. And basically just east of binghampton to albany some snow. This is going to be the cold section of the storm that works in to western new england over the next several hours. Initially the precipitation is gi northern connecticut even all the way down toward the coastline in western connecticut. That will fill on in across western mass. Worcester into the hills Worcester Hill southwestern n 1 2 yes for briefed mr. Of time this afternoon. Snow and sleet mixed in. Temperatures will be above freezing. Not expecting issue. Its a sign of the time changing here as we do have some snowflakes into the mix. Inside 495 mainly a rainent. In fact through worcester the midtoupper 30s this afternoon and you find snowflakes mixed with sleet pellet and rain drop. You go over to all rain overnight. Locally heavy rain. Once we get into heavier rain batchesen rumbles of thunder and gusty wind will develop. Not expecting a lot of accumulation in the Worcester Hills. West of the city. To higher terrain. Maybe pick up a slushy coating. Locally higher amounts will be had in berkshires with higher terrain picking up at least a than that across southern vermont. In terms of the rainfall totals in rain coming through localized higher amounts. We can use all the water we can get. Slight improvement in terms of shrinking the extreme drought area since last week. But not a lot of improvements so were still running the deficits longterm and were still behind and still in catchup side of things. Strong wind gust overnight tonight. Passed midnight. Gusting 40 to 50. Then by tomorrow afternoon we kick the wind out of the west and it will be breezy but winds wont be as strong. Theres a wind advisory. 1 00 to 10 00 for the east winds at time gusting close to 50 Miles Per Hour along the coastline through southeastern mass. Afternoon rain for a lot of us. Its after 1 00 or 2 00. We initially deal with mix well inland close to 495 through Worcester County. Temperatures warming overnight tonight. Over the weekend couple of showers around sunday. Seasonable temperatu dry on halloween. New this morning a family in tennessee hitting amazon with a 30 million lawsuit. They are blaming the online retailer for selling them a hover board that caused a fire that destroyed their home. They claim amazon failed to tell them about nine previous fired caused by that type of hover board. And dont expect apple new air pods to hit the market soon. The wireless ear buds for the little bit more time to get them ready for sale. No word yet on when they will actually hit stores. Also on 7. Pokemon go swept the nation and become an instant sensation. Now the game concept is getting a political twist. Its a new app that gives you a chance to combine with president ial election. Election can cause stress just take out your tablet or smart phone. Trying a new game might be just the thing to put a particularly the way would engage young folk and maybe new people its called hillary, donaldgo. You will be taken to map. This map of dartmouth college. At one of many location people are able to show support for their favorite candidate. You can see Hillary Clinton just like a vote more good vibes a candidate get the better. The more vibes or sent to my college of choice. Uma has been helping promote the app on campus and beyond. Its helping more people join it. The game has helped young people she knows feel more optimistic about the election. Its help lighten their feeling a little bit. She hopes the involved in the political process. By drawing more people to think about the candidate and express their opinion. Shes think its just a start to the projects. Its new way of getting people involved in politics. And the creator say so far the app has gotten 5,000 downloads. Coming up next in 7 sports. The cubs trying to tie things they head back to chicago. Celtics have reason to celebrate this morning. The teams high scoring start as their season kicks off. At ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. In an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. At stop shop, shoppers are discovering low prices by the thousands, plus even more that just dropped. All these low prices what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood . No. Just trying to save you a whole lot of . Bread. . [ laughter ] at ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. In an affordable dream kitchen that works as hard as you do. Get 15 back at the ikea kitchen event. Kreltices season off to a strong start. Jay crowder added 21. Won a high scoring game 1 2117. They take on the bulls in chicago tonight. World serieses heading back to two. Chicago never trailed in cleveland last night. Already leading 2zip. They scored three times in the fifth. They won the game 51. Game three is tomorrow night. Former red sox star david ortiz made an appearance alternaat the world serieses to night. He was there to accept the hank aaron award. In his final season ortiz had 38 home run and are you ready for rematch. Patriots taking on the bills this sunday. Hoping to avenge their only loss so far this season. Buffalo shutting out the pats at gillette last month. Of course, tom brady missed that game due to his suspension. Tb 12 knows they will see a hostile environment this weekend. They are just into it. They are into it from the Third Quarter to last from pregame warnup to the end of the game. The most challenging they get a lot at home this year. The pats have won the last four road games against the bills. Coming up next the Hollywood Star and boston native getting a little bit political. The hilarious way ben affleck is telling you to get out and vote. Cold air in place and snow across part of new england this afternoon. Rain for a lot of us big story here. Another look at the 7day this is where the Oil Billionaire Koch Brothers hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte. This is where ayotte voted with the Koch Brothers 90 of the time. Ayottes campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. And voted for them, not you. She voted wall street banks billions in write offs for executive bonuses. Voted Big Oil Billions in tax breaks. But kelly ayotte voted against letting families refinance student loans. And against lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Kelly ayottes not working for New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible of this advertising. Massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. But some kids arent so lucky. Where they live, they dont go to a great school, and they have no choice. Imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. Public Charter Schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. If you like your school, question 2 wont affect you. But question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. Please join me and joanne shes not fooling me. Britt kelly ayotte sides with the special interests. Vivian now, shes even playing politic games with medicare. Vo kelly ayotte voted to cut medicare and cost seniors up to 1,700 more for prescriptions. While protecting tax breaks for the wall street banks and Big Oil Companies that fund her campaign. Fred kelly ayotte sold us out. Britt with kelly ayotte, its all politics. Joanne shes not looking out for New Hampshire anymore. Vo Senate Majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Ben affleck is doing his part to get out of the vote. Adopting New Hampshire as home for parody. Check it out. Hello there. My name the benny the sweet one o callaghan. Name ben affleck. New hampshire is just like my kid brother. I love New Hampshire. Affleck breaking out best boston accent urging people register to vote. Its really funny its pretty good. You really got the boston acscent down like you kris. Its easy to slide right back into it. No problem there sounding just out of good will new england. Even west of 495. The rain heavy at night. Gusty wind developing tonight along the coastline as well. Seasonable weekend hollywood looking great for trickortreater. More of today show ahead. Have a great morning. Hopefully we will see you back i just want whats best for my kids. When i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more Charter Schools, i think what about the students in all of our schools . Every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million dollars, just last year. We cant afford to drain even more money from our kids schools because theyre already losing so much. Im not just standing up for my own kids; im fighting for yours, too. This morning on todays take a hollywood icon director ron howard on fire again with his latest blockbuster inferno. The money sters are back but you havent seen anything like this. And we will ask emmy winner Bradley Whitford about a west wing reunion. Comi from nbc news this is todays take live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today, thursday morning, october 27th, 2016. Al along with tamron and dylan. I had to do that open three times because i couldnt say west ring west wing reunion with Bradley Whitford

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