Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20160922 : c

Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20160922

low 60s with a breeze on sunday. this fall weather lingers into early next week. we'll talk about that forecast ahead. >> sarah: time now for fast track traffic with kris anderson. >> chris: sarah, good morning. happy thursday, everybody. we're getting close to the weekend. live look outside. this is the commute in from the south on the expressway. the gas tank there, cars whipping right by. that's a good sign. let's head to the maps and show you what you're dealing with this morning. ten minutes from the split to the tunnel. smooth sailing, wider as we go on 3, 24 and 95 connecting with 128. the pike is all in closer to boston. to the north of the city, everythin nice and glen on 93 and 128 there. same thing route 1 in saugus. they're picking up the cones from any reskid yule construction out there. you should be in good shape heading out. quick look at the drive times. you'll like what you'll see. split to the tunnel ten minutes. 128 to 39, 12 minutes. and just 11 minutes 128 to the zakim. back to you, guys. >> christa: chris, thank you. police investigating a deadly crash that happened up in north andover and two people who stopped to help out turned out to be injured, as well. >> sarah: this morning police are trying to piece together the moments leading up to the accident. 7's jennifer eagan is live now with the very latest. jen? >> jennifer: sarah, this happened around 11:00 last night, a person on a motorcycle got into an accident here. two people stopped to help that person who was injured on the ground. this happened at the intersection of salem turnpike, a busy street on the north andover-lawrence line. police say another car passing by the scene clipped the motorcyclist and the two people who stopped to help. the motorcyclist died from their injuries. the two good samaritans were both hurt. one of them was seriously hurt. what's unclear right now is whether the driver of the car stopped or continued on. police stayed on the scene into the early morning hours investigating exactly what happened here. we're told lawrence and state police are investigating. they are expected to release some time later this morning. we're live in north andover this morning, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: breaking overseas, cnn reporting that a u.s. fighter jet has crashed off the coast of okinawa, japan. a japanese coast guard official says the aircraft went down thursday morning. at least one person has been rescued from the crash site. it's not known if anyone else was on board. >> christa: we have more breaking news we want the pass along. a state of emergency declared in north carolina. one pern police officers are injured in the second straight night here of protests in charlotte following a police-involved shooting of an african american man. 7's nancy chen is on the story. >> nancy: north carolina's governor called in the national guard last night after the police chief said his department needed help. protests turned violent on wednesday after people continued to express their anger over shooting. police using pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the crowds. this morning there was quite a bit of damage to buildings and vehicles in charlotte. now, one person was critically wounded after apparently being shot during a protest. it was initially reported that the protester died, but officials now say that man is currently on life support. police also emphasizing he was not shot by an officer, but you see a lot of chaos there for everyone involved. among those, cnn reporter who ended up getting knocked over that reporter was not hurt. and in response to the violence in the city, bank of america, which is based in charlotte, has told its employees to not come into work today. in the newsroom, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: breaking overnight, man is rushed to the hospital after he is shot in mattapan. it happened on cedar street late last night. police say the victim suffered life-threatening injuries. so far no arrests have been made. police are investigating after a the back bay. security cameras on the duck boat captured the vehicle hitting the woman as she stepped out on the boylston street wednesday morning. she was not seriously hurt thankfully. boston duck tours says the driver was not at fault. so far in charges have been filed. >> christa: right now d.c.f. is investigating a new hampshire mom after this chilling video appears to show the woman overdosed and passed out. her child crying at her sid this happened inside a store. let's go to 7's victoria warren. vicki? >> victoria: good morning. it happened inside the family dollar store here in lawrence, and the video shows the woman and a young girl, a toddler. the woman is not making any type of movement. the toddler is seen crying. an we're told it's because of an overdose. i want to warn you, though, some people are going to find this video very disturbing. wake her up. it's a heartbreaking video posted online. the poster saying the woman is the child's mother and she was in the throes of a heroin overdose. >> mommy east okay. >> victoria: it happened at a family dollar store in lawrence. you can see the toddler standing over her mother. she eventually picks up her mother's head and generally slaps her to try to wake her up. the woman not moving at all, and someone called 911. the online post says the mother survived after receiving two doses of reverses heroin overdoses. it's tough to watch, but it's something police officers say they see way too often, and there's a true opioid epidemic. in nearby methuen, one police captain weighed in, telling the newspaper, "the saddest of all is the children we encounter quite often with this. it hits home hard because many of us have our own children. it breaks our heart to know what some of these children are witnessing." it's unclear if this woman is going to be facing any charges. but we can tell you it's very typical in situations like this for them to reach out to the department of children and families and have them investigate, as well. live this morning in lawrence, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right. vicki, thank you. it's 5:07. new this morning, boston police investigating a case of vandalism at the cathedral of the holy cross in the south end. someone, 000 a rock through stained-glass window last night. according to the gloarks the damage is estimated to be about $3,000. the vandalism comes a day before the church is set to receive a holy relic of a popular italian saint, an event which will likely draw huge crowds. >> sarah: and countdown to kickoff for the patriots. it looks like jacoby brissett will be getting the nod as starting q.b. the injury report lists jimmy g as doubtful for tonight's game. nicole oliverio is live at gillette stadium for more on what this means for the rookie. "doubtful" meaning it is unlikely garoppolo is going to play, so that means brissett will get the start. right now he's the only active quarterback on the roster. third-string quarterback jacoby brissett is set to make his first career nfl start. and if it happens, he'll join some rare company. >> bledsoe gets the look. has some time. throws to the end zone. >> nicole: brissett would be first rookie quarterback to start a game for since drew bledsoe in 1993. brissett rose to the top of the depth chart after back-up q.b. jimmy garoppolo went down in the second quarter against the dolphins sunday. >> he got driven into the carpet on that shoulder. >> nicole: garoppolo is listed as doubtful with a shoulder injury. now it's brissett ready to lead the team against the texans. gets hurt, the nfl network reports the patriots are preparing julian edelman to serve as back-up. edelman, who played the position in college, has thrown one pass in the nfl for a touchdown. >> i wasn't even thinking about that. i was thinking about what i can do to help jacoby. >> nicole: again, the pats are taking on the texans here at home tonight on short rest. this is the first time in two years the pats are listed as that's the latest live from gillette. nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: the countdown is on. 47 days now until election day. and the race between hillary clinton and donald trump is a tight one. however, the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows clinton gaining 43% of the vote. trump at 37%. the libertarian and green party candidates trailing far behind in single digits here. trump and clinton meantime will go head to head in the first presidential debate on monday in and, of course, 7news will be there in new york when clinton and trump meet for their first debate. we'll have live reports monday right here on 7news. >> sarah: more news ahead on "today in new england." a violent crash in roxbury involving a group of teens. coming up, witnesses to the accident describe the wild scene. >> christa: and flocking to a church. what's inside this case that has catholics around boston lining up. >> sarah: and it's a threat hidden away in your own home, hank investigates >> christa: we going to have our welcome to fall party later on? what is it, 10:00 the official first day? it's all about pumpkin spice. >> chris: you started that in july. september. 10:21, the official arrival of the equinox. it won't feel that way this afternoon. 49 in norwood. 53 in bedford. sure, it's a cool start, but temperatures off to the races to the up side as we go throughout the day. dew point levels upper 40s, low 50s. that comfortable low humidity in place. i do expect mostly sunny skies once that sun gets up in the sky here. and take a look to the south and west of us, 86 a common number from philly to pittsburgh to detroit back into chicago. in fact, many of the s the coastline will be close to 84, 85, 86 degrees. again, tomorrow, one more warm day before the big change-up. notice that upper 60s in minneapolis. that's behind the cool front. that cool front coming down through the day tomorrow. across new england. won't get here until late in the day. that's why i still expect temperatures enter the 80s on friday afternoon. more clouds around. and then late in the day, a couple scattered showers around. and scattered showers overnight saturday morning. there may be a lingering showering, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. on saturday. then the theme here is the cool air pouring in and a bit of a breeze saturday afternoon and for sunday, as well. equinox at 10:21. you tend to think of it when the sun is over the equator of saying equal day and equal night. it's not exactly there. you'll notice about a nine-minute difference on the sunrise and sunset, offset from about 12 hours. so like there is about a nine-minute addition to some daylight. there are a couple reasons for that. one is the way we measure sunset and sunrise. we take it from the top of the sun, not necessarily the center of the sun. so that gives you a few minutes. also the way the light bends through the atmosphere. the sun can actually be a little bit below the horizon and some of that light starts to get into the earth's atmosphere and bengtds down, so we still see a little light. not a huge difference, but that's why it's not exactly 12 hours between sunset and beyond the equinox, both in the fall and then before in the spring. that's when you get the 12-hour difference between sunrise and sunset. so fall officially ringing in today. unofficially summer still wants to hang on here. 82 to 86 this afternoon. it will be cooler along the coastline with temperatures into the 70s. and then clear to partly cloudy skies tonight. comfortable overnight. cooler suburbs about 64 in boston. increasing clouds tomorrow. late-day shower or about, especially north of the mass pike. low to mid-80s. so once again a mile and muggy day out there. a little bit of humidity in place. dew points close to 60 degrees. how about the pats' forecast this evening? yes, we're talking about an evening game at gillette on this thursday. 80 degrees for the tailgate. looking great. comfortable weather from kickoff through the rest of the game. get away with a t-shirt for the tailgate and maybe just a light long sleeve shirt for the game itself. 7 on 7 forecast, going the need temperatures back into the 60s with a breeze. >> sarah: all right. we're taking a closer look at a hidden hazard that could threaten your health and your home. we're talking about a deadly gas that unlike smoke or fire you don't even know it's there. >> christa: so what's causing it and how can you protect your family importantly? our hank phillippi ryan investigates. [chirping] >> warning. carbon monoxide. >> hank: with their basement carbon monoxide detector whaling last rushed out of their west roxbury home. >> it's a terrifying situation. >> hank: as firefighters arrived, they found a basement filled with dangerous amount of the colorless, odorless, and deadly gas. >> we definitely could have been killed. [chirping] >> hank: what set off the basement alarm? sarah and paul were victims of a potentially lethal secret lurking beneath boston streets, underground electrical wires that were slowly burning and you fall asleep and you don't wake up again. >> hank: firefighters tell us the danger can start when aging underwire utility wires are jostled and weakened by trucks passing overhead or construction work nearby. when those compromised wire begin to burn, they give off carbon monoxide, and that can seep right into your home. this is dangerous, and this could happen in any home. >> it could. the smoldering wires can produce gasses. the gasses will kee for the gas to travel, then it will travel that way. >> hank: it happened in charlestown this year, too. firefighters rushed to evacuate six homes. an underground electrical cable was burning, the official report says, and the c.o. was elevated to a dangerous level. how often does it happen? ever source, the electricity supplier for boston, insists this is very rare, but they acknowledge three cases last year. they say it happens less and less as they update the system. >> warning, carbon monoxide. >> hank: the best way to protected you're, the c.o. detector that massachusetts law requires you install in your home. without one, sarah and paul know they might have died. >> i would think it's a ticking time bomb under the streets of boston. >> hank: eversource tells us they're working to replace those aging underground wires, and they're hoping to have it all done by the end of 2019. in the newsroom, i'm hank phillippi ryan. >> christa: they always say when you set your clocks back or spring forward, check your carbon monoxide detector, check your fire alarm. we're coming up on that. let's make sure we do that after seeing that story, huh? >> sarah: up next on 7news, how bernie sanders is attempting to keep his progressive platform alive even after his presidential campaign has come to an end. >> christa: also, see if the >> one in eight women will face breast cancer. early detection can mean the difference between life and death. planned parenthood gives new hampshire women access to life saving cancer screenings. but ayotte voted to defund planned parenthood six times. why? because ayotte opposes a woman's right to choose. in her relentless effort to overturn roe v. wade, ayotte puts critical cancer screenings at risk, hurting new hampshire women. kelly ayotte: putting her personal interests ahead of your health care. pac is responsible fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. . >> chris: 5:23. fall officially arriving today at 10:21. summer lingering weather-wise. lower to mid-80s this afternoon. cooler on the coastline with a sea breeze kicking in. we hold on to mostly sunny skies as we go through the day. clearly and comfortable tonight. mid-50s to lower 60s. and then the forecast for tomorrow, another day into the 80s. a big change-up after this. we're talking 60s over the weekend. more on that forecast. >> sarah: it's a big week three as the patriots and seven other teams fight to start the season 3-0. >> christa: here's 7's jadiann thompson and trey daerr with this year's fantasy fixer. >> jadiann: welcome, pats' fans. let's talk about the pats probably not going to see jimmy g on thursday. >> trey: jimmy g doubtful. almost no chance he will see the field. they have to turn to jacoby brissett. he's going to rely on his security blankets, martellus bennett, the running game, julian edelman who can break off the line in the first five years. those are his guys. somebody will get lost in the shuffle. danny amendola this week, sit him down. >> sarah: >> jadiann: the houston texasians off to a good start. their defense looking >> trey: you think of bill o'brien, you think of an offensive mind, but the good part of this team is the defense. they have some dudes there, jonathan joseph, clowney. patriots with a third-string quarterback, great matchup. top five fantasy defense. if you can get them. >> jadiann: a team that has a lot of injuries, the chargers whom do you think? >> trey: rough go for the chargers. things pretty stable. they have good young players at wide receiver. they have philip rivers at quarterback. melvin gordon, a star this year. great match. >> jadiann: that's your lineup, everyone. >> sarah: of course, the red sox just keep on rolling. their winning streak now up to seven after the sox earned another victory in baltimore. boston leading 2-1 in the sixth inning last night. rookie andrew benintendi provided plenty of insurance. he hit a three-run homer to right field. allowing three hits and one run in seven innings. sox win 5-1. and here are the a.l. east standings heading into thursday's game. the sox have 88 wins and have increased their lead in the division. boston now leads toronto by five games and baltimore by six. the yankees remain eight and a half games back. >> christa: dunkin' donuts recently made a special doughnut honoring sox d.h. david ortiz. remember when i brought you one and you said you didn't want it, that's all right. look at this. they're paying tribute again to big papi. and this is larger than life. it's an image of big papi, and it's made entirely out of doughnuts. it's located at the greenway near the north end. >> sarah: wonder how long it's there before those doughnuts... >> christa: petrify? >> sarah: before the birds start flocking. >> christa: get there before that happens. >> sarah: up next at 5:30, why blue bell creamery is issuing a recall on some of its ice cream products. >> christa: a stolen vehicle involved in a wild wreck in roxbury. what they're learning about the three people injured in that crash. and local catholics flocking to church this morning to see a >> sarah: breaking now at 5:30, police trying the piece to a deadly crash in north andover. >> christa: a quincy man on the run, accused of ripping off millions of dollars from clients, and now his girlfriend is opening up to just one station. >> sarah: and hundreds of the faithful lining up in boston for a glimpse of the heart of a catholic saint. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: good morning, everybody. 5:30 in the morning. kind of one of those days that fall and summer are duking it out here. i'm christa delcamp. >> sarah: and i'm s feeling a little like summer the past few days. >> chris: first day of fall this morning, but summer coming in with the knock-out this afternoon. upper 40s and he 50s this morning. it is a cool start, a refreshing start, although with low humidity in place, you get that a lot of times in the suburbs. 66 in boston. mainly clear skies through the day. with the sunshine, summer feeling, low to mid-80s. the sea breeze kicks in along could hold temperatures there in the mid to upper 70s. mild one out at gillette this evening. tailgating weather, 5:00, 6:00, still close to 80 degrees, then falling into the low 70s. kickoff, near 60s. tomorrow temperatures low to mid-80s again. big-time change for the temperatures over the weekend. >> christa: how is it looking t >> chris: we are dealing with our first accident of the morning. we'll tell you about it in a moment. this is the north commute enter boston on route 93 or 93 going in over the zakim bridge and the leverett connector over there. let's take a look at the maps. we have an accident earlier in concord. it's still causing some problems here. it's happening right here on route 2. it involved reportedly a motorcycle. that scene has just cleared. but there's still some residual back-up you'll be dealing with on route 2 around route 62. so be aware of that. the bigger commute from the 93 heading enter boston is looking pretty good. and as you get closer to the city, no problems to tell you about this morning. ten minutes from the split to the tunnel. so smooth sailing if you're coming in from the south of town area. 3, 24, 95 connecting with 128 all looking good. let's go to the drive times and show you what you're dealing with if you're heading out right now. still looking very good. ten-minute split to the tunnel, 12 minutes 128 to 93, 128 to the zakim, just 11 news, one person is dead after he's hit by a car after riding his motorcycle in north attleborough. it happened at the intersection of waverly road and turnpike street. police say two good samaritans were hit by another vehicle when they tried to stop to help the man. they were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. >> christa: charlotte's mayor has declared a state of emergency for the city following a second night of violent protests. one person was shot. we understand that victim is on life support right now. did not shoot the victim. four officers were injured, as well. violent demonstrations started tuesday night in response to a deadly police-involved shooting. >> sarah: right now several people recovering after a rollover crash in westborough. >> christa: we understand the injured include some teenagers, as well. police say one of the cars involved in the wrield wreck was stolen some let's go to 7's nancy chen, who is watching >> nancy: christa, crews spent several hours cleaning up and investigating after that s.u.v. rolled over teenagers inside. a land rover reported stolen and involved in a serious crash finally flipped back upright. there was a wild scene around 2:00 wednesday afternoon. >> the officers were behind him with with the sirens on. he was kind of picking up speed. he hit the curb right here. >> nancy: police say the driver of that s.u.v. was stopped by officers but didn't stay put. >> the officers had this car in that stolen car, took off and made that sharp right turn on tn to lawrence street where they did not negotiate the turn properly. >> nancy: police say at least three juveniles were in the s.u.v. when it flipped, one taken to the hospital with with life-threatening injuries. the crash slamming the s.u.v. enter several other vehicles, injuring another woman and hitting the white van this man was in. >> anything could have happened. luckily nothing more. >> nancy: witnesses a someone away in handcuffs. at this point police are still investigating what happened. in the control room, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: a woman was hit and killed in a wilmington parking lot. witnesses say the driver went threw a red light nearby before eventually hitting that woman. the driver went on to hit two parked cars near the entrance to a drugstore, as well. investigators are trying to piece together exactly what caused it. >> sarah: happening today, catholics around boston are the heart of a celebrated roman catholic saint is on display in the city. hundreds of people lining up outside st. leonard's church in the north end to see the heart of st. padre pio. this is first time the relic has been outside of italy. it was also on display at a church in lowell earlier in the day yesterday. people will be able to see the heart of the cathedral of the holy cross tonight and tomorrow. >> christa: new this morning, the massachusetts supreme court upholding an usu convicted of pushing a muslim tenant down the stairs. so a judge here sentenced the woman to two years behind bars but also ordered her to take a class on islam. the court ruled that ordering this class did not violate the woman's free expression of religion because she never objected about it during the trial. also in just one station, a warrant is issued for a quincy real estate broker on the run. he is accused of running a ponzi millions of dollars from investors. scott willis is the man believed to have defrauded people in several states. officers say that he has at least six aliases. they know of at least 16 alleged victims as well, including his girlfriend, who hasn't seen him since last week. >> he works people. he shows them he's going to do it a good return. he does it a few more times and friends of friends, a lot of friends of friends. it feels horrible. >> christa: he also has an outstanding warrant in new york and florida and alabama. the f.b.i. has also joined that investigation. >> sarah: still ahead on 7news, former congressman anthony weiner is in more trouble for his online activity. why he could be facing prison time. >> christa: also the latest on a massive blackout for the island of puerto rico. what caused the lights nearly on the entire island to go out. bearing down in acton. police putting people on lockdown when an unexpected visitor wanders into a neighborhood. >> chris: starting off at 49 today. i bet a lot of kids' wearing their patriots' jersey to school today. warm tailgate temperatures this afternoon. warm by the final bell. low to mid-80s when the fall weather actually arrives. >> kris: you're in good sthaip if you're headed out this mornin leverett connector, smooth sailing. we'll have a complete look at your roadway, your commute into one in eight women will face breast cancer. early detection can mean the difference between life and death. planned parenthood gives new hampshire women access to life saving cancer screenings. but ayotte voted to defund planned parenthood six times. why? because ayotte opposes a woman's right to choose. in her relentless effort to overturn roe v. wade, hurting new hampshire women. kelly ayotte: putting her personal interests ahead of your health care. independence usa pac is responsible >> christa: 5:40 a.m. the university of massachusetts is set to reach a record enroll. enroll. is set to reach more than 74,000 students across the campuses. the school's enroll. has risen nearly 27% over the past decade, making umass one o the fastest growing university, public or private, in the nation. >> sarah: students and parents in acton on alert after a bear 27. it was seen wandering near the high school and the acton police department. environmental police showed up to make sure no one was hurt. schools were notified that a bear was on the loose. all students were ordered to stay inside yesterday. environmental police tried to usher it into a wooded area outside of town. one man says the bear walked right through his yard. >> the bear came back down jumped over a street, went into that yard. police came, and then the environmental police came. it felt like they had been moving him down the street. he went in that general direction. it was quite exciting for my daughter and myself, seeing wildlife here in acton. we've seen wildlife, but never a bear. >> sarah: environmental police say they believe the bear is now in the woods nearby where they say it should be safe. segment. relief in sight at the gas pump. why those high prices and long lines could soon be a thing of the past. >> sarah: and a tragic crash in north andover. a person on a motorcycle killed. two people who stopped to help are hurt. ism also coming up, how anthony weiner may have exposed himself to criminal charges and more nvited women to a spa cleanserund in dap.u may not n pam griffin: our daughter courtney got caught in a web of opiate and heroin addiction. doug griffin: our insurance company indicated that courtney's problem wasn't a matter of life and death - so she wasn't eligible for treatment. pam griffin: she told me that she didn't want om - please help me. doug griffin: our family's tragedy could happen to any family... pam griffin: we knew we had to save other families from losing their children. kelly reached out to us. doug griffin: she came to my family to learn more. pam griffin: she listened to what we had to say, who we were - she cared about us... she didn't know us. pam griffin: we talked about the ways to remove the stigma of addiction so parents can get help. doug griffin: kelly co-authored the - this act will save kids' lives... ...and enable families to get the help they need. doug griffin: we don't want courtney to be remembered for her substance abuse, but rather for her struggle to achieve recovery. pam griffin: kelly believes recovery is possible. >> sarah: it's 5:45. time now for everything you need to start your day off right. >> christa: a little know and go. chris lambert is here with your forecast. a little bit of summer and a little bit of fall today. >> chris: mix it up. we start off with fall-like temperatures in the suburbs. upper 40s, low 50s this morning. these same lio the middle 80s this afternoon. september is not going out easy, that's for sure. 66 in town now. the wind is out of the west at 5mph. generally speaking, though, winds are light. clear skies and warmer overnights this time of year, you can get good radiational cooling as long as you have low humidity n place. that's why you're seeing the suburbs cool off quite nicely overnight tonight and early this morning. a few thin clouds down across the islands as we speak. but the bulk of the rain staying 700 miles to the south of us. now, the showers that we see off to the north and west of us, that's what we'll be tracking in here tomorrow, but that doesn't arrive until late. so it's still another warm day ahead of that front tomorrow afternoon. lower to middle 80s. here you go, by the end of the day, 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 p.m., isolated to scattered showers coming on inch an we continue that chance of scattered showers overnight on friday. the flip side of that front means business. look at these temperatures across portions of canada. t i think that's where we'll be close to in some of the suburbs by sunday night. so cooler air settling on in for the weekend. that means daytime highs on saturday and sunday and into monday. close to that today. fall officially arriving at 10:21. still feeling like summer, though. 82 to 86. cooler at the coast. sea breezes there. temperatures into the mid to upper 70s. clear the partly cloudy skies tonight. comfortable. mid-50s in the cooler suburbs. increasing clouds, late showers. 80 to 85. other side of that front, cooling conditions. breezy on sunday. highs only in the low 60s. >> sarah: all right. time now for fast track traffic with kris anderson. >> kris: sarah, good morning. this is the expressway moving past the gas tank. traffic rolling right along. you're in good shape. i do want to show you one situation to the north. the accident in concord on route 2 has cleared, but there is some 62, be prepared eastbound lanes as there could be some back-up still from that accident that was earlier today. no real other problems to the north. 93 smooth sailing and a little bit of slowdown right there as you cross over 128. into boston, no real problems to tell you about there. 13 minutes. starting to see some slowdowns on the expressway in the middle of it. but not too bad from the split to the tunnel. just 13 minutes. and a wider view from the south, 3, 24 and 95. you're looking good. some slowdowns here on 24 as you the braintree split. everything looking good on the pike, so if you're headed out now, smooth sailing. quick look at the drive times for you, we'll look through those really quickly. split to the tunnel, 13 minutes. 122, 93, 11 minutes. 128 to the zakim. >> christa: all right. 5:48. we have breaking news involving a deadly crash that happened in north andover where two people who apparently just stopped to help out were also apparently injured. >> sarah: this morning police are trying the piece together the moments leading 7's jennifer eagan is live now with the very latest. jen? >> jennifer: sarah, police are expected to release more information some time later this morning. what we can tell you is this happened around 11:00 last night, a person on a motorcycle got into an accident. two other people stopped to help that person, who was on the ground injured. this happened at the intersection of waverly road and salem turnpike. a busy street on the north andover-lawrence line. police say another car passing motorcyclist and the two people who stopped to help. the motorcyclist died. the two good samaritans were both hurt. one of them seriously. what's unclear right now is whether the driver of the car stopped at the scene or continued on. police stayed on scene into the early morning hours. we're told that both local and state police are investigating, and again we expect police to release more information later this morning. live in north andover, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: happening later today, an will take place in milton in response to the recent vandalism of a holocaust memorial. today a vigil will be held at the cemetery at 5:45 p.m. police say the damage to the memorial was reported over the weekend. sculptures that had been part of the memorial are missing. >> christa: the rhode island man accused of plotting to try to help isis is expected to formally plead guilty to terrorism charges today. havinski and two massachusetts men planned to kill a conservative blogger after she organized a prophet muhammad cartoon contest last year. that attack never happened. the man's alleged associate was killed after he charged at officers with a knife in roslindale. >> sarah: just 47 days until election day. hillary clinton and donald trump continue to fund raise for their campaign, including right here in massachusetts. so far clinton has raised more than $13.5 million from people in the bay state. trump's $1 million. contributions for the democratic party in massachusetts far outweigh ones for republicans. bernie sanders adding another position to his resume. he will become a young adult author. he's hoping to encourage young people to become engaged in public service. the vermont senator got a lot of support from young voters during his presidential bid. and a new jersey police investigating new video of the suspect accused of placing bombs in those states over the weekend. the video was taken moments after the first explosives that ahmad khan rahami planted, after that went off in new york city. the f.b.i. also looking for the two men here seen in this still of some video. the unknown men allegedly took the bag but explosive device that had been inside. investigators say they're considered witnesses and they're not facing criminal charges. >> sarah: new details. a gasoline pipeline in alabama pumping again after it was shut down due to a major leak. ?the shutdown caused shortages and surging fuel prices throughout the south. the leak was discovered about two weeks ago. the company says it will take a few days for fuel supplies to return to normal. one firefighter has died 38-year-old ryan oslo was in a water truck that overturned on the highway. the other firefighter in the truck was hurt. the accident happened as crews started gaining ground to contain the 19-square-mile fire. more than 1,000 firefighters are battling the fire. , which is about 70% contained. >> christa: the owner of the company that makes epipens under fire on capitol hill. yesterday the c.e.o. of mylan spoke about the soaring price of epipens. they jumped from $100 in 2007 to moha mylan is the company that makes life-saving shots for people with severe allergic reactions. lawmakers on capitol hill questioned the company and the c.e.o., who by the way, had a significant increase in her salary. >> you never anticipated it? you raised the price. what did you think was going to happen? >> most people don't have $600 or $1,200 disposable income. >> christa: lawmakers are also company handled medicaid rebates. >> sarah: new this morning disgraced politician anthony weiner involved in another sexting scandal, this time with a teenager. according to the dail mail, weiner sent pictures of himself to a 15-year-old girl in north carolina for several months. the report says he also sent the teen text messages asking about a possible sexual encounter. the site says that weiner was aware the girl was underage. weiner is already under sent to another woman showing him and his son. >> christa: happening today, the united nations will resume sending aid the syria, this after air strikes on monday and wednesday killed more than a dozen medics in the country. u.s. officials believe that russia was behind the attack on monday. a massive fire at a power plant leaving millions of people without power in puerto rico. officials say the fire damaged two power lines that provide electricity to the majority of across the territory, as well. power is expected to be restored later this morning. despite this, still no word on the cause of the fire. >> sarah: in 7 health cast, new warnings over drug-resistant superbugs. scientists are predicts that by 2050 superbugs could kill ten million people a year. a military lab recently found a mutant e. coli bacteria resisting to a last-resort antibiotic. scientists are the overuse of antibiotics. >> christa: the company blue bell recalling two flavors of its ice cream, and they are chocolate chip cookie dough and cookie two-step. the company says it's because of concerns about listeria. there have been no reports of any illness, but you may remember that last year a listeria outbreak also forced blue bell to stop production and issue a massive recall. >> sarah: bruins' training camp opens today. employers and coach claude time-lapse video shows crews at the garden working to get the garden ice ready for the upcoming season. the b's play their first exhibition game monday when they host the columbus blue jackets. >> christa: i love how the workers look like little gremlins on that time-lapse video. >> sarah: the pats play the texasians tonight, and if you're hoping to get to gillette stadium to see them, here a few tips to save money on your ticket. you should buy your tickets a day or two bef the asking price. also check the opponent. if a weaker team is coming to foxborough, the demand for tickets likely won't be as high. and as always, make sure you buy from a legitimate source to make sure tickets aren't fake. that would be bad. >> christa: yes. very disappointing. although it's so nice not to go to a game that's freezing at foxborough. we have these nice temperatures for tonight sounds like, chris. >> sarah: just hang out at the i think we're 85 this afternoon at gillette, back to near 70 by kickoff. how about that over the weekend. nascar in new hampshire, closer to 60. it's going to be cool this airbnb has totally improved my life. it's given me this outlook. i would always have this cloud of, "can i afford it?" i'm a teacher and i'm actually teaching in the school district where i live. cambridge has become unaffordable. the extra income i have lets me stay at an affordable level in cambridge. i'm able to do more things for more people which i really like doing. it gives us that little income that gonna keep the city, >> christa: breaking news, a serious crash taking a turn for the worse when pedestrians stop to help. >> sarah: a second night of violent protests in charlotte leaving officers injured and a protester shot. >> christa: a heartbreaking scene in a local store that's opioid crisis. >> sarah: video of a woman walking right into the paths of a duck boat in boston. why she never saw it coming. >> christa: and countdown to kickoff. the patriots' rookie q.b. set to start with a wide receiver as his back-up. >> this is 7news "today in new england." >> christa: good morning, everybody. it's 6:00. i'm christa delcamp. >> sarah: and i'm sarah french. first day of fall, but definitely feeling like summer. >> chris: summer is going to win on out this afternoon n good morning, everyone. yes, a little bit of a fall-like feel to the air this morning with temperatures in the lower 50s in a lot of suburbs. 63 in boston. very comfortable start with the low humidity and the clear skies. very little wind in place. but the summer battle with the fall, summer is winning out this afternoon. low to mid-80s. mid to upper 70s along the coastline. heading out to gillette, close to 80. tailgate at 5:00, 6:00 p.m. the sun set fades back into the look at the weekend forecast. this is a big change for us. temperatures only in the 60s for highs on saturday and sunday. a bit of a breeze, as well. talk more on this specific forecast ahead. >> christa: okay, chris. thank you so much. so we have the pats at gillette later on for today. how about this morning, chris? >> chris: a lot going on this morning. >> kris: traffic heading into the city along the expressway, things looking good as they get to the gas tank. let's go to the maps. we have some situations that closer to boston, no real problems in the city, but 17 minutes now from the split up to the tunnel. most of the slowdown you're dealing with right there in the middle. the wider view south, there's three, which is pretty smooth sailing. a accident popped up on 24 southbound at route 139. be aware of that. could be onlookers in the northbound lane, as well. 95 seeing back-ups connecting with 128. you still see some back-ups on 2 from that earlier accident. the accident itself is cleared, but there are still some route 2 eastbound at exit 59 and route 59 rather. be aware of that. take a look at the drive times and show you what we're dealing. with 16-minute split to the tunnel. 128 to 9312 minutes. and 13 minutes 128 to the zakim. back to you, guys. >> christa: we're following breaking news now. a tragic accident in north andover. one person is dead after a motorcycle crashes. >> christa: there are apparently some good samaritans who stopped to help out and jennifer eagan is in north andover with what happened. >> jennifer: christa, this happened around 11:00 last night. this all started when, as you mention, a person on a motorcycle got into an accident. two people stopped to help that injured moat psychist, who was on the ground injured. this happened at the intersection of waverly road and salem turnpike, a busy street right on the north andover-lawrence line. police say another car passing by that scene hit the stopped to help. the motorcyclist died. the two good samaritans were both hurt, one seriously. what's unclear right now is whether the driver of the car stopped or continued on. police stayed on the scene until the early morning hours investigating. we're told that both local and state police are investigating this accident, and we do expect police to release more information some time later this morning. live in north andover, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: all right, jen, thank you. also breaking overnight, a state of emergencyec charlotte, north carolina, after a second night of violent protests and this time a person was shot in the unrest. 7's nancy chen has more on what we know right now. >> nancy: christa, good morning. north carolina's governor called in the national guard last night after the police chief said his department needed help. take a look here. four officers were hurt. a protester is now on life support. protests turned violent on wednesday as people continue to express their anger over tuesday's deadly police-involved with demonstrators using pepper spray and tear gas to disperse the crowds there this morning. quite a bit of damage to buildings and vehicles in charlotte. now, one person was critically wounded after apparently being shot during the protest. it was initially reported that the protester died, but officials now say that man is on life support. police also say he was not shot by an officer. but clearly a lot of chaos there. in the midst of all this, you see it right here, a cnn reporter ended up knocked over during a protest. he is, however, okay. and in response to the violence, bank of america, which is based in charlotte, has told its employees to not come into work today. in the newsroom, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: breaking overseas, a u.s. fighter jet has crashed at the coast of okinawa, japan. a japanese coast guard official says the aircraft went down thursday morning. a man was shot on cedar street in mattapan late last night. the victim suffered life-threatening injuries. so far no arrests have been made. >> christa: also this morning, a heart-wrenching scene at a store in lawrence. a mother unconscious on the floor, and there at her side, a toddler crying, trying to wake her up. it's chilling video. and it really does demonstrate the depths of the opioid crisis. let's go to 7's victoria warren in lawrence with more for us this morning. >> victoria: good morning. this video was posted online. it was taken inside this family dollar store here in lawrence, and it shows a mother having an overdose. her child was there with her helpless at her side. i want to warn you, because some people might find this video very difficult to watch. a woman passed out on the floor, it's a heartbreaking video posted online. the poster saying the woman is the child's mother and she was in the throes of a heroin overdose. >> mommy's okay. >> victoria: it happened at a family dollar store in lawrence. you can see the toddler standing over her mother. she eventually picks up her mother's head and gently slaps her to try to wake her up. the woman not moving at all, and someone called 911. the online post says the mother survived after receiving two doses of narcan, a drug that reverses heroin overdoses. it's tough to watch, but it's something police officers say they see way there's a true opioid epidemic. in nearby methuen, one police captain weighed in, telling the newspaper, "the saddest of all is the children we encounter quite often with this. it hits home hard because many of us have our own children. it breaks our heart to know what some of these children are witnessing." we reached out to the lawrence police department. there is no word if this woman is going to face any charges, typical for police to also reach out to the department of children and families and have them do their own investigation. live this morning in lawrence, victoria warren, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: vicki, thank you. boston police are investigating a case of vandalism at the cathedral of the holy cross in the south end where somebody threw a rock through a stained grass window last night. according to the "globe," the damage is estimated to be about $3,000 here. and the vandalism comes a day receive a holy relic of a popular italian saint, an event which will likely draw huge crowds. >> sarah: a duck boat on a collision course with a woman in the back bay. right now police are continuing to investigate what happened. newly installed security cameras on the duck boat capture the vehicle hitting the woman as she stepped out on to boylston street wednesday morning. she was not seriously hurt. boston duck tours says the driver was not at fault. so far in charges have been filed. showdown with the houston texans. and it looks like the team is standing pat with their rookie q.b. to make the first start of his nfl career. the injury report said jimmy g is doubtful for tonight's game. let's go to 7's nicole oliverio live at gillette with more on jacoby brissett. nicole? centers for disease>> nicole: ws definitely keeping things interesting for fans in the first three weeks. so jacoby brissett b jimmy garoppolo is listed as doubtful. right now brissett is the only quarterback on the team's active roster. third-string quarterback jacoby brissett is set to make his first career nfl start. and if it happens, he'll join some rare company. >> bledsoe gets the look. has some time. throws to the end zone. >> nicole: brissett would be the first rookie quarterback to start a game for the patriots depth chart after back-up q.b. jimmy garoppolo went down in the second quarter against the dolphins sunday. >> he got driven into the carpet on that shoulder. >> nicole: garoppolo is listed as doubtful with a shoulder injury. now it's brissett ready to lead the team against the texans. >> it's been a learning process since i got here. it's going to continue to be throughout my career. so just taking it a day at a time. >> nicole: and if brissett gets hurt, the nfl network reports the patriots are edelman, who played the position in college, has thrown one pass in the nfl for a touchdown. >> i wasn't even thinking about that. i was thinking about what i can do to help jacoby. >> nicole: let's hope it doesn't get to that with edelman at the q.b. position. for the first time in nearly two years, the patriots are actually underdogs while playing here at home. that's the latest live from gillette, nicole oliverio, 7news >> sarah: only 47 days now until election day, and the race between hillary clinton and donald trump is becoming a tight one. the newest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows clinton at 43% and trump at 37%. a libertarian and green party candidates trail far behind in the single digits. trump and clinton as they head toward the first presidential debate on monday in new york. and 7news will be there when hillary clinton and donald trump meet for the first presidential debate. we'll have live reports monday >> christa: 6:10 your time right now. a car reported as stolen. it flips over and three teenagers are inside. >> sarah: and at 6:30, lining up to see a piece of a saint. the holy relic on display in boston. >> christa: and a silent danger could be lurking just outside your home. hank investigates what it is and how you can keep yourself safe. >> meaghan: cool start. a lot of the suburbs down enter the lower 50s. 63 in boston now. continue to climb into the 80s this afternoon. in fact, mid-80s away from the coastline. so kids, you need the light jacket this morning. back the shorts and t-shirt weather by this afternoon. only one more day of warm weather afternoon. big d.l.down over the weekend. >> kris: and while it's still cool, roll down your car window, take you time and enjoy the ride. pretty slow going on the expressway this morning. we'll have a full look at the >> christa: good morning, everybody. 6:14. it is thursday, the last morning of summer. you can savior it. i feel a little sad to see it go. >> sarah: i love summer. you know i love the warm weather, but fall is like my pumpkin spice thing since july. she moved on a little while ago. i think the rest of us still have to come to grips with reality. hey, at least the summer weather hanging on for a couple more days. 63 in boston. 15 minutes or so from sunrise. a beautiful sunrise. you see those oranges and reds on the horizon. 50 in norwood. 51 in bedford. very comfortable start to the day. on the cool side in a lot of the suburbs. with a dry air mass in place, a ton of sunshine to throughout the day, we will warm up quickly as we go throughout the morning hours into the afternoon. very little wind right now. it's going to be on shore this afternoon along the coastline, so it will be coolest at the coastline as we work throughout the day. but still even above average in boston despite the on-shore breeze. the average high this time of year, 70 degrees. i think we'll get close to 80 in boston. that sea breeze kicking in. inland, close to 86. we can see the 86s out through pittsburgh, detroit and chicago. more warm day before the cool from the comes on in, and on the other side of that front, these are the numbers that are expected across the area by sunday morning and again monday morning. yes, even a few upper 30s will be possible, especially across the suburbs. boston you may get below the 50-degree mark here by sunday morning. maybe some upper 40s showing up in town. it's been a while since we've been able to say that, right? so the next couple days warm. here's that cool front that slides onhr scattered showers around on the other side of the front. a breezy weekend. at times some patches of cloud, especially on saturday morning, but do expect it to be a mainly dry weekend with temperatures only back in the 60s for highs and 40s for overnight lows. a few upper 30s showing up by sunday morning in the cooler suburbs. 82 to 86 this afternoon. that's not fall like, is it? equinox at 10:21. cooler at the coastline. temperatures in the 70s there. 50s in the suburbs. tomorrow a mild day. increasing clouds. mugginess, too. 80 to 85. headed out to gillette tonight, tailgating weather for fans, fantastic. feels like an august summer's day in gillette. we cool down during the game. upper 60s by the end of the game. upper 60s for highs on saturday. low 60s on sunday. >> christa: definitely need your patience this morning. kris, it sounds like a tough morning commute. >> kris: the commute has pretty much doubled on the town. take a live look outside. we'll check out the expressway by the gas tank. it's about 21 minutes as we head to the maps. you see some red right here in the middle and some slowdowns as you approach the braintree split. 3, 24, 95 looking relatively good except for 24, you see there in the middle, the accident 24 southbound at route 138 causing onlooker delays in the northbound lanes, as well. so be alert about that. that accident earlier on route 2 has cleared pretty much, but back-ups. then a pair of accidents, route 2 eastbound and 59. some slowdowns there and then another one on 128 and exit 2 northbound. you'll see some problems there, as well. let's go to the maps, drive times rather. 15 minutes split to the tunnel. and 12 minutes 128 to the zakim. >> sarah: all right. thanks, chris. this morning a deadly danger that could be putting you and your family at risk. we're talkin you don't even know is there. >> christa: what is this hidden hazard, and what's causing it? here's 7's hank investigates. [chirping] >> warning. carbon monoxide. >> hank: with their basement carbon monoxide detector whaling last february, this couple rushed out of their west roxbury home. >> it's a terrifying situation. >> hank: as firefighters arrived, they found a basement filled with a dangerous amount deadly gas. >> we definitely could have been killed. [chirping] >> hank: what set off the basement alarm? sarah and paul were victims of a potentially lethal secret lurking beneath boston streets, underground electrical wires that were slowly burning and giving off poison gas. >> carbon monoxide can kill you. you fall asleep and you don't wake up again. >> hank: firefighters tell us the danger can start when aging underground utility wires are passing overhead or construction work nearby. when those compromised wire begin to burn, they give off carbon monoxide, and that can seep right into your home. this is dangerous, and this could happen in any home. >> it could. the smoldering wires can produce gasses. the gasses will keep building up, and if there's an open place for the gas to travel, then it will travel that way. >> hank: it happened in charlestown this year, too. firefighters rushed to evacuate over here. >> hank: an underground electrical cable was burning, the official report says, and the c.o. was elevated to a dangerous level. how often does it happen? eversource, the electricity supplier for boston, insists this is very rare, but they acknowledge three cases last year and three cases so far this year. they say it happens less and less as they update the system. >> warning, carbon monoxide. >> hank: the best way to protected you're, the c.o. detector that massachusetts law requires you install in your home. without one, sarah and paul know they might have died. >> i would think it's a ticking time bomb under the streets of boston. >> hank: eversource tells us they're working to replace those aging underground wires, and they're hoping to have it all done by the end of 2019. in the newsroom, i'm hank phillippi ryan. >> christa: don't you feel like the first thing you're going to do when you get home is check the carbon monoxide detector after seeing that story? scientists. a super bug has developed. it could be putting millions of lives at risk. >> christa: also ahead, record enrollment at umass. just how many students are packing the school's campuses coming up this year. >> christa: plus the patriots and texans set to kick off the nfl's third week. we'll help you set your lineups ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright >> christa: all right. 6:24. the pats and several others teams are 3-0 this season. >> sarah: so who would you pray, who would you sit? jadiann thompson and trey daerr have this week's fantasy fixer. >> jadiann: welcome, pats' dare. let's talk about the pats. probably not going to see jimmy g on thursday. >> trey: jimmy g doubtful. almost no chance he will see the field. they have to turn to jacoby brissett. he's going to rely on his security blankets, martellus bennett, the running game, julian edelman who can break off the line in the first five years. those re his guys. somebody will get lost in the shuffle. danny amendola this week, sit him down. >> jadiann: the houston texasians off the a good start. their defense looking good. >> trey: you think of bill o'brien, y t part of this team is the defense. they have some dudes there, jonathan joseph, clowney. patriots with a third-string quarterback, great matchup. top five fantasy defense. if you can find them, start. >> jadiann: a team that has a lot of injuries, the chargers. what do you think? >> trey: rough go for the chargers. things pretty stable. they lose danny woodhead. they lose keenan allen. they have good young players at wide receiver. great match. melvin gordon, start. >> jadiann: that's your lineup, everyone. >> christa: a prayer vigil this morning after a holocaust memorial is vandalized. >> plus a woman is hit and killed right in parking lot. where this deadly crash took place. >> christa: and we're also updating that breaking news for a state of emergency in charlotte, north carolina. one protester shot. police officers injured in another night of violent follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. >> sarah: breaking news, a crash in north andover turns even worse as good samaritans trying to help are struck in the street. >> christa: breaking overnight, violent protests in charlotte leaving a demonstrator shot and officers injured. eight. wild wreck in boston. teens speeding away from police lining up for an historic moment in the north end. a chance to touch a church relic. >> christa: good thursday morning, everybody. officially we only have a few hours of summer left. >> sarah: don't cry. >> chris: mother nature providing us summer-like temperatures today and again tomorrow. actual fall-like weather, we have it for you over the weekend. 50 right now in norwood, 63 in boston. a lot of sunshine, a lot of clear skies through the day. it will warm is up. low to mid-80s away from the coastline. maybe cooler at the coastline with the on-shore breeze kicking on in. warmth this evening lingers. we'll cool down into the 50s and 60s overnight tonight. where is the cold stuff? upper 30s and lower 40s to our neighbors to the north here across southern canada. overnight lows. daytime highs running into the 60s. more appropriate for apple picking. we'll have that weather over the weekend. >> christa: time to talk traffic. >> kris: you can pick your apples. you just can't pick your traffic pattern. live look at the expressway heading into boston. things looking good from this point of view. as you head to the maps, you see the wider view. it's about half hour, 31 minutes from the split te slowdowns mid way through the expressway. 3 is looking good, but on 24 there is an accident here. you need to be aware. southbound lanes, route 139, that's causing back-ups on 24. 95 you're seeing some slowdowns as you approach 128. and the turnpike is looking good all the way into boston. so no real problems there. but as we head a little bit closer to the newton area, you see another accident, route 2 eastbound at 59 and 1 at 128 northbound at exit 22. north of the city, smooth you'll see those slowdowns there. route 1 in saugus looking good. real quick, drive times as you head out right now this morning. split to the tunnel, 26 to 30 minutes. 120 to 93 16 minutes. >> sarah: now to today's top stories, one person is dead after riding his motorcycle in north attleborough. it happened at the intersection of waverly road and turnpike street. two good samaritans were then hit by another vehicle when they tried to help the man. they were taken to t a state of emergency declared in charlotte, north carolina, following a second night of violent protests. one person was shot last night. the victim is currently on life support. officials say police did not shoot that victim. four officers were injured during last night's protests. the violent demonstrations began tuesday night in response to a deadly police-involved shooting. and man is rushed to the hospital after he is shot in it happened on cedar street. police say he suffered life-threatening injuries. so far no arrests have been made. >> christa: now to a wild wreck in roxbury that injured several people, including three teenagers. police are telling us that one of the cars involved was stolen. so for more details, let's go to 7's nancy chen. >> nancy: christa, crews spent several hours cleaning up and investigating after that s.u.v. rolled over with at least three teenagers inside. a land rover reported stolen and involved in a serious crash finally flipped witnesses in the crash explain the wild scene they saw around 2:00 wednesday afternoon. >> the officers were behind him with with the sirens on. he was kind of picking up speed. he hit the curb right here. >> nancy: police say the driver of that s.u.v. was stopped by officers but didn't stay put. >> the officers had this car stopped in traffic here on m.l.k. boulevard. at that time the individual was in that stolen car, took off and made that sharp right turn turn to lawrence street where they >> nancy: police say at least three juveniles were in the s.u.v. when it flipped, one taken to the hospital with with life-threatening injuries. the crash slamming the s.u.v. into several other vehicles, injuring another woman and hitting the white van this man was in. >> anything could have happened. luckily nothing more. >> nancy: witnesses also tell 7news they saw police take someone away in handcuffs. police are investigating what happens in the moments before the stolen vehicle caused the crashes. in the 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: a woman is hit and killed in a wilmington parking lot. witnesses say the driver went through a red light nearby before hitting the woman. the driver then went on to hit two parked cars near the entrance to a drugstore. investigators are now trying the piece together exactly what caused that crash. a change of plea happening today man. accused of plotting to try to help isis is expected to formally plead guilty to terrorism charges. prosecutors say nicholas rovinski and two massachusetts conservative blogger after she organized a prophet muhammad cartoon drawing contest last year. the attack never happened. rovinski was's associate was killed after he charged at police in roslindale. >> christa: catholics lining up to catch a glimpse of history. the heart of a celebrated roman catholic saint is on display in the city. hundreds of people lined up outs of st. padre pio. this is i time the relic has been outside of italy. it was also on display at a church in lowell. people are also able to see the heart at the cathedral of the holy cross coming up tonight and tomorrow. >> sarah: happening later today, a vigil will take place in response to recent vandalism cemetery at 5:45 p.m. damage to the memorial was reported over the weekend. sculptures that were part of the memorial are missing. >> christa: the university of massachusetts set to reach record enrollment this year. the president saying enroll. is set to reach more than 74,000 students. that's across the school's five campuses. the school says enrollment has increased by about 27% over the past decade, making umass one of the fastest growing universities public or private in the nation. >> sarah: "today in new england," new video of a terror suspect as the f.b.i. looks for two men they want to talk to about the attack. >> christa: a former congressman facing yet another scandal after reports of inappropriate texts with a teenager. >> sarah: and big papi cannot be slowed down in his final year. this delicious display to honor the d.h. >> kris: live look outside. this is 93. zakim bridge and the leverett connector heading into boston accidents out and about we need to make you aware of as you head out for your commute this morning. we'll have a recap every time a new charter school opens in massachusetts, it takes funding away from regular public schools in that area. this year alone, charter schools will take more than 400 million dollars away from neighborhood public schools. that's not right. instead of draining even more money from neighborhood public schools and giving it to charters, don't lift the cap on charter schools. >> christa: welcome back. there's a new bug about drug-resistant superbugs. scientists are predicting that by 2050 superbugs could kill ten million people per year. so a military lab recently found a new e. coli bacteria that's resistant to a last-resort antibiotic. scientists are blaming the pending crisis on the overuse of antibiotics. they're working on it. >> sarah: 47 days until election day. hillary clinton and donald trump continue to fund raise for their campaign, including right here in masus than $13.5 million from people in the bay state, a vast difference from trump's $1 million. contributions for the democratic party in massachusetts far outweigh ones for the republicans. new this morning disgraced politician anthony weiner in hot water over another sexting scandal. according to the dail mail, weiner sent pictures of himself to a 15-year-old girl in north carolina for several months. messages asking about a possible sexual encounter. weiner was aware that the girl was underage. weiner's already under investigation for a photo he sent to another woman showing him and his son. >> christa: and a televised political debate in georgia. the two candidates for parliamentary positions there started fighting each other after exchanging insults. my goodness, the production crew had to stop things and to separate these guys. we've seen this on the floor of parliament before in someplace, never for a actual televised event, though. >> sarah: know and go is next with some breaking news that we've been following all morning. a state of emergency in charlotte following a second wave of violence over a police shooting. >> christa: shocking scene. now a new hampshire mom is under investigation after an alleged overdose in front of her toddler. duck boat in boston, but police say it was not the driver's fault. >> christa: also all eyes on jacoby brissett. how the pats are feeling before i'm a public school teacher in massachusetts, and i've reviewed question 2. it will make public education even stronger, because question 2 would allow more access to public charter schools, so parents have more choices for their kids' education, and public charter schools don't take funds away from public education. in fact, question 2 will result in more funding for education in massachusetts. please vote yes on question 2 >> it's 6:45, time to know and go. >> reporter: a tragic crash in north andover. one person is killed. two people who stopped to help were hurt. >> reporter: and breaking in after a police-involved shooting. arthur. >> reporter: and it's game day for the pats. jimmy g likely out. jacoby brissett set to step in. but how will he do in his first nfl start? >> sarah: all right. it's time to know and go. we have all the day's top stories coming up. >> christa: we'll start things off with the weather as we count down to the official first day of fall. here's chris lambert. >> chris:10:21 this morning, 61 in bedford. 63 in boston. wall-to-wall sunshine as we go throughout the day. that will lead to temperatures jumping up in the lower to middle 80s away from the coastline. there is a front to the north of us with scattered showers. that will work in late tomorrow and more likely tomorrow night in terms of scattered showers. behind it, that cold front means business. we're talking temperatures only in the 60s over the weekend. nowhere close to that this afternoon. 70s along the coastline with an on-shore breeze. fall coming in here at 10:21. essentially the sun over the equator at that time. taking a look at the clear skies this evening. partly cloudy skies overnight. still comfortable tonight. 54 in the cooler suburbs. 64 in boston. a mild day tomorrow. we're not losing the warm air tomorrow quite yet. 80 to 85. late-day shower, increasing clouds, we will lose it tomorrow night, and look at that difference over the weekend. breezy, upper 60s on saturday. low 60s on sunday. overnight lows in the upper 30s and low 40s sunday and monday morning. >> sarah: all right. 6:36 right now. time for fast track traffic with danielle gersh with kris anderson. >> kris: good morning. happy thursday, everybody. take a live look outside. starting to the north, the zakim bridge, leverett connector not looking too bad as you head into town from the north. check out the south commute. this is the expressway right by the gas tank. cars are moving, so you're in pretty good shape. the wider view shows a few problems as we head to the maps you have typical back-ups right there in the middle. but as we get out even wider, 3, 24, 95 not looking too bad. you do see the slowdown there and 24 has been a problem for a while. back-ups have lingered on trying to get on to 128. the turnpike real quick heading into boston. you see the slowdown from framingham. then again once you pass 128 north of the city. 93 to 128, right before 128, you see the slowdowns here. take a look at the drive times and show you what you're dealing with if you're headed out the door this morning. 26, 128 to the zakim will take you about 28 minutes. back to you, guys. >> sarah: we're following breaking news, a tragic accident in north andover. one person is dead after a motorcycle crash. >> christa: and listen to this. good samaritans stopped in to help, but they ended up going struck. let's go live to north andover and 7's jennifer eagan is there with the latest. ?jen? >> jennifer: christa, this happened around 11:00 last night. here's what we know. motorcycle got into an accident. two people stopped to help that person who was on the ground injured. this happened at the inter section of the salem turnpike, a very busy street on the north andover-line. another car passing by the scene hit the motorcyclist and the two people who stopped to help. the motorcyclist died. the two good samaritans were both hurt. one of them seriously. what is unclear right now is whether the driver of the car stopped or the scene. police stayed on the scene into term morning hours investigating. we're told lawrence police are handling the investigation. state police were here doing accident reconstruction last night. we do expect lawrence police to release more information about what happened some time later this morning. live in north andover this morning, jennifer eagan, 7news "today in new england." >> sarah: and breaking news in charlotte. protests continued overnight. a state of emergency has been declared in north carolina after one person was even shot as chaos broke out. 7's nancy chen is here now with more. >> christa: and sarah, four officers were hurt and that protester you mentioned is now on life support. >> nancy: north carolina's governor called in the national guard after he said his department needed help. protests turned violent as people continued to express their anger over tuesday's deadly police-involved shooting. police in riot gear facing off with demonstrators, using pepper crowds there. this morning as the sun comes up, quite a bit of damage to buildings and vehicles in charlotte. one person was critically wounded after being apparently shot during this protest. it was initially reported that the protester died, but officials now say that man currently is on life support. police also say he is not shot by an officer, but clearly a lot of people you're looking at for, a reporter who ended up getting knocked over during the protest. he is, however, okay. the city, backof america, which is based in charlotte, has told its employees to not come into work today. in the newsroom, nancy chen, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: breaking overseas, a u.s. fighter jet has crashed off the coast of okinawa, japan. marine corps pilot ejected safely, and the japanese coast guard rescued him from the water. it's not known if anybody else was on board at the time. and breaking overnight mark rushed to the hospital after getting shot in mattapan. this was on cedar street late last night. police say the victim life-threatening injuries and so far they have not arrested anyone. >> sarah: also this morning, a sad scene in a lawrence store. a mother unconscious on the floor as her toddler cries by her side, trying to wake her mother up. the video drives home the severity of the opioid crisis. 7's victoria warren is live in lawrence now with more. vicki? >> victoria: good morning. the video quickly becoming a be, especially for children who have to witness it. i want the warn you, this video can be very disturbing for some folks who are about the watch it. this happening in lawrence inside a family dollar store. you see this little girl trying the wake her mom up for what appears to be a heroin overdose. the toddler is standing on top of her mother crying. she eventually picks up her mother's head and gently slaps her, but the mother is not moving. witnesses cal according to the post on youtube, paramedics arrived and revived the mother using two doses of far -- narcan, that's a drug that reverses heroin overdoses. it's unclear what types of charges if any this mother is going to be facing. but i can tell you in situations like this you have to reach out to the department of children and families for their own investigation, as well. live this morning in lawrence, victoria warren, 7news "today in investigating a case of vandalism at the cathedral of the holy cross in the south end where someone threw a rock through a stained-glass window. this happened last night. according to the "globe," the damage is estimated to be about $3,000. the vandalism also comes before the church is set to receive a holy relic of a popular italian saint. an event which will likely draw large crowds. police are still investigating after a woman was with hit by a duck boat in the back bay. newly installed security cameras on the duck boat vehicle hitting the woman as she stepped out on boylston street. she was not seriously hurt. boston duck tours says the driver was not at fault. >> sarah: turning now to the takedown in new york and new jersey. police are investigating new surveillance video of the suspect accused of placing bombs in both states over the weekend. officials say this video was taken moments after the first explosives that ahmad khan the f.b.i. also looking for the two men in this video. the unknown men allegedly took the bag but left behind an explosive device that had been inside. investigators say they're considered witnesses and in the facing criminal charges. >> christa: so it's about 47 days now until election day. the latest poll shedding some light on where the race between health care -- hillary clinton and donald trump stands days before the two candidates debate. the newest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows clinton at the libertarian and green party candidates trailing far behind in the single digits. we want to remind you that 7news will be there when clinton and trump meet for their first presidential debate on monday. we'll have live reports here on 7news. and this just into the newsroom, actor brad pitt reportedly being investigated for child abuse. "people" magazine says pitt allegedly became physically and verbally abusive with one of his children on board a private children were present at the time. "people" also says someone reported it anonymously. l.a.p. d., and d.c.f. both investigating. earlier this week we reported that jolie filed for divorce and pitt is denying those claims. >> sarah: the patriots counting down to a thursday night showdown with the texans. it looks like rookie q.b. jacoby brissett set to make the first start of his nfl career. 7's nicole oliverio live at gillette with more. >> nol were getting comfortable with garoppolo, he's out. so it looks like jacoby brissett is going to be in. so the third-string quarterback jumps to the top of the patriots' depth chart after garoppolo went down on sunday against the miami dolphins. now, if brissett does start tonight's game, it would be the first time a rookie has started for the nfl, for the patriots rather, since 1993, that being drew bledsoe. so of course all the questions this week? did he have enough time the prepare? he gave the good, old patriots' answer, that he's just preparing for the texans. >> it's been a learning process since i got here. it's going to continue to be throughout my career. i take it every week. >> he's a great player. ever since he's been here, he's been improving every single day. we got a very tough texans team coming up. we just got to play together as a team. >> nicole: right now brissett is the only quarterback on the patriots' active roster, so if something were to happen to him, it looks like in an emergency situation, julian edelman would be stepping in. remember, he's only thrown one pass in the nfl. live from gillette, nicole oliverio, 7news "today in new england." >> christa: the red sox just keep on rolling. >> there's a shot to left field, and that ball is out of here. >> christa: and that is rookie andrew benintendi hitting a three-run homer to open up the lead against the orioles. really that was all the sox needed to win it 5-1. the team is hot. boston now winning seven straight games. >> sarah: dunkin' donuts recently made a special doughnut honoring sox d.h. david ortiz. now the company is paying try butt again to big papi as he plays his final season. here's an image of big papi made entirely out of doughnuts. it's located on the greenway near the north for all of us doughnut lovers on this shift here, chris. >> chris: going the need a big works of coffee to go with all those doughnuts. 7 on 7 forecast, summer-like weather over the next couple days. cold from the coming through tomorrow night. that will end it. back into the 60s over the weekend. >> sarah: the "today show" is straight ahead. thanks for joining us, everybody. i'm sarah french. >> christa: and i'm christa delcamp. have a wonderful day. enjoy the last few hours of summer before it officially becomes fall. don't forget, we'll be back at pam griffin: our daughter courtney got caught in a web of opiate and heroin addiction. doug griffin: our insurance company indicated that courtney's problem wasn't a matter of life and death - so she wasn't eligible for treatment. pam griffin: she told me that she didn't want to live like this anymore... she begged... she begged for help, saying mom - please help me. doug griffin: our family's tragedy could happen pam griffin: we knew we had to save other families from losing their children. kelly reached out to us. doug griffin: she came to my family to learn more. pam griffin: she listened to what we had to say, who we were - she cared about us... she didn't know us. pam griffin: we talked about the ways to remove the stigma of addiction so parents can get help. doug griffin: kelly co-authored the comprehensive addiction and recovery act - this act will save kids' lives... ...and enable families to get the help they need. doug griffin: we don't want courtney to be remembered pam griffin: kelly believes recovery is possible. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte and i approved this message. breaking news. chaos in charlotte. the second straight night of violent unrest. one protester shot, other demonstrators hurling tables and chairs. a busy hotel forced into lockdown. this morning, a state of ready to rumble with the first debate just four days away, our new poll shows hillary clinton expanding her national lead over donald trump. but trump is hanging tough in key battleground states. this morning what the campaigns are doing to prepare for their crucial showdown. the blast. chilling new surveillance video of the moment that bomb exploded in new york city, as the fbi

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