Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20160731 : c

Transcripts For WHDH 7News Today In New England 20160731

that rain is falling. we need it. let's get a check of the weekend fore casca forecast. lots of colors behind you. >>reporter: keeping a close eye on northwestern sections of wooser county. look for ponding on the roadway, minor nuisance flooding there. generally the rain tapers off as you get closer to the but every now and then you get one lone, rogue shower still brushing cape anne. can't rule out a heavier shower here and there. heavier stuff is west, lighter as you go further east. temperature at 72 now. we'll stay in the mid 70s for highs today. we think the rain will taper off this afternoon. you are likely to get wet this morning. mainly just cloudy as you head into the afternoon hours. we'll talk about when the wet weather end coming up in a few minutes. out of austin, texas, multiple shots have been fired in the entertainment district of downtown austin killing at least one person. three other people have been hospitalized in serious condition. investigators are now searching for a suspect who they say this developing story also in texas, a hot air balloon carrying 16 people caught fire and crashed. police believe everyone is dead. federal investigators are on the scene, as they try to piece together what went wrong. the charred remains of a hot air balloon are all that is left after a ride through the sky turns tragic. the balloon was carrying 16 people. there are no survivors. lines and this woman lives nearby. >> it wasn't like an explosion. it was like a -- it just went up. >>reporter: she says she sees balloons in the area all the time but could northeast imagine something like this. >> the way it went up, nobody stood a chance. >>reporter: the balloon is owned by the heart of texas balloon rides. their facebook page saying they offer "breathtaking hot air balloon flights." officials are working to determine a cause. >> experts will be arrived tonight to begin what will be a significant investigation into this tragedy. >>reporter: a balloon pilot believes power lines may have been a factor. investigators say they are treating the accident like a crime scene as they search for answers. >> the last deadly hot air balloon crash in the united states was in 2014. three people were killed when a balloon caught fire after a house up in flames in swamp scot. police believe this was the work of an arsonist. neighbors say they heard explosions before they saw the fire coming out of the home. now the homeowner is the one under arrest. pretty surreal. you come out, you don't expect a fire saturday afternoon. >>reporter: flames pouring out of a home on lindon aven sound, describing it like an explosion. >>reporter: the fire chief says this fire is suspicious. state police are investigating, along with the fire marshall. swamp scott police have arrested the homeowner. he is charged with arson. >> there was a large volume of fire at one time. first arriving, companies found the two garage doors heavily the front porch and down the left side of the house. >>reporter: the garage doors looks like they had been blasted outward and then smoke billowing out of the back of the building. >>reporter: one firefighter was taken to the hospital due to heat exhaustion. we are turning our attention to cam bridge where we are learning more about a who drowned in the charles river. the 18-year-old was taking summer classes in harvard and now his mother is opening up about the loss. >> tyler, he was my rock because i'm a special -- my daughter has special needs, but i'm a single parent. >>reporter: a devastated mother in georgia after her 18-year-old son, tyler green, who was attending harvard summer school drowned friday night. day, send him texts. he was always on his friends taking pictures. >>reporter: just before 9:00 green jumped off the bridge, into the charles. he came up with his arms flailing under, and then went under. he was well loved by his friends. this is him on the bridge where the tragedy took place. a memorial is growing there. candles, apples, his favorite drink along with notes from a high school student posted "today me along with a whole bunch of others mourn for the passing of tyler green. i sit here and think of all the a system moments i had with tyler." >> he saw the struggles i went through. he wants to be in that relationship. he wants to be there for his children. i admire him for that. right now police are searching for the person who one person was shot in a drive di bishooting. witnesses say they saw a silver honda leaving the area and the injuries are non life threatening. this sketch is a man who police believe broke into a home and sexually assaulting an elderly woman thursday night. politics now this morning, in the race for the white house. hillcl mate, tim kaine, are on day three of their trip through pennsylvania and ohio. the two have set stops for columbus and cleveland, with their main focus, specifically job creation. >> create jobs in pennsylvania an across america, especially in places that have been left out and left behind. >>reporter: the bus trip is designed to bring clinton closer to the voters, but is also an early road to test her vp pick. the candidate responding now to the father of a fallen hero who publicly questioned the republican's idea of what sacrifice is. >>reporter: donald trump on defense after the parents of fallen soldier proclaimed to a national audience that trump had sacrificed >> i think i made a lot of sacrifices. i work very, very hard. i have created thousands and thousands of jobs. tens of thousands of >> oh sure. i think they are. i think when i can employ thousands and thousands of people, take care of their education, take care of so many things -- >>reporter: trump pointing out ms. kahn's silence on stage. >> if you see her there, she had nothing to say. she probably had -- wasn't allowed to say anything. >>reporter: not true the couple can't see my son's picture and i cannot even come in the room where his pictures are and that is why when i saw the picture on my bag i couldn't take it and i controlled myself at that time. so it is very hard. >>reporter: trump would rather focus on what is wrong with the country. american homeownership, the lower it's been in 51 years. long term unemployment, the >> in hillary clinton's america, things get worse. >>reporter: but the kahn family center stage. his rhetoric, disqualifying, they say. >> isn't it time to repudiate trump? this is model imperative for both leaders to say to him that enough. saying it is important to honor the sacrifices made by our fallen soldiers. a spokesperson for republican house speaker paul ryan dismissing trump's claims saying muslim american families have made the ultimate sacrifice for the country. pope francis is wrapping up his five-day pilgrimage to poland. he announced the next panama in 2019. terrifying two days for an 87-year-old woman. she got stuck on a remote trail in the woods with no water or food. we'll tell you how far massachusetts men helped save her life. >>reporter: we are tracking heavy rain across parts of the state. we'll tell you where the showers are going and how long the wet weather will last. we the winning ticket for yesterday's whapping $487 million powerball was sold here in new england. officials say the winning ticket market in new hampshire. the winner of that ticket has not yet come forward, but thinking they are going to be pretty happy once they realize they won. let's head to a check for our weather forecast. you know who i know didn't win? you. because you are here today. >>rt else in this room. my wife is in new hampshire this morning. if she doesn't come home i'll know what happened. spotty showers today through tuesday. i think we'll see a break in the rain this afternoon. temperatures will stay below normal, but when the sun comes back, temperatures climb up this week. upper 60 oz. low 70s right now. cloudy skies and on shore winds, 70s. these numbers won't budge lot. we might see high 70s today. watching the radar, back to yesterday evening we have had heavy rain in the green mountains of vermont but then the showers fall apart as they get past 495 and into the general boston metro area. but recently within the last half hour to hour or so had some fairly steady, heavy rain along route sections. heavier showers are adding up. watch for ponding. all of this is part of an area of low pressure. this time yesterday, 24 hours ago it was in western ohio, now it is in eastern ohio. lot. this is our weather maker today, tomorrow and most of the day on tuesday. that means more of the same. if you look at our future cast, our latest model data indicating we'll see a break in the action as we head into the afternoon hours. mainly just a cloudy afternoon with one or two spotty showers. green areas are the areas likely to see written. hit or miss in the afternoon hours. cloudy, patchy fog, one or two hit or miss showers. ad area of low pressure will move to ohio, across new jersey and long island and then south of us. it winds down tuesday afternoon. high temperatures this afternoon, maybe mid 70s, but that is about it. tomorrow, once again, we'll bebelow normal this time of year. little peaks of sunshine on tuesday should get us into the on wednesday and after that the warmup is on, mid to upper 80s on thursday. 90s return by friday. >> much more ahead on seven news today in new england this morning including a truck that goes up in flames in holbrook and look at this wild scene in florida. a car goes airborne, flipping ? with this level of intelligence... and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis. introducing the completely redesigned e-class. it's everything you need it to be... and more. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. man: we gave him the option -- "do you want to do a big party with your friends, or would you rather do something with us as a big family?" and so he chose for all of us to get together, actually go down to great wolf lodge, and have a family birthday. woman: and that's the family i wanted to give luke was lots of siblings, people who love him all around him at all times, and lots of support. you see these four men? they are four national guardsmen from massachusetts who are being hailed as heros. they are honored for saving a stranded 87-year-old woman. she spent two days stuck in a hot car on a side road in new jersey when these and rescued her. >> jeannette has kins didn't think she'd be alive today. >> i had resolved the fact that i was going to die. >>reporter: last weekend while drive from little egg harbor to baltimore she somehow got stuck on a remote trail in the woods used by tanks at the base. >> i really have no idea how they ended up there. i wasn't really concerned because i thought somebody will find me and help me to get out. >>reporter: she was traveling with her cat. smart phone was dead. two days passed and no one came. >> it was so hot. it was really, really a nightmare. >>reporter: she grew dehydrated and started hallucinating. >> i'd get out of the car, i thought i saw a car coming. i'd blow the horn and wave and holler and then i'd realize there wasn't anything there. i knew that was a bad sign. we had a heavy rainstorm monday morning and i had some bowls that i had brought cat. i seat them out on the hood and got water in those so i drank those. that is the only water i had. i was resigned to the fact by monday that i wasn't going to get out. and right after that was when the men came. >>reporter: the men, four army national guardsmen from massachusetts an a training mission at the military base. they stumbled on her car, gave her water and oxygen and got her and there were the men's faces. it was the best thing that ever happened. we have so much to be grateful to them for. i'm convinced if they hadn't found me i wouldn't be hear today. >> heros. and very lucky woman there. still ahead here on 7 news today in new england, not a typical hobby for children, but one girl is getting into bee keeping. how she is helping others share her buzz worthy passion. and the sox out west squaring off against the highlights from their game kids love their pets. some have cats, some have dogs. this kansas girl has bees. she is teaching did art of bee keeping and is pro excitement when it comes tohobby. we have more on her special story. it seems lyla doesn't have many fears. she isn't afraid of bees. >> it is not like an ordinary pet. they are wild animals. >>reporter: and she doesn't have stage fright. she'll get up in front of her classmates and talk about her favorite hobby, working with bees. >> i like being in front of a crowd. it is fun. the ins and out of bees and beehives and says the honey you get yourself always tastes better. >> it tastes the best, yeah. different than any other honey i have ever tasted. >>reporter: her dad, ben, took her to a heating beekeepers and both fell in love with the hobby. >> i'm very proud of her. she's shown us in the past with a talent show at school that she really is a natural on stage and that is what she really i'm very proud of her. i don't know where she got that from. >>reporter: she'll keep up with the hobby for years to come. >> if you like them when you are a kid, you'll probably like them when you are older. >>reporter: she even writes poems about bees. >> busy bees buzzing. flower to flower they fly. then back to the hive. >>reporter: she hasn't been stung before, beher dad has. she says it is not that big a deal. >> it is worst to them than it sting you they die. but what it does for you is it just hurts for a second. no biggie. >> good point, right? the bee gets it worse than we do. still ahead, a 78-year-old woman proving it is never too late to cross something off your bucket list. how she had a chance to see the beach forhe moment. we'll tell you who is getting the heaviest rain. >> drenching rain in parts of downtown austin, texas. shots fired to a crowd, one woman killed, three others injured. and in florida, a man is recovering. look at this video after a wild ride and a crash that was caught on camera. we'll update you on his condition. this is 7 news today in new england. >> good morning, it is 9:30. thanks for joining us for 7 news i'm chris anderson. we have a little rain to start the day. we want a peek of the forecast. we need the rain, but we hate that it comes on the weekend. >>reporter: some of us have a lot of run i. it won't be just today. today, tomorrow and tuesday have rain in the forecast. the yellows an arranges have the heavier stuff. when you get further east and the showers become more spotty and hit or miss in general flt we have been keeping a heavily for an hour, but the showers are finally start together dissipate as they move towards fitchburg here. in the immediate boston area, fairly quiet. not too far away we have moderate rain near braintree. so there are some areas getting decent rain here closer to the shoreline. in general the heavier stuff will be in the western half of the state. everyone in the afternoon hours, so expecting a mainly cloudy afternoon with a spotty shower. the chance of rain continues for a while. we'll talk about that coming up in a few minutes. breaking news out of austin, texas where we have learned multiple shots have been fired in downtown austin, killing at least one woman. three others, all women, have been hospitalized in serious condition. another person was injured, but not transported to the hospital. police responded to theho investigators are searching for a suspect who they say began fire into the crowd after some sort of disturbance. there is another developing story in texas where ntsb is confirming this morning that at least 16 people were killed when this hot air balloon caught fire and crashed. investigators are trying to figure out the exact number of people on board. it happened around 7:40 saturday morning near lockhart, which is the crash, although it is possible the balloon hit power lines. on 7 news now, a homeowner in swamp scott is under arrest after police say he set his own house on fire. there is video from the big scene. neighbors say they heard explosions before they saw the flames and at least one firefighter was injured trying to put out the fire. you don't expect a fire saturday afternoon in your neighborhood. >>reporter: flames pouring out of a home on lidon. >> neighbors heard a loud sound they are describing as an explosion. >>reporter: the fire chief says this fire is suspicious. state police are investigating along with the state fire marshall's office. swamp scott police have arrested the homeowner. right now he is charged with >>reporter: no one else was home at the time. once on scene crews knew they had their hands full. >> first arriving companies found the two garage doors heavily involved in the fire, spread to the front porch and down the left side of the house. >> the garage doors looks like they had been blasted outward. >>reporter: one firefighter was taken to the hospital after being treated for heat exhaustion. >> if you can imagine looking at a garage door a hoping -- fire was coming out the whole opening. another fire, this one involving a truck threatening to burn out of control in holbrook. you see the fire truck there and burnt out remains of the vehicle. the truck was parked next to a home saturday morning when it caught on fire. the flames quickly spread to a home nearby and firefighters had a few obstacles to put out the flames, including live power wires on the street. before it spread to the inside of the home. >> owner of the vehicle came home, went inside the house and after about a half hour a neighbor came to the door and said there was smoke coming out of his truck. on arrival the car was involved and caught the house on fire as well. >> good news here, nobody was injured on that fire. we are learning more about a teen two drowned in the charles river. this 18-year-old, tyler green, was taking harvard university. he jumped into the river on friday night and never made it back out. this morning his mother is trying to cope with this devastating loss. >> tyler, he was my rock because i'm a -- my daughter has special needs, but i'm a single parent. >>reporter: a devastated mother in georgia after her 18-year-old son, tyler green, who was attending harvard summer school drowned friday night in the day, send him texts and messages. >>reporter: investigators say just before 9:00 green jumped off a bridge into the charles. he came up with his arms flailing, but then went under. divers found his body at the bottom of the river 20 minutes later. this is him on the very bridge where the tragedy took place. a memorial is now growing there. candles and apples, his favorite students. one friend posted on facebook with this message. >> i guess by me being a single parent he saw the struggles i went through so he wants to be in that relationship, to be there for his children and i admire him for that. friends and family of three people shot and killed during a house party friday night remembering the victims. police arrested a 19-year-old in connection with the shooting. witnesses say he stood on the roof of the home and shot his victims while they tried to run for cover. he remains in custody and faces soefrl counts of murder. >> devastating wildfire sweeping through the big sur coast of california. it claimed 60 homes, one life and threani structures. they are battling the 52,000 square foot mile, but is only 15% contained. that fire moved through caramel valley earlier this week when the county sheriff ordered people to evacuate. in all, 57 homes were destroyed firefighters continue to struggle with the high temperatures and low humidity. they expect the fire to burn in some areas until late next month. in a crazy car crash in video. take a look at that. the car goes airborne, then flips over multiple times before it comes to a stop. witnesses rush to the scene and flip the car right side up, and pull the driver to safety. the driver is recovering at a local hospital. no one else was hurt. police say shoplifters in kansas city used a flash mob to try to cover up their act. this large group of people gathering in a investigators are trying to find anyone who was involved. this also happened in our area. you may remember this. a flash mob robbery where police say two dozen teens ransacked that convenience store, making off with ice cream, candy and drinks. still ahead, massive floodi flooding turns deadly as heavy rains wash through maryland. we'll do just that, coming up. we want to update you on the breaking news out of austin, texas, where we have learned one person is in custody and another still sought after two separate shooting incidents in downtown one woman was killed, four other women injured after a shooter opened fire into the crowd. the suspect, who is still at large, another shooting happened in a parking garage after an aggravated assault. witnesses were able to hold that man in place until officials arrived. a flash flood emergency in the baltimore area. reports of one person dead and two people missing. a witness to the intenseto last night captured some video on a cell phone and here are still photos of the results left behind. rapid rapids racing down street is what some are describing it as. people have been urged to seek higher ground. we want to get to our meteorologist with look at our forecast. i know you are from ough what t dealing with down there. >>reporter: i'm keeping a close eye on my parents with some of flooding. weather wise this morning, we have tropics to talk about. this could be earl. earl is the next name on the list. right now it is just a tropical wave, but already impacting puerto rico with heavy rain moving to the west. the big question is, where will it go. most of the models are hinting at the yucatan peninsula. everyone in the gulf coast states needs to keep a close eye on this. it will not impact our weather talk about in the tropics. hurricane center gives us a 70% chance of becoming a tropical storm and earl is the next name on the list. back at home, rain will taper off this afternoon. hit or miss chance of showers tomorrow. things dry out tuesday afternoon and wednesday and beyond looks fairly sunny and getting on the hot side. on the radar, lots of colors in colors fade out into the eastern part of the state. it's been fairly heavy right along route 2, either side getting heavy rain for about an hour. finally that is starting to dissipate here. the showers push east and start to fall apart a bit. much lighter rain in the eastern part of the state. all part of low pressure in ohio and it is a real slow mover. days to pass south of us and out into the ocean. things won't change a lot for the next couple days. we'll see breaks in the activity in the afternoon hours and through the overnight still cloudy and a good chance of seeing rain in western massachusetts. very hit or miss showers overnight tonight and into tomorrow, everywhere else. cloudy this afternoon, cloudy tomorrow with a hit or miss, generally light shower. different story as you head temperatures, upper 60s, low 70s. with the cloud cover we won't get warmer than that. same thing tomorrow. not a lot of change in the weather pattern until we get to tuesday afternoon. low 80s inland on wednesday. mid 80s on thursday. low 90s with a slight chance for afternoon storm friday. better chance for pop up showers on saturday. >> we'll be ready for them. many of us enjoy heading to the beach, b far from the ocean, this north carolina woman here had never seen the beach before. but there is a first time for everything, even if you are 78 years old. >> everything is going to be fine. you are in for a treat. >> i hope. i have never been here before. >>reporter: it is a new view for margaret. >> she told me she seed never been to the beach. i said okay, we can do this. >>reporter: at 78 years old she's seen the ocean for the first time. >>reporter: traveling to a north carolina beach with staff and friends from her assisted living community. it is an experience she'll never forget. >> possibly most of them, probably wouldn't have had another chance to go in this lifetime. how does it feel? >> good. oh, it is cool. >> it is hair -- their home. you want people to do the things they'd enjoy doing. >>reporter: granting her wish -- >> i >>reporter: -- makes their days worth it. >> they are my extended family and i love them so much. >> i'll probably go back in more. >>reporter: browning says she was lucky enough to experience the first experience with sand between her toes surrounded by people who love her. >> she admits when she first arrived she had no idea what to expect, but left with that big smile on her face. their tribute to their olympic teammate. and more sports. look at him dialling long distance there. great start with that lead-off things started out well for the red sox last night against the angels. bets, dialling deep, home run to the left. the sox add one more for a kick 2-0 lead, but with one swing of the the angels 3-2. they went on to win, 5-2. well, the patriots are back out on the practice field this morning. meantime, nearly 22,000 fans are getting their first taste of real football on saturday. it was day three of training camp and first day in full pads. most of the attention was on the ground game. running the rock and stopping that practice there. terrance knighton is one of the newest patriots brought in to do just that and he couldn't wait too get those pads on. >> training camp started today. yesterday and the day before were preliminares, all about who came back in good condition and getting them back in your playbook. real football doesn't start until you put the helmet on with the shoulder pads. >> i just think it is real football. we come out fundamentals and all those things, but coming out here and seeing god's mentality, being able to play violently, that is what football is all about. >> the patriots showing their olympic spirit as well. they rocked red, white and blue socks. he is prepping for the olympics in rio. nancy chen is headed to rio as we speak, looking for our next year on 7 news today in new england, he is back and after several years fans are rejoicing as the new harry potter book is out on shelves. and it looks like we could see more rain today. we'll have a final check of your ? having acne... ...was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about new aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of 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emotional rebuke of the republican nominee from the father of a fallen muslim muslim army captain. both the father and trump's campaign manager will join me. hack attack and the russian connection. i'll talk to wiikileaks founder about why he is eager to sabotage the clinton campaign. let's get a final check of your weather forecast. is the rain going to stick around? >> not all day. if you want to go to the beach or get a round of golf in, hang the afternoon will just be cloudy and that is it. can't rule out a spotty shower, but have an umbrella handy. thinking just cloudy and not much else this afternoon. tomorrow, spotty showers. stays cool in the 70s for a few by friday. >> thanks so much. that is going to do it for us now. thanks for letting us be part of your day. meet the press is up next and 7 news will be back tonight at 6:00. guess what i just did? built a sandcastle? ha, no, i switched to geico and got more. more? 24/7 access online, on the phone or with the geico app. that is more. go get some mud... all that "more" has to be why they're the second-largest auto insurer. everybody likes more. this sunday morning a new trump controversy. donald trump of the father of fallen muslim. >> you have sacrificed nothing. and no one. many sacrifices and questions why the mother didn't speak at the democratic convention. the father responds. plus 100 days to go, where does the race stand now. joining me this morning are the two top strategist from both campaigns. hack attack as a russian connection, wiki leaks founder interested in sabotaging the clinton campaign. >> joining me for insight in analysis are david brooks, doris kerns good win. alex, and nbc news campaign correspondent halle jackson. welcome to sunday, it's "meet the >> good sunday morning. we're at one of those critical junctures where a campaign can freeze for about a month, during the olympics, end of summer and labor daybreak. we've heard two remarkly different visions of america offered by the candidates at their convention. donald trump sees a troubled nation that needs to be rescued. >> our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. the terrorism of our cities, threats are very way of life. any politician who does not caress this staging is not fit to lead our country. >> hillary clinton's america, was to the use the word, certainly a bit more optimistic. >> a country where all our children can dream and those dreams a families are strong, communities are safe, and, yes, where love trumps hate. >> the story breaking this morning comes out and that emotional moment when the father of a fallen loved u.s. army captain revealed from trump. >> have you even read the united states constitution? i will gladly let you use my copy. >> trump yesterday seemed to question why the mother of the fallen muslim army captain did not speak. the story is making headlines today and appears to be another d d distraction that the trump campaign did not need. we begin with campaign chairman. welcome back to "meet the comment that was said this morning responding to the most recent statement that the campaign has put out, here it is. >> we have a candidate without moral compass, without em pathy for its citizens. the way he showed disrespect towards the golden star, mother of this country, that says it >> can you explain why mr. trump went so hard after mr. khan? >> this, again, the clinton narrative. he feels sorry for what they have gone through just as he had felt sorry for the victims that spoken for the republican that's not the issue. the issue is not the khan family, not the mendoza facmily. the issue that mr. trump is talking about and i expect the media should be talking about is protecting american homeland from national security terrorist. and mr. trump said very clearly for months now, the policy that's been ignored, which is that he believes that we need to have a temporary suspension coming in from countries that are terrorist activities are ram pid or in a war. that's the issue, not the khan family loss, not the loss of many other family americans that we all regret. the second part of the issue which is being ignored is because of these losses forced our american military to go into syria, that cause was the policies that were put together in january caused isis to rise. isis didn't exist before 2009.t causing the problems that we're facing, those are the two issues, protecting the homeland and stopping the war and going after isis in a way that ends theosses of the khan family and the americans we have lost, that's tragic. the only way we're going to stop it is to focus on the real issues and that's what mr. trump is doing and frankly what speech on thursday was totally ignoring that. she sees an america that is -- mourning in america. it's not mourning in america. if it's midnight in america like she says, it's the policies of obama and clinton that cause it to be midnight. >> i've got to ask you, though, it does seem as if the temperament question is coming into play. in the last three days he's gone personally, and you've had to backtrack there and you yourself just did it. he called a former nato general john allen a failed general. referred to new york mayor as a "little man." i've got to ask you, why all these insults does that not raise a temperament issue. i assume you would not be advising him to go about responding in this way. >> well, chuck, that you're repeating talking points of the clinton campaign. clinton campaign is trying to make it into temperament campaign for one reason, they know over 70% of american people don't believe a thing she said. she's putting up policies she's going to do have no credibility. her talking about the obama administration did a great job and deserves an a and let's talk about american families figuring out how to pay the bills. the american economy is not going to negotiate, the day after her convention, you know, quarter broke 1.2%, the country is not working. that's the only issue that clinton can try to get you, the media, to cover in hopes of covering what the real issues of america are. >> we can only cover what the campaign is in front of us and my question is you brought up the gdp, keep bringing up other stuff, that question is, what is mr. trump focused on? shouldn't this be an issue that concerns voters of him in the oval office if he can get distracted by personal criticism? >> he's not distracted. the issue that you're focused on was that the election against sanders and sanders' delegates be upset. that wasn't the issue, the issue was the lack of moral conviction on the part of the clinton campaign that worked with the dnc to rig the system. flaherty of that decision. when mr. trump talked about isn't it ironic that foreign countries and foreign enemies of ours might have the 33,000 e-mails that the fbi doesn't have, did you focus on that fact, the risk of national security, no. the issues are in front of you, you're taking the clinton narrative and focused on the issues that are effecting the american people. >> does it matter if a foreign government wants to take part in that. >> of course we condemn that. mr. trump is making a point that isn't ironic that 33,000 e-mails that our fbi can't have that may go to national security issues are sitting probably in the foreign countries of friends and enemies alike. that's the issue. so it's there in front of you, it's the clinton narrative is putting out their talking point they know anything she says won't have any credibility and they're getting you to cover it instead of the standpoint of what effects the american was another comment made about debate. do you plan -- clarify this, do you plan on participating in any debates that conflict with the nfl? >> look, we're going to sit down with the commissioner and talk, again, the dnc showed you that the clinton campaign was working to schedule debates against sanders which had the least possible viewing audience. mr. trump said we want the going to be ultimately. he's made it clear as recently as friday he wants to debate. he wants them to have the larger audience we'll work with the commission to try and identify what the dates are. we're not going to ploy that she did against bernie sanders we want the biggest. >> before i let you go, there's been controversy about something in the republican party platform that essentially changed the republican parties comes to ukraine, how much influence did you have on changing that language, sir? >> i had none. i didn't even hear of it until after our convention was over. >> where did it come from, then, everybody on the platform committee said it came from the trump campaign, if not you, who? >> it absolutely did not come there the trump campaign. i don't know who everybody is. >> nobody wanted that change in the platform? >> no one, zero. appreciate you coming on this morning. >> thank you, chuck. earlier this morning, i did speak, as i noted with mr. manafort, here is a bit of that interview. >> mr. khan, welcome to "meet the press". >> good morning, thank you. >> your speech was one of the most memorable and emotional moments of the convention. did you expect to have your speech have such an impact? >> not at all. i was surprised, myself. i those were my parts and edited by my wonderful wife, i would read it to her while getting ready, while traveling on the train and she would edit and say, no you're not going to say this, no this is not for the occasion. >> what she telling you not to say? what were the things that -- >> you're going to put me trouble in trouble with her. my words and then pause because i was hinting by that to some pleasures and some plagerism that took place, the stewardship of this country needs to be hands of the person who has m moral compass. who can empathy with the citizens he wishes to lead. this candidate is wide of both. she asked me not to say that, so i deleted that. i don't manufacture these i understand incidence. the way he showed disrespect all. >> your wife? >> my wife, the brave mother of my son. he's hero of this country. we don't take these values lightly. we have testament to the goodness of this country. we experience the goodness of this country every day. it affirms our belief that we made the right choice. then to see when we granddaughter said to her grandmother, why were you so upset? why were you so sad? a 40-year-old person can feel that sadness, yet the candidate for the president of the united states cannot empathize with the people that he wishes to lead? >> he responded to your asked that question. >> he said i think i've made a lot of sacrifices. i've worked very hard. i think there are sacrifices. when i can employ thousands of thousands of people, take care of so many things, i mean, i was very responsible along with a gr group of people of getting the i raise and have raised millions of dollars for the vets. i'm helping the vets a lot. i think my popularity with vets is through the roof. do those constitute the sacrifices that you are referring to when you were asking him that. >> i appreciate his statement calling my son a hero and making statement. because of his policies and rhetoric of division of dividing us and that is why employed him to read the constitution, because that document, it wasn't just showing him the constitution, i was pointing towards the values in that constitution and showing foundation of this wonderful country and this nation. i was in my -- another appealed to the leadership of republican party that they should disassociate themselves. >> made it directly to mitch mcconnell by name and paul ryan by name. >> that's correct. >> you were fans of both of them. >> i have tremendous respect for both of them, the republican and democrats are as patriotic as anyone else. this is a vertical process. process. in that particular process there are some moral ethical values of this country that need to be maintained and managed. second, now i haven't seen any -- it seems like my appeals are falling on deaf ears. i employ americans that would probably work for donald trump in november, i a vote for fear, vote for unity, vote for the goodness of this country, vote for liberty and freedom, so my appeal now is to the defaults that are going to be taken toward for trump. >> you said to me off camera, that a lot of republicans have reached out to you in the last couple of days, tell me about that conversation. >> i had such -- both of us, love and affection and support from all ranks of this society, several females need to distinguish republican -- say all of their lives we have voted republican, not in this election. said, you have touched our hearts, we had these words and these hearts, but we want you to know that we will vote republican in this election. >> has any elected republican leader reached out to you? >> i would rather not disclose the names. that is a personal trust and faith that they have placed by writing to me, by speaking with me, but there are almost one third of the e-mails and the documents and the calls and the messages that we continue to continue to receive at home. people are coming in, strangers on the street, this morning i was coming to you and i stepped out the door of the hotel and two persons came and gave me hug. i don't know them. and they said, you have done something that our hearts always had, you have given words to it. >> mr. khan, thanks for coming in and sharing your story. >> tha tht can't be easy -- this can't be easy to have to relive this. >> joining me now is the campaign manager for hillary clinton. >> thanks. >> i want to start with the news of the weekend involving your campaign and apparently some version of a hack, either into your campaign system or the dnc, a continuation of it. what can you clarify as a explained in the press, the campaign, itself, based on everything we've been told by the experts that are monitoring this work constantly, the campaign itself, to our knowledge, has not been breached. the system that you're mentioning, is the system run by the dnc that our campaign and another other entities were utilitizing. >> what kind of concern that the voters have by dnc and by data? >> well, chuck, first of all as i said, you know, there's an absolutely no evidence that the campaign has been breached. i know the dnc is taking all necessary steps to protect the data and our campaign will continue to do the same. i think what's very disturbing about this entire situation is first that there's a foreign power, aggressively breaking in come of the campaign, but then we saw the other day that donald trump made comments to actually encouraging more of this behavior, more espionage in the race. i think every voter needs to take note of this and i find it very frightening that any presidential campaign for any reason is encouraging this kind of behavior. that's not becoming of someone who is trying to become our commander chief and president of the united states. >> you heard mr. campaign had since said he was being sarcastic. do you take him at his word on that. and, second, mr. manafort said the issue here were the 33,000 e-mails, how do you respond? >> first of all, trump only said that this was a joke after he came under enormous criticism and pressure for what he said. i'm not quite sure how credible that is. but, look, he is running to be president of the united states, the person in charge of all of charge of our entire national security apapparatus. this is not a political issue. i don't want to get this confused with the back and forth we might have about economic issues or anything else, this is a matter of national security now and i find it very frightening that donald trump is encouraging any foreign power to breach a campaign and try to influence the out come of the election. >> let me ask you about the 33,000 e-mails are the e-mails that were deleted, that secretary clinton said were deleted, they were thought to have not relevance at all in the state department. if there is a way to release them, would you -- would the clinton campaign encourage the public release of those e-mails. >> well, look, sure. this is -- this is settled over now. secretary clinton went in and they asked her a lot of questions they came up with nothing. the fbi has concluded their look at this issue and so we're moving on. when hillary has been out there on her economic tour the last few days talking with voters, they're asking her about how they can afford college and get a better job and that's what we'll stay focused on. >> if you could release them, do you want them released. >> it's not a relevant discussion any more. this matter has been concluded. many officials have taken a long moving forward. >> all right. so you're not taking a position on whether you want to see these e-mails, really. >> it's just not a relevant question any more because this matter has been concluded and you're asking about hypothetical e-mails that may or may not be there and so we're just going to stay focused on that the voters were asking about. >> i want to talk about the influence of bernie sanders on this campaign and i want to play with you -- play for you speech after announcing for president and just a post against the acceptance speech on thursday night. here it is, i want to get your reaction on the other side. >> 99% of all income goes to the top 1%. >> when more than 90% of the gains goes to the top 1% that's where the money is. and we're going to follow the money. >> largest corporations that -- their fair share of taxes. >> wall street, corporations and the super rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes. >> tuition and public colleges and universities free. >> make college tuition free for the middle class and debt free for all. >> is it fair to say bernie of influence on your acceptance speech? >> well, the -- i think the college affordability plan that she mentioned in there, that was something that she and senator sanders worked together after the primary had concluded. we're proud of that plan. it was something that's part of our platform. there were a number of issues where they worked together on the platform. i wish we could have played some of clinton's earlier speeches as she's been talking about the deck is stacked against middle class for some time, that the wealthiest americans are not paying their fair share and that we need to start giving working people a fair shot again. in fact, that's what she's talking about, that's what she was talking about yesterday, that's what she's going to be talking about today on this economic tour that she's doing in pennsylvania and ohio with senator kaine. they're talking about how they're going to create more good paying jobs for working class people and get wages rising again. joining us from brooklyn, thanks for getting up early, i i appreciate it. >> when we come back, we'll go over all of this with our panel, the convention will be enough. think about everything that's happened post connection. and later is russia trying to ma nip late the presidential -- at the beginning of the 21st century, the earth needed to find a new way to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. so, a bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley had a breakthrough they called... the machine. the machine. it changed the basic architecture of computing... putting a massive pool of memory at the center of everything. and by doing so... it changed the world. everything? everything! this year, hewlett packard enterprise will preview the machine. and the future of technology will begin. see star trek beyond. now in theatres. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. our panel is here, alex, hallie jackson covers much of the republican side of the race and politzer prize winner doris and david brooks. well, where to begin? david brooks, i just want to get your reaction. let's start with the khizr khan. >> i've been on this program a lot and felt disturbed by what donald trump said buta that about mrs. khan. i felt and a lot of people will feel, i think it stems from lack of empathy, lack of respect, lack of basic decency and i wonder what the moral pig me is doing and when i see paul manafort on the program issuing regret, it didn't strike me as an emotion but just a word. >> alex? i got to get you to respond to families made for their country. god blessed them and they deserve our respect and sorrow and appreciation. i think there is an issue that is worth talking about here, and that is when you look at angela merkel in germany, she's about to get thrown out of office because of unfiltered immigration from a part of the world identity and security is compromised and donald trump has a legitimate point to make we should do something about th election. the status quo more of what's going on now, you know, basically letting that happen unfiltered or do something about it. i think there perhaps are clearer ways to make that point. >> alex, i listen to the words coming out of your mouth especially in the beginning expressing sympathy for the family and there are many people, including republicans, wondering why didn't donald trump say that initially and immediately? i talked to a trump loyalest weeks people aren't going to remember khizr khan's name. i think people will disagree with that. a judge brought up multiple times this feels impactful to republicans as that moment did to donald trump. >> i think there are moments remany up c republicans but a state department under hillary clinton that ignored requests for security in benghazi and debated what uniforms people should wear while people were left alone to suffer and eventually die you know, so i think there are arguments here, to see hillary clinton portrayed as the candidate of moral clarity and honesty here i notice mr. khan didn't go that far as to embrace her -- >> no, alex, i think this is a moment that will be remembered. it's almost a moment like using your word decency, have you no decency? somehow you have a powerful story told by a man and the anything? i had a son in combat the same time as this young soldier was killed. i don't know what i would do if he was lost and i'm standing there behind the picture. how you can assume that kind of temper mental quality will understand other people's points of view. i think he stood as symbol of pride from muslim americans and predicted a bridge too far when he said john mccain wasn't a hero. i thought that was it. i think everything is topsyturvey. >> trump talked about temperament. >> i think i have the best temperament. certainly one of the best temperaments at anyone that's ever run for the office of president ever because i have a winning temperament, i know how to win because my whole life i've been winning. >> david, you wanted to respond. >> one final point. this wasn't just a comment about

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