Transcripts For WHDH 7News First At 4 PM 20161028 : comparem

Transcripts For WHDH 7News First At 4 PM 20161028

through the private e-mail server clinton used while she was secretary of state. clinton made no mention of those reopened investigation during her speech in cedar rapids, iowa this afternoon. instead, she focused on comments donald trump made on whether or not he would accept the outcome of this election. in our country we have free and fair elections and a peaceful transfer of power. that is one of the great hallmarks of >> anchor: clinton does have more events scheduled for later today. no word if she plans on addressing this new issue. we'll let you know if she does address it. live in the newsroom, tim caputo 7 news. >> anchor: today donald trump held a rally in new hampshire and he addressed the clinton e-mail investigation right out of the gate. dan hausle live for news manchester with more on what he had to say here, dan. i'm very curious. well, trump was actually more than an hour late getting here to new hampshire but that behalf because he said it was about ten minutes before he hit the stage that he got word about the f.b.i. investigation and it sure looked like it put a spring in thinks step. this is bigger than watergate. this is bigger. >> anchor: donald trump here in manchester beaming after hearing the news that the f.b.i. is reopening its investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails. for all of the people that have suffered for doing so much less including just recently wright, general petraes and many others. perhaps finally justice will be done. >> anchor: the news a gift to the trump campaign with some polls showing the presidency out of reach but with clinton's e-mails back on the front burner trump will be able to remind voters of hillary's weak spot right up to election day. the deletion of 33,000 e-mails, boy, that just sort of states government. she lied to congress. she lied to the f.b.i. she made 13 phones disappear some with a hammer. >> reporter: trump also met with new hampshire leaders in the fight against dug addition but even there he noted the big news of the day may o'shadow all over issues. even trump's repeated complaints about a rigged election. it might not be as rigged as i thought. what? what? the f.b.i., i think they will right the ship, folks. i think they will right the ship. >> anchor: even before this news came out trump's people were spinning polls they say were showing things were trending in trump's direction. now of course they are even more optimistic about that possibility saying that this news is big. live in manchester, new hampshire, dan hausle, 7 news. >> anchor: all right, coming up hiller will have mistake on the investigation into those e-mails. he will have his instinct coming up at 5:00. >> anchor: there is new details today into the investigation into a problem with vice presidential candidate mike pence's plane. it skidded off the runway at new york's la guardia airport last night. federal investigators releasing these photographs today of the damage done to the wing and tires. now the plane had just flown in from iowa so pence could attend a fund-raiser at trump tower. we have the very latest. republican candidate for vice president mike pence back in t stops in pennsylvania, north carolina. looking forward to bing back on the trade. >> anchor: leave. >> reporter: leaving new york from a different airport after his campaign ride slid off the runway at la guardia airport. it was ten seconds of uncertainty as the lean came down. >> reporter: it happened in heavy rain just before 8:00 thursday night. it will be a 737 that ran off the runway. >> reporter: an aviation source tells nbc news the men touched down more than halfway a little bit then it slid sideways and when we saw the mud splash up on the windows up in the front of the aircraft we knew we were off the runway. >> reporter: there were 48 people on board including news campaign reporters vaughn hilliard. you can smell the rubber and that's when we realized that was in the our extentical landing. >> reporter: a concrete section of end of the rub way stopped the lean from leaving the airport. arrester beds are aff required instal a end of runways to do the purpose that they served which is to slow down an aircraft that is approaching the end of the runway. >> reporter: the ntsb is examining aircraft and its black books looking for clues into this rough landing. chris palomb, mbc news, new yor. >> anchor: stay with 7 news to get the latest on race, on the air, on-linep on our web site >> anchor: we have breaking nice right now from chicago. airport after some sort of fire there. american airlines saying a flight to miami was going down the runway when it encountered some kind of engine issues and the airline says all of the passengers did get off of the plane and are safe. you just saw that black smoke billowing from that plane. now a runway at the airport is shut down. we're getting live pictures right now for you. the faa saying an investigation is now of course underway and you can see here the plane surrounded by of course a lot of fire trucks, all of the evacuation slides have been deployed and you can see there literally a big burn mark on the side of that plane. must have been some terrifying moments for the people on board this of course we'll follow this as it develops for you throughout the afternoon. >> anchor: 7 news now turning to the forecast. windy and cool friday out there after we saw a lot of rain overnight. chief meteorologist jeremy reiner is here with the forecast and how the weekend is shaping up. we still have rain across southern new england. most of us picked up about an inch, inch and a half of rain late yesterday afternoon. overnight last night and this morning and this is tied to the same storm system. here is a bag of rain working down the south shore heading for the canal, buzzard areas bay and out on to the cape. there are more batches of rain you through the merrimac valley that will kind of pin wheel around the backside of low pressure which is located in the gulf of maine. slowly pulls away. powerhouse storm system, sure did a number on southern new england. winds right now gusting onth 40 miles per hour. city of augusta 39 per hour, hyannis 25 miles per hour. cold and raw. temperature in the low to middle 40's the city at 45, worcester 4. not as chilly this weekend but the risk of a few raindrops we'll sort that out in a few minutes. >> anchor: we're following more news today i'm toll change. drivers getting ready. toll booths are going away and a fully electronic system is it coming on-line. traffic patterns will change on the mass pike. morning. jonathan hall live for us at the allston brighton tolls with more on what to expect here. jonathan, this could get a little messy. >> reporter: could be a tough commute in the month of november that's for sure big changes are coming to the massachusetts turnpike and those changes begin in just a few hours. they have been a fixture on the pike since the late 50's, but now they are going the way of the dinosaur. at 9: 45 p.m. all toll plaza. >> reporter: coming down beginning tomorrow morning. drivers have concerns with a big one at the top of the list. of course traffic. it's going to be crazy. >> reporter: maybe big dig crazy for about a month. officials are warning commuters to expect delays in the construction zones, stretching from west took being stockbridge to boston. mass highway is asking commuters to alter their will drive times or consider carpooling or using think of this as a snowstorm and we ask for the public's help. think of it as it will snow twice a day, every day, for 22 days both during the morning an afternoon commute. >> reporter: during phase one there will be a change to the traffic pattern. crews will be working at the center of a toll complex to eventually allow traffic to pass right through the middle. during phase two of the crews will work on the outside areas so eventually there is no sign of a toll booth at all. it will be christmas 2017 before the work is we are expecting a higher volume on some of the side roads to include route 20, route 9, route 30. >> anchor: for those that don't have these e pass transponders are a must. the e pass call centers r and web site will go dark for data transfer so people are lining up to get them as customer service centers and there will be expanded hours over the week. we have a system in place called the grace period that to pay more for the transponder rate. we'll road bait you the difference. >> reporter: people who do not guess the transponders will get bills in the mail at the higher price witness a is taken of your license plate. again, there is a six month grace period so you don't have to pay the higher price as long as you call in or go on-line eventually once the web sites open up ordering a transpond are then they will give you the lower price for those tolls. live in allston at the allston brighton tolls soon to be no more. jonathan hall, 7 news. >> anchor: new at 4:00 brookline police are investigating a report of an indecent exposure. police say this man exposed himself to three women near a park in brookline village tuesday after. they say this may be connected to a similar incident near brookline high school last month. officers are looking for surveillance video to identify a suspect. >> anchor: also on 7, officials are speaking out about overtime concerns for u.s. secret service agents. working to protect the presidential candidates are not being paid for all of their over time hours because they can only make $160,000 a year, more 1,000 agents have not been paid for over time hours since the spring. there is no reward to the family. you are not seeing any income coming in out of it. all of the things that are broken in the house aren't getting fixed so there is a major morale issue for that. >> anchor: several officials do believe a solution can be reached by the end of the year. >> anchor: ahead on 7 pipeline protest getting out of control in north dakota. police cracking down after more than 100 peel are arrested. >> anchor: at 4:30 on alert. police in concord releasing a new clue in their search for suspect who allegedly followed a child home and took photographs. >> anchor: we following that big breaking news after they uncovered new one as part of the anthony weiner investigation. donald trump speaking out about that case the a campaign event in new hampshire. hillary clinton not addressing at o'hare airport. this in chicago. you can take a look at all of the video we have here for you now live look and the passengers did get off of that plane safely. you can see the charred remain from that intense fire near the back of the plane so we're going to keep an eye on this for you and we'll have more coming up after the break. >> anchor: we all know drinking latte is good in the morning. kayla harrison that's too much milk. let's see who man a better i just want what's best for my kids. when i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more charter schools, i think: what about the students in all of our schools? every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million dollars, just last year. we can't afford to drain even more money from our kids' schools i'm fighting for yours, too. please join me in voting no on question 2. is apipeline protest in north dakota oata intensifying. police arresting 100 people after a dramatic standoff. >> anchor: officials say one protestor even opened fire on an officer. 7's christa delcamp reports. >> anchor: overnight plus holding the ground where they clashed with native americans protestors in north dakota. an army of 200 officers clearing demonstrators blocking a highway used access a controversial highway under construction. protestors that would get right in the faces of the officers and say nasty things to them. what length is north dakota willing to go to defend a multi billion dollar oil corporation. >> reporter: the pipeline will 1,200 miles of pipe. the 3.8 billion project is capable of transporting 570,000 barrels of oil per day. contrucks runs along a standing reservation and demonstrators say it's destroying sacred land. the protestors also say the pipeline threatens to pollute the missouri river that provides water to millions of people. after six months of protests, this has turned into a movement. the largest gathering of modern day native americans with celebrities and activists joining in. >> reporter: so far today no comment from the oil company that owns that pipeline. in the newsroom, christa delcamp 7 news. >> anchor: coming up on 7 news using music as therapy. we'll meat a student who is healing with his incredible talent. he is this week's class act. >> anchor: cold and raw this evening. milder for the weekend. a few isolated showers. the forecast such next. >> anchor: ahead on 7 news, a beg us burglary. a police officers's wife under investigation after police say she faked a report of a robbery. the case. >> anchor: ahead at five:00 a frightening uber ride on beacon hill as we hear from the passenger who was in the car when it came it a crashing end. >> anchor: and we are following breaking news out of chicago. a plane catching fire on a runway there at o'hare airport. you can see from this video the smoke and if you like closely you can see flames. this is a live picture of the aftermath of that plane. we're told all passengers did get off safely and now the emergency crews are there sort of making sure everything is put out of to follow this as it develops for you throughout the uh, first of all, i plan to vote for donald trump. when it served her purpose, ayotte buddied up to trump, even calling him a role model. would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump? oh absolutely, i would do that. but she kept playing politics and flip flopping around. ayotte is running away from trump as quickly as she can. and what she values is her seat. and she's trying - to keep something she values. - i know. seiu cope is responsible for the content of this advertising. ? tomorrow's the day we'll play something besides video games. every day is a gift especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto?- a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto? was proven stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto?. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto? with an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto?. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out about entresto?. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. public charter schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, question 2 won't affect you. but question 2 will change the future for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and vote yes on question 2. >> anchor: edgartown police stumbling upon two horses overnight. it turns out the two see decided to go for a might night stroll when barn doors blew their door down the street them were corralled and taken home. >> anchor: the taste of freedo. >> anchor: so close then cops behind him. >> anchor: glad nothing happened though. like he didn't get hit or something. >> anchor: coming into work i felt that stiff wind coming. >> reporter: chilly as well. winds gusting 35, 0 miles per hour. good news though is that the weekend will feature milder temperatures. we will not have temperatures in the 40's this weekend. we should be in the 50's, that's where we are. mild as well next week. now in terms of rain this tomorrow afternoon and an isolated shower on sunday afternoon. but there will be plenty of dry hours both weekend days so it's not like you are going to deal with what today's weather is happening tomorrow and again on sunday. but it's not completely dry. certainly not the case right now. look at this bag of messiness. this is rotating around the backside of our big storm which is just east and north of cape ann and so we'll have the pockets of drizzle and mist and and then i think as we step toward later on tonight certainly overnight tonight then it begins to wind down in the storm pulls away and it takes this mess with it and we focus on slowly drying things out. look at the rainfall totals thus far. lynn over two inches of rain of the chelmsford about an inch and a half of rain. city of boston 1.1 inches of rain. talk about turning around a pattern for rainfall. the city of boston in october we picked up about 5.2 inches of rain. that's above normal for the month and when you factor in the summer rain june, all of july, all of august not even close to that. this is the first time the city will have above normal precipitation since february so drought not over but it's a nice way to kind of put a dent in it. the other concern as ryan was noting a lot of wind out there. we have a wind advisory in effect for the seacoast, cape ann as well as the cape with winds and northwest winds gusting 35 to 50 miles per hour these were peak gusts earlier today. east falmouth had a gust of 58 nantucket gusting to 45. right now those winds out of the northwest around 30 to 35 miles per hour. worcester hill gusting to 37 miles per hour out at the airport in the city of boston a gust of 32. high school football games this evening, tough out there with the drizzle, mit, rain and wind temperatures in the mid 40's for all the glimpse. so we say good-bye to this storm system. the weekend, the reason we have the threat of some sprinkles of isolated showers is another weather system fast on the heels of this one right over here. and so that's why i think tomorrow will feature in the afternoon. on sunday we have a lot of clouds and the risk of an isolated shower on sunday afternoon but again no heavy precipitation, no significant precipitation or long lasting precipitation and most importantly when you are out and about you won't freeze. temperature in the mid and upper 50's over the weekend. halloween right now spooktacular. see you at 4:30. >> anchor: bundle up, right? time now for fast track traffic. out there, matt. >> reporter: it's tough going. we begin on route 1 north slow through saugus this afternoon all the way to the lynnfield tunnel over on the southbound side of route 1 you are moving well through saugus all the way across the trip. a bit tough to see because of the rain on camera but the leverett connector is jammed in both directions. over on the zakim you are crawling both ways. on northbound side you are heavy right out of the o'neill tunnel up to route 110 in the methuen. your delays begin back near asell she square and go into the o'neill tu expressway south right out of the tunnel. most of the way to the braintree split. watch out for a crash by mass avenue over on the northbound side you will be jammed heading into the tunnel further back you will be stop and go from the braintree split to neponset circle. we check drive times on the expressway from the o'neill tunnel to the braintree split a 28 minute drive. once you get past the split to route 24 only 9 minutes. i'm matt fitzgerald, 7 news. >> anchor: for this week's class act we are meeting a student with several talents. >> anchor: one is music, he blends both to light up the lives of a lot of peel. he is this afternoon's class act with christa delcamp. the sweet medical dose of a viola and the gift of music. is what this week's class act is all about. music as therapy. i thought he was really good. i liked what he did. i think it's great. i love histone. it's beautiful and very skilled. >> reporter: for noah sim ms playing music is only part of his skills. i think it gives them a huge sense of purpose because they are reminded of all of the great things they have done in their life. they have all of these great memories. he is also studying nursing in canton which is where he surprised him. we wanted to present an honor to a student with some outstanding musical acts who is making people feel like they are being haled. the front of the classroom? noah is junior and is on his way to being certified as a nursing assistant. noah has been playing since age four, his skill in such demand he started a business and makes rounds of several assisted living centers. he knows that they like it and he will go back and play more because it really like brightens their heart. it means a lot to noah to be able to help them. >> reporter: noah is compassionate, he enriches our lives every time he come. he gets into what their passion is. we talk about a lot of memories that they had and i think they kind of get the sense that it's impacting me because i'm so young, so i think that gives them a huge sense of purpose. >> reporter: noah some stay hopes to play with the longwood symphony and is also planning to attend college for nursing. >> anchor: all right, if you know a student between 6th and 12th grade doing something outstanding and a lot of different areas of schools, sports or in the community you can nominate them on-line very easily at >> anchor: next on 7 news, getting a buzz. police investigating after a pilot comes a little too close to some surfers. all caught on camera. >> anchor: plus, a fight comes to an end. a family in florida wins a lawsuit against the city they live in. >> anchor: ahead at 5:00 runs to wrigley. a big home fo field as the world series heads this is where the oil billionaire koch brothers hosted a fundraiser for kelly ayotte... this is where ayotte voted with the koch brothers 90% of the time. ayotte's campaigns collected millions from corporate interests. and voted for them, not you. she voted wall street banks billions in write offs for executive bonuses. but kelly ayotte voted against letting families refinance student loans. and against lowering the cost of prescription drugs. kelly ayotte's not working for new hampshire. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. ffer everything from annual wellness visits to routine hearing and vision exams, and prescription drugs. we have new dental coverage options too. and we 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