Transcripts For WHDH 7News First At 4 PM 20161007 : comparem

Transcripts For WHDH 7News First At 4 PM 20161007

the storm is still threatening historical cities in the area. >> people all over central florida a breathing a sigh of relief as they start to assess the damage, but others are bracing for what is to come. hurricane matthew, florida, the eye, hugging the coastline, bringing it with, heavy rain, violent winds and dangerous to 11 feet. >> we are very concerned about the storm surge. the worst effects are likely to still come. reporter: this was ormond beach as the ocean pushed in. hundreds of thousands without power after matthew started its assault overnight. south florida was largely spared major damage. why people heeded warnings and got out of a category 3. the storm is far from letting up as it pummels the northern part of florida before sta+rt/ ing up the coast. >> we are on the front end. we are not on the back end. we couldn't know how bad the damage will end up. >> georgia and south carolina bracing with landfall fear charleston, a real property. >> our barrier islands. the biggest concern we have. we need reporter: more than 300,000 south carolinaians have moved inland. the governor running those that did not evacuate, time is running out. >> at that point, it will be too late for anyone to evacuat evacuate. we would encourage all of you to take shelter above ground. this is going to hurt. reporter: millions of people still in the path of the storm as matthew childrens in the are dealing with some damage and flooding in low lying are areas. but the hurricane is headed towards charleston, they are bracing for the impact there. back to you. >> we have seen all of the damage, debris down there, have people come to start to come out and clean some of that up? . reporter: well, ryan, we haven't seen people starting to clean up. they are just starting to assess the damage. a couple of hours ago strong wind gusts with the worst of the storm passing over the daytona beach area. wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour. debris flying all over the streets. people are starting to assess the damage. no clean up, yet from what i can see where i'm standing. i'm sure they will start to do that within the coming hours. >> thank you so much for that live report, sara, >> one thing we are watching massive storm surge. along the eastern coast of florida, this is a view from a condo on daytona beach. you can see the water battering the coast. the storm surge could be the most dangerous of this storm. >> this is round one. the hurricane is expected to come back around and hit florida again. let's go to jeremy. >> here is the hurricane, 35 miles east of saint august teen florid teen. i -- -- augustine. from augustine, 86 miles per hour. thankfully, the core of the strongest has remains off shore the entire day. there was concern yesterday the eye would graze the florida coastline, that's where we would have seen very intense wind. now, we focus our concern on the -p/ continuation of the wind, but bands of heavy wind and rain moving shore. the eye wall continues to head north, northwest and eventually, will start to curve north toward savannah. charleston, by 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. expected to weaken, category 2 hurricane. as we advance our time line, it begins to peel off to the right and weaken significantly. how much rain is on the way, >> 6, in charleston, south carolina. the wind over the next 24-hours does begin to subside, but, south carolina, georgia coastline -- -- we'll talk more about our weekend forecast in a few minutes. >> we are kind of starting to see some of the devastation that storm is nging behind there in florida. alex is live >> hurricane matthew battering cape canaveral and daytona beach. these are live picture pictures, rain coming down and storm surge picking up there. take a look at the devastation in daytona beach florida, this morning. fierce winds up to 120 miles per hour sent huge sheets of metal flying and pushed street. one building's roof flu off. a 50 -year-old woman went into cardiac arrest. first responders were unable to reach her. video from earlier this morning shows an explosive sight in cocoa beach. power lines being blown and transformers being blown. the governor said he is worried that the worst of matthew is >> i'm really concerned about jacksonville and nassau because over 10 foot of storm surge on top of that, the waves, that's a very low lying area on top of the fact that we still have the potential for a direct hit and we are seeing one hundred mile-an-hour winds. >> in all, more than 2 million people are being urged to evacuate. eastern seaboard, south carolina governor haily is offering a stern warning to people who!woe have yet to leave. in charleston, businesses downtown are being boarded up to brace for the big storm. >> this is going to hurt and knowing that we ask -- -- we are trying to reduce the amount of lives lost or harm done as much as we can. we can't do it without you. >> if you choose to stay, you will most likely be on your own for a minimum of 24-hours, possibly up to 3 days. if you again, there will be no one available to assist you. >> even if you could call 911, you will not be able to get ahold of anybody. so, you need to take this seriously. reporter: according to officials, the latest track from the national hurricane center shows matthew has shifted closer to the south carolina coast. if the storm makes landfall. the storm surge is expected to be more than 8 feet. live in the newsroom >> be sure to stay with us as we track hurricane matthew. it continues to batter florida, georgia and the carolinas. you can always keep up with the can always keep up with the storm online -- >> we are following breaking news right now, a kaur/ slammed into the bellingham library. it went right through the wall, the car came to the stop in the middle of a room. the car was driven by an elderly man. no up the hole, building inspectors assessed all of the damage. it is now back open. a pedestrian sit on school street just before noon. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. >> the election countdown ticking down. hilary clinton and done trump hungerring down as debate. jennifer johnson has the latest from the campaign trail. reporter: tkopbd/ trump being endorsed by the national border patrol council. one of the leaders claims the u.s. is fast tracking immigrants to try to stop a trump presidency. >> the people on the waiting list, hurry up and get their immigration status corrected. >> to hear a thing like that is a disgrace. >> the clinton campaign dealing with newly released senior white house officials were in close contact with clinton's campaign about the official fallout. >> now the news a is breaking that back in 2015, the white house worked with the clinton campaign to do damage control on the whole e-mail issue. r campaign frail, hoping for another knockout against trump in the next debate. >> can you imagine any past republican president saying "i didn't pay any taxes. that makes me smart?". >> preparations underway in st. louis for the debate. town hall style with half of the questions summing from undecided voters. both clinton the storm's impact and the government's response. jennifer johnson, washington. >> we'll have complete coverage of sunday's debate, dan housely will be live with us. >> the red sox continued their playoff push. hoping to rebound against the cleveland indians after losing game one last night. today's game is a few minutes >> ryan, only 20 minutes away from game 2 of the lds. corey throwing out the first pitch for the indians. all action on david bryce. games like to say exactly why baseball president gave price $217 million. price proceeds and wins for the red sox. the track record leaves cause for concern. 2 of 7 with -- -- october is all about leaving the past behind and price is looking to write new chapter here today in clevelan cleveland. >> i want to help this team wi win. that's the bottom line. that's the mind set i want to take out there. the mindset i want my team to have i want us to win and tomorrow, i want to go out there and win. i want to be dominant, i want to have the really good postseason game and i know i'm capable of doing that. reporter: today, he got off to a bad start. roaring live "7 news". >> coverage for the red sox push there, live in cleveland all week long. ahead on "7 news"patriots heading to cleveland for a weekend for a showdown against the browns as the team, once kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working 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carolina, the concern with the coastal flooding is that the storm barreling up the east coast of florida is shoving all coastline. when the shape of the coastline, which does not allow for the water to escape, it piled it into a small area. similar to what we would see with a storm here in new england. we saw it with hurricane bob. that's the concern. wind will be a concern, but i think the core of the strongest wind is off shore. some weakening will happen overnight and through the day as it is working toward south carolina. the storm surge anywhere 6-10 feet. points of charleston -- -- here you go, category 3 storm. preb/ ly going to make landfall at beaufort, s+/ sam kouvaris or charleston, back but it is weakening to a tropical depression. it doesn't make it back to florida and it may never make it back to florida. even if it were, it would be a shadow of itself. -fp/ we focus on a cool front moving through chicago. it shows up tomorrow afternoon and late tomorrow night. the last couple of d cool front would be at a good pace and we would get it out of here. the front slows down. sunday, not as good as i thought. sunday is not an ideal day. tomorrow, not too shabby. a few showers at the coastline. cooler behind the front sunday, monday, lots of sunshine. that's a nice one, lower 60s. game 3 on sunday afternoon. plan on clouds. there may be a couple of isolated showers at fenway sunday afternoon. next week, we are back into the sunshine. >> time for fast track traffic. trouble, matt? >>. reporter: well, not doing well on route one northbound. this is right before the tunne tunnel, causing a back up on route one north. you will be heavy from the tobin mess everywhere. over on the bridge, really heavy on both sides as well. northbound side, jammed out of the tunnel, most of the way, 128. not much better on the expressway. you will be jammed the entire 9 side from the split to the o'neil tunnel -- -- >> still to come on the news station, a look at the hurricane ma shoe graph there in south florida. the latest from florida and a look at the impact on the bahamas. >> a run away van hit a house in arlington. we'll show you what happened in this situatio situation. >> the search for a killer, essential piece of key evidence at's for dinner tonight? wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] chicken cacciatore... boneless chicken in our very own seasoned tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms and basil. braised to perfection thanks to our unique ez oven packaging. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven and dinner's ready. wegmans ez meals. [alright] joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. >>. >> we are continuing to track hurricane matthew. heavy bands of rain moving through jacksonville as we speak. >> much different scene at daytona beach, it's quieter after the storm has moved through that area. you can see there is not as much wind wreaking havoc. >> right now, still powerful, category 3, winds 120 miles an our hour, moving northwest. 12 coverage, starting with jeremy, he has the latest on the stor storm's path, jeremy. >> here it is, right here, 35 miles east of saint augustine. it's in the clear as is orland orlando, melbourne, but jacksonville, a fire hose of tropical rain. you have the warm colors, the yellows and oranges and even red, that's where you will find the stron strongest winds at times gusting the other concern through the night and into tomorrow morning, tropical tornados, you have the wind passing over the ocean, the water and as the band of wind cups ashore, land lands, friction slows it down. you get a little turning of the winds, wind sheer. that will set up these little tropical tornados oeu/ top of the hurricanes from bad to worst. this continues to be the swaying overnight. thankfully, the hurricane as a whole will

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Georgia , United States , Charleston , South Carolina , Daytona Beach , Florida , New Hampshire , Saint Augustine , Washington , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Nassau , New Providence , Bahamas , The , Jacksonville , Chicago , Illinois , Ormond Beach , Hilary Clinton , Orland Orlando , Jean Chretien , Jennifer Johnson , David Bryce , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Ayotte ,

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