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Them off at the Sullivan Middle School right around the corner, but she was cited for several ofens including not having her seat belt fastened. Her drivers license was revoked, and she was fired. Realizing the risk to the safety of children that could have been on the bus, i would say, yes, that they should have fired her. Reporter she was about to leave with her fiance to get a marriage license when the accident happened says theyre still driving rental cars because their cars were damaged, one of them totaled. Were glad things turned out the way they did. Someone is watching over us. Reporter we spoke to a relative of the drivers, who said this was an accident, her seat belt came undone, and she would never do anything to put children in danger, she is suffering from injuries from the crash and also suffering Financial Hardship from being out of work. Around 3 30 today, a call came in, and there has been a stabbing. We have a crew on the way. Kevin mccarthy stunning lawmakers in washington today, dropping out of the race for speaker of the house. The California Republican was widely expected to be nominated for the position. Nbcs Steve Handelsman has the latest. Reporter Kevin Mccarthy wore a smile, maybe because he was quitting the battle. The right hand man to john boehner looked like a shooin. But when he tallied his votes, he was short. I think i shocked somebody, huh . Reporter so he dropped out. And be strong, we need a new base to help do that. Reporter he made republicans look bad last week, admitting the point of a House Committee investigating Hillary Clinton is to kill her president ial prospects. But republicans were already in turmoil. Thats why boehner is leaving. Our conference is going to have to do a lot of deep soul searching. Reporter democrats think its a victory. But change may not be for the better. Republican disarray could make all the things people hate about government could make it worse. Reporter more candidates seem sure to jump in. Boehner might have to stay on as speaker into november. Im Steve Handelsman. New at 4 00, a hero hurt. One of the three americans who helped stop a terror attack on a french train is fighting for his own life after being stabbed. Spencer stone was attacked near a popular bar in sacramento, california. Reporter police are investigating an attack on spencer stone, who helped stop a suspected terror attack on a french commuter train. This incident is not related to terrorism in any way. And we know its not related to what occurred in france. Reporter in august the 23yearold was honored as a hero in france, and by president obama, after he tackled a gunman armed with an ak47 on a train bound for paris. Others wrestled away a gun. His thumb was nearly severed. The fight last night was outside of a bar. There is significant injury. Reporter airman stone is in serious condition. His injuries are not considered life threatening. Police continue their search for suspects in the case. Jay gray, nbc news. New details on the campus massacre in oregon. President obama is set to visit roseburg tomorrow. The president is expected to meet privately with the victims families, ten people, including the gunman, who were killed. Frankly, its nothing more than a politicized opportunity for him to push his antigun agenda. I am a republican, i am a strong supporter of my gun rights, and i want him here, too. Reporter Community Held a collective moment of silence today for remember the victims. 7news is turning to the weather. It feels more like sweater weather today. What a gorgeous day. Cooler, but another Beautiful Day across the area. It looks like this nice weather could stick around for a bit. Thats always good news. Absolutely. A nice weekend in store for us. But we do have some rain to get through before that happens. Current temperatures, in the low to even mid60s, as you get away from the coastline, but note the water temperature. Upper 50s. What a difference from just a couple of weeks ago. You get that onshore breeze in the afternoon, drizzle on the coastline. 57 in boston right now. The sunshine for the day really made it feel warmer than it was out there. High pressure keeping things nice and dry. This is our next system, taking us on a temperature roller coaster through the next couple few days, and also bringing through showers, possible thunderstorms, as we get into tomorrow. Look at how the temperatures drop into saturday. Then they start that climb up as we get into the beginning of next week, columbus day looking fantastic. Overnight tonight, clouds move in. It will be a little bit more mild than it has been, 46 to the low 50s. Tomorrow afternoon, showers and possible thunderstorms. Well run through the time line of this wet weather coming up in the extended forecast. In south carolina, governor niki haley is urgeing residents evacuate on their own. In the next 12 hours, georgetown will start to flood. It will get worse, and its going to last up to 12 days. This is something that we have never dealt with before. This flooding is going to get bad, and its going to sit for a very long time. She went on to say the safe evacuation of atrisk communities is the states no. 1 priority right now. A deadly new jersey crash. A tanker truck flipped over. A pile of mattresses from a cargo van came loose, spilling across the highway. One car swerved into the tanker truck, causing it to flip over a guardrail. The truck burst into flames. Crews working to contain the damage. The northbound new jersey turnpike was closed for hours, reopening early this morning. In maine, a second child is now fighting for his life after being exposed to e. Coli, after a young boy died earlier this week after visiting a petting zoo. Now the cdc is trying to figure out what happened. Reporter 17monthold miles jacob is the second boy fighting this very serious illness. His father victor says the disease is destroying his sons red blood cells and is causing lifethreatening kidney failure. Miles is in the i. C. U. Where doctors are treating him with daily dialysis and blood transfusions. His parents are by his side. Reporter colton lost his battle with this deadly disease. Colton and miles and the families didnt know one another. This barn is where the fathers believe both their sons picked up e. Coli, the petting zoo at the oxford fair. If this was common, we wouldnt even have petting zoos, but its extremely rare. Reporter the state veterinarian has collected the bedding and droppings from the petting barn and will test for the presence meantime, the main cdc and people at the fryburg fair are warning visitors to frequently wash their hands if theyre around any of the animals. It gives us all pause and helps us to remember to keep in mind some prot dolls help prevent these problems. Reporter the maine cdc is investigating if the two children had exposure to e. Coli other than at the fair. The head of volkswagen is apologizing for software specifically designed to cheat emission tests. Korn assures people that the cars are safe to drive. On behalf of my company and my colleagues in germany and me personally, i would apology. I did not think Something Like this was possible at we have broken the trust, and we at volkswagen take full responsibility for our actions, and we are working with all the relevant authorities in a cooperative way. He says it will be next year before the software can be updated in 430,000 of those vehicles. If you have verizon, you may see a contract change. Theyre planning to raise the price of unlimited data plans from 30 to 50 a month. Most of the lowcost plans were grandfathered in. Talking and texting are extra. Rather than calls. I dont know how many times i see that alert that says 75 percent of your data is used, because i stream music a lot, and wifi isnt at the gym, so. Right. Still ahead, collecting coins for those in need. A little boy helps. And reuniting with a longlost pup. And how several boats caught fire at the marina. Stay with us. Unplugging your phone at night or changing up your cookwear just whos toughest on spending . Fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. Billions in pork, vetoed. Eight budgets, balanced. And tax cuts every single year. Right to rise usa yeah, we know that feeling. Youre so bloated youve started wearing sweatpants. Everywhere. When it finally happens, its always the worst possible time. And when youre finished, you realize youve been in there for a very, very long time. Being irregular is the worst. Get more fiber with chocolatey, chewy fiber one bars. Who has the plan for jobs . Tax cuts for the eliminates special loopholes. An explosion in growth and new jobs. Jeb cut taxes. Grow america. Right to rise usa is responsible for the an arizona boy is channeling a superhero. He is taking action for a very special cause. He is helping to build a crimefighting bat cave. Nancy chen explains. [ sirens ] reporter Tyson Copeland is star of the show, arriving at his Birthday Celebration in style. Its what he did to earn this trip that really makes him a superhero. Thats where all these jars full of coins come in. I dont know how to [ audio not understandable ] im really happy. Reporter despite his own medical struggles, he teamed up with Charles Keller to raise money for a we intend to build a campus with a crimefighting cave, to help the families that have pediatric illness or other stresses within the family, and make their lives a little brighter. Reporter he started collecting coins in 105degree heat while in a wheelchair, then invited us to take up the cause. People looked in the change things in their cars and their couches. Its amazing. Reporter the entire effort is called coins for the cave. His original goal was 1,000 jars. Based on the response so far, it looks like he may just exceed that. Nancy chen, 7news. Coming up on 7news, stuck in a rut. A wild raccoon rescue on the cape. A fantastic Holiday Weekend in store for us, but first some rain to get through. Well run through the time line, coming up in the forecast. A scare at the halloween store. Why those costumes and decorations could be taking aim at your wallet. And a great escape. An incredible video as a teenager jumps out of a moving car to get away from a kidnapper. Tonight, they trashed his truck. Who is it thats got the Foreign Policy experience to deal with what has become an increasingly complicated world at a time when America Needs to emerge and restore its leadership . No one really has that experience, except for maybe one. John kasichs for us. New day independent media committee, inc. Is responsible for the content of this and belly pain have my stomach feeling all knotted up. Ive tried laxatives. But my symptoms keep returning. My constipation feels like a pile of bricks. That keeps coming back. Linzess can help. Oncedaily linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. Linzess is thought to help calm painsensing nerves and accelerate bowel movements. Linzess helps you proactively manage your symptoms. Do not give linzess to children under 6 p and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. R dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain especially with bloody or black stools. Is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe, stop taking linzess doctor right away. Gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. About linzess today. A tight squeeze for a raccoon brought to the wildlife center. The animal somehow got its head stuck in that crate. Workers tried to figure out what to do. The team was successful. The raccoon was released back into the wild. Hanging out in the crate for a while. This reminds me of an episode of full house where a kid got his head stuck between a railing, thats what it made me think of, but i dont think putting butter all over his head is going to solve it. The other good news, glad it was a raccoon and not a skunk. We made it into the low 60s in the city today. That light wind out of the east can really skunk those temperatures, bring them down into the mid to upper 50s along the coastline. Sweater weather, but temperatures away from the coastline, normal. If you wonder what it feels like to be normal for this time of year, normal high in boston, 74 degrees. The sunshine made the upper fefities, lower 60s feel pretty nice out there. Weve been keeping the sunshine around, with High Pressure in control. We turn our attention to its bringing showers and storms to the great lakes. First it pumps in this warm front, and then the cool front will cool us down as we get into saturday. Cloud cover overnight tonight into the early hours of tomorrow. But youll notice that at least for metro west and into worcester, we get into the afternoon hours, and were still dry. It isnt until the later afternoon hours that those scattered showers, isolated showers, even start to push their way through. A possibility of seeing isolated thunderstorms, nothing severe, but we could have gusty winds and also some areas of localized downpours. But generally speaking, how much rain are we expected . Between a tenth to a quarter of an inch and maybe some areas that could get a touch more, maybe up to three quarters of an inch. Im not so sure about that and that. 9 that we saw in worcester. Tonight, 46 to 54. Tomorrow, the afternoon showers. But look at how mild it is, 66 to 71, abovenormal temperatures. You can see along the north shore, stuck in the mid to upper 60s. But tomorrow, on the cape, mid to upper 60s, island closer to 70 degrees. Sunshine returns for columbus day weekend. Low 70s in store for us. Monday looks absolutely fantastic. Maybe you have work off. Great day to do some leaf peeping. We are starting to see some color in northern new england. Lets check traffic. Route 93, at the right about a 25minute ride in from kenmore square. Getting a look at our gas tank shot here in the freeport area, dealing with delays here as well, the right travel lane break down by granite of avenue. There is a 55minute ride from downtown toward the braintree split. And then just heavy volume as you head out toward 128. Im joe stapleton, 7news. Lauren baker joined the red cross. It was the annual women to women who care event. Next up, a frightening case of road rage caught on camera. How a woman ended up staring down the barrel of a gun. And a cobra caught after a month on the loose. And all new at 5 00, were live at the garden as the puck drops. I5, a sheep, interesting installation in Boston Harbor that has a lot of people buzzing. We need to disrupt the old order in washington, dc. We can do a lot better by applying conservative principles we should lower rates and simplify the code to allow people to freely decide how they want to spend their money. What we need is leadership to fix a few big things. So that this country takes off and soars where people can dream the biggest possible dreams. And pursue them with a vengeance. applause jeb. Proven conservative. Real results. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content this is 7news at 4 30. We now know the cause of this massive fire whipping through a business in oxford. Crews working overnight to put out all of those hot spots. But investigators found asbestos in that building. Reporter firefighters clean up and pull away from an oxford fire that began early yesterday evening. The fire is completely extinguished. Reporter firefighters kept a stream of water on the flames. I saw nothing but flames and smoke. There were explosions. Big bangs. Talking to witnesses, we really do not have theories at this point in time. Reporter years ago this was a chemical plant, which caused airquality concerns. This morning the chief says there was no threat. Nothing was found at all. We even had them test the water, and the water came back. The only things we found were the chemicals you would expect after a fire. Reporter but the business wasnt permitted, which isnt required, but that means firefighters didnt know what they were up against. It would have given me more peace of mind. We maintained a distance until we knew what we had. Had we known what we had

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