Transcripts For WHDH 7News At Noon 20161202 :

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At Noon 20161202

terrible discovery in lawrence yesterday. we are some video as investigators went through a wooded area right next to the merrimack river. right off of mccain court. a dog-walker yesterday afternoon discovering the body of a young man. the body was decapitated. investigators tell us the head was found near the body. the district attorney's office says that they will not comment today on any speculation as to the identity of this victim. they do suspect foul play investigation. the medical examiner today has the case, and they will determine the exact cause and manner of death. they will also weigh in on the identity of this victim so. again, we are awaiting this news conference. it is expected to start momentarily. we will bring you the latest information on this criminal investigation in lawrence as soon as we have it. live in lawrence, victoria warren, 7 news. >> kris: another breaking story at noon now. a vehicle crashing into a take a look at the damage there. it also hit another car. the crash caused police to close commercial street heading into wouts. while they get things cleaned up. >> christa: all right. we will take a turn here. we will talk about another nice day outside. it is sunny. a little chilly. the question is, is it going to last into the weekend? >> kris: any time we have the sunshine, even if it is a little chilly, wren, we will take it. >> reporter: that is exactly what we are looking at. some sunshine today. some sunshine into tomorrow. we are ushering in some much right now we are ushering in some cloud cover from our west. we will see a couplele of additional clouds as we head into the afternoon. worcester county, partly cloudy, partly sunny skies. a mix chu of clouds and sun. we have managed to stay mostly sunny across the coast. temperatures have already warmed up pretty nicely. 50 degrees in beverly. 50 degrees in norwood. 51 in new bedford. here in boston, around the mid-40's. we are actually going to be above average in terms of temperatures today. it is still breezy out there. while it might seem mild, temperatures above normal for us. a jacket will be a great idea today. you will want to keep it close by as we head into your weekend. temperatures are going to drop off. more details ahead. >> kris: now a developing story out of milton. two people dead after a car crashed into a tree and then caught on fire. there was a third person who managed to survive. jennifer eagan is live at the scene in milton with more on this investigation. jen? >> reporter: and kris, that surviving victim was pulled from the car lived in this home here. he tried to get to the man and the woman in the front seat but could not. this morning, that woman's family came here to the scene. they remembered a young mother of three who they say just celebrated a birthday. nina lewis celebrated her 24th birthday yesterday. her mother says she was in this car with her boyfriend early this morning when it crashed into a tree along brush hill road in milton, anyone. i ask that you pray for her children and for the family. >> reporter: regina lewis thanked a neighbor tost who tried to save her daughter. the accident happened this morning around 3:30. andy was able to pull a 17-year-old from the back seat. >> i feel regret i was not able to get the other two out. i did the best i could. the flames were so high. the vehicle began to explode. so i was not able there any longer. >> reporter: state police are looking into what caused lewis to veer off the road. the speed limit here is 40 miles per hour. andy hopes drivers slow down. >> we have seen accidents. a young lady lost her life down the street last year. and it just seems like that is all we do. we pull people out of cars. and it just doesn't stop. >> reporter: state police acknowledge that the man who lives here tried save everyone inside the car at a great risk taken to boston medical center. we are live in milton, 7 news. >> christa: rob gronkowski undergoing surgery today after the latest injury now to sideline to pats tight end. he is apparently flying out to california in order to have it all done. >> kris: this could keep him out for a while. jonathan hall has more on the details. a lot of disappointment here, jon. >> reporter: yeah, guys. i'm sure gronk his teammates are out on the practice field right now. getting ready for the rams and as you say, rob gronkowski is out in los angeles preparing for surgery. apparently, at this point. gronk hurt his back after trying to make a reception against the new york jets on sunday in an earlier game against seahawks november 13, he had punctured a lung. the team and the tight end's family released a statement last night saying gronk is likely lost for the season. the likely recovery period is eight weeks. coach belichick held a news conference here this morning and said this is certainly an unfortunate situation for gronk, but the team will be ready for the rams. >> obviously, we are all disappointed. nobody has worked harder than rob and all that. hopefully, things will work out positively. all we have for now. i'm sure there will be more coming in as we go through the next few days. so just take it as it comes. an unfortunate situation. >> reporter: coach belichick did not really want to expand on. that he was asked about the value of bennett, the other big tight end on the team. a capable receiver. he said all the players on the we are live in foxboro, jonathan hall, 7 news. >> kris: happening today: 20-year-old trevor bell is due to be in court following a motor vehicle crash involving a campus police officer. officers say that wentworth campus police officer was responding to a report of shots fired in roxbury about 1:00 this morning. that is when a car slammed into his krutzer over on parker street. the officer suffering from minor injuries after that crash. investigators say the other people inside of the car took off. bell was arrested last night. >> christa: now t will see on just one station. officials are looking for the person who left behind a symbol of hate at an elementary school. in brookline. school officials say they believe it was a student who drew a swastika on a chalkboard inside a classroom at lincoln elementary school last week. the teachers in the area are disturbed by the message. >> it's really stunning that... sad that it happened. something. so you know, i wonder where it came from. >> christa: in a statement, the superintendent of brookline schools said the following. "this type of incident is reflective of a disturbing normalization of hate speech and symbols. the speech and these symbols are not reflective of who we are as a community in the public schools of brookline." >> kris: the trump transition hitting the road for a victory lap. the his first speech since winning the election at a rally in ohio on thursday night. along with thanking his supporter, trump talked about his campaign promises and also asked for support as he moves into the white house. >> thank you to ohio. >> kris: president-elect trump celebrating and promising to make history. but he couldn't quite move beyond the campaign. >> although we did have a lot of fun fighting hillary, didn't we? >> kris: then the shocker. >> we are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of state. (cheers and applause) >> kris: mattis retired in 2013 after serving as the commander of the u.s. central command. >> they say he is the closest thing to general george patton that well. and it's about time. >> kris: tensions are high between clinton campaign aid during a campaign roundtable discussion. >> the plats form that they gave to white supremacists, white nationalists, it is a very, very important moment in our history of our country. i think as his presidency goes forward, i'm going to be very glad to have been part of the campaign... >> excuse me. she said white supremacists. i'm sorry. that gave white supremacists a platform? are you going to look me in the face and tell me that? >> guys, we won. you don't have to respond. i mean, seriously. >> christa: right now we will switch gears and head back to lawrence where police and officials with the city are wholing a news conference about a body discovered in the merrimack river. >> as you can already imagine, we have very little answers for you today. there are details that if released or discussed with only serve to undermine the investigation or cause a bad result in the end. i would hate to have to come before you in three weeks and say that suspects have evaded police or that we can't... they can't be brought to justice because i or someone else who was well-meaning gave out information that hurt the case. make sure there is a good positive identification of the body so we can have some closure on who the victim is. secondly, that the officers involved build a rock solid case to capture the people involved which is not an easy task and doesn't happen fast, and b, for the d.a. and his team to build a case that can put those involved behind bars. those two things don't happen it doesn't happen at the speed of light. it is thorough, thoughtful investigation worked by the police and the d.a. i do, however, call on the d.a. and the state police and even the governor to get the identification of the body expedited. every available resource of the medical examiner's office should be put on this until they identify this body. this will bring closure to our community. i also think that it would be prudent for the district of this case. the residents of the community are worried and the rumors and innuendo are causing greater concern for safety. you can help allay those fears. i'll say again, while we are being blocked from saying much more, i will say... reiterate what the chief says. we know enough that this is not a random act. i would fight... i would tell people to fight the urge to believe what you are reading on twitter and facebook. the only location that fact will come from on this matter will be the district attorney's office. if you don't have that as a source, i would question the information. and as far as we know, so far today, the investigation has neighborhoods and our kids are not at threat to what happened to this victim. if anyone has information, you can call the d.a.'s office. this is information pertaining to this case. or the lawrence detectives. very useful in this day and age, you can use a text a tip. >> you text to 274 6 type the first letters lawpd. send us a tip. all of these venues, either by calling the d.a.'s office or the--'s office or text a tip, all of it is confidential. and anonymous. the chief is not going to take questions. i will take some questions. >> how can you say people can feel safe here when a person is decapitated and thrown into the river? you don't have any information yourself or from the district >> what are you? >> i'm relaying what he told us. what the law enforcement community is telling us. this is not a random incident. which is enough. they have a duty to tell us if there was a random incident. if other people were at risk, they have that duty. i know a lot of people believe the, you know, government is useless and we can't trust anyone. that is not where i live. i have to trust the law enforcement community. the law enforcement community, u stuff, the details of the investigations going on. they are telling us we are safe. >> is there any ms-13 gang activity in town that may be linked to this type of crime? >> i have no idea about. that i think that is a question for the d.a.'s office. >> are you concerned about this escalation of violence in your city? a decapitation is very, very rare. yet it has happened right here. >> listen, that's why i'm here. i work here. i'm concerned about this. we have had conversations with the governor and the district attorney about doing more with violence around drug activity. to make the effort that we are already doing. a harder, more impactful... but you know, violence is associated with the use and selling of drugs. that is what we have. we are fighting the best we can on it. i'm super concerned about it. that is why we have put s problem. >> you told people not to read information on twitter and facebook. does that include members of the media here? >> i was talking to you guys. >> people out there are identifying the victim as a missing boy are. you saying don't believe that? >> the district attorney is the only one who will come out with a decision on who the talked about, that is why i'm calling on the d.a. and the medical examiner and even if the governor can intervene, we are calling him, too. to expedite. this there is so many questions around that one issue. about who the victim is. it is really important. >> what about the family of the boy that went missing? >>. >> we have been meeting with the family since toy (speaking spanish) go ahead. >> for the last 24 hours, people are speculating it could be isis, al qaeda, terrorism. there has been no assurance by your office or the police department... how do you address that? you say not to listen to people on facebook and twitter. you are giving us zero information. who are they supposed to listen to? >> unfortunately, the driver i will upset you and the press to the extent that we have to so we can get a good case and get to the bottom of this. >> if you haven't identified this body, why do you have the family of the missing child down there? >> we can't account for what the family is doing. in general, i was trying to be... i don't have any of the details. that is a question for the district attorney's office. >> speaking of the missing 16-year-old, any chance that he may have been speaking to police about something and found himself in danger? >> i think that is, again, a question for the district attorney's office. i'm sorry. because that is also an ongoing investigation, they probably won't comment on. risk to the public if you are saying you don't know... >> why is this so hard for people to understand. you put a piece of information that thurts investigation. the people who did this go out of justice. that is a bad thing. we are not going to... i will not participate in allowing ima no, you don't hear about that with every case. people like to talk in generalities. folks, this is a serious matter. and a very big city. with a lot of people. don't be... we cannot be cavalier. we hope you won't be with this information. we have to get to the bottom of it. there are people that want answers. the d.a. assured me he is working on it. if he came down here, i think to make sure everything is going on right. he has assured me that every resource is being put to this. hold on. hold on. (inaudible) >> if you have the body and the head, and it's been 24 hours, you are calling on the governor, the d.a. all sorts of people. community at rest that you have identified the body? >> yeah. i have asked that question many times. not just in this instance. the answer has not been... the answer has not been fulfilling. >> are you disappointed that the answers have not been fulfilling? >> yeah. no one should be doing anything else except identifying this body. to me i'm disappointed. i'm sure they have other cases. >> i asked you about the levelle of violence. you mention the drug trades. do you believe this is related to drugs? >> i have no idea. >> do you suspect it? >> i'm just saying, we talk about the escalation. the other suffer the that we have seen has been. >> christa: all right. you have been listening to the lawrence mayor taking questions from reporters about a particularly gruesome crime we have been reporting on for several hours now. it all started with a woman just out walking her dog along the banks of the merrimack river in lawrence. when she came across hands. and you just heard the mayor of lawrence asking the state appealing directly to the governor to try to fast-track this case because several hours out, there is still no identification. no positive i.d. on this person. and they are trying to ease the fears of this community. >> kris: the mayor stressed they do not believe this was a random act. he did not want to release a lot of information at this point. because he doesn't want to jeopardize any potential case down the road once arrests are made. he said this is not a random identifying that victim. >> christa: and determining a cause of death exactly as well. >> reporter: plenty of sunshine. a puff the additional clouds as we head into the afternoon. still a mix chu sun and clouds. most of us in the mid-40's. actually, some 50's out there as well. highs for most of us, in the upper 40's and low 50's. breezy conditions out of the west. wind gus between 20-30 miles per hour. it will feel like mid-40's for most of us today. no complaints as we are into december. partly cloudy into tonight. we could see a couple flurries in the berkshires as well as the worcester hills. most of us do stay dry. temperatures in the mid to low 30's. see these winds, though. they stay gusty all night northwest as we head into your weekend. they stay out of the northwest for your pats game. temperatures a bit cool. again, dry skies through the weekend. really nice weekend ahead temperature-wise. we are not too cool. we are a bit more seasonable than what we have experienced the last couple of days. but again, dry skies, some sunshine. a bit cool. >> kris: still ahead here at noon, we will introduce you to a local student right near boston lending a helping hand >> kris: 'tis season, right? well, boston is getting into the christmas spirit this year with its very own winter wonderland. >> christa: we just need a little snow to go along wit. eventually, the city is hosting its first ever winter festival. there will be plenty of attractions. including wine and chocolateex ice-skating path open until february. >> i think there is already a buzz about it. people are coming in. they are looking to see what's going on. i'm excited. >> it is great to see something happening that is right here central in the holiday season. >> christa: local vendors are expecting a goods turnout. the grand opening starts today at 3:00. the ice rink opens tomorrow. so enjoy. >> kris: things to cool off a on for a dangerous suspect. caught on camera in an armed >> christa: we are back. a gruesome discovery from in lawrence after a body was found along the merrimack river. officials are trying to identify this victim who was found with no hands and decapitated. >> kris: now, we just heard from the police chief and the mayor who was speaking here live a few moments ago. 7's steve cooper was live at the police headquarters for that press conference. steve, you were asking great questions there. >> reporter: well, obviously, the mayor and the police chief here in lawrence are anxious for answers right now in connection with what's happened. most importantly, they are hoping and they are calling on the district attorney, even calling on the governor to expedite the medical examiner's effort for an here. we are talking about a male who was decapitated. and that head was found several feet away from the river here in lawrence last night. actually, around 3:00 in the afternoon. a woman walking her dog who made that gruesome discovery. the area remains sealed offer last night while detectives searched and scoured the river banks for more evidence in connection with what happened here. there is a 16-year-old boy who has been missing for two weeks here in lawrence. no one is saying wlornts whether or not that is the victim in this case. the mayor speaking moments ago, basically, telling people this was an isolated incident and residents should feel worried right now. >> based on the information that we have, i believe that there is no further threat to the city of lawrence. however, due to the nature of the investigation, i can not elaborate any further. >> i share everyone's frustration and anger about the incident itself, about the how this could happen in our community. >> reporter: and again, at this hour, the mayor and the police chief calling on the district attorney, again, to expedite the autopsy that we are told by the district attorney's office is being conducted today and hopefully, there will be more information later on. right now, a lot of questions in connection with that gruesome discovery that was made yesterday afternoon along the banks of the merrimack river. re news. >> christa: two people have died this milton after a car crashed into a tree and then caught fire. a third person managed to survive. jennifer eagan has more on the investigation. >> reporter: nina lewis celebrated her 24th birthday yesterday. her mother says she was in this car with her boyfriend early this morning when it crashed into a tree in milton killing the young couple. would give anything, do anything for anyone. i just ask that you pray for the children and the family. the accident happened around:30 this morning. andy rushed to help and was able to pull a 17-year-old from the back seat. >> i feel regret that i was not able to get the other two out. i did the best i could. the flames were so high. the vehicle began to explode. so i was not able there any longer. >> reporter: state police are looking into what caused driver to veer off the road. the speed limit here is 40 miles per hour. andy hopes drivers slow down. >> we have seen accidents, a young lady lost her life down streets. last year. and it just seems like that is all we do. we pull people out of cars. and it just doesn't stop. state police acknowledged that the neighbor tried to save everyone inside the car at a great risk to himself. victims was taken to boston medical center. in milton, 7 news. >> kris: rob gronkowski set to have surgery after the latest injury to sideline the pats star tight end. this one is going to keep him down and out for probably the rest of the season. gronk's family confirming that he is going under the knife in los angeles for a herniated disk. coach belichick talked about gronk this morning at his morning news conference. >> obviously, we are all disappointed. nobody has worked harder than rob. and all of. that hopefully, things will work out positively. it's possible with him. all the information that we gave you, that is all we have for now. i'm sure there will be more coming in as we go through the next few days. so we will take it as it comes. an unfortunate situation. tom brady is set to speak this afternoon. when he does, you can be the first to find out what he had to say by going to and the 7 news mobile and tablet app. >> christa: obviously, 87 will be missed on the field. looking dry for the game. that is good news at least. >> kris: big game for sunday. temperatures are going to work out for everyone. >> reporter: exactly. we are staying dry and shouldn't be as breezy as today and tomorrow. right now we have a couple of ou cloud cover. especially west of worcester county. we are going to start to see a mixture of sun and clouds as we head into the afternoon. so far, it's really just been sunshine. that has allowed us to warm up to above-average temperatures again. 49 deglees fitchburg. a little cooler northwest. where they have seen that cloud cover. more so through the morning hours. and actually, started out a little cooler as well. it is a breezy day. going to be breezy today through tonight: even into tomorrow. miles per hour on the islands currently. that is going to continue into tonight again. that does make things feel like mid-40's for us. again, we are above average today. back to more seasonable temperatures by tomorrow. >> christa: police say a wentworth institute officer was responding to a report of shots being fired in roxbury when a car slammed into his cruiser on parker street. the officer suffering from minor injuries. trevor bell was tnl the other passengers took off running after the crash. >> kris: pricey parking: that is what drivers are going to be dealing with in the back bay and in the seaport district in a few weeks. it is all thanks to a new test program. nancy chen has the details. >> nancy: get those quarters ready. parking is about to get pricier in the back bay and seaport districts. it is all part of a pilot program by the city starting on january 3. aimed at ultimately opening up more spots for short-term parking. neighborhoods. people circling the block looking for parking. there is not enough availability in the neighborhoods. and people park there. they take the ticket. >> nancy: meter prices will jump from the current price of $1.25 an hour to $.75. affecting more than 1,600 spots. the area surrounded by beacon, arlington and stewart streets as well as mass. avenue and charles gate. all meters will start in january at $1.50 an hour there. and adjust by 50 cents based on occupancy over the course of the year. that means prices will be reset every two months. with high-demand blocks going up by 50 cents and lower-demand blocks going down by the same amount. prices will also vary there according to the time of day with the rate posted on the meter and on-line. parking in off-street garages and lots. many around here say there are better solutions. >> there used to be open lots down here. obviously, with all the construction that's happened, you know, those open lots have gone away. that was probably the most inexpensive parking you could find. >> they should change the time limits they have here. allow people to park with 15 or 30 minutes. >> nancy: any increase in revenue from this program will be reinvested back into the city for transportation-related purposes. nancy chen, 7 news. >> christa: new drone video giving a different perspective of the wildfires in tennessee these days. >> kris: we will have more on fios is not cable. we're wired differently. it! coming. i can't believe he is doing this. it's so fast that in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, held by gary watson... fly, gary, fly. ... his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ... while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, all at the same time. gary. tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year; plus a 200 dollar visa prepaid card with a two-year agreement. visit or call 1-888-get-fios to learn more. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. >> christa: we are back now. we have been telling you about the smoky mountain area of tennessee. you can see from the drone view. there is a smoky haze that still just covers the area. >> kris: so many businesses and homes in the area were affected by this. a lot of them still shut down. it will take a lot of time for them to recover from this. the communities and the great smoky mountains are welcoming back now residents and more importantly, visitors to that area. >> nancy: it's been several burning in eastern tennessee in the smoky mountains. the death toll continues to increase. officials confirming that at least 11 people have been killed by the fires. one of the victims, alice hagueler, had been speaking to her son on the phone. the fast-moving flames reached her home. >> things went from... you know, the winds picking up to the last phone call she made to my brother was the fact that she was really scared and frantic. because the house was actually on fire at that point. >> nancy: rescue crews have searching for survivors. some even refusing to sleep at home. a photo posted on facebook shows five firefighters asleep on the sidewalk after returning home from a 30-hour shift. more than 700 buildings are destroyed or damaged. and 14,000 people were evacuated. many with just the clothes on their backs. as residents returns to the burned areas, many will find they have nothing to come back to. country superstar dolly parton who grew up in the area, plans on doing something about that. >> we wan hand-up to all those families that have lost everything in the fires. and to recover, we want to make sure that the dollywood foundation provides a thousand dollars a month to all those families that have lost their homes in the fires until they get back up on their feet. >> nancy: nancy chen, 7 news today in new england. >> kris: so many people affected by. that you can help out as well. if you would like to donate, we have a link on our web >> reporter: do we have any moisture headed our way for >> kris: julian edellman is now a father. he flew out to los angeles wednesday to be with the mother, swedish model ella rose. the child's name is lily. the two remain on good terms. they are not in a relationship. teammates were happy to hear about the new addition. >> we were really happy for him. he is going to do great. >> do you know any good children's books? >> i gave him hey, a.j., it's saturday. there is a ton of awesome children's books out there. >> kris: that was the book he wrote. he was wearing the pokemon >> christa: i remember. that that was unforgettable. >> kris: edelman has his own children's book out now. he will get to read to his baby girl. >> christa: lots of that in your future as well. you guys are expecting. it is kind of chilly out there. wren, you are from minnesota. this is warm to you. >> reporter: balmy. i'm loving it. yesterday we were close to 60 actually, already some 50 degrees out there. a quick recap, though. i want to talk about the deficit quick. we saw a couple of inches of rain in most locations in southern england here over the last couple oferl days. and that still leaves us here in boston with a ten-inch rain defer sit. take a look at some of these other locations. fitchburg at 17-plus inches of rain needed by the end of 2016. so we definitely still need moisture. we are not going to see that clouds push in. and this low pressure system will help to filter in some cool air. winds are going to shift out of the northwest. we will bring some cooler air into your weekend. also, bringing in some cloud cover. we have been mostly sunny so this morning. we are more cloud cover to our west. especially, actually, west of worcester county. we will see a mixture of sun and clouds throughout the day. not a bad forecast at all. temperatures staying very mild. again, already some of us at 50 degrees. our average highs this time of we are well above that. 49 degrees in new bedford and boston. a little bit cooler air to our northwest. orange, jaffrey. not a bad forecast as we head into your weekend either. a nice way to wrap up the workweek. it is a bit breezy. going to be breezy today into tonight. we have seen wind gusts between 20 and 30 miles per hour. some breezier conditions again, across the cape. partly cloudy skies into tonight. most of us do stay dry. we could see a couple of flurries in the higher-terrain locati the berkshires, the worcester hills. you could see some flurries into tonight. for the pats game, we are looking at dry skies. some sunshine. winds out of the northwest. not as breezy as what we are seeing today. and tonight. temperatures in the upper 30's. you want to bundle up. you are not going to be totally freezing. temperatures steadily falling off into the weekend. we keep things dry. with the chance for flurries by monday. highs by the start of the workweek, pretty cool. below average. got any good gift ideas? ? verizon prepaid is gonna be my gift ? ? no extra charges ? ? cash stays in your pocket ? ? it's got hd streaming others are too stingy... ? 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