Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 6 PM 20151106 :

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 6 PM 20151106

logan airport in fact one of the locations making changes. new security measures will focus on flights from foreign countries. >> anchor: 7 news now turning to that beautiful warm weather. it's been a very mild month so far in the city of boston. we tied a record today and pete, how long are these warm temperatures going to be sticking around? it looks like they will fade as we go through the weekend stepping down a little bit tomorrow, liz, then more so on sunday. waltham made it to 74. natick 74. 75 nashua. boston at 73 degrees. it was almost sun dependent today where we did see more sun. we got right into those mid 70's 70's. we tied the record of 73 and in worcester we tied as well setback in 1978. now falling back into the 60's and some of the suburbs worcester about five degrees cooler than the high. boston about three. very balmy night ahead. at least for the first half. the second half we'll see front cross and our temperatures will dip. we're talking about this front as it comes through the berkshires now and in slowly moves through tonight. it takes most of the night to go islands so, yeah, those a slow front indeed. but by tomorrow you notice it, the air will be much dryer too. humidity will lower. we'll still have a mostly cloudy sky. i sew a lot of clouds sticking around for tomorrow. we'll fall back into the mid 50's for overnight lows. degrees. sunday is the cooler day. you may call it cold, but it's actually going to be normal. details are on that ahead . >> anchor: also on 7, a lucky lobsterman saved at sea as flames tore through his boat in the waters off ipswich. the firman managed to jump off the boat and then a good samaritan rushed to the rescue. jonathan hall live in ipswich with more on the dramatic save out there. jon? it sure was. this lobsterman is 39 years old, we spoke to him briefly off camera this afternoon. he told me he is just fine despite spending 20 minutes in the cold, cold atlantic ocean he >> anchor: an emergency at sea. sea.. a lobster boat's engine catches fire off plum island of a woman walking crane beach saw the black smoke, saw the captain in trouble and all alone . there were no other bets out there yet so it was pretty disconcerting that there wasn't anybody out there yet so i was waving it then there were police out on the beach . >> anchor: eventually another fisherman came by to save the lobsterman. the ipswich fire department was first on the scene. he said when he went into the water he threw only buoys in there to give him some flow take device and saying in the water then this boat came from nowhere and they saw the smoke and thought it was like a fire on plum island and when they came around the corner they saw the bet on fire . sam allen there on the left is okay. he didn't have to go to the hospital even though he spent 20 minutes in the water dressed in an merge suit and wear an emergency locate beacon. the november water cold . 52 degrees for water temperature. you are not going to last too long in that. >> anchor: he was weld prepared and did the right stuff . all the right stuff on the bet and you are supposed to have it all in the boat . >> anchor: his fellow lobster lobsterman is happy he is okay but wondered if his boat knee ad adtension . he faked it before he went out so it must have happened over there that it overheated and caught fire. >> anchor: once the emergency did happen the coast guard says allen did everything right. he had a fire extinguisher on board, tried to play fireman himself but of course that didn't work. we are live in ipswich, jonathan hall, 7 news. >> anchor: more news today investigators making progress in a murder mystery in worcester. a women's body found inside a burning car there. right now a man is accused of misleading the investigation and prosecutors are calling hum a suspect in the killing. steve cooper live,000 in worcester with the very latest. steve? >> anchor: right, so thomas hogan was here in court today. he pleaded not guilty to a less lessor charge but that's when prosecutors stood up and toll the judge here at the courthouse they wanted him held on $50,000 cash bail saying he a murder suspect now. the fact that everything occurred near my neighborhood, you know, it's kind of startling. >> anchor: now this woman's neighbor identified in these has been single out by prosecutors as a suspect in the murder of a woman whose body was found wednesday night in a oning car discovered in this wooded area off swan avenue in worcester . the fact he is a suspect in a murder now . shocked and stunned . >> anchor: the 40-year-old us 39 was arraigned friday morning on a charge of intimidating a witness. it was only after the hearing that the district attorney's office announced they wanted hogan held on high bail telling the judge he is considered a suspect in the grizzly crime. outside hogan's house worcester police officers warning us his family wanted us off their property . just stay on their property for now. hogan's record includes larceny and trespassing charge that's date back more than a decade and with police and prosecutors offering few details about the murder, neighbors can't help but worry . i want to have two kids of my own, all of the neighbor kids normally play, you know, in this neighborhood and, you know, something like this to happen in my neighborhood is not safe . >> anchor: fog from the district attorney's office tonight or victim's number or cause of death here, any sort of a motive. all we know is hogan is being held on $3,000 cash bail. he returns who court next month and it's unclear whether the chars against him will be up grayed by then. live in worcester tonight, steve cooper, 7 news. >> anchor: coming up here on 7 news at 6:00, convenience store receipts calling tom brady a cheater. they were printed in colorado. now a store in beverly is supporting the pats qb. >> reporter: with the way this patriots offense has been rolling you never want to see the team's best receiver pop up hear from julian edelman coming up? . >> anchor: we continue to follow breaking news. a gymnastics coach accused of sexually assaulting a minor n hooksett, new hampshire. the coach is on leave tonight and cannot have can't with kids . >> anchor: also breaking two very young kids now in state custody of after being found all alone in a worcester apartment. officers rushing to that complex on less act street this morning. bell' be right back. back.. >> reporter: boston's bravest do it all the time but how will hgtv star chris landon and i do at the firehouse challenge? watch then you can vote for who did it better. i need my boots. you got this . >> reporter: you look good as a fire fighter. oh no... (under his breath) hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel >> anchor: workers at a 7-11 in beverly after a colorado store printed receipts like this calling the pats qb a cheater. don't beacon hill the broncos there. it turns out the person behind the hidden messages is a steeler fan . >> anchor: as you can imagine the brady bashing isn't sitting well here in new england. tim caputo live in beverly with this story. tim? >> reporter: listen, guys, whether it's a steelers fan or broncos fan it's clear afternoon around the country is stick sick and tire of the patriots always winning so the owner of this 7-1 fire back and maybe the most discrete way possible. it's a war of words playing out on 7-11 receipts. it all started in no denver when a 7-1 owner printed receipts that said tom brady cheater . there is banter all the time it's a joke. we like it and 31 other teams would agree with me . >> reporter: in beverly another beverly store owner fired back in the fine print you can see tom brady is a football god is printed on those receipts. he is an innocent man. he wasn't found guilty in court . >> reporter: he said his messages are getting attention around the country a little bit. my facebook was going crazy. it was neat. i loved it. it was great . >> reporter: maybe the best result for this business owner it's likely brought more customers into his store . i think it's a gentle rubbing but we all know where the patriots stand. >> reporter: we know the patriots stand as an undefeated team. broncos happened to be un undefeated as well. they will meet later month and settle things on the football field rather than in the convenience store. that's the latest live from beverly. tim caputo, 7 news . i think peel are really sick of hearing people say that tom brady is a cheater by this point . >> anchor: how convenient that he is doing perfectly. put it to bed, right? >> anchor: i see what you did there . >> reporter: i don't have anything to go with that. the forecast for the weekend is cooling off. we'll take a look at that how much cool are are we talking? next. >> reporter: coming up next in 7 sports, the celtics expecting to take a step forward this year not the case so far and they will be without one of their top players tonight. plus, the patriots trying to close the first half of the year unbeaten. new england presence for washington. we hear from the pats next in sports. for the girl scout meeting... for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! p at stop&shop, prices have just dropped on thousands more items. this price can't be right... that's the right price! it's that low. what other things on this list can't be right?" looks like a list of can't be right's." seriously? p at stop&shop, prices have just dr opped on thousands more items. my stop&shop. >> anchor: change is believing into town. you can eel it out there. it's windy and it's also cooling off just in time for the weekend after a really incredible stretch . i know, i think it will put people in a predicament if they already put away their summer clothes since it was so warm out out. you need those sweaters again. >> anchor: eventually we get back into sweater territory by sunday. 70's. 73 boston, 70 worcester. both ties and we tied a record as well in providence and broke now 70 degree days in november. the suburbs have seen up to sixth november. boston itself three days, the record number of 70 degree days in november is six in boston at least. 1990 and 1927 we saw that. so you it can happen. our record high temperatures are in the 70's this time of year and our current readings are in the 70's still in some spots. the wind is out of the southwest southwest. it is busy and it's still is holding the dewpoints up into the lower 60's. wow. it is sticky for early november. cooler air, dryer air, moving into north adathe we had a front pass and dew point drop to 50 degrees. it's en route. that dryer air you don't have to break out the ac and maybe the dehuman mid fires might be kick kicking in though with those dewpoints in the low 60's. he are showers out through orange right now. back into gardner. these are moving eastbound on the pike and also on route 2 but they will slowly fade out as we go through the evening. i'm not concerned about this being a rainy night. it will be right near nantucket and martha's vineyard by morning morning. that's a slow front by the way. because of that, the clouds have actually attached themselves to the front and they are also behind the front too so even though the front passes we're not clearing it out tomorrow. these clouds will be around to give thaws milky sky. they are high, thin clouds so we should be able to get sunshine through there and also the fact that we start off mild means we finish mild into the low 60's for highs tomorrow. of core of the cool air doesn't come in until sunday and that's the day we pitched down into the low 50's and mid 50's. don't call it cold. it's actually normal for this time of year. this is going to be the temperature to go by on sunday at the game about 53. a good breeze from the northwest which should die off in the ladder half of the afternoon too so it's not frigid but it will definitely be cold enough for coats and you will have a little bit of a wind chill factor going that will keep you feeling like 40's at the game. so quick evening shower, otherwise mild and breezy. 5 p to 56. tomorrow cooler with milky sunshine. wind. and that gets a little brisker on sunday. what we have a core of cold air going in through the up are atmosphere then it goes out and after it goes out, we're allowed to warm up once again. climb next week, veteran's day looks good. little cloudy but good and then thursday a little bit of a storm here of we get some rain in here here. beneficial stuff. not just a shower and it looks like friday will cool it off once again but mid 60's we're yaling for them next week again. not 70's. see you tonight. >> anchor: watching some break breaking news right now. 6 will be18 and roads are still busy. looking down at the expressway southbound this is squantum street in milton there was a car fire there earlier and you can tell the road looks wet. it looks like there are still some fire trucks on the scene there as we pull out a little widerment it's harder to see but you can see that some lanes are affected there. but traffic is moving along. so just keep that in mind. it looks like the half ov lane in fact is the one that's really affected which usually doesn't happen but bear in mind if you head south of the city you will run into delays. try to seek a better route. >> reporter: the second time in franchise history the patriots enter sunday's game against washington owners a perfect 7 and 0 already and just like the 2070 team bill belichick needs to look no further than high octane offense to see why the pats are still un unbeaten. through 7 games beth 2007 and 20 2015 patriots averaging well over 30 points per contest, crushing the opposition and average margin of victory in double figures a trend that expects to continue sunday against washington. here is alex corddry with more from gillette stadium. tell him to ask bill. that's team policy. i didn't went to go down that road. i practice today . >> reporter: after being list listed on the injury report this week with a knee injury it's a good sign for judian ed elman's status against war war, a team patriots did see last year while holding joint training camp practices . those practices are very valuable because you get to bank against your guys in training camp and try techniques again them . we have a lot of work against they. three hard days of intense practice, full pads and we got to know even other pretty well . pats are much more familiar with this team than another nfc opponent but on the other side of that they know they will go against defenders who know their game as well . any time you get more familiar with every guy you feel more comfortable with the same thing they know our strengths and our weaknesses too so we have to work extra hard . washington's best offensive player dashawn jackson is expect expected to return sunday from hamstring injury that has sidelined him since week one. malcom butter recalls facing jackson last summer . can state police can stop on a dime and take off it's a lot to prepare for. last year jackson led the league with an average of 20 yards per reception add him to fellow wide receiver pierre garcon and jordan reid and the pats secondary should have their hands full this sunday. alex corddry, 7 sports. >> reporter: thanks to andy dalton and cincinnati bengals remain undefeated getting to 8 and 0 for the first time in team history. they took up for three touchdowns leading the ben gallons to a believe out win over the browns. cincinnati becoming the 33rd team in nfl history to begin a season 8 and 0. patriots, broncos and panthers hope to match. celtics not responding well to tougher competition. dropping three straight glimpse to the raptors, spurs and pacers maybe a little bit time to be more urgent but no time to panic panic. we're fine. three straight losses, we still figuring thing out. it's been injuries and mark is missing a game. we're just going to keep plug plugging away. away. only four games in. we have 7 more go. we're not really worried . celtics trying to get back in the win column against the wizards tonight without marcus smart sitting out the second straight game with a sprained left big tow as anne thomas gets a start once again in "smartest kid in america"'s absence. red sox making a string of roster moves today. most notably outright from the major league roster. making them free agents. allen craig get assigned to pawtucket and they will be joined there by sandy leone. the bruins sending aexkoklechek with thelying goal scorer east long meadow franco patrano . >> anchor: thank you. . we'll tell but what clues the flight recorder from that revealing. was to the sound of and explosion has the u.s. moves forward with some aviation security changes. ben carson facing tough scrutiny over some stories he has told that don't steam to fully hold unemployment front may soon mean you will be paying more for your credit card balance and your mortgage. we'll see you tonight. >> anchor: we are updating some breaking news right now if you are heading south of the out of the city 93 south there is a big backup after a car fire that happened there in milton near the tunnel exit. southbound lanes but it looks like there are a few curiosity delays but you can see britt white lights. the car is out of the way but there is a residual backup so plan acomingly if you are heading south of the boston tonight . >> anchor: we continue to follow breaking news in hooksett new hampshire a gymnastics coach is accused of sexually assault assaulting a minor. the coach is on leave tonight and cannot have can't with kids. 23-year-old cameron bee ton is from epson and turned himself into police this afternoon. investigators think this was an isolated incident. thank you so much for joining us us. i'm elizabeth noreika . >> anchor: always a measure to see you. i'm adam williams. we invite us to join us for 7 have a great night. fantastic weekend and we'll see you later. ready to head out when others head home. upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you, because we know you're counting on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. ever new england. eversource. the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. he went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling climate change to create clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders,

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Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 6 PM 20151106 :

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 6 PM 20151106

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logan airport in fact one of the locations making changes. new security measures will focus on flights from foreign countries. >> anchor: 7 news now turning to that beautiful warm weather. it's been a very mild month so far in the city of boston. we tied a record today and pete, how long are these warm temperatures going to be sticking around? it looks like they will fade as we go through the weekend stepping down a little bit tomorrow, liz, then more so on sunday. waltham made it to 74. natick 74. 75 nashua. boston at 73 degrees. it was almost sun dependent today where we did see more sun. we got right into those mid 70's 70's. we tied the record of 73 and in worcester we tied as well setback in 1978. now falling back into the 60's and some of the suburbs worcester about five degrees cooler than the high. boston about three. very balmy night ahead. at least for the first half. the second half we'll see front cross and our temperatures will dip. we're talking about this front as it comes through the berkshires now and in slowly moves through tonight. it takes most of the night to go islands so, yeah, those a slow front indeed. but by tomorrow you notice it, the air will be much dryer too. humidity will lower. we'll still have a mostly cloudy sky. i sew a lot of clouds sticking around for tomorrow. we'll fall back into the mid 50's for overnight lows. degrees. sunday is the cooler day. you may call it cold, but it's actually going to be normal. details are on that ahead . >> anchor: also on 7, a lucky lobsterman saved at sea as flames tore through his boat in the waters off ipswich. the firman managed to jump off the boat and then a good samaritan rushed to the rescue. jonathan hall live in ipswich with more on the dramatic save out there. jon? it sure was. this lobsterman is 39 years old, we spoke to him briefly off camera this afternoon. he told me he is just fine despite spending 20 minutes in the cold, cold atlantic ocean he >> anchor: an emergency at sea. sea.. a lobster boat's engine catches fire off plum island of a woman walking crane beach saw the black smoke, saw the captain in trouble and all alone . there were no other bets out there yet so it was pretty disconcerting that there wasn't anybody out there yet so i was waving it then there were police out on the beach . >> anchor: eventually another fisherman came by to save the lobsterman. the ipswich fire department was first on the scene. he said when he went into the water he threw only buoys in there to give him some flow take device and saying in the water then this boat came from nowhere and they saw the smoke and thought it was like a fire on plum island and when they came around the corner they saw the bet on fire . sam allen there on the left is okay. he didn't have to go to the hospital even though he spent 20 minutes in the water dressed in an merge suit and wear an emergency locate beacon. the november water cold . 52 degrees for water temperature. you are not going to last too long in that. >> anchor: he was weld prepared and did the right stuff . all the right stuff on the bet and you are supposed to have it all in the boat . >> anchor: his fellow lobster lobsterman is happy he is okay but wondered if his boat knee ad adtension . he faked it before he went out so it must have happened over there that it overheated and caught fire. >> anchor: once the emergency did happen the coast guard says allen did everything right. he had a fire extinguisher on board, tried to play fireman himself but of course that didn't work. we are live in ipswich, jonathan hall, 7 news. >> anchor: more news today investigators making progress in a murder mystery in worcester. a women's body found inside a burning car there. right now a man is accused of misleading the investigation and prosecutors are calling hum a suspect in the killing. steve cooper live,000 in worcester with the very latest. steve? >> anchor: right, so thomas hogan was here in court today. he pleaded not guilty to a less lessor charge but that's when prosecutors stood up and toll the judge here at the courthouse they wanted him held on $50,000 cash bail saying he a murder suspect now. the fact that everything occurred near my neighborhood, you know, it's kind of startling. >> anchor: now this woman's neighbor identified in these has been single out by prosecutors as a suspect in the murder of a woman whose body was found wednesday night in a oning car discovered in this wooded area off swan avenue in worcester . the fact he is a suspect in a murder now . shocked and stunned . >> anchor: the 40-year-old us 39 was arraigned friday morning on a charge of intimidating a witness. it was only after the hearing that the district attorney's office announced they wanted hogan held on high bail telling the judge he is considered a suspect in the grizzly crime. outside hogan's house worcester police officers warning us his family wanted us off their property . just stay on their property for now. hogan's record includes larceny and trespassing charge that's date back more than a decade and with police and prosecutors offering few details about the murder, neighbors can't help but worry . i want to have two kids of my own, all of the neighbor kids normally play, you know, in this neighborhood and, you know, something like this to happen in my neighborhood is not safe . >> anchor: fog from the district attorney's office tonight or victim's number or cause of death here, any sort of a motive. all we know is hogan is being held on $3,000 cash bail. he returns who court next month and it's unclear whether the chars against him will be up grayed by then. live in worcester tonight, steve cooper, 7 news. >> anchor: coming up here on 7 news at 6:00, convenience store receipts calling tom brady a cheater. they were printed in colorado. now a store in beverly is supporting the pats qb. >> reporter: with the way this patriots offense has been rolling you never want to see the team's best receiver pop up hear from julian edelman coming up? . >> anchor: we continue to follow breaking news. a gymnastics coach accused of sexually assaulting a minor n hooksett, new hampshire. the coach is on leave tonight and cannot have can't with kids . >> anchor: also breaking two very young kids now in state custody of after being found all alone in a worcester apartment. officers rushing to that complex on less act street this morning. bell' be right back. back.. >> reporter: boston's bravest do it all the time but how will hgtv star chris landon and i do at the firehouse challenge? watch then you can vote for who did it better. i need my boots. you got this . >> reporter: you look good as a fire fighter. oh no... (under his breath) hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel >> anchor: workers at a 7-11 in beverly after a colorado store printed receipts like this calling the pats qb a cheater. don't beacon hill the broncos there. it turns out the person behind the hidden messages is a steeler fan . >> anchor: as you can imagine the brady bashing isn't sitting well here in new england. tim caputo live in beverly with this story. tim? >> reporter: listen, guys, whether it's a steelers fan or broncos fan it's clear afternoon around the country is stick sick and tire of the patriots always winning so the owner of this 7-1 fire back and maybe the most discrete way possible. it's a war of words playing out on 7-11 receipts. it all started in no denver when a 7-1 owner printed receipts that said tom brady cheater . there is banter all the time it's a joke. we like it and 31 other teams would agree with me . >> reporter: in beverly another beverly store owner fired back in the fine print you can see tom brady is a football god is printed on those receipts. he is an innocent man. he wasn't found guilty in court . >> reporter: he said his messages are getting attention around the country a little bit. my facebook was going crazy. it was neat. i loved it. it was great . >> reporter: maybe the best result for this business owner it's likely brought more customers into his store . i think it's a gentle rubbing but we all know where the patriots stand. >> reporter: we know the patriots stand as an undefeated team. broncos happened to be un undefeated as well. they will meet later month and settle things on the football field rather than in the convenience store. that's the latest live from beverly. tim caputo, 7 news . i think peel are really sick of hearing people say that tom brady is a cheater by this point . >> anchor: how convenient that he is doing perfectly. put it to bed, right? >> anchor: i see what you did there . >> reporter: i don't have anything to go with that. the forecast for the weekend is cooling off. we'll take a look at that how much cool are are we talking? next. >> reporter: coming up next in 7 sports, the celtics expecting to take a step forward this year not the case so far and they will be without one of their top players tonight. plus, the patriots trying to close the first half of the year unbeaten. new england presence for washington. we hear from the pats next in sports. for the girl scout meeting... for the soccer team... for the girl scout meeting... how many meetings are you having?! p at stop&shop, prices have just dropped on thousands more items. this price can't be right... that's the right price! it's that low. what other things on this list can't be right?" looks like a list of can't be right's." seriously? p at stop&shop, prices have just dr opped on thousands more items. my stop&shop. >> anchor: change is believing into town. you can eel it out there. it's windy and it's also cooling off just in time for the weekend after a really incredible stretch . i know, i think it will put people in a predicament if they already put away their summer clothes since it was so warm out out. you need those sweaters again. >> anchor: eventually we get back into sweater territory by sunday. 70's. 73 boston, 70 worcester. both ties and we tied a record as well in providence and broke now 70 degree days in november. the suburbs have seen up to sixth november. boston itself three days, the record number of 70 degree days in november is six in boston at least. 1990 and 1927 we saw that. so you it can happen. our record high temperatures are in the 70's this time of year and our current readings are in the 70's still in some spots. the wind is out of the southwest southwest. it is busy and it's still is holding the dewpoints up into the lower 60's. wow. it is sticky for early november. cooler air, dryer air, moving into north adathe we had a front pass and dew point drop to 50 degrees. it's en route. that dryer air you don't have to break out the ac and maybe the dehuman mid fires might be kick kicking in though with those dewpoints in the low 60's. he are showers out through orange right now. back into gardner. these are moving eastbound on the pike and also on route 2 but they will slowly fade out as we go through the evening. i'm not concerned about this being a rainy night. it will be right near nantucket and martha's vineyard by morning morning. that's a slow front by the way. because of that, the clouds have actually attached themselves to the front and they are also behind the front too so even though the front passes we're not clearing it out tomorrow. these clouds will be around to give thaws milky sky. they are high, thin clouds so we should be able to get sunshine through there and also the fact that we start off mild means we finish mild into the low 60's for highs tomorrow. of core of the cool air doesn't come in until sunday and that's the day we pitched down into the low 50's and mid 50's. don't call it cold. it's actually normal for this time of year. this is going to be the temperature to go by on sunday at the game about 53. a good breeze from the northwest which should die off in the ladder half of the afternoon too so it's not frigid but it will definitely be cold enough for coats and you will have a little bit of a wind chill factor going that will keep you feeling like 40's at the game. so quick evening shower, otherwise mild and breezy. 5 p to 56. tomorrow cooler with milky sunshine. wind. and that gets a little brisker on sunday. what we have a core of cold air going in through the up are atmosphere then it goes out and after it goes out, we're allowed to warm up once again. climb next week, veteran's day looks good. little cloudy but good and then thursday a little bit of a storm here of we get some rain in here here. beneficial stuff. not just a shower and it looks like friday will cool it off once again but mid 60's we're yaling for them next week again. not 70's. see you tonight. >> anchor: watching some break breaking news right now. 6 will be18 and roads are still busy. looking down at the expressway southbound this is squantum street in milton there was a car fire there earlier and you can tell the road looks wet. it looks like there are still some fire trucks on the scene there as we pull out a little widerment it's harder to see but you can see that some lanes are affected there. but traffic is moving along. so just keep that in mind. it looks like the half ov lane in fact is the one that's really affected which usually doesn't happen but bear in mind if you head south of the city you will run into delays. try to seek a better route. >> reporter: the second time in franchise history the patriots enter sunday's game against washington owners a perfect 7 and 0 already and just like the 2070 team bill belichick needs to look no further than high octane offense to see why the pats are still un unbeaten. through 7 games beth 2007 and 20 2015 patriots averaging well over 30 points per contest, crushing the opposition and average margin of victory in double figures a trend that expects to continue sunday against washington. here is alex corddry with more from gillette stadium. tell him to ask bill. that's team policy. i didn't went to go down that road. i practice today . >> reporter: after being list listed on the injury report this week with a knee injury it's a good sign for judian ed elman's status against war war, a team patriots did see last year while holding joint training camp practices . those practices are very valuable because you get to bank against your guys in training camp and try techniques again them . we have a lot of work against they. three hard days of intense practice, full pads and we got to know even other pretty well . pats are much more familiar with this team than another nfc opponent but on the other side of that they know they will go against defenders who know their game as well . any time you get more familiar with every guy you feel more comfortable with the same thing they know our strengths and our weaknesses too so we have to work extra hard . washington's best offensive player dashawn jackson is expect expected to return sunday from hamstring injury that has sidelined him since week one. malcom butter recalls facing jackson last summer . can state police can stop on a dime and take off it's a lot to prepare for. last year jackson led the league with an average of 20 yards per reception add him to fellow wide receiver pierre garcon and jordan reid and the pats secondary should have their hands full this sunday. alex corddry, 7 sports. >> reporter: thanks to andy dalton and cincinnati bengals remain undefeated getting to 8 and 0 for the first time in team history. they took up for three touchdowns leading the ben gallons to a believe out win over the browns. cincinnati becoming the 33rd team in nfl history to begin a season 8 and 0. patriots, broncos and panthers hope to match. celtics not responding well to tougher competition. dropping three straight glimpse to the raptors, spurs and pacers maybe a little bit time to be more urgent but no time to panic panic. we're fine. three straight losses, we still figuring thing out. it's been injuries and mark is missing a game. we're just going to keep plug plugging away. away. only four games in. we have 7 more go. we're not really worried . celtics trying to get back in the win column against the wizards tonight without marcus smart sitting out the second straight game with a sprained left big tow as anne thomas gets a start once again in "smartest kid in america"'s absence. red sox making a string of roster moves today. most notably outright from the major league roster. making them free agents. allen craig get assigned to pawtucket and they will be joined there by sandy leone. the bruins sending aexkoklechek with thelying goal scorer east long meadow franco patrano . >> anchor: thank you. . we'll tell but what clues the flight recorder from that revealing. was to the sound of and explosion has the u.s. moves forward with some aviation security changes. ben carson facing tough scrutiny over some stories he has told that don't steam to fully hold unemployment front may soon mean you will be paying more for your credit card balance and your mortgage. we'll see you tonight. >> anchor: we are updating some breaking news right now if you are heading south of the out of the city 93 south there is a big backup after a car fire that happened there in milton near the tunnel exit. southbound lanes but it looks like there are a few curiosity delays but you can see britt white lights. the car is out of the way but there is a residual backup so plan acomingly if you are heading south of the boston tonight . >> anchor: we continue to follow breaking news in hooksett new hampshire a gymnastics coach is accused of sexually assault assaulting a minor. the coach is on leave tonight and cannot have can't with kids. 23-year-old cameron bee ton is from epson and turned himself into police this afternoon. investigators think this was an isolated incident. thank you so much for joining us us. i'm elizabeth noreika . >> anchor: always a measure to see you. i'm adam williams. we invite us to join us for 7 have a great night. fantastic weekend and we'll see you later. ready to head out when others head home. upgrading technology, managing vegetation, improving how we get information to you, because we know you're counting on us. we're ready for winter, and we want to make sure you're ready, too. visit to learn more and sign up for storm updates. and be sure to follow us on facebook and twitter. ever new england. eversource. the son of a polish immigrant who grew up in a brooklyn tenement. he went to public schools, then college, where the work of his life began -- fighting injustice and inequality, speaking truth to power. he moved to vermont, won election and praise as one of america's best mayors. in congress, he stood up for working families and for principle, opposing the iraq war, supporting veterans. now he's taking on wall street and a corrupt political system funded by over a million contributions, tackling climate change to create clean-energy jobs, fighting for living wages, equal pay, and tuition-free public colleges. people are sick and tired and they want real change! [ cheers and applause ] bernie sanders -- husband, father, grandfather, an honest leader building a movement with you to give us a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders,

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