Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161125 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161125

in solidarity with the protests out in north dakota. they are demanding that td bank drop their involvement in the pipeline. that two people are arrested after locking they self-to the entrance of td bank today. fire crews on the scene to remove those protestors. td bank is a key lender to the dakota access pipeline that is currently under construction from north dakota to illinois. the pipeline will cross several major waterways and disrupt native american territory there. the protests are part of a pipeline including on site in north dakota where clashes with police continue. on the north side you have never, you wouldn't do that if you are peaceful. >> anchor: disputes on that reservation have gotten violent over the past week. one protest was seriously injured after they say police used explosives to control explosive devices. oscar winning actress jane fonda showing her support for those protestors. the star traveled to standing rock to serve thanksgiving meals to demonstrators. she has been an advocate for water pressor vision for years and says it's good to see so many tribes coming to the for one cause. it's been centuries since this many tribes have joined together in prayer, in peace and non-violence to protect >> anchor: protests have been growing in recent weeks. 2,500 people showed up for that event. the almost 4 billion dollar pipeline is already about 90% finished. live in the newsroom, tim caputo 7 news. >> anchor: also on 7, governor governor baker renaming black friday of he declared today green friday in massachusetten cowering people across the state to buy their christmas trees, holiday plants and wreaths from local farms. governor baker said the nurseries across the state help drive our local economy. farms, farmer's markets, roadside stands and interns res instead of big box stores. following more news today. >> anchor: a mall madness new jersey. two people are shot and one killed in a mall parking lot early this morning. two brothers were shot in front of a macy's around 1:00 a.m. a it 21-year-old was killed and 26-year-old is in stable condition. police have not identified any suspects at this point. >> anchor: caught on camera, shots rigging out at a thanksgiving high school football game in kentucky killing two people four more in the video if you listen you hear gun shots and see people ducking for cover. hundreds of people were at the game including children and the mayor of louisville. police say what happened is tragic. most people were here having a good time as they do most of the time but unfortunately this tragic situation has happened. we're thankful more people didn't get hurt in this situation. this is very tragic of what's happened here. shooting suspects got away. the f.b.i. has joined with police to find them and figure out a motive. >> anchor: also caught on camera, an e cigarette explode nag man's pot insid a lockor store and today we get an update on his condition. the new york wine shop employee spending thanksgiving day in the hospital seriously injured from that surprise explosion. he is in terrible shape. he is awaiting surgery on tuesday, a graph surgery for injury to his right leg, the burn but more seriously he is verywo hand because that was severely burned and he is concerned with the use of his right hand. >> anchor: his attorney with the brother of burn victim otis gooding spending thanksgiving visiting him in the burn out its at a fork hospital. it's really nerve-racking for me because of the painy is going through. i am wondering what i can do to help him. it happened tense wednesday at the wine shop. gooding a store clerk seriously injured when the e cigarette in flames. the fragments are in the custody of the fire department. the u.s. fire administration says people reported more than two dozen incidents of explosions and fires caused by e cigarettes between 2 09 and 2014. men are linked to the vaporizor's lithium battery overcharging. manufacturing defects and punctures can cause it to overheat, triggering an explosion. earlier this year the department of transportation finalized a been on e cigarettes being stored >> anchor: the victim toll his attorney where he bought the e cigarette and new he is trying to figure out who manufactured it. >> anchor: a popeye's employee fights back against an article robber. the thief went through the back door the restaurant. he then tried to grab an employee from behind holding a gun to his head and demanding he open the safe. the employee fought him off, but was pistol whipped by the robber. are hoping surveillance video will catch him. california police still searching for inmates in a thanksgiving day jail break. man who escaped from jail late wednesday night. the suspects and two other men cut through the bars on a window repelled to the ground using a bed sheet then escaped. the other two men were captured by chavez and campbell got away. police say the men are dangerous. investigators were also trying to figure out if all four men planned the escape to the say pet turkey goes missing on thanksgiving. misdemeanory had been raised during the turkey for almost two years and exel went to check on him when she notice a few feathers on the ground but no scout. she had a friend's tracking dog follow scout sent into the woods until it went cold. my gut tells me someone stole him because of the holiday. i don't have a lot of good faith that he may still be alive but for my peace of mind to know what happened to him would be great. so he still has hope scout is >> anchor: an accidental dinner invite turns into a thanks giving to remember for an zone zone teenager andand mother earlier this monday jamal and wanda went viral for their tent exchange. grandma accidentally invited them over for thanksgiving but even after the mixup was resolved the invite still stood. so the two met up yesterday to meet and spend some time together. she welcomed me into her house so that showed me how great of a person she is. it came from good before he is just using very tolls bring a message to others. the teen-ager says after the things giving medical he went to spend time with husband real grandmother. >> anchor: that's sweet. i like that story. >> anchor: all of the happiness and that's what it is all about. open up your home to everyone. friends are family, right? >> anchor: you bet. ahead on 7 news a brave rescue in manhattan is being called the miracle on 93rd straight. how it's bringing the heroic fire fighters together. >> anchor: new at 6:00 the man accused of hing sever police in court today. what police are now saying about the dangerous driver. >> anchor: and the black friday frenzy far from over. how people are cashing in on ? capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, and built a checking account that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. what's in your wallet? in an miracle rescue in hand at they saved all met again for the first time for whom day. >> anchor: they are calling it the miracle on 93rd street. nancy chen has the story. >> reporter: as a manhattan apartment butting ignited in flames about 250 members of the new york fire department raced toward it. these five men among them. the roof was on fire. there was fire coming out of the shaft, there was fire like all around us. >> anchor: the fire fighters never met before, but that day an 81-year-old man trapped in his home frank called me and told me that we had a guy at the window. my thought was possibly try to get to him but as you saw there was no rear fire escape in this old lot of tenement. we dumped the rope under the roof and that's when andy and steve came up and joe and we just went to work. >> anchor: rope rescue is a dangerous technique which hasn't been attempted by this department in five years because it's considered a last resort by firemen standards. within seconds jim lee was being lowered down scaling the burning building. he was burning and at one point you could hear him yell i'm burning. i saw him look up at he with the hood up and said to him let's g. lower him down nice and easy. lower him down. good, we're down. we're down. >> reporter: looking back up and seeing the fire out the window. the rope was on fire and the reality really set in that we really just saved a guy's life. >> anchor: the fire fighters then got the chance to meet the man they saved, jim duffy. i said thank god it was a miracle. i called at the miracle on 93rd. >> anchor: fire officials say the fire was caused by an overloaded electrical cord. fire fighters set up a fund-raising site to help duffy find a new home once his rehab is complete. nancy chen, 7 news. >> anchor: coming up on 7 news, your mind after your thanksgiving dinner but we've got the secret behind a unique pizza. that's a good different change of pace. it's quick and easy to make coming up. >> anchor: i wish that were the case. the food is always on my mind. thinking about the nexty meal and what's next in the forecast and that would be the wrapping up of wet weather, sunshine making a return. all of the details are next. >> anchor: at 6:00 transplant trouble. why one woman who is in desperate need of a kidney transplant was afraid to go public until now. >> ancr: practice today but there was >> anchor: holiday season in full thing. >> anchor: the festival of lights kicked off last night. people from all over gathered at lissette to get a glimpse of lights. hundreds of volunteers started working back in september to bring this festival to life. about 300,000 lights are used to light up ten acres of land. in my whole life i have never thought that i would ever see so many christmas lights go up at one time. >> anchor: organizers say they expect over a half million people to visit the festival between now and the new year and that's when it all comes to a for the holidays. >> anchor: she took delivery of the white house christmas tree. christmas begins, the holidays start, we're ready, our last one. we are excited about it. >> anchor: last one at the white house anyway. mrs. obama checked out the tree to make sure it was up to presidential standards. first lady accompanied by her nephews joking that they were replacing her teen-age daughter. >> anchor: wait, down they replace thank teen-age daughters at the pardoning of the turkeys as well? >> anchor: they are bus eye and are about to be empty nesters. >> anchor: busy girls. that's universal. doesn't matter if you are the president's daughters or not suppose. we all are experiencing some wet and kind of dreary weather out there. i am going to look at the bright side of things and say it's cozy holiday weather. >> anchor: i believe that but i could use a little sunshine. just a little. it gets you didn't a little bit. you are right. i was going to bring that up to you because the sun is going down about 4:15 not even our earliest sunset so at least we have holiday lights to bring the cheer up. i get it. remember in the darkest three months. we call it solar winter of the year. we'll get through it. not a lot rain that we've seen even though it seems like it laughed for quite a while. it's town a fifth of an inch in worcester and that looks to be the lie i don't know's share of this event. the wettest weather is still working farther offshore just light showers and here wellfleet at this point. orleans as well as nantucket still seeing light showers. is bringing some dense fog through worcester county, specifically right in worcester and also out to orange, connecticut river valley as well. dense fog expected to stay in that area as we head into the overnight hours. but we're not so much concerned with any ice forming on the roads, not like we have been the last elf nights. you can see where current term are. 41 worcester up through fitchburg with so much moisture in near the surface it will keep temperatures from moving a whole lot overnight tonight. i think coldest spots dropping into the city of boston with that fog hanging around and the clouds still with us. although i think we can also get some peeks of sunshine tomorrow. proof that is still there just before the clouds. some light showers still in store for some of us tomorrow. here is what the bigger picture loo looks like. a system tries to form just to our south off the mid-atlantic states and then it heads east northeast but it does throw some wet weather in our direction and then curves back around to bring scotia, into the crown of maine as well so that will be good for ski resorts in northern new england. who is most likely to see any showers tomorrow? i think south and east of the 495 belt and south and east of 495 gets more likely the more south and east that you get but not a lot of rain on the way. maybe a tenth of an inch for those of us that do see wet weather tomorrow and again hoping for those raise of sunshine to peek through i think more sunshine in store for sunday but t a breezy day. things still qu nation for travel with the exception of the part saic northwest like we have been talking about for the last couple days bringing rain all across the west coast and that is the beginning of what's going to move in our direction for the middle of next week. now does it bring our november rainfall amounts up to where they should be? it depends on how much rain we get before we turn the calendar over to december, but it looks very likely we start the wet weather late on tuesday and it sort of is a couple of periods thursday as well as you can see that first round for tuesday again on wednesday and a whole lot of rain looks like it could be in the cards for us for thursday as well as wind and this could bring us maybe one to two inches of rainfall even more in some spots. we're hoping for it. we need it. a look at the 7 on 7 forecast showing a lot of sunshine in store for monday before the clouds return for us and the wet weather begin with mild temperatures wednesday and thursday. see you >> anchor: a lot of thanksgiving leftovers at your place in. >> anchor: yeah. eat those for a couple days and make a sandwiches out of it. when you get sick of them you can switch it up and maybe go for some pizza instead. >> anchor: you do need a different flavor every once in a while so we have you covered sara frenches has the secret between a sausage and fennel flat bread not hard to make what's cooking. en also's bluesy atlantic avenue to 1897. it was a library card catalog headquarters but now this jodie adams restaurant is more focused on filling tummies than filling book shelves. it's a big, beautiful restant with a flowing bar that kind of flows into the dining room. >> reporter: he is celebrating five years here and their signature glad breads are the talk of the town. >> reporter: including their pork and fennel so let's get cooking. you have store bought would do. >> reporter: while it's at room temperature spread it out like this. it's important it's all the way across, not too thick or thin any place. now the dough is open we have a fennel puree. which has fennel rick aouta cheese. put about half a cup on there. i love anything with riccotta cheese. it's so good. after that we put house pork spousage on. it'sesty fun with a lot of acidity and really gives like a pop. a lot of texture. >> reporter: pop it into a hot oven and ten to 12 minutes later that's it. >> reporter: let it cool slightly. after it's all done just finish it off with a little drizzle. >> reporter: cut it into pieces and add cheese. punish it off, i isn't to see how to put fresh sage leaves kind of all over the place. >> reporte: and with fresh parsley leaves. that's delicious. that's it. >> reporter: cory, this looks awesome. i don't think i ever had a pizza like this before so i'm just going to kick dig right in. cheers. that's amazing. it's perfect. >> reporter: all of the different place just infused together of the great job. a flat bread for any occasion. that's what's cooking, i am sara french, 7 news. thanks as she continues to wow the crowd into the next round of the voice. >> anchor: coming up at 6:00 just a few minutes a wet and dreary weather didn't stop black friday shoppers for serving authorize those hot holiday bargains of we'll talk to hard core shoppers in just a few minutes. >> reporter: a local woman in desperate need of medical attention but has been hesitant to reach out for help because of her faith. now she is opening up about her condition. her story is coming up. >> anchor: patriots quarterback tom brady was back at practice after elf days but will he play in this sunday's matchup. that's against the jets. those stories and more coming up >> anchor: boston native and voice contestant saying th the three singers remaining on team blake. court knee works a music teacher before moving to la to follow her dreams of professional song right writing now made it to the top ten. see tweeted today i want to thank you, 7 news, for all your support. it really does mean a lot to have the city i love so much it is our pleasure. beautiful singer and lot of talent. >> anchor: so sweet of her. >> anchor: lots more to come in the next 30 minutes here on 7 news. >> anchor: 7 news at 6:00 is getting started right now. t the biggest and craziest shopping event of the year. black friday, shoppers are flocking to stores and chasing the hottest holiday bargains. >> anchor: wet weather continues for us today and for some of us again tomorrow. so when can we bring back the sunshi? but staying tight-lipped about his status for sun's game. >> anchor: tributes are pouring in following the death of america's favorite mom. remembering the life of florence henderson. >> anchor: we are starting out tonight with a live look over the skyline of boston. it is gray and dark now. cold, wet out there on this black friday and it looks like that dreary weather probably >> anchor: but at least we're not dealing with boat loads of snow, right? meteorologist bri eggers in today being thatting things for us, bri? there are snow lovers and there are also sun lovers. we don't have either one of those things just sort of that damp, ledecky, raw feel to the weather. that stays with us into the overnight hours although it looks like the wettest weather of today sliding farther offshore just some very light showers that are still left for cape cod, outer cape and nantucket. for the rest of us just sort of diseasely and misty and foggy, espely we're seeing some dense fog setting up in bedford at this point. worcester as well as orange out to the connecticut river valley. something to keep in mind for travel through tonight even the evening hours if this is date night for you. current temperatures in the low 40's, fitchburg dunn through worcester, 46 in boston, we have this mitch moisture in near the surface it's hard for those temperatures to budge a whole lot. i think as cold as it gets tonight in the coldest spots will be in the mid 30's so we're not so much concerned with any surfaces overnight tonight like we were the last couple nights. maybe some isolated light showers and make their way in and then tomorrow we do have some more wet weather in store for us although it's light showers, south and east, more likely to see that some of us stay dry tomorrow and get some peeks of sunshine. 42 to 50 degrees. the bigger picture of the weekend showing even more sun on the way appropriately for sunday and we've got breezy conditions that day as well. wet weather holds off until we hit the middle ex come in just a few minutes. everyone is dealing with bumps and browses so part of football. >> anchor: bumps and bruises is how tom brady explained his absence from practice the last couple days. was the first time in six years that he has missed become to back practices. the pats quarterback did return to the field today but till unclear if he will lay on sunday against the jets. fingers crossed, right? john cuoco with the latest.

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United States , New York , Worcester , Massachusetts , Maine , New Jersey , Kentucky , Turkey , Boston , Worcester County , California , Manhattan , North Dakota , Bedford , Cape Cod , America , American , John Cuoco , Tim Caputo , Jim Duffy , Florence Henderson , Fitchburg Dunn , Otis Gooding , Jane Fonda , Jodie Adams , Nancy Chen , Tom Brady , Jim Lee ,

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Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161125 :

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161125

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in solidarity with the protests out in north dakota. they are demanding that td bank drop their involvement in the pipeline. that two people are arrested after locking they self-to the entrance of td bank today. fire crews on the scene to remove those protestors. td bank is a key lender to the dakota access pipeline that is currently under construction from north dakota to illinois. the pipeline will cross several major waterways and disrupt native american territory there. the protests are part of a pipeline including on site in north dakota where clashes with police continue. on the north side you have never, you wouldn't do that if you are peaceful. >> anchor: disputes on that reservation have gotten violent over the past week. one protest was seriously injured after they say police used explosives to control explosive devices. oscar winning actress jane fonda showing her support for those protestors. the star traveled to standing rock to serve thanksgiving meals to demonstrators. she has been an advocate for water pressor vision for years and says it's good to see so many tribes coming to the for one cause. it's been centuries since this many tribes have joined together in prayer, in peace and non-violence to protect >> anchor: protests have been growing in recent weeks. 2,500 people showed up for that event. the almost 4 billion dollar pipeline is already about 90% finished. live in the newsroom, tim caputo 7 news. >> anchor: also on 7, governor governor baker renaming black friday of he declared today green friday in massachusetten cowering people across the state to buy their christmas trees, holiday plants and wreaths from local farms. governor baker said the nurseries across the state help drive our local economy. farms, farmer's markets, roadside stands and interns res instead of big box stores. following more news today. >> anchor: a mall madness new jersey. two people are shot and one killed in a mall parking lot early this morning. two brothers were shot in front of a macy's around 1:00 a.m. a it 21-year-old was killed and 26-year-old is in stable condition. police have not identified any suspects at this point. >> anchor: caught on camera, shots rigging out at a thanksgiving high school football game in kentucky killing two people four more in the video if you listen you hear gun shots and see people ducking for cover. hundreds of people were at the game including children and the mayor of louisville. police say what happened is tragic. most people were here having a good time as they do most of the time but unfortunately this tragic situation has happened. we're thankful more people didn't get hurt in this situation. this is very tragic of what's happened here. shooting suspects got away. the f.b.i. has joined with police to find them and figure out a motive. >> anchor: also caught on camera, an e cigarette explode nag man's pot insid a lockor store and today we get an update on his condition. the new york wine shop employee spending thanksgiving day in the hospital seriously injured from that surprise explosion. he is in terrible shape. he is awaiting surgery on tuesday, a graph surgery for injury to his right leg, the burn but more seriously he is verywo hand because that was severely burned and he is concerned with the use of his right hand. >> anchor: his attorney with the brother of burn victim otis gooding spending thanksgiving visiting him in the burn out its at a fork hospital. it's really nerve-racking for me because of the painy is going through. i am wondering what i can do to help him. it happened tense wednesday at the wine shop. gooding a store clerk seriously injured when the e cigarette in flames. the fragments are in the custody of the fire department. the u.s. fire administration says people reported more than two dozen incidents of explosions and fires caused by e cigarettes between 2 09 and 2014. men are linked to the vaporizor's lithium battery overcharging. manufacturing defects and punctures can cause it to overheat, triggering an explosion. earlier this year the department of transportation finalized a been on e cigarettes being stored >> anchor: the victim toll his attorney where he bought the e cigarette and new he is trying to figure out who manufactured it. >> anchor: a popeye's employee fights back against an article robber. the thief went through the back door the restaurant. he then tried to grab an employee from behind holding a gun to his head and demanding he open the safe. the employee fought him off, but was pistol whipped by the robber. are hoping surveillance video will catch him. california police still searching for inmates in a thanksgiving day jail break. man who escaped from jail late wednesday night. the suspects and two other men cut through the bars on a window repelled to the ground using a bed sheet then escaped. the other two men were captured by chavez and campbell got away. police say the men are dangerous. investigators were also trying to figure out if all four men planned the escape to the say pet turkey goes missing on thanksgiving. misdemeanory had been raised during the turkey for almost two years and exel went to check on him when she notice a few feathers on the ground but no scout. she had a friend's tracking dog follow scout sent into the woods until it went cold. my gut tells me someone stole him because of the holiday. i don't have a lot of good faith that he may still be alive but for my peace of mind to know what happened to him would be great. so he still has hope scout is >> anchor: an accidental dinner invite turns into a thanks giving to remember for an zone zone teenager andand mother earlier this monday jamal and wanda went viral for their tent exchange. grandma accidentally invited them over for thanksgiving but even after the mixup was resolved the invite still stood. so the two met up yesterday to meet and spend some time together. she welcomed me into her house so that showed me how great of a person she is. it came from good before he is just using very tolls bring a message to others. the teen-ager says after the things giving medical he went to spend time with husband real grandmother. >> anchor: that's sweet. i like that story. >> anchor: all of the happiness and that's what it is all about. open up your home to everyone. friends are family, right? >> anchor: you bet. ahead on 7 news a brave rescue in manhattan is being called the miracle on 93rd straight. how it's bringing the heroic fire fighters together. >> anchor: new at 6:00 the man accused of hing sever police in court today. what police are now saying about the dangerous driver. >> anchor: and the black friday frenzy far from over. how people are cashing in on ? capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, and built a checking account that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. what's in your wallet? in an miracle rescue in hand at they saved all met again for the first time for whom day. >> anchor: they are calling it the miracle on 93rd street. nancy chen has the story. >> reporter: as a manhattan apartment butting ignited in flames about 250 members of the new york fire department raced toward it. these five men among them. the roof was on fire. there was fire coming out of the shaft, there was fire like all around us. >> anchor: the fire fighters never met before, but that day an 81-year-old man trapped in his home frank called me and told me that we had a guy at the window. my thought was possibly try to get to him but as you saw there was no rear fire escape in this old lot of tenement. we dumped the rope under the roof and that's when andy and steve came up and joe and we just went to work. >> anchor: rope rescue is a dangerous technique which hasn't been attempted by this department in five years because it's considered a last resort by firemen standards. within seconds jim lee was being lowered down scaling the burning building. he was burning and at one point you could hear him yell i'm burning. i saw him look up at he with the hood up and said to him let's g. lower him down nice and easy. lower him down. good, we're down. we're down. >> reporter: looking back up and seeing the fire out the window. the rope was on fire and the reality really set in that we really just saved a guy's life. >> anchor: the fire fighters then got the chance to meet the man they saved, jim duffy. i said thank god it was a miracle. i called at the miracle on 93rd. >> anchor: fire officials say the fire was caused by an overloaded electrical cord. fire fighters set up a fund-raising site to help duffy find a new home once his rehab is complete. nancy chen, 7 news. >> anchor: coming up on 7 news, your mind after your thanksgiving dinner but we've got the secret behind a unique pizza. that's a good different change of pace. it's quick and easy to make coming up. >> anchor: i wish that were the case. the food is always on my mind. thinking about the nexty meal and what's next in the forecast and that would be the wrapping up of wet weather, sunshine making a return. all of the details are next. >> anchor: at 6:00 transplant trouble. why one woman who is in desperate need of a kidney transplant was afraid to go public until now. >> ancr: practice today but there was >> anchor: holiday season in full thing. >> anchor: the festival of lights kicked off last night. people from all over gathered at lissette to get a glimpse of lights. hundreds of volunteers started working back in september to bring this festival to life. about 300,000 lights are used to light up ten acres of land. in my whole life i have never thought that i would ever see so many christmas lights go up at one time. >> anchor: organizers say they expect over a half million people to visit the festival between now and the new year and that's when it all comes to a for the holidays. >> anchor: she took delivery of the white house christmas tree. christmas begins, the holidays start, we're ready, our last one. we are excited about it. >> anchor: last one at the white house anyway. mrs. obama checked out the tree to make sure it was up to presidential standards. first lady accompanied by her nephews joking that they were replacing her teen-age daughter. >> anchor: wait, down they replace thank teen-age daughters at the pardoning of the turkeys as well? >> anchor: they are bus eye and are about to be empty nesters. >> anchor: busy girls. that's universal. doesn't matter if you are the president's daughters or not suppose. we all are experiencing some wet and kind of dreary weather out there. i am going to look at the bright side of things and say it's cozy holiday weather. >> anchor: i believe that but i could use a little sunshine. just a little. it gets you didn't a little bit. you are right. i was going to bring that up to you because the sun is going down about 4:15 not even our earliest sunset so at least we have holiday lights to bring the cheer up. i get it. remember in the darkest three months. we call it solar winter of the year. we'll get through it. not a lot rain that we've seen even though it seems like it laughed for quite a while. it's town a fifth of an inch in worcester and that looks to be the lie i don't know's share of this event. the wettest weather is still working farther offshore just light showers and here wellfleet at this point. orleans as well as nantucket still seeing light showers. is bringing some dense fog through worcester county, specifically right in worcester and also out to orange, connecticut river valley as well. dense fog expected to stay in that area as we head into the overnight hours. but we're not so much concerned with any ice forming on the roads, not like we have been the last elf nights. you can see where current term are. 41 worcester up through fitchburg with so much moisture in near the surface it will keep temperatures from moving a whole lot overnight tonight. i think coldest spots dropping into the city of boston with that fog hanging around and the clouds still with us. although i think we can also get some peeks of sunshine tomorrow. proof that is still there just before the clouds. some light showers still in store for some of us tomorrow. here is what the bigger picture loo looks like. a system tries to form just to our south off the mid-atlantic states and then it heads east northeast but it does throw some wet weather in our direction and then curves back around to bring scotia, into the crown of maine as well so that will be good for ski resorts in northern new england. who is most likely to see any showers tomorrow? i think south and east of the 495 belt and south and east of 495 gets more likely the more south and east that you get but not a lot of rain on the way. maybe a tenth of an inch for those of us that do see wet weather tomorrow and again hoping for those raise of sunshine to peek through i think more sunshine in store for sunday but t a breezy day. things still qu nation for travel with the exception of the part saic northwest like we have been talking about for the last couple days bringing rain all across the west coast and that is the beginning of what's going to move in our direction for the middle of next week. now does it bring our november rainfall amounts up to where they should be? it depends on how much rain we get before we turn the calendar over to december, but it looks very likely we start the wet weather late on tuesday and it sort of is a couple of periods thursday as well as you can see that first round for tuesday again on wednesday and a whole lot of rain looks like it could be in the cards for us for thursday as well as wind and this could bring us maybe one to two inches of rainfall even more in some spots. we're hoping for it. we need it. a look at the 7 on 7 forecast showing a lot of sunshine in store for monday before the clouds return for us and the wet weather begin with mild temperatures wednesday and thursday. see you >> anchor: a lot of thanksgiving leftovers at your place in. >> anchor: yeah. eat those for a couple days and make a sandwiches out of it. when you get sick of them you can switch it up and maybe go for some pizza instead. >> anchor: you do need a different flavor every once in a while so we have you covered sara frenches has the secret between a sausage and fennel flat bread not hard to make what's cooking. en also's bluesy atlantic avenue to 1897. it was a library card catalog headquarters but now this jodie adams restaurant is more focused on filling tummies than filling book shelves. it's a big, beautiful restant with a flowing bar that kind of flows into the dining room. >> reporter: he is celebrating five years here and their signature glad breads are the talk of the town. >> reporter: including their pork and fennel so let's get cooking. you have store bought would do. >> reporter: while it's at room temperature spread it out like this. it's important it's all the way across, not too thick or thin any place. now the dough is open we have a fennel puree. which has fennel rick aouta cheese. put about half a cup on there. i love anything with riccotta cheese. it's so good. after that we put house pork spousage on. it'sesty fun with a lot of acidity and really gives like a pop. a lot of texture. >> reporter: pop it into a hot oven and ten to 12 minutes later that's it. >> reporter: let it cool slightly. after it's all done just finish it off with a little drizzle. >> reporter: cut it into pieces and add cheese. punish it off, i isn't to see how to put fresh sage leaves kind of all over the place. >> reporte: and with fresh parsley leaves. that's delicious. that's it. >> reporter: cory, this looks awesome. i don't think i ever had a pizza like this before so i'm just going to kick dig right in. cheers. that's amazing. it's perfect. >> reporter: all of the different place just infused together of the great job. a flat bread for any occasion. that's what's cooking, i am sara french, 7 news. thanks as she continues to wow the crowd into the next round of the voice. >> anchor: coming up at 6:00 just a few minutes a wet and dreary weather didn't stop black friday shoppers for serving authorize those hot holiday bargains of we'll talk to hard core shoppers in just a few minutes. >> reporter: a local woman in desperate need of medical attention but has been hesitant to reach out for help because of her faith. now she is opening up about her condition. her story is coming up. >> anchor: patriots quarterback tom brady was back at practice after elf days but will he play in this sunday's matchup. that's against the jets. those stories and more coming up >> anchor: boston native and voice contestant saying th the three singers remaining on team blake. court knee works a music teacher before moving to la to follow her dreams of professional song right writing now made it to the top ten. see tweeted today i want to thank you, 7 news, for all your support. it really does mean a lot to have the city i love so much it is our pleasure. beautiful singer and lot of talent. >> anchor: so sweet of her. >> anchor: lots more to come in the next 30 minutes here on 7 news. >> anchor: 7 news at 6:00 is getting started right now. t the biggest and craziest shopping event of the year. black friday, shoppers are flocking to stores and chasing the hottest holiday bargains. >> anchor: wet weather continues for us today and for some of us again tomorrow. so when can we bring back the sunshi? but staying tight-lipped about his status for sun's game. >> anchor: tributes are pouring in following the death of america's favorite mom. remembering the life of florence henderson. >> anchor: we are starting out tonight with a live look over the skyline of boston. it is gray and dark now. cold, wet out there on this black friday and it looks like that dreary weather probably >> anchor: but at least we're not dealing with boat loads of snow, right? meteorologist bri eggers in today being thatting things for us, bri? there are snow lovers and there are also sun lovers. we don't have either one of those things just sort of that damp, ledecky, raw feel to the weather. that stays with us into the overnight hours although it looks like the wettest weather of today sliding farther offshore just some very light showers that are still left for cape cod, outer cape and nantucket. for the rest of us just sort of diseasely and misty and foggy, espely we're seeing some dense fog setting up in bedford at this point. worcester as well as orange out to the connecticut river valley. something to keep in mind for travel through tonight even the evening hours if this is date night for you. current temperatures in the low 40's, fitchburg dunn through worcester, 46 in boston, we have this mitch moisture in near the surface it's hard for those temperatures to budge a whole lot. i think as cold as it gets tonight in the coldest spots will be in the mid 30's so we're not so much concerned with any surfaces overnight tonight like we were the last couple nights. maybe some isolated light showers and make their way in and then tomorrow we do have some more wet weather in store for us although it's light showers, south and east, more likely to see that some of us stay dry tomorrow and get some peeks of sunshine. 42 to 50 degrees. the bigger picture of the weekend showing even more sun on the way appropriately for sunday and we've got breezy conditions that day as well. wet weather holds off until we hit the middle ex come in just a few minutes. everyone is dealing with bumps and browses so part of football. >> anchor: bumps and bruises is how tom brady explained his absence from practice the last couple days. was the first time in six years that he has missed become to back practices. the pats quarterback did return to the field today but till unclear if he will lay on sunday against the jets. fingers crossed, right? john cuoco with the latest.

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